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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.


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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After witnessing Haathe's transformation, unleashing the strength of the Berserker God through the sliver of the Berserker Soul Karn gave her, Karn battled his ward until she passed out, returning to New Salda to confront the one who'd caused Haathe's meltdown. Only to recognize the woman as one of the ones who'd been responsible for driving Milha from the planet. After that confrontation, at the end of the day Karn spoke with Koruza, advising him on his path to power. The next day, Freeza departed for 'family matters', then later that evening Karn speaks with Broly about his after-wedding plans. As we rejoin Karn, just after giving Broly your blessing, someone else had come looking for him.

“Oh, there you are.” Kori calls, the Tamaranean woman flying down beside her husband-to-be. “Is everything alright, B?”
“Everything's just fine Kori. We were just talking about after.” he says, you seeing a look of concern momentarily flash on her face. She glances from his face to yours and back, seeming to be worried about something. “Let's go get some sleep, tomorrow's going to be a long day.”
“Be safe out there, you two.” you tell them, Kori turning back to you with her jaw hanging slightly slack. “Remember, if you need my help, don't hesitate to call me.”

“Of course. And same to you, Dad.” Broly replies with a small smile, you both sharing a nod of understanding before the pair fly off. You take a deep breath, sighing out before leaping down off the roof of your ship. Heading back in, you finish your nightly routine, going to bed with your wife Meloka. Towa, and Haathe both still in her lab, continuing to run their tests no doubt. But you put them from your mind, quickly drifting off to sleep. Only to be woken seemingly seconds later, eyes snapping open. Your instincts warning you that something's coming.

But what do you do?
>Expand your ki sense, try and figure out what is setting your instincts off
>Tap into New Salda's power to boost your awareness, to find whatever's pinging your subconscious
>Try and sneak out of bed, to go patrolling around your ship and perhaps find whatever's causing your awareness to go off
>Pretend to be asleep, wait until whoever it is makes their move to strike
>Other(write in)
>Expand your ki sense, try and figure out what is setting your instincts off
>Try and sneak out of bed, to go patrolling around your ship and perhaps find whatever's causing your awareness to go off
>Expand your ki sense, try and figure out what is setting your instincts off
>she calls him "B"
Mah hart.
>Expand your ki sense, try and figure out what is setting your instincts off
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Expand your ki sense, try and figure out what is setting your instincts off wins it. No roll for this one, you'll see why shortly. Writing.
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Closing your eyes you focus on your ki sense, expanding your awareness. You sense your wife beside you, but right outside your door you also sense several of your children. Karn Jr, Okira, Maz, and Kayle are all outside your door. Realizing what's happening you smirk, relaxing back in bed and waiting. But you aren't left waiting long, the door sliding open. Your children burst into the room, shouting as they come. It only takes them an instant, closing in and pouncing at you and your wife. But before they close the distance, you sit up, reaching out with your arms and grabbing the four of them before they land.

“WAAAAAH!” they exclaim, shocked that you were ready for them.
“Did you think you could sneak up on me?” you ask them with a laugh, holding them then setting them all down before you. “So, what's going on?”
“You gotta come see it! Chilli showed up earlier and started setting up outside!” Karn Jr shouts, you looking at him confused.

“Mrrrhmmmphh.” Meloka grumbles sleepily, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She blinks a few times in confusion, mumbling. “Whhasssisss?”
“Morning hun.” you say to her, your wife grumbling semi-consciously as Karn Jr lets go of you, flying over and hugging her. “Sleep good?”
“Mmmmm.” she replies, holding Jr to her a moment. You can see from her body language she's tempted to lay back down, to go back to sleep. But then Maz and Kayle also go over hugging her, your wife forced to stay up.
“Come on, come on! It's amazing!” Karn Jr tells her, getting up and, running from the room. “You gotta come see it!”

“It is quite something.” Okira says while holding onto her mother, you getting up out of bed. Walking over to your clothes, passing your wife hers as well as you start dressing. The littler ones get off your wife, allowing her to stand up and start dressing as well. Once you have your training suit on and your wife has her gi on, you follow the younger children out of your room, Maz and Kayle leading you all outside. Where you see that, indeed, Chilli has been busy this morning.

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On the sandy beach are dozens of crystal chairs lining the path out of the ship, each one delicately crafted. Between them is a single strip of cloth, maybe two foot wide leading from the ramp to a raised crystal dais. Behind it is an archway, crafted to resemble fabric draped over a frame. For a few seconds you'd thought it was some sort of fabric, until the wind blows and it doesn't move. “He's gotten better.”

“Woah...” Meloka says, a sentiment you completely agree with. He's standing there before the dias, hand to his chin as he looks it over. But when he hears you all coming, he turns, smiling.
“Morning Mom, morning Dad. What do you think?” he asks you both, gesturing to everything. “Do you think this is good enough? Or do you think I need to do more?”

Well? How do you respond to that?
>Tell him you think it looks great, he's done a great job
>Turn to Meloka, defer to her opinion of what she thinks of this
>Tell him that he's clearly put a LOT of work in, his effort shows
>Ask what he doesn't like, what he's considering changing
>Other(write in)
>Tell him you think it looks great, he's done a great job
>Tell him that he's clearly put a LOT of work in, his effort shows
Both is good, he obviously put effort into this, it looks great.
>Tell him that if he feels that he can do more, that's all the more reason for him to do so.
Let it all hang out son.
Lets combine with this too>>6022858
>Tell him that he's clearly put a LOT of work in, his effort shows
Taking two and mixing wins it, roll me a 2d100 then.

First DC: 40
Second DC: ???
Rolled 50, 66 = 116 (2d100)

Rolled 8, 41 = 49 (2d100)

Dad powers, ACTIVATE!
Rolled 21, 74 = 95 (2d100)

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50/100, 74/100. Success and decently high mystery, writing.
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“I think it's quite something. You've done a great job son.” you tell him earnestly.
“That's quite the impressive piece.” your wife says, flying over and looking the archway over. “I thought it was cloth, you made this entire thing out of your crystals?”
“Yes. Been working on livening up my own place lately, sharpening my skills.” Chilli answers. “I'm not quite a sculptor, but I think I did well enough.”

“Well enough? You've clearly been putting a lot of work in. Your effort clearly shows.” you tell him, your son turning back to you and nodding with a small smile. “How's the durability on them?”
“That's something I was actually wanting to show you.” he says, Ascending in a burst of sparks. He then draws his right back, swinging a heavy hook straight into the arch. There's a resounding crack, but to your shock it doesn't shatter. A single crack, maybe a fingernail thick and maybe three inches long spreads out from the point of impact. As he pulls his fist back you see several smaller, spiderwebbing cracks around the size of his fist, but the structure holds. He turns and looks at you with a grin, gesturing to it. “My magic's getting even stronger.”

“That it is.” Okira says, taking a deep breath and readying herself to fix the damage. But he holds his hand out to her, stopping her with a confused look on her face. “What?”
“It gets even better. Watch.” he says, turning back to the crack. Which, maybe it is just your imagination, but the crack seems to be... smaller. In fact, you don't even see the spiderwebbing cracks you'd seen before, then realize that the crack is shrinking! In only a few seconds the damage is completely gone, the arch restored as if it were never damaged. “Good as new.”

“Woah!” Maz and Kayle exclaim, both transforming as well and punching a pair of nearby chairs. Two more loud cracks can be heard, you turning to them only to see them both looking surprised that their attacks didn't damage the chairs at all. “Wow.”
“So cool!” Maz exclaims, turning back to Chilli. “How does it do that?”
“Long story short, think of it like Dad's Soulstone.” Chilli explains, seeming rather proud of his work.. “I made a larger crystal beneath the ground that everything's connected to, with an excess of power stored within. And as long as there's magical energy within it, the damage that my crystals take will automatically repair.”

“I see.” you say, genuinely impressed. His magical powers are constantly growing, but you did notice something. His physical strength, however, isn't quite up to par. In fact, his strength, while it isn't declining, seemingly hasn't grown. At first you'd thought he was holding back, but when the younger two transformed, they've closed a bit of the gap between their physical strengths. Something you aren't sure he noticed, as excited as he is over his creation. But your son, always very astute and observant, seeing your reaction reaches out telepathically.

“Is everything okay?” he asks you, your eyes meeting his own. You see a hint of worry there, of uncertainty as he looks to you. “What's wrong?”

Well? Do you say anything?
>Ask him aloud if he's kept up with his training, or if all his time and effort is spent magically instead
>Telepathically ask him if he's still training himself physically, you noticed that the younger twins are closing the gap between them
>Tell him that it's nothing, he's done a great job with all of this
>Telepathically tell him that you and he need to talk, but not today. It can wait until after the wedding celebration
>Change the subject and don't talk about what you were thinking, ask him if his family are coming along too of if he's flying solo today instead
>Other(write in)
>Telepathically ask him if he's still training himself physically, you noticed that the younger twins are closing the gap between them
>Telepathically ask him if he's still training himself physically, you noticed that the younger twins are closing the gap between them
Specialization is good, but being prepared entails shoring up weaknesses, not just polishing strengths.
Only two votes, but we'll take these and roll. Telepathically ask him if he's still training himself physically, you noticed that the younger twins are closing the gap between them wins it. Roll me a single D100.

DC: 40
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Just got here anyways dad roll
Rolled 32 (1d100)

Rolled 48 (1d100)

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88/100. Success, writing.
Oh snap is this a new Aku
Relatively, I've used this portrait only a handful of times.
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“Son, have you been keeping up with your training?” you ask him telepathically, Chilli's eyes widening a bit in surprise. “Your younger siblings have started closing the gap between you, Maz and Kayle's strength are closing in on you.”
“Really?” he asks, looking over towards his younger siblings. You watch his face as he studies their energy, brows furrowing as his smile fades. He stares at them a moment before answering, once again telepathically. “I see. Perhaps...”

He ends the mental link, looking down at his right hand with a clouded expression. You remain quiet, waiting to see what he's going to say. He doesn't speak immediately, clearly thinking things over for over a minute before reaching out to you telepathically.

“Mind if I start using the Gravity Chamber here in the mornings?” he asks.
“Sure, but what happened to the one you took to your home?” you ask, also telepathically. “Is it broken?”
“No, it's just... Not enough. I've been keeping up my routine daily, as high as that one goes.” he responds. “Maybe if I use yours here, early in the mornings while you all are still asleep I can start making progress again.”

“You're welcome to use it anytime, come help yourself.” you tell him, walking over and clapping your hand on his back. “I know you've got this.”
“Thanks dad.” he replies, mood brightening a bit. “I've got a few more finishing pieces to put on this, just in case we have anymore surprise guests.”

As he says this you think back to how many family functions the Time Patrol ruined, and even the first time they don't that bastard Darkseid does. You wonder if he's going to make an appearance today as well, or if there's something else going to attempt to steal the show. You ponder this for a few moments, Chilli going around the entire island near the shore with one finger tracing a line along the sand. You watching as the path he makes is filled by his magical crystals, forming an almost-invisible barrier in the sand around the entire island your home is on. While he's doing that, however, suddenly your ki sense warns you of incoming. Having not been focused on it, to suddenly sense dozens of powerlevels in the millions to the tens of millions within the star system and closing fast surprises you. What is even more shocking is not that the strongest of this group has a powerlevel you'd put in the hundreds of millions, but that their powerlevel somehow feels... Familiar. Like a face you can't put a name to, you recognize this power. But who could it be?

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“Hey hun, you feel that?” you ask your wife, who, despite clearly not understands your tone instantly. A moment later you see her expression turn dark, ascending to her divine form in a flash. “What the hell, what's going on?”
“Don't you recognize that one?” your wife asks, you shaking your head. “That bitch. I didn't think she'd be stupid enough to return.”

Your wife's sudden aggression is startling, you've rarely seen her react this way. But her reactions remind you of someone, who, after a moment's thought, matches that powerlevel. But you don't remember her being that strong.

“What's going on?” Okira asks you, your most well-spoken child clearly worried. “Are we getting attacked?”
“I'm not sure.” you reply, getting ready to act. If Komand'r, queen and leader of the Tamaranean people is approaching your world after being banned, this can't be good.

But what will you do about this?
>Telepathically reach out to King Vegeta, ask if he knows what's happening and if he needs you to go take care of business
>Tell Meloka that she's got this, and you've got her back if she needs support
>Telepathically call both Broly and Kori immediately, figure out what's going on right now
>Instant Transmission yourself and Meloka up before the Tamaraneans can get too close to New Salda, confront her well before she reaches planetside
>Other(write in)
>Telepathically call both Broly and Kori immediately, figure out what's going on right now
she's here because her sister is getting married. even if she doesn't want to be here she still needs to be here.
>Telepathically reach out to King Vegeta, ask if he knows what's happening and if he needs you to go take care of business
>Telepathically call both Broly and Kori immediately, figure out what's going on right now
GD, I forget, did we bind Komand'r with a Dragon's Pact after blackmailing her?
>Telepathically call both Broly and Kori immediately, figure out what's going on right now
Pretty sure last time was used with Ubo and Cold, and before that with Lobo. Yeah, why did people spare this bitch?
Rolled 33, 82, 92, 68 = 275 (4d100)

Telepathically call both Broly and Kori immediately, figure out what's going on right now wins it. Roll me a 2d100, that may or may not be relevant right now. No shown DCs.

Rolled 97, 63 = 160 (2d100)

Oh wait, we did lmao
Rolled 65, 73 = 138 (2d100)

You're right, I'd forgotten to write that one down in my list of binding vows. Somehow.
Rolled 57, 22 = 79 (2d100)

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97/100, 73/100. Interesting, writing.
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>Komand'r enters New Salda's atmosphere
>Pact Guardian manifests on her arm
>"It looks like you're fucking around. Would you like to find out?"
>she's here because her sister is getting married. even if she doesn't want to be here she still needs to be here.
Given how Kori is still a political refugee, she really doesn't need to be here. I feel like she's just using it as an excuse to make contact with her daughter again (something she's yet to demonstrate she's deserving of)
Funny you should mention TIcho...
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“Broly, Kori, we need to talk. Why is Komand'r approaching us with a small army?” you telepathically call them both, linking your mind with Meloka as well. “Who knows about this?”
“Don't worry dad, I've already gotten everything taken care of.” Broly replies immediately. “I've okayed this with King Vegeta and Lord Freeza both already.”
“So when were you going to tell US about this?” Meloka asks, you feeling your son shrinking a bit at her reprimand. “Kori, I know she's your sister and won't hold what she does here against you. But in the future, I would appreciate you not inviting that bitch to my home.”

“I understand.” Kori replies, you almost able to envision her bowing her head meekly at the reprimand.
“So, who's going up to meet with her?” you ask, no one immediately answering.
“I will.” Kori says eventually. “I'm the one she's here to see, after all.”
“Are you sure about this?” you ask her, feeling a little concerned. Remembering why she was here in the first place. “Are you sure that's a good idea?”

“It may not be. But, despite everything that happened, she IS my sister.” Kori replies, you sensing her determination to do this herself.
“Very well, let us know if you need backup.” you tell her, sensing as Kori's energy starts leaving New Salda. You follow her path as she soars out of the planet's atmosphere, flying towards the approaching Tamaraneans. Sharing a glance with your wife, you mutter, “I have a bad feeling about this.”
“Me too. I'll keep an eye on her.” your wife replies, creating a small energy orb in her palm. Then she turns, launching it after Kori's energy signature. Probably locked onto hers as well. “If that bitch tries anything, I'll fry her.”

“Dammit, Turles!” you exclaim, reaching out with your ki sense and finding him immediately. With a thought you teleport to him with Instant Transmission, appearing beside him in his home.
“Wha-! Karn?!” he exclaims, letting the energy in his palm he'd hastily readied to fry you dissipate. “What's going on out there?”
“Figures they didn't say anything.” you mutter as his daughter turns the corner, stopping as she sees you.
“General Karn? What are you doing here?” she asks, looking between you and her father. Her expression darkens, realizing that something's up. “What's the problem?”

“It's your mother. She's coming.” you say, watching as the blood drains from Ticho's face, her expression one of absolute terror.
“No. No no no, she can't hurt me here.” Ticho says, shaking her head a bit as her body trembles. “Not here.”

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“We're leaving, don't worry. Gather your things.” Turles says to her, Ticho immediately turning and heading back into the room she'd been in. He then turns to you, expression serious. “Dunno what's going on, and don't care why. We're leaving until she's gone.”
“Don't worry, I can get you both quite a ways away.” you tell him Ticho rushing back out of her room with a pair of packs. You glance to her, Turles' daughter running up to him and handing him one before turning back to you. “What's this?”
“Our escape packs.” Ticho says, very matter-of-factly. “Whenever mother would go on one of her drunken rampages, I'd grab my bag and escape. It has enough food and stuff to last a few days even.”

“I see.” you reply, sharing a knowing look with Turles.
“We're ready.” he tells you. “Let's get out of here.”
“Sure thing.” you reply, holding your left hand out to them while raising your right to your forehead.

But where will you take them?
>Elder Guru's place on Planet Namek
>Chaya's Dreadzone quarters, they'll be more than safe there
>Elder Pybara's home on Planet Yardrat
>Ubo on that planet with the other Kryptonians, they'll be more than fine there
>Chilli's home on his world, teleporting to your granddaughter's energy
>Give them the choice, let them know who you can teleport to and let them choose
>Other(write in)?
>Give them the choice, let them know who you can teleport to and let them choose
>>Chaya's Dreadzone quarters, they'll be more than safe there

This is a good spot. Not the most obvious, and doesn't involve us imposing on the hospitality of Guru or Pybara
>Give them the choice, let them know who you can teleport to and let them choose
>>Chaya's Dreadzone quarters, they'll be more than safe there
And doesn't bring potential danger to Chilli's world/family, or risk starting shit up on Earth by bringing a Saiyan there / Saiyan DNA for some weirdo to steal
>>Give them the choice, let them know who you can teleport to and let them choose
>Chaya's Dreadzone quarters, they'll be more than safe there
Can't believe that cuntrag came back
I HATE that this sweet baby is so prepared fyi.
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Wait a fucking minute. Does Broly and Kori getting married mean that Komand'r is our daughter-in-law?
Rolled 30, 55, 29, 53, 91, 61, 41, 24, 37 = 421 (9d100)

While it's tied, I can make this work. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 25
Second DC: 70
Rolled 23, 13 = 36 (2d100)

Rolled 80, 85 = 165 (2d100)

First guy sucks. Here's how you do it.
Rolled 55, 90 = 145 (2d100)

Second guy's pretty good, here's how you don't do it.
Rolled 21, 10 = 31 (2d100)

Heres the inappropriate 4th roll here to do nothing
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80/100, 90/100. Most impressive, writing.
I mean...yeah, kinda? Neice?
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“I've got a few places we can get you two, take your pick. Chaya's place at Dreadzone, El-” you start, but are immediately interrupted.
“Yes, that'll work. Let's go.” he tells you, you nodding and focusing on your eldest daughter's mind.
“Chaya, you still at Dreadzone?” you ask her.
“Yeah, I'm going to head down in about twenty minutes, once I get ready!” she replies. “I can't wait, this is going to be great!”

“Wait just a moment, if you would.” you tell her, teleporting Turles and Ticho directly to her with your Instant Transmission. One moment you're in your friend's home, the next are standing beside her in what appears to be her bedroom. She's standing before one of her cameras, holding up two different suits. One is a suit of armor similar to the one she wore when she was younger, the other a deep blue, knee-length dress with Vox's logo over the left breast.
“Dad? Wh-Ticho? Turles?” she asks, turning to you three. “What's going on?”

“Kori's sister.” you say simply, Chaya's eyes widening. Mouthing a silent 'Oh'. She's silent a moment before turning to Ticho, putting on a smile and bouncing up to her.
“You're just in time, I need your help! I can't decide!” Chaya says, taking her by the arm and pulling her off the camera. “Hey, Turles. My gravity chamber's next door on the right, controls are the same as ours back home.”
“Appreciate it.” he replies, walking over to his daughter and giving her a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room, no doubt to work his anger off. Despite how calm he's trying to appear, you see how clenched his fist was, veins bulging in his arms and legs.

“I'll take care of them and get them situated before I head down.” Chaya tells you telepathically. “Any other surprise guests I should be aware of?”
“Not that I know.” you reply with a thought, wondering if in fact this will be the only curve ball of the day. Closing your eyes you focus, readying to reach back out to your wife's energy and teleport home. But before you do, you see Ticho run over to you, throwing herself into your chest, hugging you.
“Thank you.” she says, voice trembling while squeezing you with all her might for a moment. She then lets go, you seeing hints of tears in the corners of her eyes before she turns back to your daughter. The reaction is surprising, but not unpleasant, refocusing on your wife through your wedding bands and teleporting back home. Only to arrive just in time.

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As you reappear on the sandy beach of your homeworld, you see the Tamaranean Queen descending before you all. She, along with her affinity of retainers descend down towards your island, the raven-haired queen looking as smug and arrogant as ever. Several men with well-defined muscles hover around behind her, each one nearly as if not taller than even you. She lands, the large warriors all standing at attention behind her.

“Well well, it would seem we meet again.” Komand'r, Queen of Tamaran says to you. She then turns to your wife, noting her crimson hair and blazing aura with a smirk. “And while as much fun as it would no doubt be to tussle with you once again, I'm afraid the words of my promise bind me. A shame.”
“Huh?” Meloka asks, clearly not remembering. But as she mentions it you do, remembering the Dragon Pact. That she was to leave your family alone and not antagonize your people or those under your control. “What do you mean?”
“Don't you remember? Your husband there bound me with an unbreakable vow. One in which forbids me from fighting you.” she says, then gives your wife a grin. “Unless you'd like to attack me first? The pact doesn't prevent self-defense, after all.”

“As much as I'd like to...” your wife says, leaving the rest of her sentence unspoken as she powers back down. “Today's not the day.”
“Indeed. Today is a day of celebration! And in the spirit of things, I've had some of my people prepare gifts for the lucky couple.” the Tamaranean queen says, snapping her fingers. A dozen Tamaranean warriors emerge from the crowd, each carrying what appears to be a rather large cask. Each as big around as your own shoulders and with a spigot on the lower ends of them. “A drink fit for a Tamaranean wedding! Now, where should we put these?”

Well? How do you respond to this unexpected twist?
>Telepathically reach out to Broly and ask him, this is HIS celebration after all
>Call for them to all follow you, take them to Silver who's preparing the meal and have them set up in the mess hall
>Have them all be set out of the way under your ship, leave them there until after the ceremony and the celebration begins
>Gesture for Kori to take over, this is her celebration not yours
>Other(write in)
>Gesture for Kori to take over, this is her celebration not yours
>>Gesture for Kori to take over, this is her celebration not yours
Im waiting for the poisoned wine
>Gesture for Kori to take over, this is her celebration not yours
If it's knowingly poisoned, she'd die as well. Did you forget so easily why she would bring so much drink?
Rolled 2 (1d4)

Gesture for Kori to take over, this is her celebration not yours wins it. Writing
At this you turn to Kori, who had landed on the other side of your wife. Everyone else turns, the ex-princess looking around in confusion a moment.

“Oh, right! Please, if you would follow me. I will show you to the mess hall, where the celebration will be.” she says, turning and leading them up the ramp. Only to stop, turning back and calling for another. “Galfore, I will also need your assistance, if you would.”
“Of course. It would be my honor.” the tallest, broadest warrior of them says gently, as if he knows something. With a flowing red beard and a wicked scar leaving him seemingly blind in his right eye, it doesn't surprise you that he's the third strongest of their kind present. Only falling behind the two royals themselves, Komand'r and Kori. As he walks past you, he gives you a small nod of understanding. One which you reciprocate, having no doubt been aware you were the one protecting her all this time.

“My my, such craftsmanship. I can't find a single flaw.” the Tamaranean queen says, you turning your attention back to her only to see her gazing closely upon the crystal arch Chilli'd made. Tapping it with a fingernail a few times, hearing the distinct crystalline ringing sound it makes upon contact. “To be sculpted from a single piece as well. Tell me, General Karn, do you know who made this?”
“That would be me.” comes a voice from the archway itself as it becomes a portal, your eldestborn son stepping back through it. Now with his family alongside him, Megumin, Meloka Wolbach, and his youngest Kazuburo. Both of who see you and your wife, launching themselves straight at you.

“GRANDPA!!” Meloka Wolbach shouts, aura blazing as she charges you. Planting your feet you catch her in your hands before she can slam into and shatter your armor, lifting her up overhead.
“GRANDMA!” Kazuburo shouts as he flies at your wife, who catches him a moment later too.
“Uncle Broly's getting married today!” she tells you, very matter-of-factly with a smile. “I wonder what kinda magic they're gonna do?”

“What?” you hear Komand'r exclaim upon hearing this, your granddaughter not noticing. Chilli explains to the queen as you hold your granddaughter, back in her school uniform.
“What about you Grandpa, are you and Grandma gonna get married too?” she asks innocently, causing you to chuckle.
“We already did. Long before you were born kiddo.” you tell her, ruffling her hair as her eyes widen in surprise.
“Woah, really?” she asks, seemingly shocked. “I wanna get married too.”

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“Hahaha, I'm sure you will one day, kiddo.” you tell her, as a moment later sense another couple powerlevels appear by you. Milha, with that blonde girl from Chilli's planet both arrive, the blonde wearing a black and red dress with quite the revealing neckline and a feather in her wide-brimmed hat. Your daughter appears as she always does, yet the blonde seems a little nervous. “Hey Milha. Darkness.”
“Looks like we made it just in time.” Milha says with a smile. “Did Broly ever tell you who was going to be officiating?”

“No, I'd assumed it would be Freeza.” you reply, suddenly a bit alarmed. After all, he hasn't come back yet, and with the size of the crowd gathered you think that it's just about time for this to start. As you have the thought, however, suddenly sense three massive powerlevels approaching. Each one bigger than the last, the second-strongest the most familiar. But you recognize all three near-instantly, feeling your jaw drop a bit. “No way.”
“Grandpa? What is it?” Meloka Wolbach asks you, looking at you with her head tilted. “What's going on?”
“Lord Freeza is coming.” you tell her, looking up as their powerlevels rapidly approach. She looks up as well, it taking a few moments for them to appear. You see them in the sky as a few dots, which rapidly expand into the three distinct forms of King Cold, Lord Freeza, and the emperor of the universe, Cooler. All three streak down towards the ground, grinding to a stop inches above the ground without slamming down. But that still kicks up a wave of force, blasting a bit of sand everywhere. But as it settles, you see all four of them in their fourth forms.

“Greetings.” King Cold says, deep voice booming over everyone present. Which is when you realize he'd stopped above the dais, where Freeza stood at your own wedding. You aren't quite sure how he convinced King Cold of all people to officiate, but here he is. “If you all would make your way to your seats, this service will begin.”
“Alright, everyone look to the seats. If you see your name, that one's yours.” Chilli says, clapping his hands four quick times. And, sure enough, on the nearby seats you see names begin appearing. Looks like it is time for the celebration to begin. Everyone finds their seats, yours being in the front row on the outside, so no one seated in further back rows would be unable to see the ceremony. It's time.

How do you all want to do this? This is for you the players, not necessarily an 'in character' vote here.
>Watch the entire ceremony, you don't want to miss a second
>Ceremony highlights, you don't want every minute detail
>Quick and fast, you want to get to where things happen and there are more things to vote on
No matter what it won't be finished tonight, no matter which is picked, but which of these would you prefer?
>Watch the entire ceremony, you don't want to miss a second
Because someone, somewhere, always, ALWAYS raids it.
>Ceremony highlights, you don't want every minute detail
Our grandbaby wants to get married, stop this before my heart pops.
>>Ceremony highlights, you don't want every minute detail
>Ceremony highlights, you don't want every minute detail
Just to avoid a tie, and also because there would be an inevitable cringe factor with Komand'r walking about
>If you see your name, that one's yours
Karn's greatest weakness, literacy!
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Rolled 2 (1d3)

Ceremony highlights, you don't want every minute detail wins it. Writing.
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A 2? Well, that's quite unfortunate.
For them
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Silently you watch on as your son's wedding begins, Broly emerging from within your ship. He's wearing a suit well-fitted to himself, your son striding confidently down the aisle. Music begins playing from your ship's speakers, no doubt one of your crew's handiwork. He strides up to the dais by King Cold's right, the two sharing quiet words a moment before they turn. You all turn as well, watching as Koriand'r, accompanied by that giant warrior Galfore. She's wearing a rather simplistic white dress accented with silver, wearing a crown much like her sister's own. Glancing over to Komand'r, she doesn't seem upset by this, in fact looks rather smug about it. Everyone watches as she approaches the dais, Galfore handing her off to Broly. Who takes her by the hands, helping her up onto the dais, facing each other as King Cold begins to speak.

King Cold begins speaking, asking the two questions of loyalty, love, and other things, the two answering them. Then, with his final question he calls for the rings, Galfore walking back up the aisle, holding a small box in his hands. He walks over to the foot of the dais, kneeling and opening it. Where, to your surprise, see a pair of rings. One made of some sort of pale metal, with an inlaid gemstone gleaming in the sunlight while the other is dark, looking near-identical to your own wedding band. The two take the others' rings, putting them on each other's left hand ring fingers.

“And with this, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” King Cold says, turning to your son. “You may now kiss the bride.”

Wordlessly your son takes her in his arms, deeply kissing his new wife as the crowd cheers. Everyone begins rising to their feet, you doing the same. They kiss for several more seconds, Broly then pulling back. Both are blushing, looking out over the cheering crowd who were witnesses to their union. Her ring's gemstone catches the light, sparkling in the daylight just like her and your son's smiles. Their day is going perfectly, no interruptions yet. You just hope it stays that way, else you're going to have to teach them a very painful lesson on why that was such a bad idea.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 219 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying this episode so far? Ready to see how this plays out, and what that 1d3 was about? Curious how the reception will go, since the ceremony went off without a hitch and if anyone is actually going to crash this celebration? Are you ready for what comes next? All this and more when this episode continues at noon EST, roughly 11 1/2 hours from now!
>Glancing over to Komand'r, she doesn't seem upset by this, in fact looks rather smug about it.
What is your game she-bitch?
Just watch. The wedding is about to be invaded by Sauron.
Who knows? All I can say is that she's playing an entirely different game to the one she was on last time you met. Perhaps losing all custody of her kid has made her re-evaluate life? Or maybe she's already five moves ahead?
She can play chess as proficiently as she wants. Karn plays dodgeball.
Ha. Luckily for her she's not playing against you. She's learned that lesson.
Well that's concerning. What exactly are the implications of Kori and Broly being formally wed that we're not aware of?
Komand'r didn't just find a loophole in her Pact, did she?
As I said, she's on different timing than before. Not with the pact in particular, that's not part of what she's doing.
We'll see soon enough.
She's lucky Karn has better shit to do than obsess over what she's doing 24/7.
Ya know, stuff like teaching his students and enjoying the company of his friends and family. Not that she'd know anything about the latter.
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With the ceremony over, Broly and Koriand'r are about to lead the way, when suddenly your wife shoots to her feet, throwing her arms wide.

“Reflector!” she declares, throwing her energy out just as a pillar of rainbow-like energy crashes down nearby. Your wife's hastily-erected shield blocks the sudden shock wave of sand from blowing over the newlyweds and the crowd, reflecting it up into the air towards that beam of light. Which quickly fades, revealing the familiar faces of Universe 7's God of Destruction Beerus and his attendant Whis. The Tamaraneans, especially Komand'r are stunned, terrified into silence by the sudden arrival of the Destroyer. No one says a word, the only sounds the gentle waves on the sand and the wind through the air the only sounds as everyone waits to see what the God of Destruction will say.

“I'm not too late, am I?” he asks with a yawn, looking around nonchalantly. He notices there are only two open seats, near the Tamaranean ruler and looks up to Broly and Kori. He notices the rings, ears drooping a bit. “I missed it, didn't I?”
“You just missed the ceremony, but we're about to start the reception if you'd like to join us for that, Lord Beerus.” Broly says casually, unphased by the GoD's sudden appearance. Something you notice Komand'r notices as well, her head snapping from the god's to his. “You did seem quite pleased with Silver's first hand at these dishes.”
“Well, that's too bad. But I'll take you up on that offer.” Beerus says happily, Broly and Kori leading everyone into your home. As the group makes their way, following the bride and groom to the mess hall, you notice all the doors are locked tight. A smart move, with so many unknown people here.

But all those thoughts vanish as the door to the mess hall opens, and a plethora of wonderful and wondrous smells hit your nose. You feel yourself nearly start drooling at just the taste of the air, stepping in you see a magnificent spread. Every single table is piled high with platters of food, all the casks lined up against one wall with the pale, red-eyed woman readying the drinks for everyone.

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Once again Chilli takes up the role of organizer, directing groups to their tables. You find yourself at Broly and Kori's table, you both sitting to his right while Queen Komand'r sits to Kori's left. Beerus is seated with King Cold and his boys, Whis opting to stand behind the Destroyer as the meal begins. Everyone digs in, the first bite of a different meat than any you've tried before, as it's green on the inside served with eggs, which are surprisingly also green. You've never tried such food, but they're delicious, some of the best food you've ever had. Conversations die out as everyone begins eating their food, the taste so exquisite that talking instead of eating seems to be a criminal waste of time.

For several minutes the only sounds are that of people eating, until the platters begin to empty. As you sit back, sighing out contentedly and looking around the room. The Tamaraneans, despite being on average smaller than the average Saiyan, can put food away just as quickly. It's honestly impressive, few other races can eat like your own. But then there's a soft yet somehow piercing chiming noise, everyone turning towards the source to see your son Chilli holding a glass. The room falls silent as he gives a short speech about his brother, then raises the glass. Everyone raises their drinks as well, drinking them as one. Well, almost everyone. You notice Komand'r raise the glass to her lips, but does not seem to actually take a drink. Which immediately has you suspicious, did she poison the drink? Is there something wrong with it?

What do you do?
>Loudly ask her why she didn't drink, make sure everyone knows what's going on
>Telepathically ask her why she didn't, perhaps there's a good reason for this
>Don't say anything to her yet, but telepathically tell Kori so she can confront her sister instead of you doing so
>Other(write in)
>Don't say anything to her yet, but telepathically tell Kori so she can confront her sister instead of you doing so
...she wants to stay in fighting shape, doesn't she?
>Don't say anything to her yet, but telepathically tell Kori so she can confront her sister instead of you doing so
>Don't say anything to her yet, but telepathically tell Kori so she can confront her sister instead of you doing so
Wait a fucking second, did you make a Dr.Fucking Seuss reference with Green Eggs and Ham?
Rolled 95, 2, 64 = 161 (3d100)

And I'm so very glad you noticed.
Don't say anything to her yet, but telepathically tell Kori so she can confront her sister instead of you doing so wins it. Roll me a single d100.

DC: 25
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Rolled 74 (1d100)

That was of the drinks she brought. Which is why Karn noticed she didn't drink any.
Huh. Very real chance of it being poisoned then.
That or she's actually trying her best not to mouth off and start a fight.
Rolled 79 (1d100)

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Rolled 92, 41, 86 = 219 (3d100)

79/100. Quite a smashing success, writing.
>"Gah! General Karn? Why are you thinking so-"
>"Komand'r didn't actually drink the wine?"
>"Thank you General, just please stop shouting."
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“Kori, we need to talk.” you telepathically call over your new daughter-in-law as the drink you downed burns in your guts. “Don't look over here, don't give away we're talking.”
“What is the matter?” she asks, a note of worry in her tone. “Is something wrong?”
“I'm not sure, but I've got a bad feeling. I noticed your sister didn't drink anything at the toast, she merely pretended.” you tell her, looking out over the room and trying to see how the Tamaraneans react to their drinks. But none seem to have any ill-effects, all going back over towards the casks to refill after draining them at the toast. “With what Turles told me about how she likes to get drunk, her not drinking is suspicious.”

“Oh, I see. Well, I shall ask her.” Kori answers, ending the mental link and turning to her sister. While still looking out over the room, seeing Tatsu and Tomi talking in a hushed whisper, Maza speaking with the large warrior Galfore, everyone all talking and having a good time, you focus up, listening in on what the sisters say.
“Sister, you didn't drink the celebratory toast? Why is that?” Kori asks, her tone concerned. “Is everything alright?”
“Oh, dear sister. Please, do not take any offense, I know it is tradition, but I have sworn off the drink.” Komand'r says seriously, catching you by surprise. “I have spent these last few years trying to become a, well, not necessarily better, but at least not as terrible a person.”

“Sister, do not say such things about yourself.” Kori says, only to be interrupted.
“While it wasn't entirely the drink's fault, it does bring out the worst in me, little sister.” Komand'r says, then lowering her voice as her tone turns seemingly genuinely sorrowful. “I lost my child over my love of drink. Because of how I would act while inebriated, I drove my family away. They LEFT the planet today, because I was coming. If you take no other lesson from me, learn this: treat this man of yours right. Don't drive him away from you, as I did.”

“Sister...” Kori says, sounding upset as well. Looking over, you see the two sisters hugging, Komand'r facing you. But her eyes are closed and not smiling behind her sister's back, seemingly genuine in her expression. Perhaps she's being truthful, and has in fact changed her ways?

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The rest of the party goes off without a hitch, no more unexpected guests, no Time Patrol invasions, nothing. That is, until you all head back outside, Broly carrying his bride out. Where King Vegeta is waiting, with a rather roomy ship parked behind him.

“Congratulations to both of you. I took the liberty of preparing a little something for you both.” he says, handing the remote controller of the ship to Kori. “It's heavily reinforced, as long as you two don't do anything too crazy it'll suit your travels just fine.”
“Th-Thank you.” Broly says, a little embarrassed. You see his ears blushing red from where you're standing as Kori lowers the ramp, your son turning towards you all. You all say your farewells and well-wishes, the two boarding the ship and preparing to leave. It lifts up into the air, blasting off and quickly leaving New Salda behind. You let out a sigh, relieved that there wasn't any major interruptions to the party. It seems that everything went off without any major hitch or interruption.

But what happens now? Who approaches you first, now that the celebration is over?
>King Cold
>King Vegeta
>Tatsu and Tomi
I don't think we ever spoke before.
>King Cold
Changing to this.
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Galfore wins it, time to have a dad-to-dad. No rolls for this one, writing.
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Everyone watches the ship depart, silence hanging over the crowd. People then begin talking, you hearing some of the Tamaraneans say they'll go back in for seconds on the drinks before starting the trip back to their home. However, as many of them go back, the largest warrior, Galfore, approaches you.

“General Karn.” he says, holding out his hand. Which you take, the warrior immediately increasing the pressure of his squeeze. Despite the strength gap you don't crush his hand to powder, matching his strength and adding just a little more. Just enough to make him wince, then smirk approvingly. “Heh. You're as strong as they say.”
“Galfore. I take it you and Kori were close?” you ask the one-eyed elder warrior. Whose good eye starts getting a little misty, but gets a rather large smile on his face.
“I'm her K'norfka. Something of a caretaker, or guardian in your tongue.” he says wistfully. “I have been entrusted with caring for little Kori since she first learned to walk by her parents, the late queen and king of Tamaran. I taught her how to fight.”

“From what I've seen, you did quite the job.” you tell him. “She's become quite the warrior, and has a noble soul.”
“Indeed. Were it my choice, I would serve her until my last.” he says, glancing over to see Queen Komand'r is busy talking with emperor Cooler before continuing. “She would make a better queen of my people.”
“In my experience, those most suited to rule often don't seek it out.” you tell him, the warrior's brows narrowing, head tilting back a bit.
“Yes, too true. You possess much wisdom, for such a young warrior.” he then says, you laughing at this. Which confuses him.

“No, don't worry. I just find it funny you call me young.” you tell him, the warrior still looking confused. So you turn, pointing out Chilli and Megumin to him, your son holding his children who've fallen asleep after eating. “That's my eldest-born son, Chilli. And his two children, Meloka Wolbach and Kazuburo.”
“Hold on. Did you say they're your son's children?” Galfore asks, turning back to you after a moment. You nod, to which the elder warrior laughs. “Wahahahaa, you're far older than you appear, General Karn.”
“Ha, I'll take it as a compliment.” you reply, the two of you swapping child stories for a few minutes. Then Queen Komand'r approaches you, Galfore taking a step back from you.

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“Well, General Karn, this has been fun. And, before we depart, may I ask a more...Personal favor of you?” she asks, lowering her voice with the question.
“What is it?” you reply warily, not sure what she wants. You don't commit one way or the other, but are curious what she could want.
“I know you were with my daughter earlier, and were the one who took her and Turles away.” she says, not accusing you but rather stating a fact. “My daughter, my-my Ticho. Is she doing well?”

Well? How do you respond to THIS?
>Tell her Ticho is happy and doing well, that she and her father are very close
>You aren't sure, as she and Turles don't come around all that often. But from what you've seen they're both doing well
>Let her know what you saw today when visiting Turles' home, including Ticho's reaction to knowing she was coming
>Other(write in)?
>You aren't sure, as she and Turles don't come around all that often. But from what you've seen they're both doing well
I'm sure they are happy but this seems like the truth.
>You aren't sure, as she and Turles don't come around all that often. But from what you've seen they're both doing well
If only she knew how easy it would be for us to twist the knife right now.
>You aren't sure, as she and Turles don't come around all that often. But from what you've seen they're both doing well
>Ticho seems to be making friends with her squad she formed with my kids, as well as they can get along at least.
>You aren't sure, as she and Turles don't come around all that often. But from what you've seen they're both doing well
You aren't sure, as she and Turles don't come around all that often. But from what you've seen they're both doing well wins it. Probably the least-painful option for her, how very considerate of you. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 45
Second DC: 80
Rolled 45, 61 = 106 (2d100)

let's see if the dice agree if this counts as a family roll
Rolled 43, 33 = 76 (2d100)

Ya blew it, dark combustion.
Rolled 50, 90 = 140 (2d100)

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50/100, 90/100. Double success, writing.
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“Komand'r, I'll be honest with you: I'm not entirely sure. She and Turles don't exactly come around all that often.” you tell her, watching the queen's eyes widen in surprise. “But, from what I have seen in passing, they're both doing well.”
“I see. Well, knowing she is well is enough for me.” she says, going to turn away. But then she stops, turning back to you. “This may be asking too much, but. Would you deliver a message to me? To Turles, and let him decide if it should be passed on to Ticho.”

“I'll hear you out.” you tell her, Queen Komand'r nodding. She then takes a deep breath, sighing out then handing you a small device. You look at it curiously, then abck up to her for an explanation.
“It's a recording device, I left two messages on it. One for him, and one for her.” she tells you, her voice wavering for the slightest of moments. But the queen keeps her composure, continuing. “I would like you to give it to Turles, and explain what it is. If he destroys it or throws it away or listens to it is up to him, there is no penalty of any kind for breaking it or not returning it to me.”
“I understand.” you say, accepting the device. She then takes another quick breath, then calls for her people to return to her. They all form up, the Tamaranean queen saying her farewells to the Cold Clan before leading her people away from your world without looking back. Silence hangs for a few moments, before being interrupted by a rather loud, obnoxious yawn.

“Well, th-that was something.” the Destroyer says, yawning again mid-sentence. “I'd say it was worth the trip, wouldn't you Whis?”
“Yes, I would concur. The spread was quite splendid.” his assistant says, then holds up two small, wrapped boxes. “I even brought some along for the trip back.”
“Excellent! Farewell, mortals.” Beerus declares, clearly ready to leave. But is stopped as Whis leans over, whispering something you can't quite hear into his ear. Causing him to freeze in place a moment before sighing out, his mood dropping. “Right, I'd nearly forgot. I hope you all have been keeping up with your trainings, because I will need you all soon. My annoying brother's called for another tournament, to be held in two month's time.”

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“Another tournament? Hell yeah, I'm in!” Chaya declares, pumping her fist excitedly. “How many of us get to participate this time?”
“Whis, you know all the rules we agreed on, why don't you explain it?” Beerus says, waving a hand dismissively.
“Of course, my lord.” Whis says, stepping forward. “This tournament, which will take place in thirty three days, four hours and eleven minutes is quite similar to the previous one. Instead of five-on-five in a king of the hill-style ladder, this will have eight competitors from each universe in a battle royale. Team-on-team combat with a far larger arena. Keeping the rules about weapons, ring-outs, and killing all intact from the previous tournament.”

“A battle royale, huh? Everyone all at once, who would be the referee for such a thing?” Chaya asks, clearly the most interested of everyone present in this tournament.
“That's the most important part. Grand Zen-Oh himself will be presiding over the tournament.” Whis says, you hearing several gasps of surprise, glancing around and seeing many wide-eyed expressions. “He is very interested in seeing what our twinned universes can do.”
“I get to see Zen-Oh again, AND I get to beat up those weak Universe 6 guys?” she asks, cracking her knuckles. “Count me in!”
“I'll leave picking the team to you, Cold. Remember, we absolutely cannot lose to my brother! Understood?”

“Of course, Lord Beerus.” King Cold answers with a bow. “We shan't lose.”
“Good.” he says, clearly readying himself to leave. “Thirty three days, you all better be gathered back here ready to win.”

But is there anything you want to ask the Destroyer before he departs?
>Ask what their tournament is for, what the two of them are fighting over this time
>Ask what your team gets for winning, what reward Zen-Oh plans to bestow upon the victor
>No questions, you now have a goal to work towards
>Other(write in)
>Ask what their tournament is for, what the two of them are fighting over this time
>Ask what their tournament is for, what the two of them are fighting over this time
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Taking both and going, Ask what their tournament is for, what the two of them are fighting over this time wins it. Writing.
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“Lord Beerus, I have a question before you go.” you say, the Destroyer turning to you with a brow raised. “Last time, the tournament was over those Super Dragon Balls. But what is this one over? What are you and Champa fighting over this time?”
“Wh-Oh, right. Well, suffice it to say after the last one, my brother was very jealous of having both you and your wife on your team.” Beerus says, a sly grin coming to his mouth. “And in his jealousy, made another foolish bargain. If you all win, I get the final Super Dragon Ball and can make any wish I desire.”
“And if we somehow lose, as improbable as that would be?” Freeza asks, you sensing hostility in his tone. Which Beerus waves off nonchalantly.

“Should he somehow best you all with his pitiful fighters, I have to trade Saiyan home worlds and their people with him.” Beerus says casually, your entire family freezing at this. Your rage suddenly spikes, knowing that being under another Destroyer's jurisdiction could have severe consequences for you all. And not to mention the impact on the PTO, losing your people would be a devastating blow. It could destabilize the entire peace in this universe your all have worked so hard to build.
“What?” Freeza says, speaking up first. “You... You DARE-?!”
“Oh, relax Freeza. I have the utmost confidence in you all to win this.” Beerus says casually, then becomes far more serious, expression and body language shifting as his Destroyer begins appearing around him. “And you lot had BETTER win this. Do I make myself understood?”

“We won't lose.” you say, stepping forward and ascending into your Berserker God form. But then, before you can say anything else, you all sense another power suddenly surging. Everyone who isn't a god immediately turns towards your ship, only for that power to suddenly appear right by you. Or, rather, BETWEEN you and the Destroyer. Haathe has arrived, already in her Berserker God form as well. Shit.
“Haaaaaah!” she breathes heavily, steam pouring from her mouth as she glares at Beerus. Whose entire appearance shifts again, taking a far more defensive, wary posture as he observes the newcomer. "Puny god. I'll crush you! HRRAAAAAA!!”

And with a bestial roar Haathe launches herself forwards, directly at the strongest deity in this universe.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 219 paused-
And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy the ride? Ready to see how this plays out, how Haathe's Berserker God power stacks up against the Destroyer? Curious what twists await you at the next tournament, and who King Cold will choose for the team(or delegate that responsibility to)? We've come a long way in seven years, and hopefully more to come when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues!
>Should he somehow best you all with his pitiful fighters, I have to trade Saiyan home worlds and their people with him
I'm sick to my stomach. Those weenie Saiyans would get eaten ALIVE in our universe.
Oh shit, Haathe still goes biggest green if we transform? We're gonna need Towa and Freeza to power level us.
I am ready for the Galaxy's greatest pub brawl
Captain Ginyu

instead of one or two of those?
Not necessarily IF you transform. But she CAN.
A decent team. Kars won't be allowed, as he's a Kai. And Aku would be banned as he's, well... Let's just say he's even less valid a contestant than Kars.
Ha, and yes. Freeza may actually go through with erasing them, dealing with them for long.
>“Haaaaaah!” she breathes heavily, steam pouring from her mouth as she glares
I don't have any objections with this list, honestly. We're bringing our A-Game, but incase Ubo can't show up, then I'd have Guldo take his empty slot.
That is, if other forces don't get them first. There's probably a whole score of lesser empires and last survivors that would want to take a couple of Saiyans out, native or not. And while the scale and frequency of world ending threats are a lot lower these days, they still happen. They simply can't survive in New Salda's shoes.
>Ubo can't show up, then I'd have Guldo take his empty slot.

For the tournament
Excellent choice for a ringer in the wings
Yes. May give you a hint of what sort of experiment Towa was running with her.
It's a pretty good list.
They would be in danger.
Guldo would be a very good choice.
That doesn't make any sense in context either?
Speaking of, well. You could fill the entire roster with family and have a near-unbreakable team. With what you know IC of universe 6, the ONLY threat is Hit.
>With what you know IC of universe 6, the ONLY threat is Hit.
With what I know OOC he's the ONLY threat.
ooohhh gottem
But they really need to level up. They didn't get a coaching on super saiyan like in canon, so I don't expect that U6 saiyans know how to get it since the forms we showed off weren't typical super saiyan forms
No, you haven't yet met the man they call doctor. Or the Namekians. Speaking of-
Having missed the Super Dragon Balls' wish, Champa may have went to another wish-granting dragon to power up his own Saiyans.
I see. The doping route. For shame, Champa.
i think Freeza might have found his true inspiration, replacing the god that dared gamble his friend.
Given how they seem to threaten everything he's built regularly and on a whim, I can totally see that.
Being the GoD probably works better for Frieza than being Emperor anyways. All the authority, but with far less actual responsibility.
Less doping and more, how shall we call it, 'accelerated evolution'.
He's not happy with the events that are currently unfolding. But is quite impressed how, despite being completely unmatched Haathe charged Beerus directly.
Could be a potential future for the former emperor.
So, did he wish for more S-Cells on average or did he say "LET THERE BE MONKIES!" and given them all tails?
>Uh, alright Mr. Fatcat.

>they never practice or train with them because they had zero lore on it
>they get blitz balled in the tournament
>they all lose their shit

I'd be crying laughing.
Either outcome is shortsighted. I don't think such an impatient GoD like Champa would've asked questions, just go straight for instant reward. It'll probably bite him in the ass one way or another
Is this it? Am I actually doing a Champa pov intermission before doing one for Beerus?
You say that like I didn't just type the first post on mobile on my lunch break
Champa is a cheater
Should we try to steal champas universes berserker soul and add it to our conglomerate?
They don't call him "Champa the Cheat" for nothing.
>Sullying our CHAD U7 Beserker Soul with wimpy U6
I'm joking, but I think we'd have to kill Kale or severely cripple her to do that, and there's no good reason to, on top of not knowing she exists yet or if U6 even works on our wacky soul rules. The fact that the U6 roster remained the same in 6v7 despite the time difference from canon makes me think there won't be that many curveballs.
He tries. But usually fumbles to his own laziness.
It is a potential. But it won't exactly be easy, not with Champa's phrasing.
When the writing inspiration strikes, I gotta write.
>The fact that the U6 roster remained the same in 6v7 despite the time difference from canon
That's actually explainable. The other universes were brought closer to their 'canon' timeline matchup of Age 780, thanks to a certain bespectacled man with purple skin before Mechikabura conquered Chronoa. He didn't want the cast to be too old before the tournaments like the ToP or Destroyers' to begin, he wants to compare our verse's performance to different timelines.
>makes me think there won't be that many curveballs.
>Fu fixing the roster under everyone's nose
I'm not that mad, actually. I would be lying if I said that I didn't want to compare our timeline's performance against the other 11 universes to canon eventually. I just hope we get a little more experience with our twin universe outside of the battlefield, have some parallel shenanigans and whatnot.
Champa bitch made
You know, I want to act like its a surprise, but I can't say it is even if I didn't know. Fucker was up to something.
Oh absolutely. He wanted to get a more direct comparison, even though your universe is quite 'ahead' in the timeline.
Yeah, he's not one to put in work.
Fu is ALWAYS up to something
>even though your universe is quite 'ahead' in the timeline.
Honestly, what's a skew of 20-something years in the grand scheme of things?
I can imagine anybody who's even aware of the shift wouldn't care about something that insignificant.
Logically speaking, a 20 something early ToP would change up the rosters of basically every universe and "nerf" characters that train a lot, since it would be 20 years of missed training. 20 years before Goku attained UI and styled on Jiren, he was raising a 3 year old Gohan with Chi-Chi innawoods. I can't blame Fu for wanting to accelerate things a little, as much of a meddling bastard he is.
Enough for Aeos to have noticed it when she had your scroll, but not enough to bother bringing up with Mechikabura. She knows what was done to it, but not by who.
Yes, exactly. While old heads like Hit wouldn't be affected, most fighters aren't hundreds of years old like him and King Cold.
I've heard of this scenario a hundred times but watched someone write it once. Pretty sure it was MasakoX and he came up with a scenario where Freeza replaced Sidra as GoD of his universe and ended up wiping out every other universe just by being extremely good at the job for a couple thousand years.
I can definitely see Frieza being an extremely competent Destroyer. He went out of his way to destroy planets that were either slated for it or threatened the development of his Empire.
That personal impetus combined with the actual authority and responsibility to do it makes him an ideal candidate for the position, to say nothing else of his natural talent for Ki manipulation and Martial Arts.
It was the best written, probably his best story I've ever heard.
Absolutely, one day perhaps. But first he'd need an opening.
>Absolutely, one day perhaps. But first he'd need an opening.
Beerus keeps pushing his luck and there's about to be one courtesy of a giant green boot.
Ha. But you're still quite a long way from being able to take the Destroyer himself.
You keep poking the bear from up in your tree, he'll climb up and get you eventually.
I don't expect Beerus to respect anybody else's autonomy, but if he wants to make that Karn's problem, so be it.
A conflict with Beerus, while not inevitable, is quite likely to happen one day. Unlike canon, he doesn't have quite the 'close' relationship to the cast this time.
Ungrateful fuck gets invited to family weddings and birthday parties, eats our food, then claims he doesn't even really like us that much. Typical fucking cat.
Yes, he is very.... Fickle
Pussy, just say pussy, we will at some point
>My joke
>his pussy
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The May patron epilogue is now live! Just a taste for the non-patrons, the elder twins taking a step on their journey of getting through what happened to them. And an absolute banger by @Vincentgraphart
Hell yeah, good for them.
did the twins troonificate and become the first queer saiyan?
They're doing better. Won't be around for the next bit in-quest, but they need this time.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 219 Intermission-


“Gaaah! What do you MEAN you still can't transform?!” you shout, the shorter, thin Saiyanling bowing in defeat. “Even after all this time you still can't?”
“N-No sir. I've tried everything, had the scribes go through the archives and everything, but there's no record of our people transforming like that.” Cabba answers nervously. “Maybe it's only something the Saiyans of the Seventh can do?”

“That is... Highly unlikely, as your two species evolved on mirrored worlds. While their evolution took a more... Barbaric turn, keeping their tails and not losing them over time, that tail of theirs is only used for a different transformation entirely.”
“What? A different transformation?” Cabba asks.
“What do you mean, different?” you ask your constant companion and often annoyance Vados. Who then projects an image from her staff over the three of your heads. Where, gazing up at a full moon see several of the Universe 7 Saiyans transforming. Not into the fiery red, divine blue, or the blazing emerald forms, but those of monsters. “Giant monkeys? Now I've seen everything. And I'm guessing your people don't do this either?”

“No sir, never. Never even seen such horrific, beastly transformations before.” Cabba tells you, sounding almost offended that you'd compare his 'peacekeeping' people to the rampaging, city-destroying monsters you all watch quickly leveling the area around them. “Vados, are you sure we're the same?”
“While your species are both Saiyans, I'd say your subspecies have their differences. Divergent evolution is quite extraordinary.” Vados answers. “But what this tells me is that, while the tails may be necessary for this specific transformation, it isn't required to obtain those other forms. Do you remember that one woman from the Seventh? The one who fought their Kai-in-training?”
“The one with the stub tail?” you ask, wondering what Vados is getting at. “What about her?”
“If the tail is needed to transform, then should she not be able to anymore? She had so little tail left, yet nearly reached the same level of power as the one who beat our Saiyan Cabba here with a single blow.” Vados says smugly, the Saiyan looking down in shame. As he should, his loss brought dishonor onto you. Losing to Universe 7's first fighter when she was completely exhausted, barely able to stand much less fight. Disgraceful. “Either way, if Cabba and the others haven't found a way to transform on their own, then perhaps-?”
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“You're on the right path, Universe 7 Saiyans' tails are only necessary for their Oozaru forms, and the Super Saiyan 4 transformation.” a male voice you've never heard before says, you all turning towards the speaker. Only to see a strange, purple skinned young demon standing there, his glasses reflecting the light to obscure his eyes. “But if you want to get your Saiyans strong enough to fight Universe 7, I can fast-track you.”
“What?” you say, only for, to your surprise, Vados step forward between you and the demon, leveling her staff threatening towards him. “Vados?”

“I don't know what timeline you're from, invader. But I suggest you leave.” she says, her voice low and menacing. “Before I make you.”
“Woah, woah, easy there Vados! I'm not here for a fight! At least, not to get into any fights.” the man says, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. “I'm simply here to give you all a chance.”
“A chance?” you ask, curiosity piqued. “What do you mean?”

“As things stand, your universe is going to get creamed by Beerus.” he says, you grinding your teeth in frustration. “But that won't be entertaining for Grand Zen-Oh. So, I'm offering your people, Cabba, the keys to the kingdom as it were. The secret to transforming. Like this.”

The man takes his glasses off, then in a flash transforms! His long pale hair, which had once been tied back behind his head breaks free of its binding, standing up just like the Saiyan Karn's own. His eyes blaze red, pale aura blazing up around him as you all can feel his power surging.

“Woah!” Cabba exclaims, the young Saiyan nearly knocked over by the force of the transformation. “How can you do that?”
“Well, long story short I'm what you'd call a hybrid. I'm part Saiyan myself, which lets me gain this transformation.” he says, you feeling slightly curious. He then powers back down, putting his glasses back on. “And if you're wanting to get the ability to transform as well, there's a simple solution: use the Dragonballs to grant you a wish.”
“What a stupid suggestion. My brother has six of them, we can't make a wish with just one.” you say to him, to which the young man smirks. Adjusting his glasses with a single finger, catching the light in them once more.

“Lord Champa, you don't need the Super Dragon Balls. Your universe has another set, didn't you know?” he asks, your jaw dropping.
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“What? Vados, is that true?” you ask, turning from him to her, then back to this man. “Where? And just who in the world are you?”
“Planet Namek, homeworld of the Namekians.” the man says, smirking. “North quadrant, Vados, it's-”
“I am quite aware where Namek is.” she answers him crossly, looking into the gem of her staff. But your attention is on this stranger.
“As for me, I'm just passing through.” the man answers with a smug, self-satisfied grin. “If you want the ability to transform your Saiyans into Super Saiyans, the three of you should go there. And, if you do, you'll find what you're really looking for.”

“What I'm really looking for?” you ask him, not sure what he means.
“Indeed. You don't just want a normal Super Saiyan, right? But what you really want is a big green warrior like Karn of your own.” he says, and as he says this you do, in fact, want your very own Karn. A big, green warrior fit to match the Seventh's own terrifying menace, something that'll really rattle your annoying brother. “Cabba, once you learn how to transform, you'll be the key.”

“M-Me?” he asks, you looking to the scrawny, unimpressive Saiyan with a critical eye. “How is that?”
“Once you can transform, you'll be the key to unlocking the Sixth Universe's Berserker. Tell your master Renzo that you want to recruit him for the tournament, and he'll lead you to the warrior Champa desires.” the strange, pointy-eared man says with a grin. “She won't be the one you expect, but her power will be the real deal. Good luck Universe Six, I'm expecting you all to put on quite the show.”

And with that the stranger draws a short, single-edged blade, turning and slashing through reality itself somehow. Sheathing his sword, he makes a gesture towards his head and away with two fingers, diving into the tear and vanishing. The portal sealing behind him, leaving you eager for this new warrior.

“Vados, have you found Planet Namek yet?” you ask her eagerly, turning to her.
“Of course, my lord. Are your ready to go?” she asks, a note of annoyance in her tone.
“Yes, let's get a move on. Double time!” you tell her. “We only have two more weeks until this tournament kicks off, there's no time to waste!”

Placing a hand on Vados' back, Cabba placing a hand on your own you all leave Planet Sadala behind, blasting through space towards this Namek. Grinning wickedly, you can't help but feel excited. Soon, you'll have a powerful, big green warrior too, one that'll make Beerus quake in his boots. This time you'll win, you'll beat him for sure!

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 291 Intermission End-
I told you all he's scheming.
Depending on the wording of the wish even if the get the transformations they won't be use to them and they won't have our mastery of them
Of course, everyone's favorite powerlevelfag was up to something.
Even if they get their transformations they just won't be real fighters. Champa just lacks critical thinking. He saw Karn literally DIE and keep fighting. Being big and angry isn't enough to match something like that. To say nothing of the crazy shit other members of our team will get up to with their own specializations and talents.

Champa's bringing border collies to fight pitbulls, essentially.
That's the fun trick Fu's played on him. When Champa wishes for his Saiyans to have the transformations it won't work, because they already CAN. But with Cabba there, he'll know to ask (or accidentally wish for) the knowledge of How to transform.
Man doesn't debate powerlevels, he runs a fight club and brings receipts with video.
He bringing young, inexperienced pitbulls to a honey badger fight.
>Man doesn't debate powerlevels, he runs a fight club and brings receipts with video.
So Fu's the type of guy who doesn't deal in hypotheticals and debate like a deathbattlefag, but ACTIVELY arranges cockfights? That's pretty hardcore.
>He bringing young, inexperienced pitbulls to a honey badger fight.
Probably the most accurate analogy I've seen for 6v7 yet. None of them have been in the trenches like we were.
Just realized, the team format is the perfect excuse to get in some training with U7's best teamwork specialists.
Exactly. He's the guy who figured out the Super Saiyan God ritual Saiyan is the strongest version of SSG after all.
Yes, they're not quite green, but U6 was a far more peaceful place their last half-century than U7 was in just the last 25 years.
Which ones? Remember, there's only 8 slots and King Cold's in charge. He may have a certain number of slots in this roster already filled. Including someone he knows can defeat someone like Hit again
>He bringing young, inexperienced pitbulls to a honey badger fight.
I don't know man, U6 saiyans kind of just don't have violent bones in their body. Barring two. One of which is huffing the GREEN as an excuse. The noodle arms are stuck on jelly bones. The only thing they got going for them is abnormal base PLs. Or maybe it's that U7 has abnormally low PLs. Either way. In my eyes they'll always be more like herding dogs than attack dogs.
That's why I said inexperienced. Just because they haven't had the CHANCE to unleash that dog doesn't mean they don't have it in them. They live in a far more orderly society. Like comparing modern Swedes to Vikings. Or modern Canuks to early/mid 1900s Canuks. One apologize for breathing, the others are the reason for half of the articles at Geneva.
My God, cheat cat, you stupid fucking cat, you have no idea what you are fucking with. What the fuck is it with cat people in this quest?
Sounds like Hood Jutsu Kaisen then.
Its gonna be a slaughter, those poor, poor noodle poodles.
Kind of (extremely) generous to compare a few generations of peace to hundreds if not thousands of years of it but okay. They really aren't built the same.
I think that the fact that U6 saiyans can go super at all means that comparing the two universe's saiyans is less comparing apes to humans and more like comparing cavemen to humans. Their temperament is different and they live in different eras, but they're not so different that they'd be classified as different species. You could teach a caveman to say please and thank you just as easily as you could train a regular dude to kill a deer with a pointy rock. Not that doing either is easy, but it isn't as impossible as it sounds.

But now that we're on the subject, that sounds like a cool experiment. Raising U7 Saiyans in U6 and vice-versa could be interesting.
Honestly heres whats really wild to me. Wanting regular U6 Super Saiyans? Thats totally normal, hell I'd want SS for my universe too, SSG hey abit dangerous since your making racial warrior dietys but they really aren't that rare and you saw how strong they are so I get it.

But this stupid fucking cat, saw The Big Green Anti God Berserker who litterally kept fighting and killing even after he died against a mortal which DOESN'T Proc the Times Divinity Multiplier, who fought his Hakai even before his PL nearly doubled, who savagely tried to kill every divinity in his sight, who Beerus confirmed fought him and lived, and this Useless Fucking CAT really thought 'Hey let me get my own universal deicidal rage machine' I would say 'what could possibly go wrong' to that sentence but I know that stupid fuck hasn't even thought that far ahead. Only Vados has and shes bound to let Champa make his own mistakes.

That dumb fucking caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. I swear to god I'll rip the Berserker Soul out of Kale myself and then use it to beat Champa in half.
That's why I consider them sheepdogs compared to the warhounds that are U7. They're still dogs, they can still bite, they just won't really have that inbuilt edge to kill like something bred to have clamping jaws and a neck so thick you could fit a toddler in it with space to spare.

>nurture VS. nature experiment between universes
Could be pretty rad ngl. Making a U6 get detail drawn on their arms would be cool as shit.

Champa really does have the foresight of a shrimp scampi doused in cheap hot sauce, doesn't he? He overestimates himself like no other. Beerus might be lazy but he at least keeps himself in decent shape and practices fighting. Champa just coasts by on the fact that he's "strong".
I was using the examples to demonstrate how quickly a people can lose their balls and will to fight. Society's buried it deep, but it's still genetically in there somewhere.
Saiyans weren't the first nor only sentient race to have created their own deity. Some were even stronger than the Super Saiyan God.
Vados can advise, but isn't supposed to interfere. As much as she wants to.
Yes, he only sees what Karn did, not the potential dangers.
>how quickly a people can lose their balls and will to fight.
I don't quite find that apt here, though. It's not like they've been chilling for fifty years and got hippies crying. They've just never had the multiple near-extinction level events their counterparts had. Look at dodo birds. Most birds across the planet know to fuck off when something comes close to them, no matter what it is. Dodos would kind of just sit there and stare at the thing making noise before its entire skull got taken to the shadow realm.

After enough time even blood forgets to boil. I feel like the U6 are too used to being police instead of soldiers is all. If they weren't surely SOMEONE would have just blubbered into being a super saiyan on their end. Their population is leagues larger than ours and has been throughout our entire relative histories. Through sheer volume of chance they should have had at least one idiot crazy enough to scream into golden.
I'm speaking for the MAJORITY of the Saiyan race in U6. After all, there's at least one group led by a former peacekeeper's kin who aren't as soft as the rest. But yes, they've not had the same levels of insanity. Like the Saiyan Civil War, which in U6 resolved without half the population going extinct and the planet vanishing in a fiery explosion. That was the start of their path to a more peaceful existence.
Stupid question, but as a mirror of Universe 7, did Universe 6 get Yu Yu Hakusho where we got HxH? And what about Tekken/KoF in contrast to us getting Street Fighter?
>tfw instead of akuma they get GOD RUGAL
What's the gravity on Planet Sadala like anyways?

Unfortunately I've learned I won't be able to run the rest of this episode this weekend. Apologies for the short notice, usually I try to inform you all much sooner but this was out of my hands this time
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A pox on your house and a curse on your bloodline.
But naw for real, thanks for the heads up. In the meantime...>>6028179?
If it's less than 10Gs I'm gonna be mad.
You'll have to wait and see.
What in the early 2000s is this?
It's actually higher.
>What in the early 2000s is this?
Capcom's half of their collaborations with SNK back in the day. Very heavy on the asset reuse (which is a given considering the staggering roster size for the time) but otherwise some of the best 3v3 action they ever put out.
>What in the early 2000s is this?
Just a very casual crossover vidya. Tool assisted looks great though.
Neat. Still surprising to know how much media I missed out on being poor in the middle of nowhere.
Dumb question time;
Have the Saiyans adopted or domesticated their own companion animal yet?
Is Chaya any closer to realizing she's still deserving of love after Raditz?
Has Ubo told Clark about the contests between Universe 6 and 7 yet?
What are the odds Broly and Kori end up settling down on Earth with the Justice League and them?
No. They usually just eat them, it's what happened on Planet Vegeta. And New Salda didn't have really any large land animals.
No, not quite.
Yes, and he had questions. Batman furiously taking notes in the corner.
Not likely. Not to spoil too much of the patron epilogue of their honeymoon, but they'll run into a certain band of pirates first.
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I'm really spoiling to know what's out there in U6. Of all the personal missteps I feel the Dragonball franchise has made, the Tournament of Power, while HYPE AS FUCK, made a huge misstep in scale. The fact that the tournament claims to consist of each universe's most powerful fighters in existence, and the fact that Jiren was established as the powerlevel ceiling, really stifles the exploration to be had in each universe. I don't like it, but I can stomach the other 10 universes being mysteries forever, but the TWIN universe having only Sadala as a landmark makes me want to tear my hair out
Give them a break they only had thirteen minutes between fetching coffees to come up with this stuff. Poor interns.
U6 is going to be fun. You know of Sadala in character, and OOC know Namek is there as well now. As for whatever else is out there, perhaps we'll see within an arc or two.
Is the marvel Earth the one that's destroyed in u6?

Because if not, ngl I kind of want to throw down with Thor. He seems like he would be fun.
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Quite possibly. If so, it wouldn't be a stretch to say Universe 6's biggest greenest would have survived as well as the Asgardian.
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>Because if not, ngl I kind of want to throw down with Thor. He seems like he would be fun.
Thor would be fun, but the people yearn for the clash between Karn and HIM.
Actually now that I think about it, even the deceased are eligible contestants for these events, right?
Who's to say what heights Earth's Mightiest Heroes might have reached after years of training in Otherworld?
Someone else has claimed the Berserker Soul in U6, before Kale. Much as how someone claimed U7's before Broly.
Hey its better thor.
Yes, IF they have a body to compete with, and are allowed to leave the afterlife via someone in the mortal realm like Fortuneteller Baba.
>Someone else has claimed the Berserker Soul in U6, before Kale.
How much do you know about the Green Door and all the Immortal Hulk stuff?
>Hey its better Thor.
It's somebody who's a much more equivalent and comparable character to Karn, which I think makes for interesting interactions inside and outside of battle.
>Yes, IF they have a body to compete with, and are allowed to leave the afterlife via someone in the mortal realm like Fortuneteller Baba.
I expect one Captain Rogers then. Dude's definitely strong enough to keep his body on top of being a metaversally recognized champion of righteousness.
>How much do you know about the Green Door and all the Immortal Hulk stuff?
Yes, he is far better
Potentially, but Champa may have other ideas for champions this time.
What if it wasn't Saiyan Conquerer Quest but Freak Conquerer Quest and Karn ate ass and sucked toes?
Then I wouldn’t have been the QM, and wouldn’t have been allowed on /qst/ back when I started writing. Probably still not allowed, this is a blue board
How do you know Karn doesn't do all those things already.
If it makes you feel any better, any time you have written sexual encounters, it's very clear you were writing them as interactions between characters and not just smut.
I’m sure it also shows I have no idea what I’m doing when writing it too, but I appreciate it anon.
You know how it works. You put your piny in her vagoo and you spin around like a top?
Instructions unclear, I have killed yet another God.
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>anon having sex circa current year, colorized
Meloka is so rough on Karn.
I know you're jesting, but she IS a force to be reckoned with. She's the first mortal to make Beerus bleed in recorded history for a reason.
I meant more like the bedroom, and sparing, but I get what you mean
Oh that was a memory unlocked Cursed animation were... Something.
Are you all ready to revisit a few... Painful memories through fresh eyes in tomorrow's intermission part 2? This time through Cabba's eyes?
I do not like Cabbage. It tastes better than Lettuce though.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 219 Intermission II-


“I CANNOT GRANT THAT WISH.” the massive, hulking figure of Planet Namek's wish-granting dragon says, the giant dragon clearly nervous as it says this to Lord Champa. Who takes this as poorly as you thought he would.
“WHAAAAAAT?! What do you mean you cannot!?” he shouts angrily. “Why not?”
“BECAUSE THIS WARRIOR ALREADY POSSESSES THE LATENT ABILITY TO TRANSFORM.” Porunga declares, shocking you. Wait, what? You really do have the potential to transform like the Universe 7 Saiyans too? “THE POWER LURKS WITHIN HIM ALREADY.”

“Th-Than how do I do it, great dragon?” you ask, feeling a surge of hope within you. “How do I transform?”
“THAT I DO NOT KNOW.” the dragon answers, you feeling your head droop in defeat. But then, you hear Vados speak up.
“Then how about you ask the dragon to bestow unto Cabba the knowledge of the Saiyan transformations?” she asks, you and Lord Champa both turning towards her as she smiles slyly. “If he already has the power, he just needs to know how to draw it out, right?”

“Vados, you're a genius!” Lord Champa praises the angel. “What would I ever do without you?”
“Lord Champa, you're embarrassing me.” she says, faintly blushing as she turns her head at his praise. He grins, turning back to the giant dragon hovering overhead.
“Very well, I have a new wish, dragon.” he declares boldly. “Give Cabba here all the knowledge on every Saiyan transformation that's possible! I want him to know how to use all the powers and transformations his people can access, just like those from the other Saiyans of Universe 7!”

“Is that all? Very well.” the dragon declares, eyes flashing as memories begin flooding into your head. Things you've never seen or felt before. You see a short, bald man get obliterated by Universe 7's Frost lookalike, grinning wickedly at his evil deed, then feel a rage and sorrow explode from within you. That rage, so overwhelming even now through this link through time ignites something inside you. A power so intense that, for a moment worry it tore you in half as it blossoms from your spine. Just above where the Universe 7 Saiyans' tails protrude from their back bursts forth, bathing you in its blazing, fiery warmth.

“HRRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!” you roar as this phantom rage causes you to transform, your strength surging to heights you've never even dreamed of before that last tournament. Your vision turns red a moment as the rage burns inside you, nearly causing you to lash out at Champa and Vados. But, taking a deep breath you focus, remembering your training and calming yourself down. Readying yourself as another vision overtakes you.
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This time you find yourself in a wasteland, watching as a massive, golden ape gathers a surprisingly massive amount of power in its mouth, ready to fire an energy blast directly at you. Only to find yourself bound in chains, unable to break free.

“NO HURT FRIEND!” a rather large, muscular man shouts, leaping between you and the attack.
“No Ubo, get out of the way!” a voice you instantly recognize as Karn's shouts, helplessly watching as the blast consumes what you now realize is one of his friends. The shock from the attack knocks this memory of Karn over, yet still bound tries to get up to his feet. He can't be gone, he CAN'T! And that's when you feel something deeper snap, unleashing the floodgate of power than can only be Super Saiyan even further. Ascending even further beyond your already insane power.

“GRRRAAAAAAAAA!!!” you bellow, voice tearing as that power even further beyond rips free. Your strength continues to rise, doubling the already extraordinary power you'd just unlocked, when your vision fades once more and another memory begins.


You see a much, much younger, younger than you are now version of the woman who'd bested you, Meloka, hanging suspended by some sort of electrical cables. Her skin burned black and crispy around where they touch her. Rage, intense, burning rage rises, the person whose point of view you remember turning their head. Only to see a wall of dozens of screens showing horrific scenes playing out across the planet. Some show giant, monkey-like Saiyans fighting giant metal lizards and falling, killed by their metal invaders. On others you see the golden glow of Super Saiyans battling for their lives, only to collapse in exhaustion and succumbing to their injuries, the golden glow fading from their hair and bodies.

On one screen, showing some sort of metal hallway you see two unfamiliar, muscular men standing back-to-back, surrounded by cyclopian robots, while on others you see from the robots' point of views the lizards stomping through a city, firing beams of destruction and death. And on one, the final screen you see a heart-wrenching scene. Some sort of magical barrier over an island falls, the mechanical terrors towering over a pair of young children, a young girl standing between the unconscious and conscious boys, trying to act tough. You realize you recognize her as Chaya, the Berserker of Universe 7's eldest daughter. The one who'd battled the Kai at the end of the tournament. But as the machines approach her, the child's bravery breaks, cowering in fear and calling out in desperation.
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“DADDY, HELP!” she cries, you feeling a blow to your guts more painful than the woman who'd knocked you out's punch at the desperation, the fear, the terror the man'd felt in that moment. Forced to watch as you understand that he's seeing his child begging for her life, powerless to help her. Powerless to save her, to STOP what's happening. And, in that moment, you feel his mind shatter. You feel it down to your soul, the levels of broken Karn was by this event. Why he became the man you saw fighting hit, refusing to quit even after his own body dies. As this happens, you feel power. A very familiar power, one you've only felt once before begin surging. The power of the Berserker. Unlike the previous Super Saiyan powers you feel the surging rage, the despair, the hate rising within him, directed at the giant eye wired into the machine binding him and his wife in place. And, for a split-second, feel that power start to rise within you as well.

But, surprisingly, after a moment that power as well as the memory fades, a single word ringing in your mind.


“Did...Did that power REJECT me?” you wonder, only to find your mind sent down a different direction. One where you find yourself standing by Karn, looking over or more accurately UP at him. With a circle formed behind him, everyone touching to form a ring, the two closest having their palms pressed to his back. Glancing back, you also see five other Saiyans forming a circle behind 'you', pressing their hands to your back as well. Then, feel a surge of something you've never felt before. Power, far different than the Super Saiyan power you wielded before but not entirely different rises, transforming the woman whose memories you're in now. Watching as understanding dawns, realizing that this transformation cannot be achieved alone, but is a ritual to far greater power. The power Meloka wielded in the tournament, the divine strength of Super Saiyan God.

While at the same time, Karn transforms as well, the ritual ascending him to the full form you'd seen him take against Hit, even his own wife feeling terror at his new power. Good to know you weren't alone in that when he'd transformed before you for the first time.

But the memories don't stop there, the scene changing once more to an unfamiliar place, one which you find yourself staring down Universe 7's angel, Whis. And find yourself, or rather the person whose memories you're in sparring the angel. Who blocks your fierce punch, the battle cry revealing that you're still in Meloka's mind. Only, as her fist strikes his staff, there is a flash. The world seemingly stops a moment as, for just a second, that azure power she'd wielded before knocking you out blazes from the impact. As that momentary flash fades, you find yourself back in your own body, looking down at your right fist.
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“Cabba! Hey, Cabba! Answer me when I'm addressing you!” Lord Champa bellows, you turning and immediately snapping to attention with a Saiyan salute.
“Y-Yes, Lord Champa?” you reply, saluting the Destroyer out of reflex.
“What's going on? How come you're golden, and not green or red?” he asks you, clearly not knowing how their forms work like you now do. “Or blue, for that matter?”

“Forgive me, Lord Champa. When the wish was made, I... I saw them.” you say, looking back down to your hand. “How other Saiyans achieved their powers. And how Meloka obtained that Blue power she beat me with. She had help.”
“Help? What kind of help?” Lord Champa asks you, brows furrowing as he looks at you menacingly. “Are you saying my brother's a dirty cheat?”
“I'm not sure what you mean. But, what I did see was that she was training with Whis to unlock that level of power. Some time after achieving the power of Super Saiyan God.” you tell him, Vados' eyebrows shooting up in shock. “And that I can't achieve that power on my own either.”

“You can't? Then what good are you?!” he snarls, clearly angry as you raise your hands.
“Lord Champa, please wait. Meloka didn't obtain that power on her own either.” you say, stopping the raging Destroyer in his place. “To take on that godly form, she went through a special ritual. To make a Super Saiyan God, you need six total Super Saiyans. And, that's how Karn achieved his power as well. Seems that that ritual is the key, what is truly needed to push a Saiyan to the levels of divine power they showed before.”

“So, it's all about this 'ritual' then, huh? Very good, yes. We can use this.” Champa says, you realizing now that the dragon's gone. Looking around, you wonder where it could have gone, as not even the seven Dragon Balls are left laying where they were when it was summoned. Just how long were you lost within those memories? “Alright Cabba, you now have a new mission. We don't have much time. We're taking you back to Planet Sadala, and you're going to make as many Super Saiyan Gods as you can. And, also, find the one. Find whoever can take on that other green power too.”
“Yes, Lord Champa!” you declare, saluting this time with a bit more force. Only to hear a crack, looking down to see your tap to your chest, at this level of power, broke your armor clean in two. This power is something else, it's going to take time to get used to. You just hope you can before this next tournament, as you're eager to battle that woman Meloka once more.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 219 Intermission II End-
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Oh, so that's how the dragon was going to do it. I'm surprised that Cabba got ssj and ssj2 in that short period of time. One small issue with Champa's greed; the stamina drain will be an utter BITCH at the higher levels.

Also, in light of the memory lane Cabba went down on, BlueAnimation can eat his heart out, that was a way better emotional catalyst for Beserker and any rage-induced saiyan transformation than the drivel some people come up with. They always forget the setup in favor of the spectacle.
Don't forget the lack of tails also impacting their stamina AND locking them out of Primal.
Then there's also the scaling of Super Saiyan Gods to consider, both individually and multiplicatively.
You need a some level of broadly attributed "Faith" to really make the most of out Divine power, and the more Saiyans that are subjected to the ritual, the more split up the Super Saiyan God's Soul is going to be.
I still think the "just flex your back" thing was the dumbest fucking thing I ever heard. And I will never not roll my eyes like a drill boring through bedrock when I think about it.

>Behold, brother! My warriors now possess all the power yours do!
>Huh? They can't even get all fuzzy with ugly pants.
>And did you even read the fine print you fatso?
>and you're going to make as many Super Saiyan Gods as you can.
....This absolute bumbling retard. Champa really has no idea how racial deities work does he?

So lets list all the ways this is a terrible idea.

First Cabba has to make 5 SS's over the course of the next two months. Then he needs to push them to SS2 in that time. Then he needs to perform the ritual to make an entire team of SS Gods....except their GODS. Their powered by the Faith of the population and I KNOW theres not nearly enough Capital F Faith in Cabba and the others to really give them The Good God Shit. Not to mention their going to be splitting the SSG Soul between more and more people making them weaker.
AND THEN, AS IF THATS NOT BAD ENOUGH, Champa wants this team of Wanna be half baked SSGs to work with the Whole And Unsundered Berserker/Berserker God of U6.

This absolute fucking CAT. If Kale doesn't rip her own team mates in half like their made of snickers bars, Champa is gunna throw them into the ring and Karns gunna have free eats as he proceeds to show why Berserker Gods are God Killers, as the rest of his team distracts Hit.

This brain dead cat deserves being Erased, and I feel nothing but Pity for the U6 Saiyans. Weather by Karn or Kales hands their gunna be broken in half and completely fucked.
Also forgot to mention, Meloka is 100 times the fighter of any U6 Saiyan, had the information from Ace on how to go Blue, and Still needed what over a year of training SSG and then help from Vados before she unlocked Blue? They sure as shit aren't getting for the tournament, which is another thing Champa doesn't realize I think, the stupid fucking cat.
I feel that with Porunga beaming that shit into his brain, Cabba would have the foresight of consolidating the god power to one individual. Now, I'm not familiar with Super or its lackluster exposure to U6, but I think that of all U6 saiyans Cabba would be the one to wield ssjgod. Kale and Caulifla (skellymode) are delinquents, Renso is retired, and there's no other noteworthy saiyans. Plus, Cabba would be going about with a fantastic power unseen in his era and granting similar strength to those who are worthy, and if that doesn't sound like some sort of religious parallel then nothing does.

But really, the biggest problem to this plan would be Kale.
>I'm surprised that Cabba got ssj and ssj2 in that short period of time.
He was more than physically capable, being physically on par with Dbs VEGETA. Not to mention directly feeling all the emotions directly from the moments that MADE other Super Saiyans definitely helped make it real. Could have probably handled SS3 as well, but another power wanred a vessel. Only to reject it for being too "good" and pious, leaving the opening for another power.
Who or what? I'm missing context.
>Don't forget the lack of tails also impacting their stamina AND locking them out of Primal.
It won't be a stamina issue, as their power is more regulated internally. The mechanism retreated inside U6 Saiyans when they unevolved their tails. Perhaps after crossbreeding with another species in their far distant past?
True, but IC Cabba doesn't know this yet.
It isn't a GREAT explanation, but I can make it work.
He doesn't know what he's dealing with. And he doesn't know the power splits, because two Super Saiyans wielded different divine power, and assumes they're both Super Saiyan Gods.
He only needs 5 other base Super Saiyans for the first ritual, as Goten, Trunks, and pre-birth Pan weren't ascended.
Champa, and most certainly Cabba, aren't ready for that. It'll be, well...
:^) _____
Champa learning Blue required Whis' help to attain does bother him, but as we've seen he's VERY willing to cut corners.
We'll see what happens if/when Cabba obtains SSG. Remember, he was only trying to learn HOW to transform right here, but thanks to the wording he'll have all the information if he thinks on it. Including on forms he hasn't seen yet like SS3, or Blue Evolution.
>It isn't a GREAT explanation, but I can make it work.
It's not even an explanation. If all it took was to flex your back like Goku makes it seem, literally every Saiyan who does basic back exercises would have done it. Poor Vegeta needed to cry to make it happen. I'm convinced they made Broku say that just to shit on Vag-table. I just really hate the infantilzation of it is all. It's bad enough all the part-saiyan kids in canon just get it for no reason half the time.

This is my certified Old Man Yells At Clouds moment.
Just do what I do and consider Goku and Super Goku two entirely separate characters.
It really does seem that way sometimes, don't it? It seems like all of the characters have been flanderized.
Yo....you stupid fucking cat, that isn't even how it fucking works you twit!
It goes into the physical vs mental argument, but at the end of the day it wasn't handled well.
Ha, fair. I don't LIKE it either, but it be what it be.
I do disagree in the case of Goku specifically, but that's because of the lack of consequences. Even with Majin Buu, the ENTIRE EARTH and his entire family were killed, but poof they're back as soon as it's over thanks Dragon Balls. And nothing after Beerus' arrival threatened the earth or his family/friends in Super directly, except for Jiren's folly at the end of the tournament. When Goku's people are in danger he locks in, otherwise he's still the same goofy kid at heart he's always been.
Though I do think they overdid it a bit
But HE doesn't know that. He didn't wish for the knowledge for himself.
>He was more than physically capable, being physically on par with Dbs VEGETA.
Right, right, I forget that Cabba could wipe the floor with the Z era, saucelessness aside. Who knows how he did that without a hyperbolic time chamber or the impetus to train that hard but w/e.
Guy who animated embed here https://youtu.be/MlTd6FyVIE4?si=0VOR52rm5xYUVJ9B, for context Cell executes Pan right in front of Gohan, despite the fact that he could squash the bugman and take his daughter back in the time it takes a hummingbird to flap its wings. Its as stupid as it sounds and I'm not linking the whole thing
> Remember, he was only trying to learn HOW to transform right here, but thanks to the wording he'll have all the information if he thinks on it.
So does that mean that if he wanted to know how to go ssj4, he'd know that in U6's unique case there needs to be a Blutz Wave machine to call forth that ancient power?
I can atleast forgive the kiddos being super saiyan. Goku was a prodigy that copied the Kamehameha and made it his own in a couple of months, and then Gohan ended up being stronger than his father at four years old and surpassed him again in his preteen-ish years. I'd be more surprised if Goku's next kid Goten, who was conceived in August, Age 766 at the absolute EARLIEST and thus was around when Goku became a super saiyan, didn't become super saiyan until he was as old as Gohan was as a super saiyan. Though I guess the way he got it was a bit silly.
>I do disagree in the case of Goku specifically, but that's because of the lack of consequences. Even with Majin Buu, the ENTIRE EARTH and his entire family were killed, but poof they're back as soon as it's over thanks Dragon Balls.
I think his happy-go-lucky disposition is a bit overblown in Super, but maybe I'm just used to there being a stronger guy that always ended up wanting to obliterate Earth for some reason. The last time his Earth was in danger before the ToP was Resurrection F, right? And even when he was still being dopey, I distinctly remember Goku beating the living shit out of Goku Black and Zamasu after they gloated about killing his wife and kids in a world where there's no dragon to make the bad stuff go away. If there wasn't a reset button, I could see Goku being far more proactive and serious in response to grave danger.
>Who knows how he did that without a hyperbolic time chamber or the impetus to train that hard but w/e.
Don't forget, I warned you that Planet Sadala's gravity was far higher than Planet Vegeta's.
Oh okay I saw someone talking about that. Not really into watching db animations because they're all edgy and missing the point, like that kekumi or whatever it was called.
It was a joke that Goten/Trunks got it so early. Was a funny sort of meta joke making fun of how many Super Saiyans were around, but it was very Japanese humor with Gohan/Vegeta's reactions.
It's a bit much, but after beating a being that was killing the gods and having nothing else on that level in his own universe would make you overconfident. And Goku locked in against Golden Freeza, once he saw Freeza's new power. Goku had no way to know Freeza had closed that ENORMOUS gap between them in four months before he transformed, despite being around as strong as a Super Saiyan Gohan in his first form. Remember, Freeza went from weaker than a Super Saiyan at 100% Full Power/Ultra Freeza to stronger than Super Saiyan, 2, 3, SUPER SAIYAN GOD, and even actually stronger than Blue as well. In four months' time Freeza not only closed the gap but surpassed Goku's SEVENTEEN YEARS of nonstop training, including around a year with Whis at this point. After Freeza was removed again, because of Whis ex machina Goku didn't learn the lesson, Goku kept not understanding that actions had consequences.
And yes, Zamasu/Black absolutely enraged him, taunting on what they did to his family. Same as he did to Jiren in the ToP when he fired at the stands.
Damn, this looks like an episode 11 update post. Where are the line breaks?
>Where are the line breaks?
It's summer. They're on vacation.
Frankly speaking, I find it peculiar how adamantly you gimped Frieza's growth in this quest once he started training. H e should be at an utterly insane level right now thanks to his bullshit potential.
Bear in mind that canon frieza spent four months with a WEAKLING nowhere near his own level. Our frieza HAS equals he trains with.
I get that its for balance reasons though.
>yfw every single training session froozed has taken were all for stamina and technique
>yfw he finally does a training period solely for BIG NUMBER and he gets nearly as strong as garry the jrey
Part of me thinks Frieza is specifically avoiding getting really strong on purpose because he likes fighting Karn and knows he'd be completely unstoppable if he went all in on stronk. The other part understands it would trivialize everything except mind-control arcs and shit. Same reason there are no gargled balls for us to use whenever we want.
My headcanon is that Freezypopsicle only got that strong in that short amount of time because he spent nearly 15 years meditating in hell, Earth's hell to be specific. It's why he wasn't mindbroken by the singing animals and had the, what was it called, fortitude(?) to improve so rapidly and take on the golden form that efficiently at the time. If things were different and he started training post namek, he'd be only able to briefly tap into a fraction of that power or just steal Cooler's party trick after a couple of years
His control and discipline DID skyrocket after his time in Hell, so I guess it might have been comparable to Spirit Control in how it caused his effective Ki and overall potential to skyrocket.
Then there's also the question of whether or not he needed to eat or sleep, as well as how fast he was able to recover between training sessions. Given his known survivability and access to healing pods, that 4 month figure is starting to sound a little less outlandish.
Yeah, you said what I was thinking but in a smarter way. The animals were doing their song and dance 24/7 to try and break Freeza's evil spirit, so I think a couple of weeks or months after getting chopped into pieces he would've taken up meditation to not go insane. I think what happened is that he sort of retreated into himself to meditate for about 15 years straight without the need to eat or sleep, which would've made Gold's power much easier to grasp and control after revival. The 7 months thing would've just been his body playing catch up with his ki control and spiritual gains, and his natural physiological endurance with healing pod privileges does the rest from there. It's no zenkai boost but I'd imagine its pretty damn close
24 hours to go. I hope you're ready to get to training.
Not actually a balance reason, as canon Freeza had far, FAR more motivation to get stronger. Whereas your Freeza's hit a roadblock on his own training, he hasn't figured out what works for him. And Saiyan training isn't the best for him.
May be a more subconscious issue than one he's actively aware of. Would be worth looking into.
Namek's right there.
Which is a fair assessment, as we see when he returns for the Tournament he's even stronger. Despite not being able to even MOVE while in his own personal hell.
The halo'd body is a huge buff, as we see with both Goku and Vegeta's fights with Buu it makes you a lot more durable and have far greater stamina.
Yes, the "reflect inward" didn't really change him for the BETTER. Just made him better at what he did. And Your Freeza hasn't gone through anything relatively speaking.
>And Your Freeza hasn't gone through anything relatively speaking.
You're right, but I don't know if anybody in his life would willingly visit a comparable level of torture on him just to make him stronger.
>Freeza is having his own Nega Clark Arc
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This old GamePro cover feels like the most SCQ-core thing to ever exist and it's 20 years old.
True. And how many people even COULD anymore?
Ha, loved those old magazines even though I was too poor to more than flip through one at a friend's place. A shame I missed most of the peak 2000s culture.
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>True. And how many people even COULD anymore?
Well...I can think of one person.
>Darkseid training arc
Well, more like a "Darkseid kidnapping and torturing the ever-living fuck outta you" arc. Probably the best way to get Karn to do something REALLY stupid, like crossing over into Darkseid's dimension.
He has to get through Karn first. Though, I suppose that is rather the point.
Yeah, that wouldn't end well for anyone. Crashing this quest with no survivors-type situation.
>He has to get through Karn first. Though, I suppose that is rather the point.
Not if he managed to get Frieza to enter his domain willingly in the first place. But then that begs the question, how do you get enough leverage over Frieza to get him to do that?
Kidnapping King Cold and doing a hostage exchange perhaps? Seems much more feasible imho.
It's time! I hope you're ready!

I meant the whole what you'd have to do to hurt Freeza as much as in canon. Going through Karn's chest and having him watch his friend die would probably do it.
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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

Broly and Koriand'r were wed on New Salda, an event without any outside invaders causing trouble or unexpected guests, except for the Destroyer Beerus and his attendant Whis. After the party, once the newlyweds and the Tamaraneans left, the Destroyer informed everyone else of the imminent tournament against his brother Champa's Sixth Universe team. But as we rejoin Karn, Haathe has appeared in her Berserker God state, charging directly at the Destroyer!

“HRRRAAAAAA!!” she bellows, closing the distance near-instantly and going for a heavy right. But you're faster, catching her fist at the apex of her draw back with your left, stopping her. Before she can try and swing her left you fire a precision right straight into her liver, the heavy, devastating blow dropping Haathe to her knees. “Guyaaah?!”
“Easy, that's enough.” you order her as she collapses, clutching at her side with her free hand. A moment later Towa appears, frown on her face.
“I see, THAT's what she sensed.” Towa says, turning towards Beerus and giving him a bow at the waist. “Forgive me, Destroyer, for not keeping her under control and letting her run loose.”

“You have a second one?” Beerus asks, looking from Haathe to you and back, then to Whis. “How is this possible?”
“Much like your mantle of Destroyer, this 'Berserker Soul' he wields can be transferred. Or shared, much like the Lords' Souls from the old tales.” Whis says calmly, but you see an almost disquiet in his eyes as he stares down at her. “Creating vassals imbued with a fraction of their Lord's strength.”
“Hold on. Are you telling me that Karn can make MORE of them?” Beerus asks, turning from Whis to you, eyes narrowing.

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“Yes. Although, any he makes clearly lack the same potential for power he does.” Whis says, you looking to the assistant confused. “I can't quite say what it is, but between the two of you, she's got something... Missing.”
“Missing? In what way?” you ask, only for Whis to shake his head, hand still to his chin.
“I cannot say. But the best way I can explain it is there seems to be, well... More to your power than her own. As if your strength still hasn't reached its peak, while this is the limits of her own.”

“I see.” you say, powering back down. But, to your surprise, Haathe doesn't, remaining transformed as she stands back up to her full height. Once again her power blazes, clenching her fists as she gets ready to attack again. You have to stop her, and quick!

But what do you do?
>Power back up and put her in a choke hold until she goes unconscious and powers back down
>Order her to stand down, try and leverage you being this 'lord' and command her like you would one of your students
>Try and manipulate her ki as if it's your own, to try and 'force' her to power down out of the Berserker form
>Power up and get between her and Beerus with your Energy Body, let her swing at you until she starts to run out of steam
>Other(write in)
>Try and manipulate her ki as if it's your own, to try and 'force' her to power down out of the Berserker form
I figure now's as good a time as any to try and see if we can even do this. Worst case scenario, Whis has to get off his ass for once.
>Try and manipulate her ki as if it's your own, to try and 'force' her to power down out of the Berserker form
Should work
>Order her to stand down, try and leverage you being this 'lord' and command her like you would one of your students
>Try and manipulate her ki as if it's your own, to try and 'force' her to power down out of the Berserker form
Turn it off and turn it back on to reboot Haathe.exe
Rolled 7, 5, 22, 94 = 128 (4d100)

Try and manipulate her ki as if it's your own, to try and 'force' her to power down out of the Berserker form wins it. An interesting choice, let's see how this works. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 50
Second DC: ??
Third DC: 65
Rolled 3, 6, 99 = 108 (3d100)

Come oooooooooooooooooooon
Rolled 50, 38, 4 = 92 (3d100)

Haathe please behave
Let me fix those first 2 rolls
Rolled 78, 40, 26 = 144 (3d100)

Rolled 6, 80, 74 = 160 (3d100)

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78/100, 40/100, 99/100. Success, lower mystery, and a special success. Low mystery could have gone poorly, but with that 99 it'll be okay, writing.
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“Alright Haathe, that's enough.” you say, raising your right hand palm-out towards her.
“Grrrrr!?” she snarls, turning towards the noise only to see you. Jaw clenched, teeth bared, she's clearly barely-restrained in this state. But as her blazing eyes turn on you, her expression changes to one of confusion. Immediately you reach out, focusing on the power you had bestowed upon her. Touching upon it as if it's your own, you then take a deep breath, diving into her power. Connecting her power to your own, you focus entirely on it, the world around you going dark. But only for a moment, as your world becomes engulfed in emerald fire. Flames surround you, inside you, her rage trying to ignite her own. But you're far stronger, far more determined than the Berserker Soul's mindless rage, overpowering that rage.

“That's enough.” you declare, Haathe freezing in place as you begin forcibly powering her down. Manipulating her own Berserker energy as if it were your own, as it is, you begin restraining it yourself. Leashing it to Haathe's own energy, suppressing it and forcing her to power down. “Control this, Haathe. Don't let it control you.”
“Grrrr! Hrrrrrrr-!” she snarls, the rage still burning in her eyes. But as she looks to you, that anger begins to fade, recognition returning to her expression. “M-My lord...?”
“That's right, it's me Haathe.” you tell her, trying to reach her through her rage. “That's enough, power down.”

However, as you try and talk to her, you don't focus on suppressing her power, this allows it to blaze back up once more. Emerald aura flares like a raging bonfire, her power blazing and forcing you to resume suppressing her strength. Doubling down on controlling her power, you rapidly shrink her strength, her body quickly beginning to revert back to her usual form. The fiery emerald aura fades as her strength plummets, body shrinking as she returns to normal with a sigh. Her strength is gone, you dashing forward and catching her before she hits the ground, unconscious.

“Well, that was... Something.” Beerus says, yawning idly. “Remember, thirty three days. You all better be ready.”
“Until we meet again.” Whis says, standing beside his Destroyer. And in a flash of rainbow light the deities leave New Salda behind, returning to the divine realm.
“Thirty three days...” King Cold says, you all looking to him as he begins speaking with authority. “My sons. General Karn. I leave the three of you in charge of deciding our team. Pick seven contestants to participate.”
“Seven?” Freeza asks him, confused. “Not all eight?”

“No. Because this time, unlike the previous tournament, I myself will also be taking to the field.” King Cold declares, everyone going silent. “I will leave their seven contestants to you all. But their assassin, Hit, is mine.”

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Silence hangs over you all at his sudden declaration, King Cold himself is going to battle? And against such a terrifying being? No one immediately says anything, his eldest Cooler the first to speak.

“Are you sure, father?” he asks, a note of concern in his tone. “You could leave such a-”
“No. Battling that being killed the general, at least momentarily.” he says, very matter-of-factly. “The truth of the matter is that none of you all can stand up to him. But I can, so leave him to me.”
“Very well, I shall be looking forward to seeing how you handle him.” Freeza says, then turns to you. “Well, what do you think? Any ideas who we should ask to join us?”

As he asks you see Chaya nearly bouncing up and down in excitement, clearly wanting to participate this time. And after how much Zen-Oh seemed to like her performance, perhaps he's trying to see her fighting more? Either way-”

Who do you want to have on the team?(Choose up to 4 combatants to put forward)
>King Vegeta
>Queen Cenoria
>Captain Ginyu
>Other(write in)
It sure would be funny if our new faces were all Saiyans who's power flew in the face of Cabba's visions.
>Captain Ginyu
>“The truth of the matter is that none of you all can stand up to him.
I feel like either of his sons probably could. They certainly have the raw strength. And I don't think any of Hit's bullshit organ attacks would work on them. If they even have organs cause it seems like cutting through their heads doesn't actually kill them which should be instantly fatal for anything with a normal brain. Aliens are weird.
>King Cold intervenes
I hope this is a longer vote, but if memory served me right, the most solid choices were
>Captain Ginyu
Just having 4 kinda stinks but it's still solid imo
Going to extend the voting window another 15 minutes.
Just want to discuss these extra 15 minutes, Captain Ginyu or Caulifla?
I’d argue ginyu so we can keep Cauli’s kit hidden for future tournament shenanigans.
>Captain Ginyu
I personally wanna keep Ginyu in our back pocket for the ToP. I feel like he's at his best alongside his full team anyways.
I will be voting for the full Ginyu Force when the ToP rolls around.
>Queen Cenoria
We already have 4 Stand Users locked in. Caulifla's a given as a healer, but come on.
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Rolled 97, 19, 37, 70 = 223 (4d100)

Key word: Stand.
With four votes each, Chaya, Chilli, and Captain Ginyu are definitely in. And tied at three each are Caulifla and Meloka. Interesting, I can work with this. Writing.
But Hit doesn't have one. And both of his sons have functioning legs as well. I think you're being a silly billy.
Remember what UNDER PRESSURE does specifically? If Hit has no way to retaliate against something like that, he might be cooked.
I was just having a funny. But I don't see how increasing gravity really stops Hit from throwing those teleporting punches and shit. Or going into a different dimension where there isn't the gravity. I dunno. Seems a lot like the "Telekinesis no-sells Hit" thing all over again.
I'm sure GD has a much more in-depth reason for Cold feeling so confident, but me personally I would just try and drive Hit to the edge (or over it ideally) and crank up the gravity so he falls instantly.
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“Well, since you weren't on the team last time, you're in kiddo.” you say to Chaya, who pumps a fist excitedly.
“Yessss! This is gonna be great!” she exclaims, you and Freeza exchanging a look. “I'm gonna take that giant tin man and throw him out first!”
“Assuming you and your brother are both in as well, we'll get Chilli and Captain Ginyu again.” you say, to which he nods. “With them, as well as Meloka, our team will be-”

“Hold on. I have an idea.” your wife says, you all looking over to her curiously. “How about I give someone else my spot?”
“What?” Cooler asks, sounding almost indignant. “You took down four of their fighters on your own, but don't want to fight for your home? Who would you stand in your place?”
“Our team has more than enough power. But we need something else, something only you can provide.” she says, turning and calling out. “Hey, Caulifla. Would you mind?”

“Wh-What?” she asks, shocked at being called. “Me?”
“Of course. Every fight I won, Freeza, Cooler, or your father could have just as easily.” she replies. “But in a team fight, we don't know what else they can do. And if someone's injured, you healing them could be the difference between one of our side's stronger competitors being disqualified or not. Killing someone means you're out, but if you save them, they can fight more seriously. And if anyone's in trouble, you didn't see any Stands, right? Which means you and Triumph Requiem can protect anyone better than I can.”
“I...See.” she replies, then nods. “Alright. I'll do it. I will join our team.”

“Excellent.” And with your inclusion, that brings us to eight.” King Cold says seriously. “My sons, myself, Karn, Captain Ginyu, Chaya, Chilli, and Caulifla. Thirty-three days, ladies and gentlemen. I expect each and every one of you to bring your absolute best to this event.”
“Wait, I thought we had two months?” Freeza says, sounding surprised.
“Yes, that was when this arrangement was made, from what I understood.” King Cold says, a note of annoyance in his tone now. “Seems our Destroyer didn't deem it important enough to inform us twenty seven days ago, when this was decided. We shall meet back here on your world in thirty-three days, Saiyans. Cooler?”

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“Of course, Father.” he says, the elder son moving back to his father's side. “Until next time.”

Then with a thought vanishes, King Cold and Cooler leaving your world behind. Leaving the rest of you standing on the beach, your ward beginning to stir.

“Wha...? M-My lord?” she asks, looking up to you. “What happened?”
“It's kind of a long story.” you say, helping her up to her feet. “We need to work on your control.”
“I see.” she replies, looking around at everyone a bit sheepishly. But as she does, you think ahead to the tournament, trying to decide what type of training you're going to focus on. Thirty three days isn't that long, you're going to have to focus on one individual aspect.

But what will that be?
>Raw power, crank the gravity up as high as you can handle and then some
>Increase your sparring time with Freeza and Meloka to twice a day instead of once, make sure all your moves are as sharp and practiced as can be
>Focus on maintaining your Berserker God form for longer and longer, maintaining this form may be the key to victory
>Work on your technique, maybe pick up a new unarmed technique from Bane in this time
>Instead of yourself, focus on training your three children who will be in this fight as well. Make sure they're ready for what's to come over you, as you can handle Universe 6's best
>Other(write in)?
>Instead of yourself, focus on training your three children who will be in this fight as well. Make sure they're ready for what's to come over you, as you can handle Universe 6's best
>Instead of yourself, focus on training your three children who will be in this fight as well. Make sure they're ready for what's to come over you, as you can handle Universe 6's best
I'm really tempted to crank up that raw PL, but this is a team battle royale, where synergy counts more than anything. Why that shitty cat didn't bother telling us this until halfway into the deadline I will never understand
>Instead of yourself, focus on training your three children who will be in this fight as well. Make sure they're ready for what's to come over you, as you can handle Universe 6's best
Rolled 28, 7, 39, 82 = 156 (4d100)

Instead of yourself, focus on training your three children who will be in this fight as well. Make sure they're ready for what's to come over you, as you can handle Universe 6's best wins it. Roll me a 6d100 and let's see how you training the three of them goes.
Rolled 27, 85, 14, 39, 30, 59 = 254 (6d100)

I'm going to a barbecue, hope we get good results
Rolled 63, 42, 29, 53, 2, 82 = 271 (6d100)

Rolled 73, 77, 8, 78, 6, 71 = 313 (6d100)

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73/100, 85/100, 29/100, 78/100, 30/100, 82/100. Interesting mix, writing.
Rather amazing all of our high rolls happen where the other anon rolled high and our low rolls all took place at the other anon’s low rolls.
“Hey, Mel. I have an idea.” you say, reaching out telepathically to her and giving her your idea.
“Hmmm, I think that's a great idea.” she tells you. “Going to start now?”
“Absolutely.” you tell her, then call out to your children. “Chilli, Chaya, Caulifla, you three are with me. We've got a lot of work to do, and only a month to do it in.”

“Daddy, you're training with Grandpa?” Meloka Wolbach asks, your son nodding to her.
“That's right, your dad's going to be in a tournament soon. And we have to make sure he's ready to win.” you tell her, your granddaughter's eyes lighting up with excitement. “This time he'll get to fight and not sit on the sidelines.
“Another tournament? Wowee, that's great!” she says, turning back to her dad. “Go do your best, I wanna see you win!”

“I'll give it everything I've got.” he tells her, as Tatsu and Tomi surprisingly approach you.
“Is everything okay?” you ask the twins, who share a look before Tatsu speaks.
“We've been talking it over, and decided that we have to go off and do our own training too.” he says, you raising a brow at him.
“We're going back to Elder Pybara's, to see if he can help us.” Tomi adds in, sounding less confident yet just as resolute. “We need to be strong too.”

“If that's what you both think is best, I hope it works out. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call either me or your mother.” you tell the twins, hugging both of them to you. “Best of luck to you both.”
“You too. Hopefully we'll be ready in time to come back for the tournament, but if we miss it let us know how it goes.” Tatsu says, Chaya calling over to them and telling them she'll be recording it as well, that they'll be able to see what she does as well. But as the three of them talk, Freeza approaches you.

“General.” he says, rather formally. Which does surprise you a bit, catching you off guard.
“Freeza.” you reply, a bit uncertain. “Heading off to do your own training as well?”
“Indeed. The last tournament's lead up, as well as what's gone on since, has revealed to me that I am in fact not improving. Something's not quite adding up.” he says to you, sounding almost defeated. “So, I as well shall be departing. To figure out why you're still progressing, while my growth and progress have stagnated. “Perhaps Father has the answer?”

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“Well, wherever you go, I'm sure you'll be more than ready when the day of the tournament arises.” you say, offering him you hand. The two of you clasp forearms, then without a word to anyone else Freeza blasts away. Knocking some of the weaker beings over, his energy disappearing out of your range before the golden trail left behind from his passing had.
“My lord. If you are too busy with all of these engagements, I would understand if-” Haathe starts, you reaching over and placing a hand on her forehead.
“Don't worry, Haathe. Just because I'm training them doesn't mean I won't keep training with you either.” you say, stretching your arms out overhead. “I have no plans to skip my other obligations, certainly not for over a month. This just means I'll be getting a little less sleep. Now, as for the three of you.”

Turning to your three children, the onew who will truly be battling as an equal alongside beings like yourself, Golden Freeza, and others, you decide that your training will focus-

Well? Pick UP TO two options.
>Raw power, they need strength to compete with beings strong enough to compete with your wife
>Physical technique, both the Su Ma's more evasive style and Djem So's power strikes and crushing attacks
>Energy attacks, make sure they're all practiced, as well as potentially developing a new attack or two for this event
>Defense, both against a stronger opponent's physical but also energy attacks
>Transformations, try and push Chaya to the same Blue power as her mother, and Caulifla/Chilli to at least ascend up to Super Saiyan 3
>Other(write in)?
>Transformations, try and push Chaya to the same Blue power as her mother, and Caulifla/Chilli to at least ascend up to Super Saiyan 3
>Teamwork, being able to synergize and cover each other's blindspots effectively is pivotal in events like these
>Raw power, they need strength to compete with beings strong enough to compete with your wife
>Transformations, try and push Chaya to the same Blue power as her mother, and Caulifla/Chilli to at least ascend up to Super Saiyan 3
>Teamwork, being able to synergize and cover each other's blindspots effectively is pivotal in events like these
They have enough skill that we can do well regardless, they need to figure out how too keep up.
Anon is right
Thank you for agreeing with me, but uh...
>Pick UP TO two options
Fine, power comes with transformations I guess.
Just throw my vote in with the other anon
>Raw power, they need strength to compete with beings strong enough to compete with your wife
>Transformations, try and push Chaya to the same Blue power as her mother, and Caulifla/Chilli to at least ascend up to Super Saiyan 3
>Raw power, they need strength to compete with beings strong enough to compete with your wife

>Teamwork, being able to synergize and cover each other's blindspots effectively is pivotal in events like these
Looks like i'm leaving this vote open another ten minutes.
Rolled 55, 75, 22 = 152 (3d100)

Transformations and write in teamwork wins it. Interesting choices, roll me another 6d100 to round out their training.
Rolled 95, 98, 10, 58, 68, 52 = 381 (6d100)

Rolled 78, 86, 91, 42, 24, 85 = 406 (6d100)

Rolled 62, 37, 7, 11, 97, 81 = 295 (6d100)

I am too late and with the best roll, what a tragedy.
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Rolled 2 (1d3)

95/100, 98/100, 91/100, 58/100, 97/100, 81/100. Doubly impressive, this training goes rather well. Writing.
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-on two separate fronts. First, primarily, they need to ascend. Chaya's been pushing her limits, nearly reaching her next form. But Chilli and Caulifla have both seemingly been cruising, not pushing themselves past their Ascended Super Saiyan forms. So, it's time to correct that.

“Alright, you three with me. Today, we're going to start working on breaking through those limits.” you tell them, telepathically reaching out to Raven. “Hey, mind doing me a favor and opening up a portal to Raxus Prime again?”
“Of course.” she replies, a moment later walking through one of her portals to stand beside you. Then, with a flick of her wrist opens another, this one leading to the distant world. “There you are.”
“Always appreciate it.” you tell her with a smile, turning to walk to that world. Only to be stopped, you feeling smaller hands grabbing onto your wrist. Looking back, you see Haathe looking at you with concern. “What is it?”

“Wh-Will you be back soon?” she asks, a worried tone to her voice. To which you fully turn around, reaching down and ruffling her hair.
“Of course. While I'm gone, practice on your meditation like I'd taught you. You need to work on controlling that power of yours, and the first step is being wholly in control of yourself normally.” you tell her. “I know you can do it.”

Your last sentence actually rocks her back a step, before snapping into a surprisingly proper Saiyan salute.

“Of course my lord.” she states boldly. “I will not fail you!”
“That's the spirit!” Chaya tells her, walking up and slapping her somewhat gently on her back. Staggering the girl a few steps forward, but not sending her flying. “The sooner you get control of that power, the sooner you get to compete in big events like this. And I'll even get you on Dreadzone, so you can really show off what you can do!”

“What?” Haathe mumbles, but Chaya's already turned to the portal striding confidently through. Without looking back she steps onto that distant world, Chilli next. You notice his family are already gone, no doubt portal'd back to his world. He doesn't seem anywhere near as eager as Chaya, but you can see his determination burning as bright as ever. He walks through with a nod to Raven, who nods back. Leaving Caulifla bringing up the rear. You see her holding her necklace and the pendant of the moon and sword in her hand, walking over to Raven. She whispers something to her, the Guardian whispering back before taking the item, opening another portal just large enough for your daughter's arm to fit through. Cauli reaches in, hanging the necklace up before withdrawing her arm, thanking Raven then stepping through as well. You turn, following your three children through, Raven sealing the tear in space behind you as you step out onto that distant world.

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“Alright, first thing's first. I need each of you to take on your absolute strongest forms.” you instruct, clenching your fists and with a roar ascend as well. Transforming into not your full powered form, but the first level of Berserker. “I need to judge each of your strengths.”
“Me first!” Chaya shouts, clenching her fists. “HAAAAAAA! HRRRAAAAAA!!”

Roaring, you watch as her golden power blazes, then flares with azure, divine power from within. Her body expands nearly as large as the Ultra form, then rapidly re-compresses into her usual size. Now blazing with divine power, her mortal strength cut down by nearly three-fourths. Yet from what you can tell, the pressure of her power is incredible. And, using the two-tone color of her hair, see that she's well around halfway to fully transforming into Super Saiyan Blue like her mother.

“Well, whadda ya think of this?” she asks, lightning crackling around her as she shows off.
“Good. Now, Chilli. Your absolute strongest form.” you tell him, your son suddenly seeming a bit nervous. But he nods, closing his eyes and letting his body go limp. Instead of focusing his physical strength like his sister, ascending into his Super Saiyan forms, his body instead begins to disappear. Replaced with that black, starry void you remember him taking before, body and ki vanishing entirely. His shape then opens its eyes, shouting in a voice not his own nor that you recognize:
“This is my best, the Archon form.” he says, voice echoing as it comes from him somehow. “I eschew physical strength entirely, converting all of my physical power into magical energy.”

“I can't gauge your strength like this, son, so I need you to compare your power relative to ours.” you tell him, wondering just how strong this form is as he shakes his head.
“It isn't about strength, physical or otherwise. This form is about using everything I've got, converting it into raw magic.” he answers, then as if to make a point raises his right hand. Pointing a vaguely finger-shaped point up, watch as he somehow opens up a black hole right there! Immediately it begins drawing you all in, your son stopping it as Caulifla is pulled off her feet. As he ends the technique she flies through the space it'd occupied just moments ago, stopping herself midair and looking back down at you all in shock. “And I can boost my magical form even higher if I need to, like this: “KAIO-KEN!”

With that roar, the crimson aura of the power-boosting technique Perfect Cell taught him blazes to life around him. Even his dark, starry sky-like body turns a tinted red; and while you still can't sense his power at all, get the feeling he's far stronger than you'd thought.

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“This isn't my limit either, I can take it up to times five, if I need to.” he continues, looking down at his hand as he relaxes it, the crimson glow fading. “But at that level, I can only sustain it for a minute or two at most before I have to power down.”
“We'll test the limits of your power later, to see where you stand.” you tell him, then turn to Caulifla. “Now, your turn kiddo. Show us what you've got.”
“Well, I haven't had a lot of time to train leveling up further.” she says sheepishly, clenching her fists and ascending in a burst of golden power. Sparks dance around her body as she takes on the Ascended Super Saiyan form, musculature becoming even more well-defined. She doesn't quite get to the Ultra form's level of being overly-bulky, but she's clearly not simply in the Ascended form either. Increasing her powerlevel by somewhere around two hundred times, by your estimate. “This is the best I've got.”

“Not bad, not bad. We'll get you to the next level in no time.” you tell her, reaching over and placing your hand on her shoulder. Which, if you hadn't taken on your Berserker form, would have been higher than your own. “Alright, now that you've all shown me your powers, your next step is ascending beyond this limit. About going even further beyond, to the next level in your unique paths.”
“The next level...” Chilli mutters, looking down at his hands. But you turn back to Caulifla, eyes meeting her own.
“This choice may not be permanent, but you will need to choose.” you tell her. “Which way you want to go.”

“Which way?” she asks, you nodding.
“You can either try for Super Saiyan 3 now, or to try and master the Golden Oozaru enough to unlock Primal. I won't lie, 3 seems like the easier, more efficient option. But if you want to try for the other path, you can. Or, I guess we can also hop back over to New Salda after today, and unlock the Super Saiyan God power for you with the ritual as well. It's your choice, kiddo. Take some time to think on it.”
“My choice...” she mutters, looking down at her left hand as you take several steps away, then call out to them.

“But, for now, all three of you! Come at me at once!” you order, blazing your aura up as you take your fighting stance. “Show me what you can do!”

But how do you start this off?
>Rush and attack, see how well they can all defend against your far more powerful attack
>Defend, use your Energy Body for extra defense as they all try different ways to attack you
>Rush in and use the Su Ma technique to weave between them, using your superior speed to keep them from landing solid hits
>Keep your distance with energy attacks, see if they can close in to you through your energy or if they can retaliate at range without getting overwhelmed
>Other(write in)
>Rush in and use the Su Ma technique to weave between them, using your superior speed to keep them from landing solid hits
Pop quiz; how do hit somebody faster than you?
>>Rush in and use the Su Ma technique to weave between them, using your superior speed to keep them from landing solid hits
>Rush in and use the Su Ma technique to weave between them, using your superior speed to keep them from landing solid hits
>Rush in and use the Su Ma technique to weave between them, using your superior speed to keep them from landing solid hits
Rush in and use the Su Ma technique to weave between them, using your superior speed to keep them from landing solid hits wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: 70
Third DC: 20
Fourth DC: 85
>how do hit somebody faster than you?
Probably really hard so they fall down.
If 4chan down? The dice not working or something?
Rolled 53, 64, 75, 76 = 268 (4d100)

Rolled 40, 50, 68, 14 = 172 (4d100)

I'll check
Rolled 63, 16, 44, 4 = 127 (4d100)

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63/100, 64/100, 75/100, 76/100. Success, narrow failure, success, and failure. Seems that your kids are far more powerful and capable than you anticipate, writing.
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“HAAAAA!” you shout, blazing your aura and kicking off the ground at them. Chaya immediately dashes at you, her divine aura blazing as she tries to catch you with a flying kick. But it's too slow, you weaving out around her strike with the Su Ma's movements. You see her eyes widen in surprise a moment, clearly shocked that you could evade her so effortlessly before spinning into a left back roundhouse that you lean back, evading as well. But, immediately after Chilli fires his magic, unleashing a blinding ray of light. Even light is too slow, you flipping over your left shoulder up and over the beam as well. Only to see Caulifla drawing her right arm back, left holding her chime as lightning crackles in a bow-like shape. Opening her right hand, she fires an arrow of lightning directly at you. Continuing your twist, however, you still dodge the attack narrowly, you feeling the hair on the back of your neck stand on end as it zips past you.

Landing back on your feet, you rush towards Caulifla, your daughter drawing her arm back to ready another shot. You easily rush her down before she can fire, but Chilli fires his power first. Which he unleashes with another unearthly shout, firing a barrage of jagged, sharp crystal lances each as long as your transformed arm at you and the space between you and her.

“Tch!” you exclaim, smashing the lances with your armored forearms that you can't dodge between. The crystals cut deep into your armor before shattering, leaving the pieces embedded in your bracers. But the stream of lances volume keeps increasing, forcing you to dash back from him. Seems he's understanding the basics of teamwork, protecting his sister. But as you retreat, suddenly your instincts warn you of an imminent attack. Dashing to your left, crossing your arms before your face and smashing through several jagged lances, you make it maybe three feet before a massive ball of divine ki slams down where you'd been backing towards, the attack detonating in a fiery blast. The shock wave blasts out, shattering the rest of your son's crystalline spears. He ends his attack, you landing on your feet and kicking straight into the air towards your eldest.

“My turn now!” she declares, throwing both hands towards you. Her scars all light up with azure power you can't sense as you get within range, but it sets your instincts on fire. “HAAAAAAA!!”

And from her hands, just before you can swing at her, Chaya unleashes her fury.

Artwork by @Gutsbro14
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A storm of lightning explodes from her hands, crossing the distance between you both before you can so much as blink. Pain: searing, unbelievable agony envelops you, her lightning coursing through your veins.

“GAAAAAAAAAAH!!” you scream, voice tearing your throat as her lightning tears its way through your body. For a couple seconds you're completely incapacitated, but as the attack continues you clench your jaw and fists, focusing your power. Drawing upon your Berserker Soul's strength, unleashing it with a roar. “HAAAAAAAAA!!”

Emerald power explodes from you, your Explosive Wave blasting her lightning storm away. The force of your blast even knocks her back, sending her flying away. Chaya flies back a dozen or so yards before flipping back, stopping her backwards flight.

“Hehe, got you!” your daughter says with a smirk, her red and yellow eyes blazing. Seems you'd underestimated their teamwork, even after all this time they can still fight well together.

But what do you do now?
>Keep up the pressure on Chaya, she's the strongest and needs to be taken down first
>Change targets to Chilli, try and get through his magic to slow him down. The longer he's up, the more dangerous magic he may try
>Use your Instant Transmission to teleport behind Caulifla, knock her out before she can react to teach her a very pointed lesson first
>Activate your Energy Body, call for them to try and see if they can even hurt you through it
>Switch up your strategy and go to ranged attacks, force them to chase you instead of letting them attack you from multiple angles
>Other(write in)
>>Switch up your strategy and go to ranged attacks, force them to chase you instead of letting them attack you from multiple angles
>>Use your Instant Transmission to teleport behind Caulifla, knock her out before she can react to teach her a very pointed lesson first
>Use your Instant Transmission to teleport behind Caulifla, knock her out before she can react to teach her a very pointed lesson first
>Use your Instant Transmission to teleport behind Caulifla, knock her out before she can react to teach her a very pointed lesson first
Use your Instant Transmission to teleport behind Caulifla, knock her out before she can react to teach her a very pointed lesson first wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: 60
Third DC: 90
Rolled 17, 43, 70 = 130 (3d100)

time to fuck with the white mage
Rolled 31, 21, 76 = 128 (3d100)

Rolled 31, 58, 17 = 106 (3d100)

Rolled 10, 45, 30 = 85 (3d100)

jesus we didn't pass a single one. at least it wasn't a nat 1
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Rolled 26, 93 = 119 (2d100)

Dub 31/100, 58/100, 76/100. Narrow failure turned into a narrow success, failure, and failure. Looks like you've given them a reason to fight at one hundred percent, writing.
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“Not bad, kids. But I'm not done yet.” you say, gathering your ki into both hands. “Let's see how you handle this! HAAA! HAAAA!”

As you shout you fire a Scattershot, one at Chaya and the other down at Chilli and Caulifla.

“Barrier!” Chaya bellows, you feeling her power flare as she activates her shield. Meanwhile, looking down Chilli creates another black hole, drawing your Scattershot into it. And while the two of them are distracted, you raise your right to your forehead. Focusing down on Caulifla's ki, teleporting behind her with your Instant Transmission. Before she can react you swing, chopping at the back of her neck with your right hand. But, right as your hand is about to hit her, a golden body emerges between you. Your hand strikes her golden Requiem Stand, it stopping your attack short.
“What?” Cauli exclaims, trying to turn. But with a thought summon forth Divine Dragon Force, your Stand snaking around her Stand, striking her as you'd intended to. “Ga-?!”

Your Stand's strike lands true, your daughter's entire body freezing momentarily. Then, her power plummets, reverting back to her base form and falling to the ground as her Stand vanishes.

“Too slow.” you say, Chilli turning towards you. And immediately your instincts scream at you that you need to run.
HAAAAAA!!” your son bellows, distorted voice enraged as he raises both hands, magical symbols appearing. Then from them he unleashes a beam of pure magical power directly at you. It's fast, faster than you can dodge. With only a split-second to react you raise your arms defensively, the energy striking you. It pierces through your arms and body, striking something deep inside you. Whatever it hits, the force of his beam throws you straight backwards, sending you flying away from your downed daughter.
“GAAAAAAH!” you roar in pain, fighting against this power you've never felt before. His magic cuts through your physical being as if it isn't there, attacking something inside you. Your Berserker Soul also howls in pain, you gritting your teeth and planting your feet. Enduring the agony another moment before kicking off the ground, taking to the skies. Dodging the beam, preventing it from dealing any more damage. He ends his attack, only for Chaya to suddenly appear behind you! “Tch!”

“HAAAAAAAAA!!” she roars, once more unleashing her power. You cry out in pain as her hate-fueled lightning courses throughout your body once more. But as it does, you feel something inside of you snap.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 219 paused-
And that's it for tonight, enjoying this little training session? Ready to focus down on your training of your children, readying them for what's to come? Do you think you've got what it takes to keep control, or will your rage rampage freely? And are you curious what Haathe will do, sensing the danger you're in? All this and more when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues at noon EST, 12 hours from now!
What is it with our kids and inflicting pain? kek.
Chaya’s shocked hue that what Bane said was true, that it damages the target regardless of powerlevel difference as long as they’re either flesh and blood or a machine. But Chilli? His attack didn’t affect the body. That beam shot straight to the soul. Again using an attack that ignored physical stats. Wonder why they keep using those types of attacks here?
>"Hey so I've been doing this whole evil space wizard thing a LONG time. When you zap people it really fucking hurts, no matter what."
>"OH WOW this really fucking hurts when it hits someone, no matter what!"
>"Really ningen?" :|
They already know how strong their father is, as well as his training with Milha. So, instead of fighting him where he's strong, they use attacks that avoid his defenses.
Lets get back into the good stuff
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“GRRRRAAAAAAAAA!!” you roar as your Berserker Soul blazes furiously to full power, your vision going red before fading entirely. But only for a moment, as with an extraordinary amount of will force your power back under your control. Your vision returns, the crimson tint to the world fading as you look around. Chaya is closer, you turning to see her eyes wide with fear, arms shaking as she stares through you. This lasts a few moments until she snaps back to the present, refocusing on you.
“Heh, guess that one really got you.” she says, trying to sound confident despite the tremble in her voice, despite her wide eyes as she retakes her fighting stance. But you see her glance past you, no doubt looking to Chilli. So you turn, firing a conical blast of ki at Chaya to keep her from attacking momentarily with your right. Only to see a crystal blade the size of your hand flying at you. Which you easily swat aside, only for it to stick to your bracer. And, even more worryingly, begins expanding over it.

“What?” you mutter, ending the blast with your right hand to reach over, tearing the bracer free of your arm as the crystals rapidly overtake it. You've seen his Crystallize magic before, getting trapped in place for another burst of Chaya's lightning is something you'd rather avoid. “Tch. Nice try.”

Only, as you throw it away, Chaya appears right under your now-outstretched right arm. Before you can turn she fires a heavy ki-clad punch straight to your liver.

“Geh!” you wince, Chaya drawing her right back for another attack. But you're faster, reaching down and catching her by her forearm before she lands another blow. “HAAAAAAA!!”
“WAAAAAAAH!” she shouts as you pitch her down, straight at her brother. Knocking both down to the ground, you landing in front of them. The two disentangle themselves, getting back to their feet as you power down before them. “H-Huh?”

“Good. I have a pretty good idea where you both are at.” you tell them, then turn to Chilli. “This power of yours is strong, I won't lie. But you do need to keep up your physical strength. If there's an enemy who has some advantage over this form of yours, you'll need another option. Even if you use it once, having it at the ready will be essential.”
“That makes sense.” Chilli replies, powering back down to his base form. “Having options is always a good thing.”
“What about me?” Chaya asks you, still in her empowered form. “Do you have any insight into my power?”

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“Sorry kiddo, but I don't.” you tell her, seeing her excitement drop for a moment. But then she's back to herself, shaking her head.
“If it was easy, everyone'd do it.” she says with a shrug. “I'll figure it out, and have my own power ready for this tournament!”
“That's the spirit.” you say, walking over to the still-unconscious Caulifla and gently wake her up. “Naptime's over kiddo.”

“Wha-? Huh?” she asks groggily, looking around in obvious confusion. But then she suddenly remembers what had been going on before you'd knocked her out, leaping up to her feet. “What happened?”
“You were too slow.” you tell her, your daughter looking at you confused. “Being able to help your family and team is important, but this paints a large target on your back. Any smart opponent will take you down first, and Universe 6 saw your healing abilities already at the last tournament. If they see you, they'll try and take you down before the rest of us. If you want to protect everyone, you have to be able to protect yourself first. Which is why we're getting you up to the next level. But with that, comes a choice.”

“A choice?” she asks you, confused. “What do you mean?”
“You'll have to choose your path to power, either Primal, the divine powers of Super Saiyan God, or picking neither for now and aiming for 3.” you tell her seriously. “You don't have to pick today, but you do need to choose as soon as possible. The sooner you know which path you want to go down, the sooner you can work towards mastering it.”
“I understand.” she says, you continuing by addressing the three of them.

“Your teamwork is far better than I'd hoped, but there is still plenty of room for improvement. So, for the next month, those are what we shall focus on.” you tell them. “Your teamwork, and your transformations. I want the three of you to be stronger than anyone Universe 6's got. There's no way they'll take that loss laying down, every fighter we saw will be even stronger than before. Now, are you ready to get to work?”

“YES SIR!” your children all shout, giving you proper Saiyan salutes. To which you grin, nodding once.
“Then let's get to work.” you say, diving back into the training. For the first day you spend the rest of it training the three of them, ending the session when it's time to return home for supper. All three of them are exhausted, you feeling good about the starting day. “Make sure you three eat up, tomorrow's going to be even more intense.”

And so, the thirty three days of their training began.

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Every day, both early in the mornings and again in the evenings after supper you take the time to train with the three of them. Chilli, every day returns home to his family, while Chaya does the same but back to Dreadzone. Around three hours each day you spend with them, pushing them to be stronger, faster, better, executing attacks only the three of them can. But when you're not working on their teamwork, you're pushing them all to better themselves. Chaya, while you can't understand how her power works, with each use of her 'People's Champion' form as she calls it, shrinks the mortal portion of her power more and more. Her hair is now more divine blue than yellow, even her eyes have begun shifting. Changing from their red and yellow to the more divine blue as well. Seems she's closing the gap.

But what was surprising are the choices both Caulifla and Chilli made, in regards to their powers. Instead of simply going for Super Saiyan Three, as you'd thought he would, Chilli decided that he would try for Primal. With the three of you there to prevent his rampages as a Golden Oozaru from hurting anyone, every day he'd take on the bestial power. After two weeks of dedicated training, he'd finally done it! With a powerful roar, his golden monkey form had begun glowing brighter and brighter, condensing down into his strongest form yet! Primal Chilli.

“Woah, I.. I really did it.” he says, voice much lower and far more menacing as he looks down at his hands. Then up to you, a gleam in his eye. “Now, let's see what this form can really do! You and me dad, one-on-one!”
“Gladly.” you'd replied, powering up and taking your fighting stance before him. “Let's see what you've got!”

But what do you do?
>Rush and attack, test his defenses and speed at this new level
>Defend, let him attack you and see what he's got
>Try and keep your distance with energy attacks, see if he can close the gap with this newfound power
>Other(write in)
>>Try and keep your distance with energy attacks, see if he can close the gap with this newfound power
>Rush and attack, test his defenses and speed at this new level
>>Rush and attack, test his defenses and speed at this new level
changing to this
Rush and attack, test his defenses and speed at this new level wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 60
Second DC: 35
Rolled 45, 31 = 76 (2d100)

Rolled 28, 53 = 81 (2d100)

Rolled 22, 28 = 50 (2d100)

10 minutes, gonna roll once again
Rolled 53, 80 = 133 (2d100)

Just got here
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Unfortunate, if only you were sooner.
48/100, 53/100. Failure and success, seems his boost in power has caught you by surprise. At least initially. Writing.
If anybody is gonna catch us by surprise, I'm glad it's our boy.
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No sooner do you finish the sentence than he blurs towards you, golden aura blazing. He's far faster than you'd expected, driving his right up into your guts before you could even brace for impact.

“GYUUUAH?!” you cough out, his heavy blow doubling you over. Immediately he follows that right up into your guts with a left uppercut to your chin, launching you into the sky. “KAAAAAH!”
“HRRRAAAAA!!” he roars, dashing up after you with his power blazing. Despite being a bit winded by the heavy gut shot you brace yourself, blocking his follow-up heavy right with your crossed forearms. Yet the force of the heavy blow, even through your guard, sends you flying. As you fly back his power flares, drawing both arms out and thrusting them forward. Firing a barrage of dozens of ki blasts, keeping you on the defensive.

“Tch. That's enough. My turn!” you snarl, firing off an Explosive Wave. Blowing the blasts back, giving you an opening. You then dash forward, weaving through the barrage of shots and rapidly closing back in on your son. Who ends his attacks, rushing in to try and attack once more. But this time you're ready, meeting his heavy right with one of your own. Your power, still greater than his own wins the clash, causing him to recoil from the impact. Giving you the opening you need. “Take THIS!”

Twisting, you fire off a retaliatory left shot to his guts. Doubling him over, getting him back for his opening shot to you while leaving him wide open. Which you capitalize on with a barrage of heavy blows to his upper body, ending with a knee to his stomach then a two handed axe handle to his back. Sending your boy crashing down to the ground. But he doesn't stay down, the moment he hits he's already dashing back up at you.

“HAAAAAAAA!!” he bellows, closing back in. You meet his charge head-on, going punch for punch, knee for knee, elbow for elbow with him as he rages. That day, you don't get much training with the other two done, as he continues fighting on and on. Through the whole day, despite just unlocking the form he keeps it up, pushing himself until with a final war cry swings his right with everything he's got left. Striking you true in the chest, but his inexhaustable power is finally spent. “Haah, haaah, haaah. I... I think that's my limit.”

His body then goes limp, powering back down as he fell towards the ground. You fly down, catching your son in your arms.

“You did well, son.” you tell him, Chilli looking up at you with a weak smile before passing out in your arms.

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But, on the other end, there is Caulifla. Who, while Chilli is working towards gaining his Primal form, chose to pursue-

Well? Which form does she go after?
>Super Saiyan God, like her mother
>Primal, just like Chilli
>Super Saiyan 3, more power without committing to either divine or primal strength
>Something else, perhaps a path only she can walk down?
>Something else, perhaps a path only she can walk down?
How could I not?
>Something else, perhaps a path only she can walk down?
Motherfucking mystery box, baby. You cant copy this
>Something else, perhaps a path only she can walk down?
Our baby can be special and she will earn it
>Something else, perhaps a path only she can walk down?
Rolled 73, 3 = 76 (2d100)

Mystery box wins it, here we go. Roll me a 3d100.

DC: 200
Rolled 80, 77, 40 = 197 (3d100)

Rolled 83, 36, 12 = 131 (3d100)

Rolled 40, 52, 48 = 140 (3d100)

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83/100, 77/100, 48/100. Gives us a 208, which is just enough. But adding in the 73 you give her, brings the total to 281. A smashing success, writing.
Is this the magical girl transformation?
Are you sure?
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Writing this transformation sequence out is killing me, should be ready in no more than another half-hour, max.
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Take your time to make it as best it could be
>milha basically is baiser 2.0 (seeing your past images)
>caulifla becomes a mahou shoujo
Sorry Darkness but unless you will become a mahou shoujo yourself you will lose her.
>it's just like one of my Japanese cartoons
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-well, you aren't entirely sure. At first you thought she was going to take on the Super Saiyan God power, having gone after the first day to talk with Meloka about this. But then, the next day was asking Future Chaya about the Primal power, and how it functions. But neither path seemed to be what she was looking for, as she then went to Chaya, asking about her own power. You had left her to her own devices the first week, letting her pick her path. But after seven days without picking a path you'd begun to worry she wouldn't progress. So, at the end of that day's training, you'd taken her aside.

“Is everything okay, Cauli?” you'd asked, after both Chilli and Chaya had left Raxus Prime. “You can talk to me about anything, you know.”
“Yes, I know. It's just... well....” she said, clearly struggling to find the words she wanted. Seeing her struggling you sit down, crossing your legs and gesture to the spot beside you. “Huh?”
“Have a seat, kiddo. Let's talk.” you tell her, patting the ground beside you. She looks from the ground to you, clearly still uncertain. But after a few moments she sits beside you, her shoulder brushing yours. “Something's clearly on your mind, you haven't been working towards the next level of any form.”

“N-well, yes.” she says, at first trying to act defensive then sighing out, agreeing with your statement. “I don't know what it is, but none of those powers seem quite right for me.”
“I see. So, what power DO you think would be best for you?” you asked her, to which her expression darkened. Reaching around behind her back, and pulling out her pendant. The silver sword and moon glow faintly purplish in the evening light, your daughter looking down at it.

“I'm not like you or Momma, or even Chaya. People don't put their hopes in me for fighting monsters or saving us from invaders here.” she had said, gazing at it. “Only when I fight for the Darkmoon, when I use that divine power do I feel any different.”
“So, you're wanting a power that is all your own, is that it?” you'd asked her, your daughter looking up from her hands to you. “You want to be seen as differently here as you do back then?”
“Yes, maybe. Something like that.” she says, her Stand Triumph Requiem appearing behind her. The avian form kneels down beside her, resting its head on her right shoulder as she continues. “They all see me as what I can do, not who I am. So I want a power that is distinctly my own.”

“You do understand that such a power may take a lifetime to discover, right?” you ask her, your daughter not meeting your gaze and instead looking back at the pendant. “It could even take several lifetimes to achieve. Are you sure that is what you want to pursue?”

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“I understand. But it's what I want.” she'd said, looking back over to you with a bit of fire, of determination in her eyes. “Even if it's not what you want, I want to pursue this.”
“Heh, good. That's the attitude you need to forge your own path.” you told her, reaching over and ruffling her hair. “If there's any way I can help you out, let me know, okay?”

“I will!” she'd said, seeming confident. But, as the weeks passed, there was no sign of any increased level of power from her. In fact, you had begun to suspect that she may have given up on this idea. But as the day of the tournament drew ever nearer, you began to notice a change in her. Your daughter started carrying herself taller, a more confident look in her eyes. She even started wearing her sword and moon pendant while training, yet not once was your training interrupted by her getting called back to another time. And on the thirty first day since Beerus had told you all of the impending tournament, Caulifla called everyone to wait after the training was finished. “I have something to show you all.”

“So, finally figured out what transformation you're going to use, huh?” Chaya'd asked her, grinning excitedly. “Well, what're you waiting for? Let's see it!”
“I'm curious too. If not Primal nor god, then what power will you use?” Chilli asks, you all watching her. She takes a deep breath, slowly sighing out before raising her gaze.
“You all know how I'm a Blade of the Darkmoon, right? Fighting through time to protect those who needed divine intervention.” she starts, you wondering where she's going with this but nodding along. “Long story short, there was a rebellion and the Dark Sun Gwyndolin was mortally wounded, his half sister killed. In his final moments, he entrusted his legacy, the strength of his soul' powers.”

At this Caulifla holds up her hands before her chest, causing an inferno to slowly bloom from within your daughter. Immediately you feel you Berserker Soul awaken, sensing the presence of a true, divine power. That soul, resembling the Berserker Soul except a far darker blue hue instead of emerald

“I didn't know what do do with their strength, after their passing. Until now.” she continues, pushing those fiery souls back inside her. “Now, with their strength, I've finally figured out what I want to be.”

As she says this you feel goosebumps on your arms, the determination with which your daughter speaks is slightly worrying to you. But then she wraps a hand around her pendant, speaking with a voice full of resolve.

“Now, I shall take the Dark Sun's place, as the new God of the Darkmoon!” she declares, as her body is instantly consumed by that dark blue, ancient divine power.

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You all watch as the aura shrouding her begins to cling to her form, then begins morphing her shape. Then the light around her begins changing, as if shifting her clothes or perhaps your daughter's very shape around. Most noticeable is her head, as seven sharp points suddenly begin rising from her. As Caulifla spreads her arms out to her sides, the light seemingly coalesces into long, flowing robes around her, enveloping her body within their dark light as she raises both hands.

“Woah! So cool!” Chaya shouts, you glancing over to see her smiling excitedly. But you also see Chilli's expression darken, brows furrowed. He glances to you, clearly unsettled as you both turn your gaze back to her. From her head sprout seven long points, she very shape of her head changing as then, from her feet that light begins to break apart. Disintegrating, much like your wife's energy when going into her Super Saiyan Blue transformation. As that light breaks away it reveals your daughter's bare feet, long, flowing white robes accented with gold adorning her. Then, as the light rises up to her head, breaking away it reveals a golden crown unlike anything you've ever seen. It looks like a golden sun, obscuring your daughter's eyes as she lowers her hands. “That looks awesome!”

“Thank you, Chaya.” Caulifla says, her voice noticeably lighter. Her physique also seems to have greatly slimmed down, much like her mother when entering the Super Saiyan God form, her skin becoming a much paler white too. “Now, how about we test this power, Father? See what the Darkmoon is truly capable of?”

And as Caulifla turns to you, that dark blue aura surges up around her once more. You can no longer sense your daughter's mortal energy whatsoever within this new form, but your Berserker God power wants to attack this new, divine presence immediately.

But what do you do?
>Rush in and attack, see how strong this new divine body of hers is
>Energy Body and defend, see what she's got in this state
>Keep your distance and use your energy attacks, see if she can either close in and attack or if her ranged attacks can beat your own
>Other(write in)
>>Keep your distance and use your energy attacks, see if she can either close in and attack or if her ranged attacks can beat your own
HOLY SHIT GWYNDOLYN'S DEAD? Was it the Chosen Undead?
>>Keep your distance and use your energy attacks, see if she can either close in and attack or if her ranged attacks can beat your own
>Keep your distance and use your energy attacks, see if she can either close in and attack or if her ranged attacks can beat your own
Ohhhhh shiny
>Energy Body and defend, see what she's got in this state

>Gwyndolin is still fucking dead, but cauli ended up inheriting his power
legitimately not sure where dark souls gods rate in this universe, but my guess is really damn high up considering manus scares literally fucking everyone and every one of the gwyndolin basically carried an age of light basically on his own. Cauli inheriting his powers is gonna piss off a whole cadre of people in the divine department.
technically he's been dead for millions of years. My money is on the Ashen One.
I have no idea what any of that dank swills stuff means lmao
You can ask. Really its just textbook videogame fantasy. Souls are power, gods got big souls, you kill one you get their soul, pretty cut and dry.
Depends on the deity and what they represent. Jergal, after all, was once a servant of Nito.
Keep your distance and use your energy attacks, see if she can either close in and attack or if her ranged attacks can beat your own wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 30
Second DC: 55
Third DC: 80
Fourth DC: 115

Well, you do know it wasn't Aldritch. Or at least Aldritch didn't get to devour him and his soul.
It means that it's magic time!
Rolled 82, 38, 53, 48 = 221 (4d100)

Rolled 1, 80, 98, 25 = 204 (4d100)

Magic means nothing in the face of BICEPS
Rolled 86, 42, 74, 12 = 214 (4d100)

Rolled 85, 92, 12, 85 = 274 (4d100)

What the fuck?
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86/100, 80/100, 98/100, 48/100. Three successes and one failure, seems the Berserker God REALLY doesn't like the Darkmoon. Writing.
To those who know their lore, this is about to go crazy. The anti-divine Berserker against the Goddess of Vengeance
>Fighting evil by moonlight
>Winning love by daylight
>Never running from a real fight
>She is the one named Caulifla!
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“You wanna go?” you reply, blazing your Berserker aura up. But before she can respond, almost as a reflex that dark blue energy surges up around her as well, your daughter raising both hands overhead. Where that energy coalesces into a shape, the light shattering to reveal a golden scepter of some sort. But as you see it, suddenly your instincts warn you that, somehow, that thing is trouble. She then lowers the staff, swiping it from left to right. Conjuring more than two dozen orbs of that same energy, all shooting out towards you. Immediately you kick off the ground straight into the air, but those shots suddenly seem to get a lock on you, changing course and pursuing you. Caulifla doesn't follow you herself, instead using that scepter to conjure more and more of the moon magic orbs. As you fly you draw both hands back, quickly forming a pair of Scattershots then tossing them down one right after the other towards your daughter and her pursuing orbs of magic.

“Woah!” Chaya shouts, she and Chilli both flying back to get clear of the fight breaking out. But Caulifla doesn't dodge, she doesn't even move. Instead, as your blasts detonate against hers, cleaving a path through her magic down towards her, she doesn't even move. Your shots strike around Cauli, detonating in a fiery blast. But through the explosion there is a flash of dark blue magic from her. A beam of that energy fires out through the rising smoke, aimed directly at you. And it's fast, you barely have time to register what you're seeing before it's upon you. At the last second you twist your body clockwise, throwing yourself back and aside to narrowly avoid the beam of energy. “GO CAULI! YOU GOT THIS!”

“Tch.” you exhale through gritted teeth, quickly forming a lance of ki in your right and pitching it down towards her. The Energy Javelin splits as it draws close, turning from one massive spear into a hailstorm of lances the length of your own leg. But Caulifla's not going down so easily, ending the beam a moment before impact. Through the smoke, for just a moment, her figure appears far thicker than it had a moment ago, only for your lances to all detonate on impact instead of piercing through like usual. After all, you're here to train your daughter, not murder her. No matter how much the Berserker Soul wants the chance. The smoke thickens after the blast, for a few moments. Only to be blown away as your daughter kicks off the ground, flying up and out of the clouds with a golden bow in her hands.

She takes aim, drawing the golden arrow back and releasing it without a sound. It leaves a faint dark blue tint of her power as it streaks through the air, you flying to your right to avoid it. But somehow the one arrow isn't all she shot, somehow, as four more follow it while you dodge. Each getting closer than the last, but none of the magical arrows find your body. Undeterred, she fires another trio of shots, somehow loosing more than a dozen arrows your way as you gather your energy. Throwing your left hand towards her you release another Scattershot, only to follow up by firing a beam from your right index finger into the closest orb. Stopping it in place, your energy reflecting into two other beams.

Each beam strikes one of your Scattershot orbs, the energy reflecting until you've formed a perfect, near-inescapable Hellzone Prison around Caulifla. But she's completely unbothered by this, that dark energy engulfing the bow. Changing it's shape, transforming it into a blade. The dark magic shatters, forming a two-handed sword that's only slightly smaller than your own Wolf Knight sword in your base form. And as your daughter raises the weapon, it begins glowing with a purplish light that makes your instincts scream at you to get clear.

“Darkmoon! SLASH!” Caulifla roars, swinging the weapon down with both hands. Firing a Death Slash-like blade of purplish magical energy which cuts through your Hellzone Prison with ease, the blade headed right for you.
“HAAA!” you roar, matching her swing with a Death Slash of your own. Energies clash, both projectiles exploding between you and obscuring your view of your daughter. Only for her to suddenly blur forward out of the smoke fast, far faster than you'd thought her capable of moving. Swinging her sword horizontally, firing another slash of that dark moon power directly into your chest. “SHIT!”

Raising your arms, you block the cutting attack with your forearms. Except her attack doesn't cut, instead the energy explodes against you. Caught by surprise, the blast knocks your arms up, leaving your entire torso wide open.

“Got you!” she says with a small, teasing smirk, firing a quick snap front kick into your guts.
“Kuh-!” you exhale, as the surprisingly powerful kick winds you, knocking the air out of you and doubling you over. She then takes her sword in both hands, raising it overhead and starting a downward swing at you.

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But you aren't going down that easily, drawing further upon your Berserker Soul's power and Ascending to your full power.

“HRRRAAAAAAA!!” you roar, emerald power surging as you take on the full Berserker God form. The force of your transformation blasts her back, knocking Caulifla a dozen or so yards away from you before she can stop her backwards flight.

“Looks like this power of yours is the real deal kiddo.” you tell her, taking a few quick breaths to get your breathing back under control. “Now, let's see what you've REALLY got!”
“Heheh, ready if you are.” she replies, raising the two handed sword up over her shoulder, pointing the moon magic-clad blade's point at you. You take your fighting stance, focusing your energy and activating your Energy Body, anti-divine ki hardening into your most trusty defensive technique. You both stare each other down silently for several moments, then at an invisible signal you both dash forward towards each other.




-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 219 End-
And that's it for this episode, everyone enjoy the run? Ready to see the full extent of Caulifla's Darkmoon power and finish training the three of them? Curious what else will go down before the next tournament begins? And are you ready to see how the other deities will react when they first witness Caulifla's power? All this and more, next time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!
>And are you ready to see how the other deities will react when they first witness Caulifla's power?
I'd wonder what the fuck is going on in Universe 7 since it looks like all the mortals are just eating the Gods.
Pretty cool all around, at least some part of Gwyndolin survived past the end. RIP femgod, we'll keep you in our folders... So, is Caulifla never getting summoned again?
>meanwhile, cooler: "I should conquer Hell...."
Whoops. Meant to reply to the other guy.
True. And now that this is happening, wonder who is freaking out more: Beerus and Whis, or Elder Kai, Shin, Kibito and Kars?
Yes, he survived far longer than the normal DKS3 storyline as Cauli saved him from Sulyvahn's poison and kept him from being devoured by Aldritch. As for that, well. We'll have to wait and see. That power is HERS now, no longer reliant on another being.
Ha. But no, Cooler is seeking even greater power. A power to surpass Karn, and then Beerus.
Im very curious how the gods react, and Im also curious if Caulifa is legal in the tournament now, since shes gone far beyond even a Racial Deity like SSG, and ascended into a more universal goddess of the moon and vengeance. ....and that has INTERESTING interactions with U7 Saiyans and their relationship with the Full Moon.
>....and that has INTERESTING interactions with U7 Saiyans and their relationship with the Full Moon.
>Cooler is seeking even greater power. A power to surpass Karn, and then Beerus.
I think that the only thing that can freak them out more at this point is if God Eaters were miraculously brought out of extinction. What were those anyway I wonder?
Eh, let Dabura keep it. He's pretty reasonable for being THE Demon King, and Babidi has long since been put in potato jail.
>Cauli potentially buffing the great ape power into something more
Sounds scary.
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No, he craves the certainty and strength of STEEL.
I'm outta ki, not outta options
Ha, but no. Over these past thirtyish days, he'll have been doing a different type of training. As has Freeza. But we'll have to wait until the tournament begins to see the fruits of their labor.
Possibly. And a good question, considering Elder Kai was sealed within the Z Sword more than 70 million years ago.
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You joke, but this is why I want Karn to carry one of those retardedly strong lasers THAT I KNOW THE PTO HAS!
They're working on them. Right now they're still shoulder-mounted logs of converted Covenant tech
If they can be paired with a scouter for aiming, I want all of 'em.
Everything about that scene is braindead and every justification people give for it is cope.
Aight, I got one. Goku has brain damage.
One of the few times dbs did it better than the movie. That and bringing Gotenks in, Freeza recognizing Trunks when they defused and wondering why he got shorter.
They're mainly(currently) for hitting armor, or strong, distracted targets. Miniature planet-glassing cannons aren't just given out to everyone.
Didn't stop him from thwarting basically ever other cheap shot throughout the series. He's been a retard since he got to Erf. Nah mang that ain't it. That scene will always be asspull.

>Miniature planet-glassing cannons aren't just given out to everyone.
Unless you're in Nu-Star-Wars. Them fuckers grow on trees out there. Fuck you, Disney.
>Miniature planet-glassing cannons aren't just given out to everyone.
See, what really bugs me is that anybody thats Saiyan Saga vegeta level or higher could seriously fuck up a planet if not blow it up entirely, and in early dragonball Piccolo was shaking the country when he powered up back when he was still evil. Do the average PTO grunts just not know how to do that planet shattering stuff with their hands or are the footsoldiers really that weak?
Which is why in Super having him power all the way down worked better.
But in this verse we never escaped the Clone Wars.
They aren't trained how to use their ki, remember many of them still use blasters. Even the 'elites'. The only thing they know to do is fly.
Didn't Raditz say something about destroying the planet, too?

Wonder what happened to Sideous in our canon.
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Don't forget that what a lot of people would need specialized training to do, Saiyans just do naturally.
There's a reason the most advanced technique a lot of PTO soldiers know is "Full Power Energy Wave".
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I went to do a quick check and both of you are right, actually. I see why Saiyans were so popular in the force in canon. On one hand I think that this needs to be corrected, but on the other hand there's generally a lot less incidents and accidental casualties when planet busting power is delegated to a select few. It explains a lot of the burning questions I had with superpowered armies in the DBverse and even this verse.
Raditz did talk a lot of shit.
Sideous was on Coruscant when Kid Buu arrived, and was obliterated along with the Jedi Temple.
Yes, Saiyans are more naturally gifted towards creative violence.
Bingo. And while most of them couldn't destroy a planet, even with going into their Oozaru form (filler-excluded), they were still a massive threat. If Vegeta still had his tail when Freeza arrived, his powerlevel above 530k but below a million, he could have fought Freeza's final form in his Oozaru form and merc'd all his lower forms with raw power. Even at the low end, 5.3 million is still a lot stronger than third form Freeza.
Yes, which is the same principle why King Vegeta's been locking down on the Super Saiyan God ritual, keeping just anyone from learning how it actually works. He does NOT need that problem.
>Sideous was on Coruscant when Kid Buu arrived, and was obliterated along with the Jedi Temple.
Oof. Bad luck thwarts even the most careful of planners.
I thought it was whinny slave kids?
>Yes, which is the same principle why King Vegeta's been locking down on the Super Saiyan God ritual, keeping just anyone from learning how it actually works. He does NOT need that problem.
>Champa's direct orders were for Cabba to spawn as many super saiyan gods as possible
I'm sure there won't be any major consequences for our friends on Planet Sadala
I mean said kid was created by an inscrutable cosmic entity. Which is basically luck. From my point of view the plot is lucky!
Bad luck and one man's desire to overthrow the divine order at the expense of potentially all life in the universe.
Well, if more than one SSG is made, they'll be busy dealing with their anti-god, if she unlocks her powers.
Wait, if they try it on Kale...
Yeeaah, Champa doesn't know the fire he's playing with here. He could accidentally his entire Saiyan race with his wish and order.
I said it. I called the fact that bunch of quarter or less SSGs, cause of the ritual splitting the soul too hard, is gunna get Kale to snap their entire team in half before Karn even gets there. And even if Kale doesn't Karn will in the tournament when hes X10 Effective vs their God Team while Cold handles Hit.
Here's the real question. Do we want the final battle of Anor Londo, or Universe 6's first Super Saiyan God as the epilogue for this episode?

Champa may not be going all-in on Saiyans. After all, he learned of a certain Namekian technique while there too and may have one or two of them.
The final battle of Anor Londo is far more interesting. And we can leave the SSG as a bit of a surprise for later.
Anor Londo, its been a hot minute since we've had dark souls fuckery
If people were eager to follow the U6 escapades I would have followed through, but I can't lie and say I didn't prefer this one.
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The idea that in this timeline, there's a non-zero chance of pic related happening is both hilarious and concerning to me.
We would stand no chance against THE CHAMP
I would love to see Hercule VS Chaya in a showboating competition. Chaya has the simp boost but Hercule has the power of HAM. Both masters of their showmanship craft in different ways. Worthy foes.
Well, you have no idea if he survived the years-long rampage of DKP. But as for sparking zero, would be funny.
They would ABSOLUTELY feed off each other's energy.
>hercule tears a phonebook in half
>chaya tears a tank in half
>"Nice try kid, but tanks only hold a few people in it, phonebooks have hundreds of thousands!"
>smoothbrains across the galaxy have their minds blown by the philosophical black hole and think it's a metaphor for strength
>"Sure thing old man, but the men in tanks are holding the lives of just as many on their backs!"
>smooth brains whip right back with idol worship for the implication of fallen heroes
It'd be like watching people watch a tennis match. Head swinging back and forth and back and forth and back and forth kek
The two of them just hamming it so hard Vox orders her to recruit him sounds like gold.
Would be quite the experience for everyone.
>karn gets selected for karaoke battle in the king tournament
The meme magic really is.
The start of SCQ was a time when meme magic filled the board, when that one Jojo's Bizarre Adventure x My Hero Acadamia cross over happened, and we brought forth a wave of tomboy lovers the likes of which haven't been seen since.
>a wave of tomboy lovers the likes of which haven't been seen since
We've always been here and always will be. Waiting. Lurking.
I'm glad my brothers in arms are still here lurking and waiting for when /qst/ once again regains it's senses and tomboy supremacy sweeps the masses48k2
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 219 Epilogue-


“Phew, what a day.” you say, opening the door to your room after another long day. Between helping out around the planet's hospitals and training for the upcoming tournament, you're feeling beat. But as you walk in, thinking of the nice, hot shower waiting for you, you feel your eyes drawn to the Darkmoon Pendant hanging by your door. Which is radiating with Gwyndolin's magic, the deity calling to you. To which you sigh, taking a deep breath then ready yourself. “Clothes Beam.”

Firing your energy at yourself, you create your armor around you, then gather your tools for what is undoubtedly another battle. With your sacred chime already held to you with your tail, you reach over and grab the invisible blade you'd grabbed from that one Darkwraith. Slipping it through your tail and to your left hip, you then reach over and take up your Dragonslayer Spear. Channeling a hint of ki through it, lightning begins crackling along the blade.

“Alright. Here we go.” you say, then reach over with your left. Grabbing the pendant, you slip the chain over your head, its energy enveloping you immediately. The power draws you into an inky dark void, moments later you feeling yourself rising up as if out of the sea. Drawing up out of the depths, you find yourself back in the tomb of the First Sun Lord, Gwyn. Where his youngest Gwyndolin and his half-sister Yorshka are both waiting for you. Both, as you see immediately, are ready for war. Yorshka is wielding her spear, clutching it to her chest while Gwyndolin wields his scepter and bow. As your feet land on the ground and realize this, you expand your ki sense. Immediately realize that, in Irithyll below there are thousands, tens of thousands more beings there than usual. And they're approaching. “Lord Gwyndolin. Lady Yorshka. What is the situation?”

“Mine champion. Thy arrival art most timely indeed. Great Anor Londo is besieged by foul heretics, swathed in Dark.” Gwyndolin tells you seriously, you hearing the worry in his tone. Seeing his half-sister, from the corner of your eye trembling nervously. “The loathsome traitor Sulyvahn hast allied himself and that sinister Lord of Cinder Aldritch with the hollows of Londor. That unholy alliance marches upon us, threatening to extinguish this last vestige of Father's memory and desecrate his tomb.”
“So, you need me to go down there and stop them? Will your brother be joining us as well?” you ask him, seeing his expression immediately worsen. Yorshka's eyes turning downward. “Oh no, what happened?”
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“When those fell hollows arrived, mine brother went forth to meet them in battle.” Gwyndolin tells you, his voice even more strained. “But he hast not returned. Hours have passed, and the sounds of combat gone. I fear the worst.”
“Please, if you can, save him.” Yorshka implores. “Save our nameless brother from their fell hands.”

“I'll do everything I can.” you promise, sprinting immediately down the hallway and up the stairs towards the turning platform, readying to leap off and take to the air. Only to sense a presence, sliding to a stop at the edge and turning. Seeing a jar beside the lever controlling the platform, one that, despite the light snowfall, has no snow resting atop it. Recognizing the disguise immediately you thrust with your Dragonslayer Spear, only for the illusion to break. A white-clad being, wielding the Dark Hand in his left and a claw weapon with wicked sharp edges in his right rolls under your thrust, rising up into an uppercut aimed for your chin. But you're too fast for the assassin, firing a snap right kick straight into his masked face. Knocking the assassin back into the chamber where a fire once burned, you calling down to the deity below. “ASSASSINS! BE ON GUARD!”

Then, as the masked being rises you dash in, grabbing him by his wrist and jerking his arm overhead with your left while thrusting the spear into his guts with your right. Continuing the motion you pin the would-be assassin to the ground, raising your heel and stomping his head in. Turning it, and shortly thereafter the rest of him into rapidly-dissolving motes of crimson light before withdrawing your weapon.

“Dammit. This could be a problem.” you mutter to yourself, but decide to keep pressing onward. They no doubt heard your shout, as did any other would-be killers lurking about, so they would know their sneak attack won't work. But instead of heading back out that way you take the other path instead, the one that beings who can't fly would take from Irythill. Dashing up the short flight, you see a dozen Silver Knights wielding their Dragonslayer Greatbows firing volleys of spears into the approaching horde, but their weapons are not suited to this task. The bows, weapons designed to punch through armored dragon hides, are not fit for attacking mobs of mortal-sized foes. Sure each spear kills at least two of the undead horde approaching, but for each ten that fall, hundreds take their place. “Need to slow them down, give the knights more time.”

Leaping from the entrance you take to the air, gathering your ki into your left hand. Focusing for a few seconds, you then unleash your power with a shout, relying on one of your father's most common techniques.

“SCATTERSHOT!” you roar, unleashing your power.
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The giant orb you toss down at the approaching horde splits, the one massive shot turning into hundreds of smaller explosive shots. Your energy rains down, the scores of orbs hitting the horde and ground to burst. Scores of explosions consume hundreds of undead bodies simultaneously, evaporating the horde running across the courtyard. But, as you turn, you see more than a score already made it up the building, sprinting full speed across two walkways towards the Silver Knights.

“Tch. Oh no you don't!” you shout, firing a second Scattershot. Again your energy splits, scores of energy orbs detonating against the two walkways. Obliterating them, denying the enemy an easy path up onto the building housing the great lord's tomb. “There. That ought to slow them down.”

But as you say this, suddenly you feel something strike your back. Turning around, you see dozens of fireballs flying up at you, the fire not affecting you thanks to your Stand. Who materializes behind you.

“Should I return fire?” your Stand asks, you shaking your head as you look for the culprits. And, after a few seconds you find them, what appear to be some sort of clergymen firing more fire from their religious implements. The fire doesn't affect you, and for a moment you consider returning fire. But, as long as they're focused on you, they aren't firing upon the Silver Knights. Who all see what's happening, unleashing a volley of their spears down onto them. Skewering the 'holy' men, pinning them to the ground as the horde of endless undead continues streaming towards the building. You turn, looking around to see what way they'll try and get up now. Sure enough you find it, a ladder inside a building connecting a third path from the church below up towards the tomb. Another Scattershot destroys that path as well, leaving their only choice to pile atop each other, forming a living ramp as more and more bodies pile up.

“Actually, I think I know where your fire will be best served.” you say, a grin coming to your face. “Are you ready?”
“Ah, I see. Let's do this.” your Stand replies, you flying over to the building, where the pile of bodies has formed a high enough ramp for the undead horde to begin climbing up the roof. You fire yet another Scattershot, shattering the slanted roof and sending scores of bodies falling down, down into the ground. Your Stand then belches forth a column of fire, warding off the base of the building with scorching flames. The undead warriors scream hollow screams of agony, dropping their two-handed swords as they fall within the flames. Triumph Requiem lays down more fire, making a wall twenty feet thick out from the base of the structure before ending its attack. “That should do.”
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“Let's hope that slows them down long enough.” you say, cheers coming up from the Silver Knights as you fly away. Leaving the tomb behind, flying over towards the cathedral where the strongest powerlevels you can sense are coming from. But as you approach, suddenly a half dozen stone golems leap from the building, wielding large, two-handed halberds and flying up towards you. “Tch. I don't have time for you. HAAAA!”

Drawing your left hand back while gathering your ki, you fire another Scattershot at the six of them. But as you do, suddenly your vision dims and powerlevel drops. You drop a few feet in the air before you regain control, stopping your fall.

“D-Dammit.” you pant, trying to catch your breath. You'd been tossing around power without a care for your stamina, forgetting a moment that you're already exhausted coming into this. But you have to be careful with what power you have left. So, without hesitation you fly over to the church, dropping down and smashing through the ceiling directly above the power you recognize as Sulyvahn's. “Sulyvahn! This ends today!”

But as you enter the building, despite your choice of surprise entrance, dozens of massive orbs are fired at you. Deep, dark magic of the Abyss flies towards you, immediately forcing you onto the defensive to evade them.

“Seems your plan worked perfectly, Sulyvahn.” a familiar voice calls, you turning from him to see the woman whose sword you now carry standing next to several stone-humped beings, you noticing them lining the walls of the entire room. “This time, there's no escape for them.”


As she says this, you hear the unmistakable sound of a warrior being summoned from another world. And then another, and another. You look around, watching as dozens, then scores of Dark-clad Darkwraiths begin to rise. From the skeletal-armored warriors to armored knights and robe-wearing mages, hundreds of warriors appear within the cathedral.

“This time, there is no escape.” the swordswoman declares smugly, you noticing a new sword on her hip. “This time, you will die.”

And from the doors on either end of the room you see the unmistakable fog roll in, trapping you within the cathedral as it blocks the exits. Even looking up, the hole you'd punched through the ceiling is now covered as well. You're not leaving this place until you destroy them all.
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Which is a problem, as your power is running on fumes as it is. As more and more warriors appear, the closest dozen taking off towards you at a full sprint with weapons drawn. You take up your Dragonslayer Spear in both hands, ready to fight for your life. But then decide staying on the defense won't work, you have to attack! Dashing forward, you drive the point of your spear straight into the chest of the nearest skeletal Darkwraith, breaking its ribs and splitting him in half against the crossguard. Then you snap the butt around, cracking it against an Astora Knight's armored helm. Denting the metal and dropping the warrior in a single hit. Charging your ki into the weapon, the blade crackling with lightning you whip it around overhead in a circle, bringing it crashing down on the midsection of the black iron armored knight as he raises his massive slab of a sword overhead. Bisecting him, the weight of his weapon toppling his upper body backwards as you continue pressing your attack.

“Come on, is this all you've got?!” you shout, pressing your advantage. Using your speed, you strike well over a dozen before they can fire off a single attack, only for magical attacks to start raining down. Lances of magic sharpened with crystals, orbs of Abyssal Dark, columns of fire, spears of lightning and walls of force all fire upon you. These attacks pass through the phantom Darkwraiths, your enemy relying on the lack of friendly fire to unleash their most devastating attacks with reckless abandon. Forcing you to keep moving, not staying in one place any longer than it takes to kill a single phantom. But the press of bodies begin closing off the floor space, forcing you into a tighter and tighter area. Cutting your mobility and forcing you to push THROUGH your enemies to keep on the move. Thrusting your spear through two armored knights, the tip of the weapon becomes embedded in the stone shield of one of Havel's Knights turned Darkwraith, the stone armored warrior swinging his Dragon's Tooth overhead to crush you. Forcing you to drop the spear, catching the club with both hands. And start spinning him in a circle, knocking down dozens of warriors before pitching him at Sulyvahn's ki. “HAAAAAAA!!”

The stone knight and the two others impaled between his shield and your spear rocket through the crowd, slamming into Sulyvahn just as he'd turned to head out the door. Knocking him prone, sending the trio slamming into the fog gate. But you can't simply rush through so much firepower and weaponry without taking damage, so draw the invisible sword of the Darkwraith woman, gripping its hilt in both hands.

“I'll take you all on!” you declare, dashing forward and immediately cutting down two more skeletal Darkwraiths. Chopping their heads clean off with a horizontal slash, phantom blood spurting through the air.
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But as the seconds drag on into minutes, you feel yourself losing steam. Several attacks you should have been able to dodge graze you, swords opening up shallow cuts, Soul Spears striking glancing blows, fire pillars leaving you unharmed but still momentarily blinding you, letting other attacks like arrows and crossbow bolts find their marks in your arms and shoulders. You even take one through the left hand, but simply crush it and continue fighting. But you're taking too much damage, you need help. You need your Stand.

“Triumph Requiem! Golden Panoply!” you call out, your Stand appearing then unleashing a flash of light. One that blinds the Darkwraiths momentarily as your Stand combines itself with you, forming a suit of invincible golden armor around you. “I will not fall! Not here, not to you! My father's expecting my help, and I CAN'T LET HIM DOWN!!”

You declare, aura blazing as you draw upon everything you've got, ascending into a Super Saiyan. This is it, you're gambling everything on this. If you can't clear them out before your Super Saiyan power runs out, you're probably going to die here. But you can't fail. With a thunderous war cry you charge, ignoring defense completely as you go wholly on the attack. Cutting the Darkwraiths down with berserk-like wrath and throwing your own safety to the wind. But, as the Dark phantoms soon realize, your Stand armor is invincible. None of their weapons, magic, or dark arts can hurt you now. None of them can stand up to you as your sword pierces straight through shields and armor as if they weren't even there, piercing hearts, removing limbs and decapitations flow in your wake as you cut a path of destruction towards the man responsible for this: Sulyvahn. Who has regained his feet, with not only odd, tree-like wings sprouting from his back, but with a phantom version of himself appearing there behind himself as well. It, along with him, both wielding a pair of blades. The sword of unholy, profane fire in his right, and the stolen Judgment Blade of the Darkmoon in his left.

You feel your heart fill with dread at the sight. Somehow, someway, Sulyvahn has obtained a Stand?! One that, you fear, could even damage your own. You HAVE to end him, right now! But as you cut through a pair of Havel Knights he fires a wide, Death Slash-like blade of magic from the Darkmoon blade, the phantom firing a second one a half-second later. Forcing you to flip over the first, then duck under the second. Only for Sulyvahn to take to the air, flapping his tree-like wings radiating Dark.
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“Now, arise, Lord Aldritch! Devour her, satiate your hunger!” Sulyvahn declares, you wondering what he means. But as you take a step, your Stand-clad boot doesn't clack against polished stone. Instead it makes a squelching noise, you looking down. Only to see a sludge-like substance has covered the ground around you, it then rising up in a wave around you!
“HAAAAA!!” you roar, unleashing an Explosive Wave. Burning some of the last of your ki, blasting the devouring deity away from you. “Like hell, I'm not gonna be some sludge's lunch!”

“CAULIFLA! HEL-!” Yorshka's voice suddenly shouts into your mind, but is just as quickly cut off.
“Yorshka? Yorshka?!” you reply immediately, not realizing you're shouting out loud as well while trying to reestablish the connection but don't feel anything. You then try and reach out with your ki sense, to figure out what happened, but can't sense her energy at all! You can still sense the hollows outside the cathedral, as well as the Silver Knights, but Yorshka's nowhere to be found.
“Hahahahaha, it is over! The Gods of Anor Londo are no more!” Sulyvahn declares, you hearing the malicious glee in his voice. “You have failed!”

No. Not like this. You're not losing to them, you can still save her!

“No, YOU lose!” you roar, sheathing your blade and drawing upon everything you've got left. Energy crackles around you as it forms as sphere of hyper-dense energy, you releasing it all with a massive, all-powerful and final explosion. “HRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAA!!”
“Wh-Wha-?!” he exclaims as your attack consumes him, the Darkwraith phantoms, Aldritch, everything. The entire building around you disappears, your massive blast obliterating it all. All of your senses fade, consumed by the blast as your world goes white. But then, after several seconds, you hear a familiar voice.
“Not yet, Caulifla. Get up.” Triumph Requiem's voice coos softly in your ear, your senses returning to you. Opening your eyes, you find yourself in a massive crater, wondering what happened for a few seconds and why you're wearing your Stand. Then you remember, immediately your focus turns back to the god and his sister.

“Yorshka!” you shout, leaping into the air. But you lack even the energy to jump more than a foot off the ground, falling down to all fours as you trip over the sword Sulyvahn'd stolen from Gwyndolin. “D-Dammit. Triumph Requiem, get us over there!”
“Of course.” your Stand replies, flapping its metallic-like wings as you grab the sword, flying you back over to the tomb. Where you see the Silver Knights battling the remnants of the tide of hollows, only a few hundred left. But you pay them no mind, flying past and directly back into the tomb itself.
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Flying down the short hallway, you come to a stop over a terrifying scene. Yorshka lay slain, bleeding through an 'X' cut into her chest through her white robe. While Gwyndolin lay cut in half, his swarm of snakes lower half severed from his upper half as more than a dozen Darkwraiths lay killed, their bodies filled with his golden arrows. Except for one, the familiar woman turning to you.

“Heh heh heh, looks like you failed, bitch.” she says smugly, tearing off her helm to reveal her face. The very Darkwraith whose Dark Hand you took all those years ago! Now you're gonna fade away, and never be my problem ever again.”

Wordlessly you simply start walking forward, silently commanding Triumph Requiem to disengage from you. Your stand wordlessly complies, reforming into its normal form as you stalk towards the woman. Who starts walking up towards you, divine blood dripping from her blade as you start chanting.

“If thou shalt swear by the Covenant, to become a shadow of Father Gryn and Sister Gwynevere, a blade that shall hunt the foes of our lords.” you say, reciting the pledge and the words of the Darkmoon Blade miracle. The recovered sword begins to glow with the power of the Darkmoon, the power of vengeance as you recite the ancient words. “Then I place thee under the aegis and the power of the Darkmoon.”
“Die, bitch!” she snarls, swinging her sword down at you. You raise the sword up, cutting her arm off at the elbow before whipping it around, decapitating her in one fluid motion. Her body begins dissolving into light immediately, you turning from her to Gwyndolin and kneel by him.

“Hold still, Lord Gwyndolin, Sulyvahn's dead, it's over. And my Triumph Requiem will-” you start, only for the god to reach up, placing his hand on the side of your face.
“No. I hast no. Desire. To live in this world. Without mine sister.” he tells you, clearly struggling to speak. “Every sun. Sets. And so too. Must. The Dark Sun. Take... This.”
He lowers his hand from your face, pressing it to his chest, drawing forth his very soul. One that blazes with radiant divine power, arm trembling as he holds it up to you.

“I may perish. But. The Darkmoon. Will be with. You. Always.” he says, you dropping the sword to cup both your hands under his tiny, fragile hand. “Thank. You. Cau...Li...f.....”

Then the god's body goes limp, the last living son of the first Sun God dying. His body dissolves into motes of pure white light, leaving nothing behind but his powerful soul in your hands. Which you hold tight, your instincts guiding you what to do. Gently you take that power, pressing his soul to your bosom. Power: pure, divine strength begins flooding into your body. You feel your entire being become infused with the power of Dark Sun Gwyndolin, the power of the Darkmoon itself as you ascend. Not as you'd ever planned, not in a way you'd expected. But becoming a divine being, becoming one with the Darkmoon itself.

But as the power of vengeance fills your soul, you can't help but feel that this is right. Realizing that all your time fighting as a Darkmoon Knightess has been preparing you to become the host of this divine power. And as you and this power become one, suddenly the sound of several approaching footsteps echoes from the hallway. Only to see the Darkwraith woman whose sword you have at your hip, leading an Astora Knight, Morne Knight and Havel Knight along with a half-dozen skeletal-armored Darkwraiths. Who all slide to a stop, you raising your right fist in the air as you face them.

“Lord Gwyndolin is dead.” you tell them as you begin tapping into the Darkmoon power within you now. “And you are next. I am Caulifla, Goddess of the Darkmoon. And all of you shall know my vengeance.”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 219 Epilogue End-
Forgot to credit in post, art by @arantking.
Bruh that art.
Very nice epilogue gm
Dem thighs. Caulifla's certainly the most built of Karn's children. And glad you enjoyed, this one was a wild ride.
>Caulifla's certainly the most built of Karn's children
You need broad shoulders if you're gonna try and carry everyone around you.
That said, I hope Caulifla learned something about being a one-man-show after Gwyndolin's death.
You can't always be there for everybody personally. You NEED other people you can count on to fill the gaps.
Yeah, this event will have long-reaching consequences for her. She fell completely into their trap, nearly died for it, and failed to save Yorshka. Who she liked more than Gwyndolin, and was part of the reason she stayed. She wanted to be friends with the half-dragon girl who had no one else in the whole world but her brother. And she failed to save her. But we all know she damn sure avenged her, everyone who survived her blast was hunted down before she returned to her time.
Aight I'll say it. Black Knightess Goth Amazon Mommy Caulifla certainly hits like a freaking truck.
And given how the Vs Tournament is so close we'll FINALLY, AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, See how the U6 Saiyans react to U6 Vs U7 Caulifla.
Yes, it’s a great look. And all I’ll say before it happens:
>pic possibly related
>Divine brick-shithouse warrior priestess of VENGEANCE
>Some stringbean brat
The comparison will certainly be an unflattering one
I'll be honest I think it goes too off-model. so much so that (while it looks good) it doesn't really resemble Caulifla.
Yeah, if she had backup those two could've been saved. Glad we got to see this epilogue though
She's a big girl.
The hair's the most off for me, but this artist does more "realistic".
Yes, it was a good one.
Caulifla looking scary, she's her mother's daughter alright.
Here's a question.
Which traits do you think each of our kids pull from Karn and Meloka?
And or Karn and Towa?
24 hours to go.

Yes, very much so.
That's a long question. Will take some effort to answer
it might just be the lighting but she also seems too tan
Strong point, she should be immune to solar radiation thus should have grown paler and paler over the years. Unless...its a fake tan
>immune to solar radiation
I'll be honest it looks a lot like an AI image that was cleaned up to me. It could just be a really unfortunate choice of color scheme + shading though. The bell thing really wigs me out though, it looks so different from everything else. Wonder why.
Her stand makes her immune to all forms of heat, possibly including sunlight,
I thought I was the only one thinking that. The shading looks fucky and inconsistent, but I feel like a total schizo because I thought real art was AI. Why is the future so grim
I thought it was flames and fire specifically, not heat in general.
Not quite. She's immune to FIRE, not nuclear fusion firing radiation through an atmosphere. If she were, she couldn't go Oozaru after all.
Unless the artist AI'd it from the lines all the way up.
og artist of this, I will make an updated version of this with our current (and best) Caulifla if you guys want it
that would be pretty cool
It is TIME! >>6042234

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