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Your tomboy childhood friend tells you she has a boyfriend now. You're shocked because you've grown up together and always saw her as a boy but now that she has a boyfriend you feel jealous? Did you start seeing her as a woman and fell in love with her without realising? Is it too late now that she is dating someone else? What do you do?
> You can't lose her. You confess to your childhood friend you're in love with her
> You try to move on without your childhood friend. Even if you can't be with her anymore you want her to be happy
> You try to break them up
> .........
>You try to move on without your childhood friend. Even if you can't be with her anymore you want her to be happy
> You try to move on without your childhood friend. Even if you can't be with her anymore you want her to be happy
>Steal her boyfriend
>You try to move on without your childhood friend. Even if you can't be with her anymore you want her to be happy
> You can't lose her. You confess to your childhood friend you're in love with her
>> You can't lose her. You confess to your childhood friend you're in love with her
Get a girlfriend that looks like her to make her jealous
>>You try to move on without your childhood friend. Even if you can't be with her anymore you want her to be happy
Heh, I did this once.
>That's wonderful news! You can't wait to tell your girlfriend.
You try to move on without your childhood friend. Even if you can't be with her anymore you want her to be happy. But it's harder because her boyfriend is an arrogant delinquent bully. Your tomboy childhood friend now spends more time with him than with you and you feel terrible because you used to spend every day together. You can't even banter and jokingly call her a loser virgin anymore because everyone knows she's sleeping with the arrogant delinquent bully.
> You can still be best friends even if she has a boyfriend
> You yell at her and call her a slut for having sex with the arrogant bully
> You try to warn her about him
> .........
>Hit the gym and start MMA training

Honestly if she wants to throw her life away for some low life scumbag she wasn't really worth our time anyway. Still, seeing how these stories typically play out we should probably be in a position to defend ourselves (since I doubt the QM will let us dodge involvement entirely)
> You try to warn her about him

Also get brass knuckles so if we have to throw down we will go all the way.
Get a sissifying raygun and shoot him with it
Rolled 17, 8 = 25 (2d20)

>Seduce his ex-girlfriend and use his old photos as "evidence" of him cheating
> You yell at her and call her a slut for having sex with the arrogant bully
time to find a girlfriend who doesn't sleep with losers
You hit the gym and start MMA training emulating your heroes Kazushi Sakuraba and Masakatsu Funaki. Each punch and kick helps you release the tension building inside, the punching bag transforming into the arrogant bully who's now sleeping with your best friend. At the gym, you meet new friends who share your passion of mixed martial arts and push you to improve. Your new friends warn you about the arrogant bully.
Gym bros: "That guy is bad news bro. He gets girls to make sex tapes with him then gets them hooked on drugs and pimps them out.
> You vow to save your friend
> Honestly if she wants to throw her life away for some low life scumbag she wasn't really worth your time anyway
> .........
> You vow to save your friend
>You vow to save your friend
bros don't leave bros hanging, girl or not she's your bro
>>You vow to save your friend
So that is why she is stuck with him. Did she get date raped?
>You vow to save your friend
Invite friend to the gym
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>> You vow to save your friend
Put on the mask
>> You vow to save your friend
You vow to save your friend. Determined, you train harder than ever, focusing on becoming stronger and more skilled. Every drop of sweat and every bruise reminds you of your purpose. You can't stand by and let the bully abuse her.
One day, after gym class, you return to the classroom to grab your stuff. But as you approach, you hear moans and grunts from inside. Your heart pounds, a mix of dread and anger flooding your veins. What are you about to walk into? You open the door and there she is, your childhood friend, with her arrogant delinquent boyfriend. She's bent over a desk, her uniform discarded on the floor. You make eye contact with her just as he finishes inside her. Quickly, you grab your bag and leave, your mind racing.
As you walk home, she catches up to you, running, her voice filled with guilt and shame.
Her: Sorry you had to see that.
> "You know, you could get expelled if the teachers find out you’re doing that in the classroom," you warn her, hoping she'll understand the seriousness of the situation.
> "Are you okay? Is he hurting you? Is there something you’re not telling me?" you ask, your concern evident in your voice.
> "You know, I’m more worried about the poor guy who has to sit at that desk tomorrow," you joke, trying to lighten the tension.
> "No matter what happens, we'll always be best friends. You can tell me anything and I'll always be here to help," you promise her, offering her a lifeline.
> "I don’t trust him, and I don’t want to see you get hurt. Please be careful," you plead, your voice filled with concern.
> "If you’re happy, then I’ll support you. But if you’re not, let me help," you say, trying to gauge her true feelings.
> "I can't stand seeing you with him. It’s killing me," you admit, finally expressing your own feelings for her.
> .........
> "You know, I’m more worried about the poor guy who has to sit at that desk tomorrow," you joke, trying to lighten the tension.
> "No matter what happens, we'll always be best friends. You can tell me anything and I'll always be here to help," you promise her, offering her a lifeline.
>"I've heard some trouble stuff about the guy is all."
Feels too passive, but honestly this whole premise seems like it's doomed desu desu.
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You joke, trying to lighten the tension: "You know, I’m more worried about the poor guy who has to sit at that desk tomorrow."
She laughs, a genuine sound that reminds you of the time before she had a boyfriend: "Ahahaha, it's okay, that guy is an asshole!"
Watching her laugh, it suddenly feels normal again.
You promise her, offering her a lifeline: "No matter what happens, we'll always be best friends. You can tell me anything, and I'll always be here to help."
Her laughter fades, and she looks at you, puzzled: "What are you talking about?"
You say, your concern clear in your voice: "I've heard some troubling stuff about that guy, is all."
She hesitates, her expression conflicted, as if she's debating whether to tell you the truth.

> Roll D20
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

Yeah, she's a goner. RIP.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Nah watch this I'm the king of letting girls cry on my shoulder
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Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolled 12 (1d20)

She finally opens up about her relationship with the arrogant delinquent bully: "I started dating him because he's the first boy to notice I'm a girl. We've been friends since we were kids, but you never asked me out because you don't see me as a girl. He did and asked me out, so I thought, why not? I didn't expect it to turn into something serious."
You feel a pang of guilt for not recognizing her feelings, realizing how it must have hurt her self-esteem and led her to agree to date the first scumbag who showed interest.
You ask gently: "What happened?"
She sighs, her eyes downcast: "On our first date, I had a drink with him. I thought I could handle it, but I blacked out and ended up sleeping with him, losing my virginity while passed out."
You're shocked, but her story suddenly makes sense. A wave of anger surges through you as you wonder if that bastard spiked her drink. It wouldn't be the first time someone like him used such a vile tactic.
The thought of your friend being date raped makes your blood boil, and you clench your fists, struggling to keep your composure. If it's true, you want to make him pay for what he's done.
You ask, trying to keep your voice calm: "Why did you keep seeing him?"
She looks down, guilt written all over her face: "It felt nice, being seen as a girl, and having sex is fun. I ended up making videos with him, and he told me to send nudes. I didn't think much of it then... but we had a fight a while ago, and he threatened to leak our videos to everyone if I broke up with him."
Your heart sinks. She's being blackmailed, just as you'd feared. It fits the pattern your gym bros warned you about: seduce girls, get them to make sex tapes, and then blackmail them into worse things.
You say firmly: "You can't let that scumbag blackmail you into doing things you don't want."
She shakes her head, looking even more guilty: "I did a lot of really lewd things on camera. I don't want those videos to come out and for you to think I'm a slut."
You desperately try to think of a way to help her.
> "You're not a slut. You're my friend, and we’ll find a way out of this together," you promise her, determined to save her from this nightmare.
> "If he ever shares your private videos and photos, I'll beat the shit out of that bastard," you vow, your protective instincts kicking in.
> "I would never look at your nudes. We're friends, and I respect you too much to ever objectify you like that," you reassure her, hoping to ease her guilt.
> "Did that bastard ever offer you drugs or ask you to sleep with others?" you ask, trying to ascertain if your gym bros are right about his intentions.
> "We need to report him to the authorities. He can't get away with this," you suggest, considering a more official route to bring down the bully.
> "You deserve so much better than that scum. Don’t ever forget that," you tell her, hoping to boost her confidence.
> ........
> "You deserve so much better than that scum. Don’t ever forget that," you tell her, hoping to boost her confidence.
> "Did that bastard ever offer you drugs or ask you to sleep with others?" you ask, trying to ascertain if your gym bros are right about his intentions.
and especially if he has...
> "We need to report him to the authorities. He can't get away with this," you suggest, considering a more official route to bring down the bully.
I'll go with this
Wonder how serious QM will make this. Yakuza involvement is likely. Hopefully it's a small one that can hopefully be taken down with mc and his gym bros.
You tell her, hoping to boost her confidence: "You deserve so much better than that scumbag. Don’t ever forget that."
She blushes, looking touched by your words: "T-thanks."
You ask, trying to ascertain if your gym bros are right about his intentions: "Did that bastard ever offer you drugs or ask you to sleep with others?"
She hesitates, her eyes flickering with guilt and shame: "We smoked cannabis and took ecstasy pills together. And he's been pushing me to try 'new experiences'—threesomes with his friends, swinging with other couples, lesbian sex, classroom sex, and stuff like that."
Your blood boils, and you clench your fists, trying to keep your anger in check. The arrogant delinquent bully has already begun manipulating your friend with illegal narcotics and pushing her to engage in sex acts she's not comfortable with by threatening and blackmailing her with her nudes and sex tapes.
You say firmly: "You can’t let him manipulate and push you around like this. You need to get away from him."
She looks at you, shame and uncertainty in her eyes. "What if he follows through with his threats and leaks my nudes and sex tapes?"
You remind her, considering a more official route to bring down the bully: "Cannabis and ecstasy pills are illegal in Japan, and so is revenge porn. We need to report him to the authorities. He can't get away with this."
She looks down, clearly conflicted: "I don't know what to do."
You say softly, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, you're not alone. We’ll get through this together. You can’t let him control you with fear. We'll figure something out. We need to stop him before he hurts you more or does the same to someone else."
> You decide to go directly to the police, determined to stop him legally.
> You talk to your gym bros and ask for their help, knowing they’ll have your back.
> You go to your parents and explain that your childhood friend needs help, hoping they can provide support.
> You find one of his earlier victims and talk to her, hoping she can offer advice or join you in taking action against him.
> You confront him directly, warning him to stay away from your friend or face the consequences.
> You seek out a school counselor or trusted teacher, someone who can intervene and offer support.
> .........
> You talk to your gym bros and ask for their help, knowing they’ll have your back.
Let's make it clear that we're going to take this to the cops if he doesn't leave our friend alone, and that even if the cops don't stop him, we will.
>You talk to your gym bros and ask for their help, knowing they’ll have your back.
The council of chads shall visit righteous justice upon this bitch of an earth.
>You talk to your gym bros and ask for their help, knowing they’ll have your back.
> You find one of his earlier victims and talk to her, hoping she can offer advice or join you in taking action against him.

Fucking teachers are useless and would much rather ignore a problem until the victim commits suicide then all of a sudden they will care and pretend to look for a solution. Better to get a cop situation started than pretending those idiots want to actually do their jobs for once.
You guys should probably look for the previous victims and research the bullet and his connections. You don't know if he's rich and has ties to the police or high society.
>You find one of his earlier victims and talk to her, hoping she can offer advice or join you in taking action against him.
gotta learn what else he did and his patterns
>You don't know if he's rich and has ties to the police or high society.
this, also remember to vote my dude
> You find one of his earlier victims and talk to her, hoping she can offer advice or join you in taking action against him.
>You talk to your gym bros and ask for their help, knowing they’ll have your back.
Both seem knowledgeable about this guy.
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You talk to your gym bros and ask for their help in saving your friend. "Of course, we have your back, bro," they readily agree, their determination matching your own.
"We're going to take this to the cops if he doesn't leave my friend alone," you make it clear, your voice firm. "And even if the cops don't stop him, we will."
One of the gym bros nods and then adds, "There's an upperclassman who dated that scumbag before your friend. She was an honors student but ended up hooked on drugs. Her nudes got leaked, she was caught engaging in prostitution with older men, and she finally dropped out of school."
You decide to talk to her, hoping she can offer advice or join you in taking action against him. This might be the key to stopping the delinquent bully and saving your friend.
> You tell the upperclassman that the arrogant delinquent bully needs to pay for what he did to her and the other girls.
> You beg the upperclassman to report what the arrogant delinquent bully did to her to the police so he can't hurt your friend.
> You ask about his connections, whether he's rich and has ties to the police or high society.
> You ask her to detail what he did to her, hoping to build a stronger case that goes beyond simple drug possession and revenge porn.
> You ask if she has any evidence, such as texts or photos, that could be used against him, and if she knows any other girls who were abused by him, seeking more allies.
> .........
>You ask about his connections, whether he's rich and has ties to the police or high society.
> You tell the upperclassman that the arrogant delinquent bully needs to pay for what he did to her and the other girls.
> You ask about his connections, whether he's rich and has ties to the police or high society.

Help us plan to take this sombitch down.
> You tell the upperclassman that the arrogant delinquent bully needs to pay for what he did to her and the other girls.
> You ask about his connections, whether he's rich and has ties to the police or high society.
> You ask if she has any evidence, such as texts or photos, that could be used against him, and if she knows any other girls who were abused by him, seeking more allies.
Collective action, though if I could disappear him I would.
>> You tell the upperclassman that the arrogant delinquent bully needs to pay for what he did to her and the other girls.
>> You ask about his connections, whether he's rich and has ties to the police or high society.
>> You ask if she has any evidence, such as texts or photos, that could be used against him, and if she knows any other girls who were abused by him, seeking more allies.

If he rich or has contacts we gotta disappear him. Since we didn't show our face to him we should have no cop suspicion on us.
The upperclassman the arrogant delinquent bully defiled is wary when you approach her. She asks, her voice tinged with suspicion: "What do you want from me?"
You explain, desperation in your voice: "My best friend is dating your ex-boyfriend, and he's starting to abuse her like he abused you and the other girls. I need your help. That scumbag needs to pay for what he did to you and the others!"
She bites her lip, clearly hesitant. She murmurs: "I don't know how I can help you."
You press on, seeking any information she can provide: "You know that bastard better than I do. Please tell me about his connections, whether he's rich and has ties to the police or high society."
She replies, her voice trembling slightly: "He isn't rich, but he's a yakuza associate who deals drugs and does chores for low-level members. He also has some ties as a pimp to rich old perverts—even CEOs and politicians."
Realizing the depth of the bully's depravity, you see him as a despicable parasite. You ask, hoping to gather more support: "Do you have any evidence, such as texts or photos, that could be used against him? And do you know any other girls who were abused by him? We could use more allies and witnesses to send him to prison."
The upperclassman remains hesitant, clearly conflicted. The memories of being seduced, hooked on drugs, and pimped out by the bully while he played the role of her boyfriend still haunt her. You can see the fear and uncertainty in her eyes, knowing that he might still have a psychological hold over her.

> Roll D20
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Let's see if I can pull it off again
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Capcha: AMP NTR
Oh no, bros. It's going to get worse before it gets better.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Based, let's go
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The upperclassman finally agrees to help you, her voice determined: "I have photos and videos of him dealing drugs and abusing girls. And I know a few other girls he exploited and discarded who might be willing to testify against him in court."
You feel a surge of gratitude wash over you. You say earnestly, feeling a renewed sense of hope: "Thank you for helping me save my friend,"
The next day, you meet with more girls who were abused by the arrogant delinquent bully. Each story you hear fuels your resolve.
One girl confesses, her voice shaking as she reveals: "He impregnated me and then forced me to have an abortion."
Another girl, tears streaming down her face, admits: "He forced me to do compensated dating with dirty old men."
A third girl speaks up, her tone bitter: "He withheld drugs until I agreed to make extreme videos with dogs."
You gather many testimonials that should put him behind bars for many years. However, the fear of retaliation hangs heavily over the girls. Determined to protect them, you call your MMA gym bros. They meet you and the abused girls, their presence bringing a sense of safety and reassurance.
They promise, their support unconditional: "We got your back, bro, always!"
Soon enough, the arrogant delinquent bully learns of your plans and confronts you, rage boiling in his eyes. He hisses: "What the fuck do you want, you bastard?"
You stand your ground, your resolve unshaken: "I'm going to make sure you pay for what you've done. You've hurt too many people, and it ends now."
He sneers, trying to hide his fear with bravado. As he tries to negotiate, his words drip with disdain: "Fine, you can have your tomboy bitch back. She's used goods now, my sloppy seconds, but think of it as me training and breaking her in for you, okay?"
> With the testimonies of the girls and the support of your gym bros, you know you have the upper hand. You say, your voice steady: "We're going to the police, and you're going to pay for everything you've done
> You punch him in the face, breaking his jaw and knocking out a tooth, then continue to beat the shit out of him. "This is for my friend, and every other girl you abused, you bastard!"
> You speak in a cold, menacing voice, "You should feel lucky to be going to jail. Because if you ever get near my friend again, I will beat you to death. And don't think I'm bluffing; I would do far worse than kill a cockroach like you to protect her."
> You record the entire confrontation, making sure to capture his threats and confessions to add to the pile of evidence against him, then say: "This video is going straight to the police."
> You grab him by the collar, your voice low and dangerous: "If you ever try to contact her or any of these girls again, I will find you, and you will regret it."
> You don't waste your breath on the sniveling worm. You have your gym bros restrain him, and call the police immediately, ensuring he can’t escape.
> .........
> You record the entire confrontation, making sure to capture his threats and confessions to add to the pile of evidence against him, then say: "This video is going straight to the police."
>You have your gym bros restrain him, and call the police immediately, ensuring he can’t escape.
>With the testimonies of the girls and the support of your gym bros, you know you have the upper hand. You say, your voice steady: "We're going to the police, and you're going to pay for everything you've done
> You don't waste your breath on the sniveling worm. You have your gym bros restrain him, and call the police immediately, ensuring he can’t escape.
Shouldn't stop at the police but leak a version thar censors the girls involved on the internet just in case he has a way to cover everything up. Plus don't say it, wait until he's served.
I don't think the traumatized girls who kindly agreed to aid us would appreciate us leaking even censored porn of them doing things like *checks notes* blowing old men for money and fucking dogs.
>> You don't waste your breath on the sniveling worm. You have your gym bros restrain him, and call the police immediately, ensuring he can’t escape.
>Write-in: "I wonder how well you will handle being the new prison bitch. I heard they take good care of their property."
"No, not 'okay'. It is too late for you, and as a matter of fact I hope you scramble and squeal for your 'friends' to save you from your inevitable fate just so we can bring them to justice too."
>Have gym bros pick him up and carry him to the police station, record the whole time.
>> You don't waste your breath on the sniveling worm. You have your gym bros restrain him, and call the police immediately, ensuring he can’t escape.
You don't waste your breath on the sniveling worm. You have your gym bros restrain him, and call the police immediately, ensuring he can’t escape.
As you wait for the police, he alternates between threats and pleas: "I know many important people—"
One of the gym bros snorts: "You're only a delinquent thug, an easily replaceable parasite. None of the rich and powerful people you supplied drugs and girls to will risk their necks to save a worm like you."
He offers you drugs and girls from the nightclubs, but no one pays him any heed. Soon, the police arrive, and he’s taken to the station, crying and begging.
With the overwhelming evidence and witnesses against him, he is soon charged with drug dealing, sexual abuse, pimping, corruption of minors, illegal pornography production, and other heinous crimes. There is no way he will be getting out of jail for a long time.
You've successfully saved your best friend from being corrupted by her arrogant delinquent bully boyfriend.
The upperclassman tells you appreciatively: "You are a true friend. I wish the other girls and I had a friend like you to protect us too."
Your MMA gym bros offer to help the girls in rehab and move on from the abuse, once again proving how honorable they are. You thank them for everything they did. They respond with wide smiles and hearty claps on the back: "That's what bros are for."
You meet your tomboy childhood friend after the ordeal. She blushes: "You really saved me."
She kisses you, a gesture filled with gratitude and newfound romantic feelings. You have saved your friend, defeated the villain, and got the girl, getting extremely fit in the process.
You pull back slightly from the kiss, looking into her eyes: "I meant it when I said I'd always be here for you. You deserve better, and I want to be the one who treats you right."
She smiles, her eyes shining with emotion: "I’ve always thought of you as my best friend, but now... I see you differently. Thank you for being there for me."
Your heart swells with a mix of relief and joy: "Let's take things slow, okay? I want us to do this right."
She nods, a light blush coloring her cheeks: "I'd like that."
Together, you walk away from the mistakes of the past, ready to start a new chapter. The future is uncertain, but with your best friend now something more, you feel prepared to face anything.
> The End
Your Tomboy Childhood Friend: After Story
> You share a bath with your friend like you used to when you were kids. You wash her body with soap, symbolically washing away the past, and then princess-carry her to bed
> You make love to her, your touch tender and caring, treating her right, ensuring she feels safe and cherished
> None of that sappy shit, you have raw, animalistic sex with your tomboy best friend, full of dirty talk and banter between bros
> She rewards you with a bro job
> You get married after graduation and have six kids together
> .........
>> .........
Im out bro. move on like a badass drifter
>> You share a bath with your friend like you used to when you were kids. You wash her body with soap, symbolically washing away the past, and then princess-carry her to bed
> you have raw, animalistic sex with your tomboy best friend, full of dirty talk and banter between bros

> .........
> None of that sappy shit, you have raw, animalistic sex with your tomboy best friend, full of dirty talk and banter between bros
>You make love to her, your touch tender and caring, treating her right, ensuring she feels safe and cherished
> .........
You start your Career as the Punisher
This plus
>You get married after graduation and have six kids together
I was confused for a second wondering why everyone was voting, because I thought this was just a green text epilogue, not a choice. So fuck it, I vote all.
>You share a bath with your friend like you used to when you were kids. You wash her body with soap, symbolically washing away the past, and then princess-carry her to bed
>You make love to her, your touch tender and caring, treating her right, ensuring she feels safe and cherished
>None of that sappy shit, you have raw, animalistic sex with your tomboy best friend, full of dirty talk and banter between bros
>She rewards you with a bro job
>You get married after graduation and have six kids together

MC washed her for symbolism, then gently took her to bed to show she's loved, then the sex shifts to hot, animalistic bro sex because she's still his tomboy bro, then later on they get married and have six kids.
Meanwhile the Bully is getting his ass cheeks clapped every night by his cellmate, Fleece Johnson.

The End
Good thread, I know its short and honestly low hanging fruit but it was interesting to see how having agency in a situation like that feels.
Kek the delinquent did become the prison bitch. Also good job op for the short and sweet quest and not giving up after 2 posts like other flakes..
This is the canon ending
Will you write it out, QM?
New quest idea: I'm an NTR Hentai Bully jailed for rape and my cellmate is Fleece Johnson!?

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