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The year is 2021. Ten years ago, Fortune City was razed by military firebombing after a zombie outbreak caused by a reality-show host, Tyrone King, and the backing of the pharmaceutical giant PhenoTrans. This was the third major zombie outbreak, following Las Vegas & Willamette, Colorado in years prior. Thanks to the effort of brave souls like photojournalist Frank West and former motocross champion Chuck Greene, the truth has come to light and those responsible have been prosecuted.

PhenoTrans, behind the creation of the zombie infection suppressant Zombrex, has been forcibly dissolved... but for many, the nightmare is not over. Tens of thousands of zombie infectees live among the common populace, who still rely on Zombrex to prevent turning. While the days of buying single syringes for extortionate prices are over, a new kind of financial woe has striken them. Large neck-installed Zombrex chips are now mandatory for all infectees, with small capsules slotted inside.

While discussions arose about the subsidisation of this medical element, the United States government ultimately decided that Ouroborous Medical, a highly succesful pharmaceutical company, would be entrusted with the sale of these capsules with strong oversight and regulation. Unfortunately for the infectees, this still meant spending large amounts of money for the luxury of not dying. Those who refused the chip and relied on leaked recipes for the old, syringe-injected Zombrex were branded 'illegals' and face imprisonment or even death if caught - President Sonya Paddock deemed them 'an unthinkable threat to national security' in an infamous speech.

Amidst the tumult of modern times, you exist. Who are you?

For all intents and purposes, this quest replaces Dead Rising 3 & 4 in the timeline. If you're a Dead Rising 3 fan and this annoys you, fair enough, that game has decent elements, but you gotta accept that the story is pretty bad. If you're a Dead Rising 4 fan, I encourage you to try playing the game and then return to the quest feeling a sense of relief that this is the case.
>Jack Morte, a biochemistry graduate working in a low-level position at Ouroborous Medical as a researcher. You'd like to think you're pretty smart and knowledgeable, as well as having good critical thinking and scientific abilities. You're black, with dark hair and thin-framed glasses. You always carry your trusty tablet to take notes.

>Lark Ridgefront, a blogger, podcast host and outbreak expert. Your research into PhenoTrans and the history of zombies has you in-the-know with a lot of stuff, and you've seen enough episodes of the Tape It or Die TV show to make combo weapons in your sleep. You're an Asian woman with dyed grey hair in a ponytail, and a lip piercing. You always carry your trusty smartphone, which has an excellent camera quality to record important stuff.

>Buck Fleeter, a tradesman and construction foreman. You're brawny, know everything about how practical things are assembled and follow your instincts and gut feelings when it comes to tough situations. You're white, with thin hair stubble on top of your bald head. You always carry your trusty journal to write down the stuff that matters.

Or... an alternative path forms.

>You are Frank West, famous photojournalist and survivor of the Willamette Outbreak. After a raid on a PhenoTrans facility, you and Chuck Greene exposed the truths of their misdeeds to the world. You've made a fortune from this and done some real good, which you've generally squandered, making several failed TV shows, running a poorly received late night talk show and eventually becoming an alcoholic. You're a white man with black hair and a receding hairline. You always carry your trusty camera to snap pictures at the right moment.
>You are Frank West, famous photojournalist and survivor of the Willamette Outbreak. After a raid on a PhenoTrans facility, you and Chuck Greene exposed the truths of their misdeeds to the world. You've made a fortune from this and done some real good, which you've generally squandered, making several failed TV shows, running a poorly received late night talk show and eventually becoming an alcoholic. You're a white man with black hair and a receding hairline. You always carry your trusty camera to snap pictures at the right moment.

Frank my GOAT
>You are Frank West, famous photojournalist and survivor of the Willamette Outbreak. After a raid on a PhenoTrans facility, you and Chuck Greene exposed the truths of their misdeeds to the world. You've made a fortune from this and done some real good, which you've generally squandered, making several failed TV shows, running a poorly received late night talk show and eventually becoming an alcoholic. You're a white man with black hair and a receding hairline. You always carry your trusty camera to snap pictures at the right moment.
Time to go off the record.
>>Lark Ridgefront, a blogger, podcast host and outbreak expert. Your research into PhenoTrans and the history of zombies has you in-the-know with a lot of stuff, and you've seen enough episodes of the Tape It or Die TV show to make combo weapons in your sleep. You're an Asian woman with dyed grey hair in a ponytail, and a lip piercing. You always carry your trusty smartphone, which has an excellent camera quality to record important stuff.
>Buck Fleeter
>Jack Morte, a biochemistry graduate working in a low-level position at Ouroborous Medical as a researcher. You'd like to think you're pretty smart and knowledgeable, as well as having good critical thinking and scientific abilities. You're black, with dark hair and thin-framed glasses. You always carry your trusty tablet to take notes.
>You are Frank West, famous photojournalist and survivor of the Willamette Outbreak. After a raid on a PhenoTrans facility, you and Chuck Greene exposed the truths of their misdeeds to the world. You've made a fortune from this and done some real good, which you've generally squandered, making several failed TV shows, running a poorly received late night talk show and eventually becoming an alcoholic. You're a white man with black hair and a receding hairline. You always carry your trusty camera to snap pictures at the right moment.
really hated how those fuckers butchered franks character and design in 4
>>You are Frank West
>Buck Fleeter, a tradesman and construction foreman. You're brawny, know everything about how practical things are assembled and follow your instincts and gut feelings when it comes to tough situations. You're white, with thin hair stubble on top of your bald head. You always carry your trusty journal to write down the stuff that matters.
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You are Frank West, famous photojournalist and survivor of the Willamette Outbreak. After a raid on a PhenoTrans facility, you and Chuck Greene exposed the truths of their misdeeds to the world. You've made a fortune from this and done some real good, which you've generally squandered, making several failed TV shows, running a poorly received late night talk show and eventually becoming an alcoholic. You're a white man with black hair and a receding hairline. You always carry your trusty camera to snap pictures at the right moment.

You're sitting staring into the bottom of a recently finished bottle of bourbon when you receive a phone call. When you spent a year running a photojournalism class, you had one star student that kept in touch after you were booted from the position for trying to teach the students how to swing a chainsaw properly - Vicky Chu, known better to you as Vick. She's been climbing the industry ever since, using her incredibly stubborn approach to force her way into places she really shouldn't be. She's tried in the past to tip you off to new developing stories, but you've always sat on your wealth and largely redirected them to others.

After all, exposing Willamette felt like one big fuck-you when it came to justice actually being served to those responsible... and the PhenoTrans shutdown was a split effort with Chuck. Is journalism even worthwhile anymore...?

Your thoughts are drawn back once again to your phone, ringing away. You answer it, casting the bottle aside and leaning on your high-rise window, looking down on the city below.

"Frank? I've got something... BIG. I don't think anyone knows about this, and it looks like the military is pulling a SERIOUS cover-up here."

Typical. Trying to hook you with another story. She is stubborn as ever. What's so-

"It's an outbreak, Frank. An all-biting, flesh-eating fucking outbreak."

"Holy shit, Vick. Jesus... alright, tell me everything you know."
"Frank, it's bad fucking news out here. It's at..."

MegaShip Velicus
>Endo's latest billion-dollar enterprise, the MegaShip cruise experience, is sailing off! Book now to get a once-in-a-lifetime experience onboard, taking in the sights of the sea and enjoying the facilities of one of the world's largest cruise ships. Splash your cash on the Wallet Diver's Deck, or taste divine seafood in over six different restaurants across Platform Poseidon. The MegaShip experience is a whale of a time!

Lafayette Town
>A cultural mixture of classical European architecture, comprising a commercial and leisure-focused town experience. Dine at the Émerveiller Eatery, where your tastebuds experience the delights of European cuisine. Stop in the Historic Zone to see museums, re-enactments and live-action roleplay experiences. Your young wonders can find themselves educated and enthralled in Main Park, with archery lessons and circus entertainment available! Lafayette Town - step into the past, seek modern comforts.

The American Leisure Tower
>A sprawling ten story tower with a mixture of leisure, pleasure and business. Satisfy all your fridge-stocking needs in the Ground Floor Grocerarium, or make a splash on the Tidal Third! If gambling and games are your thing, try out our miniature Fortune City on Fortune's Fifth. This all-American experience contributes and benefits from every part of our great nation's freedom - The American Leisure Tower, because rising high is always why!
>Megaship Velicus
Tough choices, I'll go with Lafayette Town
Captcha was TVNYT
Definitely some journalism needed.
Lafayette Town
>The American Leisure Tower
>MegaShip Velicus
>>Endo's latest billion-dollar enterprise, the MegaShip cruise experience, is sailing off! Book now to get a once-in-a-lifetime experience onboard, taking in the sights of the sea and enjoying the facilities of one of the world's largest cruise ships. Splash your cash on the Wallet Diver's Deck, or taste divine seafood in over six different restaurants across Platform Poseidon. The MegaShip experience is a whale of a time!
Rarely see zombie movies on the sea.
MegaShip Velicus
>Endo's latest billion-dollar enterprise, the MegaShip cruise experience, is sailing off! Book now to get a once-in-a-lifetime experience onboard, taking in the sights of the sea and enjoying the facilities of one of the world's largest cruise ships. Splash your cash on the Wallet Diver's Deck, or taste divine seafood in over six different restaurants across Platform Poseidon. The MegaShip experience is a whale of a time!
>>A cultural mixture of classical European architecture, comprising a commercial and leisure-focused town experience. Dine at the Émerveiller Eatery, where your tastebuds experience the delights of European cuisine. Stop in the Historic Zone to see museums, re-enactments and live-action roleplay experiences. Your young wonders can find themselves educated and enthralled in Main Park, with archery lessons and circus entertainment available! Lafayette Town - step into the past, seek modern comforts.
American Leisure Tower: 1 vote
MegaShip Velicus: 3 votes
Lafayette Town: 3 votes
Need a tiebreaker between Lafayette and MegaShip!
My current vote is Lafayette Town. But if your nautical, boating and engineering knowledge is good, I'll gladly switch it to the MegaShip because it's a far more interesting setting, IF designed correctly.
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While I am pretty well-versed in nautical terminology and engineering, I'll accept your vote for Lafayette Town.
"Frank, it's bad fucking news out here. It's at this place called Lafayette Town, out in Maine. It's a shopping attraction. I guess they always end up being the sites of these things?"

You process the information, already up and looking around your apartment floor for your refitted jacket. The very same one you wore when investigating Willamette, actually...

"How long has this been going on, Vick? How's the public not heard?"

Heavy breathing over the phone, and then the sound of a door shutting and locking. Vick's voice returns.

"About a week. The military - they've had the whole place under lock and key. No press, locals turned away, they've even been detaining people. And they're using cell jammers and internet blockers - nobody can get the word out. It's chaos over here, Frank. I'm..."

"Vick? Vick! Vick, are you safe? Get yourself to safety. I'll get a flight as soon as I can. I gotta get in touch with someone."

The line goes dead. Vick doesn't respond to anything. She might be in danger or even worse. You remember the military presence in Willamette - helicopters shooting at you and the pilot, then the special forces coming in to wipe out anyone left alive. If what Chuck told you is to be believed, they almost did the same thing in Fortune City. Donning your now-retrieved jacket, you pick up your trusty digital camera, fully functional to this day, and head into your phone's contacts.

>Call up Teddy DeLuca, the older brother of the pilot Ed DeLuca that ferried me to Willamette all those years ago. He's a reliable guy, and you've helped him financially in the past since his brother died to a zombie while helping you get your original scoop. He'll be able to drop you off in a helicopter and retrieve you, if his talents are to be believed.

>Call up Brad Park, ZDC agent. He hounded your ass for years, trying to verify the legitimacy of every single claim you made after the PhenoTrans scandal. Once he realised the truth of the matter, he's been a good associate of yours and is staunchly anti-corruption. He'll be able to arrange a private jet to get you there and back, maybe with less interference from the military.

>Call up Chuck Greene. Since the Fortune City expose, he's vanished off the radar of the mainstream news. You've managed to keep in touch, learning that he had to turn to a life of organised crime to afford to pay for his daughter's medicine. Eventually, she disappeared and he's now in charge of a criminal empire. He can get you through the military - by force.
>>Call up Brad Park, ZDC agent. He hounded your ass for years, trying to verify the legitimacy of every single claim you made after the PhenoTrans scandal. Once he realised the truth of the matter, he's been a good associate of yours and is staunchly anti-corruption. He'll be able to arrange a private jet to get you there and back, maybe with less interference from the military.
>Call up Teddy DeLuca, the older brother of the pilot Ed DeLuca that ferried me to Willamette all those years ago. He's a reliable guy, and you've helped him financially in the past since his brother died to a zombie while helping you get your original scoop. He'll be able to drop you off in a helicopter and retrieve you, if his talents are to be believed.
>>Call up Brad Park, ZDC agent. He hounded your ass for years, trying to verify the legitimacy of every single claim you made after the PhenoTrans scandal. Once he realised the truth of the matter, he's been a good associate of yours and is staunchly anti-corruption. He'll be able to arrange a private jet to get you there and back, maybe with less interference from the military.
>Chuck Greene
>>Call up Brad Park, ZDC agent. He hounded your ass for years, trying to verify the legitimacy of every single claim you made after the PhenoTrans scandal. Once he realised the truth of the matter, he's been a good associate of yours and is staunchly anti-corruption. He'll be able to arrange a private jet to get you there and back, maybe with less interference from the military.
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Within an hour, you're on the phone to Brad Park, agent of Zombie Defense & Control, known more commonly as the ZDC. They sprung up after the Fortune City outbreak, and were especially looked upon when you and Chuck exposed PhenoTrans. Since then, they've been responsible for pharmaceutical overview and... some other affairs in outbreak prevention.

If you hadn't been so off your game lately, you'd probably have a deeper insight. Brad gives you his personal phone number, and you contact him there instead. After you relay the information given to you by Vick, he leaves for ten minutes to "run it through our systems" and finds little in the way of results. It takes a lot of promises that there's no foul play before he believes you, but you sway him eventually.

He agrees to arrange you a private jet to take you to the site, and issues you a ZDC Affairs badge to show to anyone from the military that tries to interfere with your investigation. He says you'll have to make an aerial landing, since risking the plane being attacked by the military is not something he wants to do. You're used to rough landings, maybe you'll even have a parachute this time. He says you should discuss the terms of your pickup with the pilot when you're mid-flight. He also assures you that if this is all a hoax or a trick, he will personally break your legs.

You try to call Vick back to communicate the news, but her phone won't connect. Reminds you of a certain lady once in your life...
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Before you set off, you have time to prepare. You grab:
(Pick two.)

>An additional memory card for your camera, adding thirty photos on top of your existing thirty.

>The Tape it Or Die Handbook for Combo Weapon Beginners. You never had to make any in your day, but... who knows?

>Letters From Willamette, a book of letters written by Willamette survivors. Not practical, but holds sentimental value to you.

>A tazer. This particular one, you picked up from a certain overweight cop lady...

>A concealable boot-knife. Just in case things go REALLY sideways with other folks.

>Your oversized cocktail shaker. Mixed drinks on the go!

>A pocket map of Lafayette Town. You'll surely find one there, but studying one while you fly might be beneficial.

>Bootleg Zombrex, made on the streets. No telling if you'll be able to easily access Zombrex capsules while you're in the field, so a backup couldn't hurt.
>>Bootleg Zombrex, made on the streets. No telling if you'll be able to easily access Zombrex capsules while you're in the field, so a backup couldn't hurt.

Oh shit we ain't immune so we need this shit in case we get bitten or run across a witness.

>The Tape it Or Die Handbook for Combo Weapon Beginners. You never had to make any in your day, but... who knows?

We going to need weapons to stay at range and avoid biters.
I definitely should've mentioned, but Frank is already bitten. It happens towards the end of the first game.
>A concealable boot-knife. Just in case things go REALLY sideways with other folks.

>A pocket map of Lafayette Town. You'll surely find one there, but studying one while you fly might be beneficial.
>>A tazer. This particular one, you picked up from a certain overweight cop lady...
kinda want to know if we have other unique weapons from the psychopath from the first game as a trophy
>>Bootleg Zombrex, made on the streets. No telling if you'll be able to easily access Zombrex capsules while you're in the field, so a backup couldn't hurt
>Pocket map of Lafayette Town
This one's non-negotiable. Dropping into a danger zone with zero preparation nor orientation is suicide.

>Bootleg Zombrex
It's easily the most valuable drug in the world right now. There's a good chance drug stores have been picked clean during the outbreak, and bartering would cost you dearly. Better to bring your own if you don't want to become part of your own story.
>Bootleg Zombrex
Bootleg Zombrex: 4 votes
Combo Book: 1 vote
Boot knife: 2 votes
Pocket map: 2 votes
Tazer: 1 vote

Before you go, you root around under your bed. Feeling for a small metal tin, you hear the rattle of it as your fingers tap against it. You pull it out, revealing a tin for chocolates that you were given by a date. You pop the lid open and pull out two syringes of Zombrex. They use the old injectable formula, good for 24 hours. The new Zombrex synthesis process has led to a 72 hour effectiveness of the Zombrex chips, which you have fully stocked up on in yours. So, should your time in Lafayette Town take longer than expected, you'll have an additional 48 hours of coverage before you have to find your own.

You also slip a knife into a shoe-holster that you purchased, fitting nicely under your freshly-ironed khaki pants. You also take the time to go on the Lafayette Town website and print off one of their maps. You can study this on the flight.
Speaking of...

You arrive at the airport, flashing your ZDC badge where you need to. Soon you're ushered to a separate airstrip used for private flights, where a man wearing a large military helmet greets you. You can't make out any of his features until he takes the helmet off, revealing a man with short blond hair and a wispy mustache. He extends a hand, expression as still as stone.

The private jet is not a luxurious affair, mostly seeming to be furnished for practicality and passenger capacity. You were handed a small slip of paper with a radio frequency by the pilot. He told you that you should use any two-way radio to call him over this frequency once you're in the field. You do enjoy some coffee while you fly. It won't be an excessively long flight, so you weigh up your options.

[Pick two]
>Study the pocket map. Get a sense of the different zones and stores. If you don't, you'll have to find time for this during your trip. Or not.
>Arrange specific pickup times. If you don't, you'll have to arrange it using a radio in the field, and hope you don't lose the slip of paper denoting the frequency.
>Ask if Brad Park gave him any additional intel, and if you can contact Brad at all once you arrive. If you don't, you probably won't be able to get in touch with Brad until after your investigation is over.
>Practice mixing drinks in the little bar corner. You remember how the power of smoothies and cocktails really helped you push through the 72 sleepless hours of the Willamette outbreak. If not, you'll have to re-learn recipes.
>Throw out some martial arts moves. You learned a lot in your first encounter with the zombies, but you've gotten pretty sloppy. If not, you'll be less effective when unarmed or pulling a sick trick.
[Inventory: boot knife, pocket map, bootleg Zombrex x 2]
>Study the pocket map. Get a sense of the different zones and stores. If you don't, you'll have to find time for this during your trip. Or not.
>Arrange specific pickup times. If you don't, you'll have to arrange it using a radio in the field, and hope you don't lose the slip of paper denoting the frequency.
>Study the pocket map. Get a sense of the different zones and stores. If you don't, you'll have to find time for this during your trip. Or not.
>Arrange specific pickup times. If you don't, you'll have to arrange it using a radio in the field, and hope you don't lose the slip of paper denoting the frequency.
>Study the pocket map. Get a sense of the different zones and stores. If you don't, you'll have to find time for this during your trip. Or not.
>Ask if Brad Park gave him any additional intel, and if you can contact Brad at all once you arrive. If you don't, you probably won't be able to get in touch with Brad until after your investigation is over.
>Pickup Times

We can read the map later (hopefully)
>Arrange specific pickup times. If you don't, you'll have to arrange it using a radio in the field, and hope you don't lose the slip of paper denoting the frequency.
>>Ask if Brad Park gave him any additional intel, and if you can contact Brad at all once you arrive. If you don't, you probably won't be able to get in touch with Brad until after your investigation is over.

Anon is right we will always have the map in hand to check the shops. However we need on the ground intel so we know to start shooting and get the pick up time set out as psychos will keep us very busy.
>>Study the pocket map. Get a sense of the different zones and stores. If you don't, you'll have to find time for this during your trip. Or not.
>Arrange specific pickup times. If you don't, you'll have to arrange it using a radio in the field, and hope you don't lose the slip of paper denoting the frequency.
>Practice mixing drinks in the little bar corner. You remember how the power of smoothies and cocktails really helped you push through the 72 sleepless hours of the Willamette outbreak. If not, you'll have to re-learn recipes.
>Throw out some martial arts moves. You learned a lot in your first encounter with the zombies, but you've gotten pretty sloppy. If not, you'll be less effective when unarmed or pulling a sick trick.
>Study the pocket map
That's the entire point of bringing it to begin with. We should have an idea of where we are and where to go/avoid before we touch ground.

>Arrange specific pickup times
Guaranteeing an exit is also critical, because the communications blackout will likely interfere with field arrangements. The map also helps us here because we can specifically schedule extraction at X time and Y location, just like Willamette.
Adding to this, are we at least packing a handgun with us? Or are we really going to drop into an infested town with a knife and a prayer?
You saunter over to the pilot's cabin and knock on the door, to which the pilot tells you to open it. You lean in and say you want to discuss the exact terms of your pickup and timing, since the communications blackout over Lafayette Town might not be quelled by the time you want a pickup - or if you need to make an early retreat. He nods, gesturing for you to sit in the empty co-pilot's seat. You oblige him and idly mess with your camera's settings while he speaks.

You will arrive at roughly 9:00AM today, which is the 23rd. It's 7:30AM at the moment. He tells you that he doesn't expect the military to try and cover up this incident for much longer - considering Willamette, this sounds plausible. You can only cordon off a commercial area with potentially thousands of occupants before a storm is raised, especially in the age of smartphones and social media. Vick reported that it had been "about a week", but she didn't sound completely certain.

You have 144 hours worth of Zombrex from your two capsules, which last 72 hours each. You also have an additional 48 hours of coverage from bringing the bootleg Zombrex, meaning that you could feasibly manage 8 days before you'd have to find more Zombrex. This assumes that nothing happens to your chip, your bootleg supply or that this incident isn't somehow going to introduce a new strain. That isn't unheard of - an infectee was researched a year ago and found to have a new strain that was quickly caught and eliminated, so the possibility exists.
The pilot says he will have to stay in the region and keep an eye on the military presence for the duration of your stay. He plans to cover the jet with a camouflage cover and drive it as close to the treeline as possible to keep it out of sight. Being nearby means an early exfiltration is possible, and that you might be able to receive information if you can figure out a way to stop the communication blockage. It also puts the pilot at risk of capture, death or even infection if the fate of your previous pilot is considered...

Finally, the pilot clarifies that the private jet is not built to accommodate many passengers like a military helicopter or commercial liner. He does not expect to be able to exfiltrate many people if it comes to that. Your mind turns to the Willamette survivors who were snatched up by the military or escaped with Otis Washington using a helicopter - a guarantee of safety isn't available here for them.

You decide to be picked up:
>3 days from now. You work fast, learn fast and it leaves little time for things to go really badly for the pilot or the military cover-up.
>7 days from now. One week is covered by your Zombrex, and it gives you ample time to get the full picture and cover as much ground as you can.
>10 days from now. This is a long time, and leaves a lot of room for unexpected factors, but a proper investigative job requires proper dedication and time.
>7 days from now. One week is covered by your Zombrex, and it gives you ample time to get the full picture and cover as much ground as you can.
Not too risky but also not rushing
>>3 days from now. You work fast, learn fast and it leaves little time for things to go really badly for the pilot or the military cover-up.
time for the good old classic
>5 days from now. Long enough to get evidence for a full investigation, while still not having to worry about running out of meds.
>7 days from now. One week is covered by your Zombrex, and it gives you ample time to get the full picture and cover as much ground as you can.
>>10 days from now. This is a long time, and leaves a lot of room for unexpected factors, but a proper investigative job requires proper dedication and time.
Siding with >>6028691 and requesting a write-in for 5 days. That gives us plenty of time for investigation with a 3-day grace period in case initial extraction goes awry.

Also, given the limited capacity of the jet, we may have to make the cruel decision of disguising ourselves as an ordinary survivor (easier said than done as we're Frank fucking West), in order to conceal our extraction from others. The consequences could be dire if someone decides to coerce us for a way out.
Need a tiebreaker between 7 days and 5 days.
I would vote for 7 days just because it's more fun/exciting from a gameplay/reading perspective, not because it's the smart thing to do, but I don't want to sway the vote from anons who may care more about this than me and also this would be my first vote on the quest
>7 days from now. One week is covered by your Zombrex, and it gives you ample time to get the full picture and cover as much ground as you can.

send it Franky
You negotiate a 7 day trip with the pilot, and he groans, shaking his head. He probably doesn't love the idea of covert camping for a week, but hey, it's your scoop! He's just the chauffeur! You pat him on the back and tell him that you'll put his name as an attribution when this story hits the big news. He just scoffs and mutters that you probably won't even remember it.

You head back to your seat and pull out the pocket map. You've got about an hour and a half to study it, get familiar with the layout of Lafayette Town and such. It's a commercial shopping 'experience' themed to look like various different parts of Europe, with a mixture of entertainment and commerce facilities. It looks like it is situated beside the small town of Glenhouse, with a population of roughly 5000. It reminds you, in part, of the Al Fresca Plaza, a row of stores in the Willamette Parkview Mall. That place was always packed to the brim with zombies every time you passed through...

Looking over the map, you notice there are 8 distinct 'zones' to it, each containing a multitude of stores and attractions. The main entrances are on either side of the constructed town facade, leading into the area designated as Main Park. Looking over it, you see:

-Gastronomy District (fast food, restaurants, cafes)
-Main Park (events, large park, circus)
-Historic Zone (museum, LARP, re-enactments, galleries & souvenirs)
-Chic Street (fashion, jewellery, travel agency, vineyard)
-Hotel Albergo (large hotel, restaurant, spa and gym)
-Cathedral of Commerce (under construction)
-Boutique Lane (miscellaneous stores, groceries, household goods)
-Backstage (security room, storerooms, offices, zombie shelter)

It looks like the hotel is the tallest at three stories while some of the larger areas like Boutique Lane and the Gastronomy District are two stories. It makes sense to drop you on the backstage area's second-story roof, since that's where the security room and even zombie shelter will be, a common staple of large population centres since previous outbreaks.
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Checking your watch, you have time to study two areas in greater, more granular detail before you arrive. You think it over...

>Pick two zones from the list above to receive more detailed information on. This may include store names, specific areas within or noteworthy tourist intel that the map has included. Alternatively, vote "skip" if you would rather just get to the dropoff.
>Main Park
>Hotel Albergo
-Backstage (security room, storerooms, offices, zombie shelter)

-Main Park (events, large park, circus)
>Hotel Trivago
>Historic Zone
>Gastronomy District
>Hotel Trivago

Need the backstage for the recordings or killing the military as they try to scuttle evidence. And hotel trivago to find survivors.
>Hotel Trivago
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You familiarise yourself with the area designated as Backstage. Looks it is is two stories tall, mostly owing to a large warehouse for storage of products. There's a loading and unloading dock as well as a set of two small offices, as the attraction seemingly does their marketing and business in-house. You also see two rooms marked for performers, presumably changing rooms. There's a staff room on the second floor, as well as a security office. Near the entrance of the Backstage area is the underground zombie shelter, which looks very small compared to some you've seen pictures of. Assumedly this moderate-budget retail site didn't splash out big on an area that they thought nobody would ever have to see. With an elevator running from the shelter up to the roof, that gives it a technical total of four floors.

Following that, you turn your attention to the nearby Hotel Albergo. Tacky name, isn't that just...? Nah, nevermind. Looks like the tallest building on the site, with three stories. All of them have hotel rooms, with the ground floor containing a lobby and gift shop. The second floor has a combined gym/spa called Success & Serenity. The third floor is more rooms and the restaurant, High Grade Plates. Looks like a way to get schmucks to throw a few dollars at some regular food prepared in a fancy way. There's also roof access.

Hmm... you can see it in the distance now. A little town with black choppers in the sky, barbed wire fences. Little specks in big groups being ushered around by isolated specks with sturdy frames from their military gear. You instinctively feel for your camera...

>Sneak in one more area assessment from the map. If so, which?
>Start trying to snap some pictures of the town on the horizon.

[Inventory: camera, boot knife, pocket map, bootleg Zombrex x 2]
>>Start trying to snap some pictures of the town on the horizon.
>Start trying to snap some pictures of the town on the horizon.
>Start trying to snap some pictures of the town on the horizon.
>>Start trying to snap some pictures of the town on the horizon.
Starting painting a picture plus it would look good on a magazine.
Recognising that a jet moves a lot faster than a helicopter, you have a limited window to snap some aerial photographs. Looking out at the town, you see a man and a woman waving their arms and visibly arguing with a soldier clutching at his rifle. They're stood beside a car parked haphazardly near the edge of the exclusion zone. Further down the street, a corner store pulls down the shutters as a crowd of onlooking citizens gather around holding crude weapons. Even further still, on a different block, you spot a row of black body bags and a weeping woman leaning over one of them. On the rooftop of a pharmacy, a painted "SOS" message is being scrubbed away by two uniformed troopers. As you approach the scene, you manage to catch two distinct and clear photographs without too much blurriness or obstruction.

[Pick up to two subjects for photography. These can be deleted later for memory space, if necessary.]
>Photograph the arguing couple by the fence
>Photograph the angry crowd of residents
>Photograph the weeping woman and body bags
>Photograph the soldiers removing the SOS message

Lafayette Town itself comes into full view, the sprawling attraction surrounded by large unmanned barricades. A crowd of the shuffling undead wander listlessly in the parking lot. The western entrance to the attraction is littered with corpses and the entryway seems smashed in. You feel sick in your stomach in a way you haven't felt in a while now. There's an overturned car with a half-eaten man laying atop it, spiked bat still clutched in his remaining hand. It looks like the military presence is quite sparse - probably trying to keep this as low profile as a massive casualty event can be. You know your government - they'll be cooking up a nuclear power plant meltdown or natural disaster excuse before long. You manage to snap an additional two photographs.

[Pick up to two more subjects for photography. These can be deleted later for memory space, if necessary.]
>Photograph the unmanned barricades
>Photograph the shuffling zombies
>Photograph the entrance massacre
>Photograph the half-eaten man

[Frank's photographs are important. They are tangible proof to corroborate his claims, and may affect the success of his scoop. Frank can hold thirty photographs on his camera. After that point, the oldest photographs will be overwritten with every new one taken.]
>Photograph the angry crowd of residents
>Photograph the soldiers removing the SOS message

>Photograph the entrance massacre
>Photograph the half-eaten man
>>Photograph the angry crowd of residents

Lots of people that can be back traced through DMV for photo identification.

>Photograph the soldiers removing the SOS message

Literal proof of cover up as soldiers try to keep it quiet.

>Photograph the shuffling zombies
Zombies duh.

>Photograph the entrance massacre
Goes from quiet cover up to full on outbreak that took a lot of lives.
>Photograph the weeping woman and body bags
>Photograph the soldiers removing the SOS message

>Photograph the shuffling zombies
>Photograph the entrance massacre
>Weeping Woman + Bodybags
>SoS being Removed
>Half-Eaten Man
>Entrance Massacre
Seconding this. Any evidence we gather will be challenged by authorities on the grounds of cherry-picking or image manipulation to misrepresent an 'ordinary' disaster. These photos won't support any narrative other than a zombie outbreak, and show evidence of inexplicable cover-up. Also, zombies can probably be facially traced as well to prove this isn't doctored Willamette footage.
>Photograph the angry crowd of residents
>Photograph the soldiers removing the SOS message

>Photograph the shuffling zombies
>Photograph the entrance massacre
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You snap four photos in quick succession - first of the crowd as they gather discontentedly outside of a building. If you can ID any of these people, it provides validity to the evidence. Then, you quickly zoom in and capture the soldiers erasing the cry for help - a sure indictment against them being there for the benefit of the townsfolk. Following that, you're close enough to capture the dozens of shuffling undead outside of the shopping complex, mindlessly taking step after step without any higher function left. Having this image proves that this disaster is directly tied to the zombies, and that the footage isn't reused from previous outbreaks or manipulated to seem modern - people will be able to identify those among the dead. The last photo is of the western entrance and the sorry state it has been left in.

The plane zips past, and you get an overhead view of the shopping area - so many little specks shambling in the main park. As he turns for a second pass to let you parachute down, a black helicopter takes off from a nearby rooftop, no doubt about to pursue and interrogate the pilot if he can't lose their trail. You brace yourself, taking a deep breath as the plane approaches the rooftop of the backstage section. It occurs to you all too suddenly that a parachute is going to catch attention. Shit. Shit! With only twenty seconds before you're ready to go, you...

>...grab the parachute and, fastening it around your back, leap into the copilot seat and slam the eject button, just as planned. Conspicuous but safe.
>...shout for the pilot to "GO LOW!" and leap out of the cabin door. You've fallen a great height from an aircraft before and been mostly fine. Mostly. The military probably won't notice your arrival.
>...shout for the pilot to "GO LOW!" and leap out of the cabin door. You've fallen a great height from an aircraft before and been mostly fine. Mostly. The military probably won't notice your arrival.
We got got by that heli, if we have the military on our ass the second we step foot into this thing it's pretty fucked, so better hope for the best here
>Go Low
>...shout for the pilot to "GO LOW!" and leap out of the cabin door. You've fallen a great height from an aircraft before and been mostly fine. Mostly. The military probably won't notice your arrival.
>>...shout for the pilot to "GO LOW!" and leap out of the cabin door. You've fallen a great height from an aircraft before and been mostly fine. Mostly. The military probably won't notice your arrival.

We can tank a few broken bones and crawl to a store and make a splint.
>>...shout for the pilot to "GO LOW!" and leap out of the cabin door. You've fallen a great height from an aircraft before and been mostly fine. Mostly. The military probably won't notice your arrival.
>>...shout for the pilot to "GO LOW!" and leap out of the cabin door. You've fallen a great height from an aircraft before and been mostly fine. Mostly. The military probably won't notice your arrival.
play freebird as we faceplant into the pavement
>>...shout for the pilot to "GO LOW!" and leap out of the cabin door. You've fallen a great height from an aircraft before and been mostly fine. Mostly. The military probably won't notice your arrival.
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Oh, you are *so* going to regret this.
You shout out for the pilot to "GO LOW!" as you grip the door handle firmly. The cabin will repressurize and shut as soon as you're out, but you need to not break your neck on the rooftop as soon as you land. The pilot immediately understands, although he shouts something you don't hear about being a "crazy stupid fucking maniac" as he swoops down. With the helicopter in hot pursuit, you prepare to leap in three... two... one...


Holy shit!


Your lower body hurts. Your legs REALLY hurt. You roll over onto your back, staring at the morning sky. It is 9:00AM on the first day of your excursion into Lafayette Town, and your ride zips away, pursued by the military helicopter. You breathe heavily as you roll up the leg of your pants, turning your foot around and around to make sure nothing is broken. It doesn't seem like anything is, but your ankle on your right foot feels a little funny... OW! Yep, definitely not great. It's not quite a sprain, but you'll be hobbling around. You remember some of the snide mockery you overheard among the crowds in Willamette's security rooms, remarking on your strange hunched-over run. This is a familiar feeling, for sure.

Your boot knife is still safely secured. Zombrex is intact. Pocket map hasn't fluttered away into the wind - it's not until after this bodily patdown that you actually sit up and consider that there could have been zombies on the rooftop. Thankfully, you don't spot any. You do spot an access doorway, presumably leading into the second floor of the warehouse, as well as an elevator that can take you between the roof, second or first floor of warehouses or into the underground zombie shelter.

Your first priority should be assessing the situation and finding Vick, wherever she is.

>Look down from the edge of the roof out over Main Park and at the tallest building, the Hotel Albergo
>Enter the elevator and go to the zombie shelter
>Take the access stairway to the second floor of the warehouse
>Search the rooftop for items

[Inventory: camera, boot knife, pocket map, bootleg Zombrex x 2]
[Time: 9:00AM, Day 1/7]
[Main Scoop: Case 1-1: Seeking Student]
[Side Scoop: ???]
>Search the Rooftop
>Look Down...
>Take the Elevator
>>Search the rooftop for items
>Look down from the edge of the roof out over Main Park and at the tallest building, the Hotel Albergo
>Search the rooftop for item
You look around the rooftop, still nursing your injured foot as you take a few steps. You manage to make a mental note of everything in the area that could be useful to you - you're no stranger to improvising, nobody can deny that. Aside from a few random objects, there are a few cardboard boxes with mysterious contents.

Following that, you peer down over the rooftop fence onto the main park - a scene that would look normal, unperturbed and day-to-day if not for the shambling zombies across every inch of it. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of people are dead, their minds erased and doomed to wander about in these streets. If you weren't already desensitized to it after Willamette, you'd be puking your guts up right now. A large fenced-in area with medieval canopies and tents in the centre of the park must mark the Historic Zone. Just next to you, you can see into the windows of some of the hotel rooms on the second of three floors. In one, a zombie bashes against a door in a futile effort to get out. In another, a devoured woman's body lies amidst bloody bedsheets. Eugh...

[Items: Bucket, Broom, Drill, Cardboard Box x 2]

[Frank can hold up to four items at any given time. This includes weapons, beneficial magazines and books and also food items. This capacity may increase if he changes into clothing with more pockets or finds a backpack. Key items such as Frank's camera or map are exempt from this rule.]

>Spend a minute or two searching the boxes for anything useful
>Grab some items [Which?]
>Go to the second-story warehouse from the access door
>Go to the zombie shelter via the elevator

[Inventory: 0/4]
[Key Inventory: camera, boot knife, pocket map, bootleg Zombrex x 2]
[Time: 9:02AM, Day 1/7]
[Main Scoop: Case 1-1: Seeking Student]
[Side Scoop: ???]
>>Spend a minute or two searching the boxes for anything useful
>Search Stuff
>Grab the Drill (only if it's cordless)
>Grab the Broom (unless we find something better)
>Take the Elevator
>>Search Stuff
>>Grab the Drill (only if it's cordless)
>>Grab the Broom (unless we find something better)
>Go to the second story warehouse from the access door

I do not want to be trapped in an elevator with a zombie horde behind the doors with a limp leg.
Supporting >>6034690
>Spend a minute or two searching the boxes for anything useful
>Grab the drill and broom
>Put the bucket on your head as improvised armor (drill several holes at eye level if it covers your face). Alternately, drill through the bottom of the bucket, lodging the drill to make an ad-hoc buckler.
>Break off the broom's head to use the handle as an improvised spear (if we can tie our knife to the end), crutch, or splint.
>Enter the second-story warehouse and search for more supplies.
You spend a few minutes removing the tape from the cardboard boxes, eventually just ripping the thin cardboard to get inside. In both of the boxes are spare socketed light strips and bulbs for replacing ones that get damaged. Not the most useful find, you suspect.

You grab the cordless drill and the broom, in case some zombies need to be swept away from you. You consider putting the bucket on your head as a form of armour, but then realise how totally bizarre you would look and how much it would obfuscate your vision. Following that, your attention is turned towards the path forwards. Taking the elevator isn't the smart choice - if any of the floors are compromised, it could lead to a swarm of zombies pouring out and directly onto you.

Instead, you opt to take the access stairway down into the second-story of the warehouse. It comes out into a simple short hallway that diverts in two directions: arrows painted on the wall indicate that the left path leads to the security room and upper offices, while the right path leads to the warehouse floor itself, allowing you onto a catwalk that descends to the first floor. The office doors seem flung open and papers are scattered into the hallway in a panic - you can see the wall-sized window into the office space has been shattered too. The warehouse side is mostly uninteresting, except for the fact there's a zombie wearing a high-visibility vest and an orange helmet, brainlessly staring out over the catwalk.

>Head towards the security room and offices
>Head towards the warehouse floor
>Other (Write In)

[Inventory: Cordless Drill, Broom 2/4]
[Key Inventory: camera, boot knife, pocket map, bootleg Zombrex x 2]
[Time: 9:05AM, Day 1/7]
[Main Scoop: Case 1-1: Seeking Student]
[Side Scoop: ???]
>>Head towards the security room and offices

Find the footage, find the scoop.
>Head towards the security room and offices
I fully expect the security room to be either under guard by the military and/or any footage wiped but still, worth checking it out.
+1, we can shove a drill into a zombie or two no prob
>>>Head towards the security room and offices
>>Head towards the security room and offices
>>Head towards the security room and offices
>Head towards the security room and offices

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