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Times are tough. It seems like no one is making any coin everyone is practically starving. It's almost winter here in Rupit. You are
>a Miller's daughter. Not yet suffering from starvation but still poor
>a orphan girl. Taken in by the local nunnery. Poverty and chastaty are the vows you hold close.
>a dukes 4th daughter. You have no place in court life but you neither hunger nor want. Life seems meaningless.
>a poachers daughter. You want not for food or clothing yet you lack for all else.
>a gaurdsmens daughter. You have the needs but life is drudgery.

One hours from post to count votes if anyone is interested.
>>a poachers daughter. You want not for food or clothing yet you lack for all else.
>a dukes 4th daughter. You have no place in court life but you neither hunger nor want. Life seems meaningless.
>Orphaned Nun Novitiate
No idea why I'm fucking this dice roll up. Maybe because I'm on my phone. Please roll a d3 highest wins
Fuck it, I used Google dice roll.

You are Tamara. The daughter of the duke of Rupit. Life is lonely. Your father has had the devil's luck. Four daughters, no son's. The oldest of the bunch, Rosalind, let's her despair eat away at her heart. She has fathers favor but is a pawn. A most valuable pawn, yet still a pawn. Second is Mary, sickly and frail. She worries herself with the proposals father gives her every week. Her only outcome is a replacement. Something to be used if her more stately sister passes. Less than a pawn.
Sophia, third sister and third of Her name Is empty headed, she cares naught for naught. And here you are, the most disposal of the four. Father cares nothing for you, mother thinks nothing of you. You sit at the northmost window of the chapel and think of
>the fairy stories your nursemaid told you.
>the smallfolk who told you of the son of Pluto who lives in the woods
>Christ an his lessons on how to live
>the story of the hippocampus who granted melonia her wish
>Dwarves who can grant the wishes of others
>chronos who ate his young
>the smallfolk who told you of the son of Pluto who lives in the woods
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200 KB JPG
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Next time when you need to roll, put the dice you want to roll where I put the 1d2 in the picture, and put it as dice+(number of dice rolled)d(the type of dice rolled). No capital letters though, that’ll screw it up.
>Dwarves who can grant the wishes of others
>>Christ an his lessons on how to live
>Dwarves who can grant the wishes of others
>>the smallfolk who told you of the son of Pluto who lives in the woods
>the smallfolk who told you of the son of Pluto who lives in the woods
>>Christ an his lessons on how to live
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>chronos who ate his young
And Zeus who killed Uranos. We can usurp our father's house as well as any son.

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