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The old continent suddenly sunk into the seas! You barely survived the wrath of the waves. You find your fellows fishermen now stranded in the middle of the ocean.

"Where should we go now?"

You heard there are other lands to the east and to the west, continents of brutish creatures which your people had thus far avoided.

But you must head towards them! For the only survivors of your race are a few male fishermen. Though you could survive in the sea fishing, your race would die out.

You can't let it happen because:

> Your race are Earthshapers and can manipulate earth with their minds
> Your race has Lightning Control and can generate and manipulate electricity
> Your race are Illusionists and can create lifelike illusions that fool the senses
> Your race can attain Spirit Form and temporarily possess other beings
> Your race are Arcanists and possess imense raw magical power
Earth benders might be good but magic!
>Your race are Arcanists and possess imense raw magical power
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claiming trips


"We have been adrift for many days now. We cannot wander aimlessly any longer.", says Dyshon, the most handsome amongst the fishermen.

"We need to choose a leader.", says Karyc, the strongest surviving fisherman.

"There's really only one good choice, lads.", says Zeren, the oldest fisherman of the bunch, "Only one of us has royal blood."

"You don't believe those stories, do you?", says Tryza, "There is nothing special about the royal family, they just descend from our founder. We have the opportunity to start anew."

"Yes, I agree. What did the royal family ever did for any of us?", says Ceryn, the youngest of the bunch.

"Well, since we disagree, let's put it to vote.", says Feylin, unusually breaking its usual silence.

The people continue to argue amongst themselves for awhile, then four candidates are proposed.

> Gryffin, the royal bastard. It might give a tinge of legitimacy for a new monarchy. Eventually.
> Jayna, a former military official now retired as fisherman. Knows a thing or two about strategy.
> Troy, he is always calm under pressure and has a warm smile. People tend to naturally listen to him.
> Zayne, former school teacher, abandoned teaching because of a vision. Has frequent visions.
> Write in

Roll 10d20 for the amount of survivors.
Rolled 13, 6, 11, 20, 5, 12, 10, 5, 15, 20 = 117 (10d20)

>Jayna, a former military official now retired as fisherman. Knows a thing or two about strategy.
>Zayne, former school teacher, abandoned teaching because of a vision. Has frequent visions.
All good options but a stupid population is a easily swayed to chaos population.
Rolled 14, 11, 17, 19, 3, 2, 19, 8, 18, 3 = 114 (10d20)

Forgot to roll
Rolled 16, 2, 20, 19, 18, 4, 16, 2, 12, 1 = 110 (10d20)

>Gryffin, the royal bastard. It might give a tinge of legitimacy for a new monarchy. Eventually.
Rolled 3, 14, 5, 11, 5, 1, 19, 10, 18, 8 = 94 (10d20)

>Gryffin as our Chief
>Troy as our Warchieftain
>Troy as our Ambassador
>Zayne as our Shaman
Rolled 1, 7, 18, 11, 3, 11, 11, 10, 18, 6 = 96 (10d20)

> Gryffin, the royal bastard. It might give a tinge of legitimacy for a new monarchy. Eventually.
That should have read "Jayna as our Warchieftain"
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After much discussion, the survivors decided that the best way to choose a leader was through a fair vote. The 117 survivors cast their vote, then the votes were counted, and it was clear that Gryffin, the royal bastard was the preferred choice.

"Thank you for your trust in me. We need to decide our next course of action. What do you know about the lands to the east and west?"

"I remember an old story my grandmother used to tell me," says Zeren. "She spoke of a time when her grandmother traveled east, far beyond the borders of our known lands. She said that in the deep forests, the plants themselves were alive, not just in the way all plants are, but truly sentient."

"Do you believe that story?", asks Karyc.

"I don't know. But that is all I know about it."

"There are stories about bustling cities and rich farmland in the west, but also of bloody wars. I heard this from a smuggler who brought drugs into the city. He said he got them in the west.", says Karyc.

"Alright so, from what we've gathered, the east is less inhabited than the west. Does anyone have more information or thoughts on this?", says Gryffin.

"The east being less inhabited could mean fewer resources immediately available, but alco fewer dangers from hostile groups. It might be safer for us to head that way.", says Tryza.

"True, but we need to consider our immediate needs. We can catch enough fish by ourselves, but staying too long in the sea will take a toll on our health. Once we land, we need to secure food, water and shelter. In the west we might be able to provide for ourselves more readily.", says Ceryn.

"If we head west, there is a higher risk of encountering hostile groups. We're in no shape to face conflicts right now.", says Zeren.

"We need to weigh our options carefully. Sometimes the unknown is safer than a known threat.", says Jayna.

We need a decision!

> Travel West
> Travel East
> Write in
>Travel East
> Travel East

"To the East it is, brothers! Adjust your sail, let's catch the east wind!"

Your people start navigating their boats eastward. After a couple days sailing, dark clouds gather on the horizon, and soon you find yourselves caught in the midst of a raging storm. Lightning cracks overhead, and the sea churns angrily. Despite your best efforts, you struggle to maintain control of your vessels.

The storm ends up dumping your people onto the shore of a small island. Lighning strikes the island often, and the place seems dangerous, but perhaps less dangerous than remaining in the sea, so you order a disembark. The people drag their boats to the shore and run for cover.

"Everyone, we need to find shelter, quickly!"

"Over there! I see a cave!", you hear what is probably a scream, but was barely audible amidst the storm.

"Let's head there!"

Wet and exhausted, your people stumble through the shore, seeking refuge from the relentless storm.

Surveying your surroundings, you furrow your brow in concern. The lightning reveals something! There is blood everywhere, and piles of bones all over the place!

Overtaken by a deep sense of dread, you wonder whether it was actually a good idea to get into this cave...

> Explore the cave in the dark
> Stay in the dark waiting for the storm to end
> Exit the cave immediately and brave the stormy seas
> Order people to gather some lumber outside so you can build a fire
>> Order people to gather some lumber outside so you can build a fire
Get it sizzlin'
>Order people to gather some lumber outside so you can build a fire
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You order people to gather lumber outside to build a fire!

Many people volunteer. They are out for awhile then return with a decent amount of lumber.

You struggle to light the fire due to everything being wet, but eventually you get the bonfire alight.

With light, you notice a section of the cave is flooded. The bones seem to be from large fish. The blood probably has this same source. There is also blood in the water.

"Do you think the cave continues after this flooded section?", asks Dyshon.

"Perhaps. I assume some amphibious predator lives here.", says Zeren.

"This cave is large as spacious, we should stay here until the storm is over. We just need some people to stand in watch, in case whatever lurks here tries to attack us.", says Karyc.

"Well, we don't actually have weapons...", says Zeren.

"Yeah, about that... I do have this...", says Jayna, pulling out a Needler from a hidden ankle holster.

"Weren't those things banned?", says Zeren.

"Well, yeah, but it might be the last one not in the bottom of the sea so...", says Jayna.

Needlers are magical weapons made with powerful necromantic magic. They drain the user's life force and shoot small energy needles. Don't expect to kill anything really big with it, but it could easily kill a man up to 30 feet away, provided you have good aim.

"How did you afford that?", says Gryffin.

"When my grandfather was in the army they issued these things to officers as a sidearm. He buried it then pretended to have lost it in the sea. Got a month's prison for it. He passed it down to my father, and my father to me. I have used it only a few times, to practice. Most men pass out after shooting ten needles. My record is twenty seven."

> Keep a dozen men on guard duty
> You stay on guard duty then, Jayna
> Send someone to explore the flooded cave swimming
> Rotate guard duty, keep a third of our population on it while the rest sleeps
> You don't wanna be eaten by a monster, leave the cave return to the sea
> Rotate guard duty, keep a third of our population on it while the rest sleeps
>Rotate guard duty, keep a third of our population on it while the rest sleeps
>Send someone to explore the flooded cave swimming
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"We'll have a third of our people keep guard duty at a time. We don't know what will come out of the water or through the cave entrance. We shouldn't take any chances. Also, I need someone to investigate that flooded cave. Who's the best diver?"

"That would be me. I'll volunteer. If I don't come back in ten minutes consider me dead and move on.", says Burlic, taking off his shirt and heading towards the water. With a mighty splash, he disappears under it.

After a few minutes he returns.

"There's a fucking dragon on the other side! Tons of gold too. I think it was sleeping. The cave is dimly lit by some fungus on the walls."

"We should get the fuck out of here before we become dragon food!", says Ceryn.

> "Don't wanna be eaten by a dragon, let's get the hell out of here, right now!"
> "Let's hope it doesn't wake up before the storm ends and we're out of here."
> "I'll go talk to the dragon!" (specify what you wanna say)
> "Let's go kill that thing!"
> "Let's steal some gold!"
>"Let's hope it doesn't wake up before the storm ends and we're out of here."
Sending everyone out into that storm without another guaranteed shelter nearby is asking for trouble. Maybe we could send a couple people out to scout the area if that’s possible.
> "Let's hope it doesn't wake up before the storm ends and we're out of here."
>Figuer out if it is possible to roughly plot the island's location, to return to when you have more resources
>> "I'll go talk to the dragon!" (specify what you wanna say)

Ask him if he wants some minions.
Rolled 2 (1d2)


"Let's hope it doesn't wake up before the storm ends and we're out of here. In the meantime we should scout the island."

"With this storm? Don't think so, chief. If we're waiting, we should just try to get dry. Sleeping all wet we might catch a nasty cold.", says Zeren.

"Fine. We'll huddle by the fire. You brought enough lumber to last awhile."

You wait until the storm stops! And eventually, it does stop.

1 - the dragon shows up
2 - no sign of the dragon
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You exit the cave and catch sight of a beautiful rainbow. Birds can be heard chirping and you can get a good look at the island.

"I can't see the other side of the island from here. This island may not be quite as small as we thought.", says Ceryn.

"There's a rocky hill over there. Maybe from up there we can see the entire island.", says Zeren.

"We could walk around the island or circle it in our boats.", says Tryza.

"We should just book it. We're lucky not to be dragon chow.", says Karyc.

> Send a party to climb the hill
> Send a party to circle the island in the north direction on foot
> Send a party to circle the island in the south direction on foot
> Get on your boats and circle the island through the north
> Get on your boats and circle the island through the south
>Climb the Hill
>Circle North in Boats
>Circle South in Boats

"Let's divide in three groups. One climbs the hill, the other circles north in boats, the last one circles south. We meet on the other side of the island and regroup."

People go forth to fulfill their orders.

From the top of the hill, you see some kind of ruin sticking out from the middle of the nearby forest. You can see the entire island, and watch as the people circle it by boat.

Then you go meet the people boating around.

The people who went north report:

"We sighted a few more caves and some giant crabs."

The people who went south report:

"We are not entirely sure, but we think we saw a mermaid sunbathing on the rocks. It jumped into the sea and disappeared when it saw us."

Your group then report:

"We saw a ruin in the forest. Hard to tell what it was, but looks like some kind of tower."

> Check the caves
> Go investigate the ruins
> Go investigate the mermaid
> Depart from the island towards the East
> This seems a nice place to settle, let's live here
>Go investigate the ruins
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You decide to go investigate the ruins. Your people travel through the forest and find lots of animals along the path - many birds, some snakes, a wild boar or two.

As you arrive at the site of the ruins, you notice it is in fact some kind of tower. It shows signs of having receive strong impacts which broke apart its structure. Part of the tower lays in the ground, wrecked and taken over by the wilderness.

You decide to enter the tower. The place seems completely ransacked. Your people look around the entire place, to check for anything that could aid in your journey.

"Hey, there's a trap door in here!", says Nacyr.

"How did you find it?"

"There is a tine hole, and the planks align here. Look!"

"Yeah, let's open it."

You stick a fishing hook on the hole and pull. The trapdoor opens! A heinous stench comes from down under.

"Eew! They must have stored food in here."

You descend the stairs and confirm the suspicions. There is a lot of scattered remains of once was food strewn all over the place.

But there is a staircase going down!

You descend the staircase with a small group. The room is flooded. Within you can find a bloated corpse floating. Strangely enough, you hear some crackles when you disturb the water.

Suddenly the corpse seems to come to life and lunges! But then you hear the crackle again, as it hits its head against an invisible barrier.

It then starts laughing and then speaking nonstop in a language you don't understand.

"Whatahell is that thing?", asks Ceryn.

"To have survived this long in here, must be some kind of demon or undead. It is probably trying to convince us to free it somehow."

> Free the creature
> Destroy the creature
> Leave this basement
> Search the room underwater
> Try to learn the creature's language
> Destroy the creature

Send a few necrobolts to its skull
>Destroy the creature
No mistaking the fact it just tried to attack us unprompted.

"Destroy it!", you say.

Jayna puts a few necrobolts through the creature's skull. Its blood catches fire and a circle of fire soon forms above the waters, taking over most of the room.

The place starts getting too hot and so you are forced to leave.

"Have we seen enough of this island? I think it would be too dangerous to remain here, with the dragon and everything.", says Zeren.

"A few people could probably live here, hidden from the dragon. There's enough food for a handful people to live on indefinitely.", says Samyza.

"You proposing we leave people behind?"

"Well, if someone doesn't want to brave the seas and head to the next continent, this place would be peaceful enough. You'd only need to hide your boat in one of the small caves and the dragon wouldn't see it. Then you could live hidden in the forest, gathering food. Not the easiest of lives, but possible.", says Nyqua.

> Leave the island now
> Explore the northern caves
> Search for the mermaid south
> Leave a few people behind hiding here
> Deal with the dragon (explain how)
> Leave a few people behind hiding here

> Explore the northern caves
>Search for the mermaid south
Maybe they’re friends…or sirens…but hey, it’s worth a shot. I don’t wanna leave just yet until we’re 100% certain this island’s no good.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

1 - >>6030878
2 - >>6030879
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You decide to search for the mermaids south.

Your men spread around the are in their boats and start looking for them.

After awhile someone see the mermaid stick her head out of the water far away.

"Look! She's over there!"

You can catch a glimpse of her before she submerges again and disappear.

"She must be shy.", says Ceryn.

"Well, yeah, she can't really drown all of us at once.", says Karyc.

"What if we send just one person to go talk to her?", says Dyshon.

"We don't even know if she can talk at all, all we know are the stories about them being murderous.", says Burlyc.

"I think we should just forget about it and leave.", says Zeren.

> Go talk to the mermaid yourself
> Send Dyshon to go talk to the mermaid
> Send Burlyc to go talk to the mermaid
> Set up a trap to capture the mermaid alive
> Forget about the mermaid and leave the island
>Send Dyshon to go talk to the mermaid
His idea.
+1, what's a necrobolt?

the guy voting decided to call the Needler energy needles "necrobolt"

it is a nice name, so I rolled with it

"You go, Dyshon. We'll return to shore and wait for you until sundown."

The boats retreat to shore and while we wait we gather some food in the nearby woods and have a meal. We discover many species of fruit trees and some funny monkeys which toss things at us when we approach their trees.

Dyshon eventually returns.

"The mermaid has a beautiful voice, but she doesn't speak our language. We tried communicating for awhile. I think she likes me. From what I understood, there are more mermaids in this area, but they avoid the surface. This one is playful and adventurous, so she is always hanging out around here. She gave me this.", Dyshon shows you a strange orb.

"I know what this is!", says Zeren, "It's from deep sea fish! It glows when it is dark. It is a precious gift, probably the most valuable thing that mermaid had."

"I think she really likes you, Dyshon.", says Ceryn, examining the strange orb.

> Explore the northern caves
> Depart towards the east at once
> Leave a group behind in the island and travel east
> Leave Dyshon in the island with his mermaid girlfriend and travel east
> Deal with the dragon (explain how)
>Explore the northern caves
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You explore the northern caves. There are several of them, ranging from small holes that lead nowhere to a vast complex with several exits and many flooded areas which you aren't sure if connect to the large cave you found where the dragon lives.

Many bats live on some of those caves. Some spiders also live there, eating moths and flies which feed on guano.

As you explore further, in an elevated and isolated section of the wall in a very easy to miss spot, you find a section of the cave full of dried blood drawings on the walls.

In a corner there is an old dessicated body wearing robes clutching a book.

> Burn the book
> Do not disturb the dead
> Loot the dead wizard's book
> Make a burial pyre for the wizard
> Loot the book and his tattered robe as well, it looks fancy
>Loot the book and his tattered robe as well, it looks fancy
>Make a burial pyre for the wizard
Really digging these images

Wearing death rags is a good way to end up with a horrible illness. Take the book, burn the dead. Check him for charms & such as well, naturally.
1 - >>6031096
2 - >>6031126
Rolled 1 (1d2)


forgot to roll

You decide to loot the body and take for yourself the weird book and the fancy tattered robe from the corpse, storing them in your boat.

Then you have your men prepare a burial pyre for the deceased mage.

Your watch as his corpse burns and a column of smoke billows into the sky.

Zayne feels the occasion is adequate and say a short prayer:

"May his soul find the rest which it was unable to find in life."

As the pyre burns, your people feel the time is right for an important decision.

"We must either depart or deal with that dragon, Gryffin. I count on you to make the best decision.", says Zeren.

"I believe I talk for the men when I say that we will follow you either way.", says Jayna.

The men nod and assert in agreement.

> I will talk with the dragon
> Let's kill that dragon (explain how)
> Those who wish to stay may stay, but not too many
> Fill your boats with food and water, let's depart east
> I am a bit unsure about what we should do, let's hold a vote
>I will talk with the dragon
I dunno if it’s possible to set a trap just in case the dragon’s hostile too, but we should do that too if we can.
>Fill your boats
This island ain't it, chief.
> I will talk with the dragon

You decide to go talk with the dragon!

You together with a small group dive into the waters and emerge in his chamber! The dragon was awake and noticed you! He opens its mouth, readying to breath whatever it is that it breaths upon your people!

All of you raise hands and kneel!

"Hail, noble lizard! We are refugees from a sinken continent! We desire to stay in your island for awhile."

The dragon stops its mighty breath.

"How many of you are here?", it asks, with a commanding yet high pitched voice. You suspect that the dragon is actually female.

"A little over a hundred men."

"This island cannot sustain you."

"We are fishermen and have our own boats. We can acquire sustenance from the sea."

The dragon looks at you and seen pensive for a moment.

"I will allow you to stay, but you will have to bring me food and mine gold for me."

> Accept the dragon's proposal
> Decline the dragon's proposal and depart at once
> Negotiate with the dragon (explain)
> Attack the dragon
>Accept the dragon's proposal.
I’m satisfied. Coughing up a little food and gold is a better price for living on this island than we could’ve ended up with. Let’s build some trust before trying to negotiate anything.

Several weeks pass as we build a small settlement by cuttting some trees next to the nearby water source and building temporary shelters. The dragon did not allow us to live inside her cave. With our regular fishing, we established a reliable food supply and began mining for gold to appease the dragon, who told us where to dig.

After another day of hard work, F=fishermen return with their daily catch and the assigned cooks start to prepare our meal after we separate and deliver the dragon's share. The miners return from their shift and we have a communal meal and start discussing important issues regarding our future.

"Great work today, everyone! We have some matters we need to discuss.", you say.

"The fishing nets are holding up well, they might need repairs soon and this island doesn't seem to have much in terms of materials for doing the repairs. We've been catching adequate amounts of food, but we have no significant reserves. If we do get a few bad fishing days in a row, we're wiped.", says Jayna, who is in charge of fishing.

"Don't be so pessimistic. The calm seas have been a blessing. Let's hope this reprieve lasts a bit longer. In any case, we should start making some kind of food stockpile, in case there is another big storm and we can't fish for a few days.", says Troy.

"The problem is the materials available are scarce. There are only so many trees in this island. Still, we could build a storage building if necessary.", says Dyshon.

"We could store our food on the abandoned ruins if we clear it.", says Ceryn.

"I don't trust that place. We might get contaminated from that creature we killed. I'd rather avoid the place.", says Zeren.

"The mine is progressing, the veins of gold we found seem to be deep. We don't really get to keep anything we mine so ideally we will mine as little as possible, but the dragon been pushy for us to mine faster so we are employing about half our people in the mines.", says Karyc.

"The water suppy seems stable, but we can't be sure this spring won't dry up eventually. We should make a water collection system and a large water storage.", says Tryza.

"We should send some search parties into the ocean, check if there is any land nearby.", says Zayne.

"We could ask the dragon to scout for us, since it can fly.", says Feylin.

"We could also try to contact the mermaids, been awhile since I last saw them.", says Dyshon.

"Those are all good points, but we can only spare a handful of workers to do anything at all, feeding ourselves and the dragon plus mining consumes almost all of our available manpower."

Choose one task. You can do two if you decrease the amount of miners, but that might anger the dragon.

> Build a food storage building
> Clear up the ruins so we can use them
> Send a scouting party to look for land
> Ask the dragon to scout
> Search for the mermaids
>Search for the mermaids
Potentially more manpower if we play our cards right.
>> Clear up the ruins so we can use them
>Scout for more land
Rolled 3 (1d3)

1 - >>6032997
2 - >>6033127
3 - >>6033345
Rolled 1 (1d4)


"Alright everyone, we’ve come a long way, but we need to secure more resources and space. We're sending out scouts in the fishing boats to look for more land. This is crucial for our future.", you say.

"I will lead the scouts. We'll cover as much distance as we can and return with any information about nearby islands or landmasses. We need to find somewhere with more resources.", says Jayna.

Jayna takes five volunteers, Lyra, Rhydian, Thyra, Kalyndra, and Ylena, then head out into the sea.

"Don't take too many risks out there!", says Zeren.

"Don't worry, old man! We'll be back in no time!"

They steer their boats east and sail away! The exploration party sails for several days in their fishing boats.

They finally...

1 - find nothing and return
2 - are caught in a storm
3 - are attacked by a monster
4 - find land

Disheartened by their lack of success, the endless sea stretching before them with no sign of land, our explorers decide to return to their original island before their luck and strength fails them and they can find the way back no more.

"The supplies are running low. We've been out here for days with nothing to show for it. We should head back.", says Lyra.

"Alright, let's turn back. We'll head home and regroup.", says Jayna.

"It's disappointing, but we gave it our best shot. Next time, we will need to bring extra supplies if we wish to go further.", says Kalindra.

On the return journey, the mood is somber. They receive a warm welcome when they arrive, but report the sad news.

"Nothing but waves a whole week away to the east. We will need to be prepared for a longer journey if we are to find any land.", reports Jayna.

"Hmm... seems like this island is fairly isolated. We could try going other directions as well."

> Prepare to go farther, collect people's water containers to better stock the explorer boats
> Search towards the north
> Search towards the south
> Search towards the west
> Give it up for now and focus on something else (what)
>Give it up for now and focus on something else (what)
Finding the mermaids. Doubt our odds would be much better in any of the other immediate directions. We can always ask the dragon to scout for us if that’s possible, too.
+1, they seem friendly
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"Let's go look for the mermaids, they seemed friendly. Go see if you can find that friendly mermaid again, Dyshon."

You dispatch Dyshon to go look for the mermaids. After a couple days on the sea, he returns.

"I have found the mermaids, there were three of them this time, they were swimming around with a bunch of dolphins. One of them began singing and I fell on the water and was about to drown, but then a fight broke out amongst them!"

"A couple mermen carrying coral tridents showed up. They separated the fighting mermaids and the group spoke for a long time. It seems the male mermaids were scolding them. The mermaids and one of the merman disappeared into the ocean and the remaining one just kept staring at me while I swam back to my boat. As I made my trip back, I noticed he was following me."

"I wonder why there were guards so close to those mermaids.", says Ceryn.

"I suppose they might be some kind of nobility. Allowed to go where the other mermaids cannot. They might have laws against contacting non mermaids.", says Zeren.

"You think they would receive us if we went there to talk to them?", you ask.

"Maybe. Though we lack the means to breath underwater, and they seem to lack the means to come to the surface. I don't see us entering into conflict anytime soon, but I also don't see them having much interest in us.", says Zeren.

> Seek diplomatic contact with the mermaids
> Tell Dyshon to learn the mermaid's language
> Tell Dyshon to gift the mermaids a knife
> Smuggle some gold to gift the mermaids
> Make an ambush and capture one of the mermaids
>Tell Dyshon to learn the mermaid's language
>Tell Dyshon to gift the mermaids a knife
If only one’s possible then just the language learning.
Gifting a knife could be misinterpreted as a threat.
>Learn the Language
Yeah, you’re right. Sticking with just the language learning too.

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