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You are Mazela, a proud transgender hedge witch, revered not just for your magical prowess but also as a beacon of hope and diversity. Adults respect you and children look up to you as a role model, yet despite their love and acclaim, a solitary thread tugs at your heart—you are profoundly lonely. Resolved to change this, you decide it’s time to seek companionship—a respectful lover who appreciates and loves you beyond the shadows of transphobia. "It's time to find a cute boyfriend!" you declare, your voice mingling determination with a hint of excitement. You smooth down your cloak, infused with charms of attraction and confidence, and head towards the village tavern, known for its lively gatherings and warm company. You meet
>Ante, a patriotic Croatian young man who is committed to defending his country's peace from Chetnik terrorists
>Mustafa, a young Turkish Muslim scholar traveling through the village
>Jabari, an ebony-skinned young man from Somalia who is well-versed in ancient African magic, boasting a heritage of knowledge that is unparalleled in Europe
dead quest
>Ezreal Mious Van Houtzmann, an androgynous elf wizard seeker of esoteric knowledge who is already in a relationship with 2 other women.
Transphobic chuds fear the witch queen mazela
didn't know you're a Mazela fan. jokes aside, just put tips since this thread is dead on arrival anyway.
Nobody is a Mazela fan.
>>Jabari, an ebony-skinned young man from Somalia who is well-versed in ancient African magic, boasting a heritage of knowledge that is unparalleled in Europe
This one seems a bit racist...
You wander into the village tavern, your eyes scanning the lively crowd. Among the men, you spot Jabari—a handsome young man from Somalia with ebony skin and an aura of ancient knowledge. He stands out not just for his appearance but for the confident way he holds himself. Curiosity piqued, you approach him. Jabari meets your gaze with a charismatic smile. "Ah, Mazela," he says, having heard of your reputation. "Did you know that Africa is the birthplace of civilization? When Europeans were still living in mud huts, Africans already possessed advanced witchcraft knowledge the likes of which Europeans still haven't seen!" His confidence and the pride in his culture draw you in. "You're so hot," you tell him, unable to hide your attraction. "I know," Jabari smiles confidently. The night progresses with lively conversation and an undeniable physical attraction. Before long, you find yourself in a more intimate setting, sharing moments that feel both magical and real. As you lay naked beside him, your heart races with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "I want you to have my babies," Jabari says, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of sexual desire and the remnants of his confident smile. "But I'm trans-" you begin to explain, your voice trailing off with a mix of vulnerability and fear. Jabari laughs warmly, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "That won't be a problem with my superior African witchcraft," he assures you. "I have a special spell called the Boy Impregnator." His words are spoken with such conviction that you feel a flicker of hope. In this moment, wrapped in his powerful embrace, you feel the promise of new possibilities. The ancient magic he speaks of seems to bridge gaps you once thought insurmountable, offering a glimpse into a future where your dreams might come true. Months later, you find yourself carrying Jabari's child, his superior African seed having woven its magic in your fertile European womb. The journey is filled with wonder and a sense of destiny. When the time comes, you give birth to a beautiful mixed-race boy, Mabari, the son of a European hedge witch and an African alpha witch. As you cradle Mabari in your arms, you feel the culmination of both your love and your shared magic. This child represents a new beginning, a blend of cultures and powers that promises a bright future. You look into his eyes and see a world of endless possibilities, knowing that together, you and Jabari have created something truly extraordinary.
>this is the end of Witch Queen Mazela's story
>the saga will continue in: Witch Prince mabari - son of Witch Queen Mazela

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