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It has been 140 years since the Impact. One of it's effects was the shift in the magnetic poles, and while switching places, their movement exposed plenty of the earth's surface to the sun's ionizing radiation, which in turn fried everything requiring a transistor or a double helix string of molecules for that matter. Many people survived but few remained unchanged. Mutations were rampant. The thousands who came out of the bunkers soon took charge of the remains and the global game for power continued, albeit taking a different shape than before.

The bunker technology of producing food was transplanted successfully on a bigger scale, making soil, agriculture and the need for large lands obsolete. Only raw resources mattered now and the newly formed city states were starving for more and more. Neu Tokyo has established itself as the prime city state on the old islands, ruling mercilessly in the region, its primary rival being a huge tropical metropolis named Novyi Formossa, to its south.

Cities have a lot of trash and someone must take care of it, one way or another. The cleaner is:

>Calix Visarionovic, human with augmentations, outsider
Mechanic and computer wiz, he has an artificial parietal lobe making him perform complicated calculations instantaneously. Has an artificial right hand, granting him access to android grip strength and a powerful laser. Bionic eyes make him indifferent to lighting or distance. Has connections in the underworld and knows many dregs of society who snoop on every corner. Has prostitutes on payroll. He is zealous, hedonist, addict, morally bankrupt and doesn't hesitate, which is part of the reasons why he was sent in Neu Tokyo in the first place. Reason to be here is ???

He is part of the Zoroaster Reborn sect. Wants to retire in Novyi Formossa and enjoy the pleasures of the metropolis where his sect has more influence.

>Tomiko Foerster, pureblooded human, native to Neu Tokyo
Coming from a very wealthy religious family, that managed to reserve a place in a bunker more than a century ago, Tomiko is a pure-blooded human with no mechanical augmentations of genetic mutations, making her a very rare breed. Carries a device that masks her as someone with augmentations during scans. She is brave and adventurous, willing to put herself in danger just to go against the sheltered ways of her family. Can mingle with every stratum of society. Knows most spoken dialects of the new world. Having grown up rich, she has knowledge of places and people that are hard to come-by. Her weapon of choice is a rare neu-ceramic pistol that is virtually impossible to detect. She is targeted for her weapon and pristine organs.

She is part of the Waldensian cult and wants to make Waldensian Christianity the primary religion in Neu Tokyo.

>Heidi Hirayama, genetically modified vampire, native to Neu Tokyo
Her ancestors were the warlords who ruled the Tokyo wasteland before the bunker dwellers came out from the ground with their superior tech. Realizing their inaptitude for fighting against such advanced technology, Heidi's warlord grandfather strikes a deal with the bunker dwellers, giving away all of his territory for a place in the hierarchy in the new society and a machine for genetic alteration with the pretext of fixing his harmed genome from the exposure of the Impact. With this machine he creates an offspring that possesses incredible physical resilience and agility. These characteristics are present in Heidi and her siblings too, but with that come the cat eyes, the elongated limbs and the queer looking skin that makes her distinguishable from far away. Heidi has a hard time communicating with people who aren't vampires and doesn't see herself as human. She is cold and calculative, feels deep attachment for her kin and has sympathy for other mutants. Relies only on her nails and fangs if things turn nasty.

>Tomiko Foerster, pureblooded human, native to Neu Tokyo
>>Tomiko Foerster, pureblooded human, native to Neu Tokyo
>Tomiko Foerster, pureblooded human, native to Neu Tokyo
>>Tomiko Foerster, pureblooded human, native to Neu Tokyo
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>>6038779 | >>6038783 | >>6038799 | >>6038812 | >>6038861

It's late night and Tomiko can't sleep. Just a word, and the huge Victorian windows lose their tint and her apartment is flooded with the colors of the metropolis below - all shades of electric blue, violet and purple bounce off the skyrise and her ceiling. Her gaze scales the palette of the city, in the far distance the neon lights give way for the blood red of the shield that encompasses Neu Tokyo. 12 years ago, when it was powered up for the first time, the officials have told the populace that it was playing the role of a second ozone layer but Tomiko knew from her relatives that it was to distort satellite mappings of the city and to combat enemy unmanned drones that were constantly testing the defenses of the city's perimeter. There were talks that the shield's oozing redness had other applications....

Suddenly her phone receives a notification and the girl boots up a computer with an illegal operating system, soon she receives multiple encrypted files showing addresses, schedules, most visited locations, blood relatives and more. Tomiko's fingers brush through silky hair, her long nails scratch her scalp creating a massaging sensation. The task is simple, as always, handle the problem in the most efficient manner. The name of the target is:

>Emeline Keiko, Neu Tokyo native
She is the savant scientist that recently created a solution for fast interplanetary travel via adding another helix to the DNA strand in pathfinders - genetically engineered humans that are sealed in the hulls of ships, becoming its living brain. Through a secret pattern now these genetically enhanced pathfinders can perform leaps through empty space, making possible the interstellar expansion of humanity, or that of Neu Tokyo. She is closely guarded by the government. Emeline follows the Baal's chosen sect.

>Eckhart Bergmann, Frankfurtian missionary
Frankfurt-from-Ashes and Neu Tokyo always had close knit relationships as kin cities, even before the Impact. Now one of their citizens have been working here as a missionary, spreading the Hussite version of Christianity, converting many in the poorer districts. Recently coded communication patterns between him and someone in the free city state of Phom Phenn, a vassal of Novyi Formossa, have been caught and Eckhart's archbishop wants answers

>Chioko Nara, Neu Tokyo native
An underworld figure, a mutant and deviant, Chioko has been a thorn in the behind of Neu Tokyo's ruling class since it's beginning. She is originally one of the warlords who ruled the Tokyo wastes and was adaptive enough to integrate herself in civilized society without striking any deals with the bunker dwellers. It is said that her mutation involves prolonged lifespan and is a known seductress, now turned pedophile. After abducting the daughters of a prominent tech magnate she is now wanted dead. Chioko follows the Waldensian cult
>>Eckhart Bergmann, Frankfurtian missionary
>Emeline Keiko, Neu Tokyo native
>Emeline Keiko, Neu Tokyo native
>Emeline Keiko, Neu Tokyo native
>>Eckhart Bergmann, Frankfurtian missionary
>Waldensian Christianity the primary religion in Neu Tokyo.
Even in 2300 Papists are seething
>Chioko Nara, Neu Tokyo native
If one of these three are to die, this option leads to the greatest good.
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>>6038963 | >>6039014 | >>6039043 | >>6039132 | >>6039592 | >>6039620

Laying naked in silk, the worms that have produced it - dead for a century, Tomiko rummages the summary files, looking for useful information and exploitative weaknesses...

Emeline Keiko is at the zenith of a spectacular career and most of the Council of Zwölf, the twelve noble founders of Neu Tokyo (one of them being Tomiko's grandfather) have been especially pleased with her achievements. Rising the prestige of the city in all affairs has been of paramount importance in the last decade, as the more prestigious you are - the more you can get away with. And Neu Tokyo has gotten away with a lot. No rival city state has been left standing in a radius of a thousand miles, all of them have either recognized Tokyo as supreme or have perished. The only one still standing tall in the vicinity is Novyi Formossa, the metropolis covering an island known as Taiwan before the Impact. Conflict was inevitable and relations soured even before Neu Tokyo detonated a neutron bomb in the center of Vlad-i-Vostok, Formossa's kin city. Now all conflict is done by proxy as both metropolises are afraid of mutual destruction, until Emeline and her research came to break the stalemate. The implications of her space leaping tech might be used for the teleportation of not only ships but material of any kind large enough to hold an entombed pathfinder, the High Gate (the council of Novyi Formossa) fears.

However they aren't the only one afraid. Some rich patriotic Neu Tokyoites have been distraught by Emeline's rise to prominence. Even though she is native to the city, her female lover, Sharleez Shiba, isn't and comes from a place named Proper Gehenna, an isolationist city located somewhere alongside the Red Sea. Neu Tokyo's satellites have never been able to pick it's exact location leading some to speculate that it's scientists have developed a cloaking device strong enough to cover a city, others believe that the whole city has the capability to move locations. In any case at least one rumor seems to be certainly true, Gehenna and it's primary cult - Baal's Chosen have been targeting the biggest brains around the world in attempt to recruit them. Emeline is protected by most of the Council of Twelve and is currently in the downtown Stellar Research Center building. Several platoons of heavy duty veterans are keeping her safe until her underground space shuttle is ready to take off in 24 hours. Those in power seem to think she will be safe in the Neu Tokyo lunar Space Station. Her lover will be accompanying her.

Emeline is wanted dead. Tomiko sighs, she will need 6 hours for infiltration (6/24). The rest of the schedule is filled with:

>add 12 hours by hiring a cyber specialist from Tomiko's cult, Hina the Blond. Hina can be used directly to grant access to the building and create one distraction for the guarding personnel. Complete stealth fails as cyberattacks will leave traces of intrusion. Indirectly, using an identity card or taking care of a hostage, Hina stealth run is possible. Tomiko and Hina's story develops [Knows useful people]

>add 12 hours to investigate the 'Baal's chosen' sect, the only fishy part of the target's resume. Possible alternative routes for handling the target might be unlocked.

>add 6 hours of letting Tomiko research the structure of the Stellar Research Center on her own. Entrances, exists, floor and room positioning, ventilation and guard placement are memorized. If you want something done well you better to do it yourself after all.

>add 6 hours to give Tomiko time to rest before the mission. The past few nights have been restless and being untainted by mutations or augmentations, she needs sleep for a more stellar performance. [Pureblooded]

>add 6 hours to kidnap a worker in the government facility. Use your cloaking device to mimic their appearance. Use their identity card to enter the building.

>add 6 hours to learn more about Emeline's lover. Kidnapping will be possible. Can be used as possible leverage after encountering the target. Cloaking yourself as the lover is possible.

>add 18 hours to locate and access the underground space shuttle, sabotaging it. Emeline dies.

>add 6 hours of letting Tomiko research the structure of the Stellar Research Center on her own. Entrances, exists, floor and room positioning, ventilation and guard placement are memorized. If you want something done well you better to do it yourself after all.
>add 6 hours to learn more about Emeline's lover. Kidnapping will be possible. Can be used as possible leverage after encountering the target. Cloaking yourself as the lover is possible.
>add 6 hours of letting Tomiko research the structure of the Stellar Research Center on her own. Entrances, exists, floor and room positioning, ventilation and guard placement are memorized. If you want something done well you better to do it yourself after all.
>add 18 hours to locate and access the underground space shuttle, sabotaging it. Emeline dies.
>add 12 hours to investigate the 'Baal's chosen' sect, the only fishy part of the target's resume. Possible alternative routes for handling the target might be unlocked.
>add 6 hours to learn more about Emeline's lover. Kidnapping will be possible. Can be used as possible leverage after encountering the target. Cloaking yourself as the lover is possible.
>>add 6 hours to kidnap a worker in the government facility. Use your cloaking device to mimic their appearance. Use their identity card to enter the building.
>add 6 hours of letting Tomiko research the structure of the Stellar Research Center on her own. Entrances, exists, floor and room positioning, ventilation and guard placement are memorized. If you want something done well you better to do it yourself after all.
>add 6 hours to learn more about Emeline's lover. Kidnapping will be possible. Can be used as possible leverage after encountering the target. Cloaking yourself as the lover is possible.
>add 6 hours to give Tomiko time to rest before the mission. The past few nights have been restless and being untainted by mutations or augmentations, she needs sleep for a more stellar performance. [Pureblooded]
>add 6 hours of letting Tomiko research the structure of the Stellar Research Center on her own. Entrances, exists, floor and room positioning, ventilation and guard placement are memorized. If you want something done well you better to do it yourself after all.
>add 6 hours to kidnap a worker in the government facility. Use your cloaking device to mimic their appearance. Use their identity card to enter the building.
>add 6 hours to learn more about Emeline's lover. Kidnapping will be possible. Can be used as possible leverage after encountering the target. Cloaking yourself as the lover is possible.
>add 6 hours of letting Tomiko research the structure of the Stellar Research Center on her own. Entrances, exists, floor and room positioning, ventilation and guard placement are memorized. If you want something done well you better to do it yourself after all.
>add 6 hours to give Tomiko time to rest before the mission. The past few nights have been restless and being untainted by mutations or augmentations, she needs sleep for a more stellar performance. [Pureblooded]
>add 6 hours to kidnap a worker in the government facility. Use your cloaking device to mimic their appearance. Use their identity card to enter the building.
>add 6 hours of letting Tomiko research the structure of the Stellar Research Center on her own. Entrances, exists, floor and room positioning, ventilation and guard placement are memorized. If you want something done well you better to do it yourself after all.
>add 6 hours to give Tomiko time to rest before the mission. The past few nights have been restless and being untainted by mutations or augmentations, she needs sleep for a more stellar performance. [Pureblooded]
>add 6 hours to learn more about Emeline's lover. Kidnapping will be possible. Can be used as possible leverage after encountering the target. Cloaking yourself as the lover is possible.

Switching my vote >>6040365
>add 12 hours to investigate the 'Baal's chosen' sect, the only fishy part of the target's resume. Possible alternative routes for handling the target might be unlocked.

>add 6 hours of letting Tomiko research the structure of the Stellar Research Center on her own. Entrances, exists, floor and room positioning, ventilation and guard placement are memorized. If you want something done well you better to do it yourself after all.
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>>6039816 | >>6040098 | >>6040429 | >>6040434 | >>6040515


It's daytime but the raging dust storm above the ionized energy dome is so thick that it might as well be night. Only the microsteel particles that crash with gentle scarlet flashes in the metropolitan shield remind the inhabitants that the sun is somewhere above them.

An aesthetic fossil fuel relic is cruising through a street leading to the inner city hypertunnel. The target is in the other end of town. The vehicle steadily picks up speed and enters the underground. The speedometer jumps, as joining the ultrafast lanes of the hypertunnel with inappropriate speed would be deadly. With the transmission fixed on the final seventh gear the car flies in the traffic with precision. Hydrogen and electric self driving vehicles are all around, switching lanes, accelerating or slowing down tremendously in a second, yet Tomiko participates gallantly in the metallic dance relying only on her reflexes. The danger excites her. She takes pride in her untainted body and has a certain sense of superiority over those who rely on anything other than their divinely given flesh, even though they are superior in raw capability.

The skin on her inner thigh gets pinched by her trusty neu-ceramic pistol and Tomiko readjusts in her leather seat, smiling at her hypocrisy. There wasn't that much difference between a gun or a hand cannon prosthetic, all were just tools for the world around. The gun was a gift from a former suitor, whose father owned a major share of the metropolitan arms manufacturing, and was given as declaration of his devotion to the pureblood, however after realizing that Tomiko was actually using it and wasn't keeping it as eye candy conversation starter as the rest of the new aristocracy, he decided to retract his flirts.

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Tomiko is well rested and has memorized the building plans that will add a bonus to the upcoming rolls

With a sharp turn and in one, two, three seconds, Tomiko exists the hypertunnel with great speed, entering a shady part of town. While slowing down the smudges along the sidewalks take human shapes and Tomiko differentiates some who are part of Abbadon's Finest, chrome covered transhumans, the Oni masks do their dealing, the cultists of the Forlorn Hope are on every corner preaching their doomed ways, Arachnids make their way to shadowy bars located in the numerous backstreets. This is where Tomiko has to sneak in too...

Her cloaking device is on her waist, already working, giving her heavy circles under the eyes, tired expression and scuffed appearance as she is entering a neon lit relaxation joint. Troublemakers don't come in places such as this, here is only for the addicts who want to experience the Quiet. People are laying all over the multiple velvet fainting couches, blissful abandon in their half-open eyes. On one of them Tomiko recognizes her target - Emeline's lover, Sharleez Shiba. She has an uncertain expression as the hooded figure next to her, that she clearly knows, is brandishing an injection device near her brown delicate arm. Possible bodyguard? Why is she nervous? Tomiko is not sure.

Yet the capture of the lover must happen one way or another.

>let Sharleez be injected, the substance must be the Quiet and it will make her docile enough for an easy kidnapping. Tomiko has more time to evaluate the hooded figure and waits for an opportune moment to strike. The cloaking device will only mimic Sharleez's outward appearance if she is captured unconscious.

>don't let the hooded figure administer the substance, Sharleez must be conscious in order for the cloaking device to copy her moods, mannerisms and speech paterns as well. Tomiko attempts to shoot the hooded figure from a distance

>currently the cloaking device makes Tomiko look like a bum, so she decides to play along and feint stumbling onto the possible bodyguard by mistake, getting a good look and having the best estimation of who the hooded figure is. QM rolls 1d2 if Sharleez is injected or not in the meantime

>don't let the hooded figure administer the substance, Sharleez must be conscious in order for the cloaking device to copy her moods, mannerisms and speech paterns as well. Tomiko attempts to shoot the hooded figure from a distance
>currently the cloaking device makes Tomiko look like a bum, so she decides to play along and feint stumbling onto the possible bodyguard by mistake, getting a good look and having the best estimation of who the hooded figure is. QM rolls 1d2 if Sharleez is injected or not in the meantime
>don't let the hooded figure administer the substance, Sharleez must be conscious in order for the cloaking device to copy her moods, mannerisms and speech paterns as well. Tomiko attempts to shoot the hooded figure from a distance
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>don't let the hooded figure administer the substance, Sharleez must be conscious in order for the cloaking device to copy her moods, mannerisms and speech paterns as well. Tomiko attempts to shoot the hooded figure from a distance
>currently the cloaking device makes Tomiko look like a bum, so she decides to play along and feint stumbling onto the possible bodyguard by mistake, getting a good look and having the best estimation of who the hooded figure is. QM rolls 1d2 if Sharleez is injected or not in the meantime
>don't let the hooded figure administer the substance, Sharleez must be conscious in order for the cloaking device to copy her moods, mannerisms and speech paterns as well. Tomiko attempts to shoot the hooded figure from a distance
>don't let the hooded figure administer the substance, Sharleez must be conscious in order for the cloaking device to copy her moods, mannerisms and speech paterns as well. Tomiko attempts to shoot the hooded figure from a distance
>don't let the hooded figure administer the substance, Tomiko shoots

3 anons roll dice+1d20-5, using the vest roll. Score of 13 and above will make for a successful shot, crit success won't be possible
Rolled 17 - 5 (1d20 - 5)

Rolled 6 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Rolled 12 - 5 (1d20 - 5)

Anon it was minus 5, not plus.
Rolled 4 - 5 (1d20 - 5)


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