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You are Mazela, a proud transgender hedge witch! Just two weeks ago, you heroically saved a peaceful peasant village from a menacing monster. Today, you find yourself in a much gentler setting, seated before eager young faces at the local school for your Witch Queen Story Hour! You believe deeply in the importance of children learning about transgender people from a young age, convinced that bigotry is learned, not innate. Children, with their pure and accepting hearts, hold no inherent prejudices, unlike transphobic adults whose hearts have been twisted by hatred and prejudice. As you prepare to open a book, a child's voice cuts through the quiet, "What story will you read us today, Miss Mazela?" The room's eyes are all on you, filled with curiosity and innocence. You pause, considering which tale to share. Each story is an opportunity to affirm that being transgender is normal and that trans witches are witches. This isn't just storytime—it's a chance to sow seeds of acceptance and understanding in the fertile minds of the young! You read the story of
>Sir Eowyn of Rohan, who was assigned female at birth but defied traditional gender roles to become a warrior
>Cinderella, a timeless tale of an orphan transgender girl, who with the help of her fairy godmother, overcomes transphobia and finds true love
>The Little Mermaid, a transgender mermaid who defies the patriarchal notion only ciswomen can be mermaids
Continued from >>6007259
Tale about the first futa in japan
>>Sir Eowyn of Rohan, who was assigned female at birth but defied traditional gender roles to become a warrior
>Sir Eowyn of Rohan, who was assigned female at birth but defied traditional gender roles to become a warrior
"I will read you the tale of Sir Eowyn, the fearless transgender knight of Rohan!" you announce, opening the storybook to a page filled with illustrations of gallant knights and vast, rolling plains. The children lean closer, their eyes sparkling with curiosity and wonder. "Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, Sir Eowyn was born. He was a man destined to be a rider of Rohan, but Theoden, the patriarchal king of Rohan, denied him that right and hatefully declared, 'You will never be a man!'" The children gasps, "What happened then, Miss Mazela?"
>Sir Eowyn, strong and brave, refused to accept the king's cruel words. He knew his worth and his truth.
>With a heart full of courage and a spirit unbroken, he set out on a quest to prove his valor.
>Sir Eowyn denounced Theoden as a transphobic bigot unfit to be king of Rohan.
>>Sir Eowyn denounced Theoden as a transphobic bigot unfit to be king of Rohan.
Please Clap
"Sir Eowyn bravely denounced Theoden as a transphobic bigot unfit to be king of Rohan!" you continue, your voice imbued with the magic of the tale. "Greatly shamed, Theoden stepped down and the people of Rohan bestowed the throne to Sir Eowyn. Sir Eowyn then bravely defeated all bigots, married Prince Faramir in a brave and stunning homosexual marriage, and they all lived happily ever after." "Yay!" The children clap in happiness, their faces alight with joy and wonder. The room fills with the sound of their innocent celebration, and you feel a deep sense of fulfillment. You smile proudly, knowing you have opened their young minds to the acceptance of transgenderism and homosexuality. This moment, you realize, is a defeat for the bigots and a victory for love and acceptance. Through the power of stories, you've planted seeds of understanding and empathy in these young hearts, paving the way for a kinder, more inclusive world. As the children chatter excitedly about Sir Eowyn's adventures, you close the book gently. "Remember," you say, "every one of you has the power to be your true selves, just like Sir Eowyn. The world needs brave heroes like you to make it a better place!" The children nod eagerly, their imaginations aflame with possibilities. You sit back, content, knowing that today's story hour has left an indelible mark on their hearts. You're Hedge Witch Mazela, and your Witch Queen Story Hour is a massive success!
>to be continued
wish I had joined when this was still active. do you plan on running another quest?
We should run this quest on /lgbt/ .

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