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Quest Synopsis: You are the body guard to a prince(bratty), if any harm befalls him you lose.
Update count: 1

Chapter 1: Intro

You stand side by side in the courtyard, under the falling rain, with four other men. Veterans all, each with a myriad of feats under your belts. The man furthest on your right once held a gatehouse against forty men alone. While the man on your right is said to have outwitted a devil in a game of chance. You, yourself, have similar tales to tell had the bards not beaten you to the act. The victorious supplicants, gathered here after many months of brutal testing, wait to enter the hollowed halls of the most elite force in the kingdom. "The kings men", answerable only to the monarch himself.

The doors to the royal hall open, and into the rain steps the KING. He wears a procession of veteran kingsmen, retainers, and bureaucrats like a long cape. He has come to personally inspect the five new members of his most royal cohort. The king's shoulders are wide, for they have a great burden to bear. A king or kings, this man came from seemingly nowhere to unite the warring bickering city states into one grand kingdom. With his alchemical knowledge and political restructuring, he transformed the provinces of man into a bulwark against the long night of ignorance and apostasy. He has the rough hands of a builder, and the brow of a philosopher. There is no death you would not face in the name of this man.

The greying hawk who recruited you and oversaw your testing introduces your group to the king.

"Here stand five good men my lord, what is to be done with them?"

The king looks upon each man individually, when his eyes fall on you its as if your soul is being judged. You stand firm, refusing to fall to the self doubt his heavy gaze brings. His voice is brass.

"Through our labours we have now come to a time of peace, but our trials are far from over. More must be done, and the road is long. Do I have your loyalty? Will you men join me? "

The response is swift and loud as thunder! You join the other men is slamming your gauntlet into your armour twice in unison. The left most man speaks for your troupe.

"To whatever end."
The king sighs and allows for a small smile to bring shape to his white beard. If only for a moment.

"I will keep you to your word, and in turn never give you reason to doubt it. Keep true to the mission, serve with honour, and In time, I shall know your name."

To meet the king is an honour onto itself, but this is not the first time you have met the king.
>Where does your loyalty come from? (This will come back later)
-The king personally came to your village to erect one of his 'hospitals'. The medicine saved both your mother's and sister's life.
-The king personally, and gallantly, slew the dragon that was terrorizing your town. Much wealth flowed from its trove.
- You grew up in one of the King's orphanages, without which you would have stared to death. The king had you brought there from a battlefield which you were found in.
Go away soj
>You grew up in one of the King's orphanages, without which you would have stared to death. The king had you brought there from a battlefield which you were found in.
yet again, kill yourself sojourner
>-The king personally, and gallantly, slew the dragon that was terrorizing your town. Much wealth flowed from its trove.
A shota prince, soj? You shouldn’t have.
Niggas just be saying shit
Throw a guess on how long soj tries before he flakes. I give it 8 days.
I'd rather he flakes than give us shitty endings and stupid options that he states are locked because of "insufficient plot"
I have zero idea what these choices could affect.

I guess I'll vote for the hospital one since it canonizes your mum and sister
>You grew up in one of the King's orphanages, without which you would have stared to death. The king had you brought there from a battlefield which you were found in.

I’ll take a high quality quest over the civ shitters any day even if there’s a 80% chance of flaking.
>You grew up in one of the King's orphanages, without which you would have stared to death. The king had you brought there from a battlefield which you were found in.
I am curious over what will happen.
>The king personally came to your village to erect one of his 'hospitals'. The medicine saved both your mother's and sister's life.
total femboy death.
>You grew up in one of the King's orphanages, without which you would have stared to death. The king had you brought there from a battlefield which you were found in.

Does spanking count as harm? Asking for a friend.

Time is a poor thing to bet on since there could be hours to weeks between updates. You should bet on number of updates instead. There's even a handy counter.
>- You grew up in one of the King's orphanages, without which you would have stared to death. The king had you brought there from a battlefield which you were found in.
>- You grew up in one of the King's orphanages, without which you would have stared to death. The king had you brought there from a battlefield which you were found in.
Nice to see yah back, Soj!
Looking forward to seeing how far we get with this one!
>stared to death

Damn, lethal dry eyes
>-The king personally came to your village to erect one of his 'hospitals'. The medicine saved both your mother's and sister's life.
This is going to be dead by Friday.
>The king personally came to your village to erect one of his 'hospitals'. The medicine saved both your mother's and sister's life.
>-The king personally, and gallantly, slew the dragon that was terrorizing your town. Much wealth flowed from its trove.
>-The king personally, and gallantly, slew the dragon that was terrorizing your town. Much wealth flowed from its trove.
Update count: 2
Its been near a year since that day, and the king's words proved more then wise. The mechanization's keeping the kingdom cohesive are still in their infancy, and prone to break. Compared to your colleagues, you are not the strongest, nor the wisest. But you have something many lack, flexibility in ability. Often times, you find yourself called upon to deal with many tasks that require adaptability. From mobilizing farmers into militia on the outskirts, to settling quarrels between rival nobility, you are always on the move from one mission to the next.

It was on one of these missions, that your heroic efforts reached the ear of the king.
Due to the herculean ability of the Kingsmen, all rolls will be a best of 3 (bo3 or BoD) as a base
>While you were chopping a year's worth of fire wood for a local parish, a cyclopes came to destroy the place. You manage to wrestle the giant into submission, after which he would apologize to everyone for his misdeeds. (+1 BoD to feats of strength)
>You managed to oust a cruel overbearing noble that terrorized his region through some intricate legal loopholes, careful subterfuge, and befriending of the local clans. It wasn't even your mission to do that (+1 BoD to feats of Intellect)
>On a scouting mission to the northern wilds, you discovered a large uprising of goblins preparing to launch an invasion. With great cunning you snuck into the goblin chiefs hovel and kidnapped his wife! After many days of running, climbing, and swimming in order to out manoeuvre the goblin chief's army, he was forced to accept your terms of surrender in exchange for the return of his beloved wife. (+1 BoD to feats of speed)
The king would reward your hard work with the honour of escorting a royal caravan. The shipment would be secreting a box of the mystical 'vivifying essence', an alchemical recipe penned by the king himself. A potion that can miraculously heal wounds and cure the sick. The great difficulty associated with the creation of these potions, means their use is unfortunately kept strictly for political manoeuvring. It was during this sacred mission that you found a flaw in your own soul. A young thief had dared to pillage the cart and made off with the sacred case containing the essence! You naturally chased the women down and recovered the box but...
>Weakness of mercy: You ran the girl right into the hovel she was fleeing too. There you found her mother was dying of leprosy. You decided to allow her to keep one of the potions. (You find yourself showing leniency when you know you shouldn't.)
>Weakness of wrath: So angry were you that the women almost robed you of your sacred charge, and betrayed the king by stealing from him, that in your anger you beat her to near death. (You find it hard to control yourself when you are moved to anger)
>Weakness of flesh: Cornering the thief, you were distracted by the tactical movement of her hips in your direction and the smoothness of her face on yours. She got away with one of the potions before you realized it happened. (You find yourself easily distracted by such things)
>A shota prince, soj? You shouldn’t have.
He is of legal age in what ever country you are from. But is not set to that minimum.
>Does spanking count as harm? Asking for a friend.
The mechanics that encompass prince spanking will be covered in the following update
>This is going to be dead by Friday.
But aren't QM's best when they're almost retard?
>>Weakness of mercy: You ran the girl right into the hovel she was fleeing too. There you found her mother was dying of leprosy. You decided to allow her to keep one of the potions. (You find yourself showing leniency when you know you shouldn't.)
>On a scouting mission to the northern wilds, you discovered a large uprising of goblins preparing to launch an invasion. With great cunning you snuck into the goblin chiefs hovel and kidnapped his wife! After many days of running, climbing, and swimming in order to out manoeuvre the goblin chief's army, he was forced to accept your terms of surrender in exchange for the return of his beloved wife. (+1 BoD to feats of speed)
We do a little trolling
>Weakness of wrath: So angry were you that the women almost robed you of your sacred charge, and betrayed the king by stealing from him, that in your anger you beat her to near death. (You find it hard to control yourself when you are moved to anger)
Vengeance is hereby mine.
>On a scouting mission to the northern wilds, you discovered a large uprising of goblins preparing to launch an invasion. With great cunning you snuck into the goblin chiefs hovel and kidnapped his wife! After many days of running, climbing, and swimming in order to out manoeuvre the goblin chief's army, he was forced to accept your terms of surrender in exchange for the return of his beloved wife. (+1 BoD to feats of speed)
>Weakness of flesh: Cornering the thief, you were distracted by the tactical movement of her hips in your direction and the smoothness of her face on yours. She got away with one of the potions before you realized it happened. (You find yourself easily distracted by such things)
>>While you were chopping a year's worth of fire wood for a local parish, a cyclopes came to destroy the place. You manage to wrestle the giant into submission, after which he would apologize to everyone for his misdeeds. (+1 BoD to feats of strength)
>>Weakness of mercy: You ran the girl right into the hovel she was fleeing too. There you found her mother was dying of leprosy. You decided to allow her to keep one of the potions. (You find yourself showing leniency when you know you shouldn't.)
>>You managed to oust a cruel overbearing noble that terrorized his region through some intricate legal loopholes, careful subterfuge, and befriending of the local clans. It wasn't even your mission to do that (+1 BoD to feats of Intellect)
>On a scouting mission to the northern wilds, you discovered a large uprising of goblins preparing to launch an invasion. With great cunning you snuck into the goblin chiefs hovel and kidnapped his wife! After many days of running, climbing, and swimming in order to out manoeuvre the goblin chief's army, he was forced to accept your terms of surrender in exchange for the return of his beloved wife. (+1 BoD to feats of speed)
We already know that we aren't the strongest or wisest, so all that's left is to be the fastest.

>Weakness of flesh: Cornering the thief, you were distracted by the tactical movement of her hips in your direction and the smoothness of her face on yours. She got away with one of the potions before you realized it happened. (You find yourself easily distracted by such things)
Maybe not the best combination

>The mechanics that encompass prince spanking will be covered in the following update
Waiting warmly
>>Weakness of flesh: Cornering the thief, you were distracted by the tactical movement of her hips in your direction and the smoothness of her face on yours. She got away with one of the potions before you realized it happened. (You find yourself easily distracted by such things)
gooning to this pic
>On a scouting mission to the northern wilds, you discovered a large uprising of goblins preparing to launch an invasion. With great cunning you snuck into the goblin chiefs hovel and kidnapped his wife! After many days of running, climbing, and swimming in order to out manoeuvre the goblin chief's army, he was forced to accept your terms of surrender in exchange for the return of his beloved wife. (+1 BoD to feats of speed)

>Weakness of mercy: You ran the girl right into the hovel she was fleeing too. There you found her mother was dying of leprosy. You decided to allow her to keep one of the potions. (You find yourself showing leniency when you know you shouldn't.)
>You managed to oust a cruel overbearing noble that terrorized his region through some intricate legal loopholes, careful subterfuge, and befriending of the local clans. It wasn't even your mission to do that (+1 BoD to feats of Intellect)

We're adaptable and smart that's a perfect combo.

>Weakness of mercy: You ran the girl right into the hovel she was fleeing too. There you found her mother was dying of leprosy. You decided to allow her to keep one of the potions. (You find yourself showing leniency when you know you shouldn't.)
>On a scouting mission to the northern wilds, you discovered a large uprising of goblins preparing to launch an invasion. With great cunning you snuck into the goblin chiefs hovel and kidnapped his wife! After many days of running, climbing, and swimming in order to out manoeuvre the goblin chief's army, he was forced to accept your terms of surrender in exchange for the return of his beloved wife. (+1 BoD to feats of speed)
>Weakness of flesh: Cornering the thief, you were distracted by the tactical movement of her hips in your direction and the smoothness of her face on yours. She got away with one of the potions before you realized it happened. (You find yourself easily distracted by such things)
Fun combo, gobbo queen got her world rocked
>On a scouting mission to the northern wilds, you discovered a large uprising of goblins preparing to launch an invasion. With great cunning you snuck into the goblin chiefs hovel and kidnapped his wife! After many days of running, climbing, and swimming in order to out manoeuvre the goblin chief's army, he was forced to accept your terms of surrender in exchange for the return of his beloved wife. (+1 BoD to feats of speed)
If we aren't the wisest or strongest...

>Weakness of flesh: Cornering the thief, you were distracted by the tactical movement of her hips in your direction and the smoothness of her face on yours. She got away with one of the potions before you realized it happened. (You find yourself easily distracted by such things)
Can't not pick this one with an OP like that
>While you were chopping a year's worth of fire wood for a local parish, a cyclopes came to destroy the place. You manage to wrestle the giant into submission, after which he would apologize to everyone for his misdeeds. (+1 BoD to feats of strength)
>Weakness of flesh: Cornering the thief, you were distracted by the tactical movement of her hips in your direction and the smoothness of her face on yours. She got away with one of the potions before you realized it happened. (You find yourself easily distracted by such things)
>On a scouting mission to the northern wilds, you discovered a large uprising of goblins preparing to launch an invasion. With great cunning you snuck into the goblin chiefs hovel and kidnapped his wife! After many days of running, climbing, and swimming in order to out manoeuvre the goblin chief's army, he was forced to accept your terms of surrender in exchange for the return of his beloved wife. (+1 BoD to feats of speed)

Speed and if sneaking off with someone's wife is included I suppose that means we do well with stealth. Just call me Snake.

>Weakness of flesh: Cornering the thief, you were distracted by the tactical movement of her hips in your direction and the smoothness of her face on yours. She got away with one of the potions before you realized it happened. (You find yourself easily distracted by such things)

Hips and legs. Surely our charge won't exploit this weakness.
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How dashing
>>On a scouting mission to the northern wilds, you discovered a large uprising of goblins preparing to launch an invasion. With great cunning you snuck into the goblin chiefs hovel and kidnapped his wife! After many days of running, climbing, and swimming in order to out manoeuvre the goblin chief's army, he was forced to accept your terms of surrender in exchange for the return of his beloved wife. (+1 BoD to feats of speed)
>>Weakness of flesh: Cornering the thief, you were distracted by the tactical movement of her hips in your direction and the smoothness of her face on yours. She got away with one of the potions before you realized it happened. (You find yourself easily distracted by such things)
Didnt you do the samurai quest a few momths/a year ago?

The art is distinctive
Cringe pic to use for a prince your weird stop existing nigger sneed
Chapter 2: The spare's spare

On the return from one of your missions, you found the castle in a complete uproar. Word had reached the king that his youngest son had gone missing! The young prince, who was escorted by a veteran kingsmen, had followed protocol and reported his failure immediately. Seemingly, while he was holding off a marauding band of orcs, he instructed the prince and the other retainers to head to the next town for safety. When he had reached the rendezvous location himself, the prince was nowhere to be found. He reported that he would continue his search for the prince, and promised he would not return without him.

This of course was not enough for the king, who mobilized the entire army and available kingsguard to search for the prince. So strong was his love for his son, that he left the palace almost completely bereft of staff! He additionally vowed to scour the entire orcish race from existence should his son fallen into any harm.

Happily, the entire thing turned out to be completely unnecessary. It turned out the Prince had simply wandered off instead of following his body guards instructions, and was swiftly found and reclaimed. The amount of manpower that had shifted due to the young man's actions was not seen since the unification war. Not to mention the financial cost to the treasury, and unnecessary risk to the king… Surly, when the boy returns the king will have to punish his son...
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A month later, when the prince returned to the palace, there was an unfamiliar silence among the attending court. All waited to see the fallout, and kept their heads low in fear of getting pulled down into the wake.

The prince spoke, his face hung low and carried deep regret "I'm sorry papa, I didn't mean to upset you."

"Upset me?" Spoke the king, his furrowed brow breaking "Fool boy, I only care that you are safe!" He embraced his son, and all was forgiven. Just like that. The king had but one weakness, his children. At the very least, from the look on the the boys face he seemed to have learned his lesson. He knows what he did was wrong.

"Now I have something for you my son, where did I put it...?"
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As the king turned away, the Prince would also turn to scan the court. That is when, oddly enough, his gaze would suddenly fall on you. Why you out of all people? Were you staring too intently?
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What the…? What is with that sudden change of expression? That damn cheeky brat, he isn't repentant at all! In fact, the opposite is probably true. He doesn't seem to care at all about the trouble he caused everyone! Your lord majesty needs to punish this damn kid!!!

But before the king could turn back around, the prince replaced his mask. Damn it, my lord! See through this visage, do not fall for this act!!!!

"Take this my son, A gift that I hope will keep you safe…" Instead of punishing him, the king is instead rewarding him with a masterwork blade! The likes of which are perhaps forged once in a lifetime!

"Another… Sword… Thank ye papa…"

He doesn't even want it! Someone needs to sort this damn brat out before he does more damage…

To add further insult to injury, after everything was said and done the kingsmen who had lost the prince resigned his position on account of his failure. The cost of mobilization was too high, and the blame had to fall on someone to satisfy the court of public opinion. It couldn't fall on the prince, so instead the loyal kingsman took it upon himself to shoulder that responsibility for his king. A black day for your order to say the least. Further more, someone would have to take over his duties and guard the prince…

You find yourself standing before the prince's dorm, how in the world did this task fall on you? Two palace guards stand before the door, they know who you are and of your new assignment. Yet they say nothing, the kingsmen and palace guard have always had a soft rivalry. You knock upon the door and wait. Soon the prince's voice is heard from the other side of the door.

"Please wait, I'm indecent!"

Ah, of course. So you wait. For twenty minutes. The royal guard exchange looks multiple times but continue to say nothing. You knock on the door again. "Your royal highness…"

"I said I am changing! Please have some patience sir. Do NOT come in unless it is your desire to see your prince unclothed! I will tell you when I am ready."

THE RULES: Currently you have 0/10 affection from the prince, max this out to WIN. If you lose the prince, or he comes to any harm, or he gets kidnapped, or you just basically hard fail your duty to protect him. You automatically LOSE. Additionally, you have 0/3 FUCK UPS. These are minor mistakes, such as over reaching your authority, not doing your job properly, speaking with the prince inappropriately etc. If you fuck up too much you also lose. Lastly, there is wiggle room in the sense that if no one notices your mistakes, and the prince doesn't complain, you can get away with potentially anything. To answer the anons question from before, if you secretly spank the prince and he is too embarrassed to tell anyone, you can get away with it. But if he does tell someone, you auto lose.
>What do?
-What can you do but wait? Stand here and wait for the prince to finish changing.
-The prince is playing you for a fool. Walk in.
-Leave, and try again later?
-Write in
>gooning to this pic
Thankies, he looks like he likes men with big hands
>Cringe pic to use for a prince your weird stop existing nigger sneed
no cap
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barge in
Zamn he got that null 15 fit going on

>walk in
It is my desire.
>-What can you do but wait? Stand here and wait for the prince to finish changing.
Do we really wanna collect a fuck up right away?
Clearly you are a novice in the ways of bratty prince correction!
Obeying his commands sets a bad precedent.
Shame it never finished properly.
>The prince is playing you for a fool. Walk in

>Write in
Send the palace guards away on patrol around the area in case he tries something like last time, then go in after they leave. If they don't witness this as a fuck up it's fine. Besides the prince technically gave permission.
>The prince is playing you for a fool. Walk in.
Do it with your eyes closed.
>The prince is playing you for a fool. Walk in.
Who tf takes 20 minutes to change
What are we even collecting him for anyway? Is it something urgent? That would be a good excuse.

Rather than eyes closed, look away and put a hand between you to further obscure your view.
>-The prince is playing you for a fool. Walk in.
Technically he did allow us to come in as long as we want to see him naked
Horny quest
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Its a hard call to make. Stay here and get jerked around by the prince, or risk messing things up on your first day on the job? No, twenty minutes to change simply does not add up. Not to a spartan such as yourself, who only owns five sets of identical pieces of clothing. Damn the consequences, you trust your gut on this one and step through the door.

On the other side, you find the Prince laying on a futon and reading a dark blue book. He is completely dressed after all! He does not seem pleased to have you barging in.

"Excuse me, but I did not give you permission to enter. Wait a minute, who are you?" The Prince jumps up before cautiously, yet curiously, stepping towards you.

"My prince, I am your new bodyguard. Pardon my intrusion but I had started to worry you were in duress taking so long..."

"New body guard? What happened to Vargis?" He gets quite close and stands up onto his tippy toes in order to attempt peeking at the face behind the helmet. He places his hands onto your breastplate for support, as he has a long way to go.

"My prince, due to recent events Vargis was forced to retire…" You hope to see a change in the princes expression, perhaps a show of regret? But there is no change that you can detect, he does not seem overly concerned. He is more interested in examining your face.

He suddenly cringes and steps back, the fingers on his hands curl. "Oh gross, I remember you. You're that weirdo that was leering at me yesterday… no wonder you burst in here, you were hoping to see me naked."

"I assure you my prince, that is simply not true. I ask you to not play these games."

He shivers "Ah, you just wanted to see my butt. Gross. Disgusting. At least have the courage to admit it. You're one of those homos, papa should hear of this... How can I sleep at night knowing you are waiting to grab a handful…"

"If my prince believes that to be necessary."

He is putting on quit the show, but you detect that he tactically knocks over a pillow onto his book in order to occlude it. When he finishes hiding it, he forgets about the whole indecent and moves on from it.

"What ever, find yourself a place to stand and become a statue then."

You spend the next few hours doing just that. Keeping silent vigil over the prince as he moves from one distraction to the next. He never able to settle, and he never approaches the futon again.

Unable to find something to occupy himself with, the prince declares he wants to go for a walk in the garden. Normally that would be fine. Unfortunately, according to the schedule you were given, the King wishes to see the prince today. No time is listed just that the prince should make himself available. Alas, your poor king is always busy these days with matters of state…

"Huh?? I'm not sitting around all day waiting for papa to see me. I'm going to the garden!"

"But my prince…"

"Since when were you my nursemaid! You are my BODY GUARD, so GUARD ME, and stay in your LANE. There is no danger in the garden right? Whats the difference where I am?"

In this the prince is right, you don't have control over where he goes unless there is a security concern. Right now, there is none. With that in mind you follow after the Prince as he sets out into the garden.

It is not long after you arrive at the garden, does the prince's true intentions become clear. He skirts further and further along the walls until he gets closer and closer to the gate house connecting the palace with the city outside the walls.

"My prince, where are you headed?"

"I'm just stepping out for a moment, you're with me so its fine right?."

Well no, it actually isn't. If he wants to leave the palace grounds the procedure is that he requests it a day in advance so secret police outside can secure the area. You are well within your rights to stop the prince here.

"Ugh, you are worse then that old man. We are not going out to the SLUMS, this is right outside the palace I just want to buy a tart for papa. I didn't get a chance to buy him a souvenir because of those damn orcs! Is that what you want? For papa to not get a gift from his son? Do you HATE the king?" He looks incredibly hurt "That's what it is… You hate the king I cant believe it…"

"My prince, that is simply not true."

A smile quickly returns to his face "Ah, so we can go get him a gift then! Lets go."

>What do?
- Stand firm, you need to establish dominance early. The prince CANT leave because of security concerns and that FINAL.
- Relent, you are with him after all and its right outside… Outside and no further. It would be sad for the king not to get a gift.
- Write in.
You didnt close your eyes because you have a certain WEAKNESS and you are wearing a helmet obscuring your face anyway. Ill save rolling for closed eyes or peeking for a different scene.
>Send the palace guards away on patrol around the area in case he tries something like last time, then go in after they leave
This ones good, I forgot to include despite planning too, SORRY! Please don't feel discouraged to do more write ins.
>- Stand firm, you need to establish dominance early. The prince CANT leave because of security concerns and that FINAL.
what is this faggotery? since when qst/ had their own personal queer qm?
If this quest were to continue, it would be BASED (and gay).
Sadly, as this is Sojourner and hel'' inevitably flake, it is CRINGE (and gay).
>"Foot in the Door" effect
>surface acting
>assuming the sale
the nerve of this bitch lmao

obviously we have to
>>stand firm
>stand firm
We can farm affection later.
>- Stand firm, you need to establish dominance early. The prince CANT leave because of security concerns and that FINAL.
However we should find some other distraction for the prince as he's clearly bored and tell him that we'll hand the request to go outside tomorrow right away.
We got to be firm but not antagonize him
>- Stand firm, you need to establish dominance early. The prince CANT leave because of security concerns and that FINAL.
- Stand firm, you need to establish dominance early. The prince CANT leave because of security concerns and that FINAL.

Buzzword heaven
Bro it's a soj quest, we don't have the TIME.
>Stand firm, you need to establish dominance early. The prince CANT leave because of security concerns and that FINAL.
Tell him the king would be much more appreciative of a tart handmade by the prince in the royal kitchen, and there would be no risk of poison either.
> Stand firm, you need to establish dominance early. The prince CANT leave because of security concerns and that FINAL.

> Tell him the king would be much more appreciative of a tart handmade by the prince in the royal kitchen, and there would be no risk of poison either.
An excellent idea.
Sounds like a wonderful distraction. Lending my support! Though we probably should still make a request for an outing
Also, you were the one who was running that Middle Eastern demon-in-the-ring quest, right? Is that abandoned now, or do you intend to return to it?
- Write in.
"My Prince if you want to give the King a tart we can head to the kitchen and make one ourselves. A hand made gift is always superior after all."

PS "Hes already got a tart." then look at the Prince
One final point, if we are looking to establish dominance early, then it might be in our interest to get a look at the book that the Prince hid. It might be useful as leverage over him.

> He is putting on quit the show, but you detect that he tactically knocks over a pillow onto his book in order to occlude it. When he finishes hiding it, he forgets about the whole indecent and moves on from it.
> the whole indecent
> indecent
Is that funnier if it is intentional or unintentional? I can't tell.
"I apologies my prince, but rules are rules and I cannot break them. You are forbidden from leaving without notice" You refuse to budge on this issue, your resolve is IRON.

The prince is starting to get noticeably upset at not getting his way. "Forbidden? Forbidden by who exactly? You? I want to go to the city, I'm not a prisoner here. Have you forgotten your place? You serve by MY pleasure, not the other way around."

There is not even a small piece of you that wants to relent. You stand FIRM "There is only one man that can command me, and it is the same man who has forbidden you from leaving without notice. Your father, the KING."

"This is ridiculous, you are clearly an insane person and cannot see reason." The prince turns and has decided to take this to its conclusion. It would be a lie to say you didn't hesitate putting your hands on the prince. You take hold of his arm gently, but firmly. He is not going anywhere. The prince completely stiffens at the feel of your grip. Behind his eyes is a fury in great abundance.

"Take your hand off me. You better do it or ill… ill…" The prince is about to explode, his eyes widen and his hairs stand on end.

You attempt to give the prince an alternative "My prince, perhaps your father would prefer a gift you made yourself. We can go to the kitche-"

"If I wanted your opinion I would ask for it." He speaks through gritted teeth. His eyes dart around at the other nobles that are currently in the garden, they happily watch the show and gossip. He swallows the rage and chooses not to make a scene.

With a sigh, the prince returns to a calm state and speaks in a monotonic voice "Have it your way, I will return to my room then." You release your grip and he quickly pulls away from you.

"You should know: From now on, we are enemies."

You expected more fallout from your actions, but ultimately there was non save for the prince's internalized wrath. You would hear through the grapevine that the prince insisted on having you replaced, but that never came to pass. It seems that the suitable alternatives have already been mostly exhausted before you even took up the position. Further more, your superiors ruled that you acted properly and should continue your new role. The prince however has not spoken a single word to you since, spending his time mostly moping in his room. Almost a week later, the king still had not the time to see his son.

On the sixth day, you are waylaid by a superior kingsman who wishes to speak with you about the prince. This is the same kingsmen that recruited and trained you, his aged face resembles a hawk.

"So, how does it go with the prince? Are you settling in fine?"

"I'm not sure, he doesn't speak to me and spends very little time doing anything but laying around all day. I spend most of my days simply, to quote the prince, 'making a statue of myself'. It certainly isn't what I am used to"

The older man rubs his chin "Ay, its not easy with the kings youngest. The boy has always had much of his mother in him. Perhaps you can make a go at befriending the lad? Maybe share some of your wisdom with him? Maybe he can learn something of what it means to be a man! After all, a handful of palace guards could watch the prince, but the king wanted one of his men for a reason. It saddens me to say the young man has few friends if any."

You can see why. "I'm not sure how, he doesn't want anything to do with me. When ever I try speaking with him he shuts me down. I fear I may have irreversibly damaged my standing with him."

The old man scoffs "Nonsense, he is just in one of his moods. Perhaps I can help, be a third party and organize something. Its about time that boy spent some time out of his room."

>What do?
- Teach the boy some archery!
- Take the prince horse riding, a very noble activity!
- Get permission to leave the palace grounds and go into the city!
- Take him fishin'
- Write in
>Also, you were the one who was running that Middle Eastern demon-in-the-ring quest, right? Is that abandoned now, or do you intend to return to it?
If you really want to discuss it, ask me again in the QTG
Can't win if you don't play. Snake eyes.
>- Get permission to leave the palace grounds and go into the city!
Its what he wanted anyways. Archery and fishing would likely just bore him and the riding he'll just use as an excuse to escape on horseback
>Get permission to leave the palace grounds and go into the city!
>Teach the boy some archery!
inb4 he uses it to shoot us with prank arrows
>- Get permission to leave the palace grounds and go into the city!
>- Take him fishin'
Step-father Simulator, let's GOOOOOOO!
- Get permission to leave the palace grounds and go into the city!
Here’s a treat
>- Get permission to leave the palace grounds and go into the city!
he'd probably appreciate
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No update on fridays
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The rest of the day goes on as normal while you wait for the hawk to show up and get things underway. As expected, the prince continues giving you the cold shoulder. He goes so far out of his way to pretend you're not there its comical. Yesterday, he threw a shirt over you as if you were a coat hanger. At this very moment, the prince is having his lunch in the royal dinning room. The room is large and ornate, more space then needed for the small size of the table. Just big enough for the King to sit with his queen and three children. Unfortunately, despite the prince coming here everyday on time, no one else seems to make it. Every day, he has eaten here alone. His elder siblings are doing the kings biding out some where. As for the queen, you don't know anything of her to guess her location, but know enough that the prince's mother is not actually the current queen. Lastly the king, as expected, is too busy to be here. He may not even know his son comes here to dine alone.

Eventually, the hawk will arrive and put his plan into action. "My prince, I have been looking everywhere for you." He gives you a wink "I have a surprise for you today, a friend of mine has told me that you wish to venture out of the castle. Well arrangements have been made for you to do so today, would you like that?"

The prince tilts his head back and gives the old man a scrutinizing gaze "I don't know where you heard that. I don't care to leave the castle at all."

Its evident he didn't expect this reply and is taken back for a moment "But my prince…"

"I already made up my mind. Its too late now anyway, I would rather not go. I'm fine just staying in, thank you"

The old man tries one more time "My prince… Since you went missing for a short time your subjects have grown very worried about you. It would do them much good to see you, their favourite prince."

"Hmmm… Is that so?"

"Yes my prince. It would help your father as well, having his children walk among the people raises moral in the masses. These are trying times for everyone, it would do them good…"

"Well, if it will help papa I suppose I could take a short stroll." He looks down at his cloths "I will need to change into something nicer."

"Thank you my prince, when ever you are ready."

As the hawk leaves the dinning room, he puts his hand on your shoulder. Wordlessly conferring 'The rest is up to you'.

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When you step out the gates and into the city, it is almost deserted. Now, the streets out side the palace are not meant for the growing middle class, much less so for a commoner. It is instead a place meant for the elite of society to walk about and sometimes buy something from the exotic shops just for the novelty of it. So there is never really that many people here. Yet today you can count the people you see on one hand. Does the prince really need this much protection in the capitol? It feels heavy handed to clear the streets like this, but maybe the higher brass is on edge after 'the incident'.

On the prince's part, he acts like he doesn't notice. He simply walks about the streets looking into windows of shops and generally just wasting time. You attempt to make conversation, just as your superior recommended.

"Look my prince, there is a bakery. Perhaps you can purchase a tart there."

The prince, looks upon you with a puzzled look. He tries to make sense of what you are talking about, but ultimately can't understand why you are bringing up tarts. His puzzled look is eventually replaced by a swift roll of the eyes. He looks like he has something to ask but ultimately chooses to continues with the silent treatment.

After some more mindless walking about, you take another stab at making conversation while passing a store for pets!

"My prince, look upon the features of this noble exotic hound from the east! His expression is quit comical is it not?" Maybe that's what the prince needs, a loyal dog to keep him company. You have met several dogs in your life time and enjoyed petting them.

The prince simply shrugs at the animal. "Dog's are dumb."

Its the window over that takes the prince's fancy. A glass vivarium contains a rather large black spider. You have seen giant spiders before, but something about the long legs of this one gives you the creeps. The prince surprises you with his knowledge of the creature "This is the mandi aracnid from south franlia. Did you know that one bite form this spider can paralyze a horse? It then burrows through the victims ear and into their brain, while they are alive, to lay its eggs. I thought that was an interesting fact."

>bonus what do:
- Encourage the prince to buy it if he likes it so much.
- Do NOT encourage this.
As you have walked about the city, the prince has been purchasing odds and ends. Nothing of interest or note, he almost seems to be randomly picking things with out much of a second glance. It is only when he reaches a specific shop does his eyes open with interest. It is a eastern shop full of exotic silks, spices, and even weapons from a far off culture. Looking through the shop the prince finally finds something he actually wants to buy. A bundle of coloured silken rope of all things. His interest in the rope is suspicious so you examine one of the bundles yourself. A million possibilities cross your mind, none of them good.

"My prince, this is too thin to hold your weight."

The prince smirks in reply "No kidding? Better buy two then."

On the return to the palace, the prince makes a request of you while handing you the rope bundle. "Put this under your armour for me."

You already know that everything the prince returns to the palace with needs to be inspected. "Why?"

His tone is sweet this time. "Because I don't want anyone to know I bought it, obviously. Can I not rely on my bodyguard for things even as simple as this?"

You inspected the rope, its just decorative rope. Mostly for stringing around the room or holding up something light. Why the prince would not want anyone to know he bought, it is beyond you. Everything you can think of is simply too far beyond possibility. Perhaps the prince seeks to tie together a hundred doves and fly away with them? Maybe its just a test of your loyalty? The simple presence of the shop in this district means its been vetted a hundred times over.

>main What do
- Sneak in the rope.
- Refuse.
- Sneak it in, but then report it behind the prince's back.
QM note: I actually still have no idea what I want (You) to look like. So I left it vague in that image.
>- Encourage the prince to buy it if he likes it so much.

>- Sneak in the rope.
but only if he says "please"
>- Do NOT encourage this.
The spider is a bit too dangerous. It's going to be confiscated at the castle gate anyway.

>-Sneak in the rope
A direct request from the prince that doesn't impact his safety, as his personal guard we are honor bound to fulfill it
>- Encourage the prince to buy it if he likes it so much.
>- Sneak in the rope.
>Do NOT encourage this.
>Sneak in the rope.
>Do NOT encourage this.
>Sneak in the rope
Sure, why not?
He will more than likely use it to try to make escapes, but if we're aware of the rope then we can at least head any mischief he gets up to at the pass if needed.
>- Do NOT encourage this.
>- Sneak in the rope.
>Encourage the prince to buy it if he likes it so much.
Just like the rope, if it's there it's been cleared

>Sneak it in, but then report it behind the prince's back.
You know what

>Encourage the prince to buy it if he likes it so much.
...nah, let him express himself.
But be SURE to tell the king that he has this and report the prince's interest in such things. Also make sure to give the prince an ear full about how much RESPONSIBILITY, having such a dangerous creature would be.
>Sneak in the rope.
- Do NOT encourage this.

>- Sneak in the rope.

>write in
Offer to tie the prince up as a joke, ha ha?
what's with all the arachnophobes itt?
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Update count: 7

[Retroactive] If the prince likes the spider so much, then why doesn't he buy it? He should feel free to express himself a little more, in a way that isn't so self destructive and doesn't cause a kingdom wide incident. Actually, a brain burrowing spider is potentially both those things. Too late, you already said it.

"You think so? Yeah I think so too, lets buy it. You can carry it."

"Actually my prince… A pet such as this is a tremendous responsibility! You must -". You go on and on about safety, duty, and responsibility while following after the prince and watching him purchase the spider. You are sure you got through to him, surly. There is no way this could blow up in your face. If its too dangerous they will stop it from coming in at the gate. Yes, it is the gate guards responsibility to stop this.


(+1 affection) You agreed to hide the silken rope as per the prince's request. You would like to think he appreciated the gesture, but you cant actually be sure. He simply looked rather smug about it, and then later coy when the guards asked if there was anything else he was bringing in. The prince seemed more happy about pulling one over on the gate guards then anything else today. As for the spider however, the guards let it in too. When they were looking at it, you came to a sudden realization that just as you put the burden of responsibility on them, they put that responsibility back on you. If you the bodyguard are OK with it, then they are too. After all, what do they know about spiders? You may need to report this spider to someone.

"Lost in thought?" The prince asks while rubbing the silken rope against his cheeks. "Oh, the spider got out."

You almost drop everything out of reflex. You look down and see the spider is still in the case.

"Ah, no, there it is. My mistake."

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Two weeks later, and your relationship with the prince has somewhat improved. He no longer is actively ignores you. Sometimes its even the opposite. For example, sometimes when he reads his books he will laugh out loud or make small comments "Oh my look at that…", "I can't believe that…". He hopes to indirectly socialite you into inquiring about what he is reading. You get a lot of "Oh nothing, you wouldn't get it", but other times he will explain some macabre fact to you that he himself has just learned and wished to share. Apparently, sea serpents cannot die of old age, they instead eventually get so long that they can no longer consume enough substance to prevent death by starvation.

Two weeks later is also when the palace welcomes back the king's first born son, Yneed. Only two years the elder of the youngest prince, he is still only a youth himself. Despite that, the kings eldest has a great burden to bare. The future of the kingdom will one day rest on his shoulders, and the king is an almost impossible act to follow. Despite this, his many trumped up deeds give people hope that he will honourably continue the royal line. On his return, he presents the king with a trophy of a rather large bear pelt. Being the prince's body guard, you are given the honour of joining to stand among your veteran brothers who guard the king. It gives you a chance to notice the glances exchanged between the two prince's. The animosity should be visible to anyone…

A day later, the prince will have his first visitor to the lonely dinning hall that has become his routine. The two prince's meet, and a confrontation is swift. You are forced to look on in silence, along with the members of the eldest's entourage, as they begin exchanging slights.

"I see they found you, I suppose you were hiding in some hole then? Perhaps attempting to euthanize a family of gnomes for sport?"

"No I was just hiding in your head, I live there free of charge you see. Lots of empty space."

While the eldest prince sneers at his younger brother in disdain, the younger simply smiles back with a smug grin.

"You damn roach, can't you see how you embarrass father? How much damage your escapades cause? With every breath you draw you erode the stability of the kingdom. Its no wonder father wants nothing to do with you. "

"Is that so? Well he has a funny way of showing it. I'm not the one he is too ashamed to publicly embrace… Now off with you, I'm waiting for papa to arrive for our daily supper together. You will simply get in the way."

This strikes a nerve with the eldest son, and he returns with a wound that is enough to finally crack the youngster's mask.

"You are a curse on this family, strait from the womb of the HAG that spawned you. If not for her witchcraft father surly would have tossed you into a pit" Crude, but quit effective.
The young prince stands up from his chair and slams the table with both hands. "My mother was not a HAG, you will walk back your words or you will regret it"

"The snake coils upon hearing the potent truth. Your mother WAS a hag, and you are a hag's son."

The prince's face becomes red with anger "That does it, I challenge you to a duel and you will withdraw those words after I teach you a lesson!"

The eldest scoffs "You must be joking surly, I will give you a chance to leave with your tail between your legs because I accept."

The young prince is serious however, he pulls off his glove and throws it at the ground before the eldests feet…

"Have it your way, I accept."

Twenty minutes later and it really looks like its happening. Word has already spread, and anyone that the rumour has reached has found his way to the courtyard. You know of the eldest prince. He is a formidable warrior for his age. Lacks experience and a life time of training sure, but he has had the best teachers all his life and is eager to learn. The young prince however, only seems to be armed with his sharp tongue.

Yet despite this, the prince looks eager. He doesn't look angry at all anymore, but smug. He is plotting something you are sure of it.

The heir apparent steps forward and addresses the crowd that has gathered. He gives a rousing speech about honour and duty, claiming that his sibling has none "-everyone here knows that this damn boy has done nothing but cause this kingdom harm, wherever he goes chaos follows. Yet it seems its up to me, his eldest brother, to teach him a lesson."

"Well said brother, well said. Anyway, I call upon my body guard to be my champion in this duel." You are as shocked by the revelation as everyone else
"Huh? Did you think I would fight you myself? I don't know how to fight! Don't tell me it was your plan to beat up on your untrained younger brother for clout?"
You are honour bound to fight this duel for your prince if called upon, this was probably his plan from the start. One of the older prince's body guards steps forward and offers to take his place to fight you. Yneed declines, he cannot withdraw now in front of all these nobles that he will one day rule. Not with how great of a shadow his father casts on him, and not after giving such a speech. He will fight, only now that its too late does he see the trap he has stepped into. You look around or a way out yourself, beating up on the hair to the kingdom is NOT a position you wish to be in. You look around for someone with some authority to break up this duel, but a duel between prince's… There is an extremely short list of men who can do it.

>What do?
- Fight in the name of the prince, shouldn't have said all that about the boys mom
- Attempt to duel the prince to exhaustion, additional benefit of stalling for time.
- Lose on purpose
You can't refuse to fight, because it would be too much to continue being the prince's body guard after insulting him so severely. Then there wouldn't be a quest basically. Sorry if that's a bit of a railroad. You can blame the prince (bratty) for putting you in this situation.
>Offer to tie the prince up as a joke, ha ha?
ha ha

>But be SURE to tell the king that he has this and report the prince's interest in such things.
Ill give you guys a chance to write up a report in the next update
>- Fight in the name of the prince, shouldn't have said all that about the boys mom

Make a comment about the eldest prince's mother so low that only the eldest prince himself can hear such that it rouses him to anger and reduces his ability to fight us properly.
fight Prince Yneed with everything we've got
fair and square
>Attempt to duel the prince to exhaustion, additional benefit of stalling for time.
Yeah uh rough situation to be in
We don't want to humiliate the first in line for the throne here.
>Attempt to duel the prince to exhaustion, additional benefit of stalling for time.
>- Attempt to duel the prince to exhaustion, additional benefit of stalling for time.
>- Attempt to duel the prince to exhaustion, additional benefit of stalling for time.
We are one speedy bloke, time to dodge roll
>- Fight in the name of the prince, shouldn't have said all that about the boys mom
Fight with honor and everything we have. That said it seems likely that a fight for a tie shall win, so let me see.

>Write in
Give Prince Yneed a hug
>- Attempt to duel the prince to exhaustion, additional benefit of stalling for time.
>Fight in the name of the prince. Brat he is, mothers are off limits.

>Do it all all formality, but we are a champion. Got to fight well.
>Fight in the name of the prince, shouldn't have said all that about the boys mom
Vengeance is hereby mine.
>Fight in the name of the prince, shouldn't have said all that about the boys mom
And also in the name of the king because calling our prince's mom a hag is the same as calling the king is a hag-fucker
>Attempt to duel the prince to exhaustion, additional benefit of stalling for time.
>Fight in the name of the prince, shouldn't have said all that about the boys mom
>- Attempt to duel the prince to exhaustion, additional benefit of stalling for time.
I'm calling the vote here, since its a draw I weeded out all the 1 post by IDs. Sorry if you are a dynamic IP anon or voted from elsewhere, please understand.
Thought it would be an older woman seducing a younger man. Pity.
Who's to say the MC isn't one, disguised as a man?
It's true, we haven't seen under the helmet yet
Rolled 1 (1d2)

[+1 prince affection][+1 fuck up]

How did it come to this you wonder? Locked In a duel with the crown prince of all people. You wonder if there was any way to prevent this? Should you have interfered when the boys were arguing? Perhaps if you were more alert to the prince's machinations? There is little time to worry about that now as your opponent makes the first move. Clear your mind and focus on the task at hand, you have already decided to defend the prince's honour to the best of your ability.

Very quickly it becomes evident that there is a heavy stipulation in this duel. The prince, fights a much stronger opponent so he is going all out. He swings to kill because he cannot afford to do any less. You on the other hand, cannot really hit the prince. What are you going to do? Kill him? Maim him? As you dodge, and parry, you see your openings but you cannot take them. In a last ditch effort, you reverse your blade and slam the prince with the flat of the sword instead. This happens a second, and a third time. You swat the prince around the duelling circle while ducking strikes meant to kill. You hear a chuckle from the crowd, its not a good look.

Your opponent realizes the same thing you have, and starts to turn it to his advantage. Before he fought properly, looking to both his attack and defence as one should. Now, he doesn't care to defend himself, because he knows you are not willing to harm him truly. Focusing everything on the offensive, you are forced to block his blows and wait for the next one. You need to think of something fast, or you may actually lose.

The only way you can win this duel, is by disarming the prince and forcing his surrender. So you change course, and stop looking to attack the prince but instead attack his weapon. Using your superior size and might, you two hand your sword and start swinging powerful shots at the prince's blade! You hammer the sword again and again until the blades vibrate! With each swing the prince's sword goes wider and wider as he cannot hold back your might! When the opening is big enough, you slide your blade down his until you are hilt to hilt. With a mighty shoulder to the prince's midsection, you separate sword prince. A kick sends the sword out of reach, and mock killing blow puts an end to the duel. The prince has no choice but to swallow his price and surrender.

Yneed does his best to save face before the crowd, but its clear he cannot win them. "You fought well Kingsmen. My brother's comeuppance must be reserved for another day"

His younger brother is not ready to let it go at that. "The duel doesn't end until you are dead, or you have walked back your words. Stop buying time, say it"
Through gritted teeth "I rescind my comments, I was wrong to insinuate" He chooses not to repeat what he said to his brother before the crowd. A wise move, they have already seen and heard enough.

A servant fetches prince Yneed's sword and he makes his exit. The crowd is wise not to say anything, but the smiles on some of their faces reveal their enjoyment in seeing the prince brought low. The young prince puts his hand on your shoulder and slowly blinks.

"You are going to be in so much trouble."


"Has a standing guard over the prince addled your mind? What were you possibly thinking in that moment? No don't answer, I don't want to hear it. Duelling the prince? the CROWN prince? What if you actually harmed him?"

The old hawk paces back and forth, he is NOT pleased.

"You embarrassed the boy, that's your future king! Have you lost sight of the mission? With everything that's happening, now you go and do this? Perhaps this position is too much of a step up from wrangling goblins."

You feel the need to speak up. "You told me to befriend the prince, how could I refuse the call to be his champion? Does the king not know of the animosity that has been brewing between his children?"

"For all his many, many qualities, the good king seems to lack the ability to see the ills of his children." He returns to rambling "What an incident, what a disaster. When I was a boy you could not leave your house without wondering if one of your siblings would be eaten by a troll that day. This world we have built hangs on by a thread. A thread."

He looks you over and sighs "Get out of here, and make sure those two boys don't ever cross paths again. Not until I have spoken to the king and we develop a new strategy."

Sorry been busy, birthday, other stuff. Ill finish this update a bit later. Felt like I should post something thought so you know im still here
the old hawk can suck my balls lmao
Take your time.
what was the roll for ?
no problem OP, as long as your warn us.
Happy birthday
Woah Happy Birthday! Take the day bro, you should be relaxing and celebrating.
Happy Birthday!!!
Have a good one, man!!!
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You wake up this morning, and you are late. You don't need a clock, you don't need to look at the sun, you don't need to hear the birds. You simply know that this is not your usual time to wake. Yesterday was not a good day, and the frustration is manifesting by waking you ten, maybe twenty, minutes later then usual. You need to take whatever you're feeling and put it in a box, and deal with it when you retire. Right now, the kingdom needs you. One foot at a time, you get out of bed and ready yourself for duty. You will be better, stronger, faster, smarter. You won't screw up again.


You know there is gossip in the air, but from where you are standing everything seems much the same. The same hallways, the same windows, and the same silent guards. You knock on the prince's door.

"Do not enter, I'm indecent! Please come back later, if you must do so."

Not this routine again… A changed man, you are in no mood for the prince's games. You simply push open the door and enter.

You find the prince standing before you, as naked as the day he was born. You quickly avert your gaze.

"My prince! Forgive me! I wrongly assumed you were once again crying wolf…"

The prince's laugh taunts you. "Do ho ho, I'm surprised to see you return champion. I was sure you would go the same way as my last body guard. I suppose you must have some powerful friends, or maybe they are finally running out of good men to throw at me"

"I do not believe that I acted in a way that would result in my discharge… But more importantly, why are you naked? But some clothing on before you catch a cold!"

"Eh? Why would I dress to take a bath? They must have some odd customs in whatever place you come from." From the corner of your eye you see that two servant women have been preparing a bath for the prince. "Tell me champion, is it normal where you are from to avert your gaze when looking at a fellow man?"

Yes, why are you averting your gaze? The prince is not the princes, you have swam in a lake many times with your compatriots. Why is this different exactly? You slowly fix your gaze back on the prince, somehow it still feels wrong to do so.

The prince offers you his hand, and you take it in order to help him enter the bath. The prince places one leg at a time, then sinks into the water. "You know, I really did appreciate what you did. You gave my brother a good humbling I think, you didn't have to do that. I expected you to just figure out a way out of it to be honest."

"It is my duty, and honour, to serve you in this way my prince."

"Maybe, maybe." The prince gives you a mischievous sideways glance "Tell me o champion, when was the last time you took a bath? How would you like to join me for a soak?" the bath is large, and could easily fit two.

>What do?
-It would be my honour to join you…
-I thank you, but I must decline…

Sorry anon this is not a [bara] quest. :^)
> It would be my honour to join you…
You have gyatt to be rizzing me
>It would be my honour to join you...
Though that's another fuck up if anyone sees
2 Affection and already undressing. Slut!

>-I thank you, but I must decline…
It's a trap! He'll just say something like "I wasn't offering, just asking if you wanted to"
also cant say yes in front of the servant women
>I thank you but I must decline
The servants are still there.
>-I thank you, but I must decline…
too soon and there's the servants around
>It would be my honour to join you…
Nothing wrong with 2 bros soaking in a tub together
>-I thank you, but I must decline…
>I must decline.

We are to stand guard.
>-It would be my honour to join you…
Oh yeah shit, true.
Changing vote to decline
>"I thank you, but I must decline…
...the people would talk."
And glance at the servants.
Though we'll obviously stand guard as he bathes, you never know and if he needs a helping hand or two... To dry off or wash his back of course.
>It would be my honour to join you…
"But as your personal guard I must remain vigilant all times your highness so I cannot join you"
We'll decline it's offer using our guard duty as an excuse, while keeping as politely and respectful as possible.

>-It would be my honour to join you…
>Write in
"My scars would frighten the servants."

Dismiss servants, acquire Prince in bath who wants to know about our scars and colourful past.
Kino. Support this instead.
Holy Moly he's NUDE
>I thank you, but I must decline…
Maybe next time bud.
The ears have walls and the eyes are doors.
Or something.
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You have to think about it for at least a moment, but aptly deny the prince. "I thank you for the offer my prince but I must decline, I must stay mindful on my duties…"

The prince reacts as if he has just heard something scandalous, shielding his body with his hands. "HUH? What kind of serious reply is THAT? I was just JOKING obviously. No WAY you thought that I was really asking???" He cant help but giggle to himself "You really thought I was being serious huh? I bet you had to think about it didn't you."

He attempts to mimic your deep voice "I really want to bathe with the prince, but it would be kinda gay-" it quickly cracks as he cannot hold the tone for long. "You are so totally lame… "

The two servants blush and look away but say nothing. These women serve the prince quit often so they are used to his theatrics. Still, you cannot help but feel embarrassed wondering what they must think of all this. Luckily, you have your helmet and visor shielding your face. As the women bow and prepare to leave the room the prince calls out to them.

"Noooooo, don't leave me here with him, he is just WAITING for the chance to dive into my bath and molest me! Aaaaah, what to do when your own bodyguard is just waiting to get his hands all over my young innocent body!?" He brings his wrist up to his forehead and simulates fainting.

The servants ignore the prince's cries for aid, and silently close the door behind them to wait outside.

You interrupt his performance with some theatrics of your own "Simply put, my prince, I feel that I would better serve you by watching and making sure you don't drown."

The prince lets himself sink into the shallow bathwater, letting out a sigh and some bubbles. "Its nice to see that you at least have a sense of humour. Just don't watch too closely you weirdo."


We are about to head into chapter 3, but honestly I still have no idea what we look like and we need to sort that out. I don't 'want another situation where I can't draw our MC in fear of killing an established head cannon character.
>Please describe in one(a few?) short sentences, or doodle, what you see the MC as in your head. Ill try to draw up a few templates to pick from based on that.
>It's a trap! He'll just say something like "I wasn't offering, just asking if you wanted to"
Would our bratty prince REALLY do something like that anon?

>Holy Moly he's NUDE
Just don't tell janny
you're crazy, it's better to have the MC nondescript
just give him Black Mage face when his visor is up or something
Blackmage face looks weird. You would be better off with an "anon" (see: dummy) face. You can add a mouth to that one
fit, tanned dude, but keeps his face hidden. goblin slayer approach.
>tanned, blond, fit guy, farmers son look, still youthful face. Maybe freckles?
What kind of tanned are you talking about? I would hope it's not the weird japanese orange tan or the weird ntrman brownskin tan.
>What kind of tanned are you talking about? I would hope it's not the weird japanese orange tan or the weird ntrman brownskin tan.
nope, not those kinds. regular brown skin.
>regular brown skin.
Naah, don't like it. I don't think that's a good look for a medieval knight. Especially if he's blonde. Makes him look like a beach surfer.
blonde highlights on hair
small side whiskers
lean frame
We're a clone of the grinning gigachad
niggas really want to make the protagonist look like he came from that one douchebag flash game

tanned and blonde looks horrible.
Regular farmers tan, hence why I said farmers boy
>Please describe in one(a few?) short sentences, or do
Tan skin
Dark Curly Hair
Hazel Eyes
Please consider. Italians with dark skin.
No need for the farmer's tan bs.
Just a dude that is tan and gets darker in the sun.
And please for the love of god just let him have dark hair. Why are we trying to make him blonde?
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Here's my take
I didn't say blonde, that was another anon. we can have regular dark hair
>Please consider. Italians with dark skin
Are we talking northern or like...full on Sicilian?
That was just a general statement to get us all on the same page.

I'm talking pic related.

Maybe with >>6028525 scars or something.
>Please describe in one(a few?) short sentences, or doodle, what you see the MC as in your head. Ill try to draw up a few templates to pick from based on that.
I'll support this if it means not making the character look all weird and tan
Sorry, don't really like this look. It makes him look way too out of place. Like they took an Arab and put him in England.
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Fixed some minor details
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>It makes him look way too out of place.
Compared to what?
The only other characters we've seen have been the prince and his brother.
For all we know the majority of the citizenry that spend the majority of their days outside selling their stock and working the land look like this.
A mere tan isn't enough to make someone look like an arab/sicilian
My point still stands that issues about the MC "standing out" are weird when there's been no real context about the setting beyond the appearance of the two royal brothers.
If you don't wanna play as someone who looks a particular type of way just say that, but saying you don't like it because they "stand out" is stupid when we've only seen two characters from this very vague setting.
For all we know >>6028564 stands out, because the young prince has brown hair actually, and his brother has black hair, with both their eyes being bright pink. Meaning that this version of the MC would be the only blonde hair blue eyed person in the whole kingdom that we know of.
I’m sorry man, you made him look like an arab.
I'm saying he stands out because the country looks European, the princes look European, and that guy looks like he's about to lead a charge on the walls of Vienna

Supporting this, though I wonder if green eyes would be a good look. Though then he might start looking like the blonde dude from Road to El Dorado. We picked the Dex fast man option who I think will also be good at sneaking. He also beat the Prince so he should certainly have that swordsman feel to him. Maybe missing a little notch out of an ear or something. Maybe an arrow wound scar. Maybe give him some baggy clothes.
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I see a lot of people talking about our face, but what are we wearing? How high fantasy is the armour? Are we a walking talking iron wall or a more relaxed fit like a conquistador?
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>I'm saying he stands out because the country looks European
I'd ask based on what exactly, but sure. Let's just assume this Kingdom is a generic European epxy with no type of spice to it.

I drew an Italian man. From Italy.
A European state.
How is this out of place?
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Conquistador fit I think. Low Fantasy armor. Maybe give the helmet some ancient greek flair or something with how this quest is going to go. Hell, maybe see if some Alexander the Great kind of energy can fit in.
ew, this bishie fuck with a bratty twink doesnt do it for me, no offense
Something like this >>6028618 but with a low fantasy flair. I like how stand-outish high fantasy armor is, but I would imagine we are a knight of practicality and cannot chase after a bratty prince in big, clunky armor.
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For the helmet I want a full metal wide brimmed hat like this one

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How do you guys feel about some of these?
1 >3 > Power Gap > 2 > 4
I want conveniently cropped
I like your style though, i think i could live with any
Wolf dude
Suave swordsman
Seconding >>6028830
Suave swordsman
Brooding Wolf Man > Conveniently Cropped Guy > Mystery Helmet Guy > Swave Swordsmen
Gotta have some visual difference between the twink and whats suppose to be a big strong knight
As a professional cutsleeve.

3, 2, 1, 4
2 > 3 > 1 > 4
Suave Swordsman but put some hair on his chest and arms like the wolf
And give him more scars
Aye, I mean, wolf man's also my type but I think a slightly more rugged swordsman would look better next to our brat
The more scarred and battered the better. Partial to a half Glasgow smile myself
More scars would be cool. Wolfman is the better overall base though.
This is me btw, just showing my support for scars
I think Mystery helmet guy is nice. Has the general sort of "Anon" feel.
I like wolf guy best.
Nice selection. Honestly I'll be happy with either 1 or 3. It is good to have a bit more contrast and the scars do show up a bit better on wolfman. I'll say Brooding Wolfman.
I don't like the wolfman's tan, it looks weird. Make him light or swordsman.
It's gotta be the wolf man
The darker skin of 1 will provide a better contrast for when we plap plap plap the prince.
Chapter 2: The city of rats

Its now been six weeks since the prince became your charge. Six weeks, fourthly two days. It would be a lie to say you don't feel your brain starting to turn to mush. Every day its the same, clock in, clock out. The prince is better now, his attitude and disposition towards you has improved. But you don't really talk with the prince, as much as he just thinks out loud and you get to listen. The saddest part about it is that you have started to crave it. His words break up the monotony of the day. There was a day, when he opened one of his books and started reading out loud. It was almost like he was reading it to you. It was a story about a girl that got trapped in a well and was rescued by rodents. In your opinion, such fantastical tales are for children. But by the gods, you were hanging on to every word. When orders came down that things were about to change, you were more then ready.

It started out like any normal day. You woke up, got ready, and headed to the prince's room. What you didn't expect to find was several kingsmen stationed in front of the door. The kings guard, it can only mean one thing. The king has come to visit his son for whatever reason, and wishes it to be a private audience. In the meantime, you get to talk with the veterans. You may be their junior, but they enjoy speaking with you all the same.
You learn a few things, such as why the King has come to see his son. For the first time since their meeting in the royal court all that time ago. Turns out that the prince will soon be leaving to spend two months with his mother. A trip that you of course, will be taking as well. After all, one day you may be one of their replacements.

"I was the prince's body guard for a spell, he was just a wee lad at the time but an absolute imp. You watch him closely, guarding the prince out in the world is not the same as guarding him in the palace. Here the boy is surrounded on all sides by walls, there is no place for him to run off. Its different out there, you lose sight of him for a moment and he could be gone in the next. Further more, the rules are less defined, you are going to be finding yourself making more judgment calls. Don't let that boy talk you into anything. Poor Vargis, I told him I warned him"

Pursuing this further, you find that you will be heading to Bal'adur the "city of rats", not a nice place so you have heard. A trip through the aptly named wailing woods should be reason enough to dissuade anyone to go there in the first place. To find out that the countess is the boys mother is a shock, and you are now privy to a secret known by many but spoken by few. Understandably so, it is said that the countess is a… well, you won't say it. Especially since you duelled to disprove it.

"Ay, those were hard times. There was much fighting and the king needed allies where he could get them. The boy spends two months with his mother every year. No incidents yet, but that's always subject to change."

The prince's door opens, and out steps the king. Everyone present bows theirs head as he passes, yet he stops right in front of you. As he speaks you slowly raise your head to look upon his face. Their is sorrow in the kings eyes, he places one of his rough hands on your shoulder. Instantly you are overcome with a crushing despair and guilt. What have you done? You duelled this mans son, you betrayed his trust. You failed to serve him. You should throw yourself off the highest peek… He does not even mention the duel.
"I put my sons life in your hands, I trust you will keep it safe. I trust you will be a good friend to him"

The weight of his hand is too heavy, and you fall to one knee. The only words you can force out "My king…"

Your fellow kingsmen nod in understanding, and follow after their lord as he departs. Your legs are too weak to stand, and you remain kneeling for some time after.
The prince spots you scoffs "You guys worship papa like he is some kind of god. Its too weird, like some brain washed cultists."

Your retort is bitter, you don't want to hear any words besmirching the king. Not even from his own son. "You don't understand. When I was a boy you could not leave your house without wondering if someone you knew would be eaten by a troll that day! You don't know how the world was before your father entered it! By glad you don't."

"Riiiiight. Sure." the prince nods and rolls his eyes.

>You are about to depart the safety of the capital! Planning the trip is in your hands...
- You, the prince, and a few servants. You want to keep a tight and inconspicuous ship.
- The prince needs his servants and some guards too, the more eyes on the brat the better!
-Full entourage, you are not going through a place called "the wailing woods" without at least two dozen hand picked men. And the prince's servants of course. He needs his books and his clothes and his everything else.
I gave it a lot of thought and I see you guys are pretty split. I decided this was a mistake and this anon was right >>6028093 . Sorry for backtracking on that but I don't want to create a situation where someone feels alienated, questing is a self insert hobby for lots of people after all. I don't know ill figure out something. You guys are just going to have to picture the MC in your own head.
>You, the prince, and a few servants. You want to keep a tight and inconspicuous ship
The bigger the tross, the more eyes will be present, and more opportunities for the prince’s fuck ups to be public.

Aye. Fair enough.
>- You, the prince, and a few servants. You want to keep a tight and inconspicuous ship.

No biggie. The Prince is the main attraction anyways.
>The prince needs his servants and some guards too, the more eyes on the brat the better!
I don't suppose we could ask precious guards how they did it?
>The prince needs his servants and some guards too, the more eyes on the brat the better!
>- You, the prince, and a few servants. You want to keep a tight and inconspicuous ship.
i prefer to travel light
>You, the prince, and a few servants. You want to keep a tight and inconspicuous ship.

>questing is a self insert hobby for lots of people after all.
Cringe mindset, but whatever.
At least we're back on track now.
>You, the prince, and a few servants. You want to keep a tight and inconspicuous ship.
>Full entourage, you are not going through a place called "the wailing woods" without at least two dozen hand picked men. And the prince's servants of course. He needs his books and his clothes and his everything else.

>I don't suppose we could ask precious guards how they did it?
Assuming you meant to say previous guards, didn't they all get thrown out for eventually failing? Might not be anywhere accessible.
>- You, the prince, and a few servants. You want to keep a tight and inconspicuous ship.
>You, the prince, and a few servants. You want to keep a tight and inconspicuous ship.
>You, the prince, and a few servants. You want to keep a tight and inconspicuous ship.
Kingsmen come in different varieties. The ones in the capital look like little more then walking suits of golden cloth and steel. Indistinguishable from one another, save for the subtleties in the nicks of their armour. In contrast, kingsmen out in the field seldom wear the drapery of their office. Often times indistinguishable from regular folk, as they go about their duties to the realm. You have always preferred the later. Preferring to wear whatever clothing, or armour, best suited the situation. Yet, the trappings of your position do have its perks. With the helmet on, you are no different then any other kingsmen walking the palace halls. To the laymen, you are as likely to be the prince's guard as you are to be a kingsmen returning from the field.

Which is exactly what you need, as you plan for secrecy to be you main tool for keeping the prince safe on his trip. Down in the stables, you wordlessly prepare the horses and stock the carriage with supplies. Just you, the prince, and three servants. Specifically, the prince's two handmaidens, and a loyal hound. This black dog was offered to you by the old hawk himself, and you are happy to have him. He comes with an interesting quirk, when you rest your hand on his cranium, his tongue luls out of his mouth. When you recall your hand, likewise the dogs tongue swiftly returns to his mouth. Doing this a few times in rapid succession fulfills your spiritual needs for the day.

The two handmaidens, under the prince's watch, have been covertly packing some of his belongings for you to retrieve, and secret into the carriage. Although you had set a hard limit to three coffers, more seem to keep appearing every few hours. Soon enough, you have had to upgrade to a larger carriage to pack it all, and requisition two more horses from the stable master to pull…

Two days later, in the early hours of the morning, you covertly escort the prince to the carriage and ride off. As planned, you are not seen off by anyone. If things go as they should, nobody who isn't supposed to know, will notice the prince's absence for a few days. Despite promising to stay put until you at least leave the city, the prince is far too excited to be leaving and very quickly becomes restless. He wishes to ride up front and look out the window, perhaps to even wave at the passing commoners! All of which you deny, since no one is supposed to know he is leaving!

"Aaaah! Do you smell that? it must be a bakery putting out fresh goods!" The maidens are unable to stop the prince from peeking and having a look onto the street. "It smells so good, go get me something to eat I'm starving!"

"My prince, you were supposed to have eaten before we left…"

"I wasn't hungry then! But I'm hungry now! Come on I want a pie! Apple if you please."

You think about it for a moment, and decide "No, we are not stopping until we are well away from the city"

The prince is not having it, from out the little window behind you, the princes fists come raining down like little hammers onto your back. "Don't be a jerk! Just stop the carriage and get me a slice of pie. In fact, get one for everyone." He is of course talking about the two hand maidens in the carriage, and conceivably the dog too.

Should you do it? Would preventing a scene here ultimately be a net security positive? Did you remember to lock the carriage doors? Can you leave the prince unattended for the three minutes needed to run in get a damn pie and run back out? You turn to look at the prince, and perhaps sensing your thoughts, the two women sitting on both sides of the prince take tight hold of his sleeves. The dog places his paw on the princes knee.

You consider sending the women in, but what if they are recognized? To be quite honest, the only one present who could pass as a commoner, is you; and that includes the dog.

>What do?
- "Ok, ill get you the damn pie." (%50 chance for +1 affection from the prince, %??? chance the QM takes this opportunity to fuck you. Would he do it? This early into the trip? Are you feeling lucky?)
- Stand firm. No can do. (%10 chance to lose affection, but nothing happens)
>didn't they all get thrown out for eventually failing?
Not necessarily, but all of them did fail to be his long term protectors. The recent one resigned. In that very post you talk to one kingsmen who was once the prince's guard, but now no longer is for whatever reason.

Chapter 3*, fack
>- "Ok, ill get you the damn pie." (%50 chance for +1 affection from the prince, %??? chance the QM takes this opportunity to fuck you. Would he do it? This early into the trip? Are you feeling lucky?)
- "Ok, ill get you the damn pie." (%50 chance for +1 affection from the prince, %??? chance the QM takes this opportunity to fuck you. Would he do it? This early into the trip? Are you feeling lucky?)

Yeah sure lets go for it. Having a 10% chance to lose affection on standing firm sucks anyways.
>Get the pie
>"My Prince, If you are not here when I get back, I am going to be very annoyed, please dont abuse my trust."

Give him something to lose.
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Rolled 98 (1d100)

get the pie
Seconding this but maybe add an incentive for him to behave.

True that, it's too late anyways.

And since Soj is a fucking coward and we have to do everything ourselves, here you go:

(If I get banned because I do your fucking job for you Soj, I'm gonna be very cross)
>"Ok, ill get you the damn pie." (%50 chance for +1 affection from the prince, %??? chance the QM takes this opportunity to fuck you. Would he do it? This early into the trip? Are you feeling lucky?)
- "Ok, ill get you the damn pie." (%50 chance for +1 affection from the prince, %??? chance the QM takes this opportunity to fuck you. Would he do it? This early into the trip? Are you feeling lucky?)
Shota architecture?!
>"Ok, ill get you the damn pie." (%50 chance for +1 affection from the prince, %??? chance the QM takes this opportunity to fuck you. Would he do it? This early into the trip? Are you feeling lucky?)

Be smart though
Look back at the carriage every few seconds, have the handmaidens signal you if he makes a break for it
>- Stand firm. No can do. (%10 chance to lose affection, but nothing happens)

I am not gonna fall for the bait.
- Stand firm. No can do. (%10 chance to lose affection, but nothing happens)
Tough shit.
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Shame the balls can't be seen (and the butt could be rounder), but magnificent cock and just... unfathomably fucking based regardless. For once I leave Soj thread happy, instead of feeling like I spent 10 minutes playing a shitty gacha game designed to blue the balls and hook the reader in with the promise of a reward that never comes and it is all thanks to you, anon. You might be my favorite anon now.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Glad someone on this fucking sub recognizes the back breaking work I subject myself to.
Jokes aside, I tried to touch up the image as little as I could (mole, tongue piercing and dong) so anything that's not those is out of my wheelhouse.
I'll say I thought of making the balls visible but I couldn't figure out a realistic way to do that the leg in the way

Hopefully Soj will provide us more material soon that I won't even need to "touch up".
No wonder this dude never runs quests here you people are fucking bananas
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+1 affection

Through gritted teeth, you bring the carriage to a sudden halt throwing everyone forward. Fine, you will get the damn prince his damn pie. If he is really going to bolt at the first opportunity, then its better to let him do it now so you can catch him and have an excuse to finish the trip with him in chains.

Without a look back, you jump out and enter the bakery. You ask for apple, you pay for it, the women tries makes too much small talk, you dodge and change the subject. With pie in hand, you exit and deliver it to the prince. Who to your surprise, has not moved.

"What am I going to do with an uncut pie? Go back and get it cut you dope"

You slam the door, go back inside, ask to get it cut, dodge more questions, force a laugh, leave, return the cut pie to the prince.

"Uhh… What about a fork? Am I supposed to eat it with my hands?"

You consider throwing it in his face. Instead you hand him the pie, and one of his handmaidens appears a spoon from out of thin air. Upon taking a bite, a look of jubilation appears on his face. You have never seen him so happy putting something in his mouth.

"Do you know what this tastes like champion? Freedom. Would you like to try a bite?" The prince takes a spoonful of pie and offers to serve it right into your mouth.

"Ill have to take your word for it my prince"

"It is not a taste that is suitable for everyone. Maybe in time."

With the boy satisfied, you are now able to get on your way.

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The next few days go without incident. The further you get away from the city, the less people there are, and the more you allow the prince his freedom. On the first day, at the first available opportunity to stop, the prince burst forth from the carriage to run circles around and around until he was exhausted. The hound, who has come to be known as Bishop, would chase the prince and bark while attempting to herd him back without much success. When the prince finally collapsed, he did so in the tall grass. You have never seen him so happy. The prince must have truly been miserable wasting away at the palace.

For those first few days, he was very agreeable, Listened to what he was told and didn't make much trouble. But every season has its end. As the days of the journey pushed on, the prince would slowly revert to his usual bratty self. Your rules slowly started to have less meaning to him, and over time he would start to just casually wonder off when you were not looking. Not to run away in a sense, but more to just go explore a cave or climb up a tree. Talking to him about it is fruitless, at best you just get an eye roll from him.

You suggest perhaps fastening a long rope to the prince's leg when you make camp. The handmaidens wont have it unfortunately, they are shocked that you would even suggest such a thing. Of course, they don't offer any solutions themselves, nor will they 'do your job for you'. Luckily you have the dog, he is never far from the prince and often times its easier to keep tabs on the the boy by proxy.

Perhaps you are going about this all wrong. Maybe this is a good chance to do some bonding with the prince, a chance to talk with him and build up that relationship. Maybe if you find something fun for him to do it will help turn him back around to that good boy he was for a brief moment. Who knows, maybe he can learn something from you.

>What do?
- Ask the prince if he would like to go hunting, learn to catch game and skin/cook it.
- Ask the prince if he would like to go for a swim in a lake? Maybe catch a fish?
- Ask the prince if he would like to catch some insects? He seems to like such things…
- Just start to casually tell him about your life and see if he takes an interest in any of it.
Sorry no updates and no word. I had some tests to study for and I thought I would have time but didn't the artwork didn't turn out how I wanted etc.
>- Ask the prince if he would like to catch some insects? He seems to like such things
- Ask the prince if he would like to catch some insects? He seems to like such things…
Maybe he can teach us a thing or two... Though we are not eating whatever we catch.

It's aight, QM gonna QM. As long as you're okay.
>Ask the prince if he would like to go hunting, learn to catch game and skin/cook it.
>- Ask the prince if he would like to catch some insects? He seems to like such things…
we can tell him our life story when the time is right
- Ask the prince if he would like to go for a swim in a lake? Maybe catch a fish?
Le fishe

It’s alright, QM. Do let us know if there is a next time, though.
>- Ask the prince if he would like to go hunting, learn to catch game and skin/cook it.
>Ask the prince if he would like to catch some insects? He seems to like such things…
>Ask the prince if he would like to catch some insects? He seems to like such things…
Throw beetles at him
>Ask the prince if he would like to catch some insects? He seems to like such things…
>- Ask the prince if he would like to go hunting, learn to catch game and skin/cook it.
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Today the carriage is parked in a nice empty field of golden reeds. The prince has taken to setting up shop on top of the carriage with his parasol. From his vantage point he can see far and wide. As a bonus, he can look down at you. Which his short stature usually forbids. You worry about the danger present in him slipping and falling off, but ultimately decide its better that he has put himself someplace where you can easily keep an eye on him. Despite the serenity of the glade, your instincts are telling you something is wrong. Black birds circle over head. Try as you may, you cannot figure out what.

While collecting some branches for a fire, you muse over some ways you can better engage with the prince. An idea crosses your mind.

"My prince", you call out "how would you like to go for a hunt? Maybe the two of us can capture some of the local game for tonight's dinner!" That will teach him some manly responsibility. You picture up a situation where you show him how to use a bow.

"Nah, don't wana. We have food stuffs plenty for the trip. But If you want to get worms from wild game be my guest."

"My prince… You are not going to get worms from…"

He is already ignoring you. He turns to his other side and continues reading his book.


The next day its the same golden fields and black birds, but not too far off is a lake. You consider going for a swim but don't want to get far from the prince. A fresh idea pops into your skull. Again you approach him at his place of power on top of the carriage.

"My prince, would you care to join me for a swim in the lake?"

"Eeew, no. Not after how weird you made it last time. If you want to molest me you're going to have to come up with a better plan."

"My prince, I am simply asking if you would like to go for a swim. I assure you I have no alternative motives."

"Sure, sure. Ill stay up here where its safe thank you"

Another day, more golden reeds, and maybe on extra bird. This time you have a plan, you don't like it, but it may work.

"My prince, I saw an odd looking beetle on a rock over there. I was wondering if you knew what species it was…"

He quickly flips over and looks at you with interest. "Why, you wondering if you can eat it?"

"Actually I was wondering if it was poisonous. I don't want it biting anyone…"

The prince rolls his eyes and scoffs. "Wow, ok. You just said a lot of stuff that doesn't make any sense at all. First of all, its venomous if it bites you, its poisonous if you eat it." He wiggles his book at you "Also, its a beetle, I doubt its either."

"I see, thank you" You turn to leave and accept another failure.

"Hold on now, I better take a look at it. Just in case. There are many undiscovered species… The person who documents it gets to name it you know…"

You spend a few hours with the prince. At first looking for that beetle that never actually existed, then expanding your search under rocks and inside old tree trunks for other exotic species that may be lurking. The prince knows many of the bugs you find, and is very happy to tell you about them. Sometimes, he finds a bug that he either doesn't know anything about, or has only a passing knowledge. That doesn't stop him from just making up facts about it when put on the spot. You lean on him just enough to make him squirm, but not enough for him to get caught up in one of these white lies. There is something almost cute about it, as if he is trying to impress you with his knowledge. He will often shoot glances at you to see if you are paying attention.

"Is that the one you like?" He asks. You have picked out a larger slow moving beetle with a horn. A hard working fellow much like yourself.

"Alright then, lets gather him up." The prince scoops the beetle into a small glass case "You got a good eye, I think he is perfect."

The prince has you take him back to the carriage where he has something he wishes to show you. Upon opening one of the trunks, a swift black shadow shoots up and out onto the pack of the prince's hand. Its the black spider he bought at the exotic pet shop. The one he said burrows into a person's brain to lay eggs. He brought it with him, and its out of its cage. You don't know what to do, what if it bites him? Are you fast enough to crush the insect??

"Oh don't give me that face, she is perfectly tame. Besides, she only bites when she is hungry and only burrows after mating. I don't think she is going to find a mate on this part of the continent."

His sigh is long, and he becomes quickly agitated at your reluctance. "Its fine, nothing is going to happen, probably. She just needs to be fed."

He opens the case with the beetle, and releases the spider before closing the lid. "Now lets watch!"
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With the spider secure, you quickly take the case out of his hands. His assurances don't mean anything to you. such an end to what was such a nice day, you cant help but get frustrated. Angry even. Not just at this but at everything. "You have gone too far with this, what is wrong with you? Do you have a death wish? Do you WANT to die?"

The prince gives you are mixed look. Then, with a flutter, the he is gone. But not by magic. The women scream, the dog barks. A black bird has come down and plucked up the prince. Higher and higher into the sky, it is taking him away!

Bishop is off, and so are you. A bow, a quiver, and one of the horses. You are in hot pursuit. It is no Roc, but something much more foul. A harpy, half women, half bird of prey, and worse then the sum of its parts! The harpy continues to rise, but luckily the prince is heavy enough to slow the ascent. You search your mind for what ever knowledge you have of the creatures. Unfortunately there is not much, and what you do have could easily be tall tales.

>what do?
- Chase after the prince on horseback until the harpy lands, it cannot fly forever.
- Shoot down the bird while there is time, risk the prince falling now rather then later when the bird has flown higher!
- loose the horse, and dive into the grass. Pursue the harpy in secret and track it to its nest.
- Write in
fantastic! This is now "Sex with Harpy" Quest
>chase it on horseback
>pursue on horseback
>Shoot down the bird while there is time, risk the prince falling now rather then later when the bird has flown higher!
>He opens the case with the beetle, and releases the spider before closing the lid. "Now lets watch!"
What the fuck
We liked that beetle

>Chase after the prince on horseback until the harpy lands, it cannot fly forever.
>loose the horse, and dive into the grass. Pursue the harpy in secret and track it to its nest.
>- Chase after the prince on horseback until the harpy lands, it cannot fly forever.
>Chase after the prince on horseback until the harpy lands, it cannot fly forever.
I suggest that when we catch up and deliver him from the harpy, we find some pithy comment about how je would have shared the fate of the beetle he caught himself...
>- Chase after the prince on horseback until the harpy lands, it cannot fly forever.
You ride the horse hard, but ultimately not far. Eventually a mesa starts to rise out of the golden sea of reeds. The harpy lazily glides towards it, unbothered by the prince's kicking and squirming. You have decided not to risk the prince by shooting arrows at the bird, so now you have to hope you can climb the rock face in time instead. You were not subtle in your pursuit either, so the bird must know of your presence.

Once you reach the rock, you start your climb taking no time to secure a rope. Time is not on your side, so you are simply going to have to do it with no slip ups. The closer you get to the top the louder things get, not only do you hear the voice of the prince. But the squawking of one, two, THREE harpies. The creatures must nest together.

When you reach the top, the three birds are waiting.
"Come for the prince then? Come for the prince?" The tallest harpy shrieks the loudest. Her peers cackle. The prince is behind them. He sits in a nest of reeds, wood, and bone. To his right, is a rather large egg.

You take a step forward, and beneath your feet bones crack. Animals, but human as well.

"Not one more step not one more step. Man thing your prince will die!"

Three harpies, the odds are not good. You do not fear facing three monsters, only that one will try to escape or attack the prince in the chaos. You need time to think. The birds can speak, so they can reason. Maybe there is a way out of this with just words.

"You have kidnapped the prince, you must have a reason?"

"Royal blood for a royal child. Feed the prince to the hatchling!" caws the smallest harpy. Her eyes are blood shot.
"Only the best for the child for the child" The long nosed one agrees.
The tallest strikes them both across the face with its mighty wings.

"The prince will not be harmed. The prince is a hostage yes. For sake keeping keeping."
"WOT, I don't agree with that!"
"SSSSH, she is LYING you will give it away!" the middle one figures it out first and lords it over the smallest.

The harpy's bicker with one another. You wonder if this is your moment, but the largest harpy quickly regains domination over the smaller. She flutters her wings and they once again rest.

"For safe keeping" she repeats.

"Of course" You agree "For safe keeping." the two smaller harpies giggle behind the back of the largest. "tricked him tricked him" they whisper

"You could not possibly have taken the prince for eating! Why there is barely any meat on him at all, couldn't even feed a coyote."

All at once the harpies turn towards the prince to confirm. The prince is NOT happy, you can see the seething hatred welling up inside him. You are right however, he is just a skinny boy after all and the harpies see it. Again they start to bicker.
"Further more" you don't give them a chance to come to some kind of agreement "the youngling has not hatched yet either! that means you will need to take care of the prince until she does."

"I aint taking care of no prince, so lordy so demanding"
"he wont get my share, I aint feeding him!"

"And it would be unwise to make such a political enemy. The king will send armies of men to find him, you are too wise to declare war on the king of men over such a meagre morsel…"

The harpies form a tight circle of feathers to discus things, you may have done it!
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"ENOUGH" shouts the prince!

With all his strength he picks up the harpy egg "I am no ones prisoner! And I am not going to be eaten by some harpy! Die you wretches"

He throws down the egg, and with a loud crack its gooey content splatters all over the ground.
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You are now in combat with three extremely pissed off harpies! Everyone roll me a d20s!
Rolled 17 (1d20)

This fucking brat...
Rolled 20 (1d20)

here you go
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Mesugaki midriff uoh
How dare you draw the harpies unsexy. A pox upon you!
Rolled 16 (1d20)

He had to otherwise we would have more difficulty in dealing with them.
You say that, but the top one is cute
Rolled 11 (1d20)

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sorry chump, cant have you coveting the wrong bumm.
very nice
I guess dinner's will be roasted harpy. Any cool catchphrases before we'll do the deed?
When you come at the king, you better not miss.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Winner winner chicken dinner
Holy fuck
What are these rolls
It's like the good luck of every single other quest for years has all been siphoned into this one moment
No update tonight I want to draw something for this but don't have the time today.
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Despite what I said i'm closing out the thread here. I cut up my pen holding and internet clicking finger REALLY bad today while I was cutting up cucumbers. I may need some stitches or it may be just fine Ill have to see tomorrow, ether way I can't grip my stylus.

Anyway, a new thread will be up by next week or something I hope. You can join my discord here for updates: https://discord.gg/Zqq8BxAD
Mute every channel but "soj-projects-chat" if you just want to get updates when the new thread it up and nothing else. Other then that I will probably make a post in the QTG.
Whoa slow down we still on page 7 you don’t really need to end the quest now.

Sorry about your condition. Get well soon.

If it is possible, can you post the result >>6037376 before closing off this thread?
with no drawing? that wold be kinda lame
Sorry to hear it. Get well soon.
Feel better man!
Have you archived it?

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