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Herr Mannelig, herr Mannelig, will you be betrothed to me?
For that, I offer you gifts very gladly
Surely you can answer only yes or no
If you wish to or not

To you I wish to give the twelve horses [palfreys]
That go in the grove of roses
Never has there been a saddle upon them
Nor a bridle in their mouths

To you I wish to give the twelve mills
That are between Tillö and Ternö
The stones are made of the reddest gold
And the wheels are covered in silver

To you I wish to give a gilded sword
That chimes of fifteen gold rings
And fight however you fight [well or badly]
The battle site you would surely win

To you I wish to give a shirt so new
The best you will want to wear
It was not sewn with needle or thread
But worked of white silk

>Yes [marry the female mountain troll (bergatroll) despite her pagan non-christian nature]
>No [christ is king]
>No [christ is king]
>>No [christ is king]
>No [christ is king]
>No [christ is king]
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1.13 MB JPG

Your mind races as you weigh the value of these extraordinary gifts. But then, a realization dawns upon you. You look at her, your expression hardening.

"Such gifts I would surely accept," you say firmly, "if thou wert a Christian woman. However, thou art the worst mountain troll, the spawn of the Neck and the Devil."

Her face falls, and you see the light in her eyes dim. She turns abruptly and runs out the door, her form shaking with each step, wailing loudly into the morning air.

"If I had got the handsome young man," she cries, her voice echoing through the forest, "I would have got rid of my plight."

As her wails fade into the distance, you stand there, the mist curling around your ankles once more, wondering about the strange encounter and the gifts you have just refused.

[30 years later]

Years pass after you decide you chose well, refusing the pagan woman because christ is king. A good Christian man like you should resist material gain that would come with apostasy. You find solace in your decision, convinced that your faith will lead you to a righteous and fulfilling life.

Eventually, you marry a good Christian woman who is homely and stout but you believe you can build a good life together. She is virtuous and god-fearing, everything you think a wife should be. You hope for a future filled with blessings.

Reality, however, has other plans. You remain poor, scraping by with meager earnings. Your wife grows fatter and homelier with age. Each day, you watch her shuffle around the house, her piety matched only by her appetite.

Your sons and daughters, instead of bringing joy and fulfillment, become constant reminders of your failures. They whine and complain, their voices dripping with resentment. They curse their lot in life, blaming you for their lack of horses, mills, swords, and even a decent shirt. You wonder how such ungrateful creatures could spring from your loins, their every complaint a dagger to your heart.

You mumble to yourself each day, "christ is king," the words becoming a desperate attempt to cling to your faith. You repeat it as you trudge through your mundane tasks, trying to ignore the looks of disdain from your children and the silent judgment in your wife's eyes.

One evening, after another day of drudgery, you find yourself at the edge of the forest again. The mist curls around your ankles, just like it did all those years ago. You can't help but think of the gifts you refused. Twelve horses roaming free, twelve mills with golden stones, a gilded sword, a shirt of white silk—each one a reminder of what could have been.

As you stand there, muttering "christ is king" under your breath, you hear a rustle in the trees. For a brief, wild moment, you wonder if the mountain troll has returned, come to mock you with her gifts once more. You almost hope she does, if only to break the monotony of your miserable existence.

But the forest remains silent.

>[The End]
>Yes [marry the female mountain troll (bergatroll) despite her pagan non-christian nature]
I can fix her!
Great quest! Thanks for running OP!
It's too late, enjoy your fat Christian wife and ungrateful kids
A bit short, but at least it was interesting.
I too, fear my wife getting fat.
And here is in his natural habitat, the infamous and bland Two choices Qm...

>Yes [marry the female mountain troll (bergatroll) despite her pagan non-christian nature
Awesome quest QM.
Thank God we got the good end.
Holy shit, a quest that actually has an ending
It wasn't the quest we needed, but it was one we deserved.

> [christ is king]

so are we ready for left beyond quest 3
Fantastic quest op I am eager for the next.
Incredible and the logical conclusion of the medium. But I mean...what would even be the story if the MC did marry her? Badabing badaboom they're married, now what?
fucking annoying poem shit.
There are many Monster Girl Waifu Quests that can answer your question
I think we still would have got a shitty ending somehow, like how marrying a troll eventually made us a slave to Satan or something.
I think OP was just predisposed to making a single-decision quest with hue-hue bad end.
There are multiple monster waifu quests running right now, anon
There sure are a lot of those quests that have nothing to do with the point I made.
You're assuming marrying the troll girl would be an instant bad ending, which simply isn't true
There was a better story about this situation, where a christian knight falls for a beautiful pagan goddess who requires he worship her, but begins to regret his decision and wants to return to Christendom. Telling all this to a Bishop, he gets told off for being a retard and is told that there is no way that God would ever have him back, gesturing to his staff, he says "it would be like this staff, made from a tree felled a decade ago, suddenly sprouting leaves."
The now depressed knight, thinking there is no hope, goes back to his goddess.
The next day the bishop wakes up to this staff sprouting new leaves. He sends an envoy to catch up to the knight to call him back and appologise, but neither he nor the goddess are ever found.
I'm actually assuming that an OP who had one option instantly end the quest didn't have too much else planned for the other option.
Sounds like a bad end to me.
That's sad desu. Hardness of hearts and all that.
Definitely would have been a good way to explain that better before hand, and just to make myself feel better, I’m taking that as the canonical ending because you barely let anyone else vote before you took 4 results over a poorly worded choice and gave a result that feels more like a punishment rather then a happy ending that we had no knowledge would not be the case.

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