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Welcome to QUEST ART GENERAL, a quest for showcasing the art of your quest and its characters! Players of all skill levels are welcome!

Quest mechanics:
1. Don't be a spamshit. Multiple posts are fine but keep it below Souv level.
2: You are free to draw/post work of others' characters, but no begging.
3. Keep it SFW. This is a blue board. If you feel the need for otherwise, link it in the thread so it doesn't get nuked.
4. No dramafagging/vendettafagging, or blatant shitting on others' art. Again, this is a quest to draw and vibe about art, /qst/ OCs, and their respective lore.
5. If someone does give you fanart of your quest/character, be sure to thank that anon for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :)

Drawing Resources:

> https://alexhays.com/loomis/

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (user recommended):
> https://www.drawright.com/

Animation resources:
> http://www.theanimatorssurvivalkit.com/

Iterative Drawing - The Fastest Way to Improve:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0ufz75UvHs

How to Draw Interesting Poses:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1nxf5KQ2Js

Anatomy Quick Tips: Hands:

Painting like a Sculptor:

Basic Drawing for Digital Painters (Shape Control):

How to Draw Hair:

User-recommended art channels:
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Draw your favorite /qst/ character in a swimsuit or just having some fun in the sun!!!

Oof, Izzy got cut? Someone's team Costella!
Awesome header image, though. Was wondering when QAG would make a comeback.
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Son of a beach! Diesel's just trying to relax!
Watch out for them mermaids, Deez
What are you working on right now, /QAG/?
Trad art
Wait, who's the guy on the right? Post-Machine Bluey?
Even more
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Gonna draw a new one, but I feel obligated to post this from summer 2023
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Very silly
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I've received some truly amazing fan-art in my quest but this has to take the cake. Shout out to all of you guys who make any fan art for any quest, you're making some dweeb (like me) out there very happy when you post them.
My brain did not make the comparison until someone else pointed it out (you are probably the fourth person who's told me this tonight). Kek.

I laughed my ass off at this... extremely based!!!
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Character design for me quest.
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Loveless Gal 3 be like:
Get hype!

I'm planning to get the OP image done up with Indonesian Gentleman's newest character art for Tips as the centrepiece. However, running two tourneys and a quest has me run a little ragged right now, since for some reason everyone I know also suddenly wants to hang out IRL. Luckily, some enterprising citizen of /qst/ reported my quest and essentially gave Thread 8 an extra week or so of lifespan, so I don't need to make a new OP image right away, kek.
Fun prompt
you are a credit to legs aficionados everywhere
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Planning on doing something new too for the prompt, but here's something a little older in the meantime. Samurai and Catastrovania from Hikikomori Quest.

Thanks! I do my best

Also, unrelated to the prompt this time, but I might add a bit more menace to the background and use this for the next OP pic
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Nice work, anon!!!

Drew your character cause I thought she looked cool >:{}

Thanks a ton! I'll return the favor when I have time, so lemme know if you have a preference for which character
When will Siren Quest return? I miss you
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Here ya go! I would've done something full body but I didn't know what kind of legs she has (sirens are a real mixed bag, could have been anything from human legs to a fish tail to the entire bottom half of a bird)
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Maybe I will.
OOOOOOOOHHHHH anon I LOVE THIS!!! I love how you used the palette I used in the marker pic >:{}
Also the fish ice cream cone is a nice touch!!!

Anyhow, Elise is not a siren (her singing voice leaves much to be desired, much to her dismay). She is a woman who got fish powers as a result of a mass-empowering event. Picrel.

Siren is my QM handle (I have not run in a while).

Glad you like the Ate pic btw. Thanks again!!!

Alright... waiting warmly, anon... do your absolute worst...
I appreciate it, anon... and it's Mutant!Quest.
Siren's my handle (I hope I put the right trip-code in this time)!
I don't blame you for forgetting, since it's been so long :c

Anyhow, in regards to my very-extended absence, to be frank, I've been swamped with work, life, inner demons, etc., and I haven't really been in good sorts for reasons I'd rather not publicly disclose. I'm trying to sort myself out and make the best of it, for whatever it is, but it weighs on me like a lead balloon.

I feel quite shameful for never having gotten back to Mutant!Quest, especially when there was one hell of a thread ahead that I had some awesome shit planned for, and quite a few people have been asking for it. I'd like to say I'd hope to give anons closure someday, somehow, but I don't know how I can do it when I feel burnt out and sad all the time. Maybe someday I will be okay, but I just want to figure out how to feel better.

Didn't mean for this to turn into some blogpost/sob-story, much less an extremely-vague one, but I'd rather just be honest with my readers for once, rather than being a hack and a liar 24/7.
Also, I was thinking about doing some art for newer/less known quests. If anyone has any suggestions I'd like to hear them
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Tyrant Queen Quest


A oneshot featuring a (mercenary-backed) princess trying to establish herself as queen against her relatives.
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I did fanart of it once or twice but mainly on the ceremonial sword she gets later in thread
>trying to sort myself out and make the best of it
That's the right thing to doâ„¢
>Maybe someday I will be okay, but I just want to figure out how to feel better.
You are not alone in this
>I'd rather just be honest with my readers for once
You are a man of integrity, just like me

Unreasonably evil women are a personal weakness of mine- since Bella is never described physically in much if any detail, I took some creative liberties (also hope you don't mind but I got kinda lazy on the throne lol)

Whoops, forgot the image
That’s pretty cool! I like the red color scheme

uoh belly
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You ever make a character you like so much you didn't want the average /qst/ poster to get their grubby little hands on them?
I get overly attached to characters from time to time and it usually is a disaster for the quest.
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Ahh yes, the GOOD fantasy Quest.
Normally I'd say that a character that doesn't appear in anything is no character at all, but I don't like the cultivation genre so i'm fine with this.
It's not meant to be the same character, but I can't fault you for thinking that since they're drawn basically the same.
Well, it's all concept art anyway, isn't it? Neither is a real quest, at least not as of now. It's just a concept until you make something with it.
Seems like a problem with three possible solutions:
>"Kill your darlings", a la the classic writing advice
>Use him in a book or comic without audience input
or, if you can stand anons interacting with him but not directing him to behave OOC
>use him as a NPC

I'll warn you that as far as the last one goes, you should still expect some subset of anons to absolutely hate the character and to be very vocal about it. They'll misinterpret his motives, mock his characterization and backstory, etcetera. It is the nature of the game, and of 4chan. You probably know this better than most of us, though, huh?
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I miss them so much my final quest (for the foreseeable future) would have a similar dynamic and plotline.
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It's a WIP, but the finished product will be the cover for thread 13 of my Fate quest when I finally am in condition to resume running it.

Maybe I could try a couple of swimsuit drawings later....

I hate my QM-curse spamming day-job sometimes.
Sheep Cultivator was a real quest, at least for a bit.

I even did a bit of prep-work for a second thread, but decided against continuing it. I don't think I ever posted it on 4chan so I guess I'll post it here for the sake of posterity.
Last pic.
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I ought to be working on Loveless Gal 3 or Farewell to Cavaliers but…
It's an interesting perspective for a quest's protagonist, for sure.
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Some Tagaki experiments
the guy looks like he's wearing crocs. also whatever you do man, we know it'll be a banger
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Cow mouth shoes of the 15th - 16th century. Broadness and amount of slashes varies.

Might render later, but was fun
(Helga's fine, she put on sunscreen)
Beached whale
>the guy looks like he's wearing crocs
Kek, kind of. I see what you mean. Definitely didn't see them that way until you said, it, though.

nice. Tomoe's chub is on that fine line between nice extra squish place and fattass giveaway. funny how both of them got thicker with the years.
Doodle of Chrys from Pay The Bills next update when? Might ink and color digitally if we get more details about Chrysanthemum's physical appearance (specifically color for skin, hair, and eyes)
Whoops, no image and also forgot my name
You guys should say congratulation to the BEST current art quest on the board finishing.

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One day the quest will return...
Damn, that looks really cool!
But given how detailed and high poly these models look, you might as well be recreating Star Citizen if you want to run a quest...
Unironically true dude. I ran one thread but it took a ton of time so I'm back in the cycle of prepping assets of thread 2
Silly doodlin

Based and spaceship-pilled >:{}

YO! This rocks, man!!! Always enjoy seeing your trad art!!!
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Forgot pic
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Lasso tool challenge
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summer time prince
That's very cute!

And less lewd than the edit I made:
Extremely based
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Some art of Avalsidal, figured I'd post it here too.
I wish we got to see more of Ava and Alphonse. They had some nice interactions, but never quite got to the romantic part inside the quest itself.

Thanks a ton! The stuff you posted (I especially like the posing here >>6034642) is really cool too
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Hapi Minos from Monster Girl Facility Quest.

I saw an image of a capybara in a hot spring with a mandarin on its head, so I instantly thought about Hapi, cuz for some reason, I always draw her with an orange on her head.

Its not a beach, but close.
No, we aren't currently having an Onsen episode on the MGF quest. Yet
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Finally got around to filling the prompt >:{}

Thanks man!!! Keep up the good work!!! Love seeing your improvements as well!!!
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Last one
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Some more Ava stuff. Started running a small joke quest in a Discord and ended up kind of enjoying it, so I run it as an actual quest soon.
Excellent, the steaks are self-cooking
That's got to be the post-credits scene.
Sequel or Prequel?
Nice! I saw that on the Discord, but didn't want to join late.

Seeme dlike a prequel, since I think the nun was also the MC of Haremvania 3 before her midlife crisis, maybe?
>since I think the nun was also the MC of Haremvania 3 before her midlife crisis, maybe?
I don't think she knew Ava before that, though. Pretty sure she only learned of her because of Morne.

But then again, I guess it would be a bit hard to make a sequel since Ava's probably busy with Alphonse.
Well Alphonse will die eventually, and Ava will still be young.
Well yeah, but she's gonna have qurter vampire kids then. And a bunch of stepkids from Alphonse's other girls. Probably not as easy to go gallavanting off like that.
Were her and Alphonse really an item? I remember them ending on a more grudging-respect-as-friends note, and she seems especially sapphic.
>constant on and off flirting between the two
>Alphonse promises to make her happy (basically to solve her whole sadness from her dead father) during his lifetime to her sister
>final update is literally her the two hugging it out and her saying she'll go with him to help with his harem
It would be kinda weird if she *wasnt* with him. Her whole monster girl thing felt more like something she took from her father given all she does is basically larp as him. We didn't get to really see them kiss or so, but then again neither did we for the other girls.

Personally, I'd say that getting over her dad's death and being willing to fall in love with someone she knows will die feels like a hell of a better conclusion to her arc
Where is the titty at /qst/? Come on, pick up the slack
Sorry anon, you get SNAKE POWER instead.
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I'm afraid most of my time has gone into Kiro posting for the King's competition or working on my qst. Otherwise I'd have probably developed this sketch into a proper answer to the prompt. I guess you'll just have to wait for a proper beach episode to see a lizard in board shorts.
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>tfw you have daddy issues so intense you become a lesbian to be with the lind of women he'd have been with, if he was still alive
I respect the hustle. That said, Haremvania 3 was a prequel (interquel), taking place before Haremavnia 2. Haremvania: The Vampire and the Nun (or whatever) could eaisly be a spinoff in between the events fo two other quests. Maybe Ava is who got Marie into monsters ro begin with, and she just didn't realize she was Morne's sister because they look nothing alike?

Apologies, anon. Please accept this commissioned art of the probable deuteragonist of my next quest.
>Haremvania: The Vampire and the Nun (or whatever) could eaisly be a spinoff in between the events fo two other quest
Well, that's why i said it kinda had to be a prequel to 2. Also because by the time Alphonse dies they're going to be well into the 1800s , and that's a whole other setting.
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One last post before this thread falls off the board!!!
Best girl confirmed.

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