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It has been 100 years since ancient beings, known as the Old Ones, walked the Earth with their two strong feet. Now they are gone and we animals now rule the remains that they left behind. With our new knowledge of sword and sorcery, we were able to survive in peace for a while, but then came the three factions.
The Apes: Strong giants, claiming to be as just as the old ones and believe they should be the ones to rule over the new world.
The Pigs: An intellectual but slothful group who wish to rule the world with an iron hoof and remain kings while the others remained as dumb animals.
Then there the Lizards: A fast and large group that want to set the world a blaze. Trying to forget the harsh past that the old ones left.
All three sides wishing to go war and destroy one another to bring in what they believe to be true peace.
But, unbeknownst to everyone, there was another group. One that was trying their best to find a way to heal everyone. To bring back order.
You found it.... and now you are taking care of it.

A D&D Homebrew Adventure.

Previous Quests:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise%20of%20the%20Awakened
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To join the game and create a character, please follow the instructions on the PDF.
Last Time on the ROTA campaign
>The group end up killing a bunch of squids and unintentionally exploding one.
>Kuma was taken as both a patient and a prisoner.
>They met Sunny Kong who they used to break the Priest.
>They met a fucked up human who claims to be Superman.
>And now they caught a spy raccoon they intend to question.
What will happen this time, who knows but hell might be coming soon.
>Caramel then approaches the group.
>She notices the moving bag.
>She looks at the group.
"Did you guys end up catching another dumb motherfucker?"
>Caramel asks.
>But she then assumes the answer's yes, and continues on with her own finding.
"I just wanted to let you know that Kuma's back awake. He's a bit more stable. Needs more blood in him more than anything. Harold is working on that though. I knew slime's were miracle workers but still. If you guys still wish to question him or convince him be my guest."
Well when we are inside I’m planning on letting Jessica handle the raccoon I could talk to him and explain that all that has happened has been because of the current situation with the factions and that we are trying to stop them from achieving their goals specifically the most corrupt bunch of them
>All of this sounded...
>Logically sound to Jessica.
"I see... so in a nutshell, the Pigs are basically communist, the Apes are a bunch monarchists, while the lizards are anarchists. That's basically it right?"
>Jessica asks.
Ursus took a moment to process what each of those clinical terms said but they all sound pretty descriptive of the coverage, in short yes although not all of the apes are bad actors just some of their government and corrupt members the pigs are also quite fractured although they will band together to kill a common enemy even their own although that’s more a product of the sheer differences in each group, and their own unique philosophies like the two factions of the pigs back home, one was a family of farmers and reliable friends the others where actively harmful for the community
"Alright anything else I should be informed about this world. I don't want to go around acting like the village idiot."
Ursus went to explain the ins and outs of the area and street smarts going on just to be safe, she’s definitely capable of handling herself regardless
"Right. Right.... what you consider to be the most socially awkward but most unsuspicious animal?"
That’s quite a broad question not to mention I’m quite socially awkward to begin with
"Got it a bear."
>She said.
>Using the information you told her earlier, she then twisted her amber ring.
>Turning herself into a bear.
>A very buff and masculine one at that.
"Is this fine for you?"
Whatever works best for your mission I don’t mind
I’m going to wait for the rest of the group show up
I'm sorry guys, my internet was on the fritz. It was a whole thing to fix it. Kinda tired now, so I don't think I'll participate today. Hopefully this doesn't happen again next week.
We'll just wait for Tuesday. Sorry guys got busy all of a sudden.
Should be available on Tuesday but I will be busy.
This Mog trying out his new internet or Kinny making a test post?
It's not me.
I'll be busy for most of the day, but I'll be available in between 6 to 8 hours, which unfortunately is when we usually end our sessions. I'll try and see if I can free up some time earlier, but no promises. With luck, Thursday won't be like this, hopefully.
>Bobby and Maggie then arrive.
>Bobby looking at the Wolf and Bear.
"I see you two took care of your little friend?"
>Bobby asked.
>She then sat down at the breakfast table.
"That's good and all but fid you make sure he had no friends with him or why he was following you?"
Oh I am certain that he was not alone but I suspect they are still trying to find the raccoon what with us bagging the raccoon in the bathroom they didn’t see the raccoon leave, they are iether suspecting the raccoon, died (but there was no blood and while there was a struggle there isn’t really anything to prove the raccoon is dead), left the contract which might also get them focused on getting payback on the raccoon, or he was still in the restaurant mind you we don’t know for sure so I’m thinking about heading out again to get them to veer off this place just to be safe
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Also wtf
I don’t know why im getting a warning from 4chan when I’ve only been on this qst
Usually happens when I am using 5G wireless.

"Well I double checked to see if anyone was around. So far no."
>Bobby responds.
"Still be careful out there. You are a big target."
Ah but that’s the idea the bigger the target the easier the distraction and also it’s a different situation when you know you’re being hunted, it allows a person to be aware of their surroundings and look for signs of ambush, traps and possible enemy positions.
>Ursus outlines on each paw (finger?) pad
Ursus heads out bag emptied of raccoon, inform me of any updates to Lima’s condition and explain to him his current situation with the whole summit and various independent parties seek profitable positions of leverage and what we’ve figured out, exclude… the old stuff (humanity).
Kuma’s condition, the autocorrect replaced his name with Lima
"Will try to."
>Maggie says to the bear as he heads out.
>Ursus now finds himself alone and looking for anymore spies.
>He continues looking around for a bit.
>Making himself look like a target.
Roll me a perception check Ursus.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

Rolling perception
>You find yourself not being stalked by anyone yet.
>Maybe do something worth getting spied on?
>Nah that won't work.
>Still probably best to keep your guard up.
What do you do Ursus?
Ursus had an idea why not go by the various areas currently in control of the various factions such as apes wolves dragons pigs etc and get some info from rumors and purse through some possible leads on strangeness or look for possible crimes ie mugging, theft murder etc just to agitate the wasp nest a little
Which territory are you entering first?

>Pig's Bar
>Ape's Tavern
>Lizard's Hotel
>The Wolf's Palace
Let’s see what’s happening in the pigs territory we haven’t seen much on their front other than what happened with Sonny
>You then enter the rich fancy bar you entered last night.
>Luckily nobody recognizes you as the silent bodyguard of a very rich and classy cat that arrived last night.
>Ursus then sits down.
>He sees a bunch of pigs, just enjoying life while making jokes and making other pigs laugh.
>Of course he was here for business.
Ursus what do you do in this bar?
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Walk towards the bar order a drink and start slutheing for interesting topics of conversation and and shady dealings with a pad of paper and pencil out interesting tid bits
To write out interesting buts of rumors
Give me both a Perception (Wis) and Investigation (Int) check.
Rolled 3, 5 = 8 (2d20)

First is for perception and the second is for investigation mind you I have a plus 2 to investigation
>Ursus tried to listen in some conversations.
>Only to hear the obnoxious laughter of pigs coming from one table.
>His investigations weren't that successful either.
>As the pigs all were almost doing the same thing of drinking whiskey and playing poker.
>Betting some large sums of money just to see who would win.
Ursus ponders then has an idea of he can find rumors then he’ll have the rumors come to him.
>Ursus walks up to the bartender.
Hello bar tender I’m honestly quite in the unknown when it comes to the pigs side if the summit, have heard anything weird rumors about from any of your patrons
>The pig bartender was a huge hog.
>He was ver big and had only an apron on.
>His tusks were as sharp as ever.
>He then looks over to the bear.
>You were expecting a huge gruff voice with a very exaggerated accent.
"Good day sir. You wish to hear of the many gossips these silly swines have about the summit? Oh I have many a tale to tell about what they say. Any of their many muses you have particular interest in?"
Oh nothing specifically more of a brood image, I’ve already come across some seriously strange and weird things myself so I’m up for exchanging rumors my good man
"Ah, a brood image. Well as you probably heard from that dreadfully loud town crier, one of the important members got injured from the Monkey King himself, Sunny, as for the other important, well he was found dead from old age. But between you and me my good fellow, the one thing that more than likely killed him had to be that devilish heart attack that has been killing other big names that used to run this beautiful town. Honestly a dreadful thing to happen to such well known wolves. I do hope the Queen isn't next. As for other things that I know of, some bunny claiming to be a chief wanted to go to the summit as well, but was promptly ignored fue to the fact that well... he was a rabbit. Really though, what problems do they have? Not enough females or something to that effect? Really the rabbits are a really silly group. Especially the ones from those tribes, what kind of rabbits really worship the old ones? That's just silly wouldn't you agree?"

Captcha: R0TA
Oh I have a good amount of freinds that are rabbits and I actually met that rabbit and he was indeed a chief I can assure you of that as for worshipping old ones my people worshipped a giant carving of an old one frozen in ice hence the frozen king, I’m not really surprised but personally I believe the old ones where just people that had an advanced tech base after all one of my peoples innovation in steel production came from old one archived knowledge. I’m not surprised the rabbits worship them but I think it’s got more to do with their own history and believe it or not I have with my own eyes seen that they have recreated some of old one tech so I would not underestimate their knowledge and capabilities
>The pig then looked over to Ursus.
"Fair enough old chap. Are there any other interests you have for this summit?"
Well from what I’ve gathered ever faction involved have all been effectively trying to gain an upper hand for leveraging power and blackmailing each other rather than actually making peace, and they have been extremely sloppy about it leaving behind clues such as those heart attacks, they aren’t heart attacks, no they are planned assassinations hell some have gained awareness of my own interest and attempted to assassinate myself,
Different political parties in different pies and all
"Really now? What makes you think everyone of them are assassination attempts? Have you even seen the body of Father Arsene to see if it was one?"
Oh I have seen it and have seen some of the crazy things around it like for instance killing an abomination in the woods formed from an owl and bear still have the body trapped up in a secure location, Ursus leans, as for the murders I had to keep them from realizing I caught on because of what i found so I recommend you keep this information to yourself for your own safety some of the guards and officials are being bank rolled, so it makes sense they would report the bodies cause of death as heart attack
"Listen, unless they were poisoned or something else like that, there's no way for them they were murdered. Look at the corpses. None of them have stab wombs. Nor were they hit by any of those fancy knives I have been seeing a lot lately. If you truely believe they were murdered or assassinated you have to have proof. At least that is what I believes anyway. Otherwise you will sound just like that one wolf that believes that Mog is innocent."
Allright my good sir I will indeed uncover some more concrete evidence to disprove the situation around the heart attacks but don’t you think it’s weird that the current faith of of elves made such a massive u turn in theology? Almost lije some one was making power moves with the backing of an outside faction to be come leader and be puppet for another political party, it’s happened before and it will happen again? Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open because you don’t know what crazy thing will happen in the coming days, Ursus sets down his payment, and downs his pint, btw you have good taste in ale
"Been told that by everyone dear boy."
>The hog says.
Before you leave Ursus, give me one more Perception check
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Rolling perception
Let’s see if they took the bait
what's happened recently?
Ursus is trying to fish for assassins to get some leads
Not a lot.
>Group found the other human, currently known as "Superman"
>Group has also found another raccoon retard who tried to assassinate them.
>Group captured the retard who is now in questioning/possibly being tortured by Jessica.
>Kuma is still recovering but is up.
>Currently now, Ursus ison his own doing investigations.
Sorry for the long response wait. Currently eating.

>Ursus hears nothing but the pigs talking.
>Until he did hear one thing.
"20,000 Silver that I end up convncing those canine inbreds to join the Pigs' side of the war."
Listen in Ursus?
Ursus listens in
"Listen Joseph, I know you are good with words and all, but what makes you thinks your scrawny rear with a curly tail can convince these stupid wolves to join our army's side? They already found favor with the Apes if anything."
"Sure. Sure. But haven't you heard, Sunny fucked up big time. Made Gawain a bitch, and made the wolves distrust the other Gorilla generals. If you think about it, we have the perfect opportunity to give the wolves a great argument to help us. Just convince them that the apes can turn on them in any moment, and that the forktongues... well they're fucking forktongues. Lizards aren't even mammals like you or me. They're just cold blooded bastards who aren't worth anything. If anything, I'm surprised they keep the fucking war criminals here."
"I mean you do have a point Joseph but I don't know. Now if this was Napol-"
"Fuck Napoleon! He's nothing but a head on a stick! No need for him to say anything! Now then gentlemen, who wishes to compete against my bet?"
Hmm interesting Ursus quickly wrights down the pig’s name and his point possibly as a point of contact and the situation with the wolves then after he’s done he leaves his Bar tab was already paid to the next bar
Where would you like to head to now?
I would like to check up on the wolves section see how they are faring after the situation with Sonny
>Group captured the retard who is now in questioning/possibly being tortured by Jessica
Would you like to join in with her?
>You go over to Chompers.
>There you see the wolf cub still working.
"Hello there. Would you like some good food from here again sir."
Nah just a pint, is there any one else there
"No sir. These are the dead hours. But the boss says that they will arrive around 4:00 PM."
>The wolf cub says as he gives you the cup of ale.
"Will that be all sir?"
Well actually I’m in the market for tumors and heresay to paint a picture of the current public image of the chaos going in with the summit, got any rumors you’ve picked up?
Rumors not tumors
"Rumors? Well... I do know a few, but mother told me to never talk about such things."
Ah she is smart do you know anyone who is not so wise that would be willing to share rumors?
Sorry for the long wait. Was doing the lawn.

"No. Sorry. But why do you want to talk about rumors?"
I don't think I will join tonight, sorry
I’m trying to prevent a lot of death and destruction that could happen if the summit drives into chaos
Fair Enough. I do hope you have a Blessed Night and stay safe though.

"And hearing rumors can stop that?"
Hearing rumors gives me leads in my investigations, points of interest to possibly get a greater picture of the chaos going on as we speak
Give me a Persuasion check.
DC: 8
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolling with a minus 2
You know what I'll give you advantage since you are talking to a kid.
Listen you don’t have to answer me if you feel that would be a bad idea I can probably go out and find other informants
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolling again-2
I guess much like with what happened to Mog, Fate has decided you roll a 6.
"Well sorry. I don't think the rumors I have heard are gonna be useful to you. Plus I don't think it would be a good idea to spread them around."
I understand Ursus pays for his drink, I hope you have a good day, Ursus then makes his way towards the draconians
>Ursus heads over the current house of the Lizards.
>Well one lizard since he came all by himself.
>Still this one lizard is known to burn whole villages down by himself.
>It's best not get him angry enough to increase his reputation to be known to burn down kingdoms.
>You of course make it to the hotel.
>Which is currently guarded by 1 strong huge wolf.
>Even taller than Ursus.
>He looks down at the bear.
>He asks.
Hmm I merely wish to see for myself if you will it the effects of what had happened to the wolf priest and maybe confirm it demolish some rumors I have come across
Give me a Persuasion check
DC: 14
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I'm just playing otxo and noita on and off while not doing blender. At this rate I will start animating 3d porn for fat dolans.
Rolling persuasion
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolling with a minus 2
>3D porn animations
Well I was told once if you want to get better at art do porn. Then again only art medium I am good at is Pen and Paper and even I question if I am good at it. Still I believe you can do it Kinny.

"You wish to enter this hotel... to visit the priest?"
>The wolf asks the bear.
>Confused by his motive.
"Why visit hotel to find priest when he is in the hospital?"
No I am here to see the damages after that I can request to see the priest get full idea of the last nights events rather than the media published version
"Preist lived in palace. Not in hotel. You wish to see the damages. Go to the palace."
Hmm ah I must have been misinformed thank you for giving me better directions Ursus u turns towards the priests palace
>You then over to the palace.
>Also heavily guarded.
>The wolves get in a defensive position as they see the bear approach.
Greetings and salutations defenders of your priesthood I am Ursus seeker of knowledge
"What knowledge do you seek from the priest's quarter's of the royal castle?"
>One of the guard asks.
I didn’t say o was going to be exploring the priest quarters more the path of destruction left behind by the ape
"Where do you think most of the damage is?"
Ursus makes an ah face, I see well may I examine the destruction under supervision? Or is that not allowed?
"Under supervision? Hmm..."
Roll Persuasion.
DC: 13
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolling with -2
Dang if only I had advantage or could roll well
"We consider it, but unfortunately no. We were given specific orders for no one to enter the priest's quarters after that monkey did what he did. Sorry but we can't let you through."
I understand have a good night and Ursus left going towards the more darker parts of the city looking for any suspicious behavior or illicit activities ie mugging or something in order to find more leads
>Well I was told once if you want to get better at art do porn.
Yeah absolutely, that shit will motivate you and you will pay attention. On the other hand -I am a perfectionist and found the single most fucked up, abhorrently made game on the market. One thing led to another and now I can't play that shit without fixing something constantly. I mean I actually just don't play it, just fix shit because it can keep my attention for hours on end.
>Still I believe you can do it Kinny.
I wasn't being serious, have you seen the amount of absolutely busted 3D animators on r34? Some of those schizos are better than "professional" animators.
Roll perception.
>On the other hand -I am a perfectionist and found the single most fucked up, abhorrently made game on the market.
Are we talking about the Steam market or EPIC Market?
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolling perception
I guess I’m iether stumbling into something or getting attempted kidnapped
Rolled 2 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

That depends.
Make a dex saving throw.
Rolled 2 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Ok that’s it I’m reloading the page
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolling to make sure the page isn’t screwy
Can Kincat check on Jessica now? I might not write much, but I'm curious to at least see whatt she's doing.
Mobile networks have an IP range that is shared between users. You get new IP pretty much every time you reconnect to mobile data.
I get these expired bans regularly since my IP changes all the time. A couple were permabans for child porn, too. Imagine being that fucking stupid.

I meant it as an idiom.
my deepest condomlences
Going to take the first role.

>As Ursus is strolling around town, he notices it is quiet in the alleyways.
>Suddenly he feels some hulking arms surrounding him.
>They look like bear arms.
>But the down on them says differently.
>You know this is an owlbear.
>It soon starts dragging you further down the alley.
>A darker corner if you will.
>Suddenly you see this green glow.
>The owlbear drops you.
>You then see who is in front of you.
>She gives out an amused smile as she approaches you.
"So... You're the one who fucked over a good chunk of my owlbears aren't you?"
>The otter asks you.
Hmm not entirely no
can I strength check lift the owl bear by the arms
You may.

>Kinny wakes up feeling very energized.
>As soon as he eats his very hearty breakfast of bread, the cat then went on to go check on one of the humans.
>Maggie of course was cooking a proper lunch.
>Jessica was interrogating the raccoon.
>Her method of interrogation being....
>Playing loud music via headphones in his poor sensitive ears.
"Please! Stop! My ears can't bear to hear more of this music! It's mid at best!"
>Jessica then played the music louder that even Kinny could barely hear it."
"Wooooaah! We're half way there! Woooooaaah! Livin' on a prayer!"
>She then turned it down.
"Now tell us why you wanted to kill the wolf."
>Jessica demands.
>Jessica then looks to Kinny.
"Well I can't get nothing from him. You want to try?"
Kinny what do you do?
>Scratch that I just re read being dropped.
>ursus gets his sheild and axe out
hmm if you wanted to talk you should have just asked you clearly are capable of hiding in the crowd
Ursus quickly looks around for exit routes such as doors balkanies etc
>The otter then stares at the weapon the bear is holding.
"Heat Metal"
>Causing the weapon to burn in the bear's hand.
Roll 1d4 Burn Damage
"Come now. I don't want to harm you. I just want to make a quick deal with you. Especially since I know you currently have three humans now."
Rolled 2 (1d4)

Ursus kept holding the axe it is the ice axe btw so I imagine steam is evaporating off it
I don’t think I will be selling them out
>The otter then goes up to you.
>Putting her paw on your shoulder.
"Jumping to conclusions yet again you silly little cub. Listen, I don't want to buy, or kill off your humans. I just want them to simply... go away. Just get out of this kingdom and just go somewhere else, I don't know, far away from here. You feel me? Far away from this kingdom and not seen by anyone. Not even me."
Hmm that’s up to them but I don’t really tell them what to do.
Besides think what you want will pan out, I saw what happened with the apes in that cave, I fought those squid parasites because they believe some god their creator is attempting to kickstart some cataclysmic event again anyway secondly they are not in a position to be able to do that, also why do you want this? Is this some prejudice like the dragons? Or are you trying to restart everything back to a primeval nature I’m not fully clear on your motives other than the fact you are or where human once
Besides I don’t think what you want will pan out EDIT
I have so many questions about your involvement with all this but also why the owlbears are they like those ape trees a chimera of innocent creatures warped because of some goal of yours or are you just attempting to worm your way in political favor to control the local factions and government
Sorry got busy going down the Bon Jovi age rabbithole.
"Where did we get this muppet from, again?" Kinny looks slightly confuzzled and gives Jessica an apologetic look through his mask as he speaks in a different intonation than usual, before slowly approaching the raccoon and looking him in the eyes. I think she's a bear now, right? Either way, the mask is to protect identity.
what do I need to see if he's afraid? I don't think I have my sheet at hand now
"No. Just following a prophecy that the priest Gawain had given a long time ago. At least bit by bit."
>She explains to you.
>Leading her paw to your chest.
Roll a perception.
"Besides, there's really only room for one false god in the prophecy, which I already have. So it would be best if you just go pretend your humans are gods somewhere else. Wouldn't you agree?"
"Bear and wolf found him. Retard thought he could kill the wolf easily."
>Jessica explains.
"Now we are trying to figure out who sent him."
Roll an insight to see what he fears.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolling perception
But they aren’t and you aren’t iether
Also Ursus will back up if she attempts to touch him
They and you are not gods nor false gods just people
>As you backed up you noticed what she was going to put on you.
>It looked like some sort apple or orange seed.
>She then let out a sigh.
"That was only going to be used if you started swinging. I saw you ready to swing your axe around. But honestly you'd do the same if you were in the same position."
Can't find my sheet in the archives, argh.
"Kill the... heh, the... he tried to kill the WOLF?" Kinny cackled as he pulled out one of the electric blades and tapped the raccoon to see the effect. After a moment of testing, the cat was almost continuously electrocuting the raccoon to rhythm of the music bleeding through the oversized headsphones on his head.
Lady you made tree ape hybrids second killing the owl bears has been completely out of self defence and third I don’t know you, you dragged me into an ally with no warning no safety guards why not invite people to talk at a restaurant or maybe even say use mail or the merad other ways of communication safer than this by the frozen king I felt I was going to need to go out swinging because I’m literally surrounded pardon me if I’m not trusting right now, also why the hell do you hate humanity?!
>Ursus is visibly ticked the hell off because this lady had given him and his freinds such grief
>The music and electrocution was too much!
>He couldn't handle it anymore!
>The Otter then looks over at you.
"Fair enough. .doof repporp tseug ruo deef, raeblwO"
>Suddenly the owlbears demeanor changed.
>No longer were they acting like hungry beasts.
>They were acting more like waiters at a restaurant.
>They created a makeshift fire and started roasting up some nice tuna.
>They also gave you a nice chair and table that they pulled out from their backpacks.
>They place a cloth on it.
>They soon soon set it up with nice silverware and a plate.
"Is this more to your liking?"
>The otter asks.
>You were both then given glasses of wine.
"Usually I do this sort of thing when I want to casually mate with someone. But I think I'll make an exception. Now tell me, what are you doing with these humans if you are not going to present them as gods?"
"Huh, that was quick." Kinny packed the blade of truth back into his backpack. "What do we do with him?" Kinny turned back to Jessica.
"You seem to like this music."
>Jessica asked as she twisted her ring to turn back into a cat.
"You want to listen to it a bit longer and dance to it?"
Accept the offer to torment the raccoon a bit longer?
I want to bring them back out of the dark, out of the brink of extinction because to let them fall would be in itself a personal sin, not to mention I consider the humans I’ve met so far especially maggie a friend not some being to study out of some religious or academic reason but because she is a good person who has had a bad hand dealt her way also ground rules I’m not interested in mating period I saw what was going back at the forest area, back to the topic at hand humanity as a whole could offer everyone knowledge wisdom technology medicine philosophy and its own people and perspectives that I personally will not let go extinct, and even if their past is filled with blood shed and horrific atrocities it’s also filled with the greatest acts of kindness and mercy like my people like all of the animals and beings out there they are all equally capable of greatness these self made titans are people pure and simple and I’m not going to just sit by when I know they are in need
>ursus is hesitant to eat the food provided worried it’s spiked.
I have to go unfortunately.
Understandable have a good night
I must leave as well. I do hope that all of you have a Blessed Night. See you guys possibly on Thursday.
Have a good night
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"Trust me. It isn't poisonous."
>The otter said as she bit into her fish.
"Otherwise I would said, ".ti nosioP", which is not something I do with people I want to make a deal with."
>She then went on to finish her fish.
>She looked at the bear.
"So... you wish to bring back the old ones not as gods but as actual citizens of this world? Interesting. But I still must know why bring them here? On such an important week mind you?"
I'll be around in a little bit. Not feeling the best and it'll be another day of renovations, so may not be the most available, but I'm floating around in the background.
That’s something that is sensitive information ie stuff you also don’t know iether, speaking of the week are you the one created those purple squid beings that latched themselves to kuma?
Also there is something that is very important that needs to not be disclosed because if I did others will most certainly die
Btw Ursus actually starts to eat the food present carefully stripping the fish from the bone with personal utensils
"I did not create the octopi. Those were created by the Incarnation of Hate. The one who will rise up and have both the twin goddesses fight. At least according to Gawain. In my opinion, the Incarnation of Hate is probably the god we are all waiting for. I don't worship him mind you, but I know he truly does exist compared to the twin goddesses and your Frozen King. I have seen him, but I can't describe what I saw. It's too hard to."
>As the otter said, there was no poison or aything wrong with the fish.
>Just regular raw fish.
Ah so a common enemy and competition, I have a theory about this hate figure, I believe that he came with the nihm stuff the rocks that helped make you and me, If the information provided to me and the info I’ve gathered is accurate that he might have kicked off the war between the draconians and humans although I wouldn’t put it past iether party being at fault, I mean it’s a failing on both sides if they were not willing to compromise and seek justice through alternative means rather than war but that’s many years ago and we are only finding the past evidence buried in the ruins. Any way as for why we came we noticed the massive amount of corruption rampant in the wolves as each wolf is assassinated through alternative means to ensure the wolves became a mouth piece for some other faction probably those apes, overtime we uncovered the sheer amount of backstabbing skullduggery and blackmailing going around as each faction attempted to cannibalize each other and I realized that eventually chaos will happen once the summit starts so I am trying to prevent as much death of civilians as possible and can you guess which faction just made itself at the top of that list?
"My ursa friend, you can't prevent death. It was already pedicted by the priest. There will be a death talley over at the summit."
>She then gets a piece of paper.
>She then starts writing or rather drawing on it.
"Ten Wolves, five pigs, three Gorillas, one rabbit, a false god, a lizard, and finally myself. As predicted by Gawain."
>She then handed Ursus the parchment.
"A little gift from me to you. That way you may keep note of what happens. Plus consider it a goodbye gift for when the time comes. The Incarnation of Hate will rise. And when it does, it will fall immediately."
Ursus pauses paw to his muzzle
That’s a pretty fatalistic point of view if the vision that was predicted is a version of the future than taking free will into account this prediction is merely one of the of the meriad of outcomes for instance rolling dice there are a great number of out comes with differing odds about how the dice land, the moment the prediction is made its odds of success will grow less accurate as time progresses no matter the magic involved unless the magic is actively seeking this outcome, say you telling me all this a person actively striving to prevent needless bloodshed would not corrupt that prediction just by being there, this goes against the concept of free will and the future is not set in stone but is instead a mural in the sand ever shifting as wind tugs it too and fro the future and reality is what you make of it don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise Ursus gets up out of the table paper in hand, I’m sorry for my uncouth behavior towards your person but you understand why? (Sorry for the length)
"Then.... let's just hope that it's not one of your old ones that Gawain saw as the false god then."
>With that she got up herself.
>She then ordered her owlbears to clean up the mess and pick up the table and chairs.
>She then started to leave.
"Don't worry though. You'll be spared from death."
Ursus sighs out adrenaline still pumping through his veins, Ursus takes a long complicated route back to the seed store to then rest against one of its walls and proceeds to crash out
I think I'll wait for others to arrive.
Well I guess due to irl life stuff today’s session is pretty much over, have a good day everyone and a good night for other time zones
Sorry I wasn't here Ursus.
Yeah, due to a combination of being busy renovating/being tired afterwards and just not feeling like writing I was not up to participating like my earlier post may have made it seem like I was. I was done about 4 hours ago, but just wanted to rest. So, my bad, I should've been more clear. Though I didn't think it'd be another all day affair either, so I thought I'd have more time.

Have a good night you guys.
Shut happens at least this is a forum post so it’s bound to be slow
Don't know why but my foot is hurting a lot and I don't know why.

Ursus I am assuming you are resting correct?

Mog and Kinnyvis there anything you would like your character to do?
Ursus immediately begins to relay everything that happened to him to Jessica and Maggie if iether of them was there and then from the massive adrenaline crash lay down and pass out
He was effectively talking to a sentient bomb his hand btw held on to the axe through the heat metal because it was probably the only thing that would have provided some defense against the “Druid” so his hand hurts a lot from thermal burns
>Maggie's rabbit ears perked up.
>She immediately went to Ursus
"Wait? Are you okay? Did she try anything on you?!"
>Maggie asks making sure he is okay.
She almost did but it was apparently because I brought the axe out, she was about to use some sort of seed on me but I backed up before she had the chance too, she also used some sort of spell to heat the metal of my axe so my paw has thermal burns I’m cooling it off with the frozen side of the axe. She wanted to make a deal and she knows about you Jessica and Superman but only you three, she wants you to leave, and she asked me why I’m helping you and I said why, she is definitely twisted in her mind and I saw how she controls owlbears it is unnerving to see now if you would excuse me I am going to go lay down as I nurse my burn
As for information, she is trying to become a god same with the being who created those squid things, apparently there is a sacrifice predicted during the summit
"Want me to get Adler to help you?"
>Maggie asks.
That would be appropriated yes
Thank you Maggie today was the second weirdest and terrifying moments in my life
"I can do that."
>Maggie then runs off to get Adler as Ursus plops down and rests.
The word appropriatedwas a typo I meant to say appreciated
>Maggie then rushes back with Adler.
>Adler already preparing a healing spell for Ursus.
"Sorry I'm late."
>Adler said to the bear.
"So you really met Sage? Did she ask anything about me? Am I in trouble with her?"
>The young deer asked as he then started to heal the bear's burnt paws.
>Fully healing Ursus up.
"I think that should do it."
Thank you Adler, as for if she said anything I don’t think she knows you are here although that’s not a confirmation, which is probably for the best Adler, the less she focuses on you the better as for if you are in trouble I don’t think she’s focused on you, she apparently has a rival to here goals and is focused on that which means we are not in her sight lines yet, no promises mind you
"I think we should get the others involved in hearing this."
>Maggie says as she starts getting everyone in the same room.
Yeah we should definitely get everyone in on this
I'm here, just give me a while to catch up and write a post. I haven't taken the time to fully read everything up til now beforehand. Sorry for the wait and my previous absences.
Mog came out of his room. Seeing the commotion, he instantly knew that it had been a bad time to take a midday nap.

"What happened?" he asked quietly.

Sorry for the delay, was having breakfast while catching up with the thread. Wasn't making a gigapost or anything.

I don't know about one with your current stats, but your original sheet is at the very bottom of thread 1. Our skill bonuses should be mostly the same, so it is still good for use.

Sorry to hear that.
>Adler was the one to respond to the wolf.
"I'm not 100% sure... but Ursus met the druid. Best to ask him about everything. Currently I am healing his paws."
Hearing this, he turned to Ursus for an explanation. This was potentially huge news.
I have gained some knowledge rumors and a direct conversation from the sage a very strange but enlightening threat/ deal
She knows about Maggie Jessica and Superman but that’s it she doesn’t know why they and we are here and I gave her my own reason and only my reason
Should I assume you infodump me as well? I know you told the others, but I just got up IC.
Of course I didn’t accept anything mind you I’m not selling people let alone my friends out but she doesn’t want them Infact apparently she wants them far away from here probably because she thinks you are a threat to her Ursus air quotes “godhood” I also found out that those squid things where not made for here which is more of a confirmation of what I already knew, some being going by the name hate or some edgy stuff anyway they apparently believe through the sacrifice of these animals and their opponent they will rise to godhood which means they will be at each others throats while the summit begins in earnest Ursus provides the paper, Adler thankfully healed my thermal burns from sage attempting to de arm me with a heat metal spell she called it
She has some insane control over her owl bears when I complained about her not using a normal method to talk like a diner or pub she took it the wrong way and immediately called upon her owl bears to prepare food she then started talking about only preparing this for prospective mates which was extra uncomfortable to process while balancing in a razors edge trying not to provoke her while prodding for information, motives, reasons, etc
Is that a yes? I mean for the other stuff, like the rumours, prophecy and everything else, since it'd be a lot to type out. I assume that it's all written down on Ursus's notepad that he just gave me.

"Then perhaps we should consider taking her advice and moving the humans to Xana via the tunnels. The problem is the travel distance would prohibit us escorting and guiding them and making it back in time for the summit. We have too much to do. Then again, maybe not, Jessica, Maggie, and 'Superman' could be useful, and we can't move the rest of the frozen humans without mass waking them and causing chaos. Not to mention I'm not sure if we can even control the awakening. I just don't want to risk them dying, especially to some stupid sacrifice, I swore to protect Maggie. Swift would probably break his diet and eat me alive if she was hurt."
"I'm sorry that happened Ursus. Really, we shouldn't have expected better from her."
That will be a yes
That’s really up to the humans to decide mog not to mention they know their tech more than we do as for other bits of information the pigs are going to try and bribe the wolves into joining them
"I mean... we could try getting the humans up by directing all the energy to the subway. That could possibly wake them all up and give us a quick transport to the next station. But as Mog pointed out we could possibly just cause chaos if we do that. It's very unpredictable of what everyone can do here. We don't want to cause a scene. We nearly already caused one because of me with Lincoln remember."
>Maggie continues to try and think this through.
"Then again Jessica looks like she could get everyone in there calm and collected... by the way where is she?"
>You suddenly hear some bards (Bon Jovi) playing.
I assume she’s introducing the raccoon to some human techniques on information gathering
Ursus begins to bob his head to the beat
"Frankly, if Gawain's prophecy is true, then it shouldn't be. Up to them I mean. Reducing the chances of the edgy god prophecy shit from coming to pass is the most ethical thing to do, even if it infringes on their freedom of movement. But, you're right that it is ultimately up to them, I can't exactly drag Jessica anywhere, and they probably know whether the rest of the popsicles can be thawed or not." Mog argued briefly, before demurring.

The wolf nodded along. "Good idea, noisy though, could attract attention. If Jessica could get all the humans on the same page, it could work out though. The bigger issue is organizing the humans and preventing an unexpected reveal to the public, one or two cops or workwolves checking out the subway and getting an eyeful isn't a huge deal, runaway humans is."

"Guess that's our cue to see what she is up to? Did you happen to get an inkling for how much the pigs are bribing for? A figure could give us a clue to the scale of the corruption. We know what they're after, and hence vaguely how many people they'd need to bribe, but I want to know if we can outmatch them with our vault coin. If popular action on the streets or the exposing of the corrupt officials turns out to not be enough, bribery may be our penultimate resort before violence."
Rolled 10 + 6 (1d20 + 6)

Mog bobbed along, showing of his impressive - he thought at least - moonwalking skills as he slid over to the room where the music was coming from.

>Performance check for moonwalking skill
>As you enter the area you can see Kinny and Jessica rocking out to the invisible band as thr retarded raccoon squirmed.
"It's a mid band with mid music! The gods known as Meatloaf is better!"
>The raccoon tried to convince deaf ears.
>Speaking of ears, Maggie was now covering her's as she gotten closer.
"It's a bit louder than I remember!"
>Mog proceeds to moonwalk to the beat of the great music of the Old Ones.
>Ursus cocks an eye brow at the odd walk and this meatloaf character.
So how goes everything on your end Jessica? Also who is playing that music on your music device? Some recordings of ancient old one bards? It’s not a bad lyric also who’s this meatloaf character you seem to claim to be the better bard? Have met the being or more old one records hmm? Is the sage the one providing you information you don’t seem to be controlled by the squid that has attacked kuma? Ursus enquirers
Never one to agree with the idea that elders couldn't dance for shit, Mog jammed out.

In between head beats, he saw the squirming assassin and almost felt bad for him, before remembering that the wretch had tried to kill him. They really ought to talk to Sean about his arms dealing, the husky should know to be more discerning on who he sold his merchandise to.

Stilling his beating paws, he turned serious. It may just be loud music, but torture was torture. It was time to see what their ill deeds had gotten them in return.

"So?! Did our wicked garbage eater spill the beans?!" Mog shouted over the music.
"We unfortunately don't have time to talk about music Ursus."
>Jessica said as she turned off the music.
>She then towards the main trio of Kinny, Mog, and Ursus.
"So apparently the fucker was sent by some wolf named Gawain. Any of that ring a bell to you guys?"
Ursus vainly remembers that being the name of one of the wolves leading the corruption of the wolves maybe it has been a while since and he has been dealing with what’s been going on around the summit
Rolled 14, 1 = 15 (2d20)

"Do I remember him? How could I forget him! It's only been half a day since I met the fucker." Mog wheezed out in laughter.

He glanced around at the gathered party, listening as Ursus spoke.

"He was the priest, the squid in wolf's body that ordered my arrest and is apparently controlling the queen." the wolf reminded.

Pacing back and forth now, the wolf mused aloud "I wonder whether it was a standing order, or if Gawain ordered the hit in desperation once he was paralyzed by Sunny. Y'know, to prevent us from walking into his hospital room and tellin' him how it's gonna be from now on...or else. That, and the obvious retaliation aspect. Probably the latter, if it was a standing order I feel like he'd just rely on my arrest or have tried to killed me himself when he met me last night. Though he was surrounded by enemies at the time to be fair."

Looking the raccoon in the eye now, Mog asked "You're sure it was Gawain that hired you? You aren't trying to throw us off your employer's scent are you? It wasn't Sage or anyone else that paid you? There's no point going to bat for your master, they literally set you up to die with that lightning dagger, and we can always go harder on you if you're lying. Sure there's nothing else you wanna share with the gang?"

>Insight check on if the raccoon is lying or not about Gawain being his employer. +3
>Intimidation check to get more out of him. +8
Rolled 2, 5 = 7 (2d20)

>2nd dice for both in the same order in case anyone assists me for advantage.

Gotta go afk to make lunch.
"I'll put it on 100% vollume up if you are lying to us."
>Jessica said to the raccoon
"No! No! Not lying at all! I am obviously telling the truth!"
>The intimidation does work thanks to the assistance of Jessica.
>Then there was the question if he was telling the truth.
>To the average listener you could say yes, he was.
>But you can tell there was more to it than just Gawain.
Press him further?
That’s a half truth not the whole truth Ursus gently put his paw over the volume nob to add credence to his threat, he has fired guns with only a slight pain to his ears unlike the rest of his companions
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"You wouldn't dare."
>The raccoon said.
>Maggie then noticed another CD.
>She then used her paws to switch out the cds to the old boom box.
"Maybe he might enjoy this one... less."
>Maggie said as she then showed Ursus the album art.
Ursus, want to flip the switch or make a threat (Intimidation check)?
Rolled 6 - 2 (1d20 - 2)

>Ursus made a toothy bear sneer mouth open.
oh I would love too Ursus makes the motion to crank the nob up. Should the raccoon not spill his guts he will listen at full volume
Make another roll due to advantage.
Rolled 9 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolling advantage
Well I guess he’ll be listening to the music at max along side Ursus not as worse for ware
"You don't have the balls!"
>You then turn on the music.
>The raccoon screams in agony.
"The hell is with your bad taste in music anyways?"
>Maggie asks.
>The raccoon refuses to answer.
>Well more like he can't.
>Because he is in immense pain.
Rolled 14 + 8 (1d20 + 8)


"Listen small fry, we know there's more to this than just Gawain, you better start talking. We have more than just music at our disposal. This can get a whole lot worse...or a whole lot better for you. I get it, you're captive, being tortured, any promise we make has no weight with the threat of indefinite detainment. That's why I'm offering to give you more power in this relationship, a show of good faith. Tell us what we want to know, and I'll give you a weapon. A step on the ladder of our relationship, with the midway point as freedom. Further along could see us paying you to act against the factions rather than you being used as a suicide rat like Gawain used you. Armed so, your agency will be in your hands, it's your choice, but don't waste our time." Mog spoke up suddenly, taking a different tact after seeing the way things were going.

>Persuasion check.
Huh, what are the chances? I even refreshed less than a minute before this was posted. Well, lets just say I say all that after we eventually turn the volume down. Or I briefly lifted the headphones to make my argument. Whichever. In case the torture doesn't work out. 'Torture never works' and all the jazz, gotta be persuasive and build rapport.
Ursus is bobbing to the lyric smiling along and getting in touch with the soul of the band that belted out the song all those years ago
>As Mog lifted the headphones, something unexpected happened.
>A tentacle soon went out from the raccoons ear.
>Desperately crawling.... slithering... whatever cephlopods do, out of the skull of the raccoon.
>It then jumps onto the nearest table.....
"Stop..... playing.... that.... damn.... music..... Fuck!"
Rolled 2 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Ursus grabbed the offending cephalopod, full force
Rolling strength while not killing the skuzz ball
Rolled 3 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolling with advantage (I assume because it’s impaired still)
Hmm it’s definitely slippery
Rolled 8 + 6 (1d20 + 6)

"WHAT THE FUCK!? You slimy shit! Get back here!" Mog practically screamed, taken by surprise at the sudden turn of events.

Lurching forward, he slammed his paw forward to flatten the cephalopod against the table.

>Athletics check to grapple the creature.
>Took you two a while, but you finally grabbed the piece of shit.
"No! Wait! I'll talk... not too much because I don't want to explode but I will talk! I actually want to live compared to the other guys!"
Ursus stops and then looks at the creature, well alright that sounds somewhat Reasonable requests in the current situation and we now know one of their weaknesses sound
Well alright but is that raccoon gonna be allright? Also how do we prevent you from exploding don’t answer if these questions are the kill switch
Rolled 14 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

"Talk, say whatever is safe for you to say, then tell us what you have to talk your way around and can't directly say. Find a way to word it so that we get it, we'll wait." Mog agreed, handing him over to Ursus to hold while he went to triage and heal the raccoon.

>Assess the raccoon, is he okay? Medicine check.
>You can immediately tell just by how pale the raccoon looks now and fucked his skull is...
>This asshole's dead.
"To be fair... he was dead by the time I entered him. Found him in a crater around here."
>The mindflayer explains to the group.
That’s a terrible habit your species is going to need to stop if you plan on any form of coexistence in the future
"Fuck, he's dead." Mog concluded with a sigh.

He closed the raccoon eyes for a final time in respect. Perhaps they could bury him on the temple grounds. There were lots of cemeteries in the city if not. Either way, moving the corpse could be trouble. He'd have to hope Ursus wasn't followed by Sage, Pass without Trace could be trouble.

Something the squid said piqued Mog's interest though.

"Wait...a crater? Was there a waterfall there? You can manipulate the dead? How does that work? DON'T...don't answer if it'll kill you!"
>The squid remains silent.
>Seems you have to pick your comments and questions carefully.
What will you ask this squid?
I mean if they are dead then I can’t really blame you but if they where alive like kuma trapped in their own body, then we would have a problem, ok so who else other than what can you disclose
I mean what else can you disclose sorry for the typo
"I'm afraid I can't agree. We owe the dead certain rights, except in times of starvation or when the person's wishes cannot be notated, such as in battle. They were our enemies, so a little harshness on our part was acceptable, but a proper burial is still owed to them, lest a heavy spirit find purchase in their bones. Debts don't end at the transition to the afterlife." Mog replied mildly.

"So, to confirm. You're with Gawain, yes? Not part of the group of your kind that are after him?"

They had to start somewhere, so they may as well start basic.

I have to go in half an hour. I'm meeting a friend.
It is about that time that we all must leave. We can continue this on Thursday. I hope you all have a Blessed Night.
Alright, see you Thursday. Have a good night champs! You too Kinny, if you're around.
Have a good one
More renovations tomorrow. I'll be available, but probably only for a short time in the morning.
I've just been called to do something important this morning. Sorry Friends but I can't do this today.
Unfortunate. In all likelihood I won't be available later in the day if you're finished by then, since I'll probably still be working myself.

I guess I'll see you guys next Tuesday if all goes well. Have a good weekend until then friends.
I'll be available on Tuesday.
>OK so what else other than what can you disclose?
I have infinite knowledge of many things really. Helps when you are created by the Incarnation of Hate.
>So, to confirm. You're with Gawain, yes? Not part of the group of your kind that are after him?
We are all part of the same group yes. And he knows our time will begin once the summit reaches the midpoint. The bear right next to you already knows this. I see the parchment he is holding.
Wait is that why you have a shard of nihm typically inside your body don’t answer if it will kill
"Of course it is! What else do you expect us to be made out of?"
Oh so you’re made of it? Hmm so did your lord of hate orchestrate the war between draconians and humans through the use of nihm?
Incarnation! Not lord! His very existence is based on hate!
>He seems more fixated on correcting the name than answering the question.
Obviously don’t answer, if it will kill you I already have half the answer when I confronted him with my theory his expression was of shock
When I confronted the previous squid
From what I heard from the others the master went ahead and silenced him for speaking so much.
That has to weigh on your mind at any moment someone could just choose that you have said enough hmm I wonder if there was some way to sever that connection
Not unless you want us all dead.
Damn how do we ensure your continued existence
We don't. We live only to serve the Incarnation of Hate. Until he finds no use for us.
(( i think we should wait for the rest of the group to show up hopefully))
I'm here. Just catching up.
Mog tilted his head quizzically at the squid's answer. He wasn't sure if it was phrased that way so as to avoid death, or if he was being sly. Did he mean Gawain and the cephalopods supposedly after him were actually all friends, or was he just referring to their mutual origins? Was it all a deception, was there no political split between the mindflayers? A ploy by the squid at the bar to avoid confrontation, with Gawain leaving merely to avoid Mog himself and not his 'pursuers'? Where did the truth lie?

Perhaps the good he sensed in Gawain was the innate good of the creature inhabited by the mindflayer, with their auras melding so as to throw off his senses, make it seem like he was a regular person with both good and evil within. That would explain why he sensed pure evil, yet modest good. In a regular person, the auras would meld more seamlessly. These cephalopods actually claimed they were directly created by this 'Incarnation of Hate', they must be pure evil!

Putting this theory to the test, Mog let the veil of worldly shadows fall away from his sight, seeing the world as it was in black and white.

>Mog uses Divine Sense on the squid. I'm trying to confirm if the squids are innately evil or not. This would reconcile this squids statement that Gawain and his group are of the same party, and explain why I sensed both good and evil in Gawain.
Sorry was eating lunch.
>You use divine sense.
>You see nothing inherently evil about it.
>Nor do you see anything good either.
>But there is this strange red aura around them.
>It feels like pure malice.
Mog was taken entirely aback, it seemed his theory was wrong, or at least off. This was consistent with what the squids said about their nature, but it didn't seem to match up with what he sensed from Gawain or even Kuma. At least he thought. He concluded that he was right after all, after a moment's contemplation.

What the squid inhabiting Kuma had said had been a ruse, there was no political split amongst monsters. The wolf was disappointed, there was nothing to redeem, and he had been deceived. Gawain was not some misguided prophet doing what he thought was right, he was evil, just like the rest of his kind. This matched up with what Sage had told Ursus. He knew this because he had sensed the same feeling of both good and evil in Gawain AND Kuma. It was clear this was the effect a living, thinking being had on masking the creatures of malice within, an artifact of magical processes that resulted in a idealistic haze being cast over Mog's judgment. Unburdened by their victim's shell, it their nature was clear, pure malice may as well be pure evil.

The contradictions reconciled, Mog leaned over to whisper in Ursus's ear about his conclusions.

Basically, there is no contradiction here. Pure malice may as well be pure evil, at least in Mog's eyes. The feeling of good and evil given off by Gawain and Kuma is just how a good creature inhabited by a squid appears to Mog's Divine Sense. The only evidence to support Gawain's claims regarding a prophecy, or the squid inhabiting Kuma's claims of being after Gawain was the odd reading Mog got off of Gawain, and the squid's own lying tongue respectively. Ergo, stopping the prophecy's negative implications can be stopped by simply killing Gawain. There is no need for negotiation or coercion of Gawain anymore, we can simply kill him now that we know he is evil and has a doomsday plot. I'm glad Ursus talked to Sage, and that we sicced Sunny after Gawain now.
Or rather, it isn't the only evidence of prophecy, but the only evidence that Gawain was some sort of individual of grey moral inclinations, who had split off from the other squids. Hell, even if he had split off for some reason, we have no reason to believe he has any capacity for good, given what Sage said and the fact that Divine Sense cannot discern goodness from a squid masked in a meat puppet, they all display as 'both good and evil'.
"May I ask why you stare at me?"
>The squid says to the wolf.
"If you just going to stare you might as well put me in a tank. With some salted water flowing within it."
"Will the leftover water from some pickled vegetables work?" Mog asked, deflecting while he hurriedly continued whispering in Ursus's ear.
I suspect some theories are going off in his head, you know I’m curious why the aspect hate, I mean sure people hate each other and the concept of tribe versus the other has existed since there has been thinking beings but it’s also extremely weak to the concept of empathy and open minded thinking sure there will always be hate but so will there always be empathy in thinking beings
Nah too acidic Ursus ponders we don’t know how nihm reacts to acid so I would recommend using a large mason jar Ursus ponders, hey do we have cold storage? Like an ice chest/ store house, I’d like to test something
"Because Hatred.... is eternal. No matter what the situation is, hatred will always live on. No matter what."
"Just put in water with some salt that is it."
"We do not like the ice! Do not give us ice!"
Ursus prepares a much larger get more rumor mason jar and poor salt into it just incase this guys leader decides to kill them I want to try cooling them using colder temperatures, the squid that was too mouthy earlier I suspect popped from internal temperature urdus whispers to mog
Who said I am directly exposing you to ice?
"I'll fetch the jar, we have some salt lying around in the kitchen." Mog muttered, satisfied that he was done whispering his theories into the bear's ear.

Pausing briefly to whisper one last time to the bear about the connection between their dislike of ice and the Draconian weakness to the ice guns of the humans, Mog walked out the door to find an appropriate prison for their captive.

He hoped his friend had the caution to not push the squid too hard, lest they lose another prisoner.
>After getting the mason jar set up, you then put the mind flayer in there.
What do you wish to do now?
"Will do." Mog acknowledged.


Just pretend we both wandered off at the same time to fetch the jar while the other NPCs watched the ceph.
"What now? Should we continue the interrogation, or head out to kill Gawain? Or we can continue sightseeing and relaxing until the afternoon, but I'd rather not give our priest 'friend' any time to heal." Mog asked, once they were out of earshot of the ceph.
I'll say it's Adler watching him.

>Adler watches the cephlopod.
>Making sure the thing doesn't try to get inside him.
>Adler even put a shield around himself as the mind flayer looks over and stares at him.
Ursus whispers too Adler, if he starts getting bright and he is getting warmer shove him in some ice
I’m up for taking out Gawain and then checking out if he is possessed by squid
Ursus said out of earshot of ceph
"I'm basically entirely sure he is, he registered in the same way to my magic as Kuma did, the squid inside Kuma even claimed he was one of them, at least as far as I remember." the wolf debated as he rustled through some of yesterday's prepared clothes.

A silver crescent necklace wrapped in a thin bronze latticework of vines symbolizing the twinned faith went around his neck would do. Now where was the rest of the outfit...

Donning one of last night's unused disguises, Mog said "You should put on one of your disguises too, we can't enter the palace looking like ourselves. They want to arrest me after all. Best use our clerical disguises, it'll give us an excuse to enter the hospital section and to see Gawain. Lets gather Kinny, put away the squid and tell the others what we're doing before we head out."
>Adler then looked at the group for a bit.
>The young gay deer says as he approaches you.
"First of all take this."
>He handed you each a bottle of slime.
"It's a piece of Harold's residue. I thought it would make a good potion of healing for all three of you. But there's something else I want to say... if you do end up killing him... wouldn't that just make some of his prophecy come true? I mean he did say that 10 wolves would die. Wouldn't it make sense if he were one of the ten wolves?"
"It only really matters if the sum of all the parts of prophecy come to pass, and leads to the predicted end. It's vague enough that practically any conditions could fulfill it, we cannot be paralyzed in our decision making out of fear of making it come to pass. Besides, if possible I don't intend to kill the wolf, just the squid inside. We can simply force him to talk until his devilish master kills him, like the squid inside Kuma. Kuma lived after all, but the raccoon didn't, thus making them explode should be safe. If his master cannot kill him, then that gives credence to the possibility that there is really a legitimate split amongst the squids, that some can be free of their master, which we need to confirm anyways. Or we can just kidnap him and have a cleric cast a remove curse or restoration spell on him, that should safely remove the squid without killing his victim." Mog explained patiently.

He turned around to leave, paused, said "Thank you for thinking of us Adler, I appreciate you looking after us. Do we...drink Harold? Is that how that works? Also, is this potion stronger than a normal one, because we already had tons of healing potions that we bought from Plato, so it isn't of much utility to us other than just being another unless it has greater potency. Sorry to say."
>Upon further imspection, you can see that it does do more healing effects.

Residue of Harold
Upon applying to the skin, you heal yourself 5d4 + 20 HP. Any status condition(s) you have is removed as well.

"I... I figured it might work."
>Adler said.
"It just takes forever to get the residue by itself. Getting it with a few strange items like dust or something like that in it, will ruin it completely."
"I guess we'll just have to apply it carefully then. You'd make a fine alchemist, y'know that." It was a rhetorical question, Adler was clearly multi-talented.

Mog waved goodbye as they stepped out the door "And...we're off, to adventure! Or something..."

An old wolf cough followed him out the door as it was left swinging in the wind.
That seems like a good place to end the session and let QM prepare for next one, given that we may be kidnapping/talking to/killing Gawain and infiltrating the palace next.

Also, I say this not just because it is a good ending point, but because I have to go afk, and while I'd actually be back within an hour, we usually end by then. So now's a good place to stop.

Though you guys can do whatever you want, but I'll brb.
Fair enough.
Yaknow I wonder if Harold with the right training and development could act as a cure for cancer cells, he’s omebic which means he can suppress immune cells, he could eat tumor cells and then heal the eaten tissues, he could command parts of body to search and destroy cancer cells and repair damaged sections left behind
If he can’t suppress the immune system from damaging him we could inject suppressants into the area being treated
A lot of lives could be saved a with this little beings help and the proper teaching

Though we don't have to continue, I haven't eaten lunch yet anyways.

Interesting, I've never heard of omebic before, did you mean amoebic? Or is it some specialized word only used in your field? Was there something I missed about Harold that suggested he can even cure cancer, or are you going off of the amazing ability of his residue to remove any status condition?

I wonder if we can use it to get rid of the squid inside Gawain, or whoever the wolf that we know as Gawain is called. QM did say the squids are parasites and did seem amenable to when I pushed back on Lesser Restoration or Remove Curse possibly being able to heal Kuma. Probably too much to hope for, because while the mindflayers are technically parasites, they are also fully sized sentient creatures and not microscopic lifeforms that you can just throw some bleach on.

This is all way outta our ballpark in character though, I don't think our medicine scores are high enough to even contemplate modern biomedical shit.
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Well his anatomy is so very similar to cells and amoebas that can be viewed by microscope, my people have already amassed great old one tech, this includes their medical tech and scientific tech, which took decades to understand without a translation to their languages. And through their tech we reverse engineered it to make some of our own without electricity we used gas and rotational Energy to create work via steam boilers if you go to our homeland you will see what we have achieved since the earliest days of our existence, the fight between the dragons and man and the exploits of our queen would lead us to take technological progress into our own paws uniting as warriors with minds as sharp as their weapons
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Very cool.
(((OOC basically the bears are undergoing technological renaissance from attempting to understand old one tech while passing it off as their own to fly under the eyes of dragons)))
(((I give em 10 years before they crack steam locomotives and because of Ursus’s discoveries in electrical power 20 to get electricity and a bear named Ivan tesla recreating the same fears as his name sake)))
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Hell with Ursus spreading word to the rest of the bears about humanity’s existence and current state it will likely result in immediate mobilization and aide toward humanity their greatest benefactors not to mention a particular noteworthy bear from ww2 by the name of voichek has given the bears an interesting view of humanity
He has of yet of course because he has yet to find a trusted contact mind you
I'll probably be an hour or two later than I was yesterday for tomorrows session.
what the bear doin
Sorry for being late got sidetracked by some other matters.

Don't know. We may never know.
Where do you wish to begin your new investigation?
Idk what's going on anymore desu
Would you like to do your own thing as the other two take down the priests?
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I don't know. Just wanted to peek in, I am drained lately.
I have a psychiatrist appointment that popped up so might be slow to respond
Sorry to hear Friend.
Fair enough Ursus.
Gawain is supposedly in critical condition right now, so I guess we first find the town crier who announced things this morning and ask him who told him that and follow the chain of command through whatever news organization the crier works for until we find the guy who knows where Gawain is located. Failing that, we can just check the palace, it should have amenities to serve as a hospital, and Gawain would've been there to begin with anyways.

We're killing Gawain, turns out he isn't some morally grey asshole with his own agenda, just a normal evil asshole with a doomsday agenda simping for an evil god.

A psychiatrist? Not a psychologist/therapist? Damn, I guess we really do all have problems. I hope it goes well.
Give me a perception check to find the town crier.
Rolled 17 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Do I have advantage from being with my party, or no?
>Mog does his best to listen in among the crowds of canines.
>His hearing may not be the best, but he knows a howler when he hears one.
>After what seemed to be an hour he soon hears the sound of a bell.
>Cowbell to be more precise.
>Only one canine can carry that and that is the town crier.
Approach the hound with a bell?
"Hello my good fellow. I need to find Father Gawain. I've just arrived from Laurentide, only to hear Sunny, in his barbarity, has injured my brother in faith! You must tell me where he is staying so that I can go see him, my healing prowess will be of use." a disguised Mog stepped close, assertively gripping the bellwolf so he had his full attention.

As he spoke, he appraised the younger fellow, looking into his eyes for the dazed look of a squid puppet, examining him for ceph bites as well as he could without committing a faux pas.

>Mog talks to him.
>Also looking to see if the town crier is under cephalopod influence.
>You can easily tell that he has no cephlopod influence at all.
>The town crier then looks over to you.
Rolled 20 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

"Priests don't require permits. We're miracle workers, not doctors, and our methods aren't invasive. You know this." Mog replied flatly.

>If Persuasion then my roll is +8, if Deception then it is +6. I don't know if I'm telling the truth or not IRL, so if it is persuasion then I'm just trying to convince him of the law and to stop trying to sus out whether I'm legit or not, if it is deception then I'm basically doing the same but trying to convince him he is mistaken about the law. I'll use Lucky if I fail, and if I still fail I'll get Kinny to 'show him my permit'.

Might need your help forging a permit in a second.
"Thank you. We'll be on our way." the wolf replied curtly.

With that out of the way, he walked ahead, eager to get this dirty job out of the way.

>We head to room 232 of the hospital.

Nevermind what I just said. We'll probably need your help escaping from the assassination though, and...y'know, committing it.
>You head to the front desk of the hospital.
>Currently headed by a nun.
>She looks at the old wolf and company approaching.
>She then gives out a sigh.
"Names? And who are you seeing?"
((( OOC it’s more about dysphoria and autism, anyway also got my meeting interrupted by jehova’s witnesses at the tail end which is extremely annoying))) I’m reading what’s happened so far
"Father Gommel, Kniy, and Buster Bearington, here to see Father Gawain."
Ursus with a fake mustache and hair dye bows respectively
Rough. I'm sorry to hear that happened my good bear. Still, this explains so much.
Roll a Deception check with advantage.

Sorry for being so late. Had to walk from one place to another. Why the fuck did it have to be so fucking hot today?
Rolled 14, 6 = 20 (2d20)

Rolled 3, 9 + 6 = 18 (2d20 + 6)


Unlucky, as hot as this summer has been, I've avoided the worst of it in my part of the country. Further east there were highs of mid 40s Celsius. Today is a cool rainy day for me, same with yesterday.
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"Room 232 is on the right. Just make you don't break or take anything. And before you ask how we know, we have our sources. Mice work here for a whole wheel of cheese a week. Now like I said be careful."
"Won't be a problem, c'mon Buster, Kniy."

Mice, why did it have to be mice?!

Fuck! The stupid omniscient giga-mice are back! We have to be super careful, communicating will be hard, any attempt at kidnapping or killing will cause an alert. Lengthy interrogation in place is right out. I say we decide OOC right now whether to kidnap or kill. We're not getting out undetected, but we didn't expect too, getting the job done is what matters, we can deal with the pursuit.
So what do you and the crew do now?
By saying 'cmon guys' I was basically sayings 'lets go to the room'. But, since we have the opportunity, we may as well look around at the security on the way.
Give me a perception check
Rolled 15 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

Of course
>As you wander the hallways looking for 232, you gaze upon the security.
>Maybe it's because you have memories of the barn but now your paranoia has increased thanks to these mice.
>You can now see that they are in the cielings and in the walls.
>Especially in the walls.
>They're in the god damn walls!
>And there is nothing you can think of to stop them.
>Ursus only sees Mog being paranoid and a nice portrain in the wall.
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You may need glasses, my good friend.
I am a bear have you seen our eyes
"Psst, hey Kniy, I don't suppose you can go eat the mice, can you? Or like...get Einstein to talk to them to fuck off?" Mog whispered to Kinny.

Not willing to risk further conversation, Mog walked the rest of the way to Gawain's room in silence. At least there no actual serious guards, only watchmice.
"I thought it was a myth that bears have poor eyesight. My bad."
I mean to fair Mog they are small.

>You then arrive at the room 232.
>The door seems to closed.
>It's easy to open thankfully.
>You enter the room.
>There you see a wolf with his lower body being completely covered in a cast.
>Gawain then looks up to the group.
"Oh.... it's you. From the bar. What brings you here?"
Rolled 8 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

"You must be mistaken Father, I'm just here for your treatment," leaning in close, Mog whispered "but if you really must know, I want to know about your master, the Incarnation of Hate. I don't really believe you split off from your fellow squids, unlike what your other bar mate said. Though I'm open to being proven wrong, but that'll take a frank conversation and not whatever vague nonsense you were spewing back at the bar. What's this prophecy really about? Speak quickly and quietly, you're in our paws now, and we came here for dark deeds, not talk, so if you have nothing but bile to spew then we will resume our original course. Understand?"

>Intimidate check, will use Lucky if fail.
Rolled 11 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

>The wolf stares at you.
"the squid inside me believes it is the incarnation of hate's will. I believe it is actually from the twin goddesses themselves. as for what this prophecy is about, it's obvious. is the rise of a saviour. one that will be the leader that will mold us into the beings we are meant to be. as for the squid, he believes that this animal will be the one that will bring us to chaos and despair with the information it knows. the future is uncertain, but ten wolves will die at the summit. along with three apes, a lizard, an old one, the otter, and a rabbit. it was fortold by both the incarnation of hate and the twin goddesses. but if you still wish to kill then do so already. it only brings me to my diety today and fulfills one part of the prophecy."
Rolled 13 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

"So, what, you've come to exist in symbiosis with your squid? Or you escaped its tendrils somehow, resulting in the supposed 'split' between you squids? What are we meant to be moulded into, and what in the flying fuck gives you the right to come up with this heresy, to kill Horace, to brainwash the Queen? Huh!? What's this bullshit about a newly translated scroll, about two Moon Goddesses, dark and light? Where did you come up with this crock of shit? How does this serve any of us?" Mog half questioned, half ranted.

He wanted to know all of it. Each and every individual question. But he knew he had to be present in this very moment. So he paid careful attention to what Gawain was saying, evaluating truthfulness. He only turned away for the briefest of seconds to see how mobile the bed was.

>Insight check. I want to know if this is the squid or Gawain speaking. Regardless if it is both or one or the other, I wanna know if he really believes what he is saying or if he is just trying to prevent his death.
>It's hard to tell what the old wolf waa thinking.
>Gawain then sighed.
"horace.... was the mindflayer's third host. i am currently it's fourth. that is the reason why I know so much. i was smart before then too. which is why me and the mindflayer gain symbiosis. it loves intelligent animals such as i and the bear you have with you. cat's also pretty smart as well. but yes, the squid in me is the one who killed horace. not i. as for the queen... well she is the next candidate this mindflayer wants to host him. he believes that she and him are meant to be together, especially with how easy she is to control. if he has her body, then they can rule this kingdom to be better, especially with all the information he has gathered from me. all that information in that young of a host, would make great potential for the most powerful ruler on earth."
>Gawain then got up a bit.
>He then crawls his way over to Mog.
"as for the scrolls... that is the gospel truth. nothing more.... nothing less."
Mog sighed, his eyes glazing over "Where are the scrolls, I want to read them for myself."

Keeping his eyes on Gawain, he leaned over to Ursus to whisper "Should we nab him now? Given the unlikeliness of a fair trial for him in our present circumstances, I'm fine with killing them both, but it isn't moral when we can spare the wolf and excise the squid. What say you?"
"they would be over at my living quarters in the palace if you wish to see them."
>He then hands Mog a pin.
"wear this. it will help you enter my room easily.
"How so?" he asked, storing the pin away carefully.
"that pin shows proof that you have my permission to search around in my room. if you desire. just promise me you don't disturb the queen when you enter the palace. she must be under a lot of stress."
Going afk for 40 minutes.
"I wonder who's fault that is." Mog replied acidly.

Then he began to wheel the bed out the door, but paused to get the okay from Ursus and Kinny.

In addition to going afk, we should probably wait for Ursus and Kinny before proceeding. We'll probably be pursued after all, so it is important that they are okay with kidnapping instead of killing Gawain. If they want to kill him while I'm gone, then I'll go with whatever they do.
Honestly it’s up to you I would recommend we do this and ditch the disguises but here’s a question is the princess infected will she condemn us

"It sounds like she is afflicted by the Mindflayer's mental powers, rather than inhabited by a squid. Otherwise Gawain wouldn't make mention of his squid wanting her. We should of course expect condemnation, until we can convince her otherwise. If she cannot be moved, then we'll have to sideline her via the national assembly. Anyways, lets move."

Mog began wheeling Gawain down the hallway to the nearest exit, keeping a low profile but preparing to pick up speed at a moment's notice.
Everyone roll a Stealth Check.
Rolled 5 - 2 (1d20 - 2)

Rolled 12 - 2 (1d20 - 2)

Are you wearing your plate armour or breastplate, it'll affect whether we have disadvantage on this or not. We never discussed our approach.

I'll say I'm still wearing my breastplate instead of plate armour, because I never said I switched. Unless retroactive switching is allowed and Ursus also wants to take the loud approach.
Was mostly going with a stealth lead situation. But until Kinny Rolls it is currently Mog with the lead.

Also I may be leaving soon so I have to go. Sorry Friends.
Alright, it is better to wait for everyone to be here anyways. I'll see you all Tuesday, or whenever the next session ends up being. Thanks for running QM!
Breast plate otherwise the disguise might not work
Might be a bit late tomorrow.
I should be here around the same time as last time, but renovations may keep my attendance intermittent, sadly.
Just waiting on Kinny.
I am here
Btw if you don’t know Ursus’s background is a folk hero for his actions with kar and in his past helping with his parents to help fight against the famine of his hometown and smithing metal to help the town.
Should we continue on or wait a bit longer for Kinny?
Heading over to store to pick up groceries just so you guys know
I’m up for just continuing
>You would think this would be an easy kidnapping.
>Far from it, as the mice soon spotted you.
>You are soon intervened by the nun you met earlier.
"Excuse me gentlemen. Mind telling me where you are taking father Gawain?"
Give me a Persuasion check.
Ursus looked to log to be the face if he chose a peaceful solution if not he was ready to incapacitate the nun
Rolled 12 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

If he isn’t here Ursus will explain the situation ie how the man has a strange illness from the assault of sunny and he needs special treatment that isn’t here if she plays ball Ursus wants her to come with, if she doesn’t Ursus will grab tie her up and plop her under the bed
Rolled 1 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

And because Ursus is technically telling the truth he might have advantage if not mig us probably assisting with the attempt
Come on come on BUY the story PLEASE BUY THE STIRY
Ursus does not want to man handle a nun
>Before the nun could respond, Father Gawain had something to say.
>As tentacles spontaneous grew from the old wolf's ears.
>You would think the nun would give a reaction.
>But no.
>Her eyes soon began to become nothing but a bright green color.
"These fine gentlemen are my healers and bodyguards. You will let us pass by."
>Gawain ordered.
>The nun blankly stared at you all.
>She then steps aside.
>Allowing all four of you to exit the premises.
>The tentacles soon pop back into the head of Gawain.
"Thank You."
>The priest said as he instructed the bear to take him out of here.
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Ursus side eyes in grim horror as he qui Expeditiously takes the wolf away to the seed house without people knowing by taking multiple street alleys
"you know... that one actually hurt. i had to do a ton of animals with that powerful hypnosis. three hundred and seventy to be exact. you three are lucky to not be exposed to such a hypnosis spell."
Ursus turns markedly more defensive with a hand on his axes hilt, and he garbles a thank you through gritted teeth
I'm starting to think everyone else is kind of busy today Ursus.
Damn, well it is what it is
I am in fact here now. Very sorry for being so late, I did indeed end up being way busier than I thought I'd be. If you guys want to continue then I'll post after catching up. Though, I'd completely understand if you guys just want to get on with your day.
I'm down for a couple of more posts.
"What in all the Go-" Mog stared,

"-what the fuck?"

He padded down the hall, a little more sullen, probing every internal thought to see if it was his. His thoughts were his own, his thoughts were his own, his thoughts were his own, HIS THOUGHTS WERE HIS OWN.

Very well, a couple more posts.
"you both seem upset. Is something wrong? You did want to leave the hospital with me correct?"
"You have the right of it, though you make me second guess myself. The mind should be an inviolable thing. You make a mockery of that."
>After a few turns, you found a safe and secure path to the seed shop.
>You then finally enter the priest in there.
>Leaving him now completely motionless and at your mercy.
"so... what do you wish to know?"
What do you do with the priest?
Mog ignored him, ran out of the room, going to find the humans.

"Jessica, Maggie, listen. We captured Father Gawain, the squid-wolf that was mind controlling people, turning my country against me. Whatever you do, don't go near him or listen to him speak. On the way back, he instantly mind controlled a nun who had caught us like it was nothing. If he does anything remotely suspicious, shoot him in the head, we don't really need him anymore, but I'd like to spare the wolf the squid is occupying, as he seems...less evil. Though they seem to have achieved a sort of symbiosis that no other couple has, so in a way they are both guilty, keep that in mind and don't be fooled."

That mouthful not even half-way finished and Mog had already started to walk away to find Adler, without waiting for an answer.

"Adler, Adler where are you!?" Mog shouted, "I need to ask you a question. Do you think Harold residue would cure Gawain of the squid or would it just heal him and restore his functionality and make him a threat to us all? We have him now, but risking testing it on him or letting people go near him is a huge threat, he can instantly mind control people. Either way, we need a way to extract the squid from his brain without killing him."

Since he had to wait on Adler's response, but was too impatient to wait for a full conversation before asking more of the warband, he poked his head back into the break room with the humans. "Oh, can you also tell the cats to keep a look out, we may have been followed by hospital mice, or Gawain's raccoons."

Then he dipped back into the seed room to listen to Adler.

He had questions for Gawain, but those could wait until the question of what to do with him and how to contain him were satisfied.
With his mind racing, and paws impatient for action, he couldn't help but interrupt whatever Adler was saying to ask in a voice loud enough for Ursus to hear in the other room "Oh! Would ice work? On containing him at least? Ursus, you mentioned that before with-"

He paused, not wanting to loudly advertise to Gawain that there were other cephalopod prisoners here. For all he knew, they might be able to telepathically communicate if they were aware of one another, perhaps even boost each others powers. He had no indication that was the case, but he was preparing for anything with these creatures.

Instead he said "-regarding their connection to the Draconians and their apparent mutual weakness to the cold stuff."
>Adler thought about it for a bit.
"I don't know if the residue could kill parasites, but Harold is known for healing the body of whoever he is holding onto. Parasites could also be healing as well but if I think about, it would be healing the host more and thus removing parasites from them. I don't know. It seems to be a fifty fifty shot."
>Adler explains.
>Jessica soon arrived with something.
>It looked like a gun... but it wasn't a gun.
>It looked like it came from a campy moving pictures from the party you were at.
>Jessica laid it down if front of you.
"One ice gun just for you."
>Jessica said.
"Though it only has one shot. So it's best to use it wisely."
Mog turned, surprised at Jessica's sudden thriftiness. Had she always had that ice gun? No matter.

Speaking to Adler he said "I say we interrogate him first, but not all together in the same room. That way if he mind controls one of us, the others can come in and quickly end him. After that we can try healing him, with the ice gun at the ready in case things go wrong."

Addressing Jessica now, he said "It is better if you give it to Ursus. His paws are better than mine. I'd say eyesight too, me being old an' all, but...y'know...he's kinda blind. Or keep it for yourself, since your paws are well suited for using weapons of your own design, and you are way better trained in guns. Or do you already have a backup for yourself?"

Since you said only a couple more posts, I'm fine with ending here, don't want to impede your day, and Ursus seems to have gone.

Just a heads up, I'll be attending my grandfather's memorial anniversary on this Thursday. So, I'll be absent from noon onwards, perhaps even earlier. Only time I may have would be in the morning, and you know how I'm usually unfashionably late, owing to timezone differences, me being a late riser, being busy with renovations recently, etc. With all that in mind, I may very well not be able to make it for the entire day.
Hmm an interesting weapon but definitely something to hide until needed as for healing against parasites typically parasites are capable of tricking the defender cells of the body into allowing them to stay so unless the healing process pushes the parasite back via healing the damaged tissue and crush the tendrils the best it will do is heal other parts of the body, but there may be an alternative, how adapt is Harold at moving in extreme small places or carefully manipulating objects? If he’s capable he might be able to just go in and dissolve the parasite like how defender( immune cells) (bears are in deed pioneering germ theory and medical science)
Like how defender cells over power intruder cells (bacteria, etc)
Popping in to confirm that I definitely won't be available tomorrow. Have a good week guys, I'll see you on Tuesday, or whenever the next session is.
Should have stated this yesterday but I definitely won't be here either. I forgot about the Fourth of July.
HAPPY 4th of july

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