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File: admiralnux.png (455 KB, 512x512)
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"Whatahell was that?"

"We were caught into some sort of hyperstorm, Admiral! We are lucky to have survived the jump!"

"How long until the storm subsides?"

"We don't know, Admiral! It is the first time we see something like this. It is offcharts! We never detected a hyperstorm even a tenth of the intensity of this one!"

"Damn! We will have to orbit somewhere around here and acquire food for the troops. What planets are in the nearby system?"

"Our sensors detect three planets within the Goldilock zone. One of them has artificial structures, seems to be inhabitted."

You're Admiral Alex P. Nuz (the P stands for Pegma), more known as Admiral Nuz.

You command a spacefleet composed of 80 vessels (the flagship, eight destroyers, twenty drone carriers, a refuelling ship, ten transport ships and forty light scout ships). The fleet is mostly unscathed, though some ships report heavy damages to their sensors, and the energy levels of the reactors is very low.

You're currently stranded in the V-Sector, cut off from all Republic Tachyoncomms by some strange kind of galactic storm. Your tech staff says it is too dangerous to jump into hyperspace as long as this storm persists. You could head to one of the goldilock planets, or use your drones to harvest minerals in the asteroid belt.

Taking the fleet towards any of the destinations will consume about 10% of your energy.

Fleet Integrity 95%
Energy 20%
Supplies 20%
Crew 30%

===Hyperstorm 10000%===

> Head to the inhabitted planet
> Head to the colder planet
> Head to the warmer planet
> Head to the asteroid belt
> Write in
>Head to the inhabited planet
>Head to the warmer planet
The unknown to explore
> Head to the inhabitted planet

"Head to the inhabited planet."

"Immediately, Admiral!"

As the fleet gets nearer the inhabited planet, more and more data about is gathered. According to the computer calculations, it has a day night cycle of around 72 hours, and an orbit around the star lasting 469 eath days.

Three large cities are located very far from each other.

"No signs of industrialization, Admiral. Looks like three agrarian societies developing independently at river valleys."

The Protocol says you shouldn't contact pre-industrial societies at all, and industrial societies only after they make their first space landing.

However, growing your own food would take a long time, you'd need to repurpose your combat drones for agriculture. You could just pose as gods and demand tribute from those people.

Fleet Integrity 95%
Energy 10%
Minerals 10%
Supplies 17%
Crew 30%

===Hyperstorm 9933%===

> Contact the largest city
> Contact the smallest city
> Contact the average city
> Contact all the cities
> Don't contact the aliens, land and start farming
Contact all cities

Don’t play god, let’s just be ‘’hello- we are space foreigners, willing to trade for food’’. Our aluminum trash food warpers alone is worth more than there gold.
>Contact all the cities

"Contact all cities. We will trade for food."

"I beg your pardon? That's... very irregular, admiral..."

"That's a direct order!"

"Alright. Preparing to contact the natives."

We dispatch three scout ships into the planet. The scouts transmit their encounters with the natives in real time.

The scouts that head to the smallest city find a population immersed on what seems to be prayer. They seem to hold public prayers many times a day. Apparently they try to live in communion with nature. Their lands have enormous amounts of what we believe are edible plants. They don't seem to need to do much work, they just grab some plants and eat them when they are hungry.

The scouts that head into the average city find a population building some kind of large structure, perhaps a temple or a palace. They seem to practice slavery. They have a vast herd of some weird livestock that they ride, and except for the big structure they are building concentrating enormous amounts of manpower, their population is scattered over a very vast area.

The scouts that head into the largest city find very vast fields of some plant that grows in flooded areas. They also have several granaries filled with grains from those plants, which seems to be their main food source. There is an area in the center of their city in which they hold a nonstop orgy, people just come and go when they please, but there seems to be also some permanent staff that never leave the place.

Those three people look very similar with some small variance in coloration and physionomy. They might be subspecies of the same race. We conjecture they are probably able to reproduce with each other.

Our scouts been hovering out of sight from the natives and conducting observations.

> Have the scouts land and contact the smallest city
> Have the scouts land and contact the average city
> Have the scouts land and contact the largest city
> Reconsider and go find a place to start farming
> Prepare a larger landing party and go meet them personally (choose which settlement)
>bomb the largest city and demand tribute
>Have the scouts land and contact the largest city
The more people the city has, the less they’d probably need to strain their resources to take us in…assuming they welcome us in the first place.

Hold off on telling the crew about the- festivities- I do not want a repeat of that one ship that had its crew taring off nails to get frisky.
What is that in reference too?

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