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Oh no, Anonymous! It's past midnight, and you're about to go to bed when you suddenly find yourself thrust into a session of the video game SBURB! The meteor is approaching fast and you need to prototype your Kernelsprite before it's too late! What will you do?
Nostalgic, I barely remember the beginning but let me start things off with the classic
>Shit on your desk
>Toss 2H bunny girl in your sprite
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>Anon: Shit on your desk

You'll remember to take a shit on a desk if you see one.
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>Anon: Toss 2H bunny girl in your sprite

You throw the REISEN STATUE into the Kernelsprite, creating REISPRITE.
Pat Reisprite on the head.
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>Anon: Pat Reisprite on the head.

You take more time to ignore the meteor that's about to shred your entire home that you worked for years to pay off the mortgage on, and pat Reisprite between her funny bunny ears. You consciously set aside the fact that you're probably going to be splitting the skull of an imp with these exact same bunny ears later.
>Toss in Spy for the stealth and the tachi for more bladed action.
>Check pockets to see what we have on us. Is there a phone or something that we can use to check the requirements of a completed sprite?
>Get -> Shotgun.
>Inspect -> Shotgun.

Spend 0 seconds thinking about the hellscape of screaming faces outside our window.

Prepare to breach door.
I love her bros
>Equip shotgun
>Speak to Reisprite about what to do next
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>Anon: Check pockets to see what we have on us. Is there a phone or something that we can use to check the requirements of a completed sprite?

You don't know what "Check pockets" means, but you can check your SYLLADECK, which is empty on account of you typically not bringing things with you or your expensive black suit to bed. You have no idea how to find what the requirements for a completed sprite are aside from possibly looking them up online, but you'd need to find a computer to do that.

>Anon: Toss in Spy for the stealth and the tachi for more bladed action.

You toss your TF2 SPY FIGURINE and what the original run of Homestuck called a KATANA but you have called a TACHI so we will diplomatically call a SWORD into the single-prototyped Kernelsprite, creating SPYSENSPRITE.

>Anon: Get Shotgun.
>Anon: Inspect Shotgun.

You cannot "GET" the SHOTGUN. In order to put the SHOTGUN in your SYLLADECK, you must first socket your PEDESTRIUM EYE and turn it into a CARD, which can then be stored.

>Anon: Spend 0 seconds thinking about the hellscape of screaming faces outside our window.

You spend 0 seconds thinking about it.

>Anon: Prepare to breach door.

You prepare to breach the DOOR. Whatever might be on the other side of this door could be dangerous, so if it has the manners to stay where it is until you enter the next room, this is your last chance to grab anything you might need here.
>In that case, socket my PEDESTRIUM EYE, which appears to be in the corner next to the knight poster.
>Then store SHOTGUN in my SYLLADECK
>Remember if my house has a computer.
>Internally accept the katana nomenclature. After all, there are several other types of swords in the room.
>If Katana-sword wasn't spent making the spy-sprite, cardify it oo.
>Cardify the sprite maker too for rapid deployment later.
>Take down the knight poster and check behind the display bookshelf to make sure that there aren't any other exits to the room.
>Glance out the window to see if there is any important loot out there.
Nice quest. I'll keep an eye on it.

>You toss your TF2 SPY FIGURINE and what the original run of Homestuck called a KATANA but you have called a TACHI so we will diplomatically call a SWORD into the single-prototyped Kernelsprite, creating SPYSENSPRITE.


Also you guys made the end boss stronger, so you know....

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You briefly attempt to fix all continuity errors before continuing.

>Anon: In that case, socket my PEDESTRIUM EYE, which appears to be in the corner next to the knight poster.

There we go!

>Anon: Then store SHOTGUN in my SYLLADECK

You use the PEDESTRIUM EYE's item-sealing ability to seal the SHOTGUN inside a DUEL DENIZENS card to create the Equip Spell card "Shotgun". You SHUFFLOGUE it in your SYLLADECK. Since it is the only card there, if you were to try to retrieve it now, you would have no chance of drawing anything else.

>Anon: Remember if my house has a computer.

Your house DOES have a computer, Anon! It's in the next room, most likely still opened to isuckbigblackcock.com.

>Anon: Internally accept the katana nomenclature. After all, there are several other types of swords in the room.

Between Tahu's FIRE SWORD and whatever the fuck Asis's giant decapitator is called, you decide it needs its own simple and distinct designation.

>Anon: If Katana-sword wasn't spent making the spy-sprite, cardify it oo.

The KATANA is now in SPYSENSPRITE's possession and you see no clear way to remove it from him oo.

>Anon: Cardify the sprite maker too for rapid deployment later.

You cannot seal the CRUXTRUDER inside a card.

>Anon: Take down the knight poster and check behind the display bookshelf to make sure that there aren't any other exits to the room.

You peel the PHOTO NEGATIVE MANDALOREGAMING POSTER down from the wall. He isn't hiding anything. Well, you don't know that, but the poster isn't hiding anything.

You move the DISPLAY BOOKSHELF, causing all of your priceless FIGURINES and the couple FRAMED PICTURES OF PEOPLE KNOWN FOR BEING INVOLVED WITH VIDEO GAMES to tumble down and form a pile on the floor. All for nothing, it seems. there is naught behind the DISPLAY BOOKSHELF aside from a few crude pockmarks in the plaster and petrified specks of something probably involved in home construction that you have seen before but could not name from memory.

>Anon: Glance out the window to see if there is any important loot out there.
You glance out the window. No loot.

But, uh...huh. What was that?
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One action per reply and one reply per nametag per image post from this point on, please.
>look harder out the window to try and find out what the fuck that was.
>Breach into the adjacent room
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Could we implement a minor visual tweak on the spysensprite?

> Leave room
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>Anon: look harder out the window to try and find out what the fuck that was.

Ah! There it is again!
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>Anon: Breach into the adjacent room
>Anon: Leave room

You kick down the door to the next room and HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT
> Momentary enter a state of intense pseudo-religious ecstasy as you drink in the sight of this sick-nasty gamer rig.
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>Anon: cry

A single tear.
>add that green card looking thing with the white guy on it to the SYLLADECK. Seems like it belongs.
> Admire Buxom Greyscale Wallflower loitering in the corner
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>Anon: Momentary enter a state of intense pseudo-religious ecstasy as you drink in the sight of this sick-nasty gamer rig.

Mother. FUCK. Dude. This gaming setup really is one of, if not THE, most fucking amazing "Gamer rigs" there has ever been. Like, fuuuuuck, dude. This gamer rig is probably capable of running two first-person shooters AT ONCE and still having free random-processing power available for rendering "Artificial intelligence" pictures to the GUI. With over thirty thousand sustained digital horsepower at its disposal, you bet this gaming rig could probably take on the best in the world. It looks a little worse with your shit on it, though.
>Anon: Check what game you got on you phone and you PC. I know you browse /v/, so you probably have shit taste.
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>Anon: add that green card looking thing with the white guy on it to the SYLLADECK. Seems like it belongs.

You seal the ANDROID FETCH MODUS into a card and produce the "Android Fetch Modus" Field Spell. You SHUFFLOGUE it in your SYLLADECK. You have no idea what the fuck this is or why it's in your house. You probably have aids now.
>Put the AXE in your SYLLADECK
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>Anon: Admire Buxom Greyscale Wallflower loitering in the corner

Heh...hey there, beautiful. Did you lose a button on your top? No, no, no, I'm not a pervert...Just a guy who really appreciates a baker's double. Yes, this SALACIOUS MONOCHROME DARLING has had your heart since the mid-2000s. You spent so much time finding a sculptor who could do justice to your /a/ngel, but your spiritual pressure during conversations about her flaxen hair and indomitable manjaw drove many away despite the vast amounts of Smurf Cat Coin you had prepared for their digital wallets. Hollows with PORKHOLLOWS, you presume.
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>Anon: Put the AXE in your SYLLADECK

You make the "Nerf N-Force Warlock Battleaxe" Equip Spell card and SHUFFLOGUE it into your SYLLADECK. Just saying that makes you feel like Trainboy54, but you're not one to spurn your archived youth.
>Anon: wonder why you've suddenly gotten a case of double vision.
>Use the computer to research how to use the CRUXTRUDER and prototype the Kernelsprite to escape the approaching meteor.
Since those things on the floor don't look to be phones, I guess that we're not going to phone a fried.
>Check the /qst/ thread, "Saturday Night SLORL" by Tresis
quick bumple while the GM gets some rest
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>Anon: Check the /qst/ thread, "Saturday Night SLORL" by Tresis

You close isuckbigblackcock.com and tab into 4chan, then navigate to the Quests board and click "Saturday Night SLORL", a thread being maintained by a namefag named Tresis.

Jeez. This is just unsettling. The troll equivalent of SBURB is called SGRUB, and that shit is disgusting, but it would be like looking at a picture of a puppy frolicking in a dew-specked field of cotton balls compared to whatever the fuck this is. It really just makes you want to click out immediately. Even your BRADLEY JAMES FAFARA DESKTOP TOY doesn't like it.
>Type in."Joke's on you. I'm INTO that shit!
>Check in with your server player.
My posts keep uploading without pics. I guess /qst/ just fucking hates me.
remember to hit the browse button to upload the images =^)
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>Be the guy outside
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>Anon: Be the guy outside
You are now the guy outsi-FUCK
>guy outside: pontificate on the circumstances that brought you here, in at least two 500-word paragraphs.
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>guy outside: pontificate on the circumstances that brought you here, in at least two 500-word paragraphs.
In a suburban jungle, a young man in his early twenties weaves through the foliage, harboring memories of a turbulent childhood etched deeply into his psych- FUCK. STOP FUCKING MOVING
>guy outside: if you're gonna be moving that fast, at least do a cool flip, like tony hawk.
> Don't listen to that nerd, keep moving! Move so fast that you kick flip through the sound barrier! Move so fast that time's arrow itself grows still in the wake of your relentless, uncompromising OmegaVelocity!
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>guy outside: if you're gonna be moving that fast, at least do a cool flip, like tony hawk.
>guy outside: Don't listen to that nerd, keep moving! Move so fast that you kick flip through the sound barrier! Move so fast that time's arrow itself grows still in the wake of your relentless, uncompromising OmegaVelocity!
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Enter name.


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> Wait, I've got it!
> I'm locking it in! That's my final answer!
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See you guys soon!
yeah, see you next time
See you QM! This was a fun thread.

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