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Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

Having dealt with the aftermath of Umo Shadowhearts death and clearing of the burial chamber, you continued dealing with the sudden appearance of Thrall by making Taretha Foxton the happiest women in the world as she got to see her "little brother." While you wouldn't endorse Thrall’s plan of attempting to liberate the Internment Camps, you tried to get him to realise the magnitude of said task.

Krix Wiklish finished his rockets as well and for the most part you dealt with many mundane and normal duties until news came out from Alterac. Ogres had attacked Gallows Corner and driven the Syndicate forces there out. Riding forth, you succeed in defeating a force of kobolds and ogres, but Malevus got wounded in the battle.

Now the summer is here, nearly. Just a couple of days and you can hold the meeting with your officers and advisors. You weren't sure of many things, but one thing you were sure of.

It will be a busy summer.

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MedivhQM
/qst/ Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Alterac%20Resurgent%20Quest
Prince Alric Stats: https://pastebin.com/rysxdRsv
Quest Mechanisms: https://pastebin.com/CyD88qqf
Character List: https://pastebin.com/FkYd6wkJ
Side Character Stats: https://pastebin.com/aRfyksUG

You are Lady Malevus Silverthread, a member of a renowned family of tailors and couturiers. Though better known as just Malevus, a squire to Prince Alric and a paladin in training.

And you feel like you were thrown off a horse and stabbed multiple times.

Which you were.

"I don't need your help Alric." You said to him half annoyed.

It was the next evening and you were in your own bed. Alric had made sure that after returning to the tower, you had been transported back to Dawnholme and back to home as fast as possible.

Both Tari and Maura had been rather horrified to see you like this, but you had forced a smile and succeeded in calming them down. At least until the clothier and Madam Judy Martin arrived. With no real doctor in Dawnholme and the best replacement being the patient, you had to be the one instructing them. Thankfully the clothier had steady hands with the thread and needle and Madam Martin, the naturalist mage from Underbelly, knew a thing or two about alchemy and how to deal with wounds.

After a bit of screaming as the wounds were cleaned with liquid that felt like it burned you, closed with the thread and bandaged, you finally could rest.

That is if not for Alric being right there.

"I really don't need your help." You repeated.

"You do need my help Malevus, your hands are both bandaged, you can't even hold a spoon or go through other basic tasks." Alric argued back to you. "Let me help you, like you helped me."

You groaned, you would hate this. Being bedridden didn't fit you at all. Worst of all, Alric was there. You already felt a bit fuzzy inside you with just him being there.

"Fiiiine… you can help me if you want." You finally relented and saw how the worry and concern faded off Alric’s face. "Just don't… don't treat me like a child."

"No promises!" Alric said and laughed. "Do you have anything to say or ask before I will go get you something to eat?" Alric asked you and smiled. "You must be hungry."

You were hungry, quite hungry. Hmmm… maybe you could ask something.

>How many prisoners did Alric take? How are they?
>Did anyone else get wounded?
>Has there been any other news from Alterac?
>What did he think when he saw what had happened to you?
>Apologise for getting wounded and getting him all so worried.
>Other, write in.
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Thread 30! Feel magnificent and fantastic to get this far. Now towards the next 30 threads!

And as always if you have any questions or anything regarding the Quest, characters, events or something else, please go ahead and ask them. I will try to answer to the best as I can.
>Apologise for getting wounded and getting him all so worried.
>Did anyone else get wounded?
>How many prisoners did Alric take? How are they?
>Has there been any other news from Alterac?
>What did he think when he saw what had happened to you?

>Other, write in
"What about the ambush the royal guard were preparing?"

Did Alric just drop the ambush preparation and pull everyone out once Malevus got injured?

Can Alric use his Fel without casting a spell, so purely for combat? Fel can restart Alric's heart better then the Light and keep him from turning into a vegetable. If he wanted to, or trained to, it seems like he could use it for a lot of stuff.

How far away is the next Stormwind meeting that Katrana has invited us to? The Oil Rig stages and their progress update.

Am I reading it right that the new invention gives a +1 supply from Windmills and Mines, will it have any effect on the Oil Rig?

If the makeup gift was still good wasn't clarified beyond 'maybe, maybe not' I guess just spend it on a Nalice event of some kind in future if it is. An opportunity to improve their relationship? I'm not sure what the range is be it that or magic training for something that could have been gained with a crit like the Dragon Rune alteration on Alric's chest, or something to think on for when a particular event is actually happening.
>>How many prisoners did Alric take? How are they?
>>Did anyone else get wounded?
>>Has there been any other news from Alterac?
Great achievement QM, and aside from the drama of end of last thread, it seems you've pulled it off smoothly from my point of view!

>Apologise for getting wounded and getting him all so worried.
>What did he think when he saw what had happened to you?
>Did anyone else get wounded?
>How many prisoners did Alric take? How are they?
>Any other signs of survivors that might have fled?
>Ok now burnt toast please, because I know that's all you can make while you're fussing like this.

I'm thinking this kind of order.
Is everything in this quest occuring before the events of wc3 or after?

Alric hasn't tried to use the Fel in combat, just for either empowering or using it to cast spells. If Fel is really giving him power, he most likely could use it to give himself a burst of strength. Currently Alric has been spending his own mana first when casting magic, saving the Fel for later. Every late evening after his magic training with Eligius, he has burned a bit of the Fel away with no noticeable effect on him or his health.

Exact date for the Alliance meeting in Stormwind is undecided, but most likely it will be in late summer. The work on the Oil Rig hasn't started as the Dark Irons haven't arrived yet. Wiklish and his goblin mates have done what they can to get this as ready as possible.

Geared Speed Regulator only has effect on Windmills and Mines currently. The Oil Rig is already technical enough that trying to jam a gearbox somewhere there wouldn't help it that much.

No, I haven't used the makeup gift. At least not yet.


We are currently in the year 16 After Dark Portal. 0-6 ADP was the First War, 6 ADP Second War, 8 ADP Beyond the Dark Portal. Third War happens in the year 20 ADP, so we are still well before those events.

Now what events? There's no Third War, the orcs and their Horde was demolished. There is peace in Azeroth and Lordaeron.
Hmmm well if I had to guess there's so much fel that burning away a little isn't really going to have an impact. Though I guess if we really want answers there's still Kel Thuzad, but I dont think opinion on that will change barring issues popping up.

Is Alric still getting the nightmares in the background? I kind of want to see about an arrangement with Fel Malevus to see if Alric can accept his darker side, how strong we can get in a more sympathetic relationship, and honestly Alric does enjoy his sex and violence. Might be better then Fel Malevus striking whenever Alric has an actual emotional crisis when someone important dies. Plus even if we burn away more of the high quality fel Nalice gave us it won't un feltouch us and it has its uses. Though that may just be my opinion.

How are Eligius's studies going?

I wonder if the trolls will attack the oil rig or if Thrall will send a message about the earth spirits not being happy with pumping out that black gold. I suppose the witches know a little human shamanism and they might have a warning on that.

No nightmares unless I have written about them. And there hasn't been an effect from burning the Fel away, at least not yet.

Eligius is progressing, but he is taking things slowly on purpose. More on the theory than on practice.
Agreed this order is a good one.

I dont have any real questions other than when the campaign against gnolls was to happen? Are we going to join it?
"I'm sorry…" You said and looked into Alric's Fel green eyes.

"Sorry for what?" Alric replied and was slightly confused about this.

"Sorry for making you concerned and worried, Sorry for getting wounded." You said to him with nearly a whisper.

A faint smile appeared on Alric's face.

"Don't, there is no need for you to say sorry." He replied. "You don't need to blame yourself. Only person who should blame someone would be me, because I haven't trained you well enough."


"You are my squire, any blame should be on my shoulders." Alric said to you. He was serious about what he said as he walked to the door.

He really didn't need to say that, but he did.

"What did you think when you saw me? When you saw what had happened?" You had to ask him.

Alric stopped by the door and didn't move for a few seconds.

"I thought that the worst had happened." He said still facing away from you before turning to look at you. "That I had lost you Malevus."

Alric looked down for a moment.

"I…I don't know what I would have done if that had been the case." He told you.

There was sadness in Alric's eyes, but they brightened quickly.

"Thankfully that wasn't the case."

You had the chuckle a bit. How Alric cared about you was lovely, but it did make your insides feel all fuzzy and warm. You needed a break.

"Ok now burnt toast please, because I know that's all you can make while you're fussing like this." You said to Alric.

Now it was his turn to laugh.

"I heard Maura had made carrot soup today, there's still leftovers available." He said and smiled. "Stay still, don't go anywhere, I'll be back soon."

You could only roll your eyes.

Alric left your room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You sighed and breathed deeply. Alric was just so… The fuzzy feeling inside you was the sign of your feelings towards him. Yet everything felt so complicated and confusing. Why did everything have to be so complex?

You tried to rub your eyes, but moving your hands slightly made your arms hurt.

You were hurt. Falling off your horse and then you had been cut and stabbed. Your hands had been well bandaged, both palms cut open. Your gloves had protected your hands somewhat, but the dagger had cut through the leather as well. And your arms had been cut as well. Right arm three times and left twice.

You felt yourself blessed, while they were quite deep cuts, they hadn't hit anything important within you. Even if moving your arms hurt a lot, you had tried to flex and move them to check if that was the case. Same thing with your fingers. All of them were still moving.

You wouldn't walk for a few days though, the wound on your right thigh required your leg to be still. And then the cut on your left cheek, constantly throbbing from pain. The shallow wound ran from just below of your nose to nearly to your ear.

You will heal it, but that would have to wait a few days. As much as you could heal it immediately, it would tire you too much and you needed rest.


The door opened and Alric stepped in carrying a tray. A small bowl and a cup of water on it.

"Here we go." Alric said as he put it aside and moved a chair next to your bed.

"Thanks Alric." You responded and reached for the bowl, but the pain stopped you.

"Just stay still and let me help you." Alric said and sat down, taking the bowl and a spoon. "The carrot soup is really good."

Alric took a spoonful and presented it to you. You looked at him and he just nodded. This was going to be embarrassing and colour creeped up your cheeks and your ears drooped a bit. Finally you relented and opened your mouth.

"How the tables have turned." Alric said as he fed you the soup.

"It's good." You said to him between spoonfuls. "Were there anyone else who got wounded?"

"Of our soldiers no, but there were few amongst the prisoners we took." Alric told you. "35 men in total, a couple more had wandered towards the fire and Sir Radan had caught them."

"What about the ambush?" You asked him.

"We left nearly immediately after the Royal Foot Guards had arrived. That many prisoners required all available hands to handle them." Alric said and continued. "Besides, my heart wasn't in fighting anymore."

He fed you another spoonful of hot carrot soup. Just like you and Tari had helped to feed him after his incident, it was now his turn to return the favour.

"Thank you." You whispered.

"This is the least I can do. I have already sent a messenger to Tarren Mill, Father Hampton hopefully arrives as soon as possible." Alric told you. "I will get you healthy and fit, whatever it takes."

"I know…" You said back to him.

"Ask me anything and I will give it to you." Alric said. "I… it hurts to see you like that. How can you support or defend me if I can't support or defend you?"



The way he looked at you made it clear that he meant it. His gentle smile warmed you from inside and then he placed his hand on your shoulder. Your heart beat faster and the anxiety over all of this between you and him returned.

"Alric… I…" You muttered and lost your thought. What would you choose?

Choose one:
>A new weapon. Your old sword is fine, but you could do with a better one.
>You need new armour, your old elven half-plate doesn't protect you well enough.
>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
>Ask Alric to stop fussing about. It is embarrassing and unfit for a Prince. You are a grown woman, you can handle yourself.
>Tell him to just kiss you.
>Other, write in.

QM: We will get back to normal business after this update.

35 new prisoners put into hard labour means that they will free up 15 Peasants from their duties. Your prison camp currently has 155 prisoners and they in total free up 65 Peasants. Remember, if and when the prisoners are released from the camp, you are going to "lose" Peasants as the prisoners aren't doing their jobs anymore.

>15 Peasants

Total Resources:
0 Wealth, +15 per season
24 Supplies, -1 per season
180 Peasants


The request for aid will arrive soon.
>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
>You need new armour, your old elven half-plate doesn't protect you well enough.

Kissing can wait
>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
Buying and selling with Dark Iron could give her a new weapon and armor.

Everything needs more money
Money !!!
>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
I want them to kiss already but asking for just doesn't feel right. She should just go for it when the opportunity arises.
>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
I think progressing the Holy Light studies is probably the best thing that only Malevus can bring, and if it also helps Hampton with his ministering at Tarren Mill, then all the better.
>>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
>>Expensive and rare books for your studies regarding Holy Light. And maybe a few more trashy ones just for light reading.
"I want books." You said to him and looked at your small bookshelf. "I mean good books, ones that could help me with my path."

"About Holy Light?" Alric asked as he scooped one last spoonful of the carrot soup.

"Yes, the old and…" You paused to eat the soup.

"Expensive kind. Alright, just tell Eligius what books you want and he will get them for you. And if he complains about their price, I will threaten to take their costs out of his salary."

"He gets a salary?" You asked and raised your eyebrows.

"A small one!" Alric replied with a laugh. "Books, I can do that."

He put the bowl away and helped you to drink the cup of water by lifting you up to sit. Then he just made sure that the pillows were comfortable and pulled the blanket over you.

"That should be enough." Alric said with a smile. "Now you just need to rest, Father Hampton should be here tomorrow."

"Thanks Alric… and don't blame yourself." You said to him.

He smiled and snapped his fingers several times, extinguishing the candles one by one. Just one was left on a cupboard.

"Good night Malevus, sleep well."

"You too Alric, good night."

He left your room and closed the door.

You sighed and breathed deeply. Just find the courage you silly girl. You just need to do it. Maybe… maybe when you have finished the dress? Alric probably would like it.

Yeah that sounds like the plan. First the dress and then… and then… oh by the Holy Light why this is so difficult! It is so easy in the books!

You closed your eyes. You were dead tired. Tomorrow will be a new day, a better day.

You are Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac and ruler of Dawnholme, renowned swordsman, apprentice mage and rumoured lady killer amongst many other things.

"Two weeks Prince Alric." Hampton said to you. The bald, one armed former paladin had arrived around midday and immediately went to see how his pupil was doing.

"Of being bedridden?" You asked him.

"Yes, her thigh needs to heal slowly. The wound there is a deep one and if hurried, there is a risk of permanent damage." Hampton explained. "If her arms hadn't been cut and stabbed, then she could go around on crutches, but…"

"They need to heal as well. I understand." You said to him and crossed your arms.

"Prince Alric, Lady Malevus will be fine, she just needs some time." Hampton said.

"I will make sure she will stay in the bed, thank you Father." You said to him and continued. "Are you going to visit the town now that you are here?"

"Yes, with Lady Malevus unable to help those who need both physical and spiritual healing, it falls on me." Hampton said to you.

"Then can you check on Taretha, she has a bad case of morning sickness today." You told him.

"Of course, I would love to get to know your extended family." Hampton replied.

Did he believe the rumours? You weren't sure, but if he can ease the morning sickness and clear the tiredness, it would be great.


It had been two days since Father Hampton's visit and both Tari and Malevus were feeling much better. Having replaced the old bandages with fresh ones, you could see how the wounds were healing like they should, accelerated with the help of Holy Light. The cut on her cheek had nearly disappeared, but it would leave a light scar behind.

Though for you the days were filled with work. Patrol schedule had been redone and the Stonemason mercenaries had picked up some slack around Sofera's Naze where they were stationed. Thankfully in the afternoon Captain Garside rode back into Dawnholme from the several months long campaign in Strahnbrad Hills.

"It is good to see you father." You said and went to clap his shoulder as he stepped into your home.

"You too son. I came here as fast as I could when I heard the news." He said to you and put his helmet down. "I heard Malevus got hurt, how is she?"

"Getting better, she is sleeping right now." You told him.

"I was worried for a moment." He said to you. "But first let me get this blasted armour off, we can then talk."

"There has been no sight of ogres or kobolds or anyone else." You told him. "Just a faint trickle of smoke where the forest fire had been started."

"It is a worrisome development. If the ogres hold the corner, they could threaten both us and Strahnbrad itself." Normand mused as he drank the tea brought to you by Maura.

"How about the hills? Any news from there?" You asked him.

"No, no tracks or anything. Our patrol did find the camp from which Eligius had been saved from, but it was ransacked a long time ago. Just a couple abandoned farms and that's it." Normand told you and continued. "Though the liquor you had ordered to be left at one of the totems trolls had built, it was gone."

"Maybe a good sign. We leave them alone and they leave us alone." You said.

"But we can't trust the trolls, one day they will come down from the mountains and attack us." Normand said and was the usual sceptical Normand you knew he was.

"But we still should do something about all this." You said.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked you.

>Spread your men and patrols equally across your territory. You need to be able to protect everyone living in your lands.
>Keep the majority of your soldiers in Strahnbrad Hills. The threat from the trolls and the Syndicate is too high and you want your Oil Rig to be well protected.
>Move half of your soldiers to watch Dawnholme and Alterac and leave the rest to Strahnbrad Hills. Equal split between these two locations.
>The ogres are a more acute threat right now. Move a more significant portion of your men to watch the King’s Road to Alterac.
>Other, write in.
>Move half of your soldiers to watch Dawnholme and Alterac and leave the rest to Strahnbrad Hills. Equal split between these two locations.
>Move half of your soldiers to watch Dawnholme and Alterac and leave the rest to Strahnbrad Hills. Equal split between these two locations.
Clearly we need a gallows corner of our own so We got something against the ogre/kobold horde.
>>Move half of your soldiers to watch Dawnholme and Alterac and leave the rest to Strahnbrad Hills. Equal split between these two locations.
We should conquer Gallows Corner, it is there and it can be ours, it should be ours, taken by none else. NEW CONQUEST CAMPAIGN TIME
Normand is also right : trolls can't be trusted. Their 0 reaction and nothing visible for so long, means they are either observing and planning something or they are dead. And i think the first option is more likely. Best to make sure our men in the hills are always ready in case of raids or a full attack. Also because they might need to deal with Syndicate, Gnolls or Ogres. So four enemies armies possibly showing up for take what they think is "theirs".

Especially now that we are building and settling for extract oil. If we had more spies available i would suggest some spying on the trolls for see what they are up to, but our spies are still recruits in training much the same for Eligius. And our first priority in spying is knowing what happens in our own lands and counter it when needed.
When we have more soldiers, i think we can put an end to this problem
>>Move half of your soldiers to watch Dawnholme and Alterac and leave the rest to Strahnbrad Hills. Equal split between these two locations.
Equal split is what we need, but we need to strip troops off both locations if we want to join the campaign against the gnolls. I did check the pastebin and saw the Stonemason mercs being there, with just 3 wealth per season for 30 men and the named characters that is a steal. But do we have the extra wealth to hire them, I really want that town hall and if the caravans and markets dont bring enough, then we might have to send our own men there instead of just mercs. We could sell some supplies for wealth, Medivh did write that there is a lack of supplies in Hillsbrad and their prices have gone up.

Or we can just temporarily march our full army to face the gnolls, carry the day, demand all the spoils and return back home as fast as possible.

As much as I would like to do that the edict says no. We have already made Garithos and his supporters mad. Showing disregard to the edict could make others mad as well.
The trolls worry me too, we just dont have the wealth or supplies to support a far larger army. Maybe building high instead of wide is what we need to do, but the pastebin says that we control Strahnbrad hills and we got the building there under our control helping with our supply situation.

And we need the town hall. Get that done during summer and then start building all the supply and wealth buildings we can get during autumn and winter. And take all opportunities to gain more of everything whatever they are. We cant say no to many things.
I know, i know, still..... maybe we could make plans about it... for the very hypothetical future where the edict is lifted of course.

Jokes aside while i hunger for land, perhaps we could try a raid against the ogres that arrived in Gallows Corner. I suspect the warlord/chief leading them hasn't fully established a proper fortified camp in the region yet. The problem is how to do it. Probably a secret raid i suspect, even if we make a good argument to say someone like Uther, the Alliance would just go "ITS TIME FOR THE SECOND BURNING OF ALTERAC".

>The trolls.
For the moment we can't do much, but is something to take out when we can. We might need to build high for a bit, or at least for have a better situation to work with and build a stronger military.
>Town hall
I agree on that. In regard to opportunities, i think Blackmoore will give us a reward depending on just how much we partecipate in his gnoll purge.
>>Move half of your soldiers to watch Dawnholme and Alterac and leave the rest to Strahnbrad Hills. Equal split between these two locations.
"Balance needs to be found. Both the hills and Dawnholme needs to be protected." You told Normand. "It might be the trolls, or the orcs, or the ogres or Syndicate that attacks us and we don't know when or where exactly. So we need to defend both."

"Half and half?"

"Yep, so bit over a hundred men each." You told him and continued. "Though we might need to draw some troops from each group if we are to join Blackmoore's campaign."

"Any news about that?" Normand asked.

"Nothing, other than they are still gathering supplies and planning it." You told him.

"They need to invite us soon if they want us to be able to participate." Normand said and continued. "But enough of them, speaking of that man leaves a bitter taste in my mouth."

You chuckled. Very few people liked Blackmoore.

Normand finished his tea and put the cup down.

"I got the report from Eligius and you about the burial chamber and what had happened there." Normand asked curiously and somewhat worriedly. "To imagine that a death knight was slumbering so close to us."

You stayed silent. The report that had been sent to Normand was the false-truth as envisioned and planned by you and Eligius. A map found from the belongings of the smugglers that led you to the burial chamber. And then in there you had found the cut down ancient dead and the now thoroughly dead death knight with the culprit being orcs based on a bit of blood on the floor.

No mention of the Thrall nor Frostwolf clan. No mention of you taking Tari out to see him or the plans Thrall had. Nothing about Tari being the reason Thrall had escaped.

Normand didn't know anything about it. It was better that way, your old man had enough on his plate already and the amount of worrying this would cause would be too much for him to handle.

"Better for our enemies to handle themselves than us needing to worry about death knights." You replied with a lie. "The patrol route in the mountains now passes the burial chamber just in case. When the Stonemasons aren't as busy, they will get to rebury the burial chamber."

"Smart and probably for the best. Ancient Alteracis deserve to be able to rest in peace." Normand said and yawned. "I am getting too old for campaigning like this."

"It was a well handled campaign." You told him.

"It was my last campaign if I have a say." Normand told you.

"Planning to retire?"

"Planning to give the younger generations more space and responsibilities." Normand said and continued. "Both Lieutenant Cromwell and Lieutenant Beckston showed their worth during the campaign. Along with some others."

"Are you thinking of promotions? Maybe medals for participants?" You asked him.

"Something like that. The men deserve it and we do need more capable officers." Normand said to you. "We could have a ceremony where potential promotions are then presented."

He then went over the details of what he suggested and you added some of your own. Both of you had ideas you two supported.

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>Captain Garside to Colonel Garside, your idea
>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>Lieutenant Beckston to Captain Beckston.
>Sir Radan to Lieutenant Radan, made officer for loyal and good service
>Rover Brothers to Lieutenants, made officers for loyal and good service
>Sir Gravis to Lieutenant Gravis, made officer for loyal and good service, your idea
>Knight the knights serving under Sir Gravis, they aren't actually real knights at the moment.
>Malevus to Lady Malevus, knight her for she deserves it.
>The soldiers distinguished in the campaign to sergeants, Normand's idea
>Other, write in.

QM: PROMOTIONS! Couple are supported by Alric or Normand, rest are optional, but plausible.
>Captain Garside to Colonel Garside, your idea
>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>The soldiers distinguished in the campaign to sergeants, Normand's idea
I actually want all of these except the Malevus one (Except if make a tease out of it). Our military has greatly expanded since everybody had these ranks so promotions should be in order all around. What reasons are there against it?
>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>Sir Radan to Lieutenant Radan, made officer for loyal and good service
>Sir Gravis to Lieutenant Gravis, made officer for loyal and good service, your idea
>Knight the knights serving under Sir Gravis, they aren't actually real knights at the moment.
>The soldiers distinguished in the campaign to sergeants, Normand's idea

Dont promote everyone at the same time pace it out atleast.
These ones have been serving lately and proven themselves.
Its too early for malevus.

Basically everyone that's been through multiple campaigns with us. Gotta start the loyal old guard at some point.
>Captain Garside to General Garside, your idea
Generals still are involved in the army, looking over broadbrush work and with heads of state. The man is that and more.
Colonel is fine too, as that rank is head of a regiment.
>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>Lieutenant Beckston to Captain Beckston.
>Sir Radan to Lieutenant Radan, made officer for loyal and good service
This is his path back into becoming a noble of good-standing.
>Rover Brothers to Sergeants, made non-commissioned officers for loyal and good service
Not sure if the Rovers want to become the upper-crust officers, but if they're not already sergeants then they absolutely should be.
>Knight the knights serving under Sir Gravis, they aren't actually real knights at the moment.
>The soldiers distinguished in the campaign to sergeants, Normand's idea

No to Malevus. She still is a warrior in training and a paladin in training. When she gets any stat to 3 (except her charisma) then I think we knight her.
Oops, I meant a stat to 4 - this would be above the average soldier.

>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>Sir Radan to Lieutenant Radan, made officer for loyal and good service
>Sir Gravis to Lieutenant Gravis, made officer for loyal and good service, your idea
>Knight the knights serving under Sir Gravis, they aren't actually real knights at the moment.
Okay, I'll switch to
>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>Sir Radan to Lieutenant Radan, made officer for loyal and good service
>Sir Gravis to Lieutenant Gravis, made officer for loyal and good service, your idea
>Knight the knights serving under Sir Gravis, they aren't actually real knights at the moment.
>The soldiers distinguished in the campaign to sergeants, Normand's idea
We've yet to see as much of Beckston and the Rovers but Im sure they'll distinguish themselves soon enough.
No update today, I am allowing this vote to continue. Way too tired to write and have the next set of update to continue.

Though I could ask you, when is Malevus ready to be knighted? She has been serving you just under an year as a scale.
I think when her martial skill pops up from 3 to 4 is knight worthy. She's been working really hard, I don't doubt that she's almost there.
This seems pretty good
Looks solid.
When she can beat plebeians with ease.

Normand Garside doesn't want the spotlight, making him Colonel is giving him the spotlight.

>Lieutenant Cromwell to Captain Cromwell, he was the second in command of the campaign, Normand's idea
>Sir Radan to Lieutenant Radan, made officer for loyal and good service
>Sir Gravis to Lieutenant Gravis, made officer for loyal and good service, your idea
>Knight the knights serving under Sir Gravis, they aren't actually real knights at the moment.
>The soldiers distinguished in the campaign to sergeants, Normand's idea

>Other, write in.
Some kind of medal or responsibility for Beckston, to basically signify that we recognize him as first among lieutenants and expectantly right behind Cromwell. Something like 'First Spear' or Primus Pilus. Normand did note him as well after all. Put him as the one to also handle the specialists and mercs? As a former merc himself I imagine that would fit well. I remember he was also surprisingly aggressive when everyone talked about the responses to Garithos's fuckup, if his tactics reflect that and we want him to have opportunities to show off then put him and his unit where our primary attacking infantry would be.

Also if the specialist mages did anything of note, how they helped and where that could be applied next time. How they fit in with the men and if anything learned anything else about them. If theres something that could be offered to them so they better fit in, or justify some attendants to keep an eye on them. I still wouldn't be surprised if one of the underbelly mages was a spy for Dalaran.

When in doubt with what to do just ask, do the Rovers want anything? To lead some Alteraci Rangers since we do have some elite archers that could probably make the grade when we have the resources. Or something like hawks or falcon or some other birds that they could try to learn how to tame and use to carry messages. Resources to set up some little ranger alcoves in a few places. Whatever they want us to consider.

In my mind she will get it after she secures that long sought after win against Alric in the training ring. Maybe after a solid win in the gnoll campaign if we participate. I would have been fine knighting her after this battle if not for the unfortunate wounding. I don't feel like she would happy about being knighted after it. I could see that being a good motivator if she feels she needed to live up to it, but shes already a hard and devoted aspirant. So it should really come after a win so she can take great pride in it that will last her elven lifetime, something that will greatly strengthen her charisma and self image.
“Cromwell needs to be made Captain, he has been with me for the past two years and served me incredibly well. He deserves the promotion if he had served you as well as you said he did.” You said to Normand and continued. “Besides, we need skilled officers and he fits the bill perfectly.”

“I agree, he served your father originally and now us. There is no one as loyal as he is.” Normand said. “I gave him a lot of responsibilities in the hills, he did a good job there.”

“I also want to promote Sir Radan.” You said to him.


“Yes, has he failed me before?”

“No, he hasn't.”

“Ever since we recruited him, he hasn’t shown us that it was the wrong decision. And we need to give others an example, a former bandit like him rising to the position of an officer. More recently he fought with me against the kobolds.” You said. “Sir Radan deserves it.”

“I agree, our skirmishers do need an officer.” Normand replied.

“So Cromwell and Radan, but I also want to promote Sir Gravis for a lot of the same reasons.” You said to Normand and shrugged. “I am thinking long term, I am going to need more bodyguards in the future and having someone to lead them is important.”

Normand nodded.

“And I want to knight his knights.” You continued.

“His knights?”

“Normand, they aren’t actually knights you know.”

“Good point.”

“Those are my ideas, do you have any?”

“There are a couple of men that should be promoted to sergeants. Baum, one of the footmen and Granger.” Normand said to you and continued. “Baum did pick up a bunch of duties during the campaign and found himself leading the men into patrols.”

“Isn’t Granger the man who made the map of the hills?” You asked.

“Yeah, he did. He has been helping Cromwell organise things in the camp.” Normand told you.

“I trust your judgement Normand, you were there.” You replied.

“I think that is everyone.” Normand said.

“Good, we can talk more later, a lot of small things have happened, but they can wait till tomorrow.” You said to him. “Maura has missed you so go spend some time with her.”

“But first I will take a hot bath, bathing in the cold river does grow quite tiresome after one week.” He said and laughed.

Later that evening, after Normand had bathed and hugged his wife really hard after being away from home for several months, the two of you sat around the table downstairs drinking even more tea. You had gone through all the small events that had happened in Dawnholme.

And to your annoyance, Malevus had insisted on joining the two of you so you had helped your injured squire hobble across the house.

“You should stay in your bed.” You told her.

“Alric, you know how boring it gets when you are stuck in your bed.” She replied rather sternly back to you, getting a funny look from your father.

“At least our patient is in high spirits.” Normand said and chuckled.


Malevus smiled, getting out of the bed was something she shouldn’t do outside of basic necessities, but she was right, being stuck in your bed was awful.

“Malevus has taken all of this so well.” Tari said as she joined you. “I can’t imagine going through the same and be still smiling.”

“Holy Light protected me… and Alric as well.” She replied and smiled.

“Shouldn’t it be the other way around?” Maura said as she carried a tray of delicacies she had baked to the table. “You should be the one protecting Alric?”

All of you picked whatever you wanted, except Malevus who required Tari’s help in eating.

“She has saved me once, so I am just paying back my favour.” You laughed.

Having your family together like this for the first time in months was a joy. You don’t remember when Normand was away this long, it had been just a few days here and there, but not for months.

“I spoke with Maura.” Normand said. “Well we have spoken about this before, but I think the time is right now.”

“For what?”

“I think you should have the farmstead. Taretha is going to give birth in a few months and… you will find that someone…” Normand said to you somewhat awkwardly. These kinds of things weren’t his cup of tea.

“What he is trying to say is that we want to give you some space.” Maura continued. “We can’t be watching over you forever.”

“So you want to move out? Shouldn’t it go the other way around?” You asked them.

“We can ask the Stonemasons to build us a house right next to the farmstead, we wouldn’t be that far away.” Normand told you.

>Yeah that does sound fine. It would be more space for you, Tari and Malevus, and the baby.
>Decline, all of you easily fit in your home and you aren’t bothered with having your parents around.
>That sounds like a good excuse to build a new extension to your home.
>Other, write in

>Tell Normand and Maura about you and Calia breaking up. Tari and Malevus already know about it.
>Let them know about Jandice and you kinda being a thing nowadays. Kinda.
>Tease Malevus now that your parents are here. See how she reacts
>Other, write in

QM: One more of these more social updates.
>Yeah that does sound fine. It would be more space for you, Tari and Malevus, and the baby.

>Let them know about Jandice and you kinda being a thing nowadays. Kinda.
>That sounds like a good excuse to build a new extension to your home.

>Tease Malevus now that your parents are here. See how she reacts
>Tell Normand and Maura about you and Calia breaking up. Tari and Malevus already know about it.

I say no to sharing about Jandice. Malevus's reaction earlier was enough, and that's because she's the squire guarding us. Only other person that knows is the innkeeper Monica, after she found the soiled sheets.
I'll change my vote to support this >>6039803
“I think this sounds like a good excuse to build a new extension to our home, doesn’t it?” You said back to Normand and Maura. “I have no want or a reason to have the two of you leave our home, even if it was just a couple yards away to a new house.”

You looked at your parents and smiled.

“This is our home, it is a home for all of us. Father, mother.” You said and then looked at Tari and Malevus. “For Tari and the child, for my dear squire as well.”

Malevus glanced at you briefly.

“I will speak with Master Pelija then.” Normand said and sighed in relief. “Thank the Light, having to move our belongings is something I wouldn’t have wanted to do in the first place.”

“Yeah all the swords, maces and other bits of weaponry and wall-hangers.” You replied with a laugh.

“Mostly the books.” Normand chuckled.

“We are all going to fit here then.” Maura said.

“We might have to turn one of the rooms upstairs into a nursery.” Tari said and continued. “Maybe my room?”

“Or our bedroom, or Normand’s office.” Maura said back. “I feel like our home is going to be a lively place, Tari and the child, Alric and…”

Maura caught herself and looked at you and the girls. Had she said too much?

“Maura, they know.” You told her. “But… things have changed.”

Normand and Maura looked at you curiously and then looked at Tari and Malevus who already knew.

“Alric?” Maura asked.

“Me and Calia… we aren’t… it didn’t work.” You said to them and sighed. “It was the distance and…”

“I am so sorry.” Maura replied, she really did mean it.

“I don’t know what to say.” Normand said.

“Don’t be sorry, besides I have my family and friends.” You said to them and continued while looking at Malevus. “Those that I care about and find precious.”

Malevus blushed and looked away as she averted her eyes off you. You took a deep breath.

“Don’t worry, you will get your grandchildren one day and besides the two of you get to spoil Tari’s child.” You laughed while still looking at Malevus.

“And that is what I am worried about.” Tari joined your laugh.

You smiled and looked at your parents, Tari and Malevus. You were blessed by being surrounded by people like them, a family that loves you and you love them back. Your duty was towards Alterac and its people. You are a Prince and an heir to a kingdom, it was a weight not many men or women have in this world. But looking at your family, sometimes it did feel like you wouldn’t miss that duty not a one bit if it was to disappear as long as your family still existed in your life. They were that precious to you.


Two days later the invites for your officers and advisors had been sent. It would take a few days for the messengers and letters to travel and then couple more for them to arrive to Dawnholme.

This waiting didn’t mean that you sat down idly, there were plenty of things for you to do. One being reading to Malevus to stave off her boredom. At first thought about reading one of her romance novels, but chose instead to read an old book about Alteraci fairy tales.

And a second thing you did was to read a couple letters you had received. One from Durnholde signed by both Blackmoore and Langston. And another from the corrupt Captain Raethan in Dalaran.

Raethan had told you that he would send you a new letter as soon as possible, but you hadn’t predicted it to be this soon.

You decided to open it first. Raethan was straight to the point with his report. He was in hot water for guiding the migrants from Underbelly to Dawnholme and that hadn’t changed. Yet Kirin Tor didn’t see a need to remove him or assign him to some other duty even if he had caused them issues. Raethan didn’t really hide his disdain towards them so he wrote to you that he will happily continue being your eyes and ears, and helping to facilitate whatever you need in Dalaran.

Since the previous foray into the Underbelly and the sewers by Kirin Tor and their mages, they had done it again and this time Prince Kael’thas had personally joined them. Raethan had asked his rightful Prince what was going on, but Kael’thas had chosen to not answer anything outside of overall security. Whatever they were doing in the far reaches of the sewers where Raethan or the other inhabitants of Underbelly don’t wander to, was important enough for Kael’thas to supervise personally. Of course there were rumours, but could they be believed? A breach in the dungeons beneath the city? Something terrible or awful being exterminated down there? Raethan didn’t know and nobody told him or others anything. It was a secret Kirin Tor business.

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He continued that with Underbelly depopulated due to the migrants leaving to Dawnholme, it was relatively quickly repopulated by those who were living in the other parts of the sewers. More unsavoury people, disgraced people. It had meant more work for Raethan and his guards to keep up the peace, but things quickly settled down. A slow steady trickle of people did start again as those unable to live in the city above moved below it, but it would take time, probably years till Underbelly was full again.

Raethan suggested that he could speak to the people of Underbelly and guide them to migrate to Dawnholme if that is what you want. Now though the amount of skilled workers and other civilians available would be extremely low, the more unsavoury people were still there and could be persuaded to make the move. They could cause issues in Dawnholme, but they would also bring skills that could be valuable to you. And if you could get them to settle down and become productive members of society, that would be great, to give them a second chance in life. There was also the question about the more irregular types of wizards and mages living in the Underbelly. Do you really need the magic they provide that much to accept any risks or issues regarding them? Though more magic would be good, it could equalise many things and help you greatly in the battlefield.

>Accept the slow trickle of craftsmen, workers and their families.
>Do not accept them. You are already drawing too many eyes to yourself and to Raethan. Kirin Tor is already unhappy about what you have done.

>Bandits and scoundrels, people skilled with sword and dagger
>As above and rogues and cutthroats, people with less savoury reputation, but even sharper blades
>Do not accept them. Dawnholme doesn’t need people who could cause issues and problems.

>Witches and conjurers and those practising more alternative forms of magic
>As above and warlocks and occultists and those disgraced and driven away
>Do not accept them. You don’t need dangerous witches and occultists to be in Dawnholme.

QM: Please vote on all three.
Is housing of current Underbelly migrants still basically a tent city and whoever is willing to foster them in their homes?

Income is 15 wealth, current wealth 0 I believe, but Town Hall is 20 wealth. I forget if we can sell supply at whatever ratio to finally afford that. Unless there was another little income in hand I am forgetting.

It is still a tent city, then there are those who are living in the former Alliance camp and those who are living in Alteraci housing, but new houses are being constructed as Dawnholme grows and the sewer and overall infrastructure projects move towards completion. With hundreds of Stonemasons around things are progressing and before winter arrives everyone should have a roof on top of their heads. In summer the tent city is not a bad place to be and the Stonemasons did a great job arranging everything in neat lines and squares.

And you are going to have some income through the market fairs and the Supplies are going to go for more Wealth than usually

Total Resources:
0 Wealth, +15 per season
24 Supplies, -1 per season
180 Peasants
>Accept the slow trickle of craftsmen, workers and their families.
Not yet to the rest, we still have too huge of a backlog to deal with.
anon has a point.
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>Accept the slow trickle of craftsmen, workers and their families.
>Do not accept them. Dawnholme doesn’t need people who could cause issues and problems.
>Witches and conjurers and those practising more alternative forms of magic

When you say conjurers, do you mean like those guys from Warcraft 1 who could summon scorpions and water elementals that could kill a grunt with a single blow?
Once the current lot is settled in we could consier it.

Yes, but not that potent. Conjurers come in all shapes and with varying levels of power. Not all know or have the power to summon proper elementals so something else might be sufficient.

But generally with that I meant mages and wizards that aren't your typical mages and wizards you meet. That is why they are lumped together with witches.

>Accept the slow trickle of craftsmen, workers and their families.
>Do not accept them. Dawnholme doesn’t need people who could cause issues and problems.
>Witches and conjurers and those practising more alternative forms of magic

I do kinda want to see what the witches and conjurers bring, even the most acceptable guys we invited were kind of eccentric. With the ogres and kobolds expanding, plus having to split our troops to cover a lot more ground against possible troll and syndicate activity, they might be handy to have when needed. Plus we can always just kick them out if we can't manage them.

Hmmm a Kirin Tor investigation now led by Kael'thas into the far reaches of the sewer where Raethan and the other inhabitants dont wander into. I'm guessing they looked into after Alric told Jaina and Jaina made some fuss, plus Alric getting those migrants, plus Alric's fel incident. So they investigate, and lo and behold they must have found something deep deep down there worth looking at, and not currently our problem from how they treated our boi Raethan. Maybe suspicion that whoever might have been involved did leave in Alric's migrations, and in their mind perhaps leading to the fel incident.

They just sort of accept that Raethan is certainly working for Alric lol. The agent you know is better then one you don't I suppose. A sort of tacit approval I'm guessing? 'Don't do anything too crazy that makes us mages look bad'.

Gotta think of some weirdos. Golem puppeteer with mannequins or slimes that creep people out. Some kind of magitech autist with a full metal alchemist arm. Runes for making stuff which Jandice said Dalaran was going to take a hard stance on? Some kind of weird scrying or mind magic suggestion geass person.

You replied to an older update, not the more recent one.
I think I didn't refresh Oops. Thanks medivh
>Accept the slow trickle of craftsmen, workers and their families.
>As above and rogues and cutthroats, people with less savoury reputation, but even sharper blades.
>As above and warlocks and occultists and those disgraced and driven away

We got our spy master he can sort them out. We can put any trouble makers in the work camps.
>Accept the slow trickle of craftsmen, workers and their families.
>As above and rogues and cutthroats, people with less savoury reputation, but even sharper blades.
>As above and warlocks and occultists and those disgraced and driven away
It would be foolish to not accept normal workers. With less Alteracis coming, we need to rely on these secondary sources be it people from Underbelly or Stonemasons. Tent city is not obstacle with hundreds of Stonemasons around just like Medivh said.

But I dont think going for all the cutthroats and warlocks is the winning choice, I will still support it, besides it does look like witches and conjurers will be invited which is fine by me. We have enough skilled people to enforce order if needed. We already have former bandits in our service and we could use more of them. They could be a source of skilled soldiers, spies or even assassins. Reminds me of the idea anon had long time ago of providing redemption for all these criminals, maybe those in our prison camp get inspired by this and decide to jump sides. Sir Radan now after his promotion could lead them.

With warlocks and others we now have several magic users already around who can keep them in line. If rules are set and made clear, maybe we could employ mages in our patrols or to counter enemy magic? At minimum Eligius could have more members added into his Coven.
Taking a quill, ink and paper, you started to scribble a reply to Raethan.

It would be foolish to turn away potential workers especially as the influx of new Alteraci migrants had dried up. Even if not that many would make the move to Dawnholme, every single migrant who can work and be a productive member of the society would be something you wouldn't turn away. If someone wants to start anew, you would give them the opportunity.

But you wouldn't accept everyone, the line was drawn to bandits and other cutthroats. With so many of the newcomers still living in tents, accepting new people with dubious backgrounds probably isn't the smartest decision. They would have to wait till you had everyone indoors and settled in. Throwing more instability into an unstable situation wouldn't lead you anywhere good.

Still you did write to him as you didn't expect that many to come, that further mages and wizards would be accepted and appreciated. Boyd and Williams were in Strahnbrad Hills with the army, Madam Martin, while not hired, had opened a herbalist shop and was in a process of cataloguing local herbs and plants. But that was just three mages, add in Surena Caledon and it was four. Just not enough. So you wrote to Raethan to try to recruit more mages and you allowed him to approach those who are a bit more unorthodox. Witches and conjurers, those who practise alternative forms of magic.

Even if you couldn't get many of them to move to Dawnholme, those who would come would all be appreciated. And even if you didn't hire them, like Madam Martin they could set up their own businesses here.

You continued by telling Raethan to be careful. Acquiring unnecessary attention wouldn't help him nor would help you. If he needed to lie low and just do his official duties, he should do so. You want this arrangement to last long and not crash and burn too quickly.

Next you took the letter from Durnholde and opened the envelope. Inside of it were two letters, a shorter from Blackmoore himself that you decided to read first.

It was the official invitation to join the expedition against the gnolls. And it was a stupidly simple invitation.

"Lord Blackmoore invites Prince Alric Perenolde to join him to defeat the gnoll threat once and for all."

And then the signature.

You laughed, based on the quality of the handwriting Blackmoore was either drunk or horribly hungover. Thank the Light the second letter from Karramyn Langston was a lot longer and more descriptive.


The campaign would be launched in a month to allow all participants to collect and prepare their forces. Durnholde has been collecting supplies and will be in charge of the overall baggage train. When all the troops have gathered to Durnholde, the combined army will march to the northernmost Internment Camp and use it as a forward base. From there the army would continue towards the mountains and forests and flush out and bring the battle to the gnolls.

That sounded simple enough, but you were sure that there would be more discussions regarding the overall strategy when everyone is gathered there.

And speaking of that, Langston mentioned that the invites had been sent far and wide. He hoped that troops would arrive from Hillsbrad and Durnholde, but also from elsewhere. There's honour and prestige available for everyone and as a carrot whatever loot is gathered will be divided based on the amount of troops participating and what they have accomplished.

There were some other details written down, requests to bring your own tents and such. Nothing overly important to you.

But Langston finished the letter by thinking it was important to outright mention to you that Colonel Garithos would be participating. The word had spread that you had, mildly speaking, told him how big of an idiot he was and how the Regional Defenders had been driven away from Alterac. According to Langston, Garithos is eager to join the campaign and is going to participate with a lot of troops.

He hopes that you could come, or even just send a token of troops to join the campaign, but he understands that you have your own battles to fight as well. Langston waits for your answer, but doesn't expect it immediately, there is still time after all.

You would need to discuss this with your officers. How many troops could you actually send or would you outright sit this one out?

Beric hadn't arrived yet, but the traders and merchants from Tarren Mill, Durnholde and Hillsbrad Fields were arriving.

They were setting up their stalls, erecting their tents and starting to drum up interest in whatever products they were selling. For a couple of days a festival mood would spread through the town as goods are bartered and everyone wants to make as much coin as possible.

For those from Underbelly and especially to Stonemasons this was a new experience. Sure they had their marketplaces in Stormwind City, but an event like this? The whole region coming to sell their goods?

It will be a delightful experience for them as the Market Fair was in Dawnholme!

>Best of three

QM: Merchants have been making rounds so let's see how much Wealth you will make. And with the summer update just around the corner, I need to ask, have I forgotten anything that I should have done or mentioned?
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d3)

Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d3)

Pretty sure you did VanCleef's letter. I don't know if there were any other letters or word from Nalice when Cyrus came. I imagine getting Malevus her fancy books about The Light might be a little while.

If we join the campaign and draw troops from what we were intending to have keep our lands safe, could we ask our friends and allies to cover some of the patrols while we are on the gnoll campaign? Could let us bring a bit more while leaving things in hand.
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d3)

>Hmmm a Kirin Tor investigation now led by Kael'thas into the far reaches of the sewer where Raethan and the other inhabitants dont wander into.
Maybe they just went fishing :^)
There's some dodgy stuff you could fish up in the Underbelly next the warlock vendors in World of Warcraft.

I want to chat with Beric about developing more trade with Alliance Naval Base as mentioned earlier in this thread.
I wonder if we can (or ethically should) pen a letter to Bev to evacuate all Syndicate forces loyal to her from near Durnholde.
We need supplies, so establishing a trading partner in Tarren Mill of gold for supplies could done, or developed further.

Not sure what else.
>4 Wealth
>20 Peasants

Total Resources:
19 Wealth, +15 per season
23 Supplies, -1 per season
200 Peasants

You may exchange Wealth to Supplies with 1:1 rate and Supplies to Wealth with 1:1 rate.

I will be busy through the weekend so most likely no updates during that time, but now the Total Resources are very much up to date for the Summer update. Normal income has been added along with the income from Market Fairs. You also gained 20 Peasants as a small group of Alteracis arrived from Capital City. The exchange rate has also changed due to the demand for Supplies across Hillsbrad.

This should be enough to have some preliminary discussion or plans how to use your Wealth. The points already raised up will be touched upon in the actual updates if required.
>I forgotten anything that I should have done or mentioned?
can't remember at the moment. Uhmmm spy rumors/training update ? Oil Rig current construction (does it need workers sent there like Masons for example) ? Update on our prisoners ? The new mercs ?

the dreaded townhall.....
is Shoredon a small village or more a fortified camp ? Does it fall under Ragis ?
We sell one supply and buy the long awaited Town Hall. All that paperwork...Offloaded to some paperpusher goons....Plus a Mayor character?

Then again if Garithos is trying to one up us by bringing a large relatively green army then perhaps what we should do is bring our most elite units and specialists to form a strike team. Take the enemy leadership or champion with a fast small group. Or can respond to the gnoll ambushes in the difficult terrain. Maybe hire the naturalist wizard lady for healing and surgery and triage which will always be a valuable service.
We're only negative 1 supply. I'd say we sell 11 and get the town hall and upgrade a farm or tannery. We can boost our supply to positive and get the town hall.
Aren't Stonemasons already crazy busy with just keeping up with the housing demand?

I would be open to trading a supply for gold to reach 20wealth. I'm on the fence about the town hall benefits. Enhancing farms to make better use of the windmill, the iron mine upgrades, or other things seem more relevant while economy is still immature.
If anything we gotta buy windmills. With the goblin mode upgrade they each give two supply income.
I would go for more. 15 supplies to wealth. Get town hall, two windmills and then spend last 4 wealth for 40 footmen/archers. That would leave us -1 supply again and the troops in training could defend Dawnholme. And we would be closer to troop parity with Garithos and be able to defend against all threats. I imagine we get to loot supplies from the gnolls as well. Now that the price is good, supplies to wealth makes sense.
Ideally rather save that supply income for another mage or the trade ship we will want for the oil. Maybe a rocket troop as a treat.
>I'm on the fence about the town hall benefits.
Beside the effect in the pastebin, there is more to it.

- Free's up of lesser administrative duties Alric and Normand, which while sounding a bit funny have steadily increased through the quest. A few times Alric kind of avoids them if he feels tired/overwhelmed.
- With the population of Dawnholme increasing and counting even Stonedon, Shoredon and the not unlikely third village near the future Oil Rig that might form, its becoming far more people under us than before.
- Not having a civilian administration means that we lack something for our small realm that we could really use. A Mayor and paperpushers would be of help to us, they would be our loyal men by default depending on who we put in those roles.
- With more people coming in, i wouldn't be surprised if requests started for it

Sound good.
Oh we are definetly grabbing anything the gnolls have. Hell we made something with a pelt of one of their chiefs before. We could sell them

A fortified camp is a more accurate explanation. There are a few locals who have gotten work there as helpers and workers as they are always needed.


They are very busy, but do note that the third Stonemason group haven't arrived yet. More people are expected to come.


Pretty solid explanation of the benefits, but one thing I have hinted a bit becomes a reality as well.


Oh and happy Midsummer to my lovely anons!
Thanks, I didn't see the buildings pastebin.
I cobbled it together here bonuses and costs, hope you don't mind QM.

-Farms, 5 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires plains or farmlands +1 supply
-Improved Farms, 5 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires plains or farmlands +2 supply
-Farming Estates, 8 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires plains or farmlands +4 supply
-Windmill, 5 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires Farms +2 supply (+1 from gearbox)
-Noble Manor, 8 Wealth, -5 Peasants +2 supply
-Fortified Noble Manor, 15 Wealth +2 supply
-Lumbermill, 4 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires forests +1 wealth
-Sawmill, 8 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires forests +2 wealth
-Powered Sawmill, 10 Wealth, Requires Dwarven expertise, Requires forests +3 wealth
-Herbalist’s Hut, 5 Wealth, 5- Peasants, Requires forests +1 supply
-Alchemist’s Hut, 12 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires forests -1 supply
-Alchemist’s Workshop, 15 Wealth, Requires Master Alchemist, Requires forests -3 supply
-Hunting Lodge, 3 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires forests +1 supply
-Leatherworker’s Workshop, 5 Wealth, -10 Peasants +1 supply, +1 wealth
-Blacksmith, 8 Wealth, -5 Peasants +1 supply
-Improved Blacksmith, 10 Wealth, -5 Peasants +2 supply
-Foundry, 20 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires a Master Smith +2 supply
-Mine, 5 Wealth, -30 Peasants, Requires found ore
-Mine Complex, 20 Wealth, -50 Peasants, Requires found ore (Iron mine is this +2 wealth)
-Deep Mine Complex, 20 Wealth, -50 Peasants, Requires Dwarven expertise, Requires found ore (Silver mine is this +8 wealth)
-Stables, 5 Wealth, -5 Peasants -1 supply +10 horses
-Major Stables, 10 Wealth, -5 Peasants -2 supply +20 horses
-Grand Stables, 10 Wealth, -5 Peasants -3 supply +40 horses
-Mustering Field, 3 Wealth -1 supply
-Barracks, 10 Wealth, -10 Peasants -2 supply
-Town Hall, 20 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires village or town (As noted, taxes) +governing
-Keep, 20 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires town or city +governing & defence
-Castle, 30 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires town or city +governing & large defence & large leadership
-Scout Tower, 4 Wealth +defence
-Guard Tower, 10 Wealth, -10 Peasants +large defence
-Cannon Tower, 20 Wealth, -10 Peasants +huge defence
-Town Walls and Gate, 12 Wealth, Requires a town or a city
-City Walls and Gate, 18 Wealth, Requires a city
-Abbey, 15 Wealth, Requires a town
-Church, 15 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires a town or a city
-Cathedral, 15 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires a city

Townhall does seem very appealing then. With up to 42 wealth available before starvation sets in.. Setting up three windmills on Gavin's, Sofera's Naze and Stranhbrad Hills makes sense to at least make us supply positive until adding more troops. Leaving 7 wealth/supplies for troop training and other actions.
Thanks Medvih.

I'd agree with a Town Hall and three Windmills. I just don't think immediately eating up our supply income again with more troops is good. We don't need parity in numbers with the Regional Defender forces, including allies we can pull roughly even anyways, but I think it would just be a pissing contest that won't win any favors. We can spend it better.

I'd sooner reserve it for the Naturalist mage since her healing could save us on lives and veterancy lost. One Alric heart attack tier bad roll and we could need her to save a side character if Malevus isn't able to pull off a healing roll, or is the victim of one herself. Perhaps one of the newer mages if they look good, or almost certainly the trade ship which will take 5 supply per season once we have the oil up and running.

As we see here supply income is also money when we need it, reinvesting it later as we are doing here. Supply gains like this are gonna be more expensive to come by with getting to Farming Estates from Farms costing 13 wealth. Once we get a large stockpile we can temporarily field a much larger host of troops for a planned battle like the trolls or ogres, or thrall's thing if we try to meddle in that.

In fact it would also be useful politically if we have a healthy amount of spending food for feasting our new arrivals to promote unity, for feasting and gifting our neighbors who we want to butter up for expanding the Darrowmere league.
Found a mistake of mine.

-Mine, 5 Wealth, -30 Peasants, Requires found ore (Iron mine is this +2 wealth)
-Mine Complex, 20 Wealth, -50 Peasants, Requires found ore (Silver mine is this +8 wealth)
-Deep Mine Complex, 20 Wealth, -50 Peasants, Requires Dwarven expertise, Requires found ore (Not yet built)

Also we have one more land of Darrow Hill that doesn't have a windmill that could receive one.
It had started to rain early last evening and it had rained through the night. There were puddles everywhere, but thankfully the traders and merchants had covered their goods and stalls really well so no damage had been done.

By midmorning the sky had cleared and the sun started to shine. And by midday it had gotten very hot outside, hot and really moist thanks to the rain.

"I do not envy you Prince Alric." Eligius said to you, even he had left his usual dark robe behind.

"I am not bothered with the heat." You replied as you stood next to him and looked down into the half-finished sewer works. "I don't know why, but I'm not that bothered. Haven't been for some time. Besides, I do need to cover myself."

Eligius gave you a knowing look, just last night he had repainted the blue elven sigils on your skin. The ancient method of helping new mages to get used to mana was supposedly helping you. Of course you didn't have a comparison point, so you just had to trust what Lady Nalice had told you. Last night's magic studies left you a bit tired as you had forced your instincts and pushed them as hard as you could to sense magic. You had made some progress there, but it for some reason was a lot harder than you had expected.

And now you were wearing your usual long sleeved shirt, leather jacket with buttons closed and breeches tucked into your riding boots. With a chaperon on your head, you felt rather overdressed compared to the people around you. Most of the workers had thrown off their shirts and even the womenfolk had dropped the excess clothing away while still staying modest.

At least your dark glasses that hid your eyes protected you from not getting blinded by the sun. And you could give a glimpse or two to the fine ladies without anyone noticing.

The work in Dawnholme wasn't interrupted by the sun. The main street through the town was still dug open, but you could see that the sewer had started to form. All the stonework on the floor of the sewer had been finished and section by section the walls and the ceiling was being constructed. The handiwork of the Stonemasons was really impressive, even the walking path within the sewer was really smooth and the walls were finished with quality that was most likely wasted in a sewer.

And everything was carefully sloped towards the southeast to prevent waste and water from pooling up within the sewer. With the drainage tunnel through the Headland finished, there now was a stone pipe barely big enough for a man to crawl through with a heavy iron grate on one end, making sure that all the waste would leave the sewer and flow down the hills away from Dawnholme towards Hillsbrad. It wasn't the most elegant solution, but with no river nearby to wash all the waste away, it was the second best solution.


The work on the housing was progressing as well. One work crew prepared the foundations, another cut the stone for them. Then the construction crews went to work with new wooden frames being erected daily and in some cases roofs were already being raised. None of the new houses were finished, but you saw how all the work flowed from one phase to another without hiccups or work crews overlapping each other.

And while building new things took a lot of time, renovating the old didn't take as much. Stonemason work crews as part of the project to turn Dawnholme into a great city, went through each house and a building seeing what could be done to make them better, more habitable. Already several houses had been renovated. Dirt floors were replaced with proper wooden floors, walls and windows checked for insulation and so on. In some of the houses lofts were built where more people could sleep in, getting a few more families out of the tents.

There were a lot of things for them to do and a lot of work to be finished, but you could see the progress. By the end of the summer, Master Pelija predicted that half of everyone living in the tents would be housed and the remaining half would follow by the end of Autumn. When the sewer is finished, that would free up a lot of manpower for all the other work.

"Let's go see Pai and the dungeon." You said to Eligius. "I wonder if she appreciates her new home."

Past the previous jail cells was a door with a guard standing next to it. He allowed you and Eligius to pass and you walked down the winding stairs deeper underground until reaching another door that you pushed open and led you into a domed chamber. The work had been finally finished last week.

Couple of tables and chairs were there and you saw seven heavy doors leading into individual cells of which only one was now occupied.

"She hasn't talked." Eligius told you. "Not to me or to anyone else, but apparently she has been enjoying reading the books you have provided to her."

"Oh has she?" You asked curiously.

"Prince Alric, it is not my job to judge you, but romance novels? Really?" Eligius asked you and was thoroughly puzzled about your liking of the books.

"Oh those, yeah I thought she would like some light reading." You replied with a chuckle, not bothering to tell him that those books were on loan from Malevus.

"As long as they keep her content." Eligius shrugged. "But do you want to talk with her alone or do you need me? I don't think she will talk to me."

Eligius seemed defeated. He had tried for months and months, but without success.

"Chin up, it's not your fault that she has opted to play mute." You said to him.


>Talk with Pai alone in her cell. See what she is up to right now.
>Have Eligius join you, you are going to make Pai the imprisoned Syndicate assassin to talk with him.
>Drag Pai out of the cell and give her a tour of Dawnholme. See what she thinks about the Market Fair.
>Other, write in.


Oh I don't mind, the pastebins are there for guidance.
>Have Eligius join you, you are going to make Pai the imprisoned Syndicate assassin to talk with him.
>>Have Eligius join you, you are going to make Pai the imprisoned Syndicate assassin to talk with him.
Do mention the fair to her and how shes totally missing out wasting away in this cell.
>>Have Eligius join you, you are going to make Pai the imprisoned Syndicate assassin to talk with him.
Tempted to drag her out. She hasnt seen how we made our Alterac.
>Have Eligius join you, you are going to make Pai the imprisoned Syndicate assassin to talk with him.
Tell him to be at ease since I suspect that he acts more imperiously than he's actually capable of.

Nah, too on the nose. It needs to be more off handed imo.
>Drag Pai out of the cell and give her a tour of Dawnholme. See what she thinks about the Market Fair.

This option would be funny because I have a feeling she would say something about the market fair being a perfect opportunity for enemy spies to not only enter Dawnholme, but to meet and communicate and even gather together if they had a mission that needed a little more muscle. So she could possibly spot a spy, possibly not even a syndicate spy, which might be handy. I hope it wins.

I'm surprised people want to try and make Pai talk to Eligius. Shes a professional, its part of her identity, if shes not talking to him after months and months than she has her guard up against him, so I'd guess having him there would put her on edge which is not ideal to building trust needed to flip a formerly hostile agent. Also if it actually worked then we would just be offloading out Pai and Alric conversation scenes to Eligius instead which I dont think is the way to go.
>I'm surprised people want to try and make Pai talk to Eligius. Shes a professional, its part of her identity, if shes not talking to him after months and months than she has her guard up against him, so I'd guess having him there would put her on edge which is not ideal to building trust needed to flip a formerly hostile agent.
I don't think it's that kind of deal anon. It seems more like she doesn't respect him and liked to fuck with him since her silence upset his interrogator schtick so much that it was entertaining to her. Here, we're trying to build bridges between the two since we expect them to work together in the future.

>Also if it actually worked then we would just be offloading out Pai and Alric conversation scenes to Eligius instead which I dont think is the way to go.
That is not the point of this exercise.
I mean its not surprising she doesn't respect him hes only a spymaster in training without much real experience, and most of his time interacting with people before that was being as plain as possible. Their personalities also might not be very compatible, but maybe thats just me.

That would be pretty funny if shes doing it just to mess with him and entertain herself, though if entertainment were the goal I'd think she would give him little bits of nothing to keep him coming back so she could keep fucking with him. Lead him into stories that go nowhere or are just a punchline to fuck with him with an 'The Aristocrats' joke or something. That she just says nothing but he keeps coming back also might just be they are both stubborn as hell lol, but she is actually a professional who considers her position a lot.

Last time with the letter business she asked for our terms so I do think we are at or approaching the point where we can ask for a deal of her flipping sides? I feel like that should be done first before attempted bridge building with someone she either is on guard against or likes to fuck with being present. In my mind yeah its a hurdle to overcome but we haven't even started the race yet with her agreement to work with us.

What do you think her price would be? I imagine she deserves a specialist level of pay and gear as a professional assassin, otherwise she could just skedaddle to find some scummy nobles to work for later.
>That she just says nothing but he keeps coming back also might just be they are both stubborn as hell lol
This is what I think, she finds abusing his stubborness entertaining while also being extremely stubborm herself. Remember that it took Alric staring at her for a long ass time before she finally spoke up.

>I feel like that should be done first before attempted bridge building with someone she either is on guard against or likes to fuck with being present.
It's preliminary bridge building and Eligius won't be making a fool of himself with Alric in the lead. We'll be trying to make things fun for everyone, not just Alric and Pai.

>In my mind yeah its a hurdle to overcome but we haven't even started the race yet with her agreement to work with us.
What do you think her price would be? I imagine she deserves a specialist level of pay and gear as a professional assassin, otherwise she could just skedaddle to find some scummy nobles to work for later.
If she were all business then I could see that but she seems a lot more hung up on sentiments than just money. Sure she could work for someone else and perhaps get a bit more coin but would it be as fun and interesting of a ride as Alric's? I doubt it.
>>Talk with Pai alone in her cell. See what she is up to right now.
"Are you sure?" Eligius asked you.

"No, but my patience is wearing thin. I am going to get her to talk to you." You replied to him. "Just follow me."

"Well I wouldn't hold my breath." Eligius said back. "You can try though."

You walked to her cell door and opened it with a key you had taken. Stepping in, you saw one of the new cells for the first time. Stone floor and walls, a table with two chairs, chamber pot, a small shelf with a single book on it and then the bed where Pai was laying on her back.

"Hello Pai." You greeted her, placing a lantern on the table and getting her attention.

She sat upright and stared at you for a few seconds until Eligius stepped into her cell and immediately you could see a chance in her eyes. She wasn't thrilled to see him.

"You look well, do you like your new cell? I can see that it is a bit more spacious and the floor isn't damp sand anymore." You said to her as you took the chair.

Dragging it on the floor with one hand, you had a feeling that she wouldn't try anything funny, and so you placed it closer to her than before. Setting your walking cane down as well, you took a seat and waited for her to respond.

"It's alright." Pai answered.

You gave a look to Eligius who had also taken a seat.

"See, she isn't a mute." You said to him. "She can talk."

"Just not to me." Eligius replied. "Good day Pai."

She glanced at Eligius and then looked back at you, she seemed annoyed because of the presence of both of you.

"Alright, I will get to the point immediately. I wanted to come see you for two reasons. First is this newly built and finished dungeon. Second is that my patience with you is wearing thin." You said to her and crossed your arms and rested your leg on top of the other one. "You have been my prisoner for half a year already. We have talked a few times and I think we have made some progress. The baths and extra rations have worked wonders."

Pai had let her brown hair grow longer, but otherwise she was closer to the assassin you had caught than the one who had lost plenty of weight and was grimy as hell rotting away in a cell. If she wasn't wearing very dull brown clothes that made her look like a homeless person, she would have been a quite attractive person thanks to her staggering looks and rather… curvy body.

"And in return you have spoken to me a bit, you gave away the shiv you had made and you haven't shown any attempts trying to escape, trying to attack me or Eligius or any of the guards. You haven't even tried to kill yourself. And do note, I think you are skilled enough to have entertained the thought of trying that." You spoke and continued. "But you haven't for whatever reason. You could, but you haven't."

"Waiting for death at the hands of a Syndicate master assassin? Waiting for the unlikely rescue? Waiting for me to fuck you, just like you wanted?" You spoke.

"Are you offering?" She asked back, a mischievous grin on her face and her voice took a honeyed tone.


"Sorry, you have to take me out for a few dates first." You replied with a smile. Neither of you were serious about what you had just said. "But ahh… you can't take me out because you don't want to leave the cell."

"A pity." She replied, having returned back to being serious.

"It really is and like I said, my patience is wearing thin and you are running out of time." You told her and continued. "Sooner than later I will find that someone and then I don't have time for anyone else."

Pai laughed. You had gotten her open up at least this much which meant that you could get her to talk to Eligius. At least to tell you why she is pretending to play mute with him.

"Why don't you talk with Eligius? He visits you near daily, but you aren't saying a single thing?" You immediately asked her.

"Because he is boring." Pai said and stifled her laugh. "You meanwhile are quite interesting."

"Just because of that?" You chose not to glance at how Eligius was reacting to this.

"He is the most milquetoast, boring, uninterested man that I have ever met." Pai replied and stared back. "And believe me I have met men who are pathetic. Fel, you know Sahvan, if I had told him to suck my toes, he would have done that gladly."

Eligius was quite unassuming and inconspicuous which has worked for his benefit, but milquetoast? You found your warlock turned into a spymaster, masquerading as a scribe to be a quite interesting and skilled man.


"He comes here, takes a seat greeting me with his quill and ink already ready." Pai started to explain. "And months ago he tried to ask me questions about everything, but you know what he has been doing for the past two months? He has been just telling me what he has been doing and what has been happening in the town above."

This time you had to turn to look at Eligius.

"Is what she says true?" You asked him.

"Pai wasn't answering my questions so I thought to at least keep her up to date with what has been going on." Eligius replied and shrugged. He seemed rather annoyed about this outburst of hers.


"Yeah and what he tells me is the most boring and mundane bullshit there is. Oh I catalogued some migrants, oh the sheep farmer brought some sheep for sale, oh I wrote a letter for a peasant who was illiterate." Pai described what Eligius had told her rather vividly and waved her hands like she was incredibly amazed about every word of his. "Such boring bullshit."

"And why do you talk with me then?" You asked her.

"Because you are interesting. You are a Prince, you are a well-known swordsman, you are very handsome and instead of letting me die, you kept me alive." Pai told you and switched to her sultry voice. "And because of the rumours and what people say about you. When I say I want you to fuck me, that is not a lie."

"That's it?" Eligius asked back, his voice betrayed his normally calm exterior as he was amazed by her reasoning.

"That's it. Prince Alric is interesting, with him I can spar verbally and have some fun. But you are the most boring-ass-milquetoast-monotonous-passionless-nondescript man I have ever met!" Pai replied back to him, now she was a bit heated.

"Yeah and so what? I prefer to be nondescript if I can." Eligius said back to her immediately.

"And you bore me to death with your stubborn attempts to get me to talk." Pai replied to him.

"And your stubborn play of pretending to be mute and not even acknowledging me has made me waste hours and hours. You could have just said that you aren't going to say anything to me and I would have gladly stopped after a few tries!" Eligius replied all heated as well.

"Stubborn shithead!"

"Filthy harlot!"

You started to laugh. No way you hadn't expected this to devolve into anything like this. Both Pai and Eligius had lost their cools and dropped whatever characters they normally played as they shouted at each other. What Pai said felt like the truth, but it wasn't the explanation or the reason why she hadn't spoken to you about Syndicate. She might find you more interesting, but that doesn't explain everything.

"Ahh it finally happened." You said mid laugh.

"What!" Both Pai and Eligius asked you in near unison.

"I got the two of you talking!" You continued laughing.

Both Pai and Eligius immediately turned silent and averted their eyes off each other and towards you. It took you a moment to collect yourself.

"I think this is a wonderful opportunity for the two of you to start anew." You told them.

"No, nothing will change how uninteresting he is." Pai told you.


How Pai acts towards Eligius is just plain childish and silly and definitely isn't the reason why she doesn't talk and reveal what she knows. With Eligius it is just her stubbornness, but with you she still has some reasoning. Be it out of professionalism or not, but there is a reason. There must be.

This did give you an idea. Pai found Eligius uninteresting, but what if he was suddenly quite interesting? Revealing that he was a warlock would turn her idea of Eligius upside down and make it apparent to her what sort of people you are willing to employ. If a warlock, why not an assassin as well?

Though that had its own issues. What if Pai tried to tell that to others? Would anyone believe a Syndicate assassin? And would it get her to actually reveal anything worth of note to you? You might need a carrot or a big stick. But it was clear you needed something that would change the current status quo and turn her situation into something a lot more different. Because she seemed to be quite content with what is the present.

>Eligius is a warlock. A warlock serving you is quite interesting for a multitude of reasons. Him being inconspicuous is a feature, not an issue.
>Eligius is your spymaster. Being and acting nondescript allows him to perform his duties rather well.
>Eligius might be boring, but you are going to give her a chance to at least settle this with him.
>Other, write in

>You are going to show her something interesting, drag her out and give her a tour of Dawnholme and show her the Market Fair
>Remind her that she is running out of time. Sooner than later you are going to learn what she knows from other sources and she loses her value. And you are going to find a wife and be loyal to her.
>You know what, she has tested your patience far too much. Strip her off any and all amenities and allow her to rot in the cell until she wishes to talk to you.
>Promise her more books and ways to spend time. In return Pai will reveal something new to you.
>Give her what she wants, you will fuck her if she tells you everything she knows.
>Other, write in.

QM: Please vote on both. Great discussion on Pai and her motives. The puzzle pieces are coming together.
>Other, write in
Eligius is actually rather popular in his circle. He has a harem of rather eccentric women who took him to a little festival just for them. What was that game? Pin the tail?

>You are going to show her something interesting, drag her out and give her a tour of Dawnholme and show her the Market Fair

AHAH she found him boring. Luckily I think I know exactly what will get her attention, without spilling any of the magical details. This at least won't expose him as a warlock and our spymaster.
Fuckin called it didn't I? But yeah your plan is good. Just need to make a bit out of going on a date so her and Alric can fuck.
"See Eligius, he is a true gentleman and doesn't brag about his conquests. It just shows that you as a master assassin, Pai, you cannot discern Eligius's true form."

Mixing more half-truths would be funny as.
>Promise her more books and ways to spend time. In return Pai will reveal something new to you.
>Promise her a wrestling buddy, when our squire heals
Haha yes this was better than I expected it to be. Lets put in the idea of Eligius being more interesting that he is outwardly and then take her out to see thr sights as a "date".

I am not sure if we should have sex with her. Make a bit out of "dating" sure.
>Eligius is a very interesting man once you get to know him

>Remind her that she is running out of time. Sooner than later you are going to learn what she knows from other sources and she loses her value. And you are going to find a wife and be loyal to her.
It's part of the bit anon, she wants to have sex with Alric? Need to go on a date first.
"Pai, it will be your loss then." You said to her. "Because I find him a rather interesting person."

Pai scoffed at what you had said. Getting her to open up like this most likely wasn't what she had envisioned to happen in the first place.

"Eligius is quite popular amongst his circles." You said to her.

"Prince Alric…" Eligius tried to interrupt you as he realised what you were going to say next.

"He has this group of rather eccentric women following him. They even held this festival just for him and them." You told Pai and pretended to be thinking. "What was the game they played? Hmmm… pin the tail?"

"He what?" Pai asked, clearly surprised about what she had just heard.

"See Eligius, he is a true gentleman and doesn't brag about…" You continued and stopped on purpose. "I will leave it there, not my business to say more. But do you know what this means Pai? It shows that you as this supposed master assassin, you cannot discern Eligius's true form."

"Then tell me what it is." Pai demanded from you.

"No no, that is for you to ask from him. That is if you want to know. But I promise, he isn't that milquetoast when you get to know him." You spoke to her and stood up.

"Already finished?" Pai seemed disgusted at the thought of having to talk with him. Her tone was rather suggestive. "Not even a sloppy quickie this time?"

"Finished? Oh no, we aren't finished." You replied and rolled your eyes at her lewd remark. When she was on the defensive, she immediately resorts to vulgar suggestions. This was good, you had the initiative here. "Stand up and Eligius, can you please open the door and make sure I don't forget anything here."

Pai seemed hesitant as Eligius opened the door, so you walked to her and grabbed her arm, pulling her up and to your side.

She could easily grab your rondel dagger and stab you right then and there, but she was mostly just bewildered about this.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked, dropping her suggestive voice. "I don't have a choice, do I?"

"You will see." You replied nonchalantly. "And no you don't."

You let her go as it was apparent that she would follow you willingly. You walked the stairs up into the jail and politely declined on putting the irons on her legs and arms. And when you stepped out of the jail into the bright sunlight, Pai could only blink and try to cover her eyes with her arms.

"It's so bright…" She complained.

"Prince Alric, what are you doing with her?" Sir Gravis asked and was immediately alerted.

"At ease, just follow me from a distance as usual." You said to him and waved his concerns away.


"No buts Sir Gravis, Pai won't try anything, isn't that right?" You said to him and turned to look at the assassin struggling in the sunlight. She didn't say anything. "Now follow me, I have so much to show you."


You guided her through Dawnholme, showing her the town that she hadn't seen before. She had most likely heard a lot from Eligius, but seeing everything with her own eyes was different.

Locals greeted you as you passed them. Most of them had grown accustomed to their eccentric, but kind Prince and didn't really seem that interested in why a beautiful woman in just a brown shirt, hosen and shoes was following you. Some Alteracis did recognise Pai as the assassin or made the connection, but they just gave you a curious look as they bowed or did a curtsy.

And Pai took that all in, at one point she washed her hands and face in a trough, getting water all over herself, and then at another she watched as Stonemasons winched a frame of a house up.

"We have over two thousand souls living here in Dawnholme." You said to her. "And more are coming."

Pai hadn't said anything and she just looked at you. So many opportunities for her to try something, but nothing had happened.

"When you arrived here, the population was just half of that. I think we are going to surpass Southshore soon." You told her. "Now follow me, I still have a lot to show you."

You escorted her past the barracks and sparring soldiers. Blacksmith was busy with work as you spoke with him very briefly and watched as a work gang made out of the prisoners of yours helped to carry heavy planks and lumber around. The word must have spread even to them as they stared at Pai until the guards made them concentrate on the work.

And Pai just took all of this in. She looked around, observed the people working and going through their daily tasks. But she seemed wary, on guard and tense. As if she was looking for familiar faces, an assassin that would sink a blade into her back.

A gaggle of children had approached you very carefully. The bravest of them, a young boy stepped forth.

"Prince Alric… how is aunty Malevus doing?" The boy asked, forcing you to smile as you took a knee to look and speak to the children on their level.

"She is doing better, but she can't be up and running as she is recovering." You told the boy and other children.

"When can we see her?" The boy asked again.

"In a week or two." You spoke and continued. "You know what would make her a very happy lady, if you kept her in your evening prayers everyday."

There was a chorus of agreeing nods.

"Now go, I have a bit of business to do and I shouldn't keep Miss Pai waiting." You told them and stood up.

The children scattered, waving to both you and to Pai, who didn't know what to think about this.


The word had spread fast in Dawnholme and then to elsewhere how you had set out on a rescue mission into Alterac to fight the ogres, coming back with over thirty men who had been your enemies till the previous day. People spoke how it had been the right thing to do and how during all of this Malevus had gotten wounded, while protecting those who would have tried to kill her in other circumstances. Heroic tales always reach the furthest.

"Let's go to eat something, I am already a bit hungry." You said to Pai, who again just followed you without saying a word.

You had purchased some pretzels from a merchant, who funnily was from Durnholde Keep and recognised Pai. Having taken a seat on some boxes somewhat away from others, you started to eat the pretzels, but Pai hadn't even tasted hers.

"Not hungry?" You asked her. "They aren't poisoned, see."

You grabbed the pretzel she was holding and took a bite out of it, before passing it back to her. Chewing slowly, you thought about pretending to choke on it to spook her, but decided against it.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked you.

"To show you Dawnholme and what you are missing out." You told Pai and continued eating.

"No, it is not that. You think this is going to make me talk." She said back and again looked around. She didn't seem to enjoy being out like this, yet she had followed you through the whole tour.

"Will it?" You asked her back.

Pai didn't answer.

"Your loss then." You replied and continued eating.

It took a moment until Pai took the first bite out of her pretzel. She chewed on it and then hurriedly finished it before taking out the second one you had bought her.

"I can't see through you, and it looks like I can't see through Eligius either." Pai suddenly said to you. "Why are you doing this? What are your reasonings for all of this? You said that I could have tried to harm you and now you have allowed me to approach you close enough to take your dagger and stab you."

"But you haven't." You replied between the bites.

"I can't get a read of you. It is both so frustrating and… excruciatingly interesting." Pai said and continued. "What is your play?"

>This is a date. You told her that there needs to be a few dates first before the sex. Be joking, but obfuscate and tease her hard.
>To let people recognise you and allow the word to spread. You walk free next to your previous target. How does that look to the Syndicate?
>Showing her everything you have accomplished. What she is missing while stuck in her cell in the dark.
>Having her learn this side of you. The Prince everyone appreciates and likes, that you aren't some corrupt nobleman of Syndicate.
>Other, write in.

QM: Write ins work really well now. You are getting closer and closer.
>This is a date. You told her that there needs to be a few dates first before the sex. Be joking, but obfuscate and tease her hard.
As a starter but seriously don't give the whole game away, getting to slowly know each other is part of the fun isn't it? So... the best of the prompts given is
>Showing her everything you have accomplished. What she is missing while stuck in her cell in the dark.
>>This is a date. You told her that there needs to be a few dates first before the sex. Be joking, but obfuscate and tease her hard.
>>To let people recognise you and allow the word to spread. You walk free next to your previous target. How does that look to the Syndicate?
Syndicate has killed or tried to kill failed assassins but not Pai. She clearly expected it to happen in Dawnholme but it hasnt which has made her confused. Syndicate looks like they have abandoned her in their strange way of not killing her. Alric meanwhile has been good for her and avoided punishing her. He even moved her down into more secure cell where in theory killing her is a lot more difficult.

Now Alric dragged her out for everyone to see. No irons and minimal guards. People recognice her and make the assumptions. Assassin allowed to walk free like this could mean deal has been made. Syndicate might think so as well but they havent tried to kill her before. Pai also tried to spot anyone familiar.

My theory is that Pai seeks security within the jail cell and hasnt struck a deal because of it. By showing her that Dawnholme is a good place and no one has tried or will try to kill her, Pai might realise Syndicate has fully abandoned her, leaving Alric as her only real option. Pai also saw the prison work gangs and how Alric has treated her doesnt differ from others.

Tldr: Syndicate has abandoned her and not even parading her around like this brings her into danger. Alric is her only option.

Its part of the bit but I dont see the benefits of actually fucking her. But use it as a way to keep her guessing.
>Tldr: Syndicate has abandoned her and not even parading her around like this brings her into danger. Alric is her only option.
This is good as an observation and would go along nicely with the teasing but I don't think it has the personal touch required. Let's include this and the "Showing her everything we have accomplished" prompt no?

>Its part of the bit but I dont see the benefits of actually fucking her. But use it as a way to keep her guessing.
Of course we shouldn't, not as things are now anyway, with her guard up and all that. We're not Sahvan.
>>This is a date. You told her that there needs to be a few dates first before the sex. Be joking, but obfuscate and tease her hard.
>Showing her everything you have accomplished. What she is missing while stuck in her cell in the dark.
>Showing her everything you have accomplished. What she is missing while stuck in her cell in the dark.
>"No, it is not that. You think this is going to make me talk."
To elaborate on the personal touch point, sure we would like to get her to talk but it's not just about the intel but also about trying to figure her out. Like a puzzle, it's interesting, and we could get another fun and useful gal out of it too.

This shouldn't be outright said of course. Medivh said write ins work really well now but I feel like being playfully vague and ambiguous but still drip feeding info is the right choice, like the kind of ending to a book that has you dying to read the next one. Having everything told to you in a rush would be lame wouldn't it?

"I can't get a read of you. It is both so frustrating and… excruciatingly interesting."
"That's for me to know and you to find out..."
Fucked up the end, it's supposed to be:
>"I can't get a read of you. It is both so frustrating and… excruciatingly interesting." Pai said and continued. "What is your play?"
>"That's for me to know and you to find out.."
A line to start the play.
Nice, this has gone well. Let me see, his why and reasons for all of this?

>Other, write in.
I was wondering what you would see here. Not whats been built, though I am proud of that.. The way I see it just about everyone you saw today, despite their differences, have one important quality they share. A belief in a second chance. The Alteraci who escaped the burning of the kingdom, the Stonemasons who've taken flight from Stormwind, the folk of Dalaran's Underbelly. Eligius (saved from bandits), Malevus (wanted to escape her courtier tailor fate to be a paladin), Radan, Beckston, etc. Those who fought against me I spared accordingly. I get the feeling the Syndicate doesn't believe in them.

If you wanted to use your second chance to be my enemy you've had opportunities, but what I want is to see what you will ultimately do with yours here.

Theres also something to be said about the value of her skills as a professional spy/assassin and Alric not exactly turning his nose up, nor can he afford to when they send assassins after his allies.
Lewd lead-in and then straight to wholesome and supported.
I think I can work with this. Could I have rolls, everyone's favourite combo. Weather and random event!

>Best of three, taking the second roll

Captcha is DAMP, foreshadowing?
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Oh boy
Rolled 3 (1d10)

ho boy imps raining from the sky!
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Shit rolls...
Well, whatever's damp, it's not the weather.

Weather for sure won't be damp, in fact it is going to be tremendously good. But with half of the update finished, I realised that I do need another roll for that 3 you got. I will try to get the update out some time tomorrow.

>Best of three, taking the second roll
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Rolled 7 (1d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Thoughts for later. It'll be kind of funny if we have an assassin spy, but at this point so many people know who she is. Being former Syndicate it would be pretty hard to send her for spying against them without some really good disguises, covert movement. Having a fake Pai in jail and occasionally being walked around to pretend like shes still in Dawnholme when shes really on a mission. Or settle her into more of a spy assassin/counter intelligence training advisory role.

I wonder if Alric does personally show up to the Gnoll campaign if Garithos would be foolish enough to try something or provoke Alric. Or if Alric should try to provoke Garithos so he can dunk on him again. Intentionally raising tensions anymore probably isn't needed after the whole persona nongrata and expulsion, but it would be funny. Ideally killing the gnoll leadership will be achievement enough and humiliation for Garithos if we did it with a smaller force.

I do wanna see if Alric can use the Fel point in combat as a purely physical boost. Maybe get some Fel training in for better control, sensing, and whatever utility options it might unlock.
Great update btw Medivh.

Im still thinking about getting Garithos to control the orc camps so Thrall can fuck his shit up instead of Blackmoore's. The schadenfreude would be amazing.
My apologies, work is very ornery yet again so no update today. Just lacking all the energy for creative writing. But to keep some activity going as we are trying to get Pai to flip sides, what kind of a role do you expect her to have in the future if any? Or in short:

Pai is for:
>Write in

Good musing about her and about rest of the stuff. Some of you are pretty close.
Facts. Please anons let's get a bunch of his ally scum killed. Orcs freed and make blackmoor look good for once. And have garithos eat a cow pie of orc shit.
Pai is for setting up with our spy master.
Pai is for espionage. Even if we don't use her in the field, she has experience and knowledge that will be useful.

He already has his harem of witches, Pai would be one of Alric's girls if anything. Speaking of which, will we get an answer from Monica soon?
>Write in
The Eligiusbowl maybe? Contending against I think it was the young pretty witch from the circle, unless it was all of them. Fairly unlikely, but it would be funny for the open hostility to turn into something else over time. Though settling into barely tolerating each other for business is fine too. Going the other way she'd be the only Alricbowl contender who is fairly chesty I think, since that daughter of the deceased Southshore mayor with 'huge tracts of land' moved to the Capital and was maybe going to do charity work? Don't think we ever heard back from them. I don't think Callia was very chesty either.

Theres not a great list of people Alric would want to have assassinated at the moment. Plus with her identity exposed it would just link it to Alric if any complications happen on a mission so probably to train other spies/assassins. Working with Eligius as counter intelligence. As part of the Alric Hero Squad if we are in wartime or traveling somewhere and we want someone to go dig for rumors or do something stealthy? Thats fairly dangerous though since she would be a high value target.

That said I think she might have a fair charisma score with her looks and social prowess. Since shes already pretty well infamous as a captured, and possibly turncoat, agent of the Syndicate. If we gave her a role as a political agent to convince others to work with Alric it could have some interesting results in the right arena. Nobles and powerful criminal types aren't always the most trustworthy so having someone who can spot their tricks could be pretty handy.

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