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We once ruled the Dilona Valley. You once ruled. The heart of our empire, reduced to crumbling ruins and cold ash. Destroyed from within and without.

Since time immemorial, we warred with the lycans, the werewolves and werebears with their Druidic Circles. We've always tested ourselves, fighting for flocks and hunting grounds. But as we were drawn to the cities, we forced the Circles into retreat. We built a kingdom for vampiris, bent the mortals to us. But without a common foe, we began to bicker amongst ourselves.

The Four Clans of the Ordo Vampiris were not ready, had become indolent without active challenge when the Circles resurfaced and attacked. Our leaders, the Clan Strigoi, created droves of Spawn to fight against the lycans and druids. But the Spawn didn't want to die after gaining immortality. They cast down the Strigoi, leaving the oldest and strongest vampiris dead when they were needed most. The elders cursed them as they fell, dubbing them “zakazi.” Savages, in the Eld Tongue. The rabble wore it like a badge of honor.

The new Zakazi rose to challenge the Circles and the remaining clans. They were sloppy and animalistic - they caught the attention of the Holy Galgen Empire. They sent vampire hunters and Inquisitors en masse. The Dilona Valley was awash in the worst kind of blood - ours.

The clan elders came together and devised a plan. The Ordo Vampiris retreated to ancient and buried tombs and caves. It was shameful but our enemies were too many, too active. Let them bleed each other dry. We can outlive them. We can get our revenge.

You can get your revenge. You are vampiris.
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Welcome to Ordo Vampiris: A Vampire Quest! We will be taking on the role of a vampiris, a bloodsucking humanoid. The vampiris once ruled the Dilona Valley. Will you climb to the top using wits, strength, or fear? Will you rule openly or secretly?

You, my dear reader, will decide.

This quest will take place in an original fantasy setting. But you maybe wondering, why does that map look so familiar? It is the Nentir Vale map from D&D 4e. I am repurposing it as my Dilona Valley for the quest. Besides the names and locations of the map, for those who know the Nentir Vale setting, please throw your knowledge out. I am simply using it as a jumping off point. I may liberally steal things from it, but it will not be all or even most things.

Most choices will be narrative, however, we will be using a simple d10 system for rolling. More to come on that.
But the first step of our journey: character creation!

Before our character was given the Gift, they were a mortal.

What gender are you? The vampiris care more about clan than anything else.
>1. Male
>2. Female

Of what race do you belong to?

>1. Human
The most numerous of the races, humans run the gamut of all types and professions. They were the original race to settle the Dilona Valley a few centuries ago, untouched by the elves and dwarves. Something about you stood out, made you a sore thumb among the masses that the vampiris took note of.

>2. Half-elves
Descended from the union of man and elf, half-elves live in two worlds, both of which usually spurn the other. Some can make a life among the humans, but nearly all elves think of half-elves as bastards. You were reviled by both sides of your blood, living as an urchin. Your ability to survive piqued the interest of the vampiris.

>3. Lamiae
The spiritual snakemen and women are ostracized in the world at large, seeking refuge in the frontier of the Dilona Valley. They have the upper body of a human with the lower half of a serpent. They are typically priests, witches, or healers in society. Your caravan was beset by vampiris and taken as exotic slaves. You served as more than a mere slave, eventually winning you your freedom - and the Gift.

>4. Gnoll
Claiming territory, maintaining it, and doing the bidding of the tribal matron is most gnolls’ lives. Terrorizing settlements and travelers consumes the lives of more savage tribes. Others seek to bridge the gap between the wilds and civilization, becoming friendly trackers, rangers and guides. They are rumored to be the descendants of a now dead tribe of werehyenas. You fought in an illegal fighting pit and caught the eye of the vampiris.
>4. Gnoll

I feel like the gnolls care about power more than anything and won’t be too put off by our vampirism
>1. Male
>2. Half-elves

Mostly interested in the half elf or human either because of the reviled urchin aspect or the openness of the uniqueness that made us stick out.
>2. Female
>2. Half-elves


Fun idea for a quest, OP - I’m in!
>2. Female

>4. Gnoll
Seduce, dominate, and look beautiful.
>1. Male
>2. Half-elves

I’ll switch to this not interested in seduction at all

Based, coomers begone!
>2. Female
>2. Half-elves
>2. Female
>2. Half-elves

>1. Male
>2. Half-elves

The half-elven dimension suggests that we’d have a chip on our shoulder, which would be fun to RP

Voting is closed.

The winners are:

Wow, not a single vote for human or lamia. The human I get... But I thought lamia would have at least a few.

Anyway, getting the next post up now!
Well shit, my ID changed. Thought for sure my work place and home were close enough... ah well. I'll just post from home now. Apologies for that.

You are a half-elf. You were abandoned by your parents, left to the mercies of the streets of Fallcrest. The slums were your proving ground, doing whatever you needed to survive. The vampiris noted this young half-elf…

The Ordo Vampiris lost its oldest and most esteemed clan - Strigoi. Wiped out and usurped by the young Zakazi.
But three clans remain. Which do you belong to?

>1. Clan Drakaina.
You are a warrior. Willing to stand your ground for kin, clan, and power, the Drakainai are the bulwark of the Ordo Vampiris. They study and hunt down all types of dragons and draconian races, seeking blood and knowledge to become dragons themselves. Fittingly, their Blood Artes reflect this. They can transform their bodies into a “weredragon” form, complete with stony scales, claws and maw. They also use their blood as a poison and can enhance their five senses.
Their Preferred Prey is dwarves, dragonmen, dragons, and draconic races.
Stat bonuses: +3 to Constitution and +2 to Strength

>2. Clan Hekatii.
You are an occultist. Knowledge is power, and as an immortal, you can acquire much knowledge. Nicknamed liches for their skeletal appearance, Clan Hekatii are the brains of the Ordo, although no one will say this. They hoard magical tomes and secrets, and seek mastery over death via necromancy. Their Preferred Prey are mages of any race - the potent blood of spellcasters burns away their flesh. Their Blood Artes are necromancy, stepping/peering into the world of the dead, as well as illusions, manipulating the senses of living creatures.
Stat bonuses: +3 to Smarts and +2 to Dexterity

>3. The Cyrenic Cult (Clan Cyrene)
You are a charmer. The Clan has been going through a reconstruction of sorts, even before the Lycan Circles reignited the ancient wars. Clan Cyrene has always played second fiddle to Clan Strigoi, as stewards, middlemen and majordomo’s. But the Cyrenics, as they now call themselves, think differently. They wish to rule through the faith of their Blood Goddess, using that religion as a bridge between mortals and vampiris. As such, they are the masters of Hypnotism. They manipulate all of the earth’s creatures, no matter how many legs they have. They also control the shadows, slipping away into the darkness and even using it as a weapon.
Their Preferred Prey are elves, half-elves, fae, and lamiae.
Stat bonuses: +3 to Charisma, +2 to Dexterity

>1. Clan Drakaina.

Well, I would have preferred male but I suppose it doesn’t matter much as an undead abomination.
>1. Clan Drakaina.
>2. Clan Hekatii.

Eh, I'm fine with a female character. This is what I imagined when I read the half elf description though. An urchin that relies on their wits and reflexes with a particular antipathy for both sides of their blood. Not looking to be another charmer that qst often wants female characters to be, particularly since anons aren't that great at playing the archetype. Though the preferred prey of elves and the like does interest me, since it fits well.
>Clan Drakaina
Fuck it, I ATE the opp
'Ate Dwarves, 'Ate Dragons.
>3. The Cyrenic Cult (Clan Cyrene)
>3. The Cyrenic Cult (Clan Cyrene)
>>3. The Cyrenic Cult (Clan Cyrene)
>>2. Clan Hekatii.
Looks like a tie so far between the Drakaina and Cyrenics so far.

I'll count the votes tonight once I get off work around 10pm EST. Have a good day, anons!
I guess I'll switch to the Cyrenics, because it's slightly closer to how I imagine our little urchin to be.

>1. Clan Drakaina.

Jumping in to vote Drakaina
Rolled 7 (1d10)


Whelp, we have a tie once again.

Going to roll for it. 1-5 is Cyrenic Cult and 6-10 is Drakaina.
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Clan Drakaina wins! Writing now.

We are of the noble blood of Drakaina, the first Dragon-Eater, the bulwark of the Ordo Vampiris. She consumed the hearts blood of a great dragon, and it cursed her with vampirism. In time, she learned to harness the blood and warp it to her advantage. She still had drawbacks, but now she hunted alongside other vampiris, founding your clan.

We are not like the others. Like Clan Strigoi, we can shapeshift, albeit just one form. But it is a mighty form indeed. Let the Hekatii play with the dead and the Cyrenics dance to their petty politicking. A Drakaina is always straightforward, in action and words.

There was nothing pretty or mystical about the gutters of Fallcrest. As a child, you stole and begged to survive those mean streets. Your parents did not want you. Humans and elves spat at you. Everyone else just didn't want to help. What would they gain from it?

As you reached ten, you decided to help yourself. Before you had even dreamed of Blood Artes, you were a fighter. You gathered the cretins and orphans of Fallcrest into an army of wretches. You took on jobs to clear sewers of kobold and goblins. You terrorized the city and your group grew into thugs.

Finally, you knew triumph. You had victory.

Until one extortion had you steal a merchants prized chalice. You were a young adult by then. Stealing that chalice changed your life. Pouring water into it to quench your thirst, you felt a presence in your mind. It persisted for days, growing in prominence. You couldn't sleep. You were jumping at shadows and locked yourself away in your emergency bolt hole. The secret hideout you never told anyone about.

But she knew it. She had been watching through your eyes this whole time.

She introduced herself, a lamia of the Clan Drakaina. She asked if you wanted more out of life, beyond it. If you wanted power like her. You did not hesitate.

The lamia, Renata, trained you. Your time as an urchin thug-queen proved a great foundation for your new life. You were both a knight and an enforcer. You took to armor like a second skin, and weapons like a natural extension of your body.

After a rigorous decade of training and educating, Renata gave you the Gift. Draining you dry and using your own blood to draw the unholy sigils on and around your cold body, she spoke the Changing Words upon you. And you rose as a vampiris, twice-shunned: once for your half-elven blood, and the second for your unholy immortality.

When Renata formally introduced you to the courts, she gave you free reign to name yourself. Was this new beginning worthy of a new name, or was your old one worthwhile?

>1. Ravenna. It may not have been your birth name, but it's what you know.
>2. Midir. Named after a traitorous valkyrie of Wotan, a patron saint of bloodletting.
>3. Write in
>2. Midir. Named after a traitorous valkyrie of Wotan, a patron saint of bloodletting.
>2. Midir. Named after a traitorous valkyrie of Wotan, a patron saint of bloodletting.
>1. Ravenna. It may not have been your birth name, but it's what you know.
>1. Ravenna. It may not have been your birth name, but it's what you know.
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As I won't be able to post again til Sunday, I'll also put another vote up to speed things along.


>A) Charisma
The way you have with words, as well as your force of personality. Affects persuading, charming, intimidating and resisting the same three.

>B) Strength
Your muscle and athletic ability. How hard your physical attacks hit opponents. How much you can lift, push, or pull. How long you can run for.

>C) Constitution
How strong your body is when dealing with wounds, banes, and other negative effects to your body.

>D) Dexterity
How deft, accurate, and agile you are. This affects sneaking, aiming, among other skills that involve quickness and hand eye coordination.

>E) Smarts
How learned you are about the world in general. Reflects hands-on knowledge as well as book smarts, wits, and appraising items.

The final Stat is the Blood Pool, but more to come on that.


>We will be using a simple d10 roll system.

>We'll use the best roll out of 3, UNLESS one of those rolls is a natural 1 or 10.

>Rolling 1 is a critical failure, Rolling 10 is a critical success.

>The array of modifiers is: +2, +3, +4, +5, +6

Which of our stats should have the +2? The +6?


As a member of Clan Drakaina, you are given a bonus of +3 to Constitution and a +2 to Strength before modifiers are assigned.
Being tactical, We want
+2 to con
+3 to strength

so that the lowest we can roll is +5, halfway to the maximum anyway.

+6 Charisma Because warlord is master of the word.
+5 dex so we aim, hit and fight all at the same level.
+4 to smarts as our weakest stat. Really the least important stat to us anyway
Support >>6022696

>2. Midir. Named after a traitorous valkyrie of Wotan, a patron saint of bloodletting.

This seems best for a murderous vampire woman

I support this as well - sort of a jack of all trades approach
1d10 is going to lead to a lot of crits, this might be a short qst.

It might be better to say that we need TWO 1s or TWO 10s to crit-fail or crit, otherwise we do have a very high probability of crits with each action.
Midir has won the name vote!

This will be our Stat spread.

Thank you for pointing this out. With three rolls, it would be easy to get either 1s or 10s so:

>When rolling, we will be using 2d10. Getting two 10's is a critical success, while two 1's is a critical failure.

Writing the next post now!
Midir. Your intent with the name was clear to the court. You would cut down any enemy of the Ordo. Even then most underestimated you. Some half-elven street urchin given the Gift? What was Renata thinking?

You proved them wrong. You were an apt leader, lacking the beauty and grace of the Cyrenics, your charisma was more down to earth but just as effective. You fought in campaigns against lycans and druids, making the Circle of Purity shift into a region-wide defense in the Harken Forest. You divided their forces along the King's Road in the forest, mocking them as your company marched unassailed to Harkenwold.

You raided the elven capital of the Dilona Valley. None but elven blood were allowed in - it was the only settlement that allied with the Druidic Circles. Midir the bloody she-dragon. You are still talked about today in Harkenwold, in hushed tones and to misbehaving children. “If you're bad, Midir will snatch you up in the night and take you away.”

You couldn't take the city, but raiding their master blacksmiths won you a valuable weapon you still wield today. What weapon was it?

>1. Longsword and shield
>2. Greataxe
>3. Twinblade (two blades connected by a middle hilt)
>4. Reaper Scythe

>1. Longsword and shield

This matches our vibe as “capable, reasonable, practical”
>1. Longsword and shield

Boring but practical.
>1. Longsword and shield
>3. Twinblade (two blades connected by a middle hilt)
Midir of Clan Drakaina

>Charisma: +6
>Strength: +5
>Constitution: +5
>Dexterity: +5
>Smarts: +4

>Health: 10 ( CON+5)
>Blood Pool: 0/10

The final Stat, the Blood Pool, will change during play. You can have a maximum of 10 points in the Blood Pool. You refill it by feeding, plunging your fangs into a humanoid and supping upon their life force.

You can feed on the same mortal once per night without penalty. However, the second feeding in one night will kill them, and potentially make a revenant: a specter of vengeance come to hunt you down.

All humanoids grant 1 point per feeding. Your Preferred Prey grants 2 points per feeding.

Your blood pool is spent on activating Blood Artes, feigning life, and regaining health.

Your blood pool takes “damage” when you come into direct contact with vampiris banes, classical wards against vampires.

These Banes are: Fire/sunlight, garlic, silver, and witchwood (a special wood that druids use).
Most folk believe that running water, holy water, holy symbols, common prayers, and dropping beans to make the vampire count them are all effective. They are not.


General Abilities
Feign Life. Will your blood to circulate, giving you a pulse and looking like you're alive again. Cost of 1 Blood Point. Last for one hour per blood spent.
Undead Regeneration. The vampiris curse locks your body in place at the point when you were given the Gift. Spending 1 BP heals 1 Health.


Draconic Aspect
You imitate the Dragon and Dwarven blood you prefer, taking on their characteristics.
Disciple of the Dragon's Blood. You can transform your head into a dragon's head, and your hands into draconic claws or head. You can also grow a tail, either out of the small of your back or a hand. The cost of one transformation is one BP. Lasts up to an hour.
Gravel Scales. You will your skin to become as tough as stone, deflecting most weapons, and lessening damage. Costs 1 BP. This lasts for one combat.
Mastery of the Dragon's Blood. Full transformation and benefits of the above two. Costs 3 BP. Lasts up to one hour.

Blood Sense
Your senses are elevated when it comes to blood.
Designate the Mark. Track down a chosen mark by ingesting their blood and spending a blood point. This mark will stay active until you make another, or dismiss it. It will stick out among your sense of smell, blotting out other smells not immediately around you. There is no range limit to this ability.
Peer Into the Veins. By spending 1BP, you can look through the flesh of the creatures before you, detecting heart rate, poisons, or any other anomalies within their veins or heart. This can also tell you if a person even has a pulse and are undead. Lasts for a few moments.
Echoes of the Heart. You can hear all hearts beating within thirty feet of you, even through walls. You can hone in on certain pulses and tell where they are coming from within that 30 feet. Lasts for a few moments.
Eyes of the Night. By spending one BP, you have nightvision for an hour.

You can transmute your blood into acid and venom, burning things and manipulating your inner body.
Wyvern’s Venom. Your bite can burn the insides of the living and the dead. By spending a blood point, your vampiris fangs can inject venom into a creature you can bite.
Acid Breath. As fire burns you, Clan Drakaina settled for liquid fire. Acid that burns both skin and material, a stream of destruction wherever it lands. It is not as “concentrated” as the Corrosive Ichor ability below, it cannot burn through thick materials or multiple layers, but is extremely painful, burning and melting skin.
Corrosive Ichor. Similar to the Acid Breath but much stronger. Spending a BP, you gather a globule of blood and spit it, melting through whatever it settles on.
The Athanor Vampiris. You are an undead alchemy mixer. By consuming liquid ingredients, and spending a blood point, you can create solutions without any equipment. You can also store such liquids in your body, but must expend 1 BP per night to maintain storage. This other liquid is stored separate in your stomach.

If anyone has any questions about the Blood Artes, please ask. I’ll be back with another update tomorrow.
Nice Bloodbarn art
Totally fucking siiiick abilities too, I like the Blood Artes/Pool system. Will there be a way to increase the maximum of the pool at some point?
This is a really promising quest. I hope you don't die like 100% of vampire quests.
Watching this quest with interest Op
Honestly, I'm not sure. I'd like to play around with the system before saying yea or nay to leveling.

>Longsword has won the vote

Ahh, yes. The old faithful, the tried and true. There was a reason the sword and shield was such a common combination. It had served you much better than the ones you've slain over the years. The formations you've broken, the stands you've made. All the blood it has seen, and now the exquisitely crafted pair rests in your hands.

The Raid on Harkenwold was a crowning night in your career. Sadly it was not long after that that the Circles began making beastmen, similar to gnolls. Permanently combined aspects of man and beast. They became even more savage, the cooler heads of the druids mostly dead. They made up for lost numbers and devastated your forces.

Retreating back to Fallcrest is when the news came. The Clan Strigoi struck down by their own Spawn. The court reconvened in the city, coming up with a plan. Winterhaven and Hammerfast had gone quiet. The Zakazi there must have overrun them or cut them off.

The city itself was not safe. The mortal armies of the Holy Galgen Empire were marching from the west, having taken Winterhaven. Tales of their overzealous stance on all things different and unholy concerned all of Fallcrest. That's when the plan was made by the elders. To bunker down in warded coffins by the Hekatii. Special sigils to awaken the vampiris after fifteen years. The Cyrenic Cult would use its mortal connections to have their flock tend to the Ordo members, protecting the vampiris.

Clan Drakaina would step into their coffins last.
You saw what the Galgenites brought to bear that night. Blackpowder cannons, muskets and pistols. These weapons terrified and fascinated you. As the besiegers tore into the city, your two charges went into their warded coffins. Marian, a young human Cyrenic, and Uzrik, a gnoll Hekatii.

You took one last look around your secret hideout, a hideyhole in the sewers. The former base of your urchin army. Without you there to lead them, they had drifted apart. Most of them died on the streets of Fallcrest in the interim years. Except Borislav, who gazed upon you now. He would help watch over you and the other two.

You clasped his hand, grinning at him. Still fully armored, you lay your elven weapon beside you. Borislav lowered the reinforced wooden top, and the glyphs snapped it into alignment. You saw the eerie blue glow of Hekatii magic seal the casket tight. And then the sleep. You begin to fade as you hear Borislav stack other boxes and crates around the coffins, helping to hide you…

You have never experienced the Sleep of Ages before. Your sire taught it to you, how when your body has taken all the damage it can, it falls, truly becoming a corpse. There, in a catatonic state, your undead body heals itself, the only time it does so. It takes years for this to happen. But being put into the Sleep voluntarily is unusual.

You dream of dozens of snakes, all of varying colors. They surround your sleeping body, biting into you. In the dream you are awake. It always reminds you of the excruciating pain you felt as you rose to become a vampiris.

Although you gained drawbacks unique to vampiris, there is one that is painfully human: a cardinal sin. The Gift took it and writ it large upon your mind and soul.

What is your greatest sin?



This should be obvious given the stated goals of the quest - we think we’re a hotshot and we know better than everyone else

This or wrath seems most fitting for us.
I'll back Pride, but Gluttony is very fitting for a Vamp

Voming out of lurkerdom to vote Pride and deny the coomers their victory
Based & crimson-pilled
Pride has won the vote!

Sorry for the delay everyone, I'll be at work all day today. I'll have an update either tonight or tomorrow.

Pride. Arrogance. Overestimating the self. Or is it underestimating everyone else? It matters not to you. You came from nothing - you were given life and even that was not wanted by the world. You stole, you hurt people, and you even killed. All before the tender age of fifteen. All before you became vampiris.

And you only went up from there. Showing the martial and people skills you had while in service to Renata. How you proved her work worthwhile once you were given the Gift. The enemies you slaughtered. That first time you went into your draconic form. A heady rush of seeing red. The idiots who stood before you breaking like twigs between your fingers. Delicious.

Hazy memory-dreams play out before you. You recall them but they aren't right. People's faces are swapped with other. Misty silhouettes take over entire figures. This must be what Uzrik warned about. There were reports of vampiris experiencing varying levels of amnesia upon awakening from the Sleep. Some had even forgotten that they were vampiris.

In your semi-lucid state, you struggle to form faces, straining your mind. You would not forget who you are. The spite upon the world that you are. Yes. Yes–

The warding glyphs on your coffin sizzle away, awakening you. You blink away the dust that had gathered on your eyelids. How long has it been? Your body is stiff, moving it as much as you can in the coffin. You recall who you are. Midir of Clan Drakaina. Half-elf of Fallcrest. You grip the elven made longsword and shield, and recall the Raid on Harkenwold. Yes. A rising star.

Time to get the hells out of this box.

You will your blood to reinvigorate your body. Let the blood move again, not to appear mortal, but to rouse the body and truly awaken.

>I need 3 Rolls of 1d6+5, the CON mod used to determine how many blood points we start with.
>If the best is a 6, we will start with 11BP.
Rolled 6 + 5 (1d6 + 5)

Rolled 5 + 5 (1d6 + 5)

Rolled 1 + 5 (1d6 + 5)

>11/10 BP

You feel truly alive and smile to yourself. The stiffness vanishes and you ready yourself to push the coffin lid open when your hackles rise. Smelling through the casket, you catch the faint but unmistakable scent of fire.

You recall the crates and barrels put around you. You grip the hilt of your blade. Your other hand slowly pushes the lid up to feel weight against you. Sliding the lid over proves better and you peek out to see unfamiliarity.

A man with wild hair and unkempt beard has both legs on the lid. He seems to be asleep. Beyond him, you see buildings of Fallcrest passing you by, and an unusual orange glow. It comes from behind the carriage you are on, hearing the unmistakable clacking of horseshoes against cobblestone.

The only other people who knew of your hiding place were Borislav, Marian and Uzrik. The court instructed every trio to keep their location to themselves, to a oid mass killings while all were asleep. Even if the Galgenites got ahold of a vampiris, not all would be doomed.

But it seems like someone found out. The fire behind you must be a conflagration because your hackles refuse to lower. It seems like you're still in Fallcrest. The only way to find out is to emerge and investigate.

>How do you proceed?

>How do you proceed?

Interrogate the mortal and find out who is attacking Fallcrest. Explain to him that he now serves us, and that if he serves us well, he will live.
Support >>6027423

Make sure to cover his mouth when we wake him, and be ready to kill him at a moment's notice if he cries out.
In one swift motion, you exit the coffin and pounce upon the man. Your longsword is against his neck, while your face flanks his from the other side. His eyes are wide open now and fear grips him. The carriage continues its advance, and you notice two men on foot, one for each side of the carriage. They carry crude hatchets and have not noticed you.

You take a look at the man and notice his protruding brow. It warps his head up in an alien way, lifting his temples and eyes, and his ears are enlarged and pointed. Between the fingers you have around his mouth, you can smell it: blood.

“Do not cry out for help. Or your head is mine. Nod if you understand.” He does as you say, his large, glazed eyes trembling alongside his body. You surmise he is Zakazi by his bat-like face and unkempt appearance. You feel no pulse of life from him. “Are you Zakazi?”

He nods. How did they… “Who is attacking Fallcrest?” You spread your fingers to hear his answer.

“No one.” He croaks. You furrow your brow.

“Then what's happening?”

“T-the Inquisition. Hunting heretics.” You glance over at the city, seeing the fires between the buildings. By the Blood Saints, the city has gone to shit under the Galgenites.

“Where were you taking me?”

“Moon Hills. Please…” You clamp his mouth shut. Something more is going on here. Someone knew where to send these Zakazi after you. Only Borislav and your two vampiris compatriots knew of your hiding spot.

“Who sent you after me?”

The Zakazi glances about, the horse drawn carriage picking up pace. The gate and walls of the city pass by over you. Not a single soul is standing guard. “Dunno his name, just wanted you at a spot in the Moon Hills.”

“Where are other two?” You receive a confused look from him. “The other two vampiris where you found me.” He shakes his head.

“We were only told about you's.”

>"Are the other two Zakazi as well?"

Support, should we kill these geeks or not?
I'm thinking so, but we need answers, so maybe we should wait until we get to our destination.
I'm guessing Cyrene is employing these savages. Their hypnotism at work. It explains the 'blood saints' and the mysteriousness, the knowledge too, if they are in contact with the other clans.

>"What has changed in the last fifteen years. What of your ilk?"
The blood saints are actually something already established before the vampiris went to mass Sleep.


You glare down at the man. Only told about you, when two other vampiris were right there? “Your accomplices,” you motion to the ones flanking the carriage. “Are they Zakazi?” He nods. “What has changed in the last fifteen years?”

The Zakazi glances around nervously. “W-we got rid of the Strigoi and you all vanished. What else do you w-want to know?”

>Write in 3 questions
>Give me 3 rolls of 2d10
Rolled 8, 4 = 12 (2d10)

>"Military disposition of the Galgenites? Do they control the whole valley?"
>"What of you scum, the Zakazi? Do you still control part of the valley, or were you beaten back by the empire like the dogs you are? Did you finally learn subtlety, how to blend in?"
>"The Druidic circles, what of them? Did the Galgenites at least do us the favour of burning down their forests and killing them off? I would have thought the beastmen and lack of cool headed leadership left amongst the druids would've attracted the eye of the empire, distracted them from us."
Rolled 3, 18 = 21 (2d20)


Rolling, I support the previous anon’s line of inquiry
Rolled 6, 9 = 15 (2d10)


Oops let me roll correctly, ignore my previous attempt
+1, solid questions
god what the hell is wrong with you people you went for the warrior clan you always go with magic. magic trumps everything if used right. if a magic user is beaten its because the rules nerfed them.
Chill anon, we have 'magic', they're called Blood Artes. All the clans have them, choosing Hekatii wouldn't have necessarily meant we'd have access to the vast array of all magic possible in fiction or even this setting. Each clan's specific magic is laid out, Hekatii get necromancy and illusions, Cyrene get hyponotism that works on all species regardless of if they are humanoid or not, plus shadow magic, Drakaina we know the most about, they have magic senses, dragon transformation stuff, the ability to turn themselves into a fuckin' alchemy set, and various acid breathe stuff.

Cyrene or Hekatii wouldn't necessarily be invulnerable to us or vice versa, our magic senses could help pierce through Hekatii's illusions, and I'm sure that we'd get a counter Charisma or Smarts roll to resist both illusions and Cyrene's charm magic.

Hell, the clan choice wasn't even the biggest influence on our stats or how smart/scholarly we are.

Not to mention whether magic dominates everything depends on the setting. Things like anti-magic or superhuman physical capabilities could easily even the playing field.

I say all of this as someone who voted for every clan except Drakaina.
You ain't seen 10 bands in your life, jit.

Captcha: WWWW
Rolled 5, 8 = 13 (2d10)

Yet another dead vampire quest. RIP
So were these vamp clans/bloodlines based more on WHF von Carsteins & such, VtM ones, or a hybrid of both?
What the hell is this link? Anyone clicked on it already? I don't trust like that.
It's just a link to a gif/meme hosting site literally saying 'yeah, I guess you're right' in response to my post.

Also I'm pretty sure this quest is dead, you didn't need to necropost.

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