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In the dead of night, you're jolted awake by the uneasy feeling of being watched. As your eyes adjust to the murky shadows of your room, you find yourself locking gazes with a colossal, round head sporting unnervingly large eyes—a demon that has inexplicably materialized at the foot of your bed. "Really?" you think, stifling a groan. "Can't even a person get a decent night's sleep without some demon staging a bedroom invasion?" Your heart pounds, not just from fear, but also from the sheer absurdity of your midnight visitor. You consider asking her if she's lost, or perhaps here to offer a particularly bizarre form of therapy, but then again, how does one even begin a polite conversation with a creature from the depths of hell?

>Inquire about its identity.

>Question if it has mistaken your residence for another.

>Inform her that your no-solicitation policy extends to demons, and your soul is not on the market.

>Reach for your medication, as it typically resolves such encounters.

>Offer her a cup of tea and ask if she likes board games.

>Write In
>Question if it has mistaken your residence for another.
>Maintain eye contact and grab the Taurus Judge from your nightstand and blast this sucker with 5 shots of 410 gauge #4 Buckshot as you let loose a terrified, "AAAAAAAAIIIIEEEE!"
>Offer her a cup of tea and ask if she likes board games.
If this quest is going where I think it's going, it doesn't hurt to get off on the right foot.
>No Solicitation, followed by
>Meds, NOW
(I hate the antichrist)
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I appreciate your support.
Absolutely based, did he pull through?
I believe he's terminally ill with the pancreatic cancer, but still helping with videos occasionally while his brother Roy takes over.

>>Reach for your medication, as it typically resolves such encounters.

You reach for your medication, as it typically resolves such encounters. You sigh when you realize you are out of pills, and being a poor cashier at Walmart, you have to ration what meds you can buy. "You aren't how I expected the Antichrist of this cycle to be like," the demon comments, looking at you judgingly. "I think you got the wrong house," you sigh, questioning if it has mistaken your residence for another. "I'm just a cashier at Walmart." "It's possible I got the wrong house," the demon concedes, as you are clearly not fitting its view of the Antichrist. "I did crosscheck the address multiple times though. Does the idea of fist-fighting the christ at the end of the apocalypse stir up any memories?"

>Listen, lady, or demon, or whatever you are, the most apocalyptic thing I've dealt with is Black Friday at Walmart. Does that count?

>Unless 'christ' is a new nickname for my manager, I'm afraid not. Besides, my biggest fight is trying to get through a shift without a caffeine overdose.

>Maintain eye contact and grab the Taurus Judge from your nightstand and blast this sucker with 5 shots of 410 gauge #4 Buckshot as you let loose a terrified, "AAAAAAAAIIIIEEEE!" and "I HATE THE ANTICHRIST!"

>Inform her that your no-solicitation policy extends to demons, and your soul is not on the market. Also, you are definitely not paid enough to fist-fight the christ at the end of the world.

>Comment on how rude it is to drop in unannounced, even for a demon, and ask if she could return at a more reasonable hour, like never.

>Offer her a cup of tea and ask if she likes board games. Also, a blanket and pillow if she plans to stay—no sense in being a bad host.

>Write In
>Unless 'christ' is a new nickname for my manager, I'm afraid not. Besides, my biggest fight is trying to get through a shift without a caffeine overdose.

Top tier dialogue
>Unless 'christ' is a new nickname for my manager, I'm afraid not. Besides, my biggest fight is trying to get through a shift without a caffeine overdose.
>Offer her a cup of tea and ask if she likes board games. Also, a blanket and pillow if she plans to stay—no sense in being a bad host.
>"Are you asking if I'm woke on the J/Q?"
>Unless 'christ' is a new nickname for my manager, I'm afraid not. Besides, my biggest fight is trying to get through a shift without a caffeine overdose.
KEK, +1
>Maintain eye contact and grab the Taurus Judge from your nightstand and blast this sucker with 5 shots of 410 gauge #4 Buckshot as you let loose a terrified, "AAAAAAAAIIIIEEEE!" and "I HATE THE ANTICHRIST!"
>>Unless 'christ' is a new nickname for my manager, I'm afraid not. Besides, my biggest fight is trying to get through a shift without a caffeine overdose.
>>Offer her a cup of tea and ask if she likes board games. Also, a blanket and pillow if she plans to stay—no sense in being a bad host.
>Offer her a cup of tea and ask if she likes board games. Also, a blanket and pillow if she plans to stay—no sense in being a bad host.

You blink at her, fighting the urge to laugh at the absurdity. "Unless 'christ' is a new nickname for my manager, I'm afraid not. Besides, my biggest fight is trying to get through a shift without a caffeine overdose." The demon heaves a sigh, "I think I don't just have the wrong house, I got into the wrong damn timeline." You catch a glimpse of weariness in her massive eyes—the same kind you see in every minimum-wage Walmart employee on Black Friday—and you can't help but sympathize. "Sounds like you're having a rough day." "Try a rough century," The demon mutters, plopping down on your bed. Feeling an odd pang of pity, you offer, "Hey, want a cup of tea? I'm out of coffee, so it's tea or nothing." "Tea will do," she agrees. As you set the water to boil, you make small talk. "So, what’s your name? And this timeline thing—what's that about?" The demon stretches out her legs and starts, "I'm Psycho Jenny. I am, or was, one of the top demons in the demon army. This isn't the first time the world has reached this point. We demons are trying to break out of the time loop by triggering the apocalypse. But every time we get close to winning—the angels nuke the world and the timeline resets." "Sounds rough," you comment, not really understanding much, but the loop sounds like something from the daily monotony of your routine at Walmart. "You have no idea," she groans. "Last time around, the apocalypse ended with you—that timeline's antichrist—fist-fighting the Christ at the end of the world, while the surviving humans evacuated to Mars." Handing her the steeped tea, you ask, "Did I win?" Taking a sip of the cheap brew, she replies, "No, you got destroyed. It was the most one-sided beatdown I've ever seen. It was so demoralizing watching the christ beat you down with his baseball bat that a lot of demons just threw in the towel right there." You can't help but retort, "I mean, it's kinda on you, sending a Walmart cashier to fist-fight a bloodlusted christ." Psycho Jenny exhales sharply, "You weren't a cashier in that timeline. Honestly, I thought we had at least a thirty percent of winning. In the timeline before that, Ryo Asuka fought Devilman at the end of the world." Settling next to her with your own mug, you ask, "I'm guessing that was the Japanese edition of the apocalypse. So this Ryo Asuka was the hero of humanity, and the Devilman was your champion?" She shakes her head, "Flip that. Ryo-sama led us, and Devilman was humanity's champion. Ryo-sama won—but then the angels nuked the world." "Sounds like you're fighting a rigged battle with no hopes of winning," you sigh, drawing parallels between her eternal struggle and your daily grind as a minimum-wage worker who struggles to make rent and pay for groceries. "Mind if I crash on your couch tonight?" she suddenly asks.

>"Sure." You offer her a blanket and pillow.

>"Do you like board games?" You ask.

>Write In
>Well, if you can help me make more money I could pay for internet & you could use that to help search for the anti-christ."
>Sure." You offer her a blanket and pillow.
>>"Do you like board games?" You ask.
>"Sure." You offer her a blanket and pillow.
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Dammit. Looks like it's a bit late to pick this option.


>I am, or was, one of the top demons in the demon army
sucks to suck lmao

I second this >>6038566 as
>Well, if you can help me make more money, I could pay for better internet which you could use to help search for this "anti-christ."
We're not going to let a total stranger freeload, much less a malevolent, repulsive, vile demon that seeks the death and damnation of every human being in existence. We'll know whether or not this is a schizo trip when the paychecks roll in. By the way, what's our character's living situation? Does he live in an apartment complex, a small house in a neighborhood, a campus living space, innawoods?
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>>"Sure." You offer her a blanket and pillow.
>''Not like I could force you to leave anyways, unless you're way weaker then you look.''
Man, imagine a demon coming to you and saying in another timeline you weren't a wagecuck and were instead the anti-christ itself before crashing on your sofa.
>"Do you like board games?" You ask.
>>"Do you like board games?" You ask.
>>"Sure." You offer her a blanket and pillow.
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You glance at the demon, this high-ranking soldier of the apocalypse, and shrug nonchalantly. "Sure, why not?" You toss her a blanket and pillow because she plans to stay—no sense in being a bad host. Once she is nestled on the couch, you ask, "Do you like board games?" Psycho Jenny lets out a sigh, one that carries the weight of depression of her fall from a terrifying harbinger of doom to a couch surfer—a downwards trajectory you can relate to as a college grad earning minimum wage at Walmart. "What do you got?" she asks. You pull out Monopoly, the ultimate evil game, perfect for a demon. It has a reputation for destroying friendships and tearing families apart, after all. As you lay out the board, she muses, "This timeline is bizarre. In past ones, humans trembled in fear of demons, weeping, pleading, and going mad at the thought of the world ending. Here, it seems no one cares." You shrug casually. "Well, as a minimum-wage drone, if the apocalypse hits tomorrow, it means I don't have to clock in. Honestly, a fiery demise sounds way better than endless shifts at Walmart." Psycho Jenny frowns. "Those angel bastards finally won! What power do demons hold in a world where the apocalypse is preferable to the monotony of life? We can't triumph if humans aren't scared of us. There’s no fear without hope. This apathy towards death and suffering—it’s the worst possible scenario for demons!" "Sounds rough," you reply, oozing fake sympathy. Psycho Jenny continues, "Finding the Antichrist—meaning you—was my last hope. But—" You cut in, "I'm a colossal disappointment. Don't sweat it, my parents would agree. Look, if you can help me make more money, I could pay for better internet, which you could use to search for a more fitting candidate for this timeline's Antichrist." She mulls this over for a moment. "Alright, you've got a deal. I'll help you make more money, and in exchange, you will help me bring about the end of the world." You nod, "Cool. Now let’s play monopoly." And that's how you ended up with a demon for a roommate, plotting the apocalypse over a game of Monopoly.

>What the hell is this?

An occult quest where Psycho Jenny from Devilman Crybaby becomes your roommate, inspired by the two Demon General Dating quests currently on the board. I considered using Sirene (too much coom potential) or Ryo (won't beat the tranny allegations) but Psycho Jenny is a bit harder to lewd. Just a bit.

So, where do we go from here?

>Write In
>"Uhh money first apocalypse later."
>>Send Psycho Jenny to rob some drugs dealers or something. Morally it's a good thing.
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a bit harder to lewd? You don't know my depravity man, Jenny best girl, also she has a great design but man she looked goofy in the old versions.

>Cut right into Jenny doing demonic mind control to our manager to give us a pay raise at walmart
>old version Jenny
She looks silly but also kind of cute.
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I wouldn't be running a Psycho Jenny quest if I weren't a degenerate myself

Pic related
>a bit harder to lewd
That's generally the idea to avoid getting the thread taken down.

>Write In
Let's see.

You don't want to catch heat from the mob or gang chapter.

>Cut right into Jenny doing demonic mind control to our manager to give us a pay raise at walmart
It'd have to be very subtle.

We may have a better picture if Jenny tells our character what applicable skills she has and if she can transform into anything that isn't going to scare children nor Mrs. Gonzalez, the kind old lady on the same apartment complex floor that goes to church every weekend and gives out tamales every Christmas.
What a cutie, you wouldn't know she's from a fucked up gory OVA if you didn't know beforehand.
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