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You are a Bridge Troll. A savage, dim, and obsessive creature that haunts the underside of many crossings; whether that be a simple log or a glorious bridge of stone. Recently you were forcibly expelled from the bridge that had been your family's bridge for generations. It was a creaky old-bridge that stood over an equally unimpressive river full of muck, festid mosquito nests, and troll droppings.

You hardly got any visitors to tax except for the occasional ne'er-do-el for whom speed and stealth was a priority over ease of travel. They rarely paid your toll but made for comforting if smelly meals.

However, after a survey of the nearby area by prospectors sent by the local lord (who paid your "troll toll" with mead and apples taken from the local village), the nasty almost-creek that was your home was found to host specks of silver and therefore a silver deposit.

After that you were promptly dislocated from your home by an "honorable" knight named Sir Flikker who enjoyed shouting about noblesse oblige and chivalry while chasing you. As if they cared about any of that when you were only harassing dirt poor peasants and not a host to valuable metals.

Now, after walking until your warted, ugly, and dull gray feet were full of blisters you feel comfortable enough to find a new home.

Which bridge do you choose?
>A sturdy log over a particularly wide and long ditch in the forest. Most of your visitors will be outlaws and woodsmen who typically don't pay taxes sadly. A benefit however there's little chance of facing any conflict from a lord or mayor here.

>An old splintery wooden bridge that's subject to a decent amount of foot traffic. You'd have to pick your battles carefully here, eating or taxing the wrong person could lead to knights knocking on your bridge.

>A bridge made of pure light but some old magus generations past. Very little foot traffic, and the ones who do use the bridge tend to be magically inclined and fantastical in nature. Could be dangerous to toll (troll) on as many of those creatures are much stronger than the typical human.
>A bridge made of pure light but some old magus generations past. Very little foot traffic, and the ones who do use the bridge tend to be magically inclined and fantastical in nature. Could be dangerous to toll (troll) on as many of those creatures are much stronger than the typical human.
We ain’t no bitch.
>>An old splintery wooden bridge that's subject to a decent amount of foot traffic. You'd have to pick your battles carefully here, eating or taxing the wrong person could lead to knights knocking on your bridge.
>>An old splintery wooden bridge that's subject to a decent amount of foot traffic. You'd have to pick your battles carefully here, eating or taxing the wrong person could lead to knights knocking on your bridge.
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>Wooden Bridge

Perhaps it was out of nostalgia for your old home which was strikingly similar to this new bridge, or maybe your race has an instinctual ability to pick out the best bridges for the situation. Or it could've just been pure chance that you choose the wooden bridge- but now that you've decided on a home for yourself a wave of relief and fatigue falls over your body. The Troll adrenaline that kicked in when you were fighting the knight and running and walking here has finally worn off.

You crouch under the wooden bridge, taking care to treat in gingerly while lowering your weight in the water. You get to digging a suitable hole for sleeping where your large body doesn't poke out to travelers (you can't drown because of your troll gilld- google it), and lay down and bury yourself partially with the most rock-like parts of body sticking out. The water is a little muddied by your submersion into it, there are years of grime, dirt, and other nasty little brown bits that have dispersed into the once pristine water. It feels nice to get the grime off of you even if you feel little bit of sadness that your troll brain can't quite understand. That the remnants of your old home are being washed away by the new literally. With a smelly tear in your eye you go to sleep.


You're woken up by the distinct sounds of footsteps on your bridge. Is it toll time? Or is it time to eat you think primitively with drool slipping out of your mouth and further dirtying the water. Or maybe you should ignore it and wait until your not groggy and properly position yourself to see any would be toll-ee's that come by later.


What do you do?

>Come out and talk to the trespasser either for toll or to figure whether or no they're appetizing.

>Attack immediately, you're STARVING (get bonus to attack)
Rolled 51 (1d100)

>Come out and talk to the trespasser either for toll or to figure whether or no they're appetizing.
Troll Sad, Troll can only understand surface level concepts within classic literature instead of divining deeper meaning from within himself as seen through the lens of the written word, Troll very sad
Rolled 32 (1d100)

We should go into these Troll Toll Takings with full awareness of whom we're after, we don't want a repeat of the time we tried to make the Dayman pay it.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Rolled 6 (1d100)

>>Come out and talk to the trespasser either for toll or to figure whether or no they're appetizing.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

>Come out and talk to the trespasser either for toll or to figure whether or no they're appetizing
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>>Attack immediately, you're STARVING (get bonus to attack)
>Come out and talk to the trespasser either for toll or to figure whether or no they're appetizing.

Money can be exchanged for goods or services. And if there's no money, it's chomp time.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

>Come out and talk to the trespasser either for toll or to figure whether or no they're appetizing.
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>ROLL of 51 (Forgot to only needed one roll kek)
>Come out and talk

You as silently as you possibly can (which is not silent at all) start digging through the haphazard cover of stones and dirt you create for yourself while you slept. The stones scatter all over the place creating large ripples in the water and splashing sounds, and you with your feeble troll mind have no concept of stealth and just pop out of the water with a large roar that ends up being more of a wheezing cough from the water you get in your throat from the action.

What greets your eyes is probably the most horrifying thing you've seen since the knight that had kicked you out of your home.

Men wearing skirts.

A pack of bearded men wearing plaid skirts and strange tubed devices stare up at you with shock, their pitiful and animalistic Scottish minds are clearly having trouble understanding what's going on. They jostle and argue amongst themselves for bit while you glower at them until the reddest and ugliest one steps up to talk to you.

"Well Ah'd be damned es a bridge troll. I'd gone hauf of me loife wisout see'in one. I'm guezzin' you'ze wantz ah big ol' dere laddie. Wellz' the only currenzcy- er sorry big word for you dere, the only'ze toll we haz is the gift of music. We're traveling musician spreading the joy of de bagpipe. How'z about weze play a song for you, or even compose a song in your honor that we'll play around the world and then you let us roight past wiz no harm done. Ay?

You stare at red creature dumbfounded. What the fuck did he just say? That was complete gibberesh, it sounds more like troll mating sounds than human speak. The only word you understood was toll.

What do you do?
>Eat them (increases danger)
>Let them compose you a song they'll play as a toll(increases infamy/fame)
>Go back to sleep this is clearly a hallucination
>Let them compose you a song they'll play as a toll(increases infamy/fame)
No press is bad press.
>Let them compose you a song they'll play as a toll(increases infamy/fame)
I'm not sure if this is good or bad? They're literally going to sing about where we're located and weak people will avoid the bridge while the strong people will be attracted to it in order to fight us for fame, glory and maybe even a bounty
+1, but if the song sucks, we eat them.
>Let them compose you a song they'll play as a toll(increases infamy/fame)
>>Go back to sleep this is clearly a hallucination
>Let them compose you a song they'll play as a toll(increases infamy/fame)
>Let them compose you a song they'll play as a toll(increases infamy/fame)

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