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Outworld client starting


[0]Neohuman Academia
[0]Mahou Shoujo Maido Royale
[0]Kaiju Relief Management
[x]Genesis_RPG . . .

Servers: public . . . private[x]

Insert Key: ************
Key accepted


[MonkeyKalpa]: loading resources: . . . 100%

A(no)nimus has joined the world

Current player counter: 2

[Jhon_Doe](admin): Sup dude, glad to have you here.
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Thought I gave you the wrong password for a moment
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Anyway, got a couple more guys who should be logging in soon
[Jhon_Doe](admin): They aren't from /vgen/, so I don't think you know them
[Jhon_Doe](admin): The code is from the goopservers
[Jhon_Doe] Mostly
[Jhon_Doe](admin): I'll go over the ruleset when everyone gets here

Dovey has joined the world

[Jhon_Doe](admin): Speak of the devil
[Dovey]: Sorry for being late,
[Dovey]: Had to run some errands...
[Jhon_Doe](admin): You aren't that late actually, we are still waiting on Trips and Can
[Jhon_Doe](admin): There's just me, anon and you
[Dovey]: Oh, that's nice! by the way, nice to meet you Anon!

Trips_on_stairs has joined the world

[Trips_on_stairs]:howdy folks
[Jhon_Doe](admin): 4/5
[Dovey]: Hello to you too, Trips.
[Trips_on_stairs]: about that
[Trips_on_stairs]: canon said he can't make it
[Trips_on_stairs]: here j, I'll send you the dms
[Dovey]: Maybe we can reschedule?
[Trips_on_stairs]: no need, can said he doesn't mind to latejoin
[Trips_on_stairs]: this is a long game too, no?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Yep
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Anyway, 4 players out of 5 isn't that bad, I've been on public games running for hours with 2 players
[Dovey]: Fair enough I suppose...
[Trips_on_stairs]: been there, done that, small servers are more relaxing
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Anyway, here's the ruleset:
[Jhon_Doe](admin): 1 - No insta-pop stealing, you can spirit away only after the first generation dies
[Jhon_Doe](admin): 2 - No godwars until the population reaches 1 billion, no servants fighting until the population is 1 million
[Jhon_Doe](admin): 3 - Putting your civ through trauma to get worship is OK but it will get a debuff (like on the Arcservers)
[Jhon_Doe](admin): 4 - No creating atheism
[Jhon_Doe](admin): 5 - Midmagic with a price to pay for practice
[Jhon_Doe](admin): 5.1 - The price can't be its own thing(mana), it has to come from the world(Ex: blood, souls)
[Jhon_Doe](admin): 6 - No real life recreations
[Jhon_Doe](admin): 7 - Basically, if it would get you banned on goop, at least DM me about it beforehand
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Any questions?

>what about alternative tech development, known some groups that get pissy if you go for vril rather than electricity. You know how those "historical only" guys can get
+1, let's start with that
you have my curiosity OP. is rule 6 only about copying irl civs ?
good start
[A(no)nimus]: what about alternative tech development, known some groups that get pissy if you go for vril rather than electricity. You know how those "historical only" guys can get
[Jhon_Doe](admin): As long as you make it viable in worldgen then there's no problem, no changing the laws of physics midway through the game.
[Trips_on_stairs]: how about making analogues?
[Trips_on_stairs]: like, what if I make necromancy and then I get a wizard to build a tomb like a computer with skeletons as memory?
[Dovey]: Like Trips said, what if I make connect the forests together through mushrooms and have that work as a computer?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): as I said above,
[Dovey]: That exists in real life by the way, it's called a Mycorrhizal network (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycorrhizal_network)
[Jhon_Doe](admin): if it's something that can result from the worldgen, then go crazy.
[A(no)nimus]: I see.

[A(no)nimus]: Quick question about rule 6, is it only about copying irl civs?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): It's more about events and npcs
[Jhon_Doe](admin): You can make use of irl aesthetics and naming conventions, but try being creative with the stories you cultivate out of it, at least more creative than a Hitler clone
[Slips_on_stairs]: I call dibs on the aztecs

[Dovey]: Pray tell, what do you mean by "creating atheism"?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Ok so, one of the feature from the arcservers is the ability to make multiple religions,
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Unlike in goop where they are always cults of you or of the pantheon you associate with, in arc those can be whatever
[Jhon_Doe](admin): So a guy from there made a religion which was just atheism, which generated no worship but the game still treated it as a religion
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Meaning that you would end up with cultists of atheism who got boons but generated no worship
[Dovey]: Honestly, that sounds pretty amusing.
[Jhon_Doe](admin): It was, the admins even played into it a bit and created a Greater Avatar of Atheism...
[Jhon_Doe](admin): In the form of a fedora
[Slips_on_stairs]: I think I was in that game, were you playing as Kong Tian?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Then it became meta to make a ton of cults of unrelated things and make it harder for the other players to get worship
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Yes, I don't remember you being there though.
[Slips_on_stairs]: I was spectating

Got to go for now, see you in ~8 hours, ask any other questions you have and then we get to worlgen
>any restrictions for the world gen? And will the settings be determined democratically, first input, or each of us get to set one parameter in a repeating order?
>I ask the first one because I know so world gen settings can be pretty esoteric, and want to know what if any of them are banned, if any are
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[A(no)nimus]: any restrictions for the world gen?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): No fetish stuff for one
[Dovey]: What about attributes like love and fertility?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): If it can be reasonably called ERP then cease
[Jhon_Doe](admin): There are servers for that kind of stuff, this isn't one
[Slips_on_stairs]: based, erp ruins servers
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Outside of that, keep things close enough to irl physics
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Outside of magic that is.

[A(no)nimus]: Will the settings be determined democratically, first input, or each of us get to set one parameter in a repeating order?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Everyone gets to make a kind of magic, continent with at least 3 bioms and a civ to inhabit
[Trips_on_stairs]: what if I want to make something underwater?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): You still have to set up an area and bioms, the game will still treat it like a continent, albeit a sunken one
[Trips_on_stairs]: gotcha
[Dovey]: Can magic be race or land specific or is it something any npc can learn?
[Jhon_Doe]: Any npc, but baring extraordinary circumstances, your specific npcs will be better at it than others
[Dovey]: What if I want to create a magical race?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Everything except genies are allowed
[Dovey]: What about a shapeshifting race?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Go for it
[Dovey]: Also, would Can not be at a disadvantage if he has to make his civ after us?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Don't worry about it, I already have an idea about how to put him in game
[Trips_on_stairs]: is it what I think it is?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Shush, you know jack.
[Trips_on_stairs]: how much are we supposed to rp?
[Jhon_Doe](admin): You don't have to rp if it's not an npc, heavyRP is cancer
[Jhon_Doe](admin): By the way, since this is a 5 player game, I was thinking of everyone having a greek element as a domain
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Other than the usual 3.
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Sounds ok?
[Dovey]: Can I have Fire?
[Trips_on_stairs]: claiming water
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Sure
[Jhon_Doe]: I'll take that as a yes.
[Jhon_Doe](admin): Anyway, if you guys have anything else to ask you can message me ingame or outside of it, starting the game.

Generating canvas: . . . 100%

>domains(Up to 4):

Dixitque Deus: Fiat lux. Et facta est lux.

{Zar'Akad}: were is the ui button?
{Arkhan}: Top right corner, in the options menu
{Zar'Akad}: thanks
{Marhiton}: Does every continent have to be an island? or sunken?
{Arkhan}: you can add to someone else's if you border it properly with mountains
{Marhiton}: I see, then I would like to work on my personal realm first
{Marhiton}: If it's ok, that is.
{Arkhan}: Go for it.

>The New World
>A flat disc orbited by a young star. Empty, full of potential

>. . .
Consider using paint for this one
>name: Vera Cruz
>domains: Aether
>name: Dunstagrimn, the King of Scars
>domains(Up to 4): Martial Excellence, Metalworking, Blood Sacrifice
>appearance(Optional): Tall and lithe, covered in scars that have been patched up with metal. Long flowing grey hair and beard, wears only a tattered sash/kilt . Has hands dripping with blood and severe features.
>description(Optional): Dunstagrimn is the perfect exemple of an exemplar, someone who has devoted their entire life to an ideal. In this case, it is the furthering of war and martial arts in all it's forms as an end to itself, devoid of emotions or earthly attachment.
His whole life is spent wandering the earth refining his fighting skills and devising new inventive ways to slaughter and maim, a task he upholds without any remorse or joy.
> Name: Myself
> Domains (Up to 4): Substance, Shape, Depth, Definition
>name: Kthos
>domains(Up to 4): death, darkness, prisons, the underground.
>appearance(Optional): Many different interpretations, since it's said you only meet him after you die. Can range anything from the grim reaper, a sickly man, an undead, a prison warden, a black dragon, a mushroom, a miner, a boulder with a face...
>description(Optional): The spirit/embodiment of the underworld. You pass your fallen off to him, so your loved ones' corpses don't become wights.
Is this a multiplayer god game or are we collectively controlling one god?
we are the collectively the player a(no)nimus, controlling one god that we're designing right now.
probably should have mentioned this explicitly in my last post, but underground = greek earth
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>{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}
>Domains:[Water, the Sea, the Deep, Storm]
>A diamond-shaped ray with skin that goes from pitch black to blinding light, two independent eyes are dark with only a light at its tail-end

>{Marhiton, the Sparkling}
>Domains:[Fire, Music, Dance, the Hunt]
>A whirlwind of blazing fire engulfing the amorphous frame of a person with a lyre in hand, the inferno forming musical notes in his wake, a blink later and it's of a lion, proud as the engulfing blaze coats its mane, another blink and it's of a snake hidden withing the pyre.
>'Tis world is everchanging, and so shall the ears to hear it and eyes go gaze it and feet to play upon it.

>{Arkhan, the Welkin}
>Domains[Aether, Light, Birds, Law]
>A humane figure crowned by golden wings, his skin is marble and his eyes gold and upon his body are garments of light
>The lawgiver and lighthouse of civilization, upon his hands are the words "Those who hide from the heavens do so in perdition"

We have some interesting options, I like them.

One god, what >>6033495 said

I'll wait some more until a consensus is reached, also, it seems that paint is not being used so here are some continents to choose from
ooops, didn't realize we were supposed to be drawing continents for this prompt... however,
is everything i could want in a continent
> A
If the next update isn't too far away, I can whip up something in paint. Otherwise, I'll vote for A


I want to create a bunch of creepy little minor races on those tiny islands

>Vera Cruz

A and Kthos won, writing
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{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: I've finished making my personal realm, any free spots on the map I can use?
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: The south is mostly empty waters.
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: Can I import a map I made with the editor some time ago?
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: Like, fully premade?
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: No, nothing like that,
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: Just the shape
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: I was messing with the map editor and kept randomizing until I got a something good
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: I just like the shape.
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: Can you send me a screenshot?
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: Sure, no problem.
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: Yeah, it's ok.
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: Thank you.
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: why did the game just lag?
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: Look at the map
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: that's just africa
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: I don't see it
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: Neither do I.

{Arkhan, the Welkin}: I like how the continents came out
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: Expect that large emptiness in the S-E area, everything looks balanced
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: I suppose Can will make his civ there?
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: Don't worry about that.
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: Anyway, let's set up some magic before we finish with the bioms and the races
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: synthax is like on goop, no?
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: Yep, just declare the type then establish a price
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: Permeance is set globally to 45 btw
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: Thought you should all know.
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: I've set up tonal magic

>Tonal: Description
>A way to tap into the essence of being, one note at a time, until the will is one with the all
>Tonal: Price(selfhood) - Continual usage of tonal magic erodes the boundary of the caster's personhood, resulting in depersonalization and ego death in the worst cases.
>Magic[Tonal; Contractual; Abyssal]

{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: tonal Prince(selfhood), contractual Price(equivalent exchange), abyssal Price(possession)
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: I'm starting to see a patters
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: Something something literary themes
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: I guess I should expect to see a number of mad wizards
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: "mad wizards" you just repeated yourself
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: I'm eager to see how magic will be treated now that every price it's in detriment to oneself first and foremost
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: Though there is Kthos's magic left to be made...

>{Kthos, the Last}:
that's us ? if so, how exactly can we do things and what's abyssal price ?

Magic [Tonal]

Price (self-hood)

Contractual Price (foreknowledge)- continued or excessive usage will cause increasingly detailed flashes of the death of those near to the caster, and eventually their own demise, sealing their fate in stone

Contractual price 2 (Service)- The caster will be expected to usher souls to Kthos and personally work to remove those who would cling to existence and life beyond what was naturally given

Abyssal price (Fated to fade)- a destiny to instead become one with the shadows and the dark, Kthos' eternal aid, faceless and unknown as the multitude of the inglorious dead
>Symbolic: Description
>A way to channel the collective meaning given to a symbol. Ex: Channeling a symbol of speed gives the user speed. Man-made and symbols that are more personal/have more meaning to the caster are more potent.
>Symbolic: Price(Servitude) Only one symbol can be channeled in a person's lifetime, and the person must embody an aspect (such as justice or pride) of that symbol for the rest of their life, violation results in death.

This good QM?
pretty sure We have to take tonal and price (Selfhood) from the way the update was written and Marhiton said he set up tonal magic

otherwise I'd have gone with illumination instead of tonal, cast magic with flickering fire and dancing shadows
Nah, Tonal maguc us Marhiton's magic I'm pretty sure. I think we're making ours from scratch
Oh you're right, fucker just didn't put his build up, so it looked like he put up the groundworks

In that case change

Magic [Illumination]- magic formed from the interaction of light and darkness, usually fire and the shadows it casts, but any can be used

Change contractual price 1 to price, keep everything else as is

contractual price 2 to simply contractual price, keep everything else as is
You are Kthos, aka a(no)nimus, you reside over the domains of death, darkness, prisons and the underground(Earth)
Magic[Toanl, Contractual, Abyssal]
>Abyssal: Description
>The Abyss is the fountain by which power flows to the willing, only through by surrendering to the endless tide can one swim forward
>Abyssal: Price(possesion) - The caster is host to malign entities which degrade its cognitive functions, the more the magic is used, the more such entities are hosted by the caster.

>I think we're making ours from scratch
yep, everyone makes a type of magic which will be used by the npcs

I'd put them all under something like Magic [Finality] or something like that, you are making a type of magic, not adding to some else's

>Magic [Spiritual]
>Description: Allows casters to summon various spirits and bind them, temporarily or perpetually, to the caster's service. Some spirits are seemingly purposemade for specific tasks.
>Price (Vitality): Summonings gradually consume the vitality of a living being in order to tether spirits to the world of the living. Sentient beings contain more vitality than non-sentient ones, and mages even more. Certain castings may require some of the caster's vitality in order to make sure the spirit remains in their service.
I like the idea of believers 'bargaining' with us to bring all sorts of weird spirit monsters and machines back from our embrace.

Change abyssal price to stygian price, keep everything else the same
+1, we should allow people to rent out boogeymen and zombies from us in exchange for life force
the more life force you pay, the longer the ghosties can last, or the stronger they are.

could also have a similar abyssal price(possession) to give the spirits access to the caster's body?
I will call in the votes in ~8 hours.
One other thing though, what should the continent be called?
thanks for answering my doubts OP

>Magic [dance, ritual, heavenly]
>Price (stamina),ritual price (runes), heavenly price(angelical depersonalization)

Little on the nose... but we made it. So why not?
Rolled 2 (1d4)

rolling for a name

Magic [Stygian]

Magic [Symbolic]

Magic [Spiritual]
Another tie *cries*
I'll start writing, if it's still a tie when I finish then I break it with a cointoss
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147 KB PNG
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: he actually named it kickassia lmao
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: watch skelemoses leading the zombie slaves to the promised land of kickassia

>Coral Atoll
>Multicolored islands formed on top of coral colonies, hosts of myriad lifeforms
>Critters: Giant Crabs; Seasnakes; Ponaturi; Coral Hakuturi; Great Sharks, Squids . . . [click to see more]
>Deep Trench
>A still void disturbed only by tectonic tremors and the movement of unknown beings
>Critters: Yeti Crabs; Hydrozoans, Shoggoth; Giant Squids; Sea Leviathans . . . [click to see more]





>Population: 320: [100% changelings]
>Races: [Changelings, Humans]

>Strength( ) ~ Dexterity( ) ~ Constitution( ) ~ Intelligence( ) ~ Cohesion( )
>Affinities: . . . ([x]auto)
Rolled 1 (1d2)

so how many points can we distribute for the race attributes ?
[Title] Stone desert
[Description] A vast, gravel desert, with very few features above ground save for the large stone spires that tower towards the sky.
It's real value lies underground, where many resources (valuable minerals, subterranean lakes, flora and fauna) are found.
[Critters] mindless undead, cave mushrooms, bugs and arachnids of varying sizes, crabs, desert birds... and any others that sound appropriate.

and other anons can submit more biomes. could you explain the traits and cohesion for race creation, too?

>so how many points can we distribute for the race attributes ?
The total value should be equal to 10. Ex:
>Name: Kankri
>Description: Large amphibian crustaceans dwelling as much on colourful atolls as deep inside kelp jungles, and deeper still
>Lifespan: 120 years
>Strength(2 ) ~ Dexterity( 1) ~ Constitution( 2) ~ Intelligence(2 ) ~ Cohesion(3 )(*)
>Traits: Amphibian, Exoskeletal, Dominat Sense: Electroreception**, Octopod, Polygamous
>Affinities: Abyssal ([X]auto)

Traits are biological facts from which society and culture emerge.

*- cohesion represents how predisposed a race is to work together and maintain their "uniqueness", interpret that as you will. It works like Oxytocine.
**- a Dominant Sense does not mean that said race relies only on that one, singular sense, there are others too. Humans have sight as their best sense, but that does not mean hearing or touching aren't valuable or that they can't substitute in case of blindness.

This is primary a story quest so don't fret too much over numbers, ironically. They exist so I can see what the direction you intend to go and maybe be actually useful if we get to combat.
Also, ID change, so no more fancy colours, I'm also a phonefag now but that works with the quest's minimalist style I suppose, it's good that this is the last stage of worldgen.
Are we allowed to have multiple biomes for the continent cause I want to specifically make one for the islands.

>Volanic Islands
>Rough and mountainous islands with dense tropical forests inland and beautiful coasts.
>Critters[Krakens, Crabs, Kelpies, Sharks, Monkeys, Apes, Snakes, Vinestalkers etc...]
And here's my race submission:

>Name: Lungmen
>Description: Terrestrial evolution of lungfish that look like a cross between a human and a lungfish. They can last 24-hours without going into the water, but with wither up and die afterward and so are forced live on the coast. They are immortal biologically, but grow continuously with age, so older lungfish will eventually become too large to hunt effectively or to feed themselves. Dwell mainly on the islands near Kickassia.
>Lifespan: Technically immortal (but effectively 200 years)
>Strength(3) - Dexterity(3) - Constitution (1) - Intelligence (2) - Cohesion (1)
>Traits: Amphibian, Jelly-like muscles, Dominant Sense: Electroreception, Monogamous
>Affinities: Ocean
^DESCRIPTION^ Barren Wasteland covered by a dense smog that persists from volcanic eruptions. Completely flat plains with a subset of completely black dusty grass dominating the landscape. Only the most hardy animals live here.
^CRITTER^ Rats, Roaches, Centipedes, Roots, Locusts, Goats, Sheep, Buffalo ^SHOW MORE^
>race 1
Name: Aranae
Description: Spider-like arachnid people found naturally in the Stone Desert's underground cave systems.
Lifespan: 380
Strength(1) Dexterity(3) Constitution(1) Intelligence(4) Cohesion(1)
Traits: Darkvision, Exoskeletal, Ambidextrous, String/Web Excretion, Dominant Sense: Tremorsense, Polygamous (Sexual cannibalism)
Affinities: Spiritual ([x]auto)

>race 2
Name: Viriskiae
Description: Scorpion-like arachnid people found naturally in the Stone Desert's underground cave systems.
Lifespan: 280
Strength(3) Dexterity(3) Constitution(2) Intelligence(1) Cohesion(1)
Traits: Darkvision, Exoskeletal, Venomous Stingers, Dominant Sense: Touch, Monogamous

>[Jhon_Doe](admin): Everyone gets to make a kind of magic, continent with at least 3 bioms and a civ to inhabit
In other words, we need more biomes. Not sure what the race limit is though, so I made two simple ones. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wind scatters dust shimering in the sunlight over the desolate horizont, which is broken only by spiraling grey monoliths pointing towards the heavens. Through one of the many entries into the stone towers, crevasses akin to cracks in glass, a lone gust of air ventures down through labyrinthine passages until the warm brightness of the overworld is replace by a cold, still, darkness... but that too is temporary. As the heat of the unseen sky above is replaced by that of the earth, echoes bounce through the veins of the mountain, echoes of running water, of rustle of plants, of skittering prey and pursuing predators.

The tunnel gives way to the entry of one large room, the ceiling and floor widen away from one another slowly, plateauing in the middle of the circular chamber. The floor is covered in a pale, mossy coat streching from the foliated walls down to the shore of a crystal clear lake in which tiny islands are made by the tips of submerged stalagmites, the light of millions of tiny swimmers forming the sole testament to the existance of colour in the deep below. The curbe of the ceiling becomes jagged the closer one gets to the top of the cave, spindly and fingerlike stalactites coalesce into an upside-down stony forest from which droplets of water disturbe the calm of the lake below. It is those very stalactites which are bound together by a will other than that of the Last's. Silky threads make way from one salty spire to the other and beings unique under the heavens dwell on them.

A myrriad legs stretch and and a lone tap is enough for speech to be born. Deep, lightless eyes open from their furred lids to little avail. Each of them take notice of the other one besides itself, though not one would be able to explain what that itself is. A lone word is said to them however, "Aranae", sung by the wind and the tremors of the earth, and that primordial voice told them such...

>{Kthos, the Last}:

Deeper still one finds a less forgiving cradle than that of the sunless lakes. The stygian cavers are encrusted with long corridors of bald crystal chaining together small crevasses teaming with life, islands of plenty amids a sea of quartz. Tectonic rumblings form the heartbeat of the Deep Below, yet while for the Aranae that is a beautiful song, their fellows in the dark have no room for sych luxury, to the them the tremors of the earth are drums of conflict, a call to action, to surviving.

Chitanous bodies mingle with one another, legs intertwined then released, clicks spoken and heard, stings brandished with instinctual familiarity. Their name is written on the edges and of their shell, Viriskiae, that is what they are, and their maker made them, and on the hard flesh of their stings are the words:

>{Kthos, the Last}:

Far from the deep earth are shores caressed by sunlight, yet whom rose though smoke and pyre. Under the waves, scars braze the land, a union of the surface and the subterranea fire, setting the sea ablaze with magma and brimstone, and giving birth to verdant islands. The fast waves break on black sand, the breeze blows through the ample folliage, nurtured by the destructive forces emanating from the micro tectonic plates below. Monkeys swing from vine to vine, crabs climb for coconuts, kelpies trot in shade, but none of these are chosen.

A leathery hide slides across the sand, pushed by finned, webbed feet. A weak sight is meet with the refracted sight if the sun, it is their meaty wiskers protruding from their sleek shoulders that reveal them the world. Muscles contract and relax following small electrical discharges beneath their silvery skin. A head rises abose the water, the mouth opens, pale teeth shine in the light and a first breath is had. "Lungs... men of lung" their hearts tell them, that organ fizzling electric discharges in the water and air. And that thunder in their heart, willfully put there by a power outside their comprehension, said to them such...

>{Kthos, the Last}:


{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: how did the number of races doubled?
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: Check Kickassia.
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: fucking hell that will be a bloodbath
{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: I am betting on the spider-people.
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: just so we are all on the same page
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: if it starts to lag I'm killing the fishpeople

What you say to each race will determine their society and their relation to you, AKA religion.
I’ll just tell one race something and let the anons do the rest and I choose… the scorpion people.

>”Do not fear death my children. For when you die, you just return to my icy embrace. This world is a prison you must endure and live on in until it’s your time, but when it’s your time you shall be returned into my infinite nothingness and become death. Rejoice! You live to die!
I'll also do one race, then.
>"Aranae", sung by the wind and the tremors of the earth, and that primordial voice told them such...
>{Kthos, the Last}:
>"The depths of the world you inhabit are my holy lands."
>"You will be the protectors and wardens of the deep earth."
>"For those whose lives end must come to lie in the earth as spirits. And they must not be disturbed, without a proper payment of Vitality."

>the Virisikiae have gained the traits: death worshippers, anti-materialists, focus(nothingness)
>the Aranae have gained the traits: Xenophobic(overworlders), aranae-centric, focus(fairness)

{Marhiton, the Sparkling}: Would anyone else like to wager who will win the Kickassia battle royale?
{Arkhan, the Welkin}: It's a sucker bet
{Zar'Akad, the Everflowing}: buddhist scorpions are pretty cool tbf

irl came knocking so no real update today, feel free to give the lungmen something in the meantime, or not, that too is a possibility.
Also, how would you consider the descriptions? I intend for denser paragraphs like those for "in game" senctions, such as land descriptions and npc POVs.
I liked the paragraphs! The perspective they're written from is pretty good considering we're (presumably) just watching them from above, like cells wiggling around in a Spore game. The description of the scenery covers plenty, which gives a good idea of what their environments and lives are normally like, which in turn makes it easier to lead into setting a religion for their mindset.
As for the lungfish, I thought of a good thing to tell them:
>And that thunder in their heart, willfully put there by a power outside their comprehension, said to them one simple phrase:
>Don't let them kill you.

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