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/qst/ - Quests

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You are Jeanne Marie Martin. You work at the sort-of-creepy Grande Librairie on the corner of Main and Church street. Today, at work, you saw a cute couple studying together. You kind of wish you had that in your life. You've never had a boyfriend before. How hard could it be?

You finish work at 2 p.m. It's Friday. How's a girl go about this?

>>Take up a new hobby
>>Join a club
>>Dating app
>>Take a class
>>Go to the club
>>Something else
>Take up a new hobby
Get ourselves a bf who shares the same interests.
>>Find a book club
We probably like books, right? We work at a library
>Take up a new hobby
not a bad option, but what?
>Join a club
same as before
>Dating app
nothing good there besides quick fucks and meaningless flings, also high risk of meeting creeps
probably nice people around, but sounds lame
>Take a class
another decent option, thing is, what?
>Go to the club
same as app

are we in a small town? big city? how old are we?
>>>Join a club
Doki Doki Literature Club.
It's a big city with a very long history. Jeanne is 23.
>>Something else
>Go out in the street, blindfold yourself, undress yourself, face down ass up, spread those butt checks like the pastor taught you and then wait for about 1 or 2 min


You stand on pause for a moment or two, books in hand. How does a girl go about this...

The obvious answer is pinned on the bulletin board in front of you. There's a book club in the library that does a poetry night tonight. Can't hurt, can it?

After work, you hang around the library, wandering between the shelves, straightening misaligned spines. Waiting for the meeting time. Getting in your head.

Finally, it's six. You've avoided going downstairs for fear of running into someone who would be attending, but the club is supposed to start now...

As you open the heavy oak door onto the community room, you find some fifteen people together, chatting and getting comfortable.

Where are you going to sit?

>Near the door, away from most of the group
>Up near the front, near that girl your age
>Near one of those (kinda cute) guys
>With the old lady
>Chicken out, go home
You laugh, but I will QUEST COMPLETE when you get an official BF
Don't worry sir, 1 or 2 min after we spread our butt check we'll be married. No need to BFs, we'll have a satisfied husband

>Near one of those (kinda cute) guys
He kinda looks like he has a big fat bulge.
>Near one of those (kinda cute) guys
I mean, since we're looking for a bf.
>With the old lady
she probably has some decent advise
>Near one of those (kinda cute) guys
>>Near the door, away from most of the group

Your first instinct is to sit with the older woman. The safest place. But that's how you got to twenty-three without ever being kissed. So, if you're serious about this, you'll have to change strategies.

You slip quietly and invisibly into the seat next to a cute guy. This is a big step for you. Most of your life, you've ignored and avoided situations like this; they make you nervous.

Club starts, and everyone is sharing poetry. You didn't bring any, but you try to at least appreciate the readings. Some of these people are really smart, including the guy to your right.

The group decides to take a break. What do you want to do?

>Look at him, just to see what you're getting yourself into
>Try to start a conversation with him (about what?)
>Ignore him if he tries to talk to you
>Find someone else to chat with
>Leave early, this is all a bit overwhelming
>Try to start a conversation with him (about what?)
his poetry, where did he find inspiration for it?
>Try to start a conversation with him (about what?)
Tell him you have no panties on and that you need help with something in the bathroom. If he start declining or saying we're a whore or something along those lines just gaslight him into it being his fault

Guys, this is 2024, it's called hook up culture. Stop playing this like it's the 1920s and we're your great grandma. Let's just suck his manhood and then go to the next even where we met the next man and do the same thing. We need to get like 5-10 man in line to see which one does the best job and has the biggest bulge and then we'll choose... Sheeessshhh you guys, are you all virgins? Don't you realize how things are handled in this day and age.
File: (disgusted sigh).jpg (29 KB, 500x375)
29 KB
you are whats wrong with the world and need to be removed from society at all costs
Oh god, here come the virgins, the seething man who don't get society and still live in their grandmas realities, the desperate, hungry, thirsty man that just simply don't get it.

Hello, help me understand what's wrong with having fun?
>Try to start a conversation with him (about what?)
About one of the poems I guess? Well possibly we come across as ignorant but point us to gauge his response anyway

M8 the world may be cruel but that's no reason for us to be bitter
>M8 the world may be cruel but that's no reason for us to be bitter
What are you even talking about? Do you want us to have sex or do you want us to be a sexless loser?
>trying this hard
you need to be 18+ to post in 4chan
I don't care either way. What you need is love.
True and the fastest way to get it is to play the numbers game!

You work up the courage, and... just ask.

"That was a really cool poem... where did you get the inspiration?"

He looks at you confused, and you instantly feel like a bug. You wish you'd died before the universe let you make the mistake of asking questions. You wish you could shrivel up out of existence under his gaze and

"Oh, that wasn't mine! I read it in college! It stuck with me, so I memorized it at some point. I'm glad you liked it. I'm Travis, by the way." He smiles.

"Jeanne!" You smile back, and the discussion continues.

Congratulations. You talked to a boy without dying.

A few more rounds of poetry, and the night is getting late. People are packing their bags and leaving the library. Your coworkers will probably close up after they're gone. What about you?

>Try to get to know Travis more (how)
>Hang out with the afternoon shift, help them close the place up
>Walk home alone
>Something else
>Something else
what are we wearing? perhaps we could go shopping a bit for something that help us look a bit more appealing
i would vote to try to know him more, but thats too fast maybe during the 2nd or 3rd reunion
>Hang out with the afternoon shift, help them close the place up
See first post for today. Assume you dress something like that most days, unless the hive mind specifies otherwise.
>i would vote to try to know him more, but thats too fast maybe during the 2nd or 3rd reunion
Kek grandma, what are you 80?

>Something else
Go to the club and get hammered with the hoes, before that go home and get dressed and put on make up. The night is young and you feel like you need a big fat D tonight. You haven't gotten laid in like 2 weeks. PARTYYYYYYY
>Hang out with the afternoon shift, help them close the place up
>Hang out with the afternoon shift, help them close the place up

>Congratulations. You talked to a boy without dying.
We are in sisters
>Hang out with the afternoon shift, help them close the place up

After saying goodbye to the group, you intend to leave, but... it is dark, and you have to walk home. Chloe has a car; maybe you can get her to ride you home. She's working the late shift today.

You offer to help her close up.

"Oh, thanks! I didn't know you were still here!"

"Yeah. I went to that poetry thing. It was kind of fun."

She looks surprised at you, but happy for you. "I'm glad! They meet every Friday, you know. You could make it a regular thing."

"Maybe I will!"

The two of you close up shop for the night, and you get a ride home out of it. The city is pretty at night. Downtown, where the Grande Librairie is, a lot of the older buildings have a gothic style to them. It leaves an impression.

You make it home, and after a bit of unwinding, turn in for the night.

It's a new day. Saturday. You don't have work today, so you're free to do what you please.

You could waste it like you have so many other weekends. Or, you could pursue your quest to get a boyfriend. Regardless, what's on the agenda today?

>Lounge at home in your pajamas, reading
>Take a walk through the park
>Run errands
>Visit friends

>Go shopping (what are you buying?)
>See a movie
>Tidy your home
>Hang around the university

>Read at home
>Go downtown for drinks

Feel free to write in your own suggestions.
>Visit friends
Meybe they can give us a few tips regarding dating.
>Tidy your home
>Go downtown for drinks
idk if we'll have any luck with how we dress but it's worth a try.
>Visit friends
>Tidy your home
>Go downtown for drinks
>Run errands
>Tidy your home
>Go downtown for drinks
invest a bit of our time in getting the boring stuff out of the way first, that way should anything pop-up we dont have to worry about anything stealing our time in the middle of it, after that we can relax with a few drinks
>Run errands
>Tidy your home
it would be nice if we could be able to invite someone over right?
>Read at home
look into some of the stuff you heard at the poetry circle maybe?
>Take a walk through the park
>Go shopping (what are you buying?) Some cute new panties and bra. On top of that a LOVENSE Lush 2 to spice up when we go out for drinks in the evening. We gotta get into our HO mode
>Go downtown for drinks
>Visit friends
to ask for dating tips and if they know anything about travis
>Tidy your home
>Read at home
look into some of the stuff you heard at the poetry circle
Rolled 68 (1d100)

>>Lounge at home in your pajamas, reading
>>Tidy your home
>Read at home

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