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A quest where we build an original fantasy setting. Post ideas, as things develop I’ll compile it all into a timeline and map.
In the beginning there was nothing but blinding light and harsh heat. Then the great shade said let their be dark.
Bit of guidance, OP? Are we literally just pitching whatever?
So...is it going to be a standard medieval fantasy world? I'd prefer another era...like a 19th or early 20th century fantasy world. Either that or full on Bronze Age hyperborea
In ancient times, elves were the most technologically advanced race. But they've devolved after centuries of inbreeding to keep the bloodline pure. Now they're the fantasy equivalent of racist alcoholic rednecks that live in the countryside and sleep with their cousins. Standard elf names: C'letus, B'illybobolas
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Pictured: the modern elf
Yeah, whatever ideas you have to start things off. Gods, artifacts, cosmology, cultures. I'll meld it all together.
The span of time can cover various eras.
All 'gods' are ascended mortals. With enough belief from living beings to power their deific transformation and sustain them afterward, any spirit can ascend to godhood upon the moment of their body's death.
Elves protect the only isolated patches of shade and cool amongst a world otherwise still bathed in blistering light.
Humans developed magic to create clouds and bring rain
There is a dog that has existed since time immemorial that has perfect memory and can tell great stories to those who can understand them and provide him some fermented fruit to chew on
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Orcs were created by a dark lord as disposable grunts. But over the centuries, orcs unionized, leading to labor laws and better working conditions. Now orcs live in a post-industrial society with a robust welfare system. Four working days, thirty-two hour work weeks, two months paid leaves per year, free healthcare including full dental and mental health support etc.
Necromancers deify the sun for striking the striking the unprepared with a slow death and bleaching their bones of impurity
>any spirit can ascend to godhood upon the moment of their body's death.
This has spurred the search for immortality.
A severely messed up spell caused one country to be totally covered by clouds for six months
I severely doubt you're still alive, OP
but if you are

>there are mountain-sized earthworms that eat lava and shit out resources, causing volcanic eruptions, earth quakes, and the birth of new islands in the process
Tribal band of nomadic clown humanoids, they worship the moons and have specialized candymaking skills from years of shamanistic alchemy
yeah im well aware of how this learned person stole my idea from the collective consciousness and put it to words better than I ever could, huff my sulphur
The world is infested with powerful monsters and civilization is forced into small pockets drowning in the darkness
The greatest necromancers are vampires, and vampires are a failed attempt at replicating a deific transformation. Vampires worship the Sun
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The uniting monomyth of the Hoon peoples occupying the Great Earth region of the main continent.

>In the time when man was Soil, working only Clay, four gods descended from the Blue (air, wind; atmosphere) to the Green (vegetable life; earth, soil; matter)
>Tabaq of the Thinking Cloud
>Djandja of the Seeing Cloud
>Affyun of the Dreaming Cloud
>Yaot of the Questing Cloud
>Said they to themselves
>How shall we return again among the clouds
>Now we are hurled down to this Green?
>For surely now we are gross flesh
>And none but White (light; spirits) may dwell with White.
>They conferred to silence until despair
>when they saw the Children of Annunn, the Favorites of Agamm: the race of Man.
>Said the four gods, lo
>See these Brown (sentient life; Man) that work the Red (fire; energy)
>and make the Green give forth White and Black (iron; metals).
>Let us surrender to them our Selves to be their slaves
>That when they work us through the Red and the Black and the Green and the Brown
>We can rise White to White again
>So did the Great Hoon gain the sacred Leaf, and Stem, and Bloom, and Root

Thus the Great Peoples (the tribal nations of the Hoon) have ever made their pipes in the following construction:

A bronze or iron, and lately steel, bowl and brazier cap; followed by a clay or porcelain, lately glass and crystal, stem; a tusk or horn, lately nacre and plastic, mouthpiece.

The act of tending, harvesting, curing, and other preparations of are regarded as skilled, sacred work; the culminating act, the Holy Smoke, is the opening and closing of all traffic and accord among the Hoon, and with all participants, an absolute Taboo.

-Vistae Anciens, The Trans Pelargic Journal of Psychoanthropology; Drs DuWant, Sadie-Leigh, and Cheems
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... ...
>With regard to the recent rumor in East Shoreland
>Namely the appearance of a novel new Smoak
>going by the gutter soubriquet of Mæthe
>meaning "Craze" in Mephite Pidgin
>I have extended my own inquiries
>and found the claims alarmingly and excitingly true.
>It is a rockform, as sugar, but ground easily and evenly as salt.
>The imbibing vehicle is a short pipe with a large intaking bulb, usually clay, as its smokers are invariably poor.
>The immediate effect of a single draught, not half a pinch by hand
>Is invigoration, joy and strength
>to which all other kinds of Smoak combined, and the sum of all consumed in one's life
>are shamed to nothing
>as Hag Lamelh before Hesperia.
>No sooner than this heroic vigor pass that a great dryness parches the soul.
>A despair at losing that godlike height and spark swallows up all peace
>And a desperate recklessness overtakes one's mind.
>One becomes so driven to enter again that Paradise from which the transcendent "I" was without leave or warning outcast
>that no crime would be too low
>nor any price beyond consideration.

>My own interests in the Leaf notwithstanding, we must make every effort to secure the secret of Mæthe
>and if possible to purge every memory of it from the earth.
>Mæthe would be a wonder weapon against the Hoon
>being indistinguishable from the substance of their own habits in its consumption.
>Being introduced it would take fast hold of them in a day
>They would abandon all work in pursuit of so compelling a Mistress
>and quickly come to war for spoil to pay her favors.
>This should be good for us, as the Hoon have proven unbreakable by all other means, and self-sufficient in food and all manner of trade.
>But it will be a momentary good, for when we send in our Forces to overtake the holdings of the Hoon
>our soldiers enmasse will encounter Mæthe
>and in an hour turn her slaves
>whence Truncheon or Decree can turn them back again.
>But, crisis! How should we put it to action?
>Do we publish the danger of the Drugged and inform the eager idiot masses, so that the fools of them will seek it for themselves?
>Do we approach His Majesty with foretellings of danger, with the knowing risk that He will hear only opportunity?
>Do we approach Vavelier of the Marqs with the problem
>who is sure to have an answer to square all sides
>and not know ourselves what other use he might harness Mæthe to once made aware?
>oh dear friend I cannot communicate the trepidation I feel at all these prospects
>for having known Mæthe intimately for but a fortnight
>I no longer trust myself to be human.

-Ser Bernhard "Fowl's Lips, Mare's Ass", Lord Marlbrough; Letters
I think I know who you are... My immersion has been ruined.
Ill kiss you on the mouth faggot

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