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Last time, you returned to your apartment after a delicious breakfast at Carol’s house. Being in a good mood, you chatted with your less hostile Slob Dragon, until your apartment wall collapsed after she (the Slob Dragon) threw a bouncy ball at it. The fact that it didn’t collapse before just shows that no one has ever leaned on it since you’ve been here. The newfound hole doesn’t lead outside even if it should since your apartment is at the edge of the building, how mysterious.

You’re thinking this is a cool discovery only not to cry! Your poor home! You never thought you’d get attached to this dump, but now you’re heartbroken!

Both of you are gobsmacked by what has just happened. Deep silence fills the room as the dust clouds dissipate in the air. You can feel it, Suan De cannot believe how unlucky she is.

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. asks if everyone is okay. He’s on your shoulders, guarding them from danger. You silently nod.

Doesn’t matter how long you stare at it, the place is going to stay the same if you don’t do anything.

What do you do?

>“I wasn’t expecting that.” Diffuse the tension by saying something.
>“Kinda funny, as soon as you gave me the Qilin, you destroyed the place.” Chuckle to not cry.
>“Huh, I think I’m gonna call my landlord.” You need this to be fixed, and need to leave, this is not safe.
>“Suan De, promise me you’re going to fix that, okay?” This is the most catastrophic thing a hobo has ever done.
>Explore the other side of the wall. You need to investigate the mystery behind the wall! You need answers aside from explaining why there were no windows on this side.
>Write In.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/QM91m
Discord: https://discord.gg/AmjbaTR
Archives: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=do+your+best+quest
(Rough Grammar ‘till half of the 9th Thread)
Incomplete Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-nIx_dvaNCPQ7zLg2BK_ucCyGNM741kAANxqXj7hdDs/edit?usp=sharing


Votes are counted until 25 minutes have passed. This rule doesn't apply to the last reply of the day.
Votes that require a dice roll are counted until 15 minutes have passed, so we can speed up the process. Rolls are counted until 10 minutes have passed, so be prepared!

(NEW) Dice Mechanic:

We always roll 1d100s!
Since most people weren’t happy with the system of averaging top four rolls, we’re using best of 2/3/4 depending on the attribute a prompt requires. If Johnny is a genius and it’s a Knowledge based roll, he gets more rolls (Max. 7)! If he sucks, he gets less dice (Min. 2)!

When asked for rolls, I will specify how many you’re going to get. Rolling begins after it’s asked.

Rolling 100 is a critical! There are no Critical Failures anymore!

The difficulty of the roll is tied with the effectiveness of the action. In other words, the harder the option the better the result!

Don’t forget that at the end of the day, this is a story-driven quest! What the prompts are describing is more important than the difficulty of the rolls, for results in a fight.

Again, rolls are only counted when they are posted within ten minutes of being asked, so watch out!

Patch Notes! New Rules will be applied as we go! For now, know that the thresholds for rolls have been changed!:

Normal- 40
Hard - 60
Very Hard - 75
Destiny Breaker - 90
>>Explore the other side of the wall. You need to investigate the mystery behind the wall! You need answers aside from explaining why there were no windows on this side.
>"Did any of the things you brought over include a flashlight?"
>Explore the other side of the wall. You need to investigate the mystery behind the wall! You need answers aside from explaining why there were no windows on this side.
>"Did any of the things you brought over include a flashlight?"
>Explore the other side of the wall. You need to investigate the mystery behind the wall! You need answers aside from explaining why there were no windows on this side.
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“Did any of the things you brought over include a flashlight?” You ask as you put on your imaginary explorer hat. It’s unusual how dark it looks in there, like it’s oddly familiar, but you believe the light inside your apartment should light this up a little more than it is.

“I was told that you can see in the darkness.” Suan De puts special attention on your abilities and perks.

“It is more to help you than it is for me.” You don’t want her to miss anything! “I guess I can use my phone’s.” You get closer to the hole.

“Let me go in first.” Suan De wants to take responsibility for the Suan De Hole. Yeah, that’s what you’re going to call it. Anyway, you feel like it’s an excuse since she’s curious about what’s in there as well.

“But only I can see in there with no problems.” You point out that you’re better equipped, bringing back the conversation to where it started. “Just stand behind me, okay?”

“Right.” Suan De will dutifully follow your orders. She’s your shadow now, like a party member, or – if you have to be mean – a lesser Bradford Jr.

United in one mission, you two start exploring the dark side of your home. Your first impression is that – structurally – this place was part of your apartment as a whole that was sealed off with a shoddy wall. You’re not an architect, so you might be talking out of your ass.

Unsurprisingly, there’s a lot of dirt everywhere. The floor is the same material and doesn’t feel at all different even if the coloration on the wood is darker. You have no idea how to determine which part of the floor is in a better shape than the other, both look bad.

There’s a rusty iron desk with a chair combo by the actual wall. The desk is stained with ink. On said wall, there’s the shape of a window that has been obviously filled with concrete. Next to those is a file cabinet with two open drawers with nothing in them but spider webs. Ruby will be thrilled to hear this… Also, a couple of ripped posters decorate the inside.

The walls are stained with paint strokes like a mural that was never finished.

There’s more left to explore, a door to the left of the kitchen. You’re guessing this apartment had one more room roughly the same size as Ruby’s. You won’t pay extra.

“This used to be a military quarter during wartime. Those are old propaganda posters, you used to see them everywhere when I was growing up before the invasion.” Suan De asserts. “Utter nonsense.”

“Oh, I see.” You actually thought your dad had skeletons in his closet for a moment. “I wonder what’s in that room.” Maybe the skeletons are in there.

Skeletons.” Suan De deadpans. Did she read your mind? At some point, she snatched your phone to investigate herself. You hate when games give you a new party member and they immediately bail. She sees no reason to wait for your signal, and grabs the doorknob. She’s using gloves, so this should be fine, maybe? Something catches your eye though.

“Wait. It says don’t open.” You point out there’s a big sticker on the wall proudly displaying it. It’s no military label, and looks even more recent than the posters but not by a long shot. Wait, you got it, it’s a containment seal! You’ve seen it in one horror movie Osgood proudly recommended to you.

“And you care?” Suan De is not on board with caution.

This might be the reason this place is sealed…

What do you do?

>“I guess I don’t.” You have supernatural powers, you can contain whatever this is if it’s something bad and ghostly.
>Stop this and call for Spiritualist help! Call Fiora!
>Stop this and call for Spiritualist help! Call Odetta!
>Stop this and call for Judge help that can deal with ghosts! Call Giorsal!
>Stop this and call for someone who won’t be able to help at all! Call Lord Gargoyle!
>Write In.
>>“I guess I don’t.” You have supernatural powers, you can contain whatever this is if it’s something bad and ghostly.
>“I guess I don’t.” You have supernatural powers, you can contain whatever this is if it’s something bad and ghostly.
>Stop this and call for Spiritualist help! Call Fiora!
>Stop this and call someone who knows your country's history! Call Nina!
>>Stop this and call for Spiritualist help! Call Odetta!
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This seems like a horrible idea, what you should do is call a Spiritualist, and maybe someone who has deep historical knowledge to deal with this situation. You’re starting to believe that Suan De isn’t on the bright side of the knowledge scale alongside Vera. A reckless woman.

But, and this is important, you want to open the door now and by being peer pressured, you won’t be fully at fault for once! Forget even that, you have supernatural powers, Suan De has them too, you can contain whatever is behind that door. If it was something powerful, it wouldn’t be here at all.

“I guess I don’t.” You shrug.

That’s all that Slob Dragon needed to hear to pull the doorknob with her claws and let the curse escape the bounds in which it has been sealed for centuries. That’s a little dramatic. You have no idea when this room was closed or any other details about the building to say something like that. But, alas, the door is open. A chilly burst of wind comes out of the room, it’s pitch black inside. From the shadows within, a relatively unremarkable dark flame jumps directly onto Suan De’s face, and the ghastly spirit smacks her repeatedly like a moth to a light bulb – failing to possess her. The Assassin tries to swat it away, but her hands go through it, like with all flames. She loses her footing, but aside from that little bump, nothing happened.

This all makes sense. Flames are basically ghosts possessing your body, and only one of these miscreants fits! Else, it’d be possible to host more than one flame. There’s this guy named Valdemar who could do that, but you never knew his deal, so it doesn’t matter.

Realizing its efforts are in vain, the ghost changes objectives and assaults you to no avail. You don’t even entertain the idea or pretend he’s hurting you. You remain unfazed as you see it bounce on and off. It comes to you the idea that you might need to capture it in something, you remember jars are fairly effective, despite, you know, not making any sense.

Frustrated, the ghost looks for another avenue and finds Bradford Junior’s body… And attacks! And it works. Kinda. The ghost gets inside to possess your pet’s body! But to deter him, you grab your cat’s tummy to help him throw up. There’s no scientific backing to your actions,, but whatever you’ve done, it worked! Ghost is out! Bradford Jr. acts like he just spat out bad medicine, and you’re relieved that your beautiful cat is fine.

The problem is that the ghost was launched at great speed in a certain direction and this could mess with someone’s day…

In what direction did you shoot the ghost?

>Upwards, towards Nariko’s apartment. Nobody should be there, right?
>Upwards, towards Xavi’s apartment. You hope the hostage is fine...
>Upwards, towards Double J’s apartment. Bummer.
>Sideways, towards Ajna. OH SHIT. NOT YOUR MAIN STAR!!!
>Sideways, towards Ajna, but the ghost will go past her… towards Debbie! Oh no, not Debbie the pervert.
>Sideways, to the outside by the dumpsters. It might roam free.
>Downwards, towards Kevin! Remember Kevin?! No? He was at the last Poker Night! What? There were a lot of people and you don’t care? That’s rude.
>Downwards, towards the basement! Craig might be in trouble!
>Write In.

Should you chase after it?

>Fuck no. You need to renovate your new space.
>Sigh, you have to. Even if you skip classes, deep down, you’re a good boy…
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
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I don't know why, but this pic is transparent for some reason. Here's fixed!
>>Sideways, to the outside by the dumpsters. It might roam free.
>Sigh, you have to. Even if you skip classes, deep down, you’re a good boy…
Grab a jar and chase after it, Johnny and Suan De are Ghost Busters now
This also
>Write In.
Leave a quick note for Ruby that the hole in the wall is nothing to worry about.
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…Whoever is outside by the dumpsters is going to have a bad time if you don’t do anything to stop this! You must chase after it, despite your delinquent tendencies, you’re a good boy underneath with pesky morals.

“We have to chase after it!” You exclaim as you keep petting your exorcized cat. “Find an empty jar in the kitchen. I’m going to leave Ruby a note to let her know that the hole in the wall is nothing to worry about. Then we’ll go!”

“I don’t believe the note is going to soften her reaction.” Suan De feels legally obligated to let you know that Ruby will be bewildered by the sight. She’s trying to be nice after what happened, if there’s something you can say about her is that she doesn’t shy away from trying to fix things.

“Meow.” Knightford has decided to protect the front without you two around. He’s fine now, and by looking fine, he’ll convince Ruby that there’s no problem. Holes in the walls happen every now and then, it’s what real poverty looks like. “Meow…” And he doesn’t want to chase after the ghost after what happened.

“No time to make sense, we gotta go.” You hurry your homeless dragon up as you grab a piece of paper. It’s worth noting that the hole isn’t that bad now! The gloom and shadows are gone with the ghost, now it just looks like the building is borderline collapsing. That’s better. You think… Anyway, Suan De handed you back your phone.

Equipped with everything you needed, you and Suan De leave the apartment towards the general direction you saw it fly off to. It’s a flame, they’re usually hard to see, but this one is strong enough for your dragon buddy to see; meaning it must be quite powerful and easy to spot.

Who needs a visual aid, when you have a sound cue? The combination of the metallic sound of a dumpster bin being kicked, and a strange gnarly shriek leads you two to the alleyway. On the ground, you spot a folk creature – half trash can, half legs— wobbling on the ground. There’s a dent on the top of the trash can, making you guess that this alleyway fairy tripped over and smashed their tin head on the dumpster. After a couple of seconds, it stops moving.

Before you attempt to get closer, Suan De puts her arm in the way. Something’s off.

The garbage bin creature raises from the ground by the waist like a crane machine raising up a doll. Once it grabs its footing, it drills two holes at the eye level with the tip of its fingers to be able to see.

You…!!!” The trash can gets so furious, you can spot a flame flickering inside its armor! This must be the ghost from a moment ago, and it’s harboring resentment for you and Suan De. The voice is somewhat distorted, but softer than you were expecting. “Out. Of. My. Way.”

The trash goblin begins running in place like a cartoon character. Following this logic, it’ll run at great speed at any moment!

What do you do?

>“No.” Block its path.
>Move out of the way.
>Move out of the way, but trip the Folk Garbage Creature.
>“Hey, are you the ghost from my apartment or just drunk?” You need clarification. You never know with actual homeless people…
>Write In.

(Only reply of the day, we continue tomorrow!)
>“No.” Block its path.
Face off!
>>“No.” Block its path.
>“No.” Block its path.
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No.” You firmly block its path. Suan De stands next to you. You abnormal goalkeepers are ready to deal with this trashy puck.

“AAAAH!!! I’ll FLATTEN you!!!” The Sentient Trash Can plans to roll you over!

And with its threat out in the open, the Trash Bin Warrior dashes forward at unimaginable speed, faster than your brain cells can process. This inhuman velocity must be the ghost’s powers. In the blink of an eye, it rushes at you; being wholly unprepared, all you can do is raise your arms to block the impact. Inches from colliding, the Trash Man does a U-turn, and raises a cloud of dust with the back heel of its boots to blind you both!

“Take that for wasting my time, you pathetic little ants!” The trash goblin cackles as it swerves toward the opposite direction of you both!

Suan De tries to grab the bin by the handle, but it comes off as it’s deteriorated from age. Not surprising with how easy it was for the creature to drill the eye holes.

Aagh… You little...!” Suan De chases after the trash demon after wiping the dirt out of her eyes!

The trash demon is at the other extreme of the alleyway! She stops whenever she has to choose what route to follow, showing that she has no idea where to go, except in a general north direction towards the subway station. Its indecisiveness won’t buy you enough time to catch it, but you won’t lose its trail!

You need to find a way to restrain it, or else this chase will last forever! You’re glad the streets are somewhat empty at this time of day…

What do you do?!

>Throw something at the Trash Can Demon to make it trip on the floor.
>Assuming you’ll reach the station, tell Suan De to prepare a pincer attack!
>Distract the Trash Folk Creature by asking its backstory! There must be a reason why it was sealed, right?
>A familiar face will stand in its way, ask them to stop the trash entity!
>Write In.
>>Assuming you’ll reach the station, tell Suan De to prepare a pincer attack!
>>Distract the Trash Folk Creature by asking its backstory! There must be a reason why it was sealed, right?
>Assuming you’ll reach the station, tell Suan De to prepare a pincer attack!
>Distract the Trash Folk Creature by asking its backstory! There must be a reason why it was sealed, right?
>Distract the Trash Folk Creature by asking its backstory! There must be a reason why it was sealed, right?
>Distract the Trash Folk Creature by asking its backstory! There must be a reason why it was sealed, right?
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“Suan De, go to the station! I’ll keep chasing! We’ll do a pincer attack!” You have enough knowledge to correctly guess something you have no way of getting right.

…Understood.” Suan De jumps away like a flying ninja. She doesn't look convinced, but she’s a soldier through and through. Like the old proverb says, everyone should follow a bad plan together, than for everyone to follow their own good idea on their own.

That’s how you ended up splitting. The chase went as well as one could expect, you maintained your pace admirably and never lost sight of the Garbage Goblin. Your endurance spoke for itself yesterday night, now you’re just bragging.

“You’ll never catch me, you puny creature!!!” The Garbage Goblin taunts you. “You should give up like the other one!”

“Never, Dumpster Legs!” You shout with the same unfounded confidence that a theater kid has for their own original play.

“You’ve meddled enough!” The Trash Folk Creature groans in response! It wants you to stop, and probably hates its new nickname!

“With what exactly?!” You ask as you run! Maybe you can get its backstory…

My revenge!” The trash angrily retorts. “I’ll punish those who wronged me! Those insufferable cowards! That’s what they are! COWARDS! They will suffer for what they did to me and… and…” For a moment, its voice sounded sorrowful. “AAAAH!!!” It shouts in anger!

Its fury gave it another boost in speed! You don’t think you can talk to it at this distance. The pursuit continues until you reach the plaza area in front of the train station’s entrance. From the side, Suan De appears to carry out the pincer attack!
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“What?! What have you done?!” Dumpster Legs believes Suan De has teleported! It stops right in its tracks in a comically long stretch like a car with bad traction.

“No more.” Suan De is ready to tackle the little scoundrel.

“We got you…” You approach from your side. Some of the people leaving the station are starting to watch whatever you’re doing, a trash can man is an unusual sight.

“FOOLS! You cannot stop ME!” The Trash Demon jumps high into the air! And dives down head first into the ground!

Not the ground! A sewer plate! It totally wrecks it to pass through and create an escape route! Who the hell does it think it is?! Galactic?!

Ew, you don’t want to go into the sewers again…

You’re not going anywhere.” Suan De doesn’t hesitate to chase after it…

But do you want to?

What do you do?!

>Fuck it. You’re all in. You’ll chase after it until the end of the world!
>There must be a sensible way to catch it. Return to your apartment and find any clues to know where it’s going.
>Find the next Sewer Plate that the creature can exit from, and wait for it. You won’t fail to catch it this time.
>Write In.
>Fuck it. You’re all in. You’ll chase after it until the end of the world!
You've been through the sewers before, Johnny! This is nothing
>Fuck it. You’re all in. You’ll chase after it until the end of the world!
>Find the next Sewer Plate that the creature can exit from, and wait for it. You won’t fail to catch it this time.
>>Fuck it. You’re all in. You’ll chase after it until the end of the world!
>Fuck it. You’re all in. You’ll chase after it until the end of the world!
>Fuck it. You’re all in. You’ll chase after it until the end of the world!
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At this point, even if you don’t want to, you have to go. You’re committed even to your bad ideas. You take a deep breath before diving inside…

The foul smell, the spaced-out wall lamps on the ceiling, the creeping darkness, the mossy stone walkways, it’s like you never left. You wonder if Vera finds this place cozy. It’d be funny if you find that bike again, but you doubt it.

The unexpected perk of following someone through the sewers is that you can hear the noise of whom you’re pursuing! So, instead of delving into nauseating thoughts about the odor, you press forward in haste. It doesn’t take long to shorten the distance as these two aren’t used to running through this kind of place, and you weren’t that far back.

“I’m here!” You exclaim to your Sewer Dragon!

“She’s not far...” Suan De informs.

“Wrong!!! The gap between us is unsurmountable!!! Do not even TRY!” The Sewer Trash Demon tauntingly remarks.

“Obnoxious.” Suan De wants to exorcize this ghost no matter what.

The chase continues. It feels like whenever you’re gaining advantage on the Sewer Trash Monster, she scurries faster and faster away to gain an advantage like a scripted video game event. Before you can get petty enough to rush to break the sequence, you all reach a dead end. Well, not a dead end, but there’s a stuck iron door with a strange symbol on it. No matter how much she kicks it, the door doesn’t budge.

“It’s STUCK!!!” The angry specter shouts in frustration. “They are RIGHT HERE!!!”

“Fucking finally…” You’re glad this chase is over. There’s no way for her to run. Except for past you and up the ladder on the wall, but – you know – she needs to go past you first.

“I have to open it!” The trash monster drills two holes for her arms to grab the wheel-esque doorknob.

“Don’t do anything funny.” Suan De warns the specter.

“So this is how it's going to be…” Dumpster Legs has no other option but to confront her pursuers.

“Get in the jar now.” Suan De pulls the trapping mechanic.

“A jar? You want me inside a simple jar? You want me to leave this perfectly usable body with high quality armor for a JAR?!” The specter is offended at the thought. “Disrespectful and churlish!”

“And non-negotiable.” Suan De doesn’t care about the ghost’s feelings.

“Then you leave me no choice but to use my ultimate technique… hm…” Dumpster Legs has a plan.

You have to be smart to end this interaction without anyone getting hurt.

What do you do?

>“What technique? Is it cool?” Watch the technique like a damn fool.
>“Who is *right there?*” Maybe you can befriend the despicable ghost by showing interest in her revenge.
>“Armor? You call a trash can, armor…?” Defy her logic to distract her.
>“You heard her, into the jar now.” You’ll back up Suan De. It might not work, but at least she’ll know you’re on her side.
>Write In.

Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!
>“Who is *right there?*” Maybe you can befriend the despicable ghost by showing interest in her revenge.
>>“Armor? You call a trash can, armor…?” Defy her logic to distract her.
>“Who is *right there?*” Maybe you can befriend the despicable ghost by showing interest in her revenge.
>"You realize if you just TELL us what you're trying to do, we might be willing to help?"
>“Armor? You call a trash can, armor…?” Defy her logic to distract her.
>>“Who is *right there?*” Maybe you can befriend the despicable ghost by showing interest in her revenge.
>>“Who is *right there?*” Maybe you can befriend the despicable ghost by showing interest in her revenge.
Changing to this>>6025711

Transparent image was really cool imo
Enlargening the pic was kinda creepy (im using the Tomorrow style)
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“Hold on!” You raise your voice to grab everyone’s attention! “Who is right there?”

“The cowardly traitors! I can feel their presence behind these thick walls, my sworn enemies!” Trash Goblin starts stomping the ground out of sheer anger.

“You realize if you just tell us what you’re trying to do, we might be willing to help?” You point out that context is good.

We might?” Suan De is offended at the mere thought.

“I-Ignore her for now.” For all that talk of competency, you wish your dragon kept her mouth shut…

“Nuh-huh! You can’t trick me, you irritating mice! I know you harbor great resentment against me for hurting your noble feline! One of the greatest offenses any individual can do to another…” The Trash Goblin knows pets are important.

“That sucked, but if you apologize to him, we can look past it.” You can’t talk for Bradford Junior… even if you do it constantly.

“Explain yourself before our patience runs thin.” Suan De aligns with your intentions because she’s a team player deep down.

“Answer me this, I have seized control of this organism of fine quality against her wishes, and I won’t relinquish it until I have achieved my goals. Would you be willing to make a truce with someone who would resort to anything? I know you scoundrels put your kind above them all, but your feline seemed to hold you in great regard. Hm? What’s it going to be?” The Trash Demon isn’t above partnerships but…

“Let me think…” You need to make a decision.

“Your lack of commitment betrays your true feelings about me! If you can’t stand my methods, there’s no future for an alliance!” The Trash Demon grabs the handle once again and manages to turn it open! The gate is open!

“Y-You didn’t give me time to do anything…!” You didn’t expect the demon to want an instant answer.

Enough.” Suan De tackles Dumpster Legs through the gate to subdue her! Diplomacy has failed.

But what no one was expecting is that, at the other side of the door, there’s a ladder going down! Both Suan De and Dumpster Legs fall into the sewer abyss! You hear the Demon scream for its dear life, but she also proclaims her armor will soften the fall as they continue to go down…

“SUAN DE!” You get to the edge to watch both figures disappear into the hole.

“Who is in there?!” Behind you, at a distance, a man wearing a worn-out hazardous material suit shouts at you. The symbol of its suit is similar to the one painted on the door.

What do you do?!

>Fuck it! You’re jumping like a moron! Philonune can soften the fall, right?!
>Fuck it! You’ll go down the ladder as fast as possible!
>“Who are you? What’s going on?” Talk to the Hazmat Suit man.
>Knock the Hazmat suit man out with the Spice Technique!
>Write In.
>>Fuck it! You’re jumping like a moron! Philonune can soften the fall, right?!
>Fuck it! You’re jumping like a moron! Philonune can soften the fall, right?!
>>Fuck it! You’ll go down the ladder as fast as possible!
>Fuck it! You’re jumping like a moron! Philonune can soften the fall, right?!
Land on the spear with his help! He can do that, right?!
>Fuck it! You’ll go down the ladder as fast as possible!
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Screw it! You don’t care about this weirdo in a suit! You care about your hobo! You’re going to jump into the pit and use Philonune to soften the fall. With your courage that allows you to be suicidal with a smidgen of fear in your bones. Just a tiny bit…

Anyway, off you go into the hole! Wheeee…! The Hazmat suit man shouted to not do it, but it’s too late! You’re diving down to danger. You can’t see the bottom even through the darkness, it appears muddy; but you can hear faint party music with a nice beat through the walls, then the sound of a stream of water heightening…

This is a sewer, so it isn’t abnormal to hear water, but what feels weird is that it isn’t like you’re approaching the source, but that the source is coming for you…

And with it, a faint scream that gets louder as well…

What does this mean?

It’s a long tunnel down, how odd.

Oh, now you get it.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!” Dumpster Legs is shouting for dear life as a ginormous stream of water is ejecting her and Suan De upwards, trash can serving as a cart! It’s a sewer geyser eruption AND IT’S COMING FOR YOU!

“O-Oh shit!” You weren’t prepared for this!!! “OH SHIT!!!

They activated the defense protocol?! Why?!” The Hazmat Suit man shouts in dismay!


“Grab my hand!!!” Suan De turns into some kind of reptilian with wings, a dragon if you may. Is that her entity’s power?!

“Partner, bring me out. I’ll deal with this.” Philonune confidently knows what to do. He’s planning on cutting the water. He doesn’t know physics…

“I JUST ESCAPED, THIS ISN’T FAAAAAIR….!!!” Dumpster Legs laments! Her face is exposed, and it’s somewhat familiar…

It’s not time to worry about that, worry about NOT DYING.

What do you do?! [SP: 30]

>Use Philonune to fight the Geyser. [Very Hard Roll OR 15 SP] [Courage Based]
>Trust Suan De and grab her hand with Philonune’s help. [Hard Roll OR 10 SP] [Athletics Based]
>Tell the idiot ghost to save the day! [Very Hard Roll] [Handsomeness Based]
>Write In.

Do you want to spend SP or Roll? (*NEW MECHANIC*)

>Roll and test your luck!
>Spend those SPs to guarantee success!

(Last Reply of the Day, we return tomorrow!)
>>Trust Suan De and grab her hand with Philonune’s help. [Hard Roll OR 10 SP] [Athletics Based]
>Roll and test your luck!
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We're trusting the Slob Dragon! Time to roll everyone! 1d100, best of 4!
Rolled 52 (1d100)

Rolled 82 (1d100)

Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rolled 85 (1d100)

Rolled 61 (1d100)

Let's go dumpster divin babyyyy
Also its that serial killer(assassin)/ surgeon’s daughter.
Ichie? Oh your right that is her. She also appeared in SPR.
Wonder why she’s a hobo now
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No time to think! You extend your hand towards the Dragon Lady and shift your weight to move towards her! Your two hands clasp together in a fraction of a second, her wings pull you into the bin like a bird shielding her nest, just 10 times more violently – and that’s how you safely joined the trash bunker.

“Hold onto me.” Suan De has you both under her wings and pushes you two inwards. You and the Trash Demon put your arms around the assassin’s waist.

The geyser continues pushing, your eyes divert to the ceiling, a blinding light comes from the hole a sewer lid should be covering. With quick thinking, you use your powers to help Suan De see through the light. If you can lend invisibility, why not vision? This surely helps, as the Dragon adjusts the trash bin’s position to be able to escape through this exit…! A word of praise almost escaped her mouth, but it was swiftly interrupted.

“This can’t be the end of my story!!!” The Demon laments as the collision is imminent.

“We’ll be fine! Suan De has this!” You say, full of hope and delusions.

Be quiet…!” Suan De doesn’t like the noise or the pressure.

The geyser erupts! You’re launched from the middle of a random street multiple feet into the air… unscathed! The trash bin had the perfect ratio for the hole. You’re so up high that you’re making some skyscrapers jealous. And that’s not good. There’s no landing plan!

“WE’RE GOING TO DIE ANYWAY!” Dumpster Legs feels foolish to believe for a second!

“I told you to hold onto me.” Suan De isn’t done acting. She pulls you closer and grits her teeth…

…And jumps from the trash can! The Slob Dragon glides with her wings with you two holding her for dear life, and crashes down on a random building’s rooftop. It wasn’t a great landing, but all three of you survived, all soaked and with tiny bruises.

Something you can’t say about the trash can! It fucking exploded down there on the street! You noticed before that you’re in front of the Homeless Shelter Park. The place Nariko and Matilda visited to learn about Nariko’s backstory all those months back. Good times.

Anyway, you’re here by this random rooftop.

“Suan De, are you okay?” You check on your hobo! She’s panting with exhaustion. Her abilities are too draining.

“Don’t let her get away.” Suan De wants you to finish the job.

“You want to stand in my way after all of this?! Hm, so be it!” Dumpster Legs is trying to catch her breath too.

What do you do?

>“I know you weren’t responsible for that, so can we PLEASE talk this out…?” You’re exhausted!
>“Look, if a flying referee finds you like this, they will take you away. Give up control of this poor girl’s body before it’s too late.” You have a hunch that the demon won’t know what you’re talking about, but you must try to sound reasonable.
>“You came all the way here to destroy the homeless shelter, are you kidding me?” Be pissed off! You’ll stop her somehow!
>Take care of Suan De, ignore the trash.
>Write In.
>>“Look, if a flying referee finds you like this, they will take you away. Give up control of this poor girl’s body before it’s too late.” You have a hunch that the demon won’t know what you’re talking about, but you must try to sound reasonable.
>Get Philo ready to grab her
>“I know you weren’t responsible for that, so can we PLEASE talk this out…?” You’re exhausted!
>“Look, if a flying referee finds you like this, they will take you away. Give up control of this poor girl’s body before it’s too late.” You have a hunch that the demon won’t know what you’re talking about, but you must try to sound reasonable.
Power went out! I can't post! We'll continue tomorrow!
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“I know you weren’t responsible for that, so can we PLEASE talk this out…?” Everyone is exhausted, a moment to talk won’t hurt. You know it.

“Our differences are irreconcilable, you pheasant.” The brainwashed girl sneers. You have no idea what differences she’s talking about since you haven’t TALKED ABOUT ANYTHING.

“Look, if a flying referee finds you like this, they will take you away. Give up control of this poor girl’s body before it’s too late.” You try to sound reasonable.

I’m not poor!” The unfiltered voice of the girl shouts. The demon regains control of her body and covers her mouth. “…That was merely a hiccup.”

“Right… Point still stands.” You scratch the back of your head. “They could be surveying the area right now.”

“Like over there? A great amount of energy is being channeled.” The demon points at the homeless shelter engulfed in a Crimzone with little critters flying around. They look like Giorsal’s little bird referees.

“Huh, I guess. The red thing is related. But those special birds are what I’m talking about.” You can’t say for certain from where you are. You wonder what’s happening over there.

“What are those exactly?” Dumpster Legs lowers her guard just a tiny bit. She’s willing to talk.

“They’re satellites controlled by the judges to make sure the war doesn’t get out of control.” You’re a little too tired to explain it properly. “They make sure entities can’t control their hosts.”

“War? We finished the war.” Trash girl is on the fence again. “Or is it a new one? You humans are too combative.”

“It’s from your world to decide who rules it.” You say. “If one of those birds spot you, they will drag your butt back to your dimension.”

“For the Almighty’s Crown?” Dumpster Legs doesn’t want to hear it.

“The one and only.” You nod, and think it’s funny that Amelia and the girls have said crown in their possession.

“It cannot be… It’s been that long…?” Dumpster Legs looks disheartened. “My vengeance is not pressing for time anymore, I’m far too late, but it will manifest… somedayI’ll tear their legacies, their descendants will suffer, and I’ll scrape their faces from time itself.” The brewing hatred in her heart will fester, it’s the only thing it knows. “I will not relinquish this body, but you’ll get your wish… I’ll be judging you, human.” She actually has some appreciation for what you did. Imagine someone befriending a vengeful spirit faster than Suan De, couldn’t be you…

The Dumpster Devil stops controlling the poor girl. A flame appears by her collarbone like a bow tie. You thought she was going to lose her footing and dramatically go to the ground unconscious, but in actuality, she blinks to normality.

“How terrible! I’m soaked!” The girl laments as she shakes like a dog. “That didn’t do any good… Oh well! You can’t always win!” This girl reminds you of someone…Oh right, she’s wearing the same uniform as Phoebe and Eloise!

You feel like this event hasn’t finished just yet… You have to tie some loose ends.

What do you do?

>Ask the Girl if she’s actually okay. You know, a spirit is inside her now.
>Ask the Girl if she wants to look into the place her demon wanted to check. Finish the story!
>Ask the Girl if she wants to accompany you back to your home to get a shower and change of clothes. You’re all stinky. Grab your hobos and go home!
>Write In.
>>Ask the Girl if she wants to accompany you back to your home to get a shower and change of clothes. You’re all stinky. Grab your hobos and go home!
>>Ask the Girl if she wants to accompany you back to your home to get a shower and change of clothes. You’re all stinky. Grab your hobos and go home!
>Ask the Girl if she wants to accompany you back to your home to get a shower and change of clothes. You’re all stinky. Grab your hobos and go home!
>Ask the Girl if she wants to accompany you back to your home to get a shower and change of clothes.
>Ask the Girl if she wants to accompany you back to your home to get a shower and change of clothes. You’re all stinky. Grab your hobos and go home!
>”Hey, Suan De? You did great back there. Good job!”
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“Hey! Would you like to come with us home to get a shower and a change of clothes?” You kindly offer to the soaked girl. She’s too busy checking herself to respond immediately.

“Are you talking to me, my well-intentioned passerby?” The upbeat girl retorts while feigning ignorance.

“Uhm, yeah, we’re the only people on this rooftop.” You don’t know why she’s doing this, but perhaps it has something to do with the flame. Can you be a passerby if you’re on a random rooftop?

“It’s very commendable of you in your disadvantaged position to lend a hand to a stranger such as myself! But do not be concerned, I’m perfectly fine, and I have little to no clue why you would think I need any kind of assistance!” Despite her cheeriness, there’s a little annoyance in the girl’s voice. Like she should be the one helping you, and not the other way around.

“Well, do you remember what just happened or is it all foggy?” You need to make sure she gets what’s going on. “Like, you’re all soaked.”

“Oh silly! You don’t have to act like this is the first time you’ve seen someone bath in sewer water! You must’ve enjoyed summer activities around a fire hydrant like all disenfranchised youth.” The girl smiles. You think she ignored your question. She’s still being preoccupied sorting her drenched appearance.

What?” You don’t know what she meant by that.

“In fact, I should be the one proposing to help you in your disadvantageous position! My name is Ichie Saionji, and I’m the heir of the Saionji Family!” The wet fish poses. She’s the daughter of that nice gentleman surgeon, Dr. Saionji! You wonder how that psycho is doing these days. “There’s nothing that would bring me more joy than assisting you in these times of need!”

Ichie takes her jacket off and wrings it, a good chunk of water drops. She’s not really listening and hasn’t looked at you even once…

How do you respond?

>“I saw you rummaging through trash. What are you talking about?” You know a hobo when you see one! She’s a hobo!
>“Sure! Take us to your place!” Bring Suan De along!
>“I insist! You know it’s rude to decline, don’t be mean.” Play mind games to make her agree.
>“I actually need you to go to my apartment to make sure you’re okay, and that the spirit within you isn’t evil.” Be really honest with her. It’s not all about pleasantries.
>Write In.
>>“I actually need you to go to my apartment to make sure you’re okay, and that the spirit within you isn’t evil.” Be really honest with her. It’s not all about pleasantries.
>"It would help if you came along."
Convince her that she's helping us by doing this
I think this girl has brain damage.
Everybody in this setting has brain damage.
>“I saw you rummaging through trash. What are you talking about?” You know a hobo when you see one! She’s a hobo!
>“I actually need you to go to my apartment to make sure you’re okay, and that the spirit within you isn’t evil.” Be really honest with her. It’s not all about pleasantries.
>"I literally watched whatever possessed you wear a trash can over your head and claim it was armor. It thought it could withstand a drop down a deep sewer pipe."
>"Also, all of us smell bad. We need showers immediately. I'm going scent blind as we speak."
>“I saw you rummaging through trash. What are you talking about?” You know a hobo when you see one! She’s a hobo!
>“I actually need you to go to my apartment to make sure you’re okay, and that the spirit within you isn’t evil.” Be really honest with her. It’s not all about pleasantries.
>I actually need you to go to my apartment to make sure you’re okay, and that the spirit within you isn’t evil.” Be really honest with her. It’s not all about pleasantries.
Dear god.
>>“I saw you rummaging through trash. What are you talking about?” You know a hobo when you see one! She’s a hobo!
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“I actually need you to go to my apartment to make sure you’re okay, and that the spirit within you isn’t evil.” You need to be serious for a moment for her well-being. “It would help if you came along.”

“As you can clearly see, I’m good as gold!” Ichie acts unaffected, yet she looks like a swamp monster. “And as far as this supposed evil spirit goes, my body is a sanctuary that rejects all impurities. It can’t succumb to outside influences or vices. It can’t. The idea of such a thing like a specter finding shelter within me is laughable. But! I’ll gladly assist in whatever you need!” Ichie’s face gets rosy from the excitement of being needed. “Yet, my underprivileged acquaintance, I can’t accept such an invitation without knowing your name!”

“I’m Johnny. Nice to meet you.” You casually inform.

“How amiable! To see such a good-mannered individual in the slums is SO inspiring!” Ichie keeps complimenting you, but it all sounds backhanded. She’s trying to make her phone work to no avail though. Is yours waterproof…?

“And the one who actually saved us is Suan De!” You introduce your newest hobo with all the excitement she deserves! “You did great back there. Good job!”

“…All that matters is that we got out of that one.” Suan De didn’t expect a compliment. She doesn’t know how to handle it.

“Okay.” Ichie doesn’t care one bit about Suan De. “Tell me! Do you believe me accompanying you would provide a net positive for society at large in such tumultuous times?”

“Ichie, all of us smell bad. We need showers immediately. I’m going scent blind as we speak.” You point out. “I think society will rejoice if we’re not stinky.” Hot take, you know.

“About that, can I be candid with you for a moment?” Ichie has given up on her phone. It’s dead. She looks down. “A person of my status can’t run around in this state! I have a reputation to keep as the heir of my family, and I can’t get a hold of my people for a wardrobe change. So, I’d rather stay here until my clothes dry. I highly doubt you can find worthy attire with your budget, and I can’t come up with any other solution.”

You know, you’ve dealt with a lot of snobby types, and you’re still bad at dealing with them… But at least Ichie is honest.

What do you do?

>You were planning on leaving this building while invisible, since you’re technically trespassing. So, you’ll stick to that. That should appease Ichie, right?
>Find new clothes for Ichie (and all of you for that matter)! Maybe call someone who can help? (Write-In.)
>“Ichie, what reputation? I saw you rummaging through garbage.” Argue against her dummy ways.
>“Ichie, it’s not time to be obtuse. The flame is right there, I can see it.” Point at it to show her it’s not a game.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we return tomorrow!)
>>You were planning on leaving this building while invisible, since you’re technically trespassing. So, you’ll stick to that. That should appease Ichie, right?
>“Ichie, what reputation? I saw you rummaging through garbage.” Argue against her dummy ways.
>“Ichie, it’s not time to be obtuse. The flame is right there, I can see it.” Point at it to show her it’s not a game.
Every single line out of her stupid mouth makes me hate her
>“Ichie, it’s not time to be obtuse. The flame is right there, I can see it.” Point at it to show her it’s not a game.
>You were planning on leaving this building while invisible, since you’re technically trespassing. So, you’ll stick to that. That should appease Ichie, right?
>>“Ichie, what reputation? I saw you rummaging through garbage.” Argue against her dummy ways.
>>“Ichie, it’s not time to be obtuse. The flame is right there, I can see it.” Point at it to show her it’s not a game.
>You were planning on leaving this building while invisible, since you’re technically trespassing. So, you’ll stick to that. That should appease Ichie, right?
>>“Ichie, what reputation? I saw you rummaging through garbage.” Argue against her dummy ways.
>>“Ichie, it’s not time to be obtuse. The flame is right there, I can see it.” Point at it to show her it’s not a game.
>>“Ichie, what reputation? I saw you rummaging through garbage.” Argue against her dummy ways.
>>“Ichie, it’s not time to be obtuse. The flame is right there, I can see it.” Point at it to show her it’s not a game.
>You were planning on leaving this building while invisible, since you’re technically trespassing. So, you’ll stick to that. That should appease Ichie, right?
>“Ichie, it’s not time to be obtuse. The flame is right there, I can see it.” Point at it to show her it’s not a game.
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“You don’t have to worry about that. I have a plan.” You adjust your glasses. Since you’re trespassing, you were planning on turning invisible together to leave the building.

“That’s all well and good, but I must insist on staying as we are. I simply can’t risk it! Pesky rumors inundate my daily life already, and I don’t want to add more to the pile.” Despite her politeness, Ichie has little to no faith in you. “I know status isn’t something that you have to think about every day, but I do! And it’s important to me! I have a future to think about.”

“Ichie, what reputation? I saw you rummaging through garbage.” You argue. “It’s all fine though, with my idea, that won’t ma—”

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about! This is the type of gossip that I don’t welcome!” Ichie didn’t like being told that she’s a trash goblin. She welcomes other types of gossip? “Why would *I* be looking inside a dumpster? It doesn’t make any sense, even if it’s well known that the majority of poverty-stricken people don’t appreciate what they have and throw it away!”

“But I saw you.” You frown. It’s getting annoying to you how she keeps doing what she can not to look directly at you.

“You’re mistaking me for someone else. I’m a fashionable individual whose style is the envy of everyone around me, it stands to reason that I have a copycat out there.” Ichie proudly says.

“Nope, I’m 100% sure it was you.” You shake your head. You’re an expert.

“Listen, it wasn’t me! You’re insinuating so many bad things about me, but you were so kind just a moment ago! So stay on your best behavior like I know you can!” Ichie doesn’t appreciate the truth. “I know societal expectations of men are hard on you, but I shouldn’t be the target of your hostility. Ghostly possessions and trash rummaging? Oh, please!”

“Ichie, it’s not time to be obtuse. The flame is right there, I can see it.” You point at the middle of her collarbone where it’s flickering.

“I’m sorry, Johnny. But I have little clue of what you’re talking about.” Ichie pretends not to see the flame, but her eyes have been fixated on it since the moment you mentioned it. She can barely conceal the fact that she’s concerned. “There’s no black flame flickering over my chest, I have never pilfered through the trash, and everyone is jealous of me and wants to put me down because I’m the sole heir of the Saionji Family! I’m a beacon of hope!”

“Delusional.” Suan De finds the perfect moment to make everything worse.
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“You’re not part of this friendly conversation, so please stay quiet.” Ichie politely tells your dragon off. “You see, Johnny, it’s because I’m in this position of privilege that I can extend my hand towards you, and help you become the best version of yourself! So if you want my help, be a little patient.” Ichie sounds aggressive.

“But you are not.” You continue being honest. “And this is my plan.” You grab her arm and make your hand and her arm invisible.

HUH?!” Ichie can’t deny this!

Sadly this is all we have for this week’s thread, thanks for playing! And see you next time!
See you, QM. Can't wait to ask Ichie if she's still attending Piss Town, or ask Nariko, Phoebe and Eloise about her.
Thanks for running!
Thanks for running

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