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Long Night Edition

>What is this?
"The Mystery Dungeons 2e" is a text-based role-playing game created to expand on the setting created by the spinoff series, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. This has no story relation to the first quest, and is its own new story. Players still isekai themselves into the world and become Pokémon, going on adventures with their newfound guild mates! SFW ONLY

A deeper explanation of rules, related pages, and whatnot can be found here:

>I'd like to participate!
Currently, we're at full capacity as far as threads on /qst/ are concerned. However, there's always the chance that space for another player may grow in the future, or that you simply wish to play outside of /qst/ and the quests hosted here. There are other ways to participate, about which you can learn and do here: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org

>Okay, now what?
After you've read up and familiarized yourself with the rules and setting, be sure to hop into the Element: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org. Everything that doesn't involve Main Quests occurs here and is helpful for coordination.

Character sheets and the guide to making them can be found here: https://rentry.org/tmd2many_characters

If you feel you might need help, feel free to ask!

Previous threads and summaries can be found here:

Our LIVE main adventures start on Tuesdays/Saturdays around 6:30PM CST in this thread!

Namefag as your character, with your item and level!
e.g. Sparks, Lv. 56 Pikachu
e.g. Sparks L.56 (Sneak Scarf/Team Shock)
First for the team carrier
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second for walking gong
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Third, for the team clairvoyant!
>Fourth, bear time
It’s a few days’ travel to the island. From that Voice of Life’s request, it sounded like you’d have enough time to bail her out despite how long she’d be exposed to danger. Given that the world is supposedly at stake, that’s fortunate…

And Salamence is all too happy to have somewhere to sail. By sea, you skip any potential chaos and fatigue from walking to the shores nearest to that island! Unfortunately, the end of Swalot’s Stream is still further inland on the desert than anywhere you could have landed, so you still have a mystery dungeon to cross…

At the entrance to the dungeon are a series of rocky faces making a little canyon to walk through, the ground tinted odd shades of purple, black, and yellow by toxins flowing through the air…Smells like bad eggs, too. Don’t let this stuff get in your eyes, lest you start tearing up. The only break from the dour scenery is a pair of Pokemon resting outside the way in, a garishly bright Rapidash and Weezing. They perk up when they see you all approaching...
"Look's like we've made already contact," Spike frowns, "let's hope they're locals and not a patrol."

The Pale Fox turns to the rest of his group and warns, "Nobody use any fire type moves unless you want to ignite all this sulfur and fumes. Keep an eye out for any traps or ambushes they might've set for us."
>Kaz pinches his nose shut!
"Oh great! Sulfur. Yeuck!"
"Let's get outta here quick before we're all dead canaries..."

>Kaz spots the two pokemon up ahead.
"Maybe those guys know a quick route. Let's go ask 'em."

>Kaz walks over to the two pokemon on the road
"Hey! You guys know a fast way through this place?
"Oh great, I guess it figures that the place we gotta go is the most anti-Evan thing possible. Fire, Poison, the only way this could get any worse is if I'm hit by Flying, Bugs and Ice before the end of the day."
>Evan stretches and hops down from the railing
"Well, might as well get this shit over with."
>Evan grumbles to himself with... a lot of muttered curse words
It's SKITTY TIME. Especially since her eyes are Like That. There's no way she can tear up at all!!

"A patrol for... what??"
>Despite getting some time to rest as the ship sails towards their next destination, Brook just can't shake the feeling of mental fatigue that's been plaguing him since he had awoken from the dream not too long ago
>Because of this he has noticeable bags under his eyes, the restless sleep he had managed to squeeze in between then and now doing very little to alleviate this
>But still everyone is gonna need to come together to handle this, are the words he repeats in his head as the destination finally draws near....and with it an absolutely repugnant scent that makes him put a paw over his nose


>The smell is even worse up close, deeply regretting to have brought his new tie instead of his scarf, he has no choice but to grin and bear it as the smell nearly makes his eyes water as they approach an out of place looking horse and a perfectly in their element toxic...balloon?
"Ughhhh it smells awful, I can barely breathe over here. How can you guys stand it?"
Matchia twitches at the sulfur in the air, not exactly appealing to the smell, but directs her attention to the newcomers.
She regards them with suspicion, but doesn't say anything. The Voice of Life DID say she was cornered here, so they may be her pursuers.
Wallis is trudging through the arid canyon after emerging from the waters alongside Salamence's ship. It's hot and dry, which is terrible for an aquatic creature like her. She's also had a really bad night's sleep, to say the least. She looks like she's ready to throw hands at the first obstacle, as well as a little jittery. She's clearly not in the mood for diplomacy.
"Oh look, pokemon that stick out like me."
Wallis flags them down with a wave of her arm that lets off some of her shiny pokemon sparkles.
Spike turns to Skitty and motions with a brown paw to everyone else around them, "For us. They've tapped into the Voice of Life's communications with us, they're the ones she warned us about. She gave us their location, so unless they've relocated, they should be preparing for an eventual rescue attempt."
>Kaz turns to Brook, still inching his nose
"Closin' your nose works."

>Kaz looks down at Brook's four paws
"I can see why that'd be a problem for you."
"I don't know what you guysss are crying about..." Orner is in Her element.
Mohka hangs back with Matchia. Something about those two pokemon have him on edge, but he can't quite put a finger on it... They're pink though, that's never a good sign.
He covers his nose and mouth with his sweat band. Fire won't likely be an issue here, but at least it can keep out offending smells.
>Smells like bad eggs, too.
Cubone is naturally one to complain first. "Ugh... You know, when she described this place to us, I had expected something with a more... subtle atmosphere to it."
"...well, why would they be pa-... whatever. It's too late for that anyway." She flicks her tail at Wallis.
"I'm a bit worried I might not be as good with that move in this place."
>he grabs his apathy tie and holds it over his nose with a paw

"I'm not exactly at 100% as is, this smell is not making it easy to focus so I am not looking forward to potentially getting a face full of it if I try to use the wind."
Espurr doesn't enjoy smells. They don't hate them very much either. Regardless, this isn't a pleasant situation to be in, so they wish they weren't here.

But the rewards are too coveted to pass up. If Espurr can swallow their pride and speak with the Voice of Life, provided they meet her again, perhaps they could ask her an important question. Psychic-to-Psychic stuff, normies wouldn't understand.

Espurr leaves the talking to Kaz and the others. They aren't big on speaking with undesirables.

"The enemy was not very subtle while they tried to kill us." And succeeded, if it weren't for the dream being more forgiving than the opponents were.
Katherine remains silent, simply smiling
"You feelin' all right? Doin' worse for wear before gettin' to a place like this ain't good for you."
"An' don't you think the wind would help push stuff away?"
"Amenities you never thought you would have missed. To have a mask right now..."
"Finally! Are you travelers trying to move north? Swalot's Stream is an ordeal and a half!" The Rapidash shifts an overstuffed sack visibly weighing the Pokemon down.
"We were hoping to mooch a safe passage off anyone trying not to get poisoned by working together, but..."
The Weezing picks up. "Air Continent isn't getting much traffic lately, that's how it is. We've been stuck on this side of the dungeon for a week! A fast path through a mystery dungeon...if we had something like hat, we could change the world!"
"But enough of the rub. My partner and I have a little gift to keep that foul air out of you-if you'll play muscle for us merchants, that is."
Weezing demonstrates by purifying the ground around it with a puff of pink air. The land stays un-compromized as he hovers upward. Meanwhile, Rapidash releases a heart-shaped beam of light into the air-Heal Pulse.

Staying near Weezing's Misty Surge might protect one from getting poisoned by the air here, but Rapidash looks much more mobile and willing to follow and assist you. Pick your (un)-poison.

"Some of you are still vulnerable from the other night. Remember that there is no shame in picking your battles; our foremost objective is to survive, no matter what that Gardevoir says is at stake." Cress says.
"I hope so, I don't think we use it the same way though. I gotta gather it to attack, and it might be a bit difficult to do that here."
>he repositions the tie, giving you a better look a the bags under his eyes
"I've felt tired since I woke up from that dream before, I'm hoping it's not anything permanent."

"Should've just brought my scarf...."
"Sounds good ta me! Since we're goin' the same whay, don't see why not."

>Kaz sticks next to the colorful Rapidash
"You look like you got some speed on you. Let's head out together!"

"Damn. You gotta get some sleep, man."
"Yeah, that dream stuff is wonky."
"If I start sleep walkin', hit me before I walk off the Shore Thing, will you?"
>the zorua nods in response to Cress' words, moving over to stick with the gentlemanly balloon
>as soon as he gets close, there's an immediate change in the air. His chest rises and falls as he drinks in the purified air
"Would've been a lot harder to do this on three legs, thanks a lot!"

"Heh, sure thing....just don't complain about being a bit sore when you wake up."
"Strength is hardly in my limited repertoire of abilities, but I see no issue in assisting you. Very well." Cubone agrees without question. Misty Surge? Heal Pulses? Here? Sign him up.
Of course, he is scarcely a frontliner. Of the two, sticking near purified ground is the safer bet, Cubone thinks.
Skitty is with the horse. Fast with fast, you know how it is. "Deal." This area might be tolerable after all...
Matchia looks between the two of them, apparently deciding that she'd rather stick near the Rapidash.

She turns to Cress.
"Mm. I suppose."
Spike releases a breath he didn't know he was holding, the tension dissolving in his chest. He puts on the most sincere smile he can muster and steps forwards towards the two.

"Thank goodness we found you then! We weren't expecting it to be this bad, but its wonderful that you two are prepared," he breathes a sigh of relief and chuckles.

Spike walks over to the odd looking Weezing.

"I've never seen a Weezing like you, are you special?"
Sail not liking the feeling of the fay mist. Stick with the magical unicorn instead.
>Evan is weak to poison
Mohka has his own means to heal himself. Weezing.
"Well, thisss iss mighty convenient! You guyss sstay near the fairiesss, I'll go ahead." Orner doesn't really need the protection so she can be the bait.
Wallis doesn't want to stay near either of them. However, the mist reminds her of mystic monolith's depths. It's also closer to water.
She glances a the little head quizzically.
"We're just coming of an escort job. You're in luck with the Clover Force, as long as you make it worth your while."
Wallis flashes her badge proudly in spite of her condition.
“I’m not going to play around with a thing that puffs smoke. Quite frankly, you need to see a doctor.”
Espurr sees it fit to inform Cress of a certain deficiency of theirs they must deal with for the team being, but only after some consideration.
"I am unable to use my Psychic abilities. As such, my use in a battle is limited." They won't be fighting if they don't have to. This is, of course, why Espurr wants to see the Voice of Life again.
“I can work within these limitations.” Sagira chooses to accompany the Weezing.
"I want to do this quick"
"Oh! Explorers, even! We've been rewarded for our luck and patience, is that so? I am a Misted Weezing, blessed by Life. You're no doubt only familiar with the pedestrian variety. Make no mistake by conflating us, ohoho...keep me safe, and I'll keep you...feeling fine."

While Cress, Skitty, Sail, Matchia, and Kaz are Poisoned. You're all off, with Orner taking point.

Chapter 15: Missing
The Fiery Stronghold, Super Mario Galaxy

Inside, the ground is brittle and loamy, like you're stepping on shredded sponges. The sky above is tinted purple by irritants, and pools of black sludge line every surface. If you've ever seen tar before, you're sure that's it...
The only vegetation you can find are these oversized mushrooms growing between cracks in the ground and releasing spores, while the walls of the dungeon don't look any more solid or stable than the floor...Uncomfortable, but maybe not impractical to work with. These features are the ones Weezing takes himself and his terrain around first...
The rest of the opening chamber is populated with expected ferals in Mareanie, Gliscor, and Salandit. A few out-of-place looking Pokemon are wandering around a bit more intentionally in Zangoose, Corsola, and Overqwil, looking much stronger. None of them are drawing close to Weezing right now, and the latter Pokemon look significantly stronger than the ferals.
What will you do? They haven't seemed to notice you yet, but that Zangoose smells something bothersome. The non-poison types among them are already poisoned.
...Rapidash will follow melee attackers in with heals and a limited supply of Pecha berries, while Weezing will move himself and his terrain wherever directed.
...If you can agree amongst yourselves.

>Evan doesn't want to leave the safe zone around Weezing, and since none of the ferals are getting close, there's no reason to reach a vine out.
>5AP into dodge, if necessary
>Dustin looks around the place looking frustrated.
“Why did I agree to be here? It doesn’t seem safe to breathe in the air.”
"Just cover your nose!"
"Ugh, I knew it... Zangoossse..." Orner looks at the cat weasel thing like it stole money from her.
"You know that one?"
>Kaz asks before they head off to their opponents
"We could fight at full capacity if we bring those aggressive Pokemon to the rest of our party...I am unsure how to get them over, though..."
"Yeah, they are the worssst! They get ssstronger with poissson too, here that'sss bad newss..."
"Ah shit, really? That's bogus!"

"Anyway, if someone can keep that flyin' one offa me, I can take the little spike one!"
"Looks watery anyway."

>Kaz is speaking of the Gliscore and the Mareanie
Spike grimaces as his paws sink into the slimy and powdery terrain, he can feel it all against his paws, the sensation lingering on his skin.

His nose twitches with every inhale, pungent sulfur stinking of spoiled eggs.

"I feel grimy just being here," Spike grumbles. "Let's just be quiet, avoid and distract the ferals and we can make it through without a fight," Spike warns.

>Spike uses Hone Claws, his attack and accuracy go up by 1 stage.
Espurr doesn't get the hate, but the poison part sounds unfun.

"It is foolish to walk into their territory and hope to challenge them. Are you certain the most direct option is the best? I am not. It is not." It's a bad idea. Espurr wants a second opinion.
"H-hey wait up!"
>Dustin follows Kaz
Wallis can't see the foes from within Weezing's peculiar mist. Instead, her gaze is fixed on the mushrooms. If she gets a glimpse of the full rogue's gallery, however, something terrible could happen...
"Let's keep cover around these shrooms for now, Misted Weezing."
Wallis says, setting up a Counter. She's wary of grass types around these mushrooms obscuring her view and she's got something prepped for that. The rippling aura of moisture around her becomes Lilac colored as it gains Counter's properties.
>Brook follows along with the others, sticking close to the floating balloon to avoid the toxic air...as well as the putrid stench that permeates every inch of this place

>he looks at the surroundings as they go, crinkling his nose in disgust as the ground squishes beneath his feet...he won't be able to focus on that for long though a short distance ahead it would seem there are other mons that are also crazy enough to come here

>immediately he shuts his eyes, feeling the flow of energy coursing through his body before it quickly turns into a minor sting as a stuffed fox appears right next to him sitting in the muk below

HP: 19/25
>he grabs it by the puff of hair on its head and tosses it on his back to bring with him just in case

"I don't exactly feel up for a fight right now...especially in a place that smells like...well you know"
Matchia'd much rather deal with the tougher looking Pokemon first, but taking the fight to them has already been said to be a pretty bad idea.
For now, she just Detects.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

"Well, guess I gotta get the ball rollin'."
>Kaz charges forward, aiming for the Mareanie!

"Sorry little guy, but you gotta move!"
>Kaz uses Thunder Punch on the Mareanie!
"Aw hell. Dust! I could use a hand!"
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Cubone seems to agree with Wallis' assessment, joining up by the mushrooms and taking shelter underneath one. Since she and the mushroom itself are providing cover, Cubone seems keen to bide his time for now...
He starts idly watering the mushroom he's sheltered under with Water Gun. It seems a pointless activity, perhaps slightly kind to the fauna, but this IS a mystery dungeon... Could he be onto something?
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>Katherine goes for a hit with a razor leaf against the Mareanie!
Espurr follows Cubone >>6029845 and Wallis >>6029834. They just sit around for the time being.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

"Pffft! Nice going." Orner Guards Kaz from the monstruous future stallmon retribution.

Skitty jumps in to assist, smacking the Mareanie and trying to avoid getting stung as she attempts to stun it out of retaliating against Kaz or... Kath, regretfully. Fake Out! (4++2+1=7dmg)
She keeps her Defense.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

hey guys, i rolled. i rolled for this. trust me i did do that.
"Sounds like a plan."
"You got it!"
>Dustin uses Leer!
"Fume o' tar 'n sludge as gangway a bog."

>Sail liquidize himself with Acid Armor.
(2 + 2 = 4 Defense)
"Hey thanks, Skitty! I owe you one!"

>Kaz shrugs
"What can I say? Sometimes you just miss."
"Thanks for the help though."

"Nice one!"
>Dustin smiles and gives him a thumbs up.
Rolled 6, 6 = 12 (2d6)

Seemingly remembering something, Cress attempts to finish Mareanie off with a hasty Double kick.
Wallis glances back at her immediate allies in turn, then nods. Her attention is momentarily split.
Rolled 1, 8, 3, 3, 6, 3 + 5 = 29 (6d20 + 5)

11 Damage! 4 damage! 4 damage! It's just shy of enough for a knockout after Kaz's whiff. Mareanie is hanging on by a thread, but is well enough to take delight in having enough strength left over to use its signature technique...

One of the shroom's caps grows visibly in response to the watering. You can hear its mycelium digging further into the ground...until it breaks up and collapses into a little pool of tar underneath itself. Sounds sticky.
These other mushrooms look unhealthily large already, they might be able to unearth the tar pits in this dungeon even if uprooted and placed elsewhere.

While others spend their turns setting up and protecting themselves. Sail's defense is boosted, while Spike's strength and accuracy are up. Brook has a substitute!
Being behind cover, the other Pokemon don't seem to have noticed you yet...
Zangoose's defense is down a stage after your meanmugging! The bulk of his attention is on someone else, though...

"Ay, you want me to do that again while he's distracted or you wanted me to go for the kill?"
"Which ever works for you Dust! I just wanted ta move the little guys outta the way so we could handle the power players."
>While Zangoose is busy, Dustin uses Leer again.
Mareanie's Venoshock bounces harmlessly off Orner's face, dealing 0 damage as opposed to the 21 aimed for Kaz. Gliscor dives for Cress with Acrobatics for 14 damage. Salandit...mirror's Brook's substitute.
Zangoose is in the middle of relaying something to the other Pokemon when it catches sight of Kaz's guardian. The Pokemon's eyes narrow into slits and in an instant he's closed the gap to Orner. Most would consider grappling a constrictor to be a losing fight, but Toxic Boost, Natural Rivalry, and a lack of self preservation has him lifting Orner up and dunking her in the entrapping tar. For his sloppy effort, he does get ensnared himself while trying to force her head under, though.
Corsola uses Life Dew to restore 4 HP to Mareanie, while Overqwil seems oddly adept at moving through the famously adhesive substance. Its Barb Barrage deals 17 damage to Katherine...

Katherine, Matchia, Dustin, Cress, Kaz, and Skitty take residual poison damage, while Rapidash uses Heal Pulse on the former three...?
Rolled 18 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Seeing an inefficient engagement, Cress tries to wrestle Gliscor down before it can get back into the air. She's trying to drag him back towards the rest of her allies by Weezing...
...oops. She still has Lightweight on.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Now that the fight's in full force, she follows up on Cress' attempt at a take down!
She charges the Gliscor, Faking it Out for (4 + 4) damage!
Rolled 12 (1d20)

"All right!"
>Kaz sees his opportunity after the little spiky toxin pokemon misses even the large snake covering him!

>Kaz jumps out from behind Orner and tries to land another Thunder Punch!
8bp + 2atk + 4SE = 14 damage!

Kaz HP:19/23
Rolled 17 (1d20)

"Oh cool, that one's a wrestler! Hey guys, who wants to put money on this?"
>Evan watches the age-old battle of Zangoose vs Seviper, pausing to let a vine out to smack Corsola
"No more of that, it ain't fair."
>Vine Whip on Corsola, should be 13 DMG
Rolled 4 (1d20)

"DAMMIT! I knew it would come to thisss..."
Orner Gunk Shoots the mongoose point blank with the tar that's getting in her mouth.
Well, it wasn't point blank after all.
"Shoot!" Spike growls as they've turned the wrath of the local ferals and with worrying force.

He whips around to see Katherine getting blasted by barbs- he could heal her or his other teammates. . . Or he could deal damage to at least three others. . .

Spike scowls. He takes out a berry from his bag and tosses it to Katherine. "Katherine! Heal!"
As quickly as he takes out the berry, he takes a plain bowl of porridge and pours it down his throat.

>Spike threw a berry at Katherine! It heals 10 HP!
>Spike eats a Plain Porriage! His special attack is raised by 2!
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>Sail fire Dragon Pulse on Gliscor
if hit,12 dmg!
Rolled 10 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>Looking at the fight going on in the distance, he turns away when he notices the lizard staring straight at him as....a second stuffed fox? Appears near him...creepy

>instead his attention is captured by the mushrooms that are much closer... the tar bubbling underneath doesn't bode well it he doesn't wanna just stand still while everyone fights!

>Standing to his hind legs, he raises his paws a white glow shimmers upon his claws as they lengthen into sharp needles...and promptly starts slicing into one of the mushrooms trying to ignore the disgusting feeling
Forgot to say
>Brook uses Fury Swipes
Rolled 14 (1d20)

"Fascinating..." Cubone mutters, poking at the tar pool created by the mushroom he just watered, before turning his attention to the battle at hand proper. What could he do with that? Well, the most vulnerable to the elements in Zangoose already ensnared itself, Corsola and Overqwil would likely be largely unaffected...
There's Gliscor, which just lunged at Cress. It wouldn't do any damage, but using Mud-Slap to toss the tar at it might just render its flying-adjacent abilities inert... so Cubone goes for that, with a nice handful of the gross substance. He wonders how he keeps ending up in situations like this, being such a neat freak...
In a hushed whisper, Wallis exclaims.
"Idiot, why are you bringing the enemy here?!"
Wallis is about to prep a Wide Guard when...

"Put money on wh-"
Her gaze trails over at Evan's attention drawing... and her pupils dilate. She skids to a halt, no longer following closely alongside Weezing. She bears an unwavering expression that makes the strain from her nightmare-induced debuff look tame. On that note, she's gone about as stiff as her time in the nightmare. There's nothing touching her to trigger haphephobia... A... second fear?
>Brook halts his mushroom chopping to take a glance back towards his team mate, doing a double take at seeing her frozen expression
"W-wallis? You alright?"
"Woah, uh... Wallis? You okay there? ...ok that was a dumb question, obviously not... uh... anything I can help with there?"
>Evan's more carefree demeanor drops
She's not reacting, aside from a sharp inhale or two squeezed between uncomfortable pauses. Her rippling aura she tends to have in battle is dead calm in spite of its Counter coloration. She's looking over at the foes they face, but where exactly...?
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>Evan tries following where she's looking...
It's not the age-old struggle playing out between the Zangoose and Orner. It's either the Corsola, the Mareanie, or the Overqwil she's looking at in the midst of the combat actions. She's not looking like she'll be acting herself, or like herself.
>Seeing her unresponsive makes him completely stop in his fungi flushing, instead looking over to what she may be causing something like this from one of their best defenders

>of course this leads his gaze over to see ...! his eyes widen as he puts two and two together

"Wallis! I'm not sure what exactly you're remembering but I think I have a decent enough idea."
>as quick as he can he throws the Brook substitute plush down at her feet

"Me, Ish, Evan, Flutter we're all here for you. You don't have anything to worry about as long as we're together!"

>he can feel his paws getting heavier, the glow starting to dim. With not much time left to spare he snaps his attention back to the mushrooms, using what's left of the power flowing through his limbs to try and keep chopping at them
The substitute nudges against her as it's lent... no reaction. Her fins don't even twitch as the sound of Brook's encouragement reaches them. Her attention is undivided.
"Sulfurous material can be flammable, and in specific circumstances, explosive," Sagira mentions. "The tar as well. From my current observations, at least. A sufficient spark would ward off the combatants or detonate the entire area."

"I can't estimate chances. But I can surmise it easily going either way. My luck has not been stellar as of late."
Espurr just continues to hide. They don't want to get caught by these guys.
>what do you mean shmael wasn't here before, of course he's here
>probably just didn't notice him first turn, definitely didn't sleep through, no sir-ee
>oh he's taking a sweet salad out his bag, using it's intended purpose to boost his Evasion by 2 stages!
"Made a booster for this, who needs their defence upping?"
>he asks, if nobody else needs the boost he'll probably get tanking
Rolled 12, 2, 12, 13 = 39 (4d20)

"If I had to choose between picking this fight alone while half of us are poisoned or with the help of the six of you over there...who could say."
She manages not to lose her grip while bringing the scorpion Pokemon into melee range from those in Weezing's safety.
Cress somehow finds the freedom to down her sweetbread without losing grip, either. (16/27)
"Don't let it get away!! We don't have time for a long battle."
Matchia follows the effort with Fake Out, dealing 5 damage, followed by 8 from Sail.
A loud and satisfying crack marks Mareanie's defeat!...that Corsola breathes a sigh of relief, before starting on a coughing fit.
9 damage! Corsola looks like it can handle another hit, but it backs away behind its partners rather than turning aggressive. It may not have anything better than Life Dew to use in the moment...
Zangoose lifts his head from hers in time to avoid the spray. It looks elated to have free license to attack as it pleases now...
Katherine's health is restored! The porridge goes down smoothly, almost like a primer for your voice. If only it tasted like anything...
Brook finds himself with three shrooms in his possession to Cubone's one. They take root quickly-almost like Leech Seed, though they don't affect you adversely if you hold them by the caps. Perhaps they'd affect Pokemon similarly to what they do to the ground...heugh.
Cress manages to use Gliscor's body as a shield against the incoming tar, immobilizing him with his wings closed. Stuck Pokemon can't move to use their contact moves on anything that isn't in their immediate vicinity, as well as leaving them weak to fire if you're the gambling sort...

It looks like it's you. These enemies aren't too shabby, you may want a failsafe.
Why don't you pick a friendly escort to help you through this toxic wasteland?

Gliscor, unable to attack tries its claws at freeing itself from the gunk...to no avail.
Salandit launches a Venoshock into Matchia, dealing 15 damage.
Corsola uses Life Dew again, this time into Gliscor. It heals 4 HP. The ferals aren't alllies unlike Zangoose and Overqwil, but it looks content causing you suffering over defending its own....?
Meanwhile, Zangoose uses Facade! Genetic hatred brings the attack to 22 damage into Orner. with...repeated headbutts.
Overqwil swims through the sludge stream to follow the attacks into its 'healer,' finding the protected group. It fights with a Gunk Shot...into Evan. 17 Damage...but the terrain zeroes any chance of him being poisoned.

Rapidash uses Heal Pulse to restore 2 HP to Cress, Kaz, and Skitty...while they, Katherine, Dustin, Matchia, Corsola and Zangoose lose 2 HP to poison.
Gliscor is healed for 4 HP, then 1 more...

Rolled 11, 11, 1 = 23 (3d20)

"Dammit- We can never go in quietly can we?" Spike growls.

He jumps back from the immediate battle into the Weezing's misty terrain before taking a deep breath. The fox's jaw unhinges before an ungodly screech rings out through the air- it rattles the bones of Gliscor, Corsola, and Zangoose!

>Spike uses Snarl on Gliscor, Corsola and Zangoose!
>Spike does 10 damage to Corsola and 7 damage to Gliscor. Their special attack is dropped by 1.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

"Move out of the way!"
Katherine attacks the corsola with a razor leaf!
Rolled 12 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>when the power flowing through his claws fades, he finds three cut mushrooms at this feet that he very carefully picks up by using his claws to pierce the caps and store them away

"ugh yuck."
>he flicks both claws in a quick attempt to remove the tar and mushroom gunk he picked up in his mushroom mincing

+3 tar mushrooms

"Wallis! Evan!"
>instantly he spins around, forgetting the enemies to focus on his allies, Wallis still in a catatonic state is first to get his attention

>he runs over, a blue glimmer in his eyes as he prepares an illusion, and just as a glow envelopes his body he jumps up aiming to bring her back to her senses by taking the form of a the little bat mon she has no issue touching

"You gotta snap out of it, Wallis!"
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Mohka could sit by and watch his teammate get nearly one shot... but he won't.

Leaving the safety of Weezing's aura, Mohka clobbers Zangoose with a Drain Punch!
Rolled 14 (1d20)

"Woo! There we go! Let's keep it up!"
>Kaz's spirits are bolstered, despite the poison seeping into his wounds!
>Probably stings a bit less with that heal pulse from Rapidash

>Kaz decides to re-focus on the poisonous reptile attaching Matchia!
"Cut it out with the poison business! It reeks in here as is!"

>Kaz, fist crackling with Electric energy, launches at Salandit with a Thunder Punch to the snout!
It lands! Mohka drains the target's life points directly. 14 damage + 6 HP back to Mohka!
Rolled 4 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>Sagira used Ember around Overqwil! (Pyromancy III)
>She's looking to ignite the tar!
Sagira, from the backline, watches the assault from the Overqwil. While her own weaknesses are still fresh upon her mind, all this place really needs is one perfect spark. And the spike-fish is in the literal thick of it.

Waving her hand in front of her and forcing out a bundle of embers, she hopes that the stray fire doesn't erupt into an uncontrollable blaze or peter out into uselessness.
8bp + 2atk = 10 damage!
Wallis blinks rapidly, bearing her typical shocked expression as the Corsola escapes from her point of view from hiding behind the others. She darts her gaze away with a "Hmph!" gesture to see Evan in danger.
"C-Crap, hang in there, Evan!"
Wallis Guards Evan and Braces her mind, still overflowing with the prepped Counter as her pinkish, sparkling aura of moisture ripples around her again.
"I-I'm alright, okay?! Just... worry about yourself, Brook!"
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Matchia grits her teeth, and bears the pain of the Venoshock! She's on the edge of fainting thanks to her currently shaky Special Defenses... But she can hang on... for now. (1 hp).
With a face that might pass for elation, she sees Mohka attacking the Zangoose, and she follows up behind him with a suplex from Reversal!
(12 + 4 + 4 + 2 damage!)
File: Dead.png (167 KB, 343x400)
167 KB
167 KB PNG
She whiffed the command grab.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

HP: 17/23
"Scorn o' a salamander tail."
>Sail direct the bolt toward Salandit with Dragon Pulse!
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>7/24 HP
>Evan coughs and scrapes the gunk off him
"UGH! Disgusting!"
>Evan peeks around Wallis and lobs a Blast Seed into Overqwil's face
"Wallis! You're gonna tell us what's up after we get through this, okay!? ...and thank you."
>Evan is still visibly and audibly concerned
Rolled 20 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

(HP 3/23)
>Below 1/3 HP, Orner eats her Sitrus Berry
(HP 23/23)
"Why-ow-do-AGH-I-oof-have to be the reasssonable one?!" Between the headbutts she manages to spew out a few words before...
>Orner uses Aqua Tail! She tries to launch both her and Zangoose out of the tar before they sink. Swimming here can't be that different from water, right? +1 Sea Snake.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Skitty whips a Blast Seed out of her bag and spins, launching it with her tail at the back of the Zangoose's head. Mainly to get it to let go... things aren't looking too good. Maybe if she saves Orner's skin she can leverage something... what an honorable motive.

...or maybe it's just for show.
"Whatever, I... I-I don't know, okay?! There's other things to worry about!"
Wallis turns to Weezing while she provides cover to Evan.
"Keep going, just stay out of reach from that tarred guy ahead of us!"
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Cubone, making note of the self-unearthed mushroom he'd sampled tar from to throw at Gliscor, stands there watching the battle unfold while he speculates on how it might prove useful. It reacted strongly to water, and everyone else seems to have most of the other Pokemon under control... He's got it: throwing it at an aquatic creature ought to produce unpleasant results. Overqwil is about to receive a high-velocity delivery of a mycelium network to the face, if Cubone can land his throw.
>Seeing her return to normal, he freezes in his tracks slowly falling back to the ground as his form returns to normal
"A-alright, well if you're sure..."

>since he's already here...might as well retrieve the zorua doll he had tossed over a few moments prior
As Espurr witnesses their friends creatively utilizing the tools they have available to them, it makes Espurr realize they're quite inadequate and unfit to help.
But if they can make it to the Voice of Life quicker than their allies, then that means they're one step closer to fixing the little problem they have.


>Espurr attempts to make a break for it, past the danger and closer to the objective. Some may see it as stupid, others may think it's a diversion, but it's really just them not wanting to be in a situation they can't help with. Maybe they'll find the stairs, or maybe they'll find more trouble.
Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d6)

Cress sees the biggest remaining threat to be the Pufferfish. a spikeball surrounded by tar makes for a poor contact target, but she's Double Kicking anyway.
And combined attacks cause Salandit's body to ripple and fade back into the mystery dungeon's foul air. It's like it and Mareanie were never there...
In trying to pluck the Pokemon from the tar...He's stuck in there a lot better than imagined. Matchia can't pull or even strike him without getting stuck herself...
While Mohka lands a slug with just a bit more reach. 13 damage! Mohka is poisoned.
Snarl's hit is signified by the Pokemon's every hair standing on end for 6 damage...
Actually, it is. It feels more like you're buried than swimming it's a bit easier to move than for most Pokemon...Until you begin generating water. it diplaces the sludge around you,allowing yourself and the maniac holding onto you to be propelled back onto solid ground, moving through a little veil of water surrounding you rather than tar.
...You're both still coated though.
Zangoose stares on in silent confusion at his rescuer before baring his fangs again. He's preparing for another attack when a blast seed propels him a second time into the dirt. At 10 flat damage, he gets up and looks back to the snake rather than any hidden attacker...before fainting. Despite the unconsciousness, it's happens to fall looking in the right direction, whispering something more at Orner than to her...
Corsola is knocked onto its back into the pools, kept above the fluid only by its coral spines after taking 6 and 12 damage. If glares could kill Spike, Katherine, or Evan...would it still be threatening, coming from a Corsola? It's KOed.

>>6032979 (You)
Ordinarily, these shrooms might break down a Pokemon's defenses by three stages. this engorged one plants itself and wrings Overqwil of six stages! There's one shroom left on the ground around Weezing...
For which Cress capitalizes with an unimpressive Double Kick. It deals 8 damage after drops...
To be followed up by concussive and fiery blasts from Sagira and Evan. In an instant, the battlefield is razed and transformed into a neon-blue hellscape, with flames lining the walls. Ember and Blast Seed spread comfortably and swiftly through the tar pits, dealing 12 and then 10 damage to any who happen to be submerged-in this moment, only Overqwil and Corsola. Orner may want to exercise caution, though.

Misty Terrain guards those inside its range from the burning toxic fumes, while Pastel Veil will protect one player riding Rapidash from their eggy toxins. All others take 2 damage from the fires and burning fumes inhaled.

Gliscor is in astonishingly good health, though immobilized and coated in tar,he's no longer keen on flying around and fighting in these fires. He's lying still...is that a forfeit?


Espurr walks ahead into a wide and expansive opening. He hears a voice echo in his mind as the flames catch and alight the whole place...
I see you've arrived. Excellent! But...
Espurr is unscathed and faces the source of the voice... which is to say, they stare off into space after giving their surroundings a once over.

Why did she stop speaking, that blue lady in their mind? Is something wrong?
"Continue. Have you found our meeting arrangements unsatisfactory?"

"If it can be sorted out quickly, then make it so." They are adamant about asking something of her... "I have a request." They look behind them at where the others are likely to approach soon. They'll wait until after their allies do what they have to do, It's... not of absolute importance right now, but it's still something bothering them.
>Evan wipes more sludge off of himself
"Alright, let's get going again."
>He grumbles as he directs Weezing to move forward
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Kath chills with Rapidash (vibes)
Spike stares back at the Corsola for a moment before tearing his eyes from it's hateful gaze towards the rest of his team.

"Is everyone alright?" Spike shouts, running over to the wounded with Weezing.
Wallisaverts her gaze from Corsola's own, avoiding a gaze in that general direction as if her life depended on it. Unaware she's about to be subject to more of the telepathic mind invasion she hates, Wallis shtomps ahead alongside Weezing with a Wide Guard up while Counter remains active. They're marching into the belly of the beast, if Swalot could even be called that, after all.
"I'm, so gonna get her for this..."
Wallis grumbles, steaming.
Matchia huffs in annoyance at her inability to finish off the Zangoose... before stumbling forward, nearly falling over.
She's severely injured, and the healing granted to her by Regenerator just barely keeps her up.
(2 hp)
She drags herself back towards the rest of her little group by the Rapidash, finally deciding to use her Oran.
(12, soon to be 10 hp)
>Brook is just putting the substitute doll on his back when he turns around and sees the chaos unfolding
>he quickly hurries back over to the gray balloon mon as they make their way forward....once everything seems to have calmed down
Rolled 19 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

"It'sss ssuch a burden, being ssmart... Good sshot, Pinky!"
She starts firefighting with Aqua Tail, wouldn't want to catch an ember and light up herself, or her attacker...
"Hey Wallis, do you know how to use your water stuff without damaging me? I need this crap off of me right now."
"Uh... I could once we're through these fumes. I'm hoping Wide Guard helps stave them off. I can't really keep it to just you with Surf though, so it'd mean everyone gets the rinse cycle. Maybe Mud Shot would do the trick...?"
"Hm... okay, let's do it once we're outta this place. No point if I'm just gonna get sludged again in five minutes."
Though protected by the Misty Terrain, this won't clear a path. Water Gun to the rescue? No, actually, it's Mud-Slap. Orner has the water covered, and Cubone can stay safely away while suffocating flames with less-ablaze ground after they're drenched. Besides this, it doesn't seem like he has much to say on the matter. He'd probably be muttering something, though, were he not preoccupied.
Skitty sits back and relaxes, having taken minimal damage; just the few ticks of poison damage.

...where's Espurr?

"That didn't seem like the pinnacle of intellect to me... that thing almost took you down, you know."
The land stings your eyes with fumes and sulfur, intensely colored lights burning away at your vision as if they were ultraviolet lamps. Veins of yellow dust blend into nothing against the hued air and mark themselves simultaneously with lines of flame leading in and out of yet more pools of flammable gunk. A few lines of tall grasses line the solid ground that does exist, though it's hard to tell what color they are given the unlikely location and fires distorting everything.

Things have turned...complicated, little one. Just as they were about to find me hiding, I became afflicted with...something. It eats at my senses. I must stay hidden; if we meet, I will surely strike at you...lethally. I know it. It sounds horrible, but I believe our goals can be met without such an incident. The thought hangs in the air for a moment, giving Espurr a chance to absorb it all.
...If it's within my power, it will be granted...

"We will persist, but it will get problematic if there are more trials ahead. This is such an odd place to be, even if one was being chased..."

Rapidash uses its Heal Pulse to restore 4 HP to Brook and 2 to Kaz. "Lucky you, I'm a boss! If anyone wants to move over to my Weezing friend's gang, I've got a few Pecha berries to clear their poisoning! You'd have to stay with him, though..."
His partner speaks up. "It's been a long time since anyone's lit this dungeon up, so it is! Always a show...But those Pokemon were out for blood! They aren't dungeon ferals, either!"

You can forge a safe enough path through the dry land, but the pits are quite literally made of fuel. The dungeon's gonna be burning for a while.
...come to think of it, this is the third major fire this land has experienced in short succession. Odd.
Wallis gives Wide Guard a momentary rest to provide firefighting services. With Surf, she conjures a water table, then gently raises it from the ground to smother the flames. Breaks in the wave allow the party to avoid contact, but it's predictable by design should you desire a rinse.
>Sail consume a Sitrus Leaf to mitigate the toxic fume.
>As well consume the Peacha berry that the unicorn is offering.
HP: 18/23
Spike scowls, the flames are growing all around them and his team has already taken a quick, but furious beating from what must've a patrol. . . or some wildies.

He lets out a conscious and tired sigh, rubbing his temple with the wrist of his paw to avoid touching himself with the tainted ground.

"There goes the berry and the meal I planned to use for when we made contact with the captors. . ." Spike looks up at the rest of his team, and despite silent voice in his mind telling him to let it go, he can't help but deepen his scowl.

"This would've gone smoother if. . . Tch," he clicks his tongue and shakes his head.

"Wallis!" he calls out. "Can you give us a rinse?"
"Great. I'm covered in muck and everything's on fi-"
>Evan becomes clean
"Well that's better. Now where did Espurr go? Did anyone see them?"
So she isn't in control of herself... but her mind is stronger than her body, it seems.
Hopefully. They get the distinct feeling that they'll meet her again and she'll still be leagues stronger than them or their team. Regardless, they get to their request after considering what she has said.

"I have lost touch with my Psychic abilities." They have trouble saying it, especially in front of someone else, but they don't have much time before the others show up and make it even harder. "I lost them when I awoke from an unpleasant dream of sorts. I do not know why."

Espurr sits down and explains their situation, how they haven't felt the same ever since they were cured of Twilight Syndrome. "They give me trouble regularly, if not perpetually, yet I require them to function how I am meant to." They need their power back, even if it comes with the same drawbacks as before.
"Are you aware of a means to find that strength within myself again?" and as damaging to their pride as it is to say this... "I am lost."

The blue lady is the strongest Psychic they know of. If she can't help, then who can? She has to have a fix, right?
...A word of advice, at least?
Spike dives into the wave to rinse himself clean of the tar stuck to his paws and the odor attached to his coat by the fumes.
"I know, and it didn't! I had him meassured, I could have taken two more hitsss from him..." Sure enough, she's totally fine while everyone is still reeling from the fire. That Poison typing really pays off!
>Brook is a little surprised as a refreshing feeling flows over him, restoring most of the small amount of energy he has spent making the doll
HP: 23/25

>he says to the pastel horse as he remains near the gray floating balloon mon while he waits for the flames to die down
"Ran off ahead, I believe." Cubone dryly answers. He'd question the decision, but Espurr is still a bit ahead of them, and it doesn't seem to have led to anything problematic, so he keeps his questioning to himself.
"Thank you. Let's go catch up, yeah?"
>Evan continues his forward movement
"Yeah yeah... When I get a look of her mug face-to-face, I swear..."
Wallis says as she brings the wave down gently following the rinse to make her way ahead.
Not all of the actions we take are voluntary. I can tell from your feelings that you carry great turmoil...it's a turmoil I have seen before. It is no malady or injury, but something born from your heart. Your heart wishes to ache no more. Think of all the times your exertion has brought you suffering and pain-let no experience nor Experience say your self is a worthy sacrifice for friends or growth. Power you cannot control is merely a growing pain; it grows easy with time. Allow your allies to be your strength until it comes into its own, and allow yourself to heal. Many things are beyond our powers to influence, even for myself. Understanding that truths like that is the only reason I have survived to enjoy my Creation for so long. Especially now...

The rest of you travel ahead and meet Espurr, standing alone in this wide, burning field. The voice is now audible to the rest of you...

There is a pursuer nearby. She is very powerful, and seeks to end my life. This dungeon hides a secret I cannot uncover, one pivotal to overcoming our enemies-! 'Flames run blue, and Pokemon are to be commanded. Accept the way of the world and inherit the stars.' If you solve that Jynx's poem, do not her find what you uncover...

Curious. Someone wrote a riddle to help uncover the Unity's Heart? Or is it some other artifact...?

To be concluded this Saturday on the 15th. Go ahead and take 30 Exp for your efforts.
"What a waste of yourselves, coming here and offering your bodies up like Bounsweet..."
A figure reveals itself atop the steep hill in the center of this field. At first one might assume it to be a Pokemon at home in this deadly environment, what with it standing so high amid the rising smoke and sublimating poisons...but then it starts on a coughing fit. It's a little hard to make out the species until it steps forward again.
"Why don't you lie still and make it quick and painless? there's nowhere to hide, not here..."

And out of the blue lights and haze steps... a camel-looking Pokemon with a turnover baked into its back. It's a little difficult to take seriously...

But the echo of that Gardevoir's voice in your mind snaps to silence.

Your travelling buddies are getting cold feet, now stammering and shuffling idly. "I...oogh. I didn't know you Pokemon had it out with the locals. We're not about to get raided, are we...?"
"Is that so?"
>apologies about posting once and collapsing last attempt. this time will be different. also ish shall remain by koffing to avoid poisoning for now.
"Bold words for a reject baker's product. we're here on a rescue mission and we intend to see it through."
"Who the heck are you, buddy?"
>Kaz asks the mysterious camel like pokemon.

>Kaz addresses their allies, Koffing and Rapidash,
"Never seen this guy in our lives."
>Brook freezes, eyes snapping over to the voice straight in the center of the rising fumes that permeate this whole area

>a bead of sweat breaks out on his forehead while he takes a gulp, the tension in the air growing as they continue to speak until....!

>a chuckle escapes his mouth
>he was expecting something scary not an apple pie and one that themselves seem to be choking on the toxic air too

>of course noticing the pair traveling along with them shaking in their...hooves? he quickly raises a paw to stifle his giggle
>Is... is that a talking pie?
"Tough talk comin' from somethin' I'm pretty sure I've ate fer breakfast before.
Orner will stay by the Rapidash, and put on a Berry before fighting starts.
"Iss thiss a bit? Iss thisss a lil' jesst? Becausse I'll be real, it isss kinda funny..."
>Evan smirks, amused by the sheer difference between the words and the thing saying them
"Get outta here with that stupid tough guy crap, between your attitude and this sewer of a swamp, that nectar you lot are famous for probably tastes like fermented piss. Get lost, ya fuckin' stooge!
>Evan waves it off
Wallis has no idea Galarian Weezing has type advantage vs Appletun. She leans in to reassure Weezing in her own special way.
"We did not schlep our way here through this venomous no-mon's island just to back off to this rando! We said we'd escort you, so just get moving ahead and we'll escort you from your side!"
She commands Weezing, sticking to part of the riddle despite not hearing it. Being bossy can help, I guess. You know what else helps? Counter. She's already set up another one after she had to drop it to rinse off her allies with Surf and fight the fires around them.
"And you, pastry pansy! You don't get to act like we're trespassers when you're hiding an important pokemon to the outside world here! Why don't YOU make with the hiding and we'll be on our own ways?! Now!"
Wallis is in a horrible mood. That's the most diplomacy she can muster. She's steaming in spite of talking the way she did to a grass type, not that she knows that.
Matchia sizes up the new foe, not saying much of value.
Allow yourself to heal... Your allies be your strength.
It's hard to accept that. Would that mean putting aside power for the sake of avoiding pain? Trying to force it only seems to lead to unhelpful growth. Perhaps it has to be this way... for now.

Espurr isn't happy to have their thoughts interrupted by this obnoxious creature. It seeks to... kill them? Great to know.
The cat isn't as overconfident as some of their allies are known to be, however. They know they can't fight such a Pokemon, who is evolved and stands with the gall to threaten a group of several opponents. Surely there's some skill backing those words. Skill Espurr doesn't possess in return.

They take a good look at their surroundings to see if they missed anything that would be strategically-valuable before the threat of danger resurfaced.
Cubone is... less than intimidated by the figure. Perhaps unwisely, given his Type and Moves... although, he's considering just trying to walk around it, going off how fast that Pokemon ought to be able to move.
"Lie still? That sounds... far more like a request than a threat." he notes.
Sagira takes note of the hesitation coming from their companions and narrows her eyes in suspicion, putting greater distance in case of anything drastic.
>Dustin realizes.
“It’s that girl I had in my dream that had like an explosion or something!”
Spike scowls, his yellow eyes seem to glow as they narrow at strange. . . pie camel.

"You're part of the abductors aren't you?" he questions, a hiss in his voice.
>Dustin gets too into it to even listen on his fellow teammate.
"I think a fight with you would be painless no matter what," Skitty snarks aloud. Bad choice? Maybe, but it's funny to hear edgelord lines like that coming from... uh...
Rolled 1 (1d20)

"Hey! That was mean!"
The Pokemon stamps in place. It seems jeering from an entire crowd is getting to her. "S-senseless brutes...all of you! Yes...it's so shameful that I'll have to lay waste to you! Come to me and reap the fruits of your pointless violence. You'll find no treasure here!" Treasure?
"Abductor. Phwew! You wish, interlopers! There will be no quarter for you. Not here, not anywhere!"

The terrain here is all eroded and brittle from fungi, including the mound that Appletun stands on. The tar pits in this area run much wider than the ones Orner could wrestle atop earlier; they're probably much deeper, as well. Blue fire and toxins alight the place at all corners, thickening the smog the into the air they rise. Actually, it looks the densest at Appletun's height, yet she still stands up there. Tall, dry grasses line the circular arena-bowl you find yourselves in, enough to partly obscure your view of things at eye level. Supposedly, this dungeon pit hides the Voice of Life and a secret somewhere...
And most of the grass and tar is on fire, with a little circle of mud and not-fire around Weezing and Wallis.

Appletun wheezes away 2 HP before popping an Eyedrop Seed into her mouth and doing a cursory scan of the place. She begins channeling a technique, one that causes her eyes to glimmer a deep indigo blue and the skies above to stain into the same colors as the flames. Was it always nighttime in here? Lights are starting to line the pepper the heavens through the veil of sulfur...
You've got a turn to do something about that.

"Should we just run? The exit's only a move or two away..."
"That one's not just a Mid-Boss, I know that aura. She's a boss! Watch out!"

>Boss: 0 IP. Enemy only. User gets 3 actions per turn.

The fires burn away at the tar pits.

Examination Allegro 2016, Ace Attorny: Spirit of Justice
Rolled 10 (1d20)

"You should just give up and give us her location," Spike warns, but the battle has already begun. His jaw unhinges and from the dark pit of his mouth a screech rings out, shaking the air.

>Spike uses Snarl on Appleton! It should do 10 damage if it it hits (>10) and lower their Special Attack by one.
"I feel my best move here would be knocking her into the pits with bounce."
>ish turns to the group
"But, I don't got time to use it traditionally, and... may have trouble approaching with that tar otherwise. Kaz, Mohka. either of you feel your aim is up to par?"
"This is not good guys..."
>The flames surrounding them prevent Brook from taking a step backwards as the dinopie
"C'mon I've gotta have something..."
>Brooks eye remain locked to the paye as he digs around, accidentally dropping a blue orb on the ground

"Huh? Oh hey!"
>he chases after the rolling crystal strange he can almost swear there's a weird glow coming off it but there's no way sunlight in this place?

>Thankfully he manages to catch it before it rolls into the flaming tar and when he picks it up he sees a small glowing crack in it before the whole thing lights up......!

>Brooks MUG ORB activates
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>Evan Leers at the dragon.
>There's not much else he can do, here.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

"I don't like the look a those eyes."
>Kaz charges forward to throw the enemy pokemon off their game!

>Kaz leaps and bounds between the fires to land a Thunder Punch across the Pokemon's face!
"Surge Strike, comin' up!"
8bp + 2atk + 1Leer - 4NVE = 7 damage!
Rolled 8 (1d20)

"Y'know, we could ussse a Wide Guard... right about now... OIIII-"
>Orner uses Screech against Appletun!
>Another -2 defense for Appletun!
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>actually, looking closer, a rebound might not be needed right now.
"to hell with it, gonna crunch that apple"
>and he charges, jumping, and readying a fire fang straight for it!
Espurr is the smallest of the small here, the grass is more than tall enough to hide in... and more than flammable.

>Espurr dashes into the tall grass and goes prone, uprooting as much of it as they can to gather grass to use for later.

If they can find a stick or something similar, they could make a torch to carry with them. Perhaps the blue fire has a sort of warding effect; they weren't feeling very sick when they were alone, talking to the Voice of Life.
(6bp+3def down+1atk+1STAB, 11 damage! the opponent is burned if they don't already got a major status too!)
“Kaz, quick question. WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS THIS?”
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>Sail bolt Appletun with Dragon Pulse!
"Nah thaw into a pit o' sludge in the air. Knock toward the tide. So say wyrm."
If hit, 16 dmg!
"Fine, then we'll be answering your warm welcome in kind, apphole!"
Wallis' headfins twitch and she looks up to see the lights in the sky. Though she's yet to see a move like this, there is only one way she can think to respond.
>Wallis used Wide Guard!
Still in a battle stance and enveloped in Counter, she is able to form a barrier matching her colors that contours to all allies' shape. While she does so, she attempts to give that same protection to the Voice of Life. The one upside to her from the repeated dream invasions is that she knows what she's looking for. Whatever's close by that matches the VoL's description, it's getting a Wide Guard barrier. The time for hiding is over.
"Don't try and pull rank on me! I know what I'm doing!"
Very irritable today.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

"You ain't gonna be in much a position to be givin' quarter here soon."
>With that, Mohka dashes across dry plots of land and up the hill, aiming to knock the Appletun down off of the hill and into a tar pit with a Dragon Tail!
(11 damage + thrown if lands)
Maybe it'd be a little hard to just walk around Appletun after all. The one time he gets too uppity, he thinks...
The environment happens to favour Cubone's particular strengths, though, and he decides the best bet is to dissuade further fiery attacks from the source, by tossing some of the flaming tar at the Appletun with Mud-Slap.
Rolled 20 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>Sagira used Ember on the tar! (Pyromancy III)
Sagira looks at the burning tar and the new position the attacker is going to take. With some hopeful predictions, she lobs some Embers in the spot she believes the trajectory intersects.

"We should move. There isn't much reason to linger... but there was mention of something else. Are they protecting something?"
Rolled 14 (1d20)

when the dice
>Correction, -7!
>Ouch, damage = 4

"A world of fire n' brimstone."
"I think. Reminds me of a book I had ta read in class."

>Kaz looks at the cerulean flames.
"The blue fames are new."
"I'm pretty sure this is what hell would look like."
>ish offhandedly comments
"Maybe a bit more... cave-y though.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Skitty uses Tail Whip on the Apple Creature Thing at the maximum range her reach can allow, unsure if getting close is too much of a hazard. Hopefully the others can cover her... even though some of them already had the same idea.

(-1 Def)
"Really? I always thought it'd look more...red, you know?"
>Kaz passes the turn by with idle chatter

"Though, it'd be a lot cooler with green flames."
"They yearn for what they fear for. What do you want me to do right now?"
"Uuuuh, I dunno, hit it with a dragon move or somethin, see if that works."
>Kaz suggests to his teammate
"Doesn't look like 'lectricity does much."
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>Dustin shrugs.
>Dustin uses Dragon Tail!
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Cress notes the color in the sky and moves to break line of sight between Wallis and Appletun. She lights an Ember to throw into the Pokemon's mound of plants...
Rolled 5, 9 = 14 (2d20)

piercing sounds, tail-wags(?) and gazes drop the aggressor's stats by 3 defense and 1 Special attack, dealing...0 damage.
a glittering cocoon-like seed drops from the Appletun's possession and skips into yours. It's colored like a rainbow marble, partly wrapped in a gold skin. It exudes power in a way you've felt a couple times before...elsewhere.
The Mud Slap accomplishes no more than a small accuracy penalty, but the toxic/flammable residue remains on the target. She'll be susceptible to fire now...
Espurr should hope that effect wasn't merely a placebo. It's pretty thick out here...
The grass is purple, on closer inspection. Hopefully that doesn't mean anything bad.
At three defense drops, Your combined attacks fall upon this Appletun at once to deal...2 damage, through Ishmael's tar boosted Fire Fang. They glide off her skin in fashion not too dissimilar to a legendary cursed sword or seasoned world-class warrior-before her trained defenses even apply. Her flesh is honed to...perfection?! Is this really a mere Appletun?
Sail's Dragon Pulse deals another 1 damage. This output is...concerning.
The flames take hold immediately, consuming the fluid and roaring wildly. Sulfur veins previously hidden make themselves known with walls of heat and blinding passersby with pillars of light. The ambient sulfurs thicken...

Ember spreads to all Pokemon inside the tar pits. Right now, that would be...nobody.
...Until a pair of Dragon Tails throws thepie Pokemon into a particularly large pit for 0 damage. Sagira's critical Ember spreads to her for 2 damage.

"Well at least something happened..."
"That felt like biting rubber..."
Appletun uses Drcao Meteor! The stars fall from the sky, falling upon each and every one of you...only to be broken and fade into sparks of nothing when a little barrier of light reduces the meteors to nothing.
She follows up with a spray of bubbling fluid aimed for Wallis...only for Cress to absorb the acid. a special defense drop is incurred on the rabbit. (4/27)
on her final turn, she kicks off the sludge, sublimating it entirely as if she isn't trapped at all. Steel Roller crashes into Cress, knocking her out...


Dustin, Kaz, Skitty, Ishmael, Matchia, Mohka, and Katherine all take 2 poison damage.
Up on the top of that hill, the rising fumes have been thrrfold more dangerous by the spread and use of fire. Mohka, Kaz, Ishmael, and Dustin take 8 damage from the sulfurous fog...

The fires rage on. In one of the pits, a terraformed flat ledge is revealed by some of the tar having burned away...
Rapidash uses Heal Pulse to regenerate 2 HP to Mohka, Kaz, and Katherine!
Rolled 16 (1d20)

"Well, shit. Guess this is gonna suck, then."
>Evan Leery
Rolled 4 (1d20)

(13/23 HP)
>that doesn't feel good...
>ish hops down, chasing after the appletun and throwing another fang into it!
>remaining 2 AP into evasion, combined with stat boosts, that's a 7 or more to hit ish
"Keep away from her!"
(that is...6+1+1+5, for 13 dam before defence)
Spike's scowl deepens. He glares daggers at the pie-camel-dragon-thing.

In the back of his mind he feels the immense pressure of something building, some. . . malice pushing against the back of his eyes and the walls of his skull. It exudes in his aura, something wrong and ominous.


Spike lets out a scream as a sharp, throbbing pain like something stabbing him all over goes off.

>Spike uses Curse on Appelton.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

At lack of better options, Katherine attacks with a rapid spin
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>Kaz coughs from the burning fumes!
"Ugh, feels like bein' in a forest fire..."

"All-cough-right, let's see if some air can cut though this smog!"
>Kaz's body glows a pale blue!
>Suddenly, he disappears!
>Only to reappear and slam into Appletun!

>Kaz used Aerial Ace on the pie shaped assailant!
Rolled 19 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Espurr takes the grass they've collected and sets it alight at the nearest fire source, tossing clumps of lit grass at the Appletun. They keep going as best they can, uncertain that this will do anything...

Foraging III
6bp + 2atk + 3SE + 5defdrop = 16 damage!
>Sail switch up the berry for the gem.
"Tip of throne of astral fall above."
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Skitty starts belting out Taylor Swift lyrics, hoping to at least disorient the thing throwing out three attacks a turn. Who taught that thing to move so fast?!

(Disarming Voice Mastery: Disruptor Tier 1. 4+3SE=7 damage)
Rolled 12 (1d20)

(13/23 HP)
The Sweat Band around his nose and mouth does little to block out the smog, and Rapidash's heal pulse is only a minor reprieve - but appreciated nonetheless.

Mohka hops back down from the hill, towards the newly cleared terraformed ledge - taking a swipe of Dragon Tail at Appletun in route, in the hopes of golfing the pie back into the smog at the top of the hill.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>he feels the crystal in his grip become much lighter, and when the glow finally fades it's not the orb he sees but rather an object that almost resembles a seed...despite all the chaos going on he does nothing but look down at stare at it completely entranced by the aura it seems to give off

>it isn't until the sound of tiny meteors bouncing off the barrier above snaps him out of it that time seems to flow normally again, instantly the mystical seed? Is tucked away as he scurries off

>he isn't entirely sure what's happened but he finds himself running ahead rather than away, jumping over flames as the smoke begins to gather around his limbs mixing with a sky blue aura a tell tale sign that Flying energy is being called

>after touching that seed he feels more at ease, as if the apple pie mon is suddenly a lot less dangerous....despite the fact it just shot meteors

"Hey Kaz wait up!"
>he calls follwing right behind the bear as he jumps forward in a sudden burst of speed and backflips sending a slicing gust of smoke directly into the appholes face!!!

6bp + 3atk +3SE +5defdrop = 17 damage!
Wallis can hardly process the saving of her bacon.
She mutters, hardening her stance to focus fully on Wide Guard. Whatever that was, it'll definitely hurt a party this beat up from the poisonous path here. The Wide Guard protection around the party is fortified!
"You have got to be kidding..." The gravity of the situation has sunk on Orner. She knows what she has to do.
"Hey, don't let up at any point!"
Orner Guards Wallis! Lets hope she can take what's coming.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Also, does she keep her two defense? Over five means yes.
its four or more actually, she does
"Wait up!? Come on Brook, you know me! You gotta catch up!"
>Despite the jab, Kaz does slow down a bit so he and Brook can attack as one!
(11 + 5 def drop = 16 damage + thrown)
Rolled 20 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>Sagira's Magician! (Thaumaturgy III)
>Sagira spins up a portal beneath the Appletun!
Sagira notices the increase of the toxic, bellowing smoke emerging from the vibrant flames. Glancing back at the unmoved assailant and the roaring assault from above, she quickly shuffles towards the largest, brightest fire. Whipping her hands around, she summons the bridge in reality.

"Cubone. You can generate a source of water, yes? We can try to disrupt the target with a blast of smoke or steam. Or neither. This is... guesswork at its finest. But ultimately, better than inaction."
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Cubone only takes a second to consider it.
"True enough. The smoke can't be good to inhale, at least..." he notes, aiming his Water Gun at the burning fauna.
Wallis is so surprised she almost drops her concentration.
"I don't get it at all..."
She mumbles. In spite of this, she similarly recognizes the threat Draco Meteor poses.
Rolled 11, 14, 2 = 27 (3d20)

P.S. for previous post, Rapidash and Appletun take 2 poison damage. Rapidash consumes an Oran Berry.

Without any more tar, the attack itself deals 0 damage. Your flames add more power to the smog above, however...
...And yet more still. Her body shrugs off the projectile tinder, but now there's even more. Curiously, without the sediment to contribute chemically, this grass burns in the more traditional orange color. It must be something special about the land to form this blue flare.
Oh, and all that clearing away revealed to you another of those Crumbling-tar Shrooms. Be sure to hold it by the cap if you touch...
All to be capped off by Mohka's follow-up Dragon Tail. Even with 5 defense drops, the attack deals no damage...but the cloud above has grown dangerously. This time, a lungful deals 14 damage!
Around the point most of you are familiar with Wide guard fading away, the light barrier just spins in place. It looks like Wallis is keeping it up...
Something feels...comfortable, about this technique. Almost like you could exert something through it-despite being a mere authoritative gaze. For now, though...-1 Special Defense.
It feels like a 5' nail digging into your body...which is most of your width, at this size.
Appletun winces, feeling much the same in this moment. She's Cursed!
The Water Gun falls as ends as more of a fanning spray than a directed beam-perhaps better for creating the intended effect, but certainly not intended. Ember, having created a gate around Appletun absorbs the flowing gases surrounding her in volumes far greater than anticipated-superheated steam builds pressure and jettisons out from Sagira's 'possession' and back into Appletun in concentrated form, dealing 16 damage.
It's all immediately purified by Weezing's aura, though magic-infused superheated steam is equally hazardous to the dragon's kind.
Though concentrated, the torrent blows wide. Cubone is clipped by the edge of the stream for 4

Speaking of combined efforts, you're used to breaking a certain level of air when using these slashing techniques. It's wider in tandem; the vacuum formed by your dual-Aerial Ace gives you a split second's reprieve from the smog you must dive through to follow Appletun upwards onto the mount. feel free not to take 14 damage to smoke inhalation this turn.

At -5 defense, the attack...bounces off, dealing 0 damage.

The old apple-templar manages to stave off being Confused by the magically purified steam attack.
A second Draco Meteor befalls the party to no effect...
A second Apple Acid is launched at Orner in place of Wallis, to deal 16 damage and a Special Defense Drop.
The Pokemon rolls downhill to meet her with Dragon Tail to force Orner out of the way and back into the tar pits...and misses.

Appletun, Ishmael, Skitty, Kaz, Dustin, Katherine, and Rapidash take 2 poison damage. Brook is poisoned and takes 2 damage.
Katherine inhales the smog from above and takes 14 damage...

You've added a lot of heat to the area. Yet more tar burns away, revealing a hollow dugout underneath Mohka's ledge...it's starting to crumble.

This Appletun is starting to gasp for air. she's looking wilted... "Not here...not to you...!"

The attack falls harmlessly upon Appletun, but it seems to linger within her. She might fail to reach desired effects with Steel Roller or Dragon Tail...

Failing to KO anyone, Appletun withers as 6 HP is drained.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

"Yes here-"
>Kaz begins, readying up more pale blue energy
"And yes, ta us! You're not gonna stop us from savin' our friend!!"

>Kaz launches, hurtling himself through the blue flames, to deliver another Aerial Ace!
>If it ain't broke, why fix it?
Rolled 5 (1d20)

"Is she having trouble breathing?" Spike questions out loud, noticing her constant coughing before an idea occurs.

Spike's shadow darkens and races across the ground- but instead of trying to harm- an invisible force slams into her wind pipe.
6bp + 2atk + 3se + 6defdown = 17 damage!
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Rolling back downhill? Not on Mohka's watch. Another Dragon Tail to knock the appletun back uphill! And hop off this crumbling ledge, while he's at it.
>Evan gives her an obscene gesture
"If you're gonna cry about it, do it at home! Nobody wants to see yer ugly mug get even uglier!"
>Evan takes a break. It does nothing, but he's laughing at the boss.
Wallis winces as she narrowly avoids a bath of Apple Acid. Though the smell assails her senses with the targeted Orner ornear, she remains totally focused on Wide Guard. The Appletun's growing lack of composure is all the reason she needs to Wide Guard harder.
>Wallis used Wide Guard!
"This is why you shouldn't have stood in our way! Consider your bed made, now sleep in it!"
Rolled 5 (1d20)

"Agh!" (HP 7/23)
That's under the 1/3 threshold, Sitrus Berry consumed!
(HP 23/23, -1 Sp. Def.)
"Keep it up guysss, she'ss about to drop!" Orner throws her first actual attack this fight, a Gunk Shot that will hopefully help finish the fight!
(10 BP + 3 STAB + 4 ATK + 5 SE + 2 TS = 24 Damage! If the roll is 4 or more)
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>The energy infused wind was able to keep the toxic fumes out for a short time, but as usual it's fleeting
>he grasps at his chest, almost falling forward on his face only managing to catch himself at the last minute however...something else did fall to the ground
>he smirks before turning back to the apple bottomed drake

"Hey, apphole you aren't looking so good. Maybe adding one of these will help keep your crust together!"
>Brook throws the mushrooms at near point blank range, being careful to hold them by the caps with his claws

>unfortunately he can't exactly look back to make sure they all hit, hopefully his aim was good as he books it back to the others near the balloon mon
Rolled 6 (1d20)

"High gangway the wyrm o' fall o' ash. Below the fume."
>Sail consume the Dragon Gem
>Shot a bolt at Appleton with renewed vigor, with Dragon Pulse!
If hit, 19 dmg!
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Wow Matchia has been definitely been doing stuff this whole time!!
Matchia jumps into the fray, using Reversal all the way! The poison damage's pumped her up, but she's not at max 'moxie'!
(8 + 4 + 2) damage!
>Ishmael... thinks the team has got it, determining he should block for Wallis to keep the guard up instead.
>11/23 HO
A cascade of attacks, both effective and not fall upon the dragon. 1 damage, 14, 8, 2, and 4 after Brook's mushrooms leech away yet more of her natural armor. Only the first takes root, though...
She slumps to the side at the top of that hill after Spike's sneak attack. This Appletun is taking the punishment in stride, reacting little to the onslaught until the last of the moves are made. Her eyes flip up to Spike and Kaz, trying to get a read on them. The next time she speaks, her voice is slow and labored. "...?...You don't belong Here. This path isn't right for you..." For all her strength, that attack on her breath may have worked. She collapses on the spot, not bothering to come down from the superheated clouds yet awake all the same. Rather than preserving herself, she's muttering curses about respect and seniority towards Brook and Evan.


The fires roar on, melting away at terrain and tar alike. The blue lights and pieces of draconic meteor together are blinding-some of you may not notice Mohka's ledge collapsing after he leaves, the space underneath it being supported by...nothing. The sulfur-tar in in the pit below burns away, but there's no soil or stone underneath...The hole just gives way to a downward blue void. Are those stairs? There's still liquid evaporating away in there...

It's unclear whether the desert Pokemon is out of health, but she's done fighting. That encounter looks to be worth...20 Exp.
"I don't think going in there is a good idea."
>the rabbit remains firmly in misty terrain range, mainly to keep himself from getting too curious
"fucked up star hole, if we have some sort of cord that won't burn, that's the only way I can think that's safe"
Rolled 20 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Spike stares back at the Appletun and keeps staring until she finally falls. Spike lets out a tired sigh, his legs wobble as the phantom pain fades away from his flesh.

"Is everyone alright?" He calls out- but considering the. . . curse? Yes, curse. Considering that it didn't break, everyone must be alright.

His eyes wander over his teammates and the battle field, through the flames and smoke he spots the strange hole.

"I can go in," Spike says, hobbling over as his claws idly grow into climbing picks. He takes a deep breath and walks towards it.

>Spike's Undead Attribute to try and not breath the evaporating liquids.
>with the fight seemingly over, Brook tip toes back over to recover the mushrooms that hadn't taken root. Keeping a careful eye on the dino pie as as he does so.

>Brook pauses to dig around through his supplies...as well as let another cough work its way out of his throat
"What is....this?"
>he presents the golden seed like object to the defeated? pie
"Are you sure? it's... still on fire."
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Kath vibes, awaiting for further instructions
>Kaz raises both arms, fists clenched in cheer!

"That'll learn ya!"
>He says to their defeated foe

"Be careful down there!"
>Kaz calls after the half dead Zorua
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

"On it..."
From within the confines of Misty Terrain, Wallis hesitantly drops Wide Guard and starts the Surf rinse cycle. She conjures a Water Table beneath her, then pushes it outward to send a wave that washes away both the fires and their tar source.
>After a moment, Kaz walks over to the Appletun
"So, what's your story?"
>Kaz sits down in front of them
"Not often we get ta talk to the bad guys."
"Ah, of course. The burning crap reveals a mystery pit from hell! Classic game design, you know."
>Evan wipes some gunk off of himself
"Well, get to it! That shithole ain't gonna explore itself, now is it?"
Spike gives them a thumbs up with his claws. The fire won't hurt him too much. . . Right?
"Be careful!"
>Brook momentarily looks away to wish the white fox luck, before returning his attention to the mon on the ground
Cubone is a bit more interested in the apple granny than the strange pit of death. One of these is a more common occurence than the other. More specifically, he prods for elaboration on the seemingly meaningless rambling.
"Here? This path?"
>the only thing stopping ish from charging in after spike is being aware the poison will fuck him up just trying to help.
>Meanwhile, Evan is extraordinarily flammable. He's ordering other people go in instead.
"Would you look at that. The riddle isss ssolved, thankss to the apple lady..." She turns to the Rapidash and Weezing. "Well, guesss we part wayss here!"
"Come on, sssince when are you NOT ssuicidally recklesss?"
"I'm down to my lassst berry, but fine. Thisss place feelss pretty comfy to me!"
Orner's big eyes almost bulge out like a cartoon. "HO-LY. You jussst hit the jackpot! That ssseed iss a sseriouss assset-did the Appletun have it? That could have been SSSO much worssse!"
"I am reckless, when there's something to gain. there does not seem to be anything to gain from jumping in the mystery hole."
Espurr seems keen on speaking with the Appletun as well. Kaz has the right idea.
Matchia peers at the hole.
"...Looks troublesome. Probably."
"I think so? I'm not really sure how I got it."
>At Orners words, his grip on the object noticeably tightens the rainbow marble being completely obscured in his grasp

"One second I was holding a blue crystal, next this is in its place....what is it anyway? Is it dangerous?"
"Did you forget the whole hidden treassure that the Voice of Light came all the way here to get? And you guysss wonder why I'm here, ssseemss I gotta do ALL-" She dips her head in the void. Her body is long so she can just do that.
You'll have to hear what the apple dragon says about that, probably in an hour if you are lucky!
"I was more concerned about our patron herself!"
>ish is annoyed
"Hidden beneath. Seen that one before."
>Mohka takes a look down into the pit.
"Well. S'a good thing I dipped when I did."

A wave follows Spike downward, killing the fire. Without any need to respirate, being submerged doesn't pose much of a challenge, and much of the sweltering heat is absorbed-it's uncomfortably hot underwater, but Spike is neither being poisoned or burned. It's much the same for Orner following in, though now they both need to swim to go deeper. It's a narrow linear path that seems to open out into a void of nothingness-until you realize the chamber you've swam down these stairs into is completely submerged in tar-still burning despite the Surf wave. Hopefully, your parents have taught you about oil fires...
Some globs drip and flow past you, still overwhelmingly hot. Is there a way to uncover more of this submerged room? Will there be any air once all this tar is gone...?
Lucky the specific two of you either don't need to breathe clean air and have some functionality underwater, though.

"'Bad guys.'" She croaks, working her throat. "If you're naive enough to wave that in my face, you and your 'angels'...aren't a threat to anybody." It might sound like she's referring to Kaz's insult, but a lunge and a chomp reveals her original intentions over this battle. Half the seed remains in Brook's paw when the Appletun struggles to her feet. Her aura (actually, that might just be her smell...) bursts outward, turnover oozing golden fluid at the seams while the appls slice on her head ripens-despite not being whole.
"I have nothing to say to my enemies, but you don't have to be one. Enjoy the rest of your life and die, or die here." She says...to Kaz specifically? Is that an offer for something?
"You disrupt the natural order of life with your work. 'Rescue'!" She cackles a bit before coughing again. "The way of Pokemon the world over is to eke out every crumb of happiness they can scrounge together. It's...beautiful. Shouldn't our struggles matter? The path I say you walk is one where a single Pokemon has authority over the hearts of everyone! That can't sound right, can it? The Heart and our freedom will not be yours. She turns away from Cubone and back to Kaz. "Abandon this quest."

She definitely looks stronger, empowered one might even say, but she isn't fighting...
"..." Skitty is stunned into silence, actually, despite lacking some context. As stupid as the Appletun looks, she most certainly isn't – it's not an ideal Skitty can just deny.

"...the sickness, though..." she manages to say.
"Boy, you talk real funny."
>Kaz deadpans
"Also, got no idea what "angels" you're talkin' about. We just got the one friend we're lookin' fer."
"Also, I'll take livin' a little bit longer, thanks! Gotta get home to my family."

>Kaz is puzzled by that last statement!
"But...we're not tryin' ta take away anyone's freedom? What are you on about?!"
"You gotta give us more n' that!"
"Hey! What happened? What was that thing?"
>Brook says jumping back, taking a moment to store the seed away as his eyes are glued to the dino pie as their appearance changes over

"What are you talking about angels? The only reason we're even here is because of you guys, we didn't exactly want to come to a place that smells like....an old rotten apple pie."

>He keeps his eyes locked on to her in case she turns hostile again, while below his legs twitch a sure sign he's either about to run or lash out
Rolled 16 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Spike closes his eyes and concentrates on projecting his thoughts to Orner. He'd rather save what air there is here than waste it on a few words.

'I'm going to try and see if my intuition can sense anything. . . Raking through the tar would be a waste of time,' he thinks to Orner.

He floats, unmoving but focusing hard on any particularities in the chamber, his eyes scan around, looking for some hidden truth or understanding. . . Perhaps something of note?

>Spike uses Hex Maniac + Phantasm III
>while he's concerned about those two lunatics, the talk appletun has on freedom has him snap to the option
>not much of a way to refute it, but he's gotta keep going
"I- we'll find a way. we have to. can't leave the others trapped in this world, even if..."
>he tries to shrug it off
"the important thing is we'll find a way if it kills me to do it."
Cubone still isn't sure what, precisely, this Appletun is on about. He has an idea, but he might be presuming much. Or maybe she's senile. More likely, she's being cryptic. Two can play that game, and Cubone acts like his only job with any of you is dealing with Rapidash and Weezing.
"Angels? ...I don't suppose you mean our two clients?"
Wallis looks to Weezing, displeased with this result.
"Hey, can that mist you emit do anything about this?"
She's Wide Guarding again after Appletun powers up.
Matchia sure as hell's not going in that hole... yet.
She doesn't have any particularly amazing swimming skills, nor is she good with dealing with tar.
So she waits.
"Sagira, what do you think the supposed treasure is?"
“Yes, Kaz I think we should abandon this quest and instead take an adventure in our den where we can sleep this off and wake up in our own beds as humans and forget everything that has just happened.”
Rolled 20 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

"Okay, I'll... try pushing thisss a bit."
>Orner tries adding water under the tar with Aqua Tail, maybe they'll get to see the ground at least. It helped when wrestling the Zangoose, didn't it?
"I mean, hell, I'd like to, but it seems like we're pretty stuck here."
"You let me know if you find a way though!"
>Dustin rolls his eyes and sighs.
“You want me to play toss the dirt to see if I find a portal?”
Rolled 5 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Sensing moisture coming up form the blue abyss decided to follow the other underwater despite the burning tar.
>Rising his horn to navigate the submerged area. (Radar II)
"Y'know, Tree Trunks, y'might've had a better chance of winnin' us over if ya'd tried talkin' instead of fightin'. Now I'm of half a mind to see this 'quest' through to th' end outta pure spite, if nothin' else."
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>Sagira attempts to measure anything... magical. (Thaumaturgy III)
Sagira, out of curiosity, goes over to the other half of the strange seed still with them. There have been less than desirable interactions that she can recall, and this is comparatively mundane. Still unsanitary, but... there is something interesting to this, clearly. It would be good magical study material, in any case.
She looks at Rapidash and Weezing, sseemingly noticing their inactivity for the first time. It'd be odd to play at them being mere escorts for a ruse now for malicious intent...Another raspy chuckle. "You really believe all that, don't you, kids? If you think you're just rescuers doing the world a good deed, maybe you should be hunting for Ideals Made Therian rather than out here looking for ways to summon Truth. At the very least, you're going home empty handed. Only an 'angel from another world' can break the seal hiding either of them. Go ahead and tell your employer that, if I don't find them first." She curses again. "...You distracted me for too long, my trail's getting cold..."
The energy radiating from the Appletun dies down at your deflection. It looks like she's really out of energy now, having spent her power in a bid to scare you off. The dragon collapses into her forelegs. "Wash your claws of this dark business and go home. Pokemon capable of changing the world are coming, and their powers and interests are far removed from yours."
"...And I am a proud and delicious warrior, you whelps...don't you forget that."

"My emissions are only strong enough to defend against chronic exposure, and not acute. That's just how it is. You wouldn't use Powder Snow to catch a Lava Plume, you just wouldn't."
It's thick below the surface,so it's hard toget a feel for what's where with radar. Sail can feel a little pocket at the top of the room forming where some of the sludge has burned away, but there's no air to fill the space...
The technique displaces the still-burning sediment and tar away from the direction you both swim. Off to the side, Spike senses an anomaly in his occult sense-the more Orner reveals, the stronger the Signal Spike receives grows. That's not normal, there should either be something in here, or there isn't...
Orner cuts a path through enough burning sludge to reveal a door in the water. It's adorned by engravings of some downy-winged Pokemon reaching towards the Earth.

The seed is bursting with Life, in a way you're certain you've felt before at least once. It's felt the same to you as long as you've been in proximity both before and after the bite was taken out of it. You're not sure how this dragon received enough power from it to overflow the way she is; it's intact enough for Brook to still use to full effect, at the cost of...being a little gross. The sense of life flowing from the pie and the seed are reminiscent of the air in the shoot stretches-and that dungeon you first woke up in...
"If you wanna asssk, I'll tell you now, I don't know what that isss!" Orner looks at the engraving with interest. "Lookss Dragon-ish to me though, cool... Well, letsss ssee what'ss in here!" She pushes the door as hard as she can.
Cubone only raises an eyebrow at the comment on angels from another world. It seems this, ahem, proud and delicious warrior is playing at Cubone's initial suspicions. Ones he's not keen to elaborate on.
"Yes... I suppose I will be going home empty handed." Exact words.
Rolled 12 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Wallis doesn't know what either of those moves are. The "snow" and "lava" descriptors help, at least.
"Pfeh... So, what, do we just start excavating the tar? There's gotta be a better way to do this..."
Wallis added water and didn't get much... She shtomps closer to the tar pit the duo dived down and manipulates the water she conjured. She tries to push the tar aside to clear a path ahead.
>+3 Repulsion
"C'mon, stupid sludge... Outta the way!"
"Eh, sure. Why not?"

"That still doesn't tell us anythin'. Appreciate the chat though!"
"You were a tough old apple, for sure."
"You can do it!"
>Evan cheers Wallis on, since he doesn't want to have anything of his eaten like Brook's was
Rolled 6 (1d20)

'That's bizarre. . . I think the tar's blocking my ability to sense spiritual things. . . and that's very spiritual,' Spike thinks out loud to Sail and Orner, swimming over to help Orner open the door.
>Seeing the aura that previously overflowed begin to quickly dissipate, Brooks posture begins to relax...as much as it can in this place
"I-I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about but...well I'm glad we didn't hurt you too badly...you know we really aren't as bad as you seem to think

>Before returning to the fresh air provided by the gentlemanly balloon, Brook tosses his unused Substitute doll next to the old granny smith

"Don't be too rough with it or else it'll break!"
>he calls out as he rushes off
"Y-Yeah, naturally!"
It seems Wallis is rather sure of herself. Her cheeks are sorta puffed out from exertion, though.
"Just be ready to jump if there's something at the opening I make!"
>Evan shrugs
Rolled 12 (1d20)

"Burned stream o' muk t' tell wha'."
>Sail look at the engraving with interest, if he recognize the mon' before".
"...Yer def'nitely one'a those things..."
Petroleum, peat, carbon...none of that is water. You're getting a solid workout from the arm waving, though.
But it's all well and good, as Spike and Orner have made it to the end of the path. As she cuts forward with aqua tail, space in the path behind them closes; the displaced tar is moving around behind them. In their little safety bubble of water, they swim up to the door. Thankfully it's huge, who knows how this would go if this wave didn't go deep enough to let you swim through the top of this stone archway.
...Oh, it's stone. There's no way you're just pushing this open...until the engravings glow in response to your touch and peel back on their own, taking itself apart and peeling back in cubes. The water you're suspended in and the burning tarrushes forward into the next chamber, this one thankfully open. You've got a split second to get up out of the rush before the water spreads and you're in contact with the stickiness, but you also can't help but notice there's no air to breathe in here. Makes sense, it's a sealed room behind and underneath who knows how much flowing liquid...
The space is lit a brilliant cyan by the sulfur mixed into the sludge, now flowing on the ground around a raised altar. At first, you're sure there wasn't anything there in the middle, but the more light is shed into the room by fire, the more opaque a little pearl in the center grows.
It's a bipedal wyvern, standing tall with a flared tail. It looks more like a hybrid between Ava-lu and Ho'oha's patrons than anything you've seen before...

"This is serious." She bats away your platitudes. "Nobody ever thinks they're that bad..." Cubone can see the slightest hint of a squint at him through the downturned eyes. She scans around through the whole arena atop that hill one more time before erupting more acid into a few blind spots. Cursing, she starts to crawl away...
Also, she cannot be a granny smith. This Appletun is not half as sparkly as Ishmael or Wallis.
Wallis flails her way down the passageway as its contents empty into the door.
"Aha! That simple."
With a smug smile and a finger snap that sends out a sparkle, she waves a finger to the pair of pokemon escorted and hops down, indicating they should stay back until the coast is clear down there.
>Evan follows, careful not to step in too much sludge
"We always go to such lovely places."
Rolled 7 (1d20)

'The pearl! That must be what I was sensing!' Spike shouts telepathically, he tries to swim towards it and grab it. He's not quite sure how long he can hold his breath and he didn't want to find out.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

"Dude, don't-" She chokes for a moment, and pulls Spike back. "I'll do it, jusst hang on to my sstuff, I don't wanna losse it..." She hands her bag to him and tries calling the Orb over with Switcheroo.
>Brook throws a friendly wave over toward her, he's too far away to talk to her....but those ears aren't just for show!

".....Oh uh oh hope Spike and Orner are okay!"
The instant it's touched, the object makes itself known to Spike; this is the Light Stone, and the Dark Stone should be sought as well. Is this what the Voice of Life and her enemies were after? It's certainly no Heart, one of Unity or otherwise. Just what was she doing out here?
And she hasn't said anything to you either...

...Team Clover walks into the sight of Spike and Orner playing reverse hot-potato with the artifact. The same knowledge reveals itself to Orner on contact,and it's in one's possession, then the other's. The two of them look more unbothered by the atmosphere, but air is just now flowing into the place, and not quickly. You're sure if anyone other than Spike stays here any longer, they'll be suffocated.

All well, Weezing and Rapidash are still braving the fumes and fires above to ensure everyone makes it out alive and well. There's a town ahead to rest and recover this evening off...
Also, Evan and Wallis are poisoned...not that there's much reason to spend any more time out here in Swalot's Stream.
"Blimey... strange hybrid t' say. Seen similar t' Lugia or maybe somethin' different entirely. May a wyvern perhaps" Sail ponder and quickly wrote down the symbol into waterproof parchment.
"Arrk' a lurk." As he sense the rushing water coming though. "Stormfels, a rushin' tide."
Orner is not gonna dwell on this while oxygen deprived so she keeps it simple. "Go." And she slithers back up. Everyone should follow her example.
Expecting info like the engraving in the chamber interior, Wallis takes quick look around-
"Ach...! Oh, that's nasty...! Just get that whatever it is out of here!"
There she goes, manipulating the water she conjured to storm off to the topside.
Spike doesn't have time to dwell on it either, but his eyes do widen in shock of what he's holding.

He'll have to process this later. He shoves it into his mouth to hold and starts swimming.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Kath awaits for the rest
Sail followed Orner example of escape the incoming tide.
This victory feels incomplete. You've beaten back the aggressors, but the Gardevoir is now alone with her own affliction, having left this unexplained treasure to the lot of you. You've picked it up without complication as well, are you all supposed to be otherworldly angels? You step out of the mystery dungeon and into the Dust Settlement for the evening, heads full of cautious optimism and carcinogens.
Back in Baram Town...

Claws click against the surface of the wood of the Shore Thing, meandering about with a seemingly random pace. Further observation and a bit of intuition, seems to tell you the pattern the stranger moves in, is anything but random. It’s Sneasel, once again, here to bother all of you with her strange requests.

She’s planted herself in that weird stand in the corner of the deck, waiting with that distracting smirk of hers.

“Oh, I wondered, heh, how long it would take for the crowd to pile up.” She taps her claws on the wood of the table. “I have another request. Although this is something directly related to my line of work and not for a friend.”

“Currently, I can’t secure enough resources to send over a, hah, investigative force over to a location due to a lack of pressing evidence. Of course, I am personally, haha, skeptical, as well. Guild League doesn’t see whatever this is as anything resembling worth the time, and maybe, I might agree. But, you don’t get to where I am without a dash of, heh, paranoia. So I hear from a little birdie that there’s a group of mostly competent explorers in a nearby town…”

She shrugs. “If it’s nothing, then, heh, it’s nothing. I pay you, end of story. And, if it isn’t… you all get the pleasure of finding out. So? How’s that sound?”
Wallis is one of the less likely to refuse a source of pay, to say nothing of Sneasel's prior assessments and the repayment of getting the group their badges in the first place.
"You can count me in. You must have seen something to raise those eye..."
She doesn't see eyebrows on Sneasel.
"Eyes of yours, right? Mind sharing?"
>Evan rolls his eyes
"Oh, why not? Can't be any worse than the damn volcano you sent us to last time. So, where are we goin' and what're we doin'?"
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Kath vibes
"Hm. Not a terrible deal."
Matchia shrugs.
>Kaz is here!
"I'm with these guys, bring it on!"
"An interesting offer," Spike comments, but asks nothing else as everyone is already making questions he would.
Orner goes wherever there's money to be found. "Buddy, sssay no more. Actually, do tell what thisss will actually entail, evidence of what?"
"Uhh as long as it's nothing too dangerous, sure?"
>Brook is sounding a little unsure as usual, but if everyone's up for it there's no reason to turn it down
>Besides....he is a little curious exactly what they're hiring for
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Espurr is not impressed by such a simple request. All the better! It would be a wonderful change of pace to simply... not have to risk hurting themselves on the job.

Hanging a paw off the edge of the ship's railing, the cat lazes around cattily.
>fuck it, sure.
"Before we head over, what kinda things can we expect?"
"I have some whispers and whatnot, haha, about a strange group that appeared on this continent not too... long ago? I don't have a specific timeline to work with." Sneasel stands up, rolling her claws as she explains. "What I want you to do is, heh, simple. I want you to go to the valley near Mt. Thunder and investigate something for me. Look and learn. If there’s anything or anyone there, I do not want any fights getting out. So, hah, no fighting. I want to make that part clear. I don’t want anyone knowing that I might know what they might be up to.”

“Now, this next part, I can’t quite verify. My source on this one has always been a bit… heh, inconsistent, to describe that nicely. This strange group has been operating through Magnagates. Ever heard of one of those?” Sneasel pauses. “Maybe, maybe not. You don’t see them because they’re incredibly dangerous and difficult to master. The Guild League, while they haven’t outlawed their use, strongly discourage doing so… recreationally. My words, not theirs. Regardless, until I got this information, the only users I knew were the, heh, eggheads back at the HQ that get direct supervision. I want you to look for evidence of that if you can.”

She grabs a paper from her bag and slides it out. “The groove-burn patterns of Magnagate residue resemble this.” The paper itself shows overlapping circles, with an array of lines connecting some of them together. “Distinct, to say the least.”
"This is all new to me, but Mt. Thunder sounds like a place right up my ground-type alley. That said..."
Wallis folds her arms.
"You told us about your Guild League job when you gave us the applications."
Her brow furrows.
"If it overlaps with that, does that mean there's another exploration team involved?"
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Spike examines the pattern of the Magnagate closely, recreating the image through illusion onto the back of his coat.

But beyond that. . . Was that some kind of circuit? A symbol? Perhaps it had some meaning he could gleam insight from.

>Spike uses Hex Maniac to try and gleam insight from the Magnagate pattern.
>Mohka, who has definitely been here the whole time, takes a close look at the paper.

"That's pretty funky lookin' fer a magnetic pattern. Would'a expected it to be, eh, more curved."

>He clearly thinks this is something related to magnetism. With nothing else to go by other than the name, it's not a bad guess.
>ishmael curses under his breath
"Supress the sparkles and listen in, got it."
>Dustin sighs.
"Sorry, it's the first time that thing talked."
>Dustin turns over to Sneasel.
"Well at least we're not going to fight in this chore."
"We are sssomewhat familiar with the concept..." The ones who were here at the start at least. "Should be easssy, if it weren't for thessse numbsskullss... I ssswear itss like herding catss-" She turns to adress the group. "You hear that, wimpss?! No fighting!"
"Sure! No fighting and no witnesses if needed!"
"Hm! Well, as long as you're paying for our time. I'm sure Cress can get behind that line of thought, at least. ...Hey, what kinda 'mons are up there, anyway? Electric, right?"
>Brook gives a short sigh, a wave of relief washing over him at hearing fighting will not be necessary

"You won't have to worry about any fighting....from me but uhh some of us may be a little bit more hot headed than others..."
>he idly scratches an ear with a rear leg as he trails off, watching the funky pattern in confusion

"I wonder why they don't outlaw 'magnagates' entirely if they're so dangerous?"
"Aw what, no fightin'?"
>Kaz kicks an imaginary rock
"Ah well, 'least I can run fast enough ta avoid some eyes."

>Upon mention of the Magnagates
"What's so dangerous about a gate?"
Espurr has bad experiences with Mt. Thunder. They passed it when they were sick, afflicted with Twilight Syndrome, and such a large landform looked like a monster which pierced the clouds with its size. At the time, they only hoped they were too small to be seen.

Espurr hops off of the railing and approaches Sneasel to examine the paper. They squeeze closer, slightly annoyed by Spike's >>6047991 mutual interest in it which prevents them from hogging the script for themselves.
Regardless, they glance at the Zorua and make a request.
"Remember this pattern." More of a statement, but hey. Seems like Espurr is interested!
"No fighting, huh? Might be tough for... some of our members."
Matchia mutters the last part.
"Already on it," Spike replies telepathically to Espurr.
"Kathy, your idea of witness prevention would involve fighting. no."
"I'd presume because if it's entirely outlawed, the only people using it would be... well, outlaws."
"I mean, if they're so dangerous why even risk using it at all?"

"Can't really stop outlaws from doing it if they really wanna."
"Lackng training is a good way to get oneself hurt, perhaps it's something that is only dangerous because of how much expertise you need to control it?"
They halfheartedly nod and look away, staring up at Sneasel from their microscopic size- comparably, not literally, of course.
What a very efficient photocopier he is. Though hopefully he won't run out of ink anytime soon. It'd be quite difficult to find some way to resupply.

"If the risk is high and they are used in spite of this, the positive consequences may be great."
"Hehe. My job description is a little larger than what you would expect. But no, if I could get another team on short notice, we wouldn't be talking right now, would we?"

Looking at it, you can't quite make out anything particularly mystical about the pattern. Perhaps you might be reminded of something, the drawing itself isn't a one-to-one replication of what Sneasel is asking you to look out for. Just a generalized example. So in the world of precise magicks, this is a crude approximation at best.

"You shouldn't have to worry about ferals. Unless you mess up, heh, of course."

"Despite everything making it a bad idea, it's a form of transportation that can get you across the world in a matter of minutes. Enticing idea for many researchers who believed they could revolutionize, haha, everything. Besides, it's hard to be everywhere to even hope about enforcing. So, we just warn those appropriate and move on. Heh. Scare 'em a bit." Sneasel leans back on the table. "Any 'mon looking to get into Magnagates comes to the Guild League to learn more, and then they can keep better tabs on them. Keeps them from getting themselves killed."

"It's a method of tapping into the world itself and then building a bridge between two points. You use... heh, something, I never really paid any attention, and then you construct a Mystery Dungeon. Cross that, and you've made it all the way to where you want to go. Now, the danger comes in doing it wrong. It's a precise art. Do it wrong and the dungeon becomes unstable. Best case, you get bruised, and the gate explodes on you. Worst case, no one ever sees you again as the abyss swallows you up, haha, forever. Natural dungeons usually kick you back into realspace, since they're surrounded by that. Magnagate dungeons, forced into reality, don't play so nicely. You get the idea, hah, right?"
"Taking out witnesses means we would've already been discovered by that point, you know?"
"Oooooh, neat, a teleport gate!"
>One extra explanation of what could go wrong later
"Sounds awesome!"
"Could use one a those for a race..."
>Kaz says that last part to himself
Spike hums quietly to himself. This is just a generalization, perhaps if he could catch a glimpse of the real thing he could gleam further insight.

Yes, that would be excellent. Especially with what Sneasel describes, perhaps he could gather the tools to use one if he ever got the chance. It sounded like they were monitored similar to how Interpol monitored certain technologies like Infinite Energy.
Wallis is tempted to correct Sneasel, that her concern was with an Exploration Team being connected to this Magnagate issue. That said, she doesn't see the value in pressing the topic further.
"Still seems like a design flaw in this world, but if that's how it is, we'll keep that in mind and take our leave. I can't deny the value in the travel convenience, even if the amphibious like myself have it better there."
>Instantly he jumps to all fours
"Whoa what! Risking an explosion or worse is definitely not worth it! I'd rather just take a boat."

>with the initial shock wearing off, he returns to sitting on the ground. Looking up at the weasel
"I really hope we never have to use one."

"....especially not one made by an outlaw."
Espurr is very interested in what Sneasel is saying, listening carefully.
"The supposed traces of Magnagate appearances we are to search for imply they have an impact on the world excepted from the spaces they create." Espurr tilts their head, keeping a neutral tone as they satisfy curiosity. "What would result from a collapse? Is this the origin behind any remaining residue?"
"We get into fights every five minutes, you know. Gotta be prepared for an ambush at all times!"
"Some kinda mist'ry dungeon wormhole, then?"
"What even is a teleport gate?"
Sneasel bobs her head around. "Heh. You know. If it goes wrong, usually there's a crater. Other times, there's completely distorted space. It's hard to miss when the air looks sideways."

"Hm... close enough."

"If those are all your questions, feel free to head out. I'd, hehe, prefer if you were hasty about this one."
"It's a gate, but you go in one side and go to another gate on the other."

"On it!"
>Kaz ready to go!
"Mm. Then we'll be going soon then."
Matchia nods, not having any questions of her own.
Espurr is troubled by this information, something that seems perhaps slightly apparent in the way they avert their eyes.

A crater isn't fun. Distorted space sounds catastrophic.
They don't have anything else to ask... Or they do, but it isn't relevant to the mission. They very much hope they can set sail to the HQ they've heard about. They might feel at home next to a bunch of "eggheads," as Sneasel described them. Intelligent conversation is sorely-lacking on this vagrant continent.

They get their affinities in order.
>Brook gives the weasel a nod, before spinning around and walking a short distance away
>his ears remain perked up, listening for any other answers the others may want as he waits for the others to head out
Spike nods and heads to gather his supplies before setting out with the others. He doubts that a mission without a battle is possible, but they can try.
"Yeah, yeah, we'll get it done. Mt. Thunder, huh? C'mon losserss, I know the way!"
>ish nods
"Haste is what I do best!"
>and he's heading off!
Espurr tails Orner. She knows what she's doing, probably. They wonder how it'll look now that they're lucid again.
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With haste on the mind, you all take the time to go. Leaving Baram and venturing deeper into the Air Continent to go looking for something that may or may not even be a real concern. Perhaps just a tall tale told by an overzealous contact, or maybe a fib for an extra bit of Poke. Whatever the case may be, you’re out here now, trudging along the land’s winding trade routes and roads.

A day or two has passed since your departure from the town, and your limbs might be aching from the hard pace that has been requested from you, but you can see a glimmering hope. It’s hard to miss the imposing appearance of Mt. Thunder towering in the distance, and looking for the nearby valley is barely any effort on your part. It slopes into the natural curvature of the earth, leaving a deep ridge between the formation of mountains. From here, it looks threatening, to be surrounded by rock and stone like fingers grasping up beneath sand.

You know that it'll be a different tale once you're down there, however.

Chapter 16: Infinity Gate

Time to get looking.
>Search the valley directly. Maybe that won’t hurt.
>Take the high ground off the side of Mt. Thunder. That will give us an advantage, surely.
>Maybe you can wait. If there are supposed to be Pokémon here, surely a patrol or someone is bound to come walking by, right?
>>Search the valley directly. Maybe that won’t hurt.
"She wantss uss to be quick ssso, letsss sstart looking!"
>>Take the high ground off the side of Mt. Thunder. That will give us an advantage, surely.
"Let's check up top! That'll give us a chance ta spy on 'em, if they aren't already up there instead."
Matchia seems perfectly content with waiting.
>Maybe you can wait.
"It won't hurt to make sure we're not surprised by someone passing by."
>Take the high ground off the side of Mt. Thunder. That will give us an advantage, surely.
"a good perch should help us find anything important. better field of view, right?"
>ish readies himself to bounce to the cliffside!
>Search the valley directly. Maybe that won’t hurt.
"Valleys are where all the action is, right?"
>Take the high ground off the side of Mt. Thunder. That will give us an advantage, surely.
Wallis has the eyesight and hearing to make do with high ground, at least in theory. She dims her sparkles and softens her shtomps that correspond to each of those senses.
"The best way to survey swathes of the area is from up high. The less meandering, the better."
>Maybe you can wait. If there are supposed to be Pokémon here, surely a patrol or someone is bound to come walking by, right?

Spike examines the surrounding area and nods. "Let's find a place to stakeout and wait for them to appear. They'll lead us to the location and we can stay undetected," Spike suggests.
>Leaving town, Brook wasn't quite sure how long exactly it would take to get there
>Despite the days of constant struggle taking their inevitable toll, he continued to trudge along with the others his quiet steps barely even leaving a mark on the ground as he continues on


>With the mounting looming in the distance, Brook takes a deep breath of air his muscles sore but nowhere near the worse he's experienced in this world

>as he sits to take a short lived break, he takes a look at his surroundings...the valley near instantly grabbing his attention, would probably be a good place to search...however...

>Take the high ground off the side of Mt. Thunder. That will give us an advantage, surely.

>he grins as he prepares to jump up, using an Aerial Ace to give him a boost
Espurr gazes at the sight before them. It really does look different. Interesting place.
"It would be foolish not to exhaust the simplest options foremost."
>Search the valley directly. Maybe that won’t hurt.

>Espurr sticks close to Orner >>6048061. The shortest and snakiest of the group will surely do well in searching for markings on the ground.
"The danger posed by Magnagates suggests plentiful energy is expended quickly as they manifest and dissolve. Spaces void of plantlife are likely home to prior appearances." Looking for patches of dead grass or loose dirt seems like a good place to begin. What does Orner think?
"We should take the high ground, that way we can see them and they won't see us"
"That'sss one good tell. Our badgesss should react near Myssstery too, in theory. And anything left behind by a mon could alssso be a clue of what goess on here..." She slithers close to the ground, side to side instead of her usual wormlike stride. She's still taller than the cat this way.
Orner, Espurr, and Evan elect to take the direct route, forging straight into the valley's forest. Ducking beneath low-hanging branches and pushing past the brush, you don't immediately find anything that points to any kind of life around this area. Strange. Perhaps whoever gave the information to Sneasel was wrong, and there really is nothing here. Just you and the silence of a forest...?

Progressing further, you all take another turn around a tree and find yourselves... back at the entrance. But... your sense of direction isn't that bad, is it? How could you have been turned around so badly, you ended up where you started?

Meanwhile, Matchia and Spike break off from the rest of the group, tucking themselves into an abandoned burrow underneath a tree. From here, they await the appearance of any unfamiliar meandering 'mons.

It takes all of you some time to climb up the side of the valley walls, finding the lack of a useable trail hampering your ability to quickly scale the side of a mountain. Brook, however, is darting up with relative ease. As the first one here, he doesn't immediately see anything aside from Orner, Espurr, and Evan vanishing under the first set of treecover. Looking far and long, it seems you can't quite... can't quite... see anything yet.

That was odd.

The Zorua is joined shortly by the others. Perhaps you might need to go further along the valley to find them. If there's actually anything to see here, of course. All of you up here catch the valley group appearing again. That was fast. Did they fail to see anything?
(forgot to post. Assume Mohka was with the Waiting gang)
"Huh!? Did we get turned around or something?"
>Evan glances around, then goes back in, not turning for anything. He'll sidestep obstacles.
"Lemme try again."
"It's good to have you here, Matchia," Spike comments as he nestles himself into a corner of the burrow, allowing Matchia plenty of space for herself.
"What in the world!?" Orner looks around befuddled. "I'm damn sssure thisss place doessn't do thisss normally!"
Rolled 3 (1d20)

"Huh. They got done lookin' fast."
>Kaz watches the Valley Group reappear

"Kinda hard ta see anythin'. I'm gonna move further along an' see if it gets any better."

>Kaz moves further along the valley to see if he can find a better view point.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

"Alright, I'm going to try move along."
>ish readies himself to run across the side of the mountain, he's a speedster. even with uneven terrain this'll be something he's used to.
"if I spot anything, should I use an ember like a signal?"
"You wanna give away we're on ta whoever might be here?"
>Dustin smiles.
"Hey Kaz, check this out.
>Dustin attempts to make an echo.
"eh, fair. no flames it is."
Espurr nods. They had forgotten about their badge ever since it left them in the sorry state she and the others found them in last time it was used.

"Do you recall the number of turns we had taken?" Espurr asks Orner. A strange feeling is welling up in their chest. Espurr recalls never having made enough of the same turn sequentially to land them back where they began... but it's possible the terrain simply... hm. But that doesn't explain Evan's >>6048088 similar appearance. "The green one seems to have made our mistake."
"An ear points in the direction of the others that climbed up the mountain"
"I can't quite see what's going on out there....I think Evans group decided to turn back around to wait with the others? Hmm..."

"!!! Hey guys wait up!"
>With Ish and Kaz having already sped off, Brook gives Wallis a mareepish grin and a shrug before following the pair

>Skywalking with Aerial Ace should help a bit with the un-even ground as he sprints along the valley
"At leassst two? Letsss jusst sstay here for a moment..." Orner watches as Evan goes the way they were before.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Wallis scrambles up the higher ground and stays low.
"That ridge was higher than it looked. Now, just wait for a break in the thunder and..."
Wallis listens closely as she looks around for signs of activity.
>Kaz baps Dustin on the noggin
"We're tryin' ta be quiet Dust! Can't let whoever we're lookin' for get wind we're on ta them!"

>Kaz gives a thumbs up
Espurr remains quiet and sits down. They close their eyes and try to meditate, to no avail. At the very least, they can try reasoning out what might be happening; least-extreme to most-extreme cases.

>Espurr waits with Orner.
"Just be more careful bud!"
"You gotta come to the meetings. They ca be borin', I know, but they give you all the details you gotta fuss over."
Matchia hums.
"...You were an agent right? You'd probably have greater experience for stakeouts than me. "
Mohka is forced to look for another spot, adjacent to the two squirreled away in the tree burrow. The three of you patiently wait in the entrance to the valley. Perhaps an hour or so passes, and while the other two groups are already well underway, your method has yet to generate any results. Maybe there really isn't anyone here after all.

>Yes. Might as well do something productive.
>No. They're already doing their own thing. It wouldn't hurt to stay.

Evan enters by himself again this time, moving into the forest. He seems quite determined to not make any turns or compromises on his way through. However, he finds a tree blocking his way almost immediately. Unconsciously, he looks for another way around it. And then another. And another. While it's minute, every single obstacle he "sidesteps" seems to shift his view ever so slightly.

Orner and Espurr can see him emerge again right in front of them, confused as ever.

Oddly enough, his shout is fairly muted. Almost as if he didn't really scream.

Ishmael darts along the natural trail formed on the slope, careful to not send himself tumbling down the side of the valley. His eyes occasionally glance back at the forest beneath them as he hops along. He doesn't see anything strange just yet. Everything looks perfectly normal, all things considered.

Brook manages to keep a decent pace with his utilization of Aerial Ace. His conservative application does give him some decent speed, but the primary benefit seems to be the ability to not accidentally fall down and turn into mountainside debris. Meanwhile, Kaz finds himself staring more at the trees beneath rather than the ground before him. With his heart dropping in his chest, he feels the ground suddenly give out. Scrambling, he manages to claw onto the grass and gravel. Air leaves his lungs as his stomach is smacked by the curvature of the valley wall.

Close call.

Wallis, oddly enough, despite being in a location where noise would be greatly amplified by the natural geological formation, finds that she can't quite hear anything. Nothing is wrong with her head, right? Why is it so quiet?
Unable to fit in the tree burrow, Mohka is left alone with his thoughts... A bit more alone time wouldn't hurt. Plus the great noise he makes just my moving would alert anyone. He'll stay.
"Mm. No one around so far."
>Matchia seems completely fine with continuing the stakeout.
"Might be too late for us to even catch up with the others, I'm fine with waiting around here. Not like they need our fighting strength, right?"
She glances at Mohka's hiding place.
Spike nods, "That's true, and let me tell you, a competent partner is invaluable. . . Everyone here has their own strengths and weaknesses, and I feel confident in relying on yours."

>Yes. Might as well do something productive.
"Hm. . . I haven't heard anything. . . What do you say to being proactive and doing a patrol of our own?" Spike suggests.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>Ish could've sworn Dustin screamed, but... it's quieter than he expected.
>he keeps going further ahead, if he slips on the trail, Bounce should get him back on track. though he occasionally turns to look at the others and their positions.
"If you think that's more viable. Maybe one of us can stay back?"
Espurr frowns... by maybe a millimeter or so from their neutral expression. They don't have THAT high of expectations, but they know Evan isn't dumb enough to just loop back around on his own. Annoying... is what they'd think if this weren't such a peculiar situation.
"Welp. I think it's safe to say that forest is enchanted or some shit. Any ideas, either of ya?"
>Evan scratches his head, more annoyed than concerned.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>Kaz scampers back up to solid ground!
"Whew! Close one..."

>Kaz follows Brook's lead with an Aerial Ace of his own, continuing to search. There's gotta be something here, right?
>Could be a wild goose chase, like Sneasel said, but he's got a feeling something is here...
Espurr allows the second snake to throw an idea out first, provided she has one.
What do you say, Orner old pal?
Rolled 13 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>Sail crawl along the direct path
"Strain the course t' land. Loop the trail o' the valley."
>Sail observe the sun than toward Mt. Thunder to pinpoint a better path to navigate the valley. (Star Charting III)
Rolled 3 (1d20)

"Ugh, thisss isss usseless..." Orner's forehead touches the floor as she thinks. She doesn't really have anything that could help here, her toolkit isn't that large.

"There'sss only one thing that comesss to mind. I'll make usss a path!"

>Orner starts cutting her way through the vegetation. Though she can't learn Cut even if she has a sword for a tail!
Rolled 20 (1d20)

"Ish, you notice anything strange?"

"Kaz, how about you? Anything catch your eye? It all looks normal to me."

>Brook pauses in his pursuit of the rabbit, instead looking around the ground for a moderately sized rock
>after locating a decently sized one, he chucks it across the forest, aiming to hit a random tree a bit further along, ears pricked high in the air to see if it makes a sound
Espurr thinks this is the right course of action for now. They address Evan, and then the both of them together. "Follow her. I will remain here. If this proves ineffective, I will attempt something other, I suppose."
>Espurr waits again, watching Orner leave.
"Okay! Time to find signs left behind by a portal!"
>Dustin thinks for a moment.
"Wait how do portals leave behind evidence of their existence? It sounds like a UFO..."
". . . Mohka can stay here while we patrol the immediate area, I can make some illusionary cover large enough for the both of us," Spike says.
Rolled 2 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

"Kaz, give him an extra slug for m-"
Kaz has already aced his aerial away. She doesn't have a lot of time to reflect without being left behind.
"H-Hey, wait for me!"
Wallis scrambles after them, launching herself with Surf in a similar direction by forming a water table, then pushing off the ground with it.
"it's quiet up here, too quiet. nothing special down below. but it's like... you know what it's like trying to hear someone through foam, right?"
"it's like everything's like that."
"Then let's go."
>Matchia will be patrolling with Spike!
"Aight. Be back soon, probably."
>Evan follows Orner, leaning back and walking leisurely.
"Just that the cliffs 'round here ain't worth a darn!"
"And ah, Dustin tried ta yell, but it didn't sound like much. He sure put enough lung inta it."

>Kaz yells back to the approaching Wallis
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Instead of bungling attempted stealth further, Wallis decides to communicate back with her expression.
As the two of you discuss and Mohka remains motionless, you all hear something. Talk about timing. It's certainly too far for it to be coming from your compatriots, so it does have to be something else. Best to quiet down now.

A Shuckle and Marill come into view, wearing scarves.

Calling up a surf on a path as sloped as this one was not the correct call, evidently. Wallis finds that instead of being launched forward, she's sent crashing down the cliff in a tumble of twigs, trees, and leaves. They all see her deadpan expression before she goes over the side.

Hacking away at the path in front of them, Orner elects to utilize brute force to get the job done. However, as tree after tree falls, she finds that exhaustion is rapidly catching up to her, wearing out her spirit as she continues. It seems endless. A forever task, hacking away at every single tree that comes standing before them. The monotony is only broken by the sudden appearance of a shiny Marshtomp, tumbling down, covered in mud and patches of grass.
>Wallis takes 5 damage.

Surprising to have a new addition, you continue chopping away until... Espurr manages to greet you again. There has to be something wrong with this forest. As you quickly turn around in frustration, all the work Orner did to decimate those trees have been... undone. It was like she hadn't even done anything.

Ishmael and Kaz continue down the path, following the valley. The further they go, the more it begins to blend together. The more it looks the same. How many times have they seen that same tree? You close your eyes and shake your heads. It's nothing, it seems. Perhaps the boredom of staring at too many leaves is eating away at your head. You've nearly crossed the halfway mark of the valley now, and you have yet to see anything.

Meanwhile, Brook performs the nicest throw he's done in his life, hurtling the Moderately Sized Rock down. He doesn't hear anything when he witnesses it vanish beneath the leaves.

Sail observes the sun high above and looks back down to the forest. Something seems... off. The way the sunlight hits the leaves and the interacts with the valley itself. Something isn't right. It's like a forest above the forest.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

'Take cover,' Spike whispers to Matchia telepathically before searching for cover like a bush or rock to hide behind.
"Oh, hey Wallis! You get lost in here, too?"
>They emerge from the forest
"Oh hey Espurr, told ya we'd be back soon. Anything happen?"
"It feels like we're going in circles..."
>Ish thinks
"One of us should scout ahead while the others remain in position. that way if we are looping, we'll be able to call it out."
Matchia nods silently, warily watching, as she moves back to cover.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>Violence is the answer, got it!
>Kaz gives a thumbs up

"Well, I don't think we're getting anywhere like this. Everythin' looks the same!"

>Kaz closes his eyes
"I'm gonna see where I go without my eyes."
>And Kaz does just that, walking about, trying to find a path he can't see
"Agh... When I see them, I'm gonna-"
"Oh, it's Evan and friends. Our favorite speedsters left me behind without a way to catch up."
She anime sighs, still steaming in spite of her expression. She's taking a Break.
>IQ Skill: Second Wind
>HP: 27/29
"I have a theory, I suppose." Resting, Espurr opens their eyes and looks up at Evan and Orner... and Wallis..? explaining themselves from their place on the cool ground. "It is unsubstantiated and founded upon loose, simplified logic the likes of which prove uncomplicated. All the more, it is without risk."
They stand up. "The outcome of our position seems to be based on our observation, or the lack of a complete vision. You do not recall making any unnecessary turns, yet unless it is space which is irrational, you must be. If we remove our expectations from the matter, perhaps we will meet with an objective solution." A constant in this seems to be the feeling that one MIGHT have made a turn, but can't quite place it. If you can't paint the whole picture, then just stop worrying about it and see if it works.

"Close your eyes, do not open them. Proceed slowly until we feel we have approached someplace new, be it here, or past the obstacle ahead of us." And keep your hands ahead of you as to not bump into anything... sorry Orner. It's the only thing Espurr can think of at the moment.
>the lack of a noise immediately sends a chill down his spine
>the air seems a lot colder, as he looks around the environment all looks the same as it ever had. As if he'd never started moving in the first place
>with the entire valley giving off a sinister atmosphere, Brook starts to backtrack towards the others down below

"I think we should turn back and regroup, definitely not send one of us ahead into who knows what."

"I won't stop you...but be careful!"
>he yells out, not even sure if the bear could hear it with how strange this place has been in regards to sounds
"That's kinda trending nowadays, yeh? It sucks."
"Well, worth a shot! Worst case, we just end up back here again."
>Evan does what Espurr suggests
"Huff... ugh..." Orner needs a moment to catch her breath. "That'sss all I got..."
"Alright... we'll do it your way buddy."
"Bah, I thought I trained enough for stuff like this."
Wallis already has to do nothing this set of actions to take a Break, but her stunned silence suggests that hearing the longest string of words out of Espurr thus far would've stopped her in her tracks anyway.
"You got it!"
>Thumbs up as the bear wanders
Rolled 4 (1d20)

Mohka... continues to remain motionless. And silent, as best a walking cymbal ensemble can be.
>>6048200 (You)
Espurr closes their eyes and walks into the thick of things once more once they know nobody is watching. They go with their theory posted above, putting... a modest amount of faith in it.

"Do not look at us." It sounds rude, but it's just going with the plan. Removing any extra variables. Closing your eyes is a free action!
A compromise. She faceplants down to the ground in exasperation, then peels herself up and upright. That counts as breaking line of sight.
"It's not just sight. Dustin, that twit, immediately started shouting and it warped his voice. Wouldn't be surprised if you heard him down here the way he tried to echo, though... It was really quiet in general up there."
Spike happens to find a perfectly shaped tree right nearby. It's enough that it has sufficient cover for the two of them to quickly hide behind, but also offers the optimal amount of viewing angles to have just enough vision to see the entire road. Consequently, this means the new arrivals.

"Make sure you have that charm of yours. Don't want to get turned around in there. I heard we're leaving soon," Shuckle says, suddenly. They should like they're constantly gargling water.

"Oh... yeah. It's right here."

"Just hold it up when we're close to the forest."

"Yeah, yeah..."

Mohka's attempt to remain motionless is thwarted, as the breeze flows over his form, jangling his scales like a windchime. The two strangers stop suddenly, looking confused in the direction of the forest.

"You heard that, right?"

"Sounds... clangy?"

Closing your eyes doesn't seem to do you any good, but taking your eyes off the surroundings seems to have the effect of clearing your mind. You begin to recognize that you have seen that part of the forest multiple times. Something is going on that is forcing your eyes to... gloss over a specific area. You wonder why.

Brook decides to regroup with the others at the entrance to the valley forest, leaving Ishmael, Kaz, and Sail up on the high ground.

Espurr heads in, eyes closed. Without observing anything, they understand that something had been in their head. A fog in their brain begins to dissipate as the trees, you realize, were less real than you would have imagined. There was no way for the forest to look like that... Of course, with your eyes closed, you bump into things, but everything just feels clearer.

There's definitely something going on here. Hidden in plain view, but scrubbed off the center of your mind...
Rolled 1 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

"Nah strangle t' day. Might be surround moun'ain overcast the valley or dat thing dat the client mention." Sail then follow Kaz blind trail.
>Scanning the area with his horn for anything interesting underneath the forest. (Radar II)
Rolled 20 (1d20)

'They heard you Mohka, I'm going to try and distract them,' Spike notifies Mohka telepathically.

Spike glances behind the tree and picks out a pair of bushes. His shadow darkens, snaking along the ground behind rocks and foliage towards the bushes and starts rustling them.

>Spike uses Shadow Sneak to cause a distraction.
Matchia cringes at the clanging from the living windchime.
...But that'd certainly help with making them think the distraction came from something else.
Matchia tenses up, nonetheless.
"Are we getting sssomewhere-ow!" Orner bumps her snoot something. "I can't tell becaussse, y'know, I'm not ssseeing anything."
Rolled 3 (1d20)

"Hmph, maybe..."

>Kaz decides to chase this elusive spot!
>By walking backwards, eyes closed, in the direction of the gloss over point
"All right, you wanna hard ball? I can play too!"
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Kath keeps a keen eye for any movements
>Evan keeps his eyes closed, walking forward.
"Agh! Dammit, trees! You're s'posed to be on MY side!"
>He keeps ramming into things like a shitty motorist. Or a really good bumper car driver.
>ish stays put, waiing or Kaz to see if he'll return
Wallis is now left behind by two groups of allies in the span of a moment or two as she's recovering only to find the trio gone.
"W-Where'd everybody go?! This is getting old fast!"
She glances around, finally registers all of Espurr's words, and follows suit. Closing her eyes is a free action, right? She lets out an equally steamed sigh as she takes another Break, only offset by what seems to be progress.
>IQ Skill: Second Wind
>HP: 29/29
"I have found the key," Espurr says quietly, not addressing anyone.
They continue onward, taking another set of steps into the metaphorical mist.
If the others weren't blinding themselves, Espurr's neutral expression would lift by another few millimeters. A puzzle, solved. Another box opened and a solution found.
It's such a strange, fascinating feeling.

Espurr tries not to be distracted by the sounds of clumsy navigating elsewhere.
Rolled 3 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>Brooks ears twitch at catching the jingling nearby...a noise that's rather familiar to him by now

>a hint of nervousness slips into his voice as he follows his ears and approaches what he assumes is an ally
>his footsteps even more quiet than his words as he carefully walks forward casting an illusion to match that of the bushes just in case as he peeks out
Spike's shadow snakes behind cover before reaching it's target; a pair of bushes. It surges forward and strikes at the bushe's shadow, shaking it's physical counterpart and causing a loud rustling.
Rolled 15 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Sail don't find anything notable to say. Only couple flora he consume on his way.
Sail blindfold himself with the scarf. Bit of practice if he reach mid stage. To see what faith lend him toward.
>Using his antenna like-horn to navigate toward the direction where Kaz walking toward. (Radar II)
Mohka's eyes close as he tenses up in a silent cringe...
...but Spike's plan looks like it may have wings.
His radar seems to be disrupted by something in the forest... or... no... yes? There's something here messing with his head and his radar return.

Careful to not fall off while walking backwards, trusting only his instincts, Kaz walks backwards to where he remembers the area had been in. Not too far from here, he believes. You roll over the thoughts in your head again. The more you look at the image in your brain, the more you realize how it shouldn't be there. Both in reality and in the space in your mind. It feels... sticky. If thoughts could have tangible sensation. Meanwhile, Ishmael should probably warn Kaz that he might fall down again.

Katherine doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

Sail follows right behind, noticing the discrepancy with his senses. Conflicting emotions and thoughts are bothering him. He follows behind Kaz, also recognizing something isn't right with the landscape.

After some time bumping around, you finally feel it. Like a pressure you hadn't even realized had been lifted, suddenly is pulled away from your brain. Blanket thrown right off your eyes, you see now. You hear now. Voices, too many. You open your eyes to see a section of cleared forest where you knew, hours ago, there had been tree cover here.

It's a massive camp of tents and fires, with Pokémon possibly numbering in the hundreds here. You can see that their lodging is temporary, given the hasty construction. You can see a banner occasionally posted around the encampment. Painted on it is a symbol you have never seen before.

How is this possible? How could something this large be hidden like this?

Wallis has been left behind, and her choice of breaking again certainly isn't doing favors for her overall pace. Following behind as best as she can, with her eyes closed now, she can recognize something was fogging up her head.

The two immediately turn around, looking around to the bush that was rustled. The Marill looks disturbed, while the Shuckle just looks uncomfortable.

"We should just hurry back," Shuckle mentions.

"P-Probably. I don't want to get jumped by a feral. Can they leave the dungeon?"

"It won't be my problem..." Tentacles hit the ground slightly faster, moving as fast as a Shuckle can.

"Hey! Wait up!" Marill begins bounce-hopping after their companion, both of them now in a hurry.

Mohka's spot is passed by without any trouble. Even the strange bush that looks completely out of place has been glossed over as well. Brook can see them patter on by without a second glance.
"Kaz! careful!"
>ish hops to assist.
'They've move on,' Spike says telepathically to Mohka and Matchia.

'Let's follow them in, maybe it'll lead us to the location. Pretend to be feral if they spot you," Spike says before creeping out of the bushes and following their trail.
"The hell... There'sss a whole damn sssettlement here! I don't think Sssneassel wasss looking for thisss but we better get back quick." Orner is ready to turn tail, preferably before they are spotted.
"Mmmnope, nothing over here"
Kath rolls a bit further up the path
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>Hearing Ishmael's call, Kaz halts!
"Hup! Thanks Ish!"

>Feeling close enough to the distortion as he can be, Kaz turns towards it and attempts to cause a distortion of his own
>Kaz reaches out with his hand, touching the sticky air with a Thunder Punch empowered hand!
>Will this show the unseen?
>Will it break the illusions?
Wallis redoubles her efforts to imitate the trio's effectively sleepwalking. The fog lifting in her head is quickly being replaced by anger as the thought of more messing with her mind crosses it.
"Ohhhhhhhh, you've gotta be kidding me..."
She thinks to herself.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

"What in the world..."
>Baffled, Evan scans the camp, looking more closely at the symbol on the banner before flattening himself against the grass. His green color should disguise him, right?
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Espurr darts to the nearest source of cover as soon as they take in the fresh campsite air and see the new camp sights. They turn their head to Orner and Evan (soon to be Wallis, too.) This is a big deal! The group does NOT want to be seen. Espurr and the others aren't meant to be here; the campers present wouldn't be hiding like this if they were welcomed guests.

The crackle of fire and roar of crowded voices shall cover their light feline steps. They listen close and peek beneath one of the many tents.
>Espurr eavesdrops.
>Brook watches as they go, from what he's heard it would seem like a dungeon was around here...but he looked around and didn't see anything unless...was it one of those 'mageygate' things?

>keeping his disguise up for now, he creeps along after them

IQ Skill: Ghostly Silent
>his quiet steps allowing him to move quicker than others without making so much as a pitter patter on the ground
Matchia begrudgingly puts her cap away.
It'll be off... for now.
Matchia quietly follows Spike.
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Ishmael makes it in time to make sure Kaz doesn't go tumbling off the edge like a friend of theirs, whom they do not seem concerned for, oddly enough. Perhaps whatever field is there has scrubbed that, too. Wasn't it just the three of them up here?

Waving an electrified fist and swinging it reveals that... nothing happens. The exhilaration from throwing the punch does seem to clear it up further. There's no way to remove whatever this is through brute force. It's more than just sticky air... it's a Fighting-Type's weakness... stuff they can't punch! Accursed, truly.

Katherine rolling around won't find much. Perhaps the other two might want to clue her in?

The group silently follows behind, watching the pair approach the forest. They hold up their charms to the forest and walk in... van... huh? They were just here a moment ago. What happened? There's no way you lost sight of them, they were just... what's going on here? Did that charm they were talking about have something to do with it?

Wallis nearly bumps into Orner as she's turning around to consider leaving.

Evan, meanwhile, takes a good look at the design plastered on the banner as he begins sneaking through the grass. While he's not particularly sneaky by any means, he does get lucky enough that no one is looking at him directly. Being small and snake-like has its perks. He does move painfully slow, though. It's clear his stage is not meant to be belly-crawling.

Espurr waddles closer, trying to listen. It's a multitude of voices, all speaking different conversations at once. Without a way to look and connect the dots, you can only pick up and follow along as best as you can.

"We're leaving before sundown. Pack your things."

"Already? Did we even do anything here?"

"Don't talk back."

"Is everyone here?"

"Probably waiting on some patrols to finish up. Do you know where we're going?"

"Uh... no. Not yet. I think they might say when we get to the portal."

"I hope it's somewhere nice. I can't stand being in the cold again."

"...well, anywhere is possible."

"Did you get the info from that priest?"

"Uh-huh. I have the paper here."

"Good. Bring that..."

"Watch it! I'm moving heavy things here. Out of the way!"

They seem complacent and confident that their perception shield would keep out unwanted visitors. Their brazen actions do little to hide that fact.
". . . Strange. . . They vanished when they held those charms up. . . Are they oddly shaped teleportation wands? They remind me of the medallions that Sneasel gave us, perhaps they're some sort of organization of well connected group. . ." Spike ponders out loud before taking a step into the forest to check the area they vanished from.
(That's me)
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Wallis narrowly avoids a reflexive smack of the snake as Orner passes her.
"H-Hey! Where are you-"
Wallis finds her new surroundings a lot to take in, but take it in she does. How well? Let's ask the law of averages...
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>Evan has never seen anything like that thing on the banner before. How odd.
>He remains sneaky in the grass, getting a good look at what's going on. Sneasel better pay extra for his hard work, or so he thinks to himself.
Espurr crawls back after having overheard all that they needed to. Unfortunately, the locational information they can relay to Sneasel will be unhelpful; this mysterious group will be gone by sunrise, if they speak the truth, and Espurr, their allies included, have no means of which to inform Sneasel of the caravan before it's too late to matter. Regardless... this? This is a mission success.

>Espurr crawls back the way they came, employing the same strategy they used to enter. Time to go.
"Dude, are you trying to get usss caught?!" Orner whisper-shouts, she turns around and doesn't wait for anybody. She's seen enough.
"I have no idea..."
>the words come from the bush nearby, before it vanishes as the illusion is dispelled revealing a zorua
"This place is strange, when I was up in the mountain sounds would sorta just....not be there? I threw a rock at one of these trees and just nothin."

>Brook takes a step forward, keeping his eyes focused upward looking for anything strange that may be above after his earlier hike in the mountains
Evidently, the dice gods have applied the muffler effect to Orner's reply.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

"Hardly t' survivable in as since thought no common in wildness. Interference in connect o' the landscape or nah. Tract fer conflict thoughts 'n feelin' might add flavor toward me dead kin taste."
>Sail launch a shock wave of energy with Dragon Pulse in the air
"Only hear somethin' similar wit' wrap travel effect across interstellar distance. O' ole log t' say at least." Sail mumble to himself.
"Kaz, I... don't think we're achiving much up here, wanna regroup with the others?"
>Ish thinks
"might be part of some sort of artificial dungeon. might be looping from that."
Matchia frowns.
Maybe this was a mistake...
"What do we do now?"
Wallis is completely dumbfounded about how an entire miniature village could be hidden like this, especially when she knew she had been up on the side of the valley walls looking straight down at this place. Her mind practically resets! Which... is a bad thing, considering there is about to be a Shuckle and Marill about to walk into them.

Unknowingly, the two of them enter the same trap that had flummoxed the group that had entered not too long ago. As they look around, they don't see anything out of the ordinary. It's just a completely normal... normal? Normal forest. Very normal forest.

Evan takes a good look, noting that almost everyone here is wearing a scarf containing the same gold-on-white as the banner, as if to mark their affiliation to this strange group. Meanwhile, Espurr quietly makes their getaway. The Snivy might notice it might be a good time to leave, as his ally is leaving.

However, at this moment, only Orner has the ability to react to this information. She can hear someone approaching from the direction they entered from, and it's very likely not anyone friendly. Whoever they might be, they are definitely going to catch the stone-faced Wallis.

The shock wave seems to dissipate incorrectly... or did it? It's difficult to tell. There is definitely something here, messing with their abilities and perception.
Kath returns to Ish and Kaz
Rolled 13 (1d20)

"Good to see you to Brook," Spike smiles, easing from the defensive stance he suddenly shifted in.

"If what Brook says is true, and from what we saw. . . This is either an illusion or there's some kind of psychic barrier keeping certain people out. . . Perhaps there's a way to brute force our way in-"

". . . Something is strange. . ." Spike closes his eyes and tries to gleam insight into their surroundings, or check for anything of significance he might follow.
Rolled 13 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

"I'm guessing you guys haven't found much out either? I hope Orners team is alright, last I saw they kept getting turned around."

>Brook gives Spike some space while he concentrates

>with Spike closing his eyes to concentrate, Brook follows suit but rather than focus on trying to find anything strange he tries to throw an illusion as far as he can

>nothing that could be considered out of place, just a simple illusion of a few leaves floating in a breeze around himself in a slowly expanding circle
"yeah, all I can really tell is sound gets funky up there. come on Kathy, let's see what the others are up to."
"I swear there were more of us up here..."
Rolled 12 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

"Oh for fucksss..." Wallis is not gonna like this, Orner isn't gonna like this either and once again she regrets not giving Wrap a chance.
"Trigger warning, don't ssscream..."
>Orner grabs Wallis by the head (muting the incoming retaliation) and lunges to hide out of sight, hoping the trail of sparkles will warn the other two to do the same.
>Also, Ambush Predator II!
>Evan senses that he should get out of the enemy encampment and snakes his way out. Okay, it's more along the lines of lizarding, but let's just say that's between us, ok?
Wallis notices Espurr and Evan slipping out before she's monhandled by Orner. Strangely, no retaliation comes, but her battle aura of moisture is manifested.
>Wallis is set to Counter!
She's shaking in Orner's grasp, though maybe trembling with rage is more accurate. Her reflexive attack is deferred.
The illusion takes some time to set up, but the leaves start floating around as he intended. Meanwhile, Spike closes his eyes and notes that there is something there. A wall-but-not-quite-wall is there... but isn't there? Something is fogging up his head. Or isn't? What's going on?

Orner's tail manages to yoink (insert slide whistle noise) and pulls the Marshtomp stage-left, with just enough time to spare. The Shuckle and Marill enter the camp without encountering the two. They seem to be in a rush, so not a single glance is spared their way. Thankfully.

Clearly, Wallis is not a happy camper about what happened.

As he begins making his way back, Evan is nearly stepped on due to his sneaky snake-ing. He freezes in place, lucky to avoid detection.

It seems the infiltrating group has made it here... time to leave with your stealth unbroken! Right?
"Run." Orner uncoils and immediately slithers side-to-side the way she came from. You'd do well to follow her!
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>Evan narrows his eyes to avoid the red giving him away.
>He moves only when he thinks nobody can see him, and very slowly
Espurr keeps on... crawling on. Ward. They're crawling onward, eager to leave. They're satisfied with what they've accomplished, and it's time to leave. It's a matter of feeling their way towards the right direction. They'd make a pretty good blind adventurer, by blind adventuring metrics.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Spike scowls. . . What the heck?
"There's. . . something messing with me, there's a wall I think?"

. . . Perhaps it's mental assault on his memory? A perception filter? What kind of a psychic do they have that can set that up?

Spike decides to test his luck, there is a wall there. Let's try try to touch it.

>Spike tries to use Mental Fortress and walks towards the wall.
Wallis is less sleepwalking like before and more running with eyes shut tightly while she stores Counter with everything she has. It's like watching a bomb's fuse travel. Perhaps fittingly, that's following the Orner that ignited it back the way they came.
It's easier to leave than it is to enter... quickly and quietly, the group flees, with some strange information to divulge.

Spike approaches the wall to prod at it, trying to figure it out. However, he can sense a familiar energy approaching quite quickly, and he shifts out of the way to avoid being run over by a fleeing Orner, Wallis, Evan, and Espurr!

Probably best to follow them for now.

>To be continued later...

You take the same road back to Baram Town, burdened with some strange knowledge. Just who did you find, sequestered in that valley? What were they doing there? You can take this time to discuss and share information with each other before ultimately giving the information.

You note you were unable to find the specific information regarding magnagate residue, but perhaps this different spread of information might be just as interesting to Sneasel.
>Evan thinks to himself about what he saw. Such an odd banner.
"So, anyone see anything good? Or am I the only one who got close enough for a peek?"
>Orner rubs her head, the hit she got made her forget she came her for for a bit.
"Eeeh, Dusssk got closse... Hey Ssstray, did you find out anything usseful?"
>Spike is following behind the group, mulling over the information gathered.
"So what did you all find out?" Spike asks.
>Brook follows alongside the others, relieved that it wasn't enemies that suddenly appeared earlier and caused him to dispel his illusion

"We or at least I didn't see a thing up in the mountains, maybe Kaz or Ish found something after I left though."
"Ah, don't worry. I think I caught enough to get us paid. If that's good enough for the boss, it's good enough for us, right?"
>Evan doesn't seem very sure of his question
"I...sure hope so. Did they seem dangerous?"
Espurr keeps pace with the others by walking on all-fours. It's less tiring than carrying their tiny body on their even tinier two legs.
"We saw enough." But nothing that will be all too much of a smoking gun when brought up to Sneasel. They humor everyone's curiousity, answering Orner's more direct question "They will be gone before the sun falls. We are unable to inform Sneasel while the information is actionable." Buuut Espurr DID happen to hear something a little more significant. "Their mission statement is reaching what they erroneously called a portal. It can be assumed they refer to a magnagate, which is not a portal." It's more like a wormhole.

Besides that loose terminology, this strange group seems to be a little disorganized, but with a common goal in mind. They've clearly done this before. Maybe they even traveled all the way from another continent before reaching this one.
"A whole damn Clan worth of 'mon!" Orner remembers to catch up the others who weren't so lucky. "Jussst how in the world doesss that go unnoticed? Are we getting invaded?"
"Well, that sssuckss! Thisss better not end up being trouble..." They all got enough on their plate already.
"For all I know, they're just mages, like Sagira. I sure wasn't gonna be caught in that mess, though. I guess being green is good for something after all!"
>Evan laughs
"Still, I'm sure Sneasel knows more than they're letting on. We're probably just here to make sure some tiny little detail's up to date, with our luck."
"Hm. . ." Spike hums, considering this clarification of motives.

"It's likely then that whatever location they're trying to reach via this magnagate is too difficult to reach via conventional means such as by foot, ship, or even air. . . Or they don't know the actual location and this magnagate is linked to that location."

Spike turns to the rest of the group.

"Did any of you see the charms that they wore? It seemed to dispel some effect that set around the woods. I think they have some psychic maintaining a perception filter."
"In that case, I sure hope the info we did get is enough."

>Brook pauses for a moment to glance back before picking up the pace to rejoin the group

"Yeah, they held them up right before they vanished....have you dealt with something like this before?"
"Doubt I saw anythin' more than y'all did. I was more focused on not blowin' cover. Thanks fer the save, by the way."
>Spike shakes his head and scratches his neck.

"Not personally. I've read a handful of cases where something similar was used- but those are rare. It takes a team of trained psychic types working in shifts to do something like that, and all it takes is a camera and a keen eye to catch in recording. . . But we don't have cameras," Spike sighs.

"An entire clan? Was it an entire community or is it an organized force? Is the perception filter or whatever they have set up only on the perimeter?"

"Dammit. . . I only noticed because of my sense for insight, and even then it was hard to remember what I noticed."
"That's probably something we should let them know about, doesn't exactly seem the kind of thing an average band of criminals would do."

>A hint of worry worms its way into his voice as he speaks, his feet slightly picking up the pace
"Well I dunno about you guys, but I found some kinda... distortion? In the air? It was up top on the edge of the valley."
"Couldn't quite get inside of it."
As you all chatter about your findings and share with the class, you continue along the road, taking some time after the day ends to rest. Some of you might look back to the direction of the mysterious camp, knowing now that they are long gone from the location. As the sun rises again, and you're back on the road, you arrive in Baram Town just before noon.

You make your way down to the docks, and onto the Shore Thing. Sneasel, as expected, is waiting at her weird little stand.

"Heh. Your faces look like you did actually see something." She spins her claws, gesturing for you to talk. "Go on, then, spill it."
>Brook hurries along, staying towards the front half of the group as they leave the eerie forest and begin the trek back to Baram

>Not quite able to shake the foreboding feeling in his gut until long after they've left this place behind

>It comes as a great relief to finally be back in Baram, immediately him along with the others go to the Shore Thing to greet the weasel

"We saw some mons sneaking around the forest, they used some weird looking talisman to get past a uhh what did Spike call it? A perception field? That's about all I saw though."
Spike steps forward and starts with what he's deduced.

"There's a large group stationed in the forest. There's some strange effect surrounding their base that makes it difficult to perceive it- not as in it's invisible, but that the mind is unable to perceive or recall it. The 'mon who entered held up some strange charms before they disappeared," he explains.

"The others can tell you more."
"There wasss a sssorta... ssspell on the valley-" She doesn't really know what else to call it. "When we tried to enter we alwaysss came back at the sstart. We entered with our eyesss closssed and it was like the whole place changed, like the foressst wass fake, and inssside there were a hundred mon making camp! They had bannersss and sstuff- no one sssaw uss but they sssaid they were gonna move ssso there'ss not gonna be anyone there anymore..."
>Kaz approaches Sneasel
"Me an' a few others went up top on the edge of the valley."
"Found some kinda...weird pocket of air. Slippery."
"Tried ta hit it with Electric energy"
>Kaz flexes his fingers in an imitation of shooting energy from his finger tips
"but didn't get anythin' from it."
"Got any idea what it might be?"
Sneasel leans against the side of the stand, drinking in the information. "Already, heh, forming some ideas about this. Stuff that messes with your head is already on a very short list." She paces around before propping up her head on the table. "But tell me about the 'mons inside, first. Specifics, if you will."
Spike steps back and lets the others who actually entered handle explaining that.
"I didn't see many of them, really just three that were in a hurry to get out of there...I think they mentioned something about a dungeon?"

"I think Evan or Orner could tell you more."
Espurr doesn't enjoy talking too much, but sometimes it's necessary.
As such, they let Orner do the gist while Espurr elaborates upon some of the finer details.
"As we observed ourselves walking deeper into the trees, we would be turned around through some manner without recalling exactly how. I surmised that if we removed the proven-unreliable observer from the equation, no such error would be made." And they were surprisingly correct in their assumption. Unfortunately Espurr has a poor memory for locational details, so Sneasel gets nothing from them about the camp's layout.
"The individuals past the obstacle were as organized as we are." Which is to say, not particularly, but more so than the average group of outlaws. "We were unable to share their location and plans with you before they were scheduled to leave." But on the bright side... "They are in search of a Magnagate. They spoke of it with familiarity."

Espurr sits down. Even speaking in as neutral and articulate a tone as they did, they need to breathe. Those lungs of theirs aren't very large.
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"There wass a Marill, a Shuckle, sssome otherss-There wassn't any real pattern but they all wore gold and white sscarfss. And their banner wasss ssomething like-" Orner tries to draw the banner. It goes as you'd expect. "thisss. But gold."
>Evan tidies the sketch up some to resemble the actual thing more
"I got pretty close, too. They never saw me coming... or leaving, either. I must be getting good at this spy shit."
Sneasel glances at Brook before turning her attention to the other three. She frowns, tapping her claws against the wood in a rhythmic beat... of irritation. "They're not searching for a Magnagate. They're using one. A group that large doesn't move quickly without making a lot of noise. Yes, heh. This gives me leverage. That's good."

She looks at the drawing. "But this? I haven't seen this before." Sneasel looks at the drawing, attempting to decipher it, or, at the very least, memorize it. She turns to Evan. "How close? What did you hear? Names? Plans? Places?"
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Espurr doesn't know at what point there were incorrect. In order to use a Magnagate, you have to find one. At least in their mind, they don't make the connection that one would naturally assume you don't search for something you already have access to.
"They are familiar with it, as I said." It's actually kind of vexing to be corrected when they don't see how they were wrong.
Alas, the subject has already changed... leaving Espurr mildly annoyed.

They look at the drawing. They... sort of recognize it from when they were at the camp, but it looks different from how they remember. Probably because it's so scribly, even with Evan's help.
Why does some insignia help? They want to know, but decide against speaking anymore.
"You all must've heard something right?" Spike asks the group.

"An organization of people that large that isn't a community must have some goal, and with access to those kinds of abilities it must be compelling."
>Evan describes everything he saw and heard
"I kinda left before I could catch any intel... Got a bit too clossse to being caught for comfort, and a fight with that many 'mon would have been disssasstrouss." A pity since Orner had the better chance of getting intel, but Wallis had to get involved... Ugh.
"I heard rumors about this. Mostly just chatter." Sneasel smiles. "Guild League will be, haha, enthused about this."

She thinks about it for a long moment. "Their, hah, direct business is likely done here. But, of course, it's never so simple. I have whispers about another job that might be lined up. Don't get your hopes up, though." The uncharacteristic frown returns. "I have some work to do."

She reaches into her bag and pulls out 300P, divided up for all the participants. For a second, you think that's the end of it, but she pulls out three solid metal bars. "Figure out who wants these. I'll reward your brave stupidity. This one's for you, Snivy."

"We'll be in, heh, touch." She leaves.
Espurr nods.
Yeah, well, if the Guild League will be so enthused, why don't they send a boat over to bring Espurr to their little hideout so they may be at home amongst their fellow intellectuals? That would be suitable payment for their important information.
Oh well.

Espurr takes their money and just stares at the gold. What the fuck?
>Evan gains riches!
"Sweet, thanks."
>He's happy, he has a literal bar of gold. Glorious.
"Good luck taking care of those guys."
>Brook takes his share of the cash before looking down at the gold bricks

"These look a little bit heavy...."

"You guys were responsible for figuring out how to get through yeah? I think you should grab one of those....
>looking down he notices how smol this cat truly is
"I can uhh bring one back to your room for you, if you want?"
Orner nabs a yellow brick. "HOLY- Thessse are ssome BIG prizesss! Asss expected from a League big shot... Now, where do we trade thesse?"
Makes sense to them... but they aren't sure how it'll be useful.
Gold get.

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