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It's the early days after the War of Northern Aggression, to many all over known as the Civil War. The Lincolnite yankees have ravaged towns and villages, recruited runaway slaves of all backgrounds both of full negro, halfbreed, and quarter blood to their ranks. That isn't to say some of these noble tar skinned folk didn't stay loyal to their masters and free white men of the South, but the yankees capitalized on the network of runaway slaves aided and abeited by their uppity Quaker co-conspirators from up north to spread rumors of how joining the invading Yankee army would automatically guarantee them a better life without the benevolent and God fearing guidance of their masters. Even those that hadn't owned slaves and were enterprising white citizens of the South that got things done on their own, they too were now deeply effected by the defeat and so called "Reconstruction" of our once great society. The negroids, now emancipated legally will inevitably seek vengeance on all free white men and to impose upon us a tyranny we couldn't even conceive of and the carpet baggers know this and don't care at all.
But worry not, my fellow Sons and Daughters of Dixie, for an underground resistance is forming, a sacred order loyal to the Old South that will one day see it's victory over the federal government and it's evil descimation of Southern society. Take a stand, join the Ku Klux Klan!
>To join, enter your character's information like so
>The GM will post story progression and set goals and objectives voted on by the players
>Outcomes will be determined by dice+2d6
Is this a multiplayer/multicharacter qst?

I'll place my knapsack on my back,
My rifle on my shoulder!
I'll march away to the firing line,
Kill that yankee soldier!
this will be a multiplayer then ? haven't joined one in a while and the premise got me curious.

>John Smith
>A son of poor farmers, you saw the call of this mysterious group as a way to experience the thrills of life and perhaps even take part on something greater than yourself
>Jebediah "Jeb" Sullivan
>33 (since the Klan is masonic)
>A veteran of the Grey, he fought against what he saw as a mercenary army of immigrant-soldiers flooding into New York City. Had kin among Kelly's Irish Brigade of Missouri, but fought for his native state of South Carolina. Decided to become a Ghoul in opposition to the occupying forces of Reconstruction, with the ultimate goal of assassinating Sherman & any Red Legs he gets word of.
>Randall Lewis Clarke
>A veteran of the Confederate Army, Randall left his rural town in Alabama to join his fellow Confederates in a youthfully naive quest for adventure and fame at the beginning of the Civil War, but over the next 4 years, all he would find would be anything but. He changed much over the course of the war, but one thing that never changed was the love of his land, and the fellowship he found in his comrades at the front. When the South surrendered to the Yankees, he returned home with his head hung in shame, but nonetheless willing to try to reintegrate into civilian society, an endeavor he would find little success in. Then one day, at the depths of his despair, he heard the call of the Klan, and decided to take up the old banner, and put his life on the line for Dixie one last time.
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Yes, it's a multiplayer
Alright, so it looks like we've got enough players so far to start off with something. More can join as the story progresses
>Chapter One: The Foundations of Resistance
The first meeting takes place in a town hall of a small town in the Northern Georgia Appalachians. Far away from the prying eyes and ears of the occupying forces of the federal military. The first order of business was everyone introducing themselves and telling everyone why they were there and what they plan to contribute. Seems though every man fighting age that's arrived is fixing to get hands on with the yankee menace. The leadership of the organization has then conducted an initatory ceremony for these new arrivals, making them swear oaths of loyal till death to the cause and their kinsmen. Loyal to God, Family, and Folk. Now that the evening's events draw to a close, the prayers have been said, and the chatter among the Klan has started to wind down and the kinsman start leaving for home, three of the new iniates have been pulled aside by one of the leadership to be given a new task. Their first mission? To scout out a federal forces weapons depot full of ammunition, black powder, and rifles with what's rumoured to be a crate of 500 sticks of TNT dynamite. Those will be most prized of all the things there for the taking, as it would play a key role in the Klan's campaign of guerilla warfare about to be waged against the federal tyrants
>You decide among yourself who gets to be lookout and who gets to break in and bring things out to the wagon
>The dice format is how you can choose to settle ii if need be
>You will each be armed with genuine Confederate military revolvers and reloading kits with extra rounds should the need arise
I'll take point. We're talking LeMatte wheelguns?
I volunteer to break in, someone joining would be good.
this means scouting then ?
I volunteer to be on break in team with John.
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>Chapter 1.5: The Barrel Roles
The three initiates, after a few days of surveillance being stationed in the nearby town notice that the security of the weapons depot that lay just miles away from the town they've set up in has of course a rotating shift of two yankee soliders every 6 hours during the day and four from 12 midnight to 6 in the morning. You then decide among yourselves your next course of action
>Rumor two men you notice that don't associate with each other in the local saloon into a brawl
>Stage what sounds like a West Indian attack going on past a tree line in the direction of the town by making what sounds like the cracking of gunfire and war whooping tribal revelry
>Pick them off by arrows from a crossbow as to kill them silently without alerting them to scream for reinforcements
>You may also choose which of the four 6 hr shifts to attack
>Keep in mind you'll have to take any nearby witnesses into account
>Rumor two men you notice that don't associate with each other in the local saloon into a brawl
going with the 12 o'clock shift
>Pick them off by arrows from a crossbow as to kill them silently without alerting them to scream for reinforcements
I think going with the 12 AM shift is a good move.
>At 10PM, leaving plenty of time before shift change
Changning my vote to this, sounds like a sounder plan then what I was going for.
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Night falls and as the evening draws to a close, the three newly initiated klansmen take up arms and steal off into the night. They make it into the treeline near the weapons depot, with Sullivan; crossbow in hand. Clarke and Smith wait in anticipation of him hitting his mark, revolvers at the ready in case it goes wrong and one solider notices the other dead and signals for reinforcements. He takes aim and hits his mark, then just he reloads another arrow the other soldier nearly comes to see the dead one and in a flash and quite an audible crack, Clarke shoots the second one dead with his revolver. They quickly get to work breaking into the depot before anyone that heard that comes to investigate
>It's now up to you; roll dice to determine the outcome of your success in loading the wagon that Smith's just went and brought closer before anyone notice
Rolled 63 (1d100)

I'm assuming it's 1d100. Rolling for lookout duty while the others steal away powder kegs.
Rolled 4 (1d100)

here goes
Rolled 91 (1d100)

figured it out
I hope that low roll doesn't mean John Smith is part negro & setoff a trip-wire with his lip
god i miss the days when this site wasnt infested with filthy racists.
Like '08? Definitely before Qst existed as a board, tourist.
Hi reptoid
either you actually believe in that bullshit in which case you are dumb or you are being sarcastic in which case you are a depressed loser who has given up on life, which is also bad.
I think you replied to the wrong guy but it's hard to tell, try to relax anon.

Grand DQ Blizzard Wizzard QM, how's the update coming along?
Rolled 84 (1d100)

The quest was rated as an F in the /qtg/. Knowing they are a bunch of Discord faggots, I came to take a look, and I see it's awesome.
the problem is that QM dissapeared so we haven't much going on
I'll have you know I shower regularly.

This quest may fade in due time, but the carpet bagger menace will never keep us down.
Fun fact: Ulysses S. Grant, during the Northern Occupation, noticed so many j-boys coming down as carpetbaggers that he banned them from crossing the border into the South.

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