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Welcome into the Bronze-Clay age of a far away unnamed star. After evolving in The Crack, the species known as Under Hunter reached Sapience and organized in tribes.
7 remains :

The fire-mastering Blanks and WindPsykers of GrassGreen
The Assassin, Tool-wielding, Stone Huts lawmakers of Ghostclaw
The StrongHunters Kraken-riders feodal lords of BurningGrass
The Tzeench-touch expansionists, of Jupiter
The Archers, Merchants, Slavers and Warptrailers of BadBack
The Lunar Dahu and Stove Grove farmers of Whitemane
The elusive trapmaker, raven-priests Cerulean which integrated the Singers of Icey Ones, not without racial frictions.

Interrested in joining? Claim a trip and a name as a Lurker - impacting the world with random events.

Last thread : https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5997970/
Pastebin : https://pastebin.com/LLBm1mjj

Please check out the Pastebin have correctly been updated.
For the first time, a territory became contested
Both the BurningGrass and the Jupiter tribe held their claim. A frontline created halfway on the territory.
The West, with terrain more vertical than Horizontal is held by the Jupiter pongo-looking hunter. The East by the BurningGrass.

Of course, other event occured in the same timespawn.
Badback's tribe put their new tools to use with the new advancement of Rock-Carving.
Stoneblocks are smaller than the BurningGrass due to the lower strength; mortar is made from frozen glass.
This lead to sturdier Glasshouse, with clear pannels still made of Ice.

The GrassGreen tribe resumed their Storm exploration.
Aeromancers of the tribe are perfectly match to take down the small herds of carnivorous, prism-shaped flying toothy beings.
Their meat are a nice complement to the Hunter's diet. Their flying fins and tails, inefficient out of the storm, are made of diaphane materials.
You have the Insight they might have some uses better than ornemental.

The GhostClaw tribe improved societal structure using a Code of Law.
This might not be much right now, just another quirk from a society; but only the future will tell how important this milestone is.

The Cerulean tribe decided to further their grasp over anatomy.
The Under Hunters are notoriously hard to kill, recovering from most wound. A limb too damaged is usually pulled out and regrown.
Not this time. The incredible regeneration of Hunters made it excruciating work to reopen the wound again and again.
This leads to insight on the global working of the Hunter's biology : muscular, digestive, reproductive.
>This mean all the other tribe have a right to "funny" tradition about how sexuality work.
For example, BurningGrass might believe that the babys will be of the gender of the strongest Hunter at time of conception.

Last, the Whitemane tribe developped the habit to paving the limits between their frequent path and the wilder parts of the tribe's territory with Meat Pillar.
Those constructs of flesh and bone also resonates in the immaterium, giving a first layer of defense against Immaterium threats.

>How should your tribe evolve?

New ruleset : Conflict!
You can spend your turn trying to steal the territory from the other bastard's grasp.
If neither of you attempt anything, the territory remains conflicted. If one attempt and succeed the roll, he takes the territory.
If both of you attempt, the highest roll with Modifier will conquer the territory.
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Of course, forgot picrel.
the Matriarch finds several of the tools damaged and useless. Disgusted with the waste of such difficult to procure resources she calls together her executives and heads of the Daughtercompanies. She gives them a task to find a way to repair and improve upon the tools they manage to retreive from dead Holey Moleys. It takes many hours of contemplation and thinking till one of the Subsidiaries comes up with an idea.

the metals became softer with being heated. something they noticed when one of their slaves was performing some work to improve their glasshouses and set the Light Moss aflame with a spark way hotter than usual. They propose to create a sort of controlled version of that fire in a big kiln to melt down the metal like snow and form it into new tools using stone tools.

>create forges so i can create more specialized tools and improve my mastery over fire as a secondary benefit.
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Sorry QM but I was only so insistent on that tile so I could access others. If BurningGrass contests it then I would rather defend it than anything else, but I am happy to leave it as is.

Jupiter expands north
Hmm, logistics problems... I will develop a new Spell. Absorb Moisture is a simple utility cryomancy spell, the user sucks out the water from a "dead" target (like meat or seedpods or flowers or fruit) until it is dry. This greatly improves its shelf life, allowing for longer periods of time without hunting and larger food stockpiles.

Would making big kites from the fins and tails and developing aeromancy powered flight be out of the question?
Absolutely not what I had in mind, definitely a valid use of the insight.
Hmmm...non decorative uses of a thin translucent...food storage is the biggest one I can think of, though waterproofing and as a base for clothing and armor comes to mind. But nothing even as close to cool as flight.

> Guild Corcraft sets to work on a strange and curious construct at the Aeromancer's request. A frame of bone made to mimic artic gliders with diaphanous fins and tales stitched together and tied tightly to it. A sufficiently brave Aeromancer calls the wind and holds on tight to the frame, hoping to fly.
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Runic Stone Armor

>>Development Turn : Makers Workshops
>Matriarch Gaa"Nhat'çae Ghost Claw (She-Snow-Calm Ghost Claw) the wise ruler of Ghost Claw, has seen the issues and improvements that can be made when making and crafting tools, weapons, houses, things and equipment. It is clear to her that something different than a simple house is required for do such job, and perhaps indeed this might need to change for all other classes in the future, an house that is intended for that. Make. So after calling the tribe Makers, she asks them to put to use her idea. Make a place, for make and craft.

new thread and another image
Technically i can consider Scribes a social class as well (i forgot to include them with their own clothes when i made that image lol)
>Develop Fleshcrafting

While Flayer Flockwing Agatha plumbed the secrets of life, Bonelord Fourbeak Alorne innovated with fleshcrafts. Bone was hard. Hide prevented abrasions. Beak cut and severed. Following the teachings of the great philosopher Fourbeak and the Flockwing Cult, the Bonelord made arms and tools from corpses.
This is me.
yeah, that was why I was so annoyed. you didn't NEED that tile to expand. you could have just gone straight north and had the same result. look I'd spend my turn developing rather than fighting over it so tell you what. after this turn, if you relinquish control over it I won't contest your control over its neighbours hexs. do we have a deal?
You don't NEED that tile either, in fact you 'need' it less than I do. I said I would have that tile, and I will.

You can make all the threats you want but any assaults on our vertical territories (all of them) will spill more of your blood than mine.
Kill eachother !
>Badback : forges

Whitemane : create Absorb Moisture spell
1d100 + 2; DC 60

Grassgreen : Big Kites
1d100+10 from Insight

Ghostclaw : makers workshops
1d100 +10 from draw-In; +4 from the spirit of dead craftsmen giving insght.

Breathless : develop Fleshcrafts
1d100. DC : 60

>BurningGrass :
Still no clue what you want to do.
Will hold Jupiter's roll as he's entitled right to change his mind in case of your aggression
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Rolled 29 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Will we fly? Or will we crash hilariously into the ground?

The Riddle of Steel!
Crash and burn! Toss those two turns out I suppose, better stick to pickles.
boom. rolling that one in another quest really did save me from rolling badly.

and more specialized tools.

i will probably start upgrading my bows with Steel to make travel easier and expand upon available tactics when it comes to capturing dangerous creatures.

i think you are just north of my current webway exit in the mountains. getting better and more tools might help with your plans for the future.
Rolled 16 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Wow a whole +2 to my spell crafting, you shouldn't have
here I go turning my people into raisins, thanks Tzeetch
who could've seen it coming?
the past 20 generations have been abject failures on every level but violence
Were we not so dependent on psyker powers I would consider contacting Khrone to save me from this pit of primitivism
Rolled 23 + 14 (1d100 + 14)

To add to the list of failures to try again later
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the bottom of the arrow is more important compared to the arrow's point.
You can roll. +25

So can you. +17
Rolled 87 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

will I ever get that 88
okay at this point khorn is just taunting me.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Cutting and shaping. Use that which was lost.
Rolled 78 + 17 (1d100 + 17)

The east isn’t doing too good,huh
We're used to it. The whims of fate are what they are.
yeah it happens in a cycle to us, we will just get back to it later.
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Nothing much happens in the mountain range in the east.
Grassgreen's attempt at Kites fails - the material is too thin, too frail to be worked with raw, inevitably ripping.
Still, the thin and light veils are better understood. Made of thin, thin stretchable translucide filaments...
You have the insight there are a lot of possible use from those tails.
Ghostclaw's building plan is struck by a series of unfortunate element involving localized earthquake, rock falling from the sky, and claims from the dreaded Great Night Mother. Whitemane's attempt at draining moisture fail - most of the moisture is kept safely from the bitingly cold outside temperature for all being, after all.
>Free action for Whitemane : new selective breeding
Your breeded Dahu are tall and strong enough to be mounted easily. You can seek other characteristics.

The BurningGrass and Jupiter conflict reach a strange state.
Instead of pushing for gains, both opponents gather as much terrain as they can.
However, by expanding so much both of you overstrain your logistic chains. Jupiter's trails are alleviating it slightly, but the lack of Warp-trail infrastructure prevents a complete territorial coherence.
BurningGrass managed to take over all the coveted territories. The cost of succes is such a fast conquest effectively overstretch your logistics more drastically than Jupiter's.
>You will get maluses until the situation is improved.

A significant change officially pushes the Hunterkind from Clay Age to Metal Age : the Forges created by Badback.
This changes comes from a new emerging breed of Moleys : Crack moleys.
Their claws seems harder, they have a tail instead of rear legs (which are vestigials), and they get better and better and digging through hard rock.
The new environment seems to change the metal contents of their claws, turning them harder.
After a slave's mistake (and its thorough ensuing beating), a well-born daughter of the tribe took the stonework construction of a Fire Fern mound, and use it as a furnace to melt the claws, shaping them first with stone and bone tools, replacing the stone by forged iron over time. Their biggest work is the Anvil, a steel table with strong inertia, concentring the strength of Hammer blows on the targetted piece of metal.
Your Metalwork would benefite from a steady supply of Light Moss, like the one of Light Moss Lake Village inhabited by Jupiter.

Last, the Breathless tribe developped a new Psyker branch over time : Fleshcrafting.
With the impressive biology of the Hunter, those fleshcraft changes are permanent on the Hunter recieving it, unlike the attempts on Gliders or Fourbeak, which feel tremondous amount of pain, crippling them too much to get uses of the improve bodies.

>How should your tribe evolve?
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A/N : current map
The daughter that discovered the ability to melt metals is lauded and celebrated as her tools start to change society for the better. In recognition the Matriarch bestows upon her house several presents of wealth and slaves. Not enough to become rivals to herself but still significant. With her coffers somewhat depleted she decrees the expansion of the warp trails further towards the nearest detectable presence of Underhunters in the far away mountains.

>Expand Trail Network.

Map will follow later. Gotta get back to work
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kinda like this. But instead of getting into the heart of their main territory i wanna stay at the edges and just open a dialogue. Dont wanna spook them after all.

As amusing as watching the psykers crash and roll downhill is, the tribe can't help but feel maybe there's some better use for the fancy material.

> Slingshots: By layering the veils together and applying a gentle heat a tough rubber band can be created whose elasticity can be used to propel stones with tremendous and deadly speeds.

Sorry Dr. Dragon, I suspect you've given me something very useful, but I'm too dumb to do anything useful with it
>Cultural Expansion: Theocratic Dominion

Using their large numbers, flockwing scouts, fleshcrafted Fourbeak warriors, and Flockwing priestesses, the Cerulan horde swept southeast. Upon encountering lesser tribes, the Cerulan literally butchered them, chopping off their limbs and leaving the bodies of the survivors to regenerate. The Flockwing took the bones of the severed limbs to start fires, and took the flesh to build temple mounds. Sticking seeds from the homeland into these new temples, those of the natives who survived the battles and dismemberment were allowed to accept the Flockwing traditions and worship at the temples with the promise that the Fourbeak warriors didn't attack devout servants of Flockwing. They just demanded tribute for the temples and the sacred warriors. Those among the conquered who were competant and wished to join horde were allowed to do so, being fleshcrafted into a war form similar to those who had conquered them. Swear allegiance to the God of War (among other things), undergo his painful rites, live by his demanding creed, and you to can become one of the Fourbeaks.

The weak, who did not have enough fat reserves to survive dismemberment, fed the temples to allow more food and an easier life for those who would come after.

The living bring forth death. The dead bring forth life. Both bring opportunity. Don't waste it. - Farstrider Flockwing Gwenica
What is in a name but a story?
>Teleportation runes.
seeing that the empire's territory has grown too large to quickly cross and communicate Buring Grass turns to an answer that worked in the past. if runes exist to block the energies of the warp and stop the teleportation of underhunters why not an opposite rune? She enlists the help of the Lightning Furs and the Far Travellers to create a rune to increase Underhunters natural abilities to teleport or their psyker powers in general. She hopes that the rune might be able to do both at once.
Can’t keep expanding without some form of support, so I’ll try again. We will be performing the Spell Crafting ritual inside a Ziggurat, maybe we need more heat.

>>Dahu Breeding: Feast Dahu. A Subspecies of Dahu that must never Breed with War Dahu. Produces a lot of milk, even without a calf and their bodies are large and bloated with meat. They have a single horn atop their head that curves outwards
Dahu breedng is a free action that will occur over time.
You also have your regular turn.
Yeah that’s what I said. I’m trying to create the spell again, using heated products this time.
Oh, I'm retarded. Business as usual.
Explore eastern mountains looking for more species to spread to the western mountains settlement
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>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Runic Stone Armor, Makers Workshops

>>Development Turn : Written History
>Matriarch Gaa"Nhat'çae Ghost Claw (She-Snow-Calm Ghost Claw) is very disappointed of the poor justifications and efforts with the construction of the Makers Workshops, so the scribes are ordered to make an organized series of records about past events of her reign and the ones of past Matriarchs they remember. The failure of the Makers Workshops will be highlighted so that it will be resolved in the future.

I have writing and scribes. History happens when you have those two things. Enough said.
Its kind of a wasted turn in a sense, because again, scribes and writing means people write things down already. Still i don't have it. I will probably roll like shit here. If i roll good, i doubt is of any use at all.
Badback : expand trails

Grassgreen : slingshot

Cerulean : Expansion - Theocratic Dominion
+1 from the Icey Ones battlecry

BurningGrass : Power Rune - TP
1d100. DC 60

Whitemane : create Absorb Moisture spell
1d100 + 2; DC 60

Exploration for more species
1d100 + 10 from stealth. DC : 40/80

Ghostclaw : History
Rolled 28 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

what about writing and scribes for history ?
not that it matters, but still.
Rolled 95 (1d100)

100% reason to remember the name
I am missing the 5% pleasure. Well i know what my next project is gonna be
Rolled 67 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

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The power of SCIENCE
With that roll, you're getting Dahus. Still missing moley. With your excellent relationships with Badback, a deal might be striken.
Rolled 84 (1d100)

I doubt Khorn will bless me with this psyker roll so... Tzeentch grant me insight. let me roll 99
Rolled 27 (1d100)


Ahh I have invented an excellent way to launch a rock into my own face.
i might be able to help with that later. giving inspiration with my own bows.
Also this art is killing me; pick comedy.
As an additional perk for fulfilling your god's plan, you are granted an Historical Figure [Scientist]
Feel free to name her/him.
Rolled 83 (1d100)

Rolled 8 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Full sleep, grant me power
This is really not fucking good
QM, I have a question!
Can two tribes cooperate to create the same tech and give it to one another?
I'd say yes.
GrassGreen, you are fond of foodstuffs and I cannot expand without inventing jerky and travel food. How about a partnership? For a turn, the two of us work together on the same research. One of us sends a party into the Other’s tribe and together we make tech
Sure! I've got these lovely stretchy tails, maybe I can use them to seal clay pots and then heat the pots and boil the interiors, inventing canning. Or I could use my existing vinegar to pickle stuff. And of course good old smoking and drying, I can probably build a proper smokehouse with my clay masons.
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Chaas Da'in
Female. Thus shall begin a hereditary line of scientists, uncovering the secrets of the planet and enshrining them in clay. Mothers teach their children all they have learned, and the body of knowledge grows ever larger with every generation.
Sorry fellows. The dreaded real life is calling.
No updates for the next 36h for sure. No guarantee for the next 48h.
Better busy than dead
okay boss !
Writing the update. Jupiter, do you want to strike a deal with BadBack for the missing moleys?
I would not be opposed to it now that my supply is stable and growing.
Hell yeah, I am happy to provide access to the snowrock deposits and be willing to share my architectural expertise in exchange.
I'll let you guys agree
Not sure i will need the Snowrock. But it could help with architecture and possibly cooking if its heatresistant enough with my own much heavier stones being used as a foundation for buildings.

Though i am also very much interested to purchase shed Holey Moley claws at a low price to fuel my demand for tools.
I'll rule that as sharing and exporting the Mortar if that's okay for you two?
Question though. What exactly is snow rock? Is it comparable to limestone or some other soluable tocks that can be turned into mortar? Or is it more like very hard clay?
Clay, only available at the rim of the crack
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Once again, the Eastern Peaks show little developments.

Ghostclaw's written History doesn't hold as tradition. The few tablets are stored, forgotten, tossed away as worthless old stuff lying around.
The tail-scarfes of the Storm are too frail for their slingshot purpose. Blame the high gravity of the planet.
However, Badback's Trails now reaches the edge of your territory. Maybe the Occidentals will bring civilization and prosperity to this new world?
>Both of you have history
The Oral Tradition of Badback and the Itched Stories of Grassgreen let you recognize each other as Kin.
>Free Trade Action are now possible among your tribes.

North, the Cerulean tribe expanded its dominion to encompass a great stride of land.
Soon, the expansion let them encounter the strong huntress of the BurningGrass tribe.
The historic tradition of Cerulean let them remember the BurningGrass-forgotten meeting of the Red Mist.
BurningGrass, due to their ongoing conflict with Jupiter, is naturally Wary of their new neighbours from the North.

In the crack, territory is still contested among Jupiter and BurningGrass.
The feodal lords focused development of a new rune : The Lightning Step.
Creating tentacle-like structures, starting from those points allow a faster and safer Warp-step, even toward uncharted destinations.
This mode of transportation remains less reliable than the Warpway or the Mirrorhalls, but versatile and a solid improvement, relaxing tensed logistic chains.
In the western arm of the crack, a special Under Huntress is born.
Chaas Da'in have a peculiar long-haired white mane around her jaw. And she's in charge of the Great Plan execution.
Taking the WarpWay turns the expedition simple and fast. The real challenge is to catch the unfamiliar species of the Eastern frozen peaks.
Instead of running after the hooved Dahus, Chaas Da'in acted differently. Maybe a reborned GhostClaw member, she observed.
Until ideas emerged, and she took action, deploying Hunters and Huntress at strategic point to channel Dahus toward specific grove, whittling down the fallback options of the horned creatures.
Some are chased out of the trap territory. When the Groves are depleated, they are chased in the now barren land. Alas (for them), the coveted safety around a mountain corner is now delved by a gang of Hunters.
This great success let the wild Dahus now roam the western Peaks, grazing on the Grove. The pods are disseminated with the feces, leading to an expansion of the grove in the mountain.
However, the expansion is better than the Hunter-managed forest, too dense and too hot even for the Dahus to thrive.
This lead Da'in to ponder. What if the Dahu multipliate too much? They will graze all, and destroy the effort of the tribe.
Thus, the introduction of Dahu's Hunters, the Jupiter's companion LeatherGliders, is necessary.
Fearing missing some elements of the natural order of the original cycle, Chaas Da'in pushes for trading the secret of Mortar to some Crack Moleys.
The Moley introduced in the Western moutain range soon proliferate, providing another source of meat for Hunters and Gliders.
Speaking og the LeatherGliders, those carnivorous are poorly adapated to the crack with their difficulties to climb back without thermals, they still become close friends of the Jupiter's Hunters.
Some of the Jupiter's warrior think they might be weaponized one way or the other, for Vertical Warfare assaults.

The great works of Chaas Da'in lead her direct descendant, often sporting a curly white-mane, to take the name of Da'inists.
In particular, the conception of Cycles takes great significance in the cultural landscape of the Jupiter tribe.

And now...

>How should your tribe evolve?

A/N : with the busy weekend and the relentless bug track in my paying job I had no time to draw. Sorry.

The newly introduced material from the Jupiter tribes has several of the other Corporations abuzz. As they sought for a way to use this new material, not only in construction but other parts of life one son of the current matriarch had an idea.

Taking the basic concept of the forge and their own interest in carving different shapes from stones they sought new tastes instead of only grilled meat or raw plants. And so he tried to achieve a new revolution. Better and more complex luxury foods.

Hello. Several of my hunters approach with gifts of some food, as well as some luxury goods traded from Jupiter originally, a few slaves and some basic rock carving tools made from steel.

They greet your tribe in the name of their progenitor, Ruler of the Bad Back Corporation, seeking to trade. They wish to trade for advanced Earthen/Stoneware in return for Slaves if you would take them.

or for access to the Archives if you would rather take that. The agreement would be that your tribe can access the archive to record their own history with the Badbacks acting as wardens with a solemn oath to not alter what you have written about your own history and to always grant access to the building itself to your hunters as long as they come in good faith.

As another sign of good will they are willing to teach you the written language they are using
You would be welcomed warmly and treated to fine foods. It is good to see our kin have traveled far and learned much. We have little interest in slaves, but to learn the secrets of word-in-stone and have a place to inscribe the old histories would be pleasing.

With their amusements at an end the tribe turns to a more practical use of this strange but brittle material. Large pieces are gentle stretched over the top of pots, while thin strips and carefully stretched and tied to hold them in place, sealing the pot from open air.

The pot, previously filled with various foodstuff is then cooked over the fire, with the hope that the seal will keep it from rot and other malicious spirits.

> TLDR: Use cling wrap to invent canning.
So you want access to the Archive instead? you would get your own section set aside with only your tribe members being allowed access aside from the caretakers.

You could of course send your own caretakers to take care of your part of the archives.
Yup, archive sounds neat.
>Instead of running after the hooved Dahus, Chaas Da'in acted differently. Maybe a reborned GhostClaw member, she observed.
Unless Tzeentch has directly feed her the souls of my ancestors she wouldn't know this practice at all or even thought of this. Bad back did not learn of me and just traded, at the time of the red mist i doubt i was that advanced.
Don't read too much into it. It's just a nod that scientific method starts with observation and your tribe is the "Observant" one
Ok GG, I’m making the trek to you so we can research together preservative foodstuff methods. Unless I’m close enough that I don’t need to roll for travel?
Despite everything it’s still me
You'll need to roll. Despite everything, your land don't touch yet.
One of these days I should start caring about painting the map.

>Continue the crusade east to reconnect with the lost way-portal and learn what happened in the far reaches.

>When the scouts encounter the markings of the Burning Grass, Flockwing directs them to send a single priestess to ask the feudal lords to take her to meet with the high-queen. The priestess claims that her goddess Flockwing has sent her as an emissary and far talker to allow communication between the Queen the of South and the Matriarchs of the North. The priestess carries fire in her hands, and black Flockingwing robe is fastened with a clasp made from Fourbeak beaks and tentacles.

What say you Burning Grass? Interested in Communication?
Oh, and since this priestess should have a name, her name is Farsinger Flockwing Fendicta.
Domesticate Leathergliders, breeding them larger to be used as sources of food, skins and mounts.
>Ghost Claw Tribe Advancement so far : Assassins-like tribe prefer night opportunism over natural matriarch ritual duels and natural hunts, cave nest, using rocks/shaping rocks (Rounder rocks for Bludgeoning, oblong rocks sharpened into Piercing points, flat rocks faceted into edges) + synergized with Shape Ice, turns the projectile into ice blades, boulder or points, Observation behavior, Subjugation, Tamed Holey Moleys, Meditation, Ethereal Spy - Grants your tribe +5 to replicate one research from another non-blank tribes, Agriculture (Fire Ferns), Holey Moley Metal Claws, Primitive Tombs, Spirituality, Everstone Totem (5 spirits), Primitive Painting, Defensive Shelter, Ice Weapons, Stonecarving, Rock Tools (Stone Bleeders), Stone Carved Houses, Shamans, Liana Hunter drawing style (Ghostclaw painting), Symbols Etching, Writing (+3 to Psyker-based runes rolls), Stone Runic Morningstar (+ 7 in Fight rolls. Divide by 2 the efficiency of Armor. Runic. Don't stack with Ice Weapons), Assimilation, Scribes, Clothes (+1 in negociation/diplomatic rolls), Runic Amulets (+4 roll when "Protection" from the Warp would matter. [Clothes synergy, +4 to rolls where Insight from the deceased would help. Only when appropriate for DragonQM]), Gaa"Nhat'çae Code of Law

>>Ghost Claw Tribe Failed Advancement : Snow Shade Spell, Painted History, Failed Spying for Nursery Keeps, Faith Great Night Mother (Taboo), Runic Stone Armor, Makers Workshops, Written History

>>Development Turn : Great Catacomb of Gaa"Nhat'çae
>Matriarch Gaa"Nhat'çae Ghost Claw (She-Snow-Calm Ghost Claw) with yet another failure in these long years, Gaa"Nhat'cae is more than disappointed. She had live a long life but was unable to achieve what she truly wanted despite, still having success in her four eyes. So near and yet so far away. With her feeling the incoming death of her life, she wished to join properly the ancestors and the spirits, has such she has a great catacomb made for herself and for the future matriarchs, and to the Ghostclaw tribe. The catacomb will be carved from stone and have writings and paintings inside of it.

If history was that difficult, i doubt this will succeed. Despite what i know i have.
The image is the final chamber of this great catacomb, the one of Gaa"Nhat'çae.
An underground Valley of Kings more primitive. No statues yet and the like. No dyes. Etc........ The Makers Workshops would have been the next step in crafting and construction, so no next step. It remains archaic. I can still use it if rolls well, is a large structure a monument of sort, experience would be gained in making it even with the stupidity of the latest generations. Not if it fails of course.

i'll keep an eye regardless.
>castle towns
seeing the increase in tension and possible danger the Empress demands the creation of fortified towns surrounding the Nursery keeps both to concentration forces and to centralize any logistics of the empire around the keeps

by the way, Qm I see you keep on using the term feodal lords do you mean feudal?

That I am. I'd be willing to open up trade with you (even give you the currency tech for free)
>> Seeing an envoy the local lady decides to quickly lead the envoy into the nearest Nursey keep knowing the Empress would be very cross with her if she managed to piss off a tribe of two legs while tensions were still high with the Jupiters. a hot and slightly spicy soup is shared with the envoy and the local ladies' family as is tradition with guests.
i could help with that in future at least. providing transport to your peoples with a growing warp Trail network.

thinking about either extending to you or Ghostclaw next turn.

I am fine with using your currency. The Flockwing position is that a common currency leads to a shared societal value.

The peoples of the North have fire, faith, and the ability to travel and communicate over long distances. They have flying friends to scout the way, and raging barbarians. They are on a grand crusade to reclaim the East at the moment, but the millitant might be willing to take up arms as mercenaries if the Fortress Folk pay well.

The Flockwing priestesses also offer to set up agricultural temples to Flockwing (and whichever other priesthoods are willing to join the flock) to remember, teach, enable instant communication with other temples, and possibly establish instantaneous trading. This will take time, and I assume that even with the support of the Queen, establishing temples and portals would take effort.

As far as cultural foods, they are big on roasted meat and vegetables, but might have some sort of mushroom equivalent from the temple mounds if mushroom equivalents exist.

The northern barbarians wear hide and bones and seem not to carry any metal or heavy armor. The priestess would also be smaller and physically weaker than your people, but with an almost hypnotic voice.
>Feudal vs Feodal
It's something coming from a serious case of me being french and the damn english stealing our words and twisting them slightly.
In french, the word is Féodal, thus the mistake. Thanks for correcting me.
>I assume that even with the support of the Queen, establishing temples and portals would take effort
This can be done as part of your "communication/envoy" action. I assume BurningGrass and you invest a share of ressources, but at the current level it's manageable.
I’m not sure I like a backdoor in my lands from a technologically superior tribe
See I had a plan regarding your smaller but powerful tribe territory. This will be the first time (except for what’s happening in the North) when two tribes work together as one for the development of Hunterkin. You still have Whitemane descendants in your tribe, so I was thinking, when we get this survival rations tech done, want a seat on the council? Your Matriarch’s daughter and whomever else you deem important from your tribe (anyone who has proven themselves can qualify). A real union of our realms. This will make it undesirable for us to conquer you, if you have a presence on the council and in our tribe
Then my decision is made. No hard feelings.

I might expand northward some time in the future though trying to get a circlw going that can bypass the more dangerous routes of my trail network
This could prove dangerous in a few millennia
It could *shrugs*

Not something the tribe would know about though
Badback : cooking improvement
Additionally, you'll roll 1d100 for trading Earthenware against Archives. Merchant triggers so it's +10. The higher you roll, the better deal is for you. Lower means better for Grassgreen.

Grassgreen : canning

>Whitemane : travel
First roll 1d100 for travel. Then if you cross the DC you can roll in addition to Grassgreen bringing your Farmer Bonus along.

Cerulean : crusade
Guess what? 1d100. +1 from Icey Ones battlecry, +2 from Fleshcraft (Forgot last turn)

>Jupiter: Leathertaming

GhostClaw : Catacombs

BurningGrass : Castle towns
Rolled 58, 87 = 145 (2d100)

just gonna roll 2 d100s. first die is for cooking. second for the trade deal
nice. some improvement to my cuisine 58. and a very lucrative trade deal 97.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Rolled 99 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

So now I roll again? with just my farming bonus?
i knew I'd roll a d100 today, but I'd rather invent canning so I can expand further, then spend this luck on the Archon, plenty of time to perfect that later
you rolling good today. and gonna be eating even better while on travel.
yes yes, this is at least 2 more conquest rolls
Rolled 52 (1d100)

Jelly! Jam! Pickles! Mysterious murk that used to be meat and root vegetables!
don't we use my 101 roll though? we are both rolling for the same tech together so its best out of 2, innit?
come on tzeentch let me build up civilisation. give me a 99
Rolled 69 (1d100)

fuck forgot to put in the dice.
heh nice. it seems slannesh would rather bless my roll
I try not to ask hard questions, I just enjoy something actually happening after four turns.
+5 from mounts. This means 94/101.
So factoring in Grassgreen's success, both of you are getting something extra nice from that turn
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Statistics is a word which does not yet exist in the Cerulan lexicon.
+5 for smart?
I'm afraid taming is more a charisma thing.
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Rolled 30 (1d100)

no even +10 ?
oh well not that it matters with the bad rolls i usually make, i'll take note of it though.
as expected.
+10 from drawing indeed triggers and turn that into success
Hey grass green, you could use the leather to make Flares. You fill a “sack” of leather with a Stove Grove seed pod/Dahu Gas and you light fire to the top of the sack and throw it , high in the air, when the fire makes contact with the pod/gas it explodes and the fireball should be visible from pretty far away
That'd be pretty neat, yeah. Not sure how much good it would be, but pretty neat nonetheless.
So I'm running a fast-paced gauntlet fight in my other thread. I haven't forgotten you guys and you'll get a proper update celebrating complete Under Hunter Progress and discoveries, but not today. No promise on my availabilities before Sunday because of (guess) the dreaded Personal Life.
Near. Have fun. How many projects are you juggeling right now?
Current projects :
>Normal Cultivator Quest
>40K Minor Xenos Quest
>The purchase of my house
"I want to work on" projects :
>The intruding thoughts of running Pokemon : South Kalos again
>I want to start working on my video game again
>Painting my shame stack of 9th age figs
Special cases :
Martial art season is almost over. No training on 4 days a week and 1-2 weekend a month.
My dayjob (bingo free spot)
a Lot of work. didnt know you were into WuShu style things. not my cup of tea. but have fun. and remember to not kill yourself with work.
Lot of stuff to do
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For an unknown reason, temperature rose a fair bit. This lead crops to yield ample harvest, cattle to fatten, Hunters to be fed.
No conflicts are plaguing the Hunter for now, despite the ongoing territorial dispute. As such, development of Hunterkind booms.
This era will bre remembered as a Golden Age for all Under Hunter historians.

The merchants of BadBack stroke a sweet deal with the GrassGreen clan. In exchange of the almost inexistant cost of custody for the archives, an ample supply of Quality Earthenware is provided, in a yearly delivery rate.
As such, your matriarch accumulated and stocked the goods. The foresought will let you benefit of the double-actions of Barter System for the two next turns.
Moreover, a young Huntress discovered something simple, yet efficient that will turn in a staple of Badback's culinary art.
A hunted glider, pierced from part to part by an arrow, is gutted and roasted as is, on the arrow. As such, your tribe developped a fondness for Skewer, a natural thing for a cultur so centered around the bow and arrow as your own.
I beg you to use the 2 barter-system use to develop bow culture and capitalize on the +10

Still on the "cooking" department, Grassgreen and Whitemane united.
The new perspective brought by the Whitemane's tribe member allowed the invention of Canning : an earthenware (or glassware), with Aeromancer taking the air away, sealed by the light and extensible gown of the Storm's delver and the sheer ambient cold lead to really, really long conservation.
What's more : Whitemane postulate how the tail-glown works. It was revealed to them in a dream; this is a mesh of extensible ropes, some bigger than others.
Maybe this intuition about their structure could help you build upon it?

In the west ridges of the crack and the Frozen peak mounts, Jupiter tribe got closer to the brought back gliders.
Notoriously hard to tame and take care of, but less so than their wild counterparts, the new subspecies of FurryGliders led to a group of Gliderners, devoting their life to the care (and martial use) of the species.

Additionnally, architecture developped too. From BurningGrass's castle towns, smaller replicas of the Forever Ice Keep, to Ghostclaw's mausoleum-like Catacombs, stone are set to leave a mark of Hunterkind's history.

Last, the Era is also an Era of Conquest.
Cerulean sent a great crusade to reclaim the land rightfully their. They make great progress.
Until they get closer to their former territory, and the scouts never came back.
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>/qtg/ Kaiju month event!
Soon, some strange, colossal creatures loom from the warp, setting their putrefied eyesight one every Under Hunter's dwelling.
The first Chaos Onslaught will take its toll. Some place will suffer more than other.
But tell me, players... What particular traits of your culture will help you take down a colossal threat on your tribe and its settlements?

And you, lurkers and /qtg/ envoys...
>Roll 1d100 for the Beast of Nurgle assault!
Rolled 13 (1d100)

Nat 100
Our unity under the bow, the Matriarch and capability to redeploy with not pursuit of enemies will lead us to victory over the rampaging hordes

Implement metal into the construction of bows and arrows increasing reach and punching power greatly.

>While the increase in cooked goods brought great honor, money and influence to the eldest son of the Matriarch the extreme levels of wealth flowing into her stockpiles leads to her declaring her daughter her next heir. Eldest Son scowls but agrees that she made the greater contributions to her tribe and should therefore rule.

>Wishing to secure the fabled tolls one corporation head sought a way to block other forms of warp Travel in Bad Back territory, strengthening the barriers between realms if you do not carry the favor of the Matriarch that aadministratea that territory
This kinda thing the development you had in mind?
Rolled 54 (1d100)


Rolling for Kaiju Month!
Absolutely not.
I tried to already bake it in your bow with the arrow tip being a reforged Crackey Moley Claw. I'm thinking "crazy cultural forging ideas", like the meat pillars of whitemane, something giving flair and clout to your tribe. Grappling arrows? Flares? Messenger-arrow system? Good-delivery Warp-ballista?
alright. then give me a minute and i will try to figure something out that is way more out there.

till that. consider >>6048567
to be null and void.
Slayer Arrows.

Using Cryomancy and their intense interest of the Bow a particularly obsessed hunter searched for new ways to combine these gifts to mutiply the hunting and Killing Prowess of any given Underhunter.

His Invention were the the Slayer Arrows, specilized to either kill or capture. Razor Sharp Arrow tips crafted from hardened Ice and tipped with serrated metal. Using the metal to penetrate into the targets body before the Iceshards explode into hundreds of fragments, tearing apart a targets insides. Or thick round heads meant to knock targets down and out to hamper them till they can be overwhelemed in close Combat.

Frag and Knockout arrows.

If this isnt to your liking. Then i will have to shift to creating a new spell to create Soulsnatcher Arrows that pin a creature in place in the warp, making them easy targets if they dont want to tear out their own soul.

this more what you thought?

i admit i am kinda tired after swimming for two hours. so creativity is probably a bit low.

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