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You can't help but chuckle. "Yes, it is a big deal. You can not only see Spirits but can speak with them. Even I can't speak with all of them and I had to die and be blessed by a Dragon to even begin to understand them. This is unprecedented and quite possibly undocumented." You explain as you finish another set of steps and move down. "Just how long have you been able to do that? Was it when you became leader? It could be your natural abilities being heightened by assuming responsibility of one of the holiest, former holiest, sites in China."

"Waitwaitwait! You can't start asking questions! I don't have my materials!" Ming says waving her hands to get you to stop. "I need my books! I need ink and brushes and...I'll be right back!" She says standing up and running back up the mountain. You shake your head in amusement and watch her leap from rock to rock all the way back to the Jade Palace.

It doesn't take long for Ming to return, arms full of empty scrolls, ink bottles, and a various other writing instruments. Fortunately for you, you had done this exercise long enough that you had made significant progress on the steps. You were about 2/3rds down the mountain steps. "Ok! I'm ready to do some research. Let's see..." Ming sits down and crosses her legs rather than trying to sit politely. Her tail swishes from side to side and she plays with her hair as she thinks. "I think I remember noticing movement near the end. A few weeks before the city was attacked." She says as she starts quickly jotting down notes. "I just thought it was me being tired or maybe it was Xin just trying to scare me."

"Xin? I don't think they're capable of such a thing." You muse. Ming throws an empty scroll at you.

"You need to pick that up now and behave." She says. "I don't know when I was able to talk to them. I just kind of always have been."

"What about the bigger ones? Do you see big ones?" You ask. Ming shakes her head.

"No. All I see is small ones." She says. You think for a moment.

"But there are bigger ones. Do you ever see anything bigger? Maybe like a large gust of wind that seems to move like no breeze should or something more dragon shaped?" You ask. "Some of them look a bit humanoid but eventually they start to become less and less regular shaped." You explain, waving your hands vaguely to indicate the strange forms spirits can take.

"No...just small cute ones." Ming says.

>What do you say?
>Suggest that perhaps that might be the limit of what she can see without meditating. It's already a very unique ability.
>Theorize that maybe Ming needs more practice and experience to see and talk to higher beings. After all, even those with a gift need to work at it before they become masters at their craft.
>Say that she might be able to but odds are that anything bigger than a sprite is probably dead...as morbid as that suggestion is.
>Goes back to talking about when Ming started to fully use her ability. You can work out the details later.
>Write in.
>Well it makes some sense, Smaller sprites are everywhere but the larger they are, they are typically responsible for given shrines and areas of importance to a given dragon.
>Also possible is a need for practice. You just established that you only began to see them in the last few weeks atop the Library mountain, and this has progressed as time has gone on, perhaps further practice will allow for an improvement to the ability.

We know that the older spirits aren't gone, we talked with one in the forest and there's not-so-little-Fan too.
She might have just not crossed paths with one, something we can check by passing a shrine to Shenlong or the others on our way past. However, naturally, if she didn't see them there, this opens other possible avenues.

I also thing madame Web may be knowing something about all this. Our meeting with her, she referenced intelligence but something else attracted her notice. Spiritual sensitivity? Is that why she is so attuned to ritualism?
also welcome back qm
Ming just need practice. Do you guys want to mention madam web to her? I'm not sure you told anyone other than Xin and Hien?
Thanks. Glad to be able to continue the quest.
Nah, We can let that secret lie.
The dragons would have a fit if they found out.
Sounds good to me. I'll get to writing.
"Well the smaller spirits are usually everywhere. Mostly goofing around and exploring but they're also given the task of watching over shrines and the like unless it's a shrine of great import." You explain. "More than likely you need more practice. It's only been a few months since you noticed you've been able to do it. Maybe you need to keep at it. "

"How do I do that?" Ming asks. "It's not like it's something I struggle to do."

"I'm not particularly sure either. I suppose it'd require meditation and learning to sense them while meditating? Then it become instinctual?" You guess. "Like I said, this is all new to...anyone."

Ming scribbles and her face scrunches up in thought as her tail flicks back and forth even faster. Part of you expected her to simply pounce on you as she seems to wind up in thought. You decide to give her some time and continue to scrub at the steps. You go down about half a dozen more steps before Ming comes bounding down the mountain once more. Stopping at the edge of a rock, Ming places both hands on your shoulders and says, "You can be my ghost!"


"You can be my ghost. You said you can do the ghost thing where you can leave your body right?" She asks. "And you're way bigger than the spirits I can sense. So if you leave your body and I practice on you then I'll be able to see bigger spirits right?"

>What do you say?
>Tell Ming that you're not sure if that will work. Mortal spirits and elemental ones are quite distinct. Even if she could manage to see you that wouldn't guarantee she'd see elemental ones.
>Send Ming in Mida's direction. They used to study spirits quite extensively before the Library fell. They would probably be better suited to helping her even if they didn't have as much practical experience as you did.
>Shrug and do as Ming says. You kinda want to see what she can do not to mention you want to see if you can leave your body doing something while you project.
>Write in.

Whoo, free training.
>Shrug and do as Ming says. You kinda want to see what she can do not to mention you want to see if you can leave your body doing something while you project.
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You shrug. There wasn't any harm in going along with Ming's idea. Not to mention you were a bit curious if you could leave your body while letting your subconscious maintain control of it. "Alright, let's give it a try. Go ahead and meditate like we practiced. It shouldn't be any issue for you from what I've seen." You say as you continue to scrub. Ming quickly adopts a more relaxed sitting position and laces her fingers together index fingers pointing forward. She closes her eyes and her breathing immediately becomes faint as she relaxes.

With her meditating, you pull away from thinking of working and allow yourself to slip into the rhythm of cleaning and freeing your conscious mind to do other things. Just as quickly as Ming, your body is working as effortlessly as breathing and soon you find yourself at a small conundrum. You have no idea how to leave your body like this. It is true that with your current technique you were free to think and do complex mental activities while your body could do physical tasks without supervision but every time you extended your senses or projected your astral form you had to shut everything down. You stopped "thinking" in a nutshell. In this state, you suppose you were halfway there but you can't seem to solve the paradox that is thinking and not thinking at the same time. It felt like all those years ago when you were younger want you couldn't sleep so you fell into a spiral of trying to think about sleeping but in doing so, you kept yourself awake.
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You go down a few more steps before you give up. Ming was probably waiting on you or trying very hard to sense something that wasn't there. You didn't want to keep her waiting any longer lest she starts thinking you were playing a joke on her and the last thing you wanted was her thinking you took advantage of the thing she loves doing for a prank. You go back to full control and quickly slip into a trance and leave your body. The world around you felt more alive than the area surrounding the mountains of the Sacred Library. There was none of that unnatural emptiness that seemed to cloud your senses and made it hard to navigate the realm between the physical and the spiritual. As Ming mentioned, you see small earth sprites flit through the ground and poke their noses out to sniff the air. A few of the braver ones poke their heads out near Ming's lap but upon noticing her meditating they burrow back down disappointed and return to work. Several wind sprites race across the sky and scatter leaves about everywhere. Listening in on their chatter they seem very excited and happy that there are so many new people that seem to be able to notice their presence. To them, it feels like the Valley is going to be very lively. Your pulled away from listening in when you hear a strange ethereal splash. Turning to face your water bucket you see the familiar floating face that water sprites have. Stuck in a permanent smile, the water sprite has dissolved itself in the soapy waters and was relaxing without a care in the world.

You take a moment to be at peace with the fact that some of the children survived the attack and were alive and happy here in the Valley before turning your attention back to Ming. Her spirit is bright and vibrant but motionless. Off in the distance, you can faintly see Xin Lan's glow and form in the Jade Palace as clear as if they were standing before you. You can feel Tigress's presence as well but unlike the other two, it's simply a feeling with very little form and thus she remains invisible to your 3rd eye. Nonetheless, you feel a bit impress over the large distance you can seemingly reach out with your senses and thus can travel on foot in the astral plane.

>What do you do?
>Go and try to speak with Ming. Perhaps it's easier to be heard than seen.
>Ask one of the sprites to help you. Perhaps they can guide her to see you...or they might just break her concentration with their chatter.
>Try and "physically" interact with Ming. Maybe she can feel it and she can use that as a base. You're not sure if she can sense you like you can sense the others.
>Write in.
>Talk at her, Recite a few of the fundamentals of her martial arts base we helped with.

>If no reaction, try tapping her shoulder.

Im using lessons she knows, since that might tap her subconsious.
You give the small water sprite a salute before standing up. The sprite gives out a happy gurgling noise before it's facial features sink into the water to float around aimlessly. Making your way to Ming, the earth sprites peek out from the ground as they feel movement beyond the material plane but as you glance down to greet them, they dive back down. You wave your hand in front of Ming's face even though she had her eyes closed, you think she might be able to feel something just as you often feel the movement of your friends as they go about their day. "Ming can you hear me?" You ask feeling rather foolish about it. You never actually spoke to anyone who wasn't on the same side as you so it felt almost like you were speaking to a reflection or an inanimate object.

There's no response from Ming which didn't help you stop feeling like a fool but you persist a bit longer and call her name out a few times. "I guess that answers that...or maybe you can't respond without breaking concentration?" You think for a moment. That probably wasn't the case as Ming would probably be ecstatic with being able to hear you and would probably run to get your attention. You sit down next to her and think some more. You could ask the sprites to relay a message for you but that would defeat the purpose of what you were trying to do. Maybe you needed to think of something simpler. Going to complex would probably be beyond her comprehension. You think back to when you started speaking to sprites. They didn't initially speak to you but instead you could sense what vague emotion they felt and in time it was refined to intent and finally comprehensible words. If you were an elemental then you might be able to talk with her but since you were an entirely different being compared to the elementals you might need to take a few steps back.

>What do you do?
>Try and physically interact with Ming. Flick her ears and see if she reacts or do something more drastic and push her.
>Do your best and try to push you some emotions towards her. You've never really done something like that you think but it might be a good start.
>Grab one of the sprites and have a conversation with them. Maybe Ming will hear one half of it and she can have a point of reference to try and listen to the other half.
>Write in.
>Do your best and try to push you some emotions towards her. You've never really done something like that you think but it might be a good start.
Not related to the current task at hand, but I wonder if we could find any Dragon Veins. Leylines and all that shit. I bet there's at least one leading up to the Jade Palace. Maybe several, could be a convergence point.
We're gonna feel feelings. Ooh won't Xin love to hear about that. Writing.
Oh right. You could certainly try to find leylines and the like, but as Madam web mentioned it's probably not looked kindly upon to mess with them. That and TL doesn't really have any foundation to know where or how to start how to do so. Although you do have the compass...
When in doubt always go back to basics. It was a practical philosophy that you always seemed to fall back on and it had served you well. This time it would be no different. You focus your mind and on Ming. Normally you usually feel out for your friend's feelings and let them flow through you now you would try and push out your own feelings. You could do this easily with Renshu as if it were instinct but here you had to try which was a strange feeling. You do your best to push out some kind of feeling of curiosity or maybe welcome? Furrowing your brow, you concentrate and somehow end up tensing your muscles up and leaning towards Ming. Maybe this is why children extend their arms when pretending to fire flames or other things from their hands. Sheepishly, you do the same and reach out for Ming and continue to try to get a feeling towards your friend.

At first you concentrates has hard as you can and focus all your will to send your intent. After the second time you find yourself holding your breath, which really doesn't do much beyond confuse you further, you realize that perhaps this is not the right way. A old proverb from Oogway comes to mind,

Do not push the river. It will flow on it's own.

You exhale and relax. This time you let everything flow around you. You couldn't force yourself to understand the elements so it also stood that you couldn't force meaning. You allow yourself to fade into the world around you and become part of it's flow. Just like the sprites, you simply go along with what is happening rather than attempting to impose your will. Eventually, you hope, your intentions and emotions will reach Ming. You're not sure how much time passes but you see it. It's subtle and barely noticeable but you see it. A slight twitch in Ming's whiskers, an idle flick of her ears. You were getting something to her, you were certain! But just as you feel like you can do more Ming opens her eyes and looks around confused. Before you can do anything in response, you feel it to. A sudden shift in the air, a change as if your ears had popped due to pressure and suddenly you can hear clearly again. You turn around ready to face danger as you feel a strange presence behind you.
Off in the distance, leaning against the Jade Palace's gates is an ox. A pair blades hang from his hips on chains as his jade green eyes study you. You stand there confused at being able to sense someone other than those closest to you and the man gives you a slight nod. You don't have a chance to move or confront him before he turns and walks behind the palace's walls vanishing and taking away that suddenly clarity away. You're pulled out of your projection as Ming shakes you away.

"Was that you?! Did you do it?" She asks excitedly. "I felt something and then suddenly everything was like...I step out of water and could see clearly."

>What do you say?
>Lie and say it was something like that. You don't think you should tell the others about this just yet seeing as they're novices when it comes to the spiritual.
>Give a half truth. Say that part of it was you but you're not sure what was the other half though you did feel something.
>Tell Ming the truth. It's best you get Xin as well. They might need to be informed.
>Write in
Ho shit, You survived?!

>Give a half truth.
We need to find that old Ox.
>Tell Ming the truth. It's best you get Xin as well. They might need to be informed.
ooh we got a tie. Try and sort spiritual shenanigans out or potentially drag our friends into it. What to do?
Ill change to inform them all But we can sort out our shinanigence ourselves.

Im more pondering why he was released. Perhaps. . Its to help sort out the spirit kills?
Telling the truth. Writing.
"No. At least not the second half." You say as you get up, your eyes never leaving the spot Kai had left. "Go get Xin." You say as you start to make your way up the stairs. Ming's ears droop a bit at your sudden change in attitude.

"Why? What's wrong?" She says timidly.

"I think something's happening on the other side." You reply. "I just saw a man who was condemned to hell."

"Kai?" Ming says in shock. She tugs nervously at her hair. "What would he be doing here?"

"I don't know other than he's here for me. There isn't any other reason I can think of him coming to the Valley of Peace. We better get ready in case he's come with a warning of some kind. I'll be in my room taking a look beyond the material see if I can get any answers." Ming gives you a nervous nod and the two of you quickly make your way back up the stairs into the palace.


The palace is quiet as you wander it's halls in your astral body. You're unsure if the specter's presence had scared off any spirits that were lingering nearby or if this was intentional. You don't feel any of that clarity you sensed when he appeared but you doubt that Kai had left. It wouldn't make any sense that his keepers would simply allow him to wander back into the world of the living. "Kai! I know you're here somewhere! Neither of us are the kind of person to make a game of this so let us talk!" You shout into the ether and immediately the sense of clarity rushes back to you. Kai seemingly fades into existence as the chains on his sides let out a ghostly echo. You notice that both sets of chains now attach themselves to a pair of cuffs on each wrists. Phantom pain echoes throughout your body as you recall the weight of bearing the sins of an entire lifetime on your own. The large ox stops a few steps away from you and simply nods.

"You're an important man Tai Lung. Two of the higher ups have sent word for you." He says in a deep rumbling voice.

"I'm surprised to see you but I don't think I'm important enough to warrant letting you free from your judgement just to send a message for me." You admit.

"You're right. I'm serving my time right now...thanks to you." Kai says. There's a hint of sincerity in his last words but you don't think you want to delay the conversation before getting sidetracked with reminiscing.

"I'm glad. You deserve a chance to redeem yourself."

"Ironically, your benefactors' disagreement with that sentiment is exactly why they want to talk to you." Kai says mirthlessly. You furrow your brow as you ponder that statement.

"Benefactors? The Great Dragon of the Wind is the only one whom I would be indebted to." You say. "I've not asked for any favors nor spoken to any of his siblings after our last meeting. Unless you mean Shenlong's Priestess? Bao doesn't seem like the kind of person to send someone in her place if it's important." Kai frowns and crosses his arms.
"I must admit that I admire your courage because I don't believe you would be stupid enough to forget the oath you made to the Great Magistrate." Kai scoffs with a brow raised. You feel a chill run down your back. You did forget. Had it really been three whole years since you made that vow? More importantly, how busy had you been to have forgotten such a thing?

"No. I've not forgotten. Not completely. In my own way, I've done my best to show Renshu and his sibling to change their ways. They may have made mistakes but they've always returned back to what I've tried to teach them. They're doing their best to change and I think that's what's important." You say looking directly into Kai's eyes. "I intend to keep my promise. No matter what."

"Yet I don't see your ward anywhere. The Great Judge is not happy that you have lost custody of him." Kai shakes his head. "But it's not my job to be the judge of your affairs. I'm simply here to tell you that your time is coming soon. Be ready to see him." You nod solemnly. There wasn't anything you could do about it beyond simply accepting it.

"I trust Renshu to do the right thing. I believe in him as he believes in me. I'm sure the Great Judge will see that he has changed. But what of Shenlong. You mentioned he is looking for me too? I can't...I haven't been able to traverse to his lands since...It's been a while since I've been able to." You say trying to avoid reminding any messenger of his of what had happened to the library.

"Things have been a real mess since the slaughter on the mountain." Kai says bluntly. "Even now the Dragons rage and for us mortals their rage is eternal. It maybe generations before their fury is quelled by time. Nonetheless, I have been ordered to escort you to both places as part of my judgement...I suggest you say your farewells to your loved ones. Worst case scenario you may never return."

"What? I'm needed here. I-" You begin before Kai cuts you off.
"I'm sorry but the Lord of Wind nor the Great Judge care. If either wish for your condemnation then it is their will. Even you cannot deny divinity. Its up to my discretion on when to bring you so I'm telling you as a courtesy for a fellow martial artist...and as a small step to repaying the opportunity you gave me however insurmountable that debt is." Kai rests his hand on one of his blades and you feel the presence of something very powerful backing him up. It's clear that he has more than just his own strength to complete his task. "Don't force me to take you by force. Not in your own home. Not among the people you love." Kai says quietly. You simply nod. The power recedes a bit and the ox returns the nod. "I'll give you until tonight...I'm sorry." He adds before turning to leave.

"Wait!" You blurt out and Kai stops. "Have you seen him? Have you spoken to Oogway?" You ask. Kai remains silent for a moment.

"No. I don't deserve to speak to him any longer. Not until my tasks are done...maybe then I can see the others..." He says before fading away and leaving you alone once more.

>What do you do?
>Write in.
>Give Sifu a short and condensed version, that We're travelling to the spirits. We might be back, but time works funny there, so the others will go without us of we miss the deadline. And we Love him.

>Give Ming and Xin the better view, That we are being summoned to answer for the last year of issues. Refusal isn't an answer, so if we aren't back in time, they must make full headway to Renshu and help him. Remins them of his families love and our promise with him. We will catch up anyway or meet them there, The dragons have a way of getting around.

Make it firm and true that while dangerious, We will be coming back. Our stubbornness will not allow it to be otherwise.

I'd like to see Shenlong first, maybe some.comfort can be given. Small hope.
Also screw you judge. 3 years are gone, 10 left.
4 until the review of "is he making progress?" We're doing fine!
I thought the bargin ended up being 6 years with a 3 year progress report. Unless I misremembered that. Been almost that long since actually.
13 years for a whole calender to represent rebirth.

7 years to see if he was making any progress.

>So sure of this man's ability to change are you that I will entertain this notion but you must face his punishments. Alone. You will bear the full weight of his sins and feel but a taste of his fate should you fail. Furthermore, I will return him to life. Fully but with only 13 years to live. At the end of his time he will face judgement. Should he succeed then I will allow him to live with his ancestors and perhaps, in the unlikely event that he has lived an exceptional life I may allow him to live until his natural death. Should he fail then his sentece will only be solidfied and his death will be added to your record forevermore. Should it seem that he is not making any progress after 7 years then I will add a portion of his crimes to you. This is my offer.
Well looks like I fucked up then. That's my mistake.
Ain't no biggie chief.

Yuanchewa doesn't seem like the most patient of men, despite being actually immortal.
We're gonna take the offer to warn people. I'll get to writing in the morning. Gonna see the dragon first because we're all about bros before authority.
It's even better when your Bro IS the authority.


>This smug leopard motherfucker: "I got a call from my friend, Had to take it, see? You can call and check if you like, just ring the number for upstairs."
You opt to see your father first. It would be quicker and you decide to simply give him the basic details. There would be no point in adding to his worries when you were already leaving him for war in a few weeks. Then again, perhaps you were more worried about saying goodbye properly twice. "The spirit world works in mysterious ways father, so it may be some time before I return to the world of the living. My body should be fine but in the case that I am still away and our departure date arrives, the others will leave without me and I will go meet them. I doubt I will be gone long enough that my exile will be official however." Your father bears a look of confusion throughout the whole discussion though you're not surprised. Given all that you've been through, it would be hard for anyone who hasn't experienced it to be baffled and your father wasn't one you would call in tune with the spirits. All he can do is simply nod along and give you his blessing. With him appraised you get up and make your leave though something stops you at the door. "I love you father. I don't know if I've ever expressed that often enough. You took me in and raised me. You forgave me when I became everything you stood against and came seeking the impossible, forgiveness."

Shifu looks surprised once more and he does his best to hide the pain in his eyes. "I love you too, my son. I was I that didn't say it enough. A child shouldn't be expected to remind their parent of their connection."

"Perhaps not but we do not need to be who we once were. The future is always open for change. We can change." You smile and make your way out.


Speaking to Ming and Xin Lan took longer. They had stood by your side since the beginning and had always believed in you so they deserved to know the full story. "If the Great Judge and Shenlong are both asking for me then it stand that these will not be a simple visit. Kai has warned me that there is a possibility that I may not come back. Nonetheless, I will do everything I can do prevent that. If our deadline comes before I return then I want you guys to go ahead of me and find Renshu. I'll find you all and catch up."

"What do you mean you won't come back?!" Xin Lan shouts. "You can't just drop this on us like that and think we're going to be ok with it!"
"I have no choice in the matter and this was sprung on me just a few hours ago. Besides, one can't really say no to a god." You place a hand on Xin Lan's shoulder. "And there's nothing you or I can really do about it. All we can do is simply go along with it. You know this." You say gently. Xin Lan's face scowls and their brow furrows as they struggle to find some way refute your point. They let out a loud "Hmph!" and stamp their foot on the ground, shattering several floor tiles as they stomp their way out of the room and slamming the door behind them with enough force that the walls tremble.

"I can't say that I'm ok with this either." Ming says mournfully. "I thought we'd be past this kind of thing were you just leave us." She says tugging at her hair. "I know you can't really say no but...It just seems that just when we get you back there's always something to pull you away and inevitably something bad happens while you're gone."

"I trust you guys. You've all grown so much and continue to do so. There's no one else's hands I would leave the Valley in." You console. "More importantly, Renshu need you. He needs all of us. His family." You take Ming's hands into your own. "I'll do everything in my power to come back. That I can promise you." Ming flattens her ears and looks away, worried. "I'm sure Bao won't let anything happen either. I won't be completely alone." You insist.

"I know...I know..." She says defeated and gets up. "I'll go and find Xin. Make sure they don't go around breaking vases." You nod quietly and exhale once you were alone in the room.


"I want to see Shenlong first." You say as you walk up to Kai. "Perhaps I might be able to help an old friend while he mourns."

"It would be a miracle if you managed to get through to them, but you have proven to do what was thought impossible time and again." Kai says and motions for you to follow. "Come with me then." You do as you're told and being to follow the ox. You wonder if he was going to lead you to some kind of portal or perhaps a doorway to serve as a connection to the other side but before you can complete that though, you realize you are alone in an unfamiliar forest...or what remains of one. All around you is devastation. Trees uprooted and torn from the ground, snapped in two like twigs with their trunks still buried in the ground, or in pieces as a result of being flung against one another. The air around you is suffocating and heavy. Every breathe feels like trying to breath in water and your chest burns for a moment before your mind remembers you don't have any lungs. You wander forward for a minute or so before you come across a clearing. Rocks and bits of painted wood litter the ground everywhere, remnants of the altar and gazebo that once stood.

>What do you do?
>Try and find someone, anyone, that you can talk to.
>Try and leave the area. See if you can go find the little home Oogway had built himself.
>Explore the area a bit more.
>Write in.
>Explore the area a bit. See if we can find a few fragments of the alter to put back together.
>When we're done, Call out to him. "Great Shenlong, Master of the Wind, Your friend is here to answer your summons and offer what solace he can. Please, reveal yourself!"

He will hear us from his grove.
Going to try and at least tidy up the altar. Writing.
You look at the devastation around you. You were no artisan nor a crafter so you had no idea what parts belonged to the altar or what belonged to the little homestead Bao had built for herself on this island. Still you felt compelled to try your hand at repairing the ruined altar. You grab pieces you think might have been part of the original structure but after a few moments, you realize that the exercise was a futile one. Still, you couldn't bring yourself to give up so instead you do your best to try and build a tiny shrine as best you can. Grabbing fallen twigs and with some sharp stone you managed to make some tinder. On a hunch you dig around the debris and manage to find some small fire starting equipment possibly meant to light candles and incense. With your small little offering fire, along with a few odds and ends you manage to scavenge. You give a small prayer to those who were lost before standing up and calling out into the heavens, "Great Shenlong, Master of the Wind, Your friend is here to answer your summons and offer what solace he can. Please, reveal yourself!"

The winds pick up and lightning streaks across the sky. Thunder explodes high above you as the skies seem to scream out in anguish. There is a roar that reverberates throughout your very mind and soul and Shenlong ascends from the sea of clouds. You stare in the infinity as the endless coils of the Lord of Wind shift, ravel, and unravel upon themselves as the head slowly descends down from the heavens towards you. "Shenlong! Would that we could meet in better times." You shout upwards. "When I heard you called for me I came right away to offer whatever could to ease your pain!" A bolt of lightning strikes the ground a few feet away shattering a log and sending splinters everywhere. A fire bursts froth but it's immediately smothered by a combination of the intense wind and rain that suddenly overtakes the small island. Shenlong roars once more before his voice and presence brings you to your knees.
"Tai Lung. Long have you been a friend to me and my children. You have looked after them, treated them as equals and with respect. I now call upon you now not as a friend but as my champion." You hear both above and behind you. You manage to shift your body enough to see Bao approach you. The wisps that flowed out of her eyes now a burning flame, her hair ragged and messy and her clothes torn and aged. Her face is twisted in fury and grief while tears not her own pour from her face as she speaks in both their voices. "Long have we tolerated mankind's presence upon the other realm since our departure generations upon generations ago. In return for their worship we blessed them with the means to sustain themselves, with protection from misfortune, with good health. But this sacrilege goes too far! Our children slaughtered! Their lives twisted into a foul mockery of the natural order!" Shenlong roars once more and more bolts of lightning strike the island. "It is clear that they no longer deserve our blessings and will retreat into this realm forevermore. But I will not stand idly by and allow this injustice to go unpunished! I call upon you, Tai Lung, find those responsible for this crime and kill them! Let their souls be rent from their corpses so that they may face eternal judgement at the hands of their victim's fathers!"

You struggle to remain on your knees as you feel the situation start to spiral out of control. If the dragons left the world completely, you had no idea what would occur. Could life even continue? Would they simply be at the mercy of entropy? Who would the people turn to in their times of desperation?

>What do you do?
>Write in
Fuck. I don't really blame them, because he's a right to be angry. But to allow this would be. . Catastrophic. I've got to go some old testemant shit.

>"Great Shenlong, You would have me slay every man, woman and Child that touches the soil? Render them all dead whoever feels the sun on their skin, air on their face or stone under foot?"

Give a pause for him to deny, or ask what the hell we mean when he's given somewhat specific directions anyway. But if he says No, then refrain with
>"Then You wish for every soul in china slain"? And after another refusal, we can ask again about mongolia, or about the ignorant of the tribe who have nothing to do with it but be related. Best move to the counter before his temper frays.

>"If these people are not guilty, why ought they be punished? Are Bao and I the only souls left on the world who are considerate of you? Shenlong, I'm sorry for what happened on the mountain, for the pain it caused you, the deaths of my friends and Sang Po and my stupidity in allowing it to happen under my nose. But while your anger and hurt is more vast than I could fathom in an eternity of meditations, I know that extends to your mercy, your love and your benevolence too. Don't give up on those who still hold true to you, People like Bao's mother, Like the Library and it's peoples, Like the old monk of Zhangzhi [I've no idea if that's how you spell the triad city]. In ages to come your wrath will cool and the Monsters who've done this will be in the grasp of the courts, please, Do not reject a world with good for all the bad which surrounds it."

That's the first part. . . for what he asks of us. . . well shit, we came to offer him what would ease his pain. And he seeks vengence.
Could make an argument for his ageless nature, that the wheel turns slowly but inevitably. But he knows that.

The pragmatists choice is just dispatching Renshu and Xin. But that'd be violating their promises to our own convenience.
So instead. . .

>"As your champion, I'd ask your authority to summon an arbiter, a warden to collect on their debts or a door through which to shove them. I will find, bind and deliver these guilty men and women to you my friend, but please don't ask me to butcher them. I've tried so very hard to change from that man, I beg that you don't need me to become him again."

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