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In the year 1987, crime and corruption in America is an epidemic. Drugs and guns flow into the country from everywhere in the world, and the gateway to it all is the coastal paradise, Heat City. This is a place of shining high-rises and shadowed alleys, sunsets and smog, neon and blood, ruled by ambition and greed and power. Here in Heat City, you can get whatever you want -- if you can pay the price.
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A continuation of the attack on the Yakuza's commercial center.

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The big man finally goes down, clearing the way for the front door squad to start their ingress on the Garden itself. Seline and Chaser beat them to it though, crashing the party while conveniently covered by Ninja's smoke grenade. The halls are somehow both opulent and spartan at the same time, vibrantly painted in rich colors but with lots of empty space. It's like somebody's idea of how a fancy Edo-style inn looks. Was this based on a memory of back home, or just a westerner's imagination? Either way, it's a sumptuous decor to kill people amidst.
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The happy couple are on a hot streak taking the front line. Their reverie comes to an abrupt end when the guy pounding on the back door for help is hurled backwards by the door slamming open. Two gigantic masked men charge forward, swinging studded clubs like the oni of legend. How rude, don't they know there's bonding and personal development going on here? The cold sadism of their masks' twisted smiles tells you that they don't care.

The brakes of the elevated train screech as the train arrives. It's weird to think about civilians just going on with their normal lives right now, taking public transit off to ... to do whatever it is that normal people do. File taxes, maybe.

Turn 7 begins.
Name: Blackjack
Type: Assassin
HP 6/6
Edge 3/6
Move 6
Defense 8+2

Cool: 4+1
Sharp: 2
Hard: 0
Weird: 4

Flash Step (0 AP, 1 Edge.): Target an enemy within (Move) spaces. Move behind them, and make any attack action. The first reaction shot misses, other shots have disadvantage.
Infiltration: At the start of a mission, you may choose to not deploy. At any time, either you or the GM may deploy you in the right spot for the job, with the right tools, with or without an explanation. When this happens, roll Weird.
Agility: Pass through enemies. Gain advantage to Vault, jump, or Climb.
Visions of Death: (0AP, 1 Edge) Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 Crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.
Flurry of Blows: (1AP, 1 Edge) Attack with main weapon, pistol, and fists, in any order. You can move up to 3 tiles before each attack.
Throwing Knives: (1 AP, 1/3 uses): Attack 3 enemies within Range 10 for 2 damage.
[Top 10]: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favorite movies to reroll any die.
[Lady's Favor: Lena]- (0AP, 0 Edge), spend during a mission before rolling any d10 to make the final result a 10.

Moonshadow- DMG 3, +1 Defense, [Stance]. 2/mission, consecutive rounds only: [Phases of the Moon] (1 AP, 1 Edge): Attack 3 enemies within 3 spaces.
Wakizashi- DMG 2, +1 Crit, when [Stance] counter activates, also attack with this weapon.
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1
First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 2/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.

Bulletproof Suit: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
+Living Room
+Security x2
+Rare Weapon (Wyatt Earp's Revolver)

Motorbike (Rebel) [2/1/0]
Motorbike (Muramasa) [3/3/0]
Speedboat (Barracuda [2/1/3]
Heat 14
Cash: $1,374,783 USD ($390,958 of which is in Cuban Pesos and British Pound Sterling)

Nodding over at Renjun, Blackjack sheathes her waki-zashi, the side sword still pristine and dry. "I don't think I've seen you around before. You do some neat sword work." Turning from the now decapitated and perforated corpse of the fat man, Blackjack spares a glance for the nearby civilians, before moving on. "There's still more to be done today, though. So don't stop here."

>Move 2 NW, 3N, 1W
>Move 5W, 1NW

As she passes Heckler, the old man, and the arms dealer, Jackie nudges the old mercenary's leg with a foot, smirking down at him. "Up and at 'em, old man. No times for naps right now." To Heckler, she jerks her thumb across the room, back at Ramirez. "Hey funnyman, get your boy, he's looking even more like hamburger than usual."
>2AP: Move 4N 4W
>1 Edge: Inspire Badger
>1AP: Move 1NW 3W

The fat man finally goes down. Friedrich breathes a sigh of relief, puts his AK down and rolls his sore shoulder. Seeing the result of Ramirez's grenade going off causes him to yell "Argh, meine pizza!" then mutter "Scheißkopf...". Lastly, he moves to grab more bullet from the supply further in. He pauses only give Badger a helping hand.

"Come on old man. On your feet. You're not zat old yet. Vhat kind of example is zis zat are you setting?"

Name: Friedrich
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 1/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 0/4. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Armor 2)
Medic Bag (1 AP, 0 use)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
Cash: $856,755
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
Assets: Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense)
Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge)
Hitze Trupp (Grunts, Hard 2, Cool 1, 5 Germans, Definitely not Stasi, Sadism)
Barracuda (Speedboat, Speed 2, Handling 1, Size 3)
Secure Warehouse (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room, Upgraded Workshop, Upgraded Security)
Flammenwerfer (empty)
Cell phone
Portable video camera
Historical artifacts (Old books. In German. One in Japanese.)
Top shelf DDR cigarettes
Blue Marker
Rolled 3, 7, 7, 2 = 19 (4d10)

"You cannot burn me in a way that matters!"
>1Edge: Flash Step behind kitsune 9W 1S
>2AP: Extinguish flames
>1AP:Stab the kitsune again
>1Edge: Stance

Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 7/8 (+1 hat), Edge 5/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Stance), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 1/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit(3/4)
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
Oops, this is me.
Rolled 5, 2, 4 = 11 (3d10)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 5/6, Edge 6/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 3/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $237 658
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

1 AP: [Check] - Sharp +7 - Find a fire extinguisher or something and put that fire out. Maybe give Ninja a quick spray. (1st roll)
1 AP: [Move] 1 North, 5 West
1 AP: [Quick Attack] w/ Ivory Katana targeting Yokai (2nd and 3rd roll: Damage 4, Crit Damage 6, Crit on 8, Gain 1 Block on 1st crit each turn, +1 Accuracy)

It's an active effort to conserve her energy in her haste to find Mifune, but she reins herself in. First clear the path of obstructions and dangers, then advance only as far as you can be supported. This is no time to lose track of the fundamentals.
Rolled 4, 1 + 3 = 8 (2d10 + 3)

Name: Fresco
Type: Operator
Stats: HP: 6/8, Armor 0, Edge 0/8, Move 6, Defense 10, Crit on 5, Supercrit on 7,], Heat 2
Weapons: DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 2/3)
Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/8)
Factor: Hard 0, Cool 4+2, Sharp 2, Weird [8] 4+2++2
Special Talent: Deadeye: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Attack with +3 accuracy, +3 crit rate, and +1 crit damage
Lightning Reload: 1/Turn reload for 0 AP
Oh Yeah!: Fuck you, roll +weird for a cool entrance
Moonlighter: Gain a 3rd Sidejob. Can use this 3rd job to reroll a Side Job roll.
Furious Focus: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 edge, gain 1 edge.
Dance Fever Disco: (0 AP, 0 Edge) Gain +1 Wtoken at start of mission. Spend WTokens to gain +2 Move and Def for that round.
Drug Kit: (1 AP, 1/2 Uses) Take 1 damage to gain ++2 to a stat for 3 turns.
Custom Mask: +1 HP & +1 Move

Oh yeah he was in the zone. Not every shot had to hit, only the best ones. It was like being an artist and throwing away a piece when it felt wrong. At least Fresco assumed artists were like that. Following the hot but not on fire chick, Fresco stopped himself at the corner and took aim down the hall. While his thoughts were calming the rapid breathing as the drugs and adrenaline circulated his body made him sound like like an animal behind the plaster mask.

>Walk 1N, 1W [1 AP]
>Aimed Shot closest Yokai [2 AP, First die, +3 hit, Crit on 5, Supercrit on 6)
>Lightning Reload
>Deadeye closest Yokai after that first shot [1 Edge, 2nd die, +3 hit, Crit on 5, Supercrit on 7[5 DE], [Hypercrit on 10 DE]
... Kit rolls off the unconscious (definitively unconscious, right?) Sumi, heart pounding. Bits of scuffed decor lie like shattered petals on the clean tiles. She brushes a broken decorative flower off of her suit sleeves, tests her hands. Plams sweaty, pulse high. Findsh herself grinning at first and then the grimace wrests control of her face and becomes a laugh as she kicks the downed guy once. Yeah, he was out. She checks his pulse by jamming two fingers into his sushi-stained collar, and, yeah, it's there, though that's going to be a few months of hospital time. For good measure she kicks the black-sheated katana up and grabs for it. Good sword. Fine balance. Surely one of the rules for a firefight was to make sure the people on the ground didn't reach for gun they'd dropped earlier, and, well, swords must fit into the legal confines of heroic bloodshed in the same role. Listen with her inner ear and she can still hear Chien's running commentary. Just imagine this was another movie night.

And look. There's the next set of henchman. Big men down hallway. With clubs, leering masks, the solid stance of proper professionals. The noise was Chaser going face first through a wall. Lots of that going around. A mask with a sneering, twisted smile scans down her way. Kit gives a half wave with her forward guarding hand. The Oni waves his club lazily through the air. Who brought a kanabo to a fistfight? These guys must be eating the specialized sushi. Absolute specimens, intimidating, frightening, menacing men in the employee of people who probably thought "makes you shit yourself in fear from my visage" was a positive trait to have on your CV.

It's all been so fucking complicated lately. All strange phonecalls, odd thoughts at late hours, new friends and movie nights that don't feel the same. Too lonely. But this? This is just a hallway. It's two men. It's friends on the ground. Yeah, they're big, and frightening, and those clubs look more dangerous than assault rifles. Kit tests her hands again, flexing. Loosens her stance a little. Big, dangerous men everywhere are usually the same. Just remember Chien's advice, one friday out of many, some Bruce Twee movie in the background. There are rules to a gunfight. So there are rules to a fight, for all fights are gunfights, in spirit. So, big men with big clubs. There's a catch there. The peculiar paradox of the professional pugilist: Look frightening enough, and no one fights you. Which meant all the big bastards, who spent all their fucking time in masks, with swords and clubs and guns and menacing air of tear-your-face-off-for-asking? They were dangerous, they were quick, they were deadly, but if they'd been in the job long enough their own reputation disarms first their enemies and then, like a slow poison, their own skill. Punch back hard enough and the impact shock jars them.

Kit winks. Steps forward, testing the weight of the sword. Nah, not her style. But it might be useful. . .
Rolled 6, 3, 10, 3, 3 = 25 (5d10)


>[1AP] Reload Taser (while taunting the Oni)
>[1 Edge] Shootdodge 1W, 5N; Taser Oni NW, 2N [1D, 2Stun, Knockdown, Crit5+, SC 10+, 2d10]
>[1AP] Sharp Check: [Throw Gear] the Katana I just picked up from the downed Sumi NW, W, 3NW at the Ties to mess up their aim [1d10+4]. Bonus points if they shoot east into the Oni.
>[1AP] Throw Furniture at Oni 2N [1D, Crit 5+, SC 10+, 2d10]

>[1 Edge] Electrify [+2 Block, Electric]

#Kit de Guerre
Hp 8/9 Edge 4/10 Def 4 Crit 8 [Crit 5+ SC 10+]
Heat 8 Wanted 2
Hard 2 Cool 0 Sharp 3+1 Weird 4+2 Move 5+2
!Electrify, !Spook, !Infiltrate, !RC Bomb, !Taser [1/3]
!Apprentice, !Furious Focus, !Havana Hardline
!Some Bark, More Bite [Unstoppable, Grappler]
!Dad's Shades [Shootdodge] + [Lucha Loco, +1D/C on vault fists]

2x Light Blue Pens
2x Pistols D2, 4/12
Fist: 2D, +1C, +1A
Kit's Breathmints [Drugs 2x]
Vest: Armor [--]
Type: Brain
HP 6/7
Edge 8
Move 5[4]
Defence 3[5]
Crit 8
Stats: Cool 1 Sharp 3 Hard 0 Weird 2
Weapons: Gym Bag, Pistol, Fists
Gear: First Aid Kit, Smoke Grenade 2/3, Frag 2/3Grenade
Special Talent: Infiltrator

AP 2 Put out the fire
AP 3 throw a grenade at the door with the grenade rigged to it to cause both to explode at the same time!

Ninja then realized he was surrounded by flames and put the grenade away and bolts "Wait a moment I'm in fire!"

>instead of throwing the nade they will move E

"Phey now I only have to worry about bullets!"
Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 6/10, Edge 1/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 4/16, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. Remove a condition.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die) (Used)
GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (1 Uses)
Cash: $1747377
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>1 Edge - Inspire Ramirez
>1 AP - Move 2E, 1N, 3W
>1 AP - Move 1NW, 2N, 1NW, 1N
>1 AP - Restock AR ammunition

"Ramirez, we're leaving!" Heckler shouts as he quickly moves down into the corridor and into the Karaoke room with all the supplies. The ammunition and meds are a sight for sore eyes, after the bloodbath which was the first room, but his main gun was quite literally empty, his vest too (besides the numerous pistol magazines he had strapped to his legs). Quickly pulling 5 STANAGs from the bag and slipping into his pouches and gun was like having a shower, at least to him.
Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 5/13, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 3/8, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard (Used), Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x0
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $2,145,202
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Loud Apartment, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter
Jackhammer Shotgun
Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Red Disk, Blue Disk, Locker Key
Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy)

>[1AP] Move 3NE, 3E.
>[1AP] Move 4N, 1NW, 1W.
>[1AP] Move 2W, 3N.
>[1AP] Full heal from medic bag.

"Got it, on the move." Ramirez stands from where he's taken cover, and looks to the new guy, Blaze.

"Hey, new guy, don't stick around, move up with the rest of us and don't let enemy reinforcements pin you down."

Then he takes his own advice and runs deeper into the complex.

A gasp of exertion as Seline hurls herself backwards, dodging the worst of the impact, if not the fall. The shock is negligible, however, compared to what she hears.

Rolled 2, 2, 3, 4, 2, 7, 6, 6, 8 = 40 (9d10)

HP 7/13 Edge 6/10
Move 6, Def 6, Crit 9+
Cool 1 / Sharp 2 (+2) / Hard 4 (+1) / Weird 1
Heat 10 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and heal 5 Edge) SPENT
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
Unstoppable (0 AP 1 Edge, +1 Armor, Rage, Block; remove debuffs and conditions)
Hardliner (+1 Hard token/mission, spend H.T. to gain breach on move)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll) SPENT
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger")
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result) SPENT
Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear)
Shotgun (Rng 10, Dmg 4, Ammo 3/8, Breach)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/12)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
Armor Vest (6 armor, doesn't stack) SPENT
Frag Grenades (Frag Out: 2/3, Throw, Area 2, 3 Damage, Breach)

"Ow... I got careless"
>Unstoppable (1 Edge, get up, get 1 armor, 1 block and rage)
"Time for payback"
>Frag 4N 3E, behind the left Oni (1 AP, first dice for scatter)
>Raging Demon move 1NE, 2E, 1N attack 3x Oni right (2 Edge, dice 2-7, crit on 8+ for 4 dmg)
>Shotgun QS Oni right (1 AP, dice 8-9)
>Move 5S (1 AP)
Rolled 8, 9 = 17 (2d10)

Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 0/10
Move 5+1
Defense 11
Crit on 9+

Cool: 5+2
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SER, 15, Overdrive)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 3/6
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 2/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit Chance +1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag, Molotov Cocktails (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (1 AP, 4 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.
Molotov Cocktails (1 Use): Thrown, Area 1, Duration 2. Sets the tiles on fire, and anyone affected takes one damage and two burn.

> (Adrenaline Shift, -1 Cool) Stand Up
> (Furious Focus) Fire Up!
> (1 AP) Throw a Molotov 3N
> (1 AP) Throw a Molotov 3E, 2N
> (1 AP) Move 1SE, 2E, 3S
Using [Gamer] to increase the first scatter dice to 9, so it actually blocks off the passage way (and burns the Yakuza)

I‘ve been practicing my throw!
Rolled 7 (1d10)

>Top Ten reroll for the second dice (first Raging Demon dice)

'Nonononono this is not the line this is not the line thisISNOT--'
Chaser's instincts are screaming as he rushes the masked B E A S T, blood rushing along after the kip-up and warcry, but the line isn't there.
No time to stop, he can see the threads coalescing and weaving together anyways, if the first is a bust then no issue.
Then... a fleeing thought:
'Pin the foot, pivot, shift the weight, shoulder bash, imbalance the enemy' words heard recently... 'and lay them to waste.'
AH, that's from Tenrai Tsumibito no Niwa! He took that suggestion from Mizuchi, and considering how much he enjoyed Exit The Tiger he gave "Garden of the Divine Transgressors" a try.
A much more grounded vibe from the bombastic Dragon Lee flick, the somber tones and subdued palette giving way to scarlet hues of blood and flashes of light in the action scenes providing a strong contrast and distinct pacing of inaction-sudden violence-inaction.
Overall a great movie... but the ending sucked.
Rolled 1 (1d10)


>1 Edge: Fire PCX at Tie driving the truck to SW
>Move N NE NE
>Move N N N
>Move N N W

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (3/0->2/0) [max 4/8]
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 7/7 + (6/6 Armor)
Edge: 7->6/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
Cover not blown, Spenser continued to gather information for the team. A single pistol is not as valuable as the ability to call in an artillery strike.

3 AP for turn:
Move to door north of position, open, enter room if no one else is in there. If other people in room, follow their instructions.
Rolled 6, 8 + 5 = 19 (2d10 + 5)

>1AP: Move 1E, 1N, 1NE, 1E
>1AP: Furniture throw the Table NW to the 2 Ties 5E
>1AP: Overwatch furniture throw the chair 1S to someones unlucky face

"Keep moving up. Almost there."

Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 12/12
Edge 8/8
Move 5(6)
Defense 13

Cool: 5(8) {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg + taunt, gain block 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
{Apprentice}: Melee Weapons Gain +1 Accuracy
{Dragon Kick}: 1ap attack for 2 dmg, +3 Crit

-Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
-Pistol [Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 2/8]
-Fist [Dmg 2, Crit +1]
-{Dragon Kick}: [Dmg 2, +3 Crit]

-Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 defense, +1 Edge)
-First Aid Kit (3/4)
Rolled 7 + 1 (1d10 + 1)


>AP1 Move: W x3, N
>AP1 Move: N, NW, N
>AP1 Restock: SMG filled
>Edge 1 Move: N x4 (Roll 1 Vault)

"Right on your tail just need an resupply first" Jackal takes few magazines and follows into next room.

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 10/14, Edge 1/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2-1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 0/5 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn, Ammo 2), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
Rolled 6, 5, 9, 1 = 21 (4d10)

"Appreciate the help. Just... Resting those weary ol' bones. Back in."
>Get up for free via Inspire
>Move 1N 5W
>Move 1W 2NW 3N
>Move 2N
>Autofire4 shots at the kitsune mask, after kicking the door, with the ACR (dmg 4, acc+1, crits on +9)
"I'm flanking! Get 'em!"

Name: Honey Badger
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP:6/13 Edge:6/9 Move:5 Defense:6 Crit on 9+
Factors: Cool:0+1 Sharp:4 Hard:4+1 Weird:1
Weapons: Pistol (range 10, dmg2, 2/8 ammo)
ACR (range 20, dmg4, 0/8 ammo, auto, +1 accuracy)
Fists (Melee, dmg2, crit +1)
Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 move)
Gear: Frag Grenades (1/3, Area 2, 3Ex damage)
Talent: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Steadfast, Raging Demon, Lena's Lover, Call Out, Apprentice, Top Ten (0/1), White Lightning (0/1), Unstoppable, God Gamer (0/1)
Rolled 3, 6 + 3 = 12 (2d10 + 3)

Name: Tony Vespucci
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 6/10 Edge 9/15 Move 6, Defence 4, Crit on 5 and above
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0-1, Sharp 5+1+2, Weird 4

Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), SMG (Range 10, Damage 3, Ammo 0/15, +1 crit range, Autofire)
Gear: First Aid Kit (2/4 uses)
Special Talent: Taser (4/4 uses)
Special talent: Pack Alpha (names: Carlo and Diego)
Special Talent: Electrify
Special Talent: Snake Eye
bulletproof suit: +1 edge, +1 defense

>Mirage (Racing Tires + Suspension): Carissima

>1AP: move 4N, 2W
>2AP: aimed shot the guy NW of me
>1 edge: move 4W, 2N
Rolled 9 + 4 (1d10 + 4)


Was a busy week, apologies.
>1AP: Move 4xW,1xNW
>1AP: Vault Cover N (Cool Roll), 4xE
>1AP: 2xS,1xW,2xS
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 7/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 2/3)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade), Ticket
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
Rolled 8, 3, 8, 7 = 26 (4d10)

>>6034679 | >>6031189

Napps hears pounding on the door at the same time a hail of gunfire pours into the hall outside. Seems he was right on the money.

Let's greet the house's guests.
On the third knock, a cushy chair smashes into the Tie's face - at the same time Rico's couch smashes into her back.

>[1 AP, Throw Furniture] Throw 1x1 light cover 1W, at Tie 2W (1st & 2nd roll)
>[1 AP, Move] 2W, 1S, 2W
>[1 AP, Throw Furniture] 1x1 light cover from 1NW, thrown at Tie 2NE (3rd & 4th roll)

Name: Napps - 4XP Thug
CSHW: 3, 2t, 7t, 1 = Def 8t | Edge 5/8t | HP 14t/16t | Crit on 9+ | Move 5t
Armor Vest (Armor 4/6 - absorbs X Dmg before breaking) | Serious Armor (Req 4 HARD, +2 HP, +1 Def, -1 Move)
Fists (Melee, 2 DMG, Crit Range +1) | Pistol (Range 10, 2 DMG, 4/8 Ammo) | [Primary] Chainsaw (Melee, DMG 0, Ammo 8->4/8, [Rev it Up!] (0 AP, 1 Edge, 1 Ammo) - Until the round's end, +1 Move, cannot use gear/other weapons, +6 Dmg, costs Ammo to use.
[Apprentice] All melee attacks gain +1 accuracy
[God Gamer] (1/mission, add +1 to a d10 roll, after it's been made)
[Top 10] (1/chapter, name & describe my character's favorite movie to reroll any die (Ex: "Reggie")
[Latin Beat] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Gain +2 Move and +2 Defense this round.
[White Lightning] - 1/Mission, spend 1 AP to knock yourself down and gain 5 Edge.
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge) Napps and Riptide attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate won't expend an action.
[Dance Fever: Breakin'] (0AP, 1 Edge) Start Missions with a +1 Hard token, Spend tokens of that stat to gain +2 Move and +2 Defense that round.
[Die Hard] (on first death, exchange all remaining Edge for HP & second wind)

Temporary Buffs
From S.A: +2 HP, +1 DEF, -1 Move | Mayhem Tokens: +1 Sharp/Move/Hard | Dance Fever: Breakin': +1 Hard Token
>Edge is actually 5/9, one of those moves was an edge move

Name: Renjun
Type: Assassin

Stats: HP 5/8, Edge 2/7, Move 6+2, Defense 11, Crit on 6
Weapons: Jian (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance](1 AP 1/Turn) Block 1 and Counter 1), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5), Dragon Kick (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5, Super Crit on 9)

Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+3, Sharp 0+1, Weird 4

Skills: Visions of Death (0 AP, 1 Edge, Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.), Top 10 (1/chapter name and describe one of your criminal's top 10 favourite movies to reroll any die.), Apprentice (Melee weapons have +1 Accuracy), Dragon Kick (1 AP, Melee, Damage 2, crit chance +3), Advantage on next Race

Gear: Armor Vest (Armour 1/6) (Damage is dealt to Armor before HP. Armor blocks damage and is then removed)

Outfits: Custom Mask (+1 HP, +1 Move, Blue Bian Lian mask, Equipped), Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense),
Assets: Cell Phone, Chinese Language Bibles, Jewelry (Crucifix made of Gold and Jade), Cache of small crosses made of Gold and Jade, Artwork ("Sermon on the Mount" by Bloch)
Vehicles: "The White Magpie" (Van, 1/1/7, Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Nitrous, Sport Suspension), Barracuda (Speedboat, 2/1/3), "Quianlima" (Lancer Sport, 4/2/1, Engine Tuning, Nitrous)
Base: Dock Warehouse (Security x2, Workshop, Theatre x2, Bathroom, Kitchen)

Gang: The Heat City Knights (Weird 2 Hard 1, 5 totally sane people converted to Christ, Superstition)

Cash: $100450
Heat: 7
Wanted: 4
XP: 2

The Beast is slain! Renjun says a prayer of thanks to the LORD for allowing him the privilege of taking down that devil before heading deeper into this vice den with his comrades.

>1 AP: Move 4NW, 2N, 3W
>1 AP: Move 1W, 2N, 1E, 1N
>1 AP: Use Medic Bag on Table to Full Heal
" Come on you two, get up! Don't die on your knees like dogs, eh? Preferably don't die at all.

I've got you! "
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Hard 0[1] - HP [8/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6[5]
Sharp 0 - Edge 0/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 4, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - [BUSTED]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]


She got some good hits in, but it wasn't enough to bring down an amazon like Horace. Not dead yet, just some new scars for the collection. Still, it's probably best to fall back for a bit if she wants to stay that way. Even if it means choking down some more of that... strange meal.

>Move 1N, 1E, 1NE, 1N, 4E
>Move 1E, 1SE, 2S, 1SE, 1E, 2SE
>[1 Edge] Move 2S, 1W, 3S
>Devour Sushizza
>[1 Edge] Devour Sushizza
Rolled 4, 10, 10, 6, 10, 10, 4 = 54 (7d10)

Name: Riptide
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP: 14/14 (10+1+3) | Edge: 3/7 | Move: 7 (6+1) | Defence 4 | Crit on 6+
Hard: 6 (3+3) | Cool: 0 | Sharp: 1 | Weird: 4
[Hurting Other People]
[Ruiner] (1 AP, 1 Edge)
[Apprentice]: +1 Acc to Melee Weapons | [Unstoppable] (0 AP, 1 Edge)
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Riptide and Napps attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate (Napps) won't expend an action.
[People's Champ]
[Pistol]: Range 10, DMG 2, Ammo 4/8;
[Fists]: Melee, DMG 2, Crit +1 (On 5+);
[Shotgun]: Range 10, DMG 4, Ammo 1/8, Breach.
[Armour Vest]: Armour 0/6
[Custom Mask]: +1 HP, +1 Move (Currently Equipped)

"I've spent enough time recuperating." Riptide thought. Now was the time to move, fast. He moves at the speed of a Cheetah into a modern rendition of Buddhist Hell, with Oni, Youkai, and flames in the hallway. He's at home.

>2AP: Move 1NE, 8N (Vault), 3W, 1N, 1NW, 2N
>(1AP, 1 Edge): Activate Ruiner
>Ruiner Part 1: Move 1N, 2E, Shoot Oni East (Shotgun, Quick Attack)
>Ruiner Part 2: Move 1S, Cross Oni West (Melee, Quick Attack)
>Ruiner Part 3: Move to and Jab nearest enemy (Kitsune?) (Melee, Quick Attack)
(First Roll is Vault Check. Next Six are attack rolls)
Rolled 1 + 7 (1d10 + 7)

I realise now that I forgot to make my Vault Check.

Making it right now!

(I know I pass automatically, but I feel like I’ll be slapped with 1 Stun if I don’t explicitly say so and roll)
I just write "vault autopass" in my actions and it seems to work
>Move 2NW,2N,2W
>Move 1NW,5N

Name: Rainfall
Class: Assassin[Lv7]
HP[9/9] Edge[8/8] Move 6
Defense 10(9+1) Crit 6
Cool:5(4+1) Sharp:1 Hard:2(1+1) Weird:4
*Skills:(Flash Step)(Die Hard)(Top Ten)(Furious Focus)(Hardliner)

*Weapons:Blood Katana(Dmg4,Block1,CDmg+1,1stCritHeal+1)
*Gear:Armor Vest(Armor [6/6])
*Clothing:Bulletproof Suit(Def+1,Edge+1)
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The tastefully austere hallway leading to the sakura garden becomes the site of carnage as the yokai are crushed in a pincer movement, blood splattering the wood and paper walls. It becomes clear that the actual garden lies through those gently wavering curtains, while a hallway circling the garden leads to the rooms where the private business is conducted.

Chaser gives into his darker impulses in the way that his mysterious teacher showed him, a swift and brutal unleashing of savage attacks that pulverizes one of the huge oni-masked men. The other heavyweight is debilitated by a taser shock and a firebomb, while a second bomb shuts off the hallway above. The unorthodox team is shutting down the yakuza's counterattack, at least for the moment.
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What is fire and lightning to a boulder? It still rolls downhill. The good news for Kit is that from her new vantage point on the floor, she can see the medic bag that was stashed under the seat earlier. In all the chaos they forgot to look for it, but now that it's here, they can put it to good use.

Nobody's in a position to see it. But Nishina gets a bad feeling. Didn't the gang tell her a story about another mission, where the target had a secret back door exit? And there's nobody covering the alley. She has a sudden sinking sensation of her revenge slipping through her fingers like sand.

Turn 8 begins.
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Rolled 5, 8, 8, 1 + 6 = 28 (4d10 + 6)

Name: Fresco
Type: Operator
Stats: HP: 5/8, Armor 0, Edge 0/8, Move 6, Defense 10, Crit on 5, Supercrit on 7[5 DE], Heat 2
Weapons: DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 1/6)
Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/8)
Factor: Hard 0, Cool 4+2, Sharp 2++2, Weird 4+1++2
Special Talent: Deadeye: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Attack with +3 accuracy, +3 crit rate, and +1 crit damage
Lightning Reload: 1/Turn reload for 0 AP
Oh Yeah!: Fuck you, roll +weird for a cool entrance
Moonlighter: Gain a 3rd Sidejob. Can use this 3rd job to reroll a Side Job roll.
Furious Focus: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 edge, gain 1 edge.
Dance Fever Disco: (0 AP, 0 Edge) Gain +1 Wtoken at start of mission. Spend WTokens to gain +2 Move and Def for that round.
Drug Kit: (1 AP, 1/2 Uses) Take 1 damage to gain ++2 to a stat for 3 turns.
Custom Mask: +1 HP & +1 Move

>Take Drugs for Sharp [1 Edge]
>Dance Fever Disco. -1 Weird Token, +2 Move and Def this round

>Move N3, NE1, 4E [1AP]
>Move NE3, E5 [1AP, 1st die for vaulting +6]
>Move E4, NE4 [1AP, 2nd and 3rd die for vaulting +6 & +6]
>Move NE1, E3, N3 [1 Edge]

>Sharp Check, block the alley with the orange car. Hopefully not in it when it goes in the alley [1 Edge, 4th die +4]

Fresco looks around the corner, seeing the chick he has been following looking off in a direction. Why would she be looking that way? The train? The train.

As fast his hands reload his rifle, Fresco downs the rest of his pills. His heart begins to beat to the rhythm of a song he doesn't remember. His body does though. With a strange gait he stumnbleruns through the building. The sounds of gunshots playback through his mind as he recalls when he ran off base. He barrels over a table and chair like the rocks along the shore. Through the broken window, over the car, onto the street. His hands are shaking from his body violently reacting to the mix chemicals in his body. But still he has an idea, just in case.
Rolled 9, 7 = 16 (2d10)

Nishina's eyes widen. "[The alley! We need to-] They are going to run out the back!" she shouts, watching the man in the flamboyantly ugly shirt run. For a moment she was torn between following him or trying to rush north through the building to try and catch them.
Rolled 8, 10, 1, 4 = 23 (4d10)


Name: Blackjack
Type: Assassin
HP 6/6
Edge 2/6
Move 6
Defense 8+2

Cool: 4+1
Sharp: 2
Hard: 0
Weird: 4

Flash Step (0 AP, 1 Edge.): Target an enemy within (Move) spaces. Move behind them, and make any attack action. The first reaction shot misses, other shots have disadvantage.
Infiltration: At the start of a mission, you may choose to not deploy. At any time, either you or the GM may deploy you in the right spot for the job, with the right tools, with or without an explanation. When this happens, roll Weird.
Agility: Pass through enemies. Gain advantage to Vault, jump, or Climb.
Visions of Death: (0AP, 1 Edge) Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 Crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.
Flurry of Blows: (1AP, 1 Edge) Attack with main weapon, pistol, and fists, in any order. You can move up to 3 tiles before each attack.
Throwing Knives: (1 AP, 1/3 uses): Attack 3 enemies within Range 10 for 2 damage.
[Top 10]: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favorite movies to reroll any die.
[Lady's Favor: Lena]- (0AP, 0 Edge), spend during a mission before rolling any d10 to make the final result a 10.

Moonshadow- DMG 3, +1 Defense, [Stance]. 2/mission, consecutive rounds only: [Phases of the Moon] (1 AP, 1 Edge): Attack 3 enemies within 3 spaces.
Wakizashi- DMG 2, +1 Crit, when [Stance] counter activates, also attack with this weapon.
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1
First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 2/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.

Bulletproof Suit: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
+Living Room
+Security x2
+Rare Weapon (Wyatt Earp's Revolver)

Motorbike (Rebel) [2/1/0]
Motorbike (Muramasa) [3/3/0]
Speedboat (Barracuda [2/1/3]
Heat 14
Cash: $1,374,783 USD ($390,958 of which is in Cuban Pesos and British Pound Sterling)

>Move 6W
>Quick Attack Oni Mask
>[Edge] Quick Attack Oni Mask
Rolled 5, 5, 9, 1 = 20 (4d10)

Ben sees Nishina's eyes jump between various exits from the hallway, and he knows the reason.
"Good luck, fille, but remember you have people waiting for you"

>1AP: Move NW 6W
>1AP: Stab Tie W
>1AP: Stab Tie S
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 7/8 (+1 hat), Edge 3/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Stance), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 1/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit(3/4)
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
>Move W, 2N, NW
>Reload AR
>Restock AR Ammo

Name: Friedrich
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 1/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 4/12+4. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Armor 2)
Medic Bag (1 AP, 0 use)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
. . . Ufh!

At least she landed softly, discounting the wall and the broken line of decorative paneling. Kit rolls, roils, skitters, scrabbles, flops and finally manages to get her hair out of her eyes and her feet under herself. Which turns out to be complicated. The soft landing was someone else. Though not a Yakuza, no, this was Seline's favorite friend.

. . .Mhm.

Kit squirms around a little more, just to test the angles. He did seem to have bulk in the expected places and a basic sartorial sensibility. Eeeehhhhhhh. . . Maybe? Not a hard no, but not a definitive, enthusiastic yes either. Maybe it was an acquired sort of taste? Over time, with repeat sharp impacts, maybe he was reasonably accomodating. And yeah, yeah, Kit could feel it, not too sharp bones, warm enough, underlying trace of something spicy so maybe he was the type to use cologne? Good, good, basic self care was important. Though it had the twang of high sugar alcohol laced throughout, and his breath was rank with the stuff. Kit riffles around for any pockets she can find, surreptiously leaves a breath mint. Mhm. All spare reloads and *grenades*. No sense of creativity, then, but solid, dependable, the type to bring spare batteries and a little band aid. That was a plus, Seline tended to get shot at.

He was little too angular, and she'd definitvely be feeling that elbow in the morning. Plus, the tactical shotgun dug into her ribs, that wasn't doing it either. He'd better be good with his hands because a gun that largehad to be compensating for something. Though maybe you needed confidence to even consider lugging around a longarm in a tight confine corridor in a confusing combat scenario with multiple open threat vectors? And then, from that angle, it was actually a plus and showed a remarkable sense of independence and an ability to handle large tools.

Alright. He gets a pass for now. Kit rolls away, off of Chaser, dusts down her suit and adjusts her tie.

" Alright, you can date her.

Though, *you* reek of alcohol, so I will be *watching* - AND - you have to learn to catch a lady when she literally falls for you.

B minus for chivalry, do better. "
Rolled 10, 2, 4, 4 = 20 (4d10)

>[--] -1 HP from Collision.

>[1Edge] Unstoppable [+Block, +Armor, +Rage, Stand Up]
>[1Edge] Shootdodge 4N, 1W, 2N.
>--Melee attack Oni 1E [2d10, +1Hit, Crit 5+, SC 9+, 2D +1Rage].
>--First shot misses, the other have disadvantage. Shout at them to get them to shoot, I need the walls behind me shot to shit.

>[1AP] Melee attack Oni 1E [2d10, +1Hit, Crit 5, SC 9+, 2D]
>[1AP] Sweep Oni into the fire 1N to clear a path.
>[1AP] Sharp 4+: Hey, this is a door. [Take Cover] by closing the door and getting low.

#Kit de Guerre
1 Block
1 Armor
1 Rage

Hp 6/9 Edge 3/10 Def 4 Crit 8 [Crit 5+ SC 10+]
Heat 8 Wanted 2
Hard 2 Cool 0 Sharp 3+1 Weird 4+2 Move 5+2
!Electrify, !Spook, !Infiltrate, !RC Bomb, !Taser [0/3]
!Apprentice, !Furious Focus, !Havana Hardline
!Some Bark, More Bite [Unstoppable, Grappler]
!Dad's Shades [Shootdodge] + [Lucha Loco, +1D/C on vault fists]

2x Light Blue Pens
2x Pistols D2, 4/12
Fist: 2D, +1C, +1A
Kit's Breathmints [Drugs 2x]
Vest: Armor [--]
>[--] I note Teamwork Tactics, for +2 Hit, totaling +3 with Apprentice.

Yeah he did kinda grow on you, once you got past the initial shock of exposure. And a man with a vest full of fragmentation grenades did have his charms, even if he lacked in basic sense of fair play.
>1AP:Move NW,4xN
>1AP: Move 4xN, E
>1AP: Move 5xN
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 7/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 2/3)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade), Ticket
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
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Rolled 9, 10, 10, 7, 2, 5 = 43 (6d10)

Hard 0[1] - HP [8/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6[5]
Sharp 0 - Edge 0/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 4, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - [BUSTED]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]


Taste aside, you have to admit that this strange concoction on becheesed bread does feel damn good to eat. It is still pizza though. Put in some extra work at the gym this week, Horace, there's no excuse for a cheat day.
Horace points to Tony and yells for him to hold onto his hat, she's coming in hot.

Oh, and Andrea, tell your Italian to come see the cruel mockery of a pizza pie he has spawned into this world. Make him eat it. Feel the sins he has committed.

>Furious Focus!
- Move 1S, 4E; Ruin Tie with the Highlander
- Move 1E, 1NE, 1E, 1SE, 1SW; Ruin Tie with the Highlander
- Move 1E, 1NE, 1NW, 2W; Ruin Tie with the Highlander
>Move 3NW, 5W
>Move 8W
Rolled 4 + 3 (1d10 + 3)


Name: D. Spenser
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 8/8 (9/9 from suit), Move 5 (+1 from token for total of 6), Defense 5, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 1, Cool 1, Sharp 2, Weird 3, Heat 0, Wanted 1
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit +1)
Special Talent: Infiltration
Outfit: Two Piece Suit (+1 Edge)
Gear: Gym Bag: Ammo Bag (1 AP, 1 Uses), Medic Bag (1 AP, 1 Uses), Armor Vest
Cash: $4180
Assets: Mastodon, Secure Swamp Shack

Given that a teammate had just been shot at next to him, it seemed a good time to continue the act in order to "get away from the enemy." If that path just so happened to open up doors, well then that's just a matter of the panic getting to the head. How can a civilian contractor be expected to keep their cool amongst all this chaos?

AP Usage for Turn:
>1 AP: Move into next room north of position and immediately access room to the west.
>1AP: Open Door
>-Use remainder of move to enter room
>Check the room with weird
Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 13/13, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/20, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard (Used), Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x0
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $2,145,202
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Loud Apartment, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter
Jackhammer Shotgun
Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Red Disk, Blue Disk, Locker Key
Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy)

>[1AP] Restock ammo from ammo bag.
>[1AP] Move 1W, 1N, 1NW, 2N, 1E.
>[1AP] Move 1N, 2NE, 2N, 1NW.

Ramirez shovels shotgun shells into his spare mags before slamming a fresh one home. "Let's keep moving, guys, objective's right ahead!"

With that said, Ramirez leads the rush towards the interior garden, pausing at the curtain veiled entrance. "Stack up and get ready!"
>1AP: Keep hold of this object. Use it as a one time use blocker or shield. (maybe it's a stat roll)
>1AP: Move 3N, 1W, 1NW, 1N (through the curtains)
>1AP: Be ready to react for what comes next. Keep a level head and evade anything too strong for this object to block.

Name: Rico Torres
Type: Thug
HP 12/12
Edge 8/8
Move 5(6)
Defense 13

Cool: 5(8) {Permanent}
Sharp: 1 {Permanent}
Hard: 5 {Permanent}
Weird: 0
{Blitz}: Move 10, directly, deal 3 dmg + taunt, gain block 1
{Die Hard}: First time you would die on a mission, survive and convert all remaining edge to HP
{Top 10}: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favourite movies to reroll any die.
{Furious Focus}: At start of Turn, If at 0 Edge gain 1 Edge
{Apprentice}: Melee Weapons Gain +1 Accuracy
{Dragon Kick}: 1ap attack for 2 dmg, +3 Crit

-Dragon Slayer [Dmg 5, Slow]
-Pistol [Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 2/8]
-Fist [Dmg 2, Crit +1]
-{Dragon Kick}: [Dmg 2, +3 Crit]

-Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 defense, +1 Edge)
-First Aid Kit (3/4)
Rolled 9, 2 = 11 (2d10)

Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 5/6, Edge 6/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 3/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $237 658
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit

>1 AP: [Move] 6 North (1st roll is a cool check to catch the rigged grenade before it goes off, +5)
>1 AP: [Move] 4 North, 1 Northeast, 1 East
>1 AP: [Throw] the grenade I caught 4 Northwest, 1 West (2nd roll, scatter) OR IF GRENADE CATCH IS INVALID [Move] 1 Northeast, 1 North (stepping on Oni to avoid the fire, substitute the scatter roll for a Cool check at +5 to leap across in case it's necessary), 4 East

The fastest route. The ugly-shirted man was already moving to block an escape. She would take the fastest route. Nothing would bar her.

"Tokumei has only one. Death."

Her run begins.
Type: Brain
HP 6/7
Edge 7/8
Move 5[4]
Defence 3[5]
Crit 8
Stats: Cool 1 Sharp 3 Hard 0 Weird 2
Weapons: Gym Bag, Pistol, Fists
Gear: First Aid Kit, Smoke Grenade 2/3, Frag 2/3Grenade
Special Talent: Infiltrator

>AP 3 Move as far W as possible

"Whew man I am not in the right shape for this"
Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 4/16, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. Remove a condition.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die) (Used)
GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (1 Uses)
Cash: $1747377
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>Teamwork from Ramirez (+1 move is the only relevant part)
>1 AP - Full Heal
>1 AP - Move NW1, N2, E1, N1, NE2
>1 AP - Move N3
>1 Edge - Call in Angela in the Garden.

With a quick morphine jab, and another tourniquet, Heckler quickly moves up following in Ramirez's footsteps, before stacking behind him.

"Angela we're moving in on Garden. Get ready for the Birthday Party." Heckler mentions as he Rico moves in. Placing a hand on Ramirez's shoulder, he prepares for an action the two enforcers have trained many times to handle. Soon it was time to breach and clear.
Rolled 4, 1 = 5 (2d10)

>Fire PCX at nearest viable enemy
>Move NW W W N
>Move N NE N N (Cool check to vault, +4)

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (3/0->2/0) [max 4/8]
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 7/7 + (4/6 Armor)
Edge: 7/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
Ammo is 2/0->1/0
Rolled 10 (1d10)

HP 7/13 Edge 3/10
Move 6, Def 6, Crit 9+
Cool 1 / Sharp 2 (+2) / Hard 4 (+1) / Weird 1
Heat 10 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and heal 5 Edge) SPENT
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
Unstoppable (0 AP 1 Edge, +1 Armor, Rage, Block; remove debuffs and conditions)
Hardliner (+1 Hard token/mission, spend H.T. to gain breach on move)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll) SPENT
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger", "Garden of the Divine Transgressors") SPENT
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result) SPENT
Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear)
Shotgun (Rng 10, Dmg 4, Ammo 2/8, Breach)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/12)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
Armor Vest (6 armor, doesn't stack) SPENT
Frag Grenades (Frag Out: 1/3, Throw, Area 2, 3 Damage, Breach)

"Me and the floor are getting rather familiar"
>Unstoppable (1 Edge, bunch of bonuses)
>Hardliner (1 Hard Token, Max HP = 12, Breach on movement)
>Move 1NE, 5N (1 AP)
>Frag aiming 8W, 2N where the reaction-less tie is. (1 AP, dice)
>Move 1NE, 1N, 1E, 2SW, 1S (1 AP)
Gonna make the most of this token and clear the way. Hopefully I didn't fuck up the movement actions.
Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 0/10
Move 5+2
Defense 11
Crit on 9+

Cool: 5+2
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SER, 15, Overdrive)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 3/6
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 2/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit Chance +1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag, Medic Bag (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (1 AP, 4 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.

> (Furious Focus) Move 1E, 3S, 1E, 1NE
> (1 AP, 1 Edge) Carefully replace the medic bag with my single remaining Molotov, then equip the medic bag. I’m sure it’ll be useful soon.
> (1AP) Move 1NE, 4N, ending south adjacent of Chaser.. I think. I’m hoping to follow behind him, but Hardliner is strange.

Seline blinks in surprise, as the adjacent walls fold beneath brute force.

…was he always able to do that?
Rolled 6 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

>Deploy Infiltration near Tokumei and the Target were here for. [Weird 5]
Infiltrating Tokumei's Bodyguard team wasn't too hard an affair. After all despite how it looked it wasn't that they all were ninja's more so then they were ninja trained.

Thus why they used kusarigama's. One of the few things he had brought back from Japan was a drill instructor who could teach the techniques to the best of his new gang. Though many lacked the ability to bridge the gap some took to the "cool weaponry" or "nice costumes". A bit of an insult to the shinobi shozoku which still holds up to today's standards of stealth. The techniques would be mostly ignored by many within the yakuza gang Tokumei tried to fashion here. But only the best could stand near the boss, serve under him and have the chance to protect him in case of emergency. Truly fashioning himself as Daimyo's of old with his cadre of bodyguards and of Lieutenants.

But like the daimyo's of the past, if you needed to escape your castle with the enemy at your tail. Then death would be ever closer to you. Many stood betrayed by their own inner circle itself either looking for a chance at switching side or because the inner circle was infiltrated by shinobi or kunoichi.

>Deploy as part of Tokumei's Shinobi Bodyguard force as replacement to another one who ate some killer fugu today. ;)

Name: Tobias Rieper
Type: Brain
Stats: AV 6/6 HP 8/8, Edge 11/11, Move 6(7), Defence 4, Crit on 5
Factors: Hard 0(1), Cool 0, Sharp 4(5), Weird 4(5)
-WR/BR Axes (Melee/Range, Damage 3, Crit on 3+, Super Crit on 9-10, Throw Axe: 2/2 Uses range 10)
-Shock Baton (Melee, 2dmg, stun1)
-Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 4(SC10))
Clothes: Utility Vest {Inventory} (+1 Mag, +1 Gear)
Gear: Armor Vest (AV in Stats)+ Impact Grenades (3/3)
Special Talents: {Infiltration}{Spook}{Electrify}{Top 10}
Heat: 7, Wanted 3
Final movement is meant to be

> 1NW, 4N

To actually follow Chaser. The alternative just slams into me a table,

(Thanks Parks)
>AP1 White Lightning: +5 Edge, Knocked down
>AP1 Get Up
>AP1 Move: N, NW, W, NW
>Edge 1 Move: N x2, NE
>Edge 1 Reaction: Quick Fire SMG

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 10/14, Edge 1/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2-1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 5/15 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn, Ammo 2), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
"Stop. Setting me. On fire!"
>move 2N 1NE 1E 1S
>Extinguish self

Name: Honey Badger
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP:5/13 Edge:5/9 Move:5 Defense:6 Crit on 9+
Factors: Cool:0+1 Sharp:4 Hard:4+1 Weird:1
Weapons: Pistol (range 10, dmg2, 2/8 ammo)
ACR (range 20, dmg4, 0/8 ammo, auto, +1 accuracy)
Fists (Melee, dmg2, crit +1)
Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 move)
Gear: Frag Grenades (1/3, Area 2, 3Ex damage)
Talent: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Steadfast, Raging Demon, Lena's Lover, Call Out, Apprentice, Top Ten (0/1), White Lightning (0/1), Unstoppable, God Gamer (0/1)
Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d10)

The lights and noise of the arcade overcome Mizuchi for a moment, cocktail of painkillers rushing hard through his veins. He'd lost some tolerance while they were lying low, and so they were hitting him hard. Shaking his head clear, Mizuchi rushes back into the fray. "Hey, Jackie, I've got your back!" Not quite steady enough to engage with his blade yet, the ronin squeezes off the last of his magazine into the lobby and swaps for his first backup.
>-Regain 1 Edge from Furious Focus
>1 AP: Move N, W, 3N, E.
>1 AP: Attack Mohawk NE, E with Pistol
>1 AP: Attack Shades 3E, SE with Pistol
>1 Edge: Reload

Name: Mizuchi
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 7/8, Edge 0/7+1, Move 6, Defense 8+1, Crit on 7
Factors: Hard 2, Cool 4, Sharp 2, Weird 4
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/4), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), Raijin (Melee, Damage 4, [Stance], 1/1 Per Job [Stormdance] +1 DMG and +1 Stun for one turn)
Gear: First Aid Kit (0/4 Uses), Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defense, +1 Edge)
Money: $222,243
Tokens: Sharp
Special Talent: Flash Step, Agility, Flurry of Blows, Furious Focus
Assets: Katana Coupe w/ Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous [Speed 2+1, Handling 1+1, Size 3], Movie Collection (Anime), Loud Apartment, Blue Cassette, Tower Apartment (w/ The Works & Security+), Hi-Fi Stereo, Cell Phone, Manga, Designer Shades, Rare Weapons, Mizuchi Talent Co. (Grunts, +2 Hard, +1 Weird, Vice: Superstition)
Heat: 12
Wanted Level: 3
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d10)

Name: Tony Vespucci
Type: Brain
Stats: HP 3/10 Edge 8/15 Move 6, Defence 4, Crit on 5 and above
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0-1, Sharp 5+1+2, Weird 4

Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 6), SMG (Range 10, Damage 3, Ammo 2/15, +1 crit range, Autofire)
Gear: First Aid Kit (2/4 uses)
Special Talent: Taser (4/4 uses)
Special talent: Pack Alpha (names: Carlo and Diego)
Special Talent: Electrify
Special Talent: Snake Eye
bulletproof suit: +1 edge, +1 defense

>Mirage (Racing Tires + Suspension): Carissima

>2AP: aimed shot at the guy right next to me
>1AP, 1 Edge: aimed shot at the guy to my northeast
>1 Edge: send the goons to grab the money up north
>1 Edge: call in Mei-Lin for the north group to stop Tokumei
Tony hisses and rages- he’s getting REAL SICK of being shot to bits time and again- but the sight of that young woman Horace eating his product reinvigorates him more than words can express.

He can’t give up! Not now! Not when there’s so much at stake, so much product for people to enjoy!

(First roll, shooting with advantage)
Rolled 5, 10 = 15 (2d10)

Second roll, shooting with disadvantage
Rolled 5 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

Finally, rolling for GOONS
Rolled 5 + 7 (1d10 + 7)


Name: Renjun
Type: Assassin

Stats: HP 8/8, Edge 2/7, Move 6+2, Defense 11, Crit on 6
Weapons: Jian (Melee, Damage 3, [Stance](1 AP 1/Turn) Block 1 and Counter 1), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5), Dragon Kick (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5, Super Crit on 9)

Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+3, Sharp 0+1, Weird 4

Skills: Visions of Death (0 AP, 1 Edge, Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.), Top 10 (1/chapter name and describe one of your criminal's top 10 favourite movies to reroll any die.), Apprentice (Melee weapons have +1 Accuracy), Dragon Kick (1 AP, Melee, Damage 2, crit chance +3), Advantage on next Race

Gear: Armor Vest (Armour 1/6) (Damage is dealt to Armor before HP. Armor blocks damage and is then removed)

Outfits: Custom Mask (+1 HP, +1 Move, Blue Bian Lian mask, Equipped), Stylish Clothes (+1 Defense),
Assets: Cell Phone, Chinese Language Bibles, Jewelry (Crucifix made of Gold and Jade), Cache of small crosses made of Gold and Jade, Artwork ("Sermon on the Mount" by Bloch)
Vehicles: "The White Magpie" (Van, 1/1/7, Engine Tuning, Racing Tires, Nitrous, Sport Suspension), Barracuda (Speedboat, 2/1/3), "Quianlima" (Lancer Sport, 4/2/1, Engine Tuning, Nitrous)
Base: Dock Warehouse (Security x2, Workshop, Theatre x2, Bathroom, Kitchen)

Gang: The Heat City Knights (Weird 2 Hard 1, 5 totally sane people converted to Christ, Superstition)

Cash: $100450
Heat: 7
Wanted: 4
XP: 2

>1 AP: Reload Pistol with Ammo Bag
>1 AP: Move 2W, 3N (Vault over the table), 2N, 2NE
>1 AP: Move 2N, 1E
Rolled 1 (1d10)

>1AP: [Move] 2N, 1NW, 1NE, 1N
>1AP: [Frag Out] 1E, 3SE, 1E
>1AP: [Move] 1NW, 4N

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: Gym Bag
Secondary Weapon: Pistol (4/12)
Skill: RC Bomb (2/2), Top 10 (0/1), Furious Focus, God Gamer (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (6/12)
Cash: $608,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG, Blue Marker
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
HP: 7/7
Edge: 11/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
>[Move Directly, 3AP] Move Directly to Kit's Turn 8 starting position (Rolling for Vault if necessary)

Name: Napps - 4XP Thug
CSHW: 3, 2t, 7t, 1 = Def 8t | Edge 5/8t | HP 14t/16t | Crit on 9+ | Move 5t
Armor Vest (Armor 4/6 - absorbs X Dmg before breaking) | Serious Armor (Req 4 HARD, +2 HP, +1 Def, -1 Move)
Fists (Melee, 2 DMG, Crit Range +1) | Pistol (Range 10, 2 DMG, 4/8 Ammo) | [Primary] Chainsaw (Melee, DMG 0, Ammo 8->4/8, [Rev it Up!] (0 AP, 1 Edge, 1 Ammo) - Until the round's end, +1 Move, cannot use gear/other weapons, +6 Dmg, costs Ammo to use.
[Apprentice] All melee attacks gain +1 accuracy
[God Gamer] (1/mission, add +1 to a d10 roll, after it's been made)
[Top 10] (1/chapter, name & describe my character's favorite movie to reroll any die (Ex: "Reggie")
[Latin Beat] (0 AP, 1 Edge): Gain +2 Move and +2 Defense this round.
[White Lightning] - 1/Mission, spend 1 AP to knock yourself down and gain 5 Edge.
[Extreme Team - The Shredders] (0 AP, 1 Edge) Napps and Riptide attack a single enemy at the same time. Your teammate won't expend an action.
[Dance Fever: Breakin'] (0AP, 1 Edge) Start Missions with a +1 Hard token, Spend tokens of that stat to gain +2 Move and +2 Defense that round.
[Die Hard] (on first death, exchange all remaining Edge for HP & second wind)

Temporary Buffs
From S.A: +2 HP, +1 DEF, -1 Move | Mayhem Tokens: +1 Sharp/Move/Hard | Dance Fever: Breakin': +1 Hard Token
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

Woop, buggy phone broke dice roll
" Oh hey, Chainsawguy. I was wondering if you'd show up.

Little help up here? These ゴブリン are trying to kill us! "
The tie hears garbled latin come from beneath the old man’s hat
“metuis quod non intelligis, quack”
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It's a round of "almosts" this time. Fresco almost has enough time to get the yakuza car up and running to block the alley, but not quite. Chaser almost has enough momentum to break through yet another wall, but not quite. D. Spenser almost has the guile to keep pretending to be an ordinary employee with a Sumi holding a drawn blade over his head, but not quite.

When you can't pull off something cool, think of it as a chance to be even more cool. That's what someone who thinks positive would say, anyway. Someone else might just laugh and call you a dumbass.
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The japanese garden is an oasis of calm and beauty amidst the urban frenzy of the city. Trees stand tall, elegant branches splayed, covered with the delicate pink petals renowned throughout the world for their fleeting beauty. An arched wooden bridge crosses a still pond, where fish swim in endless circles in water that reflects the overhead moon.

Angela jumps down from the roof into the courtyard. But there's no-one to fight. She opens the visor of her helmet to look around, and meets eyes with Rico, who's just stepped through the curtain and is similarly perplexed. They both shrug.
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The moment of silence lasts until five sword users step out from behind the blossoming trees. Four are clad in white versions of the swirling cloud motifs worn by the Sumi. The fifth person wears traditional clothes in pink and red, a slim girl with dark hair tied back. She seems more at home at a tea ceremony othan a fight to the death. Or rather, she would if it wasn't for that look in her eye.

"<Angela ... nice to meet you at last>," the girl says in formal, nearly antiquated Japanese. "<Your infamous reputation precedes you. But that brute strength of yours is merely a crude instrument, like a blunt axe. It dulls the mind and senses to true beauty. My sword is an extension of my soul, a brush with which I paint the canvas of life ... in the fleeting instant when existence fades, only there can one find true expression. The arc of a blade, the vivid crimson of a life taken, all careful calligraphy of composed and meticulous strokes. Shall I show you the elegance of my art?>"

"I don't speak Japanese," Angela says.
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As Hana draws her sword, the steel glinting in the moonlight, the wind picks up. It rises more and more, air currents are swirling through the garden, picking up the blanket of fallen bloossoms and tearing loose new ones from the tree branches, until the air becomes a whirlwind of delicate pink petals.

It's as though Hana can control the petals themselves ...

... or maybe it's those fans.

Regardless, shooting in there from outside is going to be a nightmare while the garden is filled with that wind.

Turn 9 begins.

On this turn, you can either continue to fight here as normal, or you can spend your turn to [Run to the train]. You can do this from anywhere on the map, but if you do, you can't do anything else this turn. You can also move into the train normally, without taking the special action, if you're close enough.
"Almost. You should've aimed for harder training."

>[Run to the train]

Name: Tobias Rieper
Type: Brain
Stats: AV 6/6 HP 8/8, Edge 11/11, Move 6(7), Defence 4, Crit on 5
Factors: Hard 0(1), Cool 0, Sharp 4(5), Weird 4(5)
-WR/BR Axes (Melee/Range, Damage 3, Crit on 3+, Super Crit on 9-10, Throw Axe: 2/2 Uses range 10)
-Shock Baton (Melee, 2dmg, stun1)
-Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 4(SC10))
Clothes: Utility Vest {Inventory} (+1 Mag, +1 Gear)
Gear: Armor Vest (AV in Stats)+ Impact Grenades (3/3)
Special Talents: {Infiltration}{Spook}{Electrify}{Top 10}
Heat: 7, Wanted 3
Rolled 5 (1d10)

>2 AP: Aimed Shot with PCX at the punk that is attacking Friedrich
>1 Edge: Restock

Name: Blaze
Class: Operator
Primary Weapon: PCX (1/0->4/8) [max 4/8]
Skill: Moonlighter, Lightning Reload
Gear: Armor Vest
Cash: $576,175
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit, (Stylish Clothes)
Assets: Estate (Sedan), Green Marker
HP: 7/7 + (4/6 Armor)
Edge: 7->6/10
Move: 4 (5, -1 Move token)
Defense: 8+1
Crit: 10
Cool: 4
Sharp: 3
Hard: 0
Weird: 0
Heat: 3
Wanted: 3
Rolled 4, 6, 8, 1, 2, 5, 6, 4 = 36 (8d10)

Name: Blackjack
Type: Assassin
HP 6/6
Edge 1/6
Move 6
Defense 8+2

Cool: 4+1
Sharp: 2
Hard: 0
Weird: 4

Flash Step (0 AP, 1 Edge.): Target an enemy within (Move) spaces. Move behind them, and make any attack action. The first reaction shot misses, other shots have disadvantage.
Infiltration: At the start of a mission, you may choose to not deploy. At any time, either you or the GM may deploy you in the right spot for the job, with the right tools, with or without an explanation. When this happens, roll Weird.
Agility: Pass through enemies. Gain advantage to Vault, jump, or Climb.
Visions of Death: (0AP, 1 Edge) Choose an enemy type or named enemy to become your fated foe. You have +1 Crit damage and +2 to stat checks against fated foes. Reusing this ability replaces the previous target.
Flurry of Blows: (1AP, 1 Edge) Attack with main weapon, pistol, and fists, in any order. You can move up to 3 tiles before each attack.
Throwing Knives: (1 AP, 3/3 uses): Attack 3 enemies within Range 10 for 2 damage.
[Top 10]: 1/chapter, name and describe one of your character's favorite movies to reroll any die.
[Lady's Favor: Lena]- (0AP, 0 Edge), spend during a mission before rolling any d10 to make the final result a 10.

Moonshadow- DMG 3, +1 Defense, [Stance]. 2/mission, consecutive rounds only: [Phases of the Moon] (1 AP, 1 Edge): Attack 3 enemies within 3 spaces.
Wakizashi- DMG 2, +1 Crit, when [Stance] counter activates, also attack with this weapon.
Fists- DMG 2, Crit+1
First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 2/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.

Bulletproof Suit: +1 Defense, +1 Edge
+Living Room
+Security x2
+Rare Weapon (Wyatt Earp's Revolver)

Motorbike (Rebel) [2/1/0]
Motorbike (Muramasa) [3/3/0]
Speedboat (Barracuda [2/1/3]
Heat 14
Cash: $1,374,783 USD ($390,958 of which is in Cuban Pesos and British Pound Sterling)

Looking over at her friend, she found Mizuchi getting ganged up on. Lifting her swords, she took a breath- and stepped forward, breaking into a sprint, ready to defend her friend.
>[Flurry of Blows] Move 1S, 2SE
>[Flurry of Blows] Quickshot (Point Blank) Mohawk
>[Flurry of Blows] Quick Attack Shades
>[Flurry of Blows] Quick Attack Shades (Fists)
>Quick Attack Mohawk
Type: Operator (Lvl 4)
HP 7/7
Edge 0/10
Move 5+2
Defense 11
Crit on 9+

Cool: 5+2
Sharp: 4
Hard: 1
Weird: 0+1

Lightning Reload
Fire Up!
Furious Focus
Adrenaline Shift
Gamer (SER, 15, Overdrive)

DMR- Range 30, DMG 4, Ammo 3/3
Pistol- Range 10, DMG 2, 2/12 Ammo
Fists- DMG 2, Crit Chance +1

Cool Suit: +1 Defence, +1 Edge
Utility Vest: +1 Magazine, +1 Gear (Equipped)
Fancy Clothes: +1 Defence
Ammo Belts: +2 Magazines
Ammo Bag, Medic Bag (Equipped)

Ammo Bag (Deploy) (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys ammo bag adjacent. Friendlies next to it can use (Restock) (1 AP, 4 uses) to fully restore magazines and reserve ammo.
Medic Bag (1 AP, 1 Use), Deploys a medic bag with three charges adjacent.

> (Furious Focus) Fire Up! (+Crit, +Damage, +Block)
> Quick Shot the Sumi 4W, 1N of the informant, then both Sumi adjacent to them, all with the DMR. (3 AP) (+2 to hit, Crit on 8, 5 Damage)
> Lightning Reload

Swords flashed, buckled, charging through a hail of lead and fire- hard lessons of the past, taught again in miniature.
Rolled 10, 10, 8 + 2 = 30 (3d10 + 2)

I suppose swords work quite well, if the bullets just don’t exist.
Name: Nishina Kaori
Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 5/6, Edge 6/14, Move 6, Defence 10, Crit on 8
Factors: Hard 0, Cool 4+1, Sharp 5+2, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 7, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice), Ivory Katana (Melee, Damage 4, +1 crit damage, 1st crit each turn gives Block 1, +1 Accuracy from Apprentice, [Stance] (1 AP 1/turn): Gain Block 1 and Counter 1)
Special Talents: Visions of Death, Steadfast, Mia's Lover, Top 10, Apprentice, Northern Fist
Gear: First Aid Kit [Quick Heal] (1 AP, 3/4 uses): Heal yourself or a friendly next to you for 3 HP, and remove 1 debuff.
Cash: $237 658
Heat: 5
Wanted: 3
Assets: Bulletproof 'Suit' (+1 Defence, +1 Edge), Two-Piece Suit (+1 Edge, Unequipped), Historical Artefacts (Family heirlooms), Studio Loft (Bedroom, Gym x2, Kitchen, Studio x2, Security), Muramasa Motorcycle (All Upgrades, 4 Speed, 4 Handling, 0 Size, Reroll one Speed & Handling check per chapter)
Gang: Kendo Club (Weird 2, Cool 1, Overly Enthusiastic)
Tracking: Completed Snakeback Switch, 5 Sharp Limit


No. No no no. No he can't be getting away. Not like this. The air whooshes in Nishina's ears as she narrowly avoids the big man's kanabo, but her mind's gaze is elsewhere. She steps one way, then flashes the other to zip past him, running like hell for the train.
Rolled 9, 5, 9, 4 = 27 (4d10)

"Queue up, you sons of bitches!"

>1Edge: Visions of Death on Sumi
>1AP: Stance
>1AP: Kick (actually Shove) Sumi SE into the wall
>1AP: Stab Sumi SW

Type: Assassin
Stats: HP 7/8 (+1 hat), Edge 3/10, Move 9 (+1 hat, +2 tkn), Defence 10, Crit on 6+
Factors: Weird 4, Cool 6 (1 tkn), Sharp 3 (1 tkn)
Weapons: Swordcane (Melee, Damage 3, Stance), Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 1/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 5+)
Special Talents: Flash Step, Shootdodge, Visions of Death, Furious Focus
Gear: First Aid Kit(3/4)
Duds: Custom Top Hat (+1 HP, +1 Move)
Correction: stab Sumi SE, the same one I shoved, there's no one SW, how did I manage to mistype this, what is going on with my life.
>[--] Luckily, my Armor (1) protects me from the wall. Aw aw aw.
>[1Edge] Unstoppable
>[1AP] Move 2N, 2W, 1N, 2W
>[1Edge] Electrify
>[1AP, 1Edge] Steadfast
>[1AP] Reaction: Prepare a melee attack [2D+1Rage, Apprentice]
>[--] Make a little 'come on then' gesture at the Sumi.

Kit had to stop being slammed into walls. Starting to bruise in unfortunate places.

#Kit de Guerre
5 Block
2 Counter
1 Armor
1 Rage

Hp 6/9 Edge 3/10[-3] Def 4 Crit 8 [Crit 5+ SC 10+]
Heat 8 Wanted 2
Hard 2 Cool 0 Sharp 3+1 Weird 4+2 Move 5+2
!Electrify, !Spook, !Infiltrate, !RC Bomb, !Taser [1/2]
!Apprentice, !Furious Focus, !Havana Hardline
!Some Bark, More Bite [Unstoppable, Grappler]
!Dad's Shades [Shootdodge] + [Lucha Loco, +1D/C on vault fists]

2x Light Blue Pens
2x Pistols D2, 4/12
Fist: 2D, +1C, +1A
Kit's Breathmints [Drugs 2x]
Vest: Armor [--]
>Run to the train

The thug drops with a well-aimed shot. Friedrich grunts at Blaze - it was meant to be a 'thanks' - and looks at the door, hesitating for precious seconds. He has restocked, he's ready to join the sounds of a fight breaking out in the north. And yet... Something tugs at him, telling him he needs to be on that train, that he will regret it if he misses the chance to board it. He discards his ruined vest and breaks into a run. His wounded leg barely bothers him.

Name: Friedrich
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 1/12, Move 5-1, Defense 4, Crit 9+
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 0, Sharp 3+2, Weird 0+1
Skills: Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, "Old friends", Moonlighter, Top 10 (1/1, Movies mentioned: Glorreiche Kameraden, Zolotoyzub)
Weapons: AR (Rng 20, Dmg 3, Ammo 4/12+4. Auto)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8+4), Fists (Melee, Dmg 2, Crit 8+)
Gear: Armor Vest (Spent)
Medic Bag (Spent)
Clothes: Utility Vest (+1 magazine, +1 gear slot)
Rolled 9, 6, 7, 7, 2, 4, 10, 2 + 3 = 50 (8d10 + 3)

Name: Ramirez
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 13/13, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 5, Crit on 10
Factors: Sharp 4, Hard 4, Move 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 0/20, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy)
Special Talent: Steadfast, Die Hard (Used), Inspire, Teamwork Tactics, Old Friends, Extreme Team, Top 10
Gear: Frag Grenades x0
Clothes: Serious Armor (+2HP, +1 Defense, -1 Move)
Personal Cash: $2,145,202
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Loud Apartment, Estate Sedan (+1 Handling), Jet Motorcycle (+1 Speed, Speed Reroll), Chief Helicopter
Jackhammer Shotgun
Secret File [A], Blue Cassette, Red Disk, Blue Disk, Locker Key
Dark Tides PMC (Hard 2 Sharp 1, Five Person Squad, Mercenaries, Greedy)

>Move 1W, 1N, 1NE, 1E, 1N
>Autofire at point blank with Jackhammer Shotgun (Range 10, Damage 4, Ammo 4/20, Breach, Autofire, +1 Accuracy) at the White Cloud 1E of me (first 8 rolls, +3 to hit).

"Go, go, go! Hit 'em hard and fast from all sides!" Ramirez yells, charging in and magdumping the first person he sees.
Results for Raven:
1st shot [9+3, 6+3] - Hit, gets Blocked
2nd shot [7+3, 7+3] - Hit
3rd shot [2+3, 4+3] - Hit?
4th shot [10+3, 2+3] - Crit
Name: Heckler
Type: Enforcer
Stats: HP 10/10, Edge 0/10, Move 6, Defence 7, Crit on 10
Factors: Hard 3, Cool 3, Sharp 4, Move 1, Heat 7, Wanted 3
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/12), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), AR (Range 20, DMG 3, Ammo 0/16, Auto),
Special Talent: Inspire (0AP, 1 Edge - Target a friendly who can see or hear you. This turn they gain +1 AP and +1 move. Remove a condition.)
Old Friends (Bonus Favours on mission)
Teamwork Tactics (+2 Aim, +1 move if standing adjacent to Heckler at start of turn)
Suppressive Fire (1 AP, 2 Ammo, Ends Turn - Target Area 2 within gun range, damage cover, impose -4 accuracy penalty on enemies, take reaction shot against first enemy who moves or ends their turn out of cover)
EXTREME TEAM (0 AP, 1 Edge - You and your teammate [Ramirez] attack a single enemy at the same time. They don't expend an action.)
Apprentice (+1 to hit in melee)
Top 10 (Reroll a die) (Used)
GOD GAMER (+1 to a d10 roll)
Outfit: Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear Slot)
Gear: Ammo Bag (1 Uses), C4 (1 Uses)
Cash: $1747377
Assets: Bungalow (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room), Dock Warehouse (Office w/painting, Gym, Workshop), Mastodon with Turbo & Transmission (2/2/6 Transport - SUV, Durable, Nitro, Suspension), "Killer Queen" Rocket Launcher, Swordfish Speedboat (2/3/3), Chief Helicopter (1/2/3), Blue Disk, Green Marker,
Gang: White Shark Detachment (2 Cool, 1 Sharp)

>1 AP - Move 4E, 1NE, 2N
>1 AP - Move 6N, 1NW
>1 AP - Suppressive fire 6N of new position

"Second package is retreating with protection. Moving to intercept second package." Heckler says as he breaks from the breaching line and moves with an ease that he'd practiced thousands of times.

"Kid, keep your head down or you might take a couple of shots." Heckler says as he strategically places shots down range. "Go deal with that brute over there."
>1AP:Move N,N,NW,N,N
>2AP: Move 10xE
>1 Edge: Move 5xE
>1 Edge: Move 2xN,1xE
Name: Alejandro
Type: Operator
Stats: HP 7/7, Edge 5/10, Move 5, Defence 10, Crit on 8+
Factors: Sharp 2, Cool 4, Weird 2
Weapons: Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 4/8), Fists (Melee, Damage 2, Crit on 9), DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 2/3)
Special Talent: Deadeye
Gear: Armour Vest
Clothes: Bulletproof Suit (+1 Defence, 1 Edge)
Stylish Clothes (+1 Defence)
Personal Cash: $184,675
Heat: 5
Wanted Level: 3
Assets: Beach House (Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, Kitchen, Gym, Living Room, Security Upgrade), Ticket
Vehicle:Estate Sedan (all upgrades, Speed 3/Handling 3/Size 4), Minnow (Boat, Speed 1/Handling 1/Size 3)
Cancel the last one, so 6/10 Edge
>1AP: [Deploy] RC Bomb
>1AP: [Move] 2N, NW, W
>1AP: [Move] RC Bomb 3S, SE, E
>1 Edge: [Detonate] RC Bomb.

"Shit! Fuck! There's a shitload of them c-c-comin' for us through the arcade! We g-gotta get out of here...!"

Before hightailing it up the hall, Wizard primes and drops one of his bombs. He throws himself around the corner and, going on instinct, drives the RC car—laden with 100 grams of Semtex and a frag sleeve of ball bearings—into the doorway to the arcade before slamming the "send" button on the pager-turned-detonator.

Name: Wizard
Class: Brain
Primary Weapon: Gym Bag
Secondary Weapon: Pistol (4/12)
Skill: RC Bomb (1/2), Top 10 (0/1), Furious Focus, God Gamer (1/1)
Gear: Frag Grenades (6/12)
Cash: $608,085
Clothes: Utility Vest (wearing), Lightweight Armor Vest
Assets: Ronin (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Jet (+1S, +1H, Sr1/1, Hr1/1), Sorcery TCG, Blue Marker
Housing: Bungalow (Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Workshop, Security)
Gang: Script Kiddies (2 Sharp, 1 Weird, Sloth)
Tokens: +2 Sharp
HP: 7/7
Edge: 10/10+2
Move: 5
Defense: 5
Crit: 7
Cool: 1
Sharp: 4+2
Hard: 0
Weird: 3
Heat: 8
Wanted: 3
Rolled 6, 4 = 10 (2d10)

HP 7+1/13 Edge 3/10
Move 6, Def 6, Crit 9+
Cool 1 / Sharp 2 (+2) / Hard 4 (+1)/ Weird 1
Heat 10 / Want 3
XP: 5
Steadfast (1 AP 1 Edge, gain Block 2, Counter 2)
Teamwork Tactics (Passive, nearby friendlies get +2 Hit +1 Move)
Apprentice (+1 Hit Melee attacks)
White Lightning (1/mission, 1AP to knockdown self and heal 5 Edge) SPENT
Raging Demon (0 AP 2 Edge, move then melee one target 3 times, +1 Crit dmg)
Unstoppable (0 AP 1 Edge, +1 Armor, Rage, Block; remove debuffs and conditions)
Hardliner (+1 Hard token/mission, spend H.T. to move 7 in a straight line, gain breach and collision for that move)
- Moonlighter (One extra side-job/thread or a reroll) SPENT
Top 10 (1 Reroll available. Films mentioned: "The Big Bust", "Exit the Tiger", "Garden of the Divine Transgressors") SPENT
[ C H S ] God Gamer (1/chapter, +1 to a d10 roll after result) SPENT
Utility Vest (+1 Magazine, +1 Gear)
Shotgun (Rng 10, Dmg 4, Ammo 2/8, Breach)
Pistol (Rng 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/12)
These hands (Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit, rated E for everyone)
Armor Vest (6 armor, doesn't stack) SPENT
Frag Grenades (Frag Out: 0/3, Throw, Area 2, 3 Damage, Breach)

A voice from above, or maybe a whisper from behind, or maybe the walls themselves speak to Chaser: "that's not how you do a charge, you dipshit, so go refund your token and never do that again". Bewildered, he obliges. (Hotfix to Hardliner added to the sheet).

>Unstoppable (1 Edge, you know the rigmarole)
>QS Shotgun at the Oni twice (2 AP, 2 dice, breach on first attack)
>Reload Shotgun (1 AP)
" Got it! Are you going to do something--- HOLY SHIT "

Kit ducks. It seems the survivable thing.

[Run to the train]

"Out off the way punks!"

Name: Jackal
Type: Psycho
Stats: HP 10/14, Edge 4/6, Move 4, Defense 6, Crit 9
Attributes: Hard 4+1, Cool 1 , Sharp 0, Weird 2-1
Skills: Smash(0ap, 1 Edge), Hurting other people, Animal Within, God Gamer, White Lightning, Hardliner
Weapons: Smg (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/15 Ammo, Auto, Crit+1) , Pistol (Range 10, DMG 2, 4/8 Ammo), Molotov (Thrown, Area 2 flames for 2 turns, 1dmg and 2 burn, Ammo 2), Fists: (DMG 2, Crit+1)
Serious Armor: +2HP, +1 Defence, -1 Move
Heat: 7
Wanted: 2
Assets: Old Manor, Ammo belts, Vagabond [Full upgrades], Gang [Name: Wire-Rats, Background: Former students, Vices: Overconfidence Stats: Sharp 2 Cool 1]
Rolled 7, 4, 4, 3 = 18 (4d10)

Type: Brain
HP 6/7
Edge 7/8
Move 5[4]
Defence 3[5]
Crit 8
Stats: Cool 1 Sharp 3 Hard 0 Weird 2
Weapons: Gym Bag, Pistol, Fists
Gear: First Aid Kit, Smoke Grenade 2/3, Frag 2/3Grenade
Special Talent: Infiltrator

>Edge 1 Move W W
>AP 3 Edge 1 Fire pistol at Hana
>Edge 1 Throw Grenade at Hana
>Edge 2 Throw molotov at Hana

I just realized I do not in fact have a molotov, curse my high ass, Ninja Ninja throws an empty bottle at her

"...Ah fuck I thought I had a molly"
Hard 0[1] - HP [8/9]
Cool 2 - Defense 6[5]
Sharp 0 - Edge 1/6
Weird 4[5] - Crit on 6[5]+
Move 6[8]

Furious Focus
Raging Demon
Top Ten [BURNED]
Visions of Death

>Weapons and Gear:
Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 Crit
The Highlander - Melee, Dmg 4, +1 Crit Dmg, [Headhunter]

Armor Vest - [BUSTED]
Custom Mask (Horace the Tie) - [+1 HP, +1 Move]


Don't go rushing into that deathtrap, not when those skinny little blades of theirs can swipe so fast. The sword can cry all it likes. There's other heads to take, so get your butt moving and make sure that train has a hungry blade on it. They won't be getting away.

>Furious Focus!
>Run to the train!
Rolled 6 + 3 (1d10 + 3)

Name: Fresco
Type: Operator
Stats: HP: 4/8, Armor 0, Edge 0/8, Move 6, Defense 10, Crit on 5, Supercrit on 7[5 DE], Heat 2
Weapons: DMR (Range 30, Damage 4, Ammo 3/3)
Pistol (Range 10, Damage 2, Ammo 3/8)
Factor: Hard 0, Cool 4+2, Sharp 2++2, Weird 4+1
Special Talent: Deadeye: (0 AP, 1 Edge) Attack with +3 accuracy, +3 crit rate, and +1 crit damage
Lightning Reload: 1/Turn reload for 0 AP
Oh Yeah!: Fuck you, roll +weird for a cool entrance
Moonlighter: Gain a 3rd Sidejob. Can use this 3rd job to reroll a Side Job roll.
Furious Focus: At the start of your turn, if you have 0 edge, gain 1 edge.
Dance Fever Disco: (0 AP, 0 Edge) Gain +1 Wtoken at start of mission. Spend WTokens to gain +2 Move and Def for that round.
Drug Kit: (1 AP, 1/2 Uses) Take 1 damage to gain ++2 to a stat for 3 turns.
Custom Mask: +1 HP & +1 Move

>Deadeye the Weasel closest
>Lightning Reload
>Move SE1, S1, E4
>Move E6 [Enter Train]

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