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>The group has just defeated the main antagonist.
>The kingdom is saved; time to party.
>Wake up a day later, with no memory.
>The group finds itself outside the gates of the kingdom.
>Also, now they're short a member.
>Get back inside the kingdom.
>Locate the missing group member.
>Figure the sequence of events before blacking out.
>Settle your bar tabs.
What...? Well, crap. Looks like something must've happened huh.

(In my mind, we have to figure out what happened first that got us thrown out of the kingdom... I'd like to do three things:

>1. Take stock of our crew and equipment.
>2. Make sure everyone else in the crew is okay, and maybe figure out which of us is missing.
>3. Locate the guards to the kingdom's gates and see if they're at all hostile towards us. If not, we might be able to ask them what happened.

Best line of thinking is figure out if we have any money or tools of any type on us. If we have money, we may be able to pay any fines incurred from any minor infractions. If we don't have money but have tools, we can raise our reputation outside the gates, get money, and maybe figure out some way back inside, such as with a merchant group.)

>Check all the group members and take stock of the crew, our equipment and skills, and if we have money.

(Anyone with me? Huzzah!)
+1, we should have some clout from saving the kingdom too
Is the Rogue missing, or has he just rolled an absurdly high stealth check?
>take a wizz.
Clear our bladder and then maybe find something greasy to eat
QM? You still alive?
Dang I guess it is over.
I'm almost tempted to take over since I like the premise, but I have some things to do today.
Abandon your responsibilities to be our entertainment!

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