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“I will decide upon those when I hear back from them.” You state to Neila’s question of rules of engagement for your patrol boats.

“Sir ? If you send a message, I doubt we will be able to pull anything off besides a simple punch.” She questions you, finger hovering over the tablet as she was about to send out your orders.

“Better risk it now than lose it later. Who knows, they might be friendly ?”

“If you say so, sir.” She eyes you with clear suspicion, but still defers to your judgement.

“Comm centre, how copy ?” You direct your attention to your own pad.

“Good copy, sir.” The woman manning the station responds in a swift and crisp manner.

“I want you to begin transmitting my words towards the general area of the arrivals, use the Argonaut’s systems to bounce my speech off it.”

“Copy that, sir, wait one.”

You wait few seconds, organizing your thoughts as your advisors all look upon you, waiting for whatever words you will speak. Here’s to hoping that your boorish nature won’t stick in.

“Sir.” Your tablet once is greeting by the voice of the comm servicewoman. “You are transmitting.”

“Attention you bas-“ You catch yourself and clear your throat. Soldiers tend to have almost entirely created their own language through insults and swear words, and you indulging them in such a way had endeared you with them, especially considering that even calling someone an idiot in front of an officer would usually result in some sort of censure.

“Unknown forces that had entered the system.” You try to recall how other COs usually talked. “Identify yourself immediately or be fired upon. We had settled this system and wish to coexist in peace, but we shall not shy away from protecting what’s ours. David Hardrada, out.” Alright, that should outline the general idea.

“Very persuasive, sir.” Serret dryly says.

“Proper identifications were given and the requests are reasonable.” Reinhart nods, actually genuine.

“For the army, yea.” Garrick says fumbling with a flask that he had already emptied. “But I’ve dealt with civvies, shit don’t work for civvies like they do for an army. You tell ‘em to get the hell out, they scream about their rights, you set the blasting charges off and suddenly you had violated some other set of rights.”

“Then here’s to hoping that they are military.” Jegede says with a tired look in his eyes.

“Sir, what now ?” Zack asks, not actually paying attention, if for no other reason than the potential risk of all his interest being blown apart, literally in this case.

“For now, have the patrol boats on standby and get everyone to have their rifles ready. Hopefully nothing will come of it, but it’d be best for everyone to be prepared to defend their homes.”

“We ain’t got any AOs, sir, they will blow us apart before we can even see them.” Garrick, rather pessimistically says.

“Not if they want anything worth a damn. I’d be a rather wasted effort to simply blow us away.” You reason.

Whatever other responses they may have, your councillors keep their opinions to themselves as they all begin mustering for the defence in some way or another.

You also check through your weaponry as does your wife, it will still be hours before a response and easily days before whomever is burning towards you actually reaches you. For now, all you can do it wait and see what response comes.
You check your rifle over once more, its much lighter heft compared to your service rifle giving you slight discomfort, but you know anything of a larger calibre could easily break your bones as you have no real cybernetics, much less so genemods that could toughen you up, the thirty round magazine you had looked over nearly a hundred times already, the last thing you need is a dud or some other malfunction.

All around you rages controlled chaos as you find yourself in the communications centre. The crammed condition means that you, besides another five people, are all twisting and turning. Of course, the situation is not helped by the bulky spacesuits filling the already overflowing room, you all want to be ready to run off the moment you need to. So far, everyone’s maintained their cool and discipline as continuous reports flow in about prepared boobytraps, the various fortifications hastily thrown up, and areas where those incapable of fighting are being evacuated to.

Suddenly, a loud ping echoes out in the room and everyone stops looking over the various consoles or their own firearms and stare at it. The incoming message noise.

“Open it.” You give the order to the nearest person to the console.

“Sir.” The man responds with a salute and begins the process of relaying the message through a loud speaker.

With a hiss and a crackle, a distorted voice comes through, no doubt the sheer distance, and probably cheap comm devices, making the message hard to listen to, but the man manning the console quickly begins to work upon it to increase the quality best he’s able to.

Finally, after a bit of tinkering, the voice becomes clear enough to distinguish. “Well, mister Hardrada, you’ve decided to settle in a rough neighbourhood, one certainly full of bastards.” You can only sigh at that. “But, we’re all humans here, at the edge of civilization, great and courageous pioneers and all that. So, as carriers of good faith, we offer you protection, for a…reasonable fee. You’ve got till we get to you to decide, choose well, mister Hardrada.”

“Extortionist fuckers !” One of the men in the room swears out loud and is then quickly greeted by a vastly more colourful flurry of insults by the remainder of the people in the room. It seems that the nature of your colonists means that it will be a tough pill to swallow to yield.

As you stand up and move towards the console yourself, you see the demands they had transferred for you. It seems that the unknown assailants are demanding a grand total of 10 standard units of common materials. A hefty chunk of your reserves.

Standing still, you ponder over your decisions and opt to have your options open, you will probably get a good enough reading of the potential enemy fleet about a day or so out from the colony, giving you enough flexibility to decide what to do.
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A couple of days later, as you had hoped, you once more find yourself in the comm centre listening to the reports of the two patrol boat captains.

“The computer struggled to identify two of the three vessels, we had to work on it ourselves in order to find a close approximation.” One of the captains continues his explanation, the minute delay of his facial expression being slightly unsettling as it is not synching with his voice.

“The first thing we identified appears to be Journeyman-class freighter. About half the size of the Argonaut and probably thirty years out of date compared to it. Nothing special about it really, just some detachable cargo pods and fuel pods. Probably carrying supplies for the long journey for the other two ships.” Another captain begins to explain the situation.

“Now the other two were a headache.” The first one continues where his colleague left off. “The two other ships seem to be a derivative of the Adamant-class armed freighter. About seventy of so years old, though these ones appear to be much larger. About 300 metres each. Scans indicate that there are two railgun turrets, one mounted atop and one at the bottom.”

“Bad or good ?” You quickly ask, you know little about warships other than their captains tend to be pompous assholes.

“Bad, if we’re talking about proper naval scale. It should have at least a few more of those, and mostly the ones they have are outdated, chances are that the weapons on our own patrol boats are superior and newer. As for other matters, one appears to have three missile launchers, armed with what and how well, we don’t know till they fire, unfortunately. The other seems to possess a hangar and a trio of escort fighters, we noticed that those are flying ahead of the main formation, so at least the enemy has a vague idea of proper naval tactics by employing some scouts.”

“How troublesome those would be ?”

“We don’t have anything to counter either the fighters or the missiles. If fact, those concern far more than their railguns.”

“So, they are stronger than us in terms of firepower, what about toughness ?”

“Hard to tell. Most likely the things were up-armoured, how well and how extensively, we don’t know. Even if the alloys they are using are outdated, if they bothered to slap enough of it on the ships, it could prove a tough nut to crack.”

Sighing, you ask the most important question. “Can we win ?”

Silence follows for nearly a minute as both captains end up looking concerned and they begin thinking, brows furrowed.

“No guarantees.” The still frowning man begins to speak, again, the delay making the entire exchange odd. “We’ve got proper training and up to date equipment. While the enemy has more weapons and heavier weight. So, it is possible, how likely, I make no promises other than we will give it our all.” The other captain nods in grim agreement.

“What about an ambush ?” You ask with some hope in your voice.

“Unlikely by now, they seem to be prepared for a fight, unless we can somehow disable those scouting fighters, we won’t be able to pull that off, it will be a straight on slugging match.”

Silence once more descends as you begin to ponder the decision you will have to make, to send more men to their possible deaths or to deal with the fallout of bowing your head, either way, someone’s bound to be unhappy.

>Give the order. You are soldiers, and you shall not go quietly into the night. Besides, you doubt you will be able to control the outrage that would spark otherwise.

>Give the order. Though a full on slugging match is unlikely to end in your victory, you have a better idea. (Write in)

>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.

>You will give in, but on your terms, you still have enough firepower to threaten the enemy, and you doubt they would be willing to fight and die so easily for a pittance of materials. (Write in)

>(Write in)
>You will give in, but on your terms, you still have enough firepower to threaten the enemy, and you doubt they would be willing to fight and die so easily for a pittance of materials. (Write in)

"We would Humbly give as you demand. But our storehouses are not full of wealth. We live on a poor world and only have 4 common material worth of goods and don't produce much yet. Would that suffice?"

I would recommend appeasement for now, and if we do so then as soon as they fuck off we try to get the last 2 common materials needed to get to 10 again and create Anti orbital defences.

Oh also, while you were sick Newb, I was planning and designing what a frigate made by our colony might look like. I'll post images relatively soon :D
>>Give the order. Though a full on slugging match is unlikely to end in your victory, you have a better idea. (Write in)

Give them boxes full of explosives rigged to blow. Then go for the kill, shock and awe.

Otherwise they will be back.
+1, although maybe we should mix materials and explosives in case they run scans.
Of course : )
>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.
>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.
Let's play nice, I'm curious.
Also hope you are feeling better, Newb.
>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.
Of course mixed in between normal material..
>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.
>>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.
>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.
Appeasement may not be popular but we need time and info.
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Now, the design I've been working on. I want to hear what you guys think.

I present, the Lance class Hunter frigate.
Being 200 meters in length, this frigate comes from a generalist mindset. With 5 top mounted and 4 bottom mounted defense lasers, the ship can keep up with most missile boats in its tonnage class while still dishing out large quantities of damage using its two gimbal-mounted Railgun turrets and large M.A.G cannon.

Being moderately armoured, it is not the fastest frigate, but not the slowest either. Making it hard for most non frigates to hit its vulnerable backside.
(Additional note. The Compartment design is not final, and is more meant to represent where these services are located rather than their actual size or shape in the vessels.)

If you people have any good ideas, i would love to hear them as well :D
>Give the order
Impressive work Fleet-anon. While I can't think/make of any better designs I feel like a faster and less armored vessel could be more economical and could help in raids and ambushes.
>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.
I should probably vote too.
Although this could only be possible if we're doing mass production of them, which might not be wise.
Maybe the design is better as an all-rounder that can hit well.
What people gotta realize is what is tactically the best move is not always what is logically the best move.

I'd recommend reading about Richard I and his outing in the Third Crusade for a good example of this twice he was in a position to siege down the holy city and both times he turned away due to logistical concerns with actually holding the city. While tactically sound these decisions DESTROYED his troops' morale eventually leading to his men refusing his orders to attack egypt and leading to the 3rd crusade being considered (mostly) a failure having failed to recapture the holy city.
TLDR what would normally be the best choice is not the best choice anymore if you lose the loyalty and respect of your men in the process.
Changing my vote to this. I hope that the people we are potentially killing aren’t part of a larger group.

But, if we do kill them, then we’ve suddenly got a lot of resources to work with. If we just clean up so no one knows we killed them. Then this might actually be a boon?

Newb, how much common and rare material Would the pirate ships be made of?

I’ll definitely make some different designs as Well. That i promise!

This ship was mostly made with our current needs in mind. Since we aren’t really able to support specialization yet.
Sound reasoning. Asking soldiers with functional naval assets to roll over to every two-bit band of pirates won't go well.
>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.
I can't see my vote so I'm assuming it didn't go through.

Isn't the nat 100 great help with this? It legitimized us into being nobility.
We can afford doing something like this at least once I assume, so I'd rather not risk a potential quest ender and use the clout we have to get away with this.
I was about to change my vote but this is honestly a good point. It's good to make use of that nat crit success from last thread instead of chancing a battle roll and getting trounced on.

You think a bunch of military men that were recently sold on being proud nobles are going to accept us surrendering? That Nat 100 isn’t doing shit but making them more pissed. They were sold on the promise of nobility and the pride that comes with that on top of being PTSD riddled combat vets.
Well yes it did but that doesn't really mean its a get out of jail free card when it comes to having people respect us as a leader. Look at it this way the worst case if we fight them is that we get our butt kicked then they loot and pillage our settlement or whatever. The worst case if we give in fully is that they take our minerals, instantly get sabotaged by our colonists some of who now hate us for making this decision and then we just get the end result of the first worst case scenario with the added bonus of almost no one respecting us anymore.

Hell even best case scenerio by giving in assuming things work like you think it does we still lose 10 minerals and burn up our get out of jail free card that may or may not exist. I just don't think its the best decision here.
>Look at it this way the worst case if we fight them is that we get our butt kicked then they loot and pillage our settlement or whatever.
That is way worse than what you think it is. Not to mention that sort of thing will cause unrest against the leadership too.
I mean what if they hurt our food supply and storage? That could be a game ender.

David is the fucking leader.
If they try shit then we can just sic our wife on them and let her run loose. If any rebel thinks he can win using clandestine sabotage or force they're wrong, David is good at the latter and his wife is good at the former.
I'd rather the game end with us fighting and being respected then the game end with us kneeling and everyone hating us.
Except the game won't end if everyone hates us in the colony.
The QM said before this is using an EU4 type of system with rulers, and if David is overthrown or dies for some reason he'd be replaced by someone enough influence to be the leader of the planet. We have a bunch of nobles that could fit that role already.
However I don't think it would come to a rebellion overthrowing David, we have too much influence and too many connections here to be couped.
Personally, I say that a colony of soldiers that invested extensively in self defense should fight. Deference when we have a very good chance of winning is cowardly and might well permanently cripple development, depending on how often the pirates come around..
And compare this to getting raided and our food supply being destroyed while being practically defenseless for any pirate to attack again. That could easily be the end of the quest (unless the QM decides to change our pov to the pirates or something lol)

You may call it cowardly but it's the pragmatic thing to do. Leaders have to make hard choices to ensure survival of the settlement, that's just how life is.
And as for permanently crippling development, I think we should wait and watch what they do and find out where they come from. Then we can do a proper ambush on them when they least expect it.
You got to remember though I belief that the worst case for the kneeling is literally the same as the worst case of the fighting WITH the added bonus of everyone hating us.

Regardless we shall see what happens it ultimately both your views of whats best and my views of whats best mostly come down to assumptions so we shall see what happens.
Also man I really gotta proofread better before I post lol
>You got to remember though I belief that the worst case for the kneeling is literally the same as the worst case of the fighting WITH the added bonus of everyone hating us.
A raid from pirates, or really any hostile force, is objectively terrible in any circumstance. You're underestimating what criminals would do in order to "send a message". Meanwhile this extortion will likely only happen only once before we can get our shit together and prepare.
However if there's a rebellion in our civilization they won't just salt the earth and destroy their own supplies (and thus ruining any chance of succeeding in their rebellion), they'll just hate David and try to get him out of power (something that isn't really possible at this point due to his influence).
Boom goes the pirate
Is this a +1?
See what I mean about assumptions?
Do we have escape pods in the ship? We could make a Homemade Torpedo, would be quite funny
And jetson some c4 into space a improvised minefield against their fighters and Torpedos
>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.
Well shit, didn't realize we were in two camps already. I'll switch to this.
>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.

Give them explody boxes.
If I were to weigh in, I think there is no right answer.

There are multiple ways things could go south.
If we were to fight them, then indeed one wrong roll could make us lose and piss them off. If so then we have nothing really to stop them from turning our valley into a crater. And even if we were to win, and then try to smelt down every part of their ships for salvage and hide every potential clue of their death then if they have "friends" those could just find us by searching for the loot their comrade's ships would be.

But if we were to hand over the goods, then our colony might die a slow death. They would likely come back and squeeze us dry of our resources whenever they needed cash, most likely taking anything they thought they could demand without the colony dying outright.

When handing over the common material to the pirates, we might also just roll bad as well and have a rebellion. And if David's leadership is overthrown it might not kill the colony, But it will sow the expectation of rebellion. And that sets a standard that "it can indeed happen" in everyone's minds. Something that will likely doom the colony as Well from constant infighting and tithe the pirates Would demand from whatever new government Would form.

Either way, if we let them go now, we are likely to see them come back. They will certainly tell others about us. This would mean others would know it was us who killed anyone travelling through this system. As Well as friends who might come along and make the next possible encounter even harder to fight if we don’t kill them now.

So while appeasing them for now buys the colony more time, it might still doom it to a slow death as Well. But fighting them right now might be a death sentence as well.
Also. Since the common material bombs in the explosive rigging idea Would likely mostly go onto the freighter. Why don’t we try to “appease” them with a lot of the alcohol we have and then have that explode inside of their combat-capable ships? It Would also be much easier to hide a small fuse to light all of the high ethanol alcohol on fire compared to masking explosives inside boxes meant to carry raw metals. Imagine having to deal with both a several ton burning alcohol fire in their ships WHILE also getting fired upon by our patrol vessels.
Accept 11
Give the order 1
boxes full of explosives rigged to blow 10

Alright, seems like there's quite a bit of debate. In order to ensure everyone has time to weigh in with their decisions, I will give it 5 more hours before locking in the vote.


>Also hope you are feeling better, Newb.

I do, thank you.


Very nice. There are some technical limitations that I will go in on when you anons get to the point where you can make in house warships.
Fuck it, we ball
Fingers crossed they take the bait.
>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.
Because eh screw them pirates, we go hard and smart with the big brain plays.
>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.
Hidden pirate path?
You sure you supported the right post? Just double checking.
>Accept the outrageous demands. You will have to make sure that your own colonists do not blow up the deal, literally. And you, maybe. If nothing else, your extortionist might be willing to share some actionable intelligence, after all, you are now under their protection.
It's a shame Fleet-anon's idea on how to deal with this wasn't widely supported, it sounded sensible.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Accept 14
Give the order 1
boxes full of explosives rigged to blow 14

I assume this is for blowing up, since what was written and chosen does not match. >>6039764

And once more we are at an impasse.

Rolling to determine it:
1 is accepting the demands
2 is for the dastardly plan

>Rolled 2

And there she blows !

Okay, I will be needing a total of 4d100 best of 3

First is for the bombs to go through basic scans
Second is for more thorough close up search, since the enemy is not stupid.
Third, presuming the first two succeed, the amount of damage caused by the bombs.
Fourth is for the patrol boats to fight, come what may.
Rolled 16, 25, 61, 10 = 112 (4d100)

Rolled 56, 9, 17, 49 = 131 (4d100)

Shiiit. the bombs will be found with these rolls.
Rolled 68, 14, 4, 27 = 113 (4d100)

Come on dice gods. I will forever thank you if you give us just this one Good moment!
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Remote search 68
Close up search 25
Explosion 61
Fight 49

Oh, boy. Writing.
It is so over bro’s…this isn’t right…i just hope the pirates are repelled enough for the colony to remain unscathed. This quest means too much for me to accept defeat.
>Broken Empire quest
>Disastrous rolls at pivotal moments
Valhalla here we come!

Don't worry Fleet-anon. We might be able to play as the pirates if they decide to stay here, it could be fun.
I just think about the big ship
Dont lose hope fleet anon, its not nat 1.
It's still extremely bad mate, it'd be unrealistic to think otherwise.
I know, i was here when we lost our brave men on that stealth ship, i was here when lost our waifu, i was here when we got nickname ghoul.
Oh you gotta be kidding me. I mean atleast our people probably aint gonna hate us but god what the hell are these rolls!
“Wait one.” You tell the ship captains as you quickly begin to call up Garrick, adding him to the call.

“Sir ?” His face also pops up at a weird angle, the camera feed from his spacesuit making his appearance far more distorted than it actually is.

“Infrastructure minister.” Nods of acknowledgement echo out a few seconds later from both of the captains, to which Garrick responds in kind.

“I called you up for an important reason.” You begin, a plan formulating as you speak. “How many det charges do we still have left that we managed to get from corp HQ ?”

The man raises an eyebrow at that. “Still got a good few kilos of it, high-yield.”

“I want you to grab all of it. These pirates, opportunists, or whomever else it may be, want something from us ? Then we will gladly give it to them, more than they had ever bargained for.” You begin explaining the idea, a predatory smile forming on your face.
(POV shift: You are Ewan Sartor, the captain of a patrol boat creatively named PB-2.)

You swallow nervously. The spacesuit you are wearing clings to you uncomfortably as you slowly move your fingers over the command console. You feel as the lack of gravity makes you float, with only the harness holding you down on your chair. You’ve already completed the decompression procedures so unless something important is hit, or simply the shell is large enough to annihilate you and the ship’s crew. Though you doubt you will even be capable of comprehending your death, so that’s an upside, you suppose.

“Contacts on approach.” One of the crewmen informs you as his voice comes over the comm network. “They appear to be slowing down on approach.”

“Keep firing vectors open.” You order the helmsman. You don’t need to turn around and burn backwards to slow yourself down, after all, you are to happily give away your hard-earned wealth.

“Sir, contact from PB-1.” Another crewman now draws your attention.

“Put it through.”

A few moments later, over the comm you hear the voice of your fellow captain, by the virtue of commanding a ship whose name comes before your alphabetically, your superior officer. “Received contact, they’re demanding that we let loose of our cargo.”

“Roger that.” You quickly respond. “Beginning detachment.” You gesture for another member to undo the locks on a large container that had been attached to your own hull, it was annoying to drag it to a place far enough not to threaten the drydock or the Argonaut with your inferior thrusters compared to the mass you had to shuttle ahead.

Well, there was one funny moment when the Argonaut’s captain learnt that you will be commandeering a couple of his cargopods. But other than his pained expression, all you had for calming yourself didn’t amount to much.

“Helm, begin withdrawal, bow thrusters. We’re moving back nice and slow.”

“Nice and slow, captain.” The helmsman responds and you feel yourself rattled as the harness once more keeps you in place.

You can feel the tension as enemy spacecraft begin to close in on the pods. Now that you got a good look at them, you realize just what cheap pieces of crap they are. What was once probably a civilian shuttle that was modified to have missiles attached to it and a simple railgun. They appear rather slow and sluggish to your eyes. It wouldn’t even be a contest if the adrenaline junkies that are given the right to call themselves pilots would encounter them. Unfortunately, you do not have any of those madmen alongside with you today, a thought you never believed you would entertain.

“Fighters drawing back.” The sensors officer reports as you watch small dots move away from the slightly larger dots tagged as your cargo pods.

There’s some visible relief amongst the crew. The first hurdle has been passed.

The two enemy warships, if you can use such a generous term, begin moving forwards, before quickly unleashing shuttlecraft from the side not identified by your computer program as hostile military component, most likely where they store everything ranging from ammo to supplies, and clearly shuttles. The enemy, unfortunately, has enough common sense to keep their warships away from the pods, so you will need them to bring the crates aboard for any real result.

Since you are close enough for it, you switch on the forwards facing camera and begin to zoom in as the shuttles disgorge people in spacesuits just as bulky as your won. Moving over the pods like ants you see as some of them disappear from your sight entering through the doors on the side of the pod.

You hold your breath.

For a minute nothing happens.

“Sir !” The tension you were feeling flairs up exceptionally as the sensors officer shouts out, the noise being even worse since it is all transmitted through comms. “Energy spikes from main warships !”

“Evasive action, now !” You raise your voice while trying to retain an aura of calm and authority.

And you must say your thanks to whomever designed your sensor system, as the enemy clearly did not expect for you to react in time as dozens of railgun rounds fly barely past you as you bank hard to starboard.

“Get me PB-1, we need to coordinate targets.” You quickly relay your orders to the comm officer. “Keep dodging and keep shooting, we must keep on the pressure. Keep to one side, their weapon placement means they cannot hit us with both turrets due to our small size.” Quickly analysing the situation, you find a straw that could ensure your survival.

“Sir, enemy fighters are turning around, I am detecting missile launches as well.” The sensors officer responds as you clench your teeth. You have no counter to those two other than prayer and the fact that a railgun turret fires thousands of rounds a minute, so chances are you might be able to hit them, maybe, space is far too vast after all.

Concentrating fire, you rattle the nearest enemy ship full of holes. One upside of your small size is that depressurization is actually possible and intended, so when a far of shoot blows through your plating and nearly kills the comm officer, you are fine. However, if you puncture enough holes rapidly enough, you see entire section of the ship being blown outwards.

Your luck however does not last, while you are harder to hit, and those hits may not cause as much damage, your systems are far more tightly packed and your staying power is vastly inferior.

“Port thrusters got hit, I am reading red all over the board, frontal armour is buckling, sir.” Trying to keep a steady voice and display professionalism of a soldier, one of the crew reports.

You are about to order for power to be cut to port, when the comms officer pipes up. “Sir, PB-1 suffered critical damage, their fusion reactor has been breached.”

Interfacing with the system of the patrol boat, you quickly note that one of the missiles had impacted PB-1 and caused such intensive damage, the only redeeming thing would be the confirmation that they are not nuclear warheads, but rather regular explosives, what little comfort it brings in this situation.

That’s that then. You grimly think, with your own thrusters damaged and enemy fighters closing in for the kill upon you. All that’s left to do is cause enough damage for them to break off.

Just as try to find a solution against the closing enemy warships that had sensed your weakness and began to move in for the kill, over open frequency you hear a single battlecry.

“Valhalla !” The captain of PB-1 directs all power towards the thrusters, utterly ignoring any dangers such a decision carries. You quickly note radiation emanating from the vessel, the breach must have been worse than you had thought, and you are certain of one thing, those people are all dead men walking.

You watch with utter bafflement as the patrol boat slams into one of the pods, and only then do you realize what the captain is planning. And the enemy has realized it too, judging by the amount of firepower they are throwing towards the pod. Still, Captain David had decided to cram some common materials into the pods, plus the det charges are safe to handle by their nature unlike some other explosives, so the added protection results in the pod slamming straight into the nearest warship that had been furiously trying to reverse its movement direction.
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For a moment, nothing happens other than all three objects slamming into each other, and a moment later, a miniature sun flashes out for a few moments before dying out, lacking any oxygen to burn on further or any atmosphere to allow for a shockwave to roll over.

At the end, the situation still looks grim, but maybe you have a fighting chance.

>Keep slugging against the main ship, you might get lucky and disable it before the fighters get you.

>Those fighters are going to knock you out sooner or later; you need to deal with them first.

>After such a display, maybe you could bluff the foe into disengaging ?

>What you do, you do for your family and their future. Valhalla !
A colony of insane war veterans that for some reason or another decided to abandon civilization sometimes comes in clutch.
>>Those fighters are going to knock you out sooner or later; you need to deal with them first.
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>Those fighters are going to knock you out sooner or later; you need to deal with them first.


also Newb, i am still interested in knowing the resource make-up of these ships. how much could these scrap ships be smelted into if given the chance?
>Those fighters are going to knock you out sooner or later; you need to deal with them first.

>>Those fighters are going to knock you out sooner or later; you need to deal with them first.
>Those fighters are going to knock you out sooner or later; you need to deal with them first.
>>Keep slugging against the main ship, you might get lucky and disable it before the fighters get you.
Isn't it better to take on the fighters first?
>A colony of insane war veterans that for some reason or another decided to abandon civilization sometimes comes in clutch.
They can handle it. Even if we get a low-ish roll the pseudo-nobles will still win, as could be seen by the last update.

>Keep slugging against the main ship, you might get lucky and disable it before the fighters get you.
>>Keep slugging against the main ship, you might get lucky and disable it before the fighters get you.
Actually i'm gonna change my vote to this.
Damn the fighters, full speed ahead!
>What you do, you do for your family and their future. Valhalla !

This is our best chance at outright winning the fight take out their last warship and hope to god the fighters have to limited of range to chase down the argonaut. Worst case scenario they poke some holes in the dry dock and we have to do some repairs.

It also may be worth bringing the argonaut into this battle it does have those anti asteroid weapon systems and those could at least irritate the enemy maybe even destroy a few of the fighters

Hopefully after this battle we can salvage some repairable weapon systems from our own and the enemies wrecks and increase the defensive armament of both the drydock and the argonaut.
>>Those fighters are going to knock you out sooner or later; you need to deal with them first.
>Keep slugging against the main ship, you might get lucky and disable it before the fighters get you
>Keep slugging against the main ship, you might get lucky and disable it before the fighters get you.
>Keep slugging against the main ship, you might get lucky and disable it before the fighters get you
Literally no reason we should NOT take this. Even if it's unlucky we still win.
This was apparently a big nothingburger.
>Keep slugging against the main ship, you might get lucky and disable it before the fighters get you.
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Rolled 94 (1d100)

fighters 6
slugging 7
Valhalla 1

Alright, slugging it out wins.

Need a 1d100 best of 3 for slugging it with the ship.

Also, I got the sizes wrong for the patrol boat, on the left is the oversized one, the ones on the right showcase them at a proper size.
>Rolled 94
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Rolled 61 (1d100)

The roll isn’t for the enemies right?
Rolled 93 (1d100)


>The roll isn’t for the enemies right?

Do not worry, there's a set DC against the ship. :)
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5 KB

First ones to Valhalla get the best seat. Die well brothers. I'll save you some mead.
“Helm, ignore the fighters, concentrate upon the retreating enemy ship, they’re trying to create a gap so we don’t pull the same trick again.” A moment of thought later, finally recovering from the shock of the sacrifice you had witnessed, you begin ordering the crew. “Gunnery, if we cannot win, then we have to make damn sure that they lose, target the railgun housing best as able, we need to prevent them from being able to bombard Valhalla from orbit.”

With your port thrusters being damaged as they are, the helmsman has a hard time moving you with a modicum of grace and speed at the same time. Though perhaps by fortune or skill, the man is somehow able to keep the ship going straight, providing a stable platform allowing for the gunnery officer to unleash accurate hell, to the point where even the minute shifts of the ship due to the weapon fire is being compensated for.

“Sir, enemy fighters lining up on us.” Your sensors officer warns you just as there’s a slight shift as enemy railgun fire rattles your hull, breaching some of the forwards facing armour and causing internal damage.

“Ignore them, enemy vessel is our top priority.” As your words leave your mouth, you already know the implication of your order. While not as glorious, you just signed the death warrant of everyone onboard, including yourself.

“Take this you bastards.” You hear the determined voice of the gunnery officer and a minute or so later, through the camera feed you see a small explosion rock out from the ship facing you.

“Explosion from the enemy ship, it seems we managed to cook off their ammo storage !” The sensors officer quickly reports what you are already seeing, excitement creeping into the man’s voice.

“Helm, orient me upwards.” The gunnery officer request and you quickly send your approval to the helmsman.

“Fighters in range, they’ve launched missiles.” The sensors officer says with resignation in his voice.

Not yet. You grit your teeth and read the data flowing into your suit.

The vessel is rocked by explosives and you can feel yourself being propelled portwards from the impact of the missiles.

“Sir, starboard thrusters are down, starboard armour is compromised, I am reading internal damage throughout the entire system.” Once more, grim tidings fill your ears.

“Gunnery, I need a win here.” You simply call out ignoring the damage report.

“Got in my sights, sir. Firing !” In a blink of an eye, thousands of rounds erupt as your ammo read drops rapidly.

And yet again, another Sun erupts as the back of the enemy vessel is blown out.

“Neutronium reactor hit !” The sensors officer shouts out. “We’ve had a direct hit !”

You thank your lucky stars for once not being aboard a vessel with the reactor. Maybe a few generations down the line the reactors won’t be temperamental as they are now, but at the moment, you can only smile as the awesome energy held within is unleashed in but a blink of an eye.

The celebrations however, are cut short. Once again you are rocked in your seat, this time from port side, and before your mind is even capable of processing it, shrapnel erupts in the command bridge, fist sized and larger pieces of metal kill the sensors officer instantly, his spacesuit shredded and a large piece piercing the helmet with goblets of blood having erupted out and filling the chamber from the now dead man.

Pain also erupts as you no longer feel your left arm and your vision begins to swim. You think someone is screaming. You cannot tell whom it might be. Still, you are able to make out something bright, brighter than the sparks erupting from the various screens and consoles around you whose breakers had clearly failed, then the brightness grows, for but a second.

(End of POV shift.)

“They’re dead.” Stellan’s voice comes distorted and artificial, your comm equipment barely able to pick him up from the great distance.

Silence fills the entire room. You had won, technically, two patrol boats faced down what could be classified as heavy frigates or light destroyers and won, but that victory came at the cost of 40 men and women and both of your patrol boats. Any commander would applaud such small losses both in terms of manpower and material, but for you, this all is devastating.

“What’s the remaining ship doing ?” You must keep everyone on the same page, you still have a threat to deal with and mourning can come later, and they will be mourned, you will make sure of that later on.

“It looks, lost. It’s standing still for now, though it might just be waiting to pick up the trio of fighters. Speaking of, they are returning to the cargo ship.” About five minutes later you hear Stellan’s response.

“Any other actions ?”

“None yet.”

“If it comes down to it, can they threaten you ?”

“I’d rather not risk it. The point the defence I have is nowhere near capable of hunting the little buggers down and all they have to do is blow out my engines and I am a sitting duck.”

“How about I get some men to sit at your hull and fire off some manpads ?”

“I’d take my chances at diving at a star.”

You sigh. The enemy could still tear apart the drydock. It’s abandoned for now, so you don’t have to worry about any civilian casualties. Stellan should be able to outrun the enemy ship and fighters can operate independently for so long, so he should be fine as long as proper distance is maintained.

“Alright kee-“

“Wait, the fuckers are hailing me.” Stellan interrupts you rather abruptly, and you are unsure if it is due to the delay or his simple prediction that you were about to say something.

About fifteen or so minutes later, Dragan once more contacts you. “Well, this is an interesting situation. Uhhh, the captain of the ships wants to sell you stuff.”

“What ?” That causes you some pause alongside everyone else in the room.

“Yea, apparently the guy’s escorts are a part of a coalition that’s he’s a part of, but other than some business dealings he has no hard feelings one way or another, since it was his escorts’ decision to fuck with us. They were on their way to trade with something called the Directorate of Chorix , but with their escorts now blown to bits, they’re uncertain how well that trade will go, so instead of calling it quits and eating the loss, the captain’s offering to deal with us.”

“That is…” You are quite frankly, baffled and at a loss for words. Looking around the room, there appears to be a general air of confusion amongst the gathered people, so if nothing else, they do not seem outraged by the offer.

“So, uh…orders, I guess ?” Unused to military lingo, Stellan asks.

>Tell them to fuck off and leave your system as fast as they are able to.

>Accept their offer, and during the exchange board the vessel and try to take it over, they might be ready for boarders, but you doubt they’d be ready for battle-hardened veterans. Though with the trick you pulled before, they might be overly cautious.

>Accept their offer, having a friendly trader might we worth the bother his departure may imply.

>(Write in)
>>Accept their offer, and during the exchange board the vessel and try to take it over, they might be ready for boarders, but you doubt they’d be ready for battle-hardened veterans. Though with the trick you pulled before, they might be overly cautious.
>On the condition that the trader abandons or otherwise turns over the trio of fighters to our jurisdiction
>Accept their offer, having a friendly trader might be worth the bother his departure may imply.

>If he refuses to do so
>Tell them to fuck off and leave your system as fast as they are able to.
If he's being honest, then the only people I want really dead are those fighters. And if he refuses to turn them over, then he's too embedded with the "rogue elements" for me to trade with.
NewbQM is the voice same one that tried to extort us?

>On the condition that the trader abandons or otherwise turns over the trio of fighters to our jurisdiction

"The fighters." You begin, your face hardening. "They have to be turned over." You are unsure if the trader will accept that, but you certainly want so vengeance and so do the people.

"I'll try to ask." Stellan says and once more disappears for about five minutes, a surprisingly short amount of time. "He's fine with it." Slightly perturbed he says. "Bastard didn't even hesitate, though he's only willing to give away the pilots, not the craft themselves. He claims that since they landed on his ship, the craft are now his property."

Cruel. The only word that comes to your head, even though you are demanding them for their execution, the person did not hesitate to hand them over.


>NewbQM is the voice same one that tried to extort us?

"The man's voice." You continue with another question. "Is it the same one that demanded things from us ?"

"Nah." Stellan's head shakes a minute or so later. "But the fucker's voice is cold, felt a chill roll up my back when he talked."
>Accept their offer, and during the exchange board the vessel and try to take it over, they might be ready for boarders, but you doubt they’d be ready for battle-hardened veterans. Though with the trick you pulled before, they might be overly cautious.
More big brained plays.
>Bastard didn't even hesitate, though he's only willing to give away the pilots, not the craft themselves.
Lmao, good enough for me.

Switching my conditional >>6040671 to
>Accept their offer, having a friendly trader might be worth the bother his departure may imply.


As much as I want to try boarding them, if we attempt something like that and fail. We will have burnt any chance at peaceful relations with these people in the future. Though I would say if he is unable or unwilling to surrender the strike craft pilots I would also accept a surrender of the strike craft themselves into our custody. We’re currently defenseless and I’m sure we can scrape up pilots to fly the things
>Tell them to fuck off and leave your system as fast as they are able to.

>"As part of this, you will also hand over any star maps and information on the local colonies in the next 1000 light years if you have any data on such systems. Included will be a demand that all data about this system be scrubbed along with the data of the destruction of your escorts being logged as happening in a separate system along your route. And a log of the names and identities of everyone aboard your ship is made available for our use if anyone comes to this system with the knowledge of what happened here."

Also, why the fuck aren't we out potentially trying to search for survivors? I get the first PD vessel being...yeah. but the second one might've had one or two people survive.

...Also Newb, could we make any form of weapon able to be mounted onto the Argonaut capable of taking down the now neutral trade vessel in the days it takes to get the ship into orbit? A high power point defense laser? A railgun? Could crude missile(s) be made in the factory?
oh fuck, wrong vote. was copying back and fourth too much.

>Accept their offer, having a friendly trader might we worth the bother his departure may imply.
>Accept their offer, having a friendly trader might we worth the bother his departure may imply.
Ask them to identify themself and to identify their now-dead escorts and to help in search and rescue of our men as a sign of goodwill. After that we may trade.

>>Accept their offer, having a friendly trader might we worth the bother his departure may imply.

>"As part of this, you will also hand over any star maps and information on the local colonies in the next 1000 light years if you have any data on such systems. Included will be a demand that all data about this system be scrubbed along with the data of the destruction of your escorts being logged as happening in a separate system along your route. And a log of the names and identities of everyone aboard your ship is made available for our use if anyone comes to this system with the knowledge of what happened here."

"Alright, if he's willing to go that far, send them these demands. He will hand over any star maps and information on the local colonies in the next 1000 light years if he has such data. I also want all data about this system be scrubbed along with the data of the destruction of his escorts being logged as happening in a separate system along his route. And I also want a log of the names and identities of everyone aboard his ship to be made available for our use if anyone comes to this system with the knowledge of what happened here." You quickly outline another series of demand to Stellan, so that he could relay it. Judging by the shifting expression on his face, you can clearly tell that you're pushing it, but hey, if he wants to trade, there are some sacrifices that need to be made.

"Right, this will go well." Dragan says without even attempting to hide his murmurings. This time you have to stand around for nearly half an hour before you hear from him again. "Alrighty, the first two can be negotiated for a price, the last one, and I quote push your luck more and I will just leave and let my associates deal with you later. Was what he said."

"Cheeky bugger." You remark.

>Also, why the fuck aren't we out potentially trying to search for survivors? I get the first PD vessel being...yeah. but the second one might've had one or two people survive.

"Right. What about survivors ?" Trying to keep your cool, you ask the most pressing question.

"Ours ? Dead. First ones are now atoms at best, the second ship, those fighters did a number on it. I've seen a few raids myself, and well, I can tell you no one's left. Besides, not even their automated distress calls are going, and those only break when the suits themselves fail, and if that happens, well, death via exposure to vacuum is not a pretty one, David." Somberly, he responds.

>...Also Newb, could we make any form of weapon able to be mounted onto the Argonaut capable of taking down the now neutral trade vessel in the days it takes to get the ship into orbit? A high power point defense laser? A railgun? Could crude missile(s) be made in the factory?

Gotta go out of character for this one. Shit like that, you cannot make, you simply do not have the tech nor the knowhow, as the sort of people who would know how to do it are paid very, very well and do not go the end of nowhere to get away from their demons, they just go to their personal therapist. Had you dismantled a patrol boat and actually figured out how it works, you might be able to, but as of right now, other than small arms and accompanying ammo, no one knows how to make anything space related.


>Ask them to identify themself and to identify their now-dead escorts and to help in search and rescue of our men as a sign of goodwill. After that we may trade.

They will do so if you decide to trade.
>Accept their offer, having a friendly trader might we worth the bother his departure may imply.
Directorate of Chorix(corporates?)
Welp. I am VERY unhappy that we are letting them go off the hook if we trade with them. We've become very vulnerable due to this recent attack and lost a lot of good people because of it. So any whisper of "an unprotected colony ripe for the picking" could easily slip anywhere this trading ship goes.

I will still vote for trade. But I am definitely not happy about the fact that these people are feeling daring enough to say such.

And fair enough about the weaponry. I didn't necessarily expect much either and just wanted to make sure we couldn't do anything.

I'd wager we could offer usage of the drydock as a trade commodity they might want to use. However, I imagine we see the potential back-and-forth trade options only when we've agreed to do said trading.
Fleet anon, as much i would like kill them all. They are trade ship and claim that they are not same group as escorts but if in some point it turns out not to be true.

Well then am sure we will put their heads on to a pike.
>Accept their offer, having a friendly trader might we worth the bother his departure may imply.
I don't like it but this guy seems just psychopathic and pragmatic enough to not hold any grudges as long as we don't slight him any further/do business with him. Although who knows maybe it's all a show.

Let us not delude ourselves here if that guy plans on murdering us later down the line he isn't going to be dumb enough to show up in person.
It is indeed possible he might not mention anything about us to anyone.

But a merchant is a merchant. If he is willing to let the people who flew those fighters get executed so coldly, then a bit of cash to have a "slip of the tongue" near some people who bought him drinks at the bar (or just straight up bought the information with cold hard cash) about some unprotected fringe world isn't out of the picture either. and that risk increases exponentially the more of his crew are aware of these details.
You douple at me.
>You douple at me.
I spent a good 15 seconds wondering what douple meant before I realized what you were talking about pff.

For this the actual vote part is meant as a reply to this
My bad.
Betray 2
Trade 7

Alright calling it now, since no doubt you anons will have questions and I've got a few things to flesh out. Trading wins.
>Had you dismantled a patrol boat and actually figured out how it works
Motherfucker, the damn techies were on the right track. Oh well, spilt milk.

Let's remember to let them crack that core next turn.
Fuck it. You’re in no condition to throw away an opportunity to get something out of this guy, besides, this is probably the only way to get those fighter pilots and satisfy the grudge everyone will undoubtedly bear the moment word spreads of the battle.

“Stellan, tell the man I accept his offer for trade, and I want those pilots.” You finally say, enduring dubious looks from the gathered onlookers.

“Riiight, David, I know that I may not be the most of, uh…” Dragan struggles for a minute. “legit looking guys out there, and hell, can’t even lie that I am, but what I can say is that whomever can stay cool under such circumstances and under such demands, well, let us say that he comes off as a truly sketchy fuck, keep your wits about you.”

“Don’t worry, you’d be surprised how often military contractors come off as such.” You hadn’t dealt with them often, peaking out at captain and all, but you’ve seen enough to know that most would be comfortable in back-alley deals, or at least the ones that do sales on the ground.

It takes nearly an hour afterwards of no doubt fierce negotiations before Stellan pops up again, just when you thought that it might have fallen through. “Okay, the little shit was hard to deal with, by the intensity of my headache I can affirm that he’s certainly a merchant. I managed to work out a deal wherein both of you will meet on shuttles at few hundred kilometres distance, enough to prevent any comm lag, but far enough from anyone to interfere directly against either of you. Best neutral ground I was able to set up. Naturally, he will maintain contact with his ship, and you with mine, should the signal be cut, there’s an agreement that it means that both sides will withdraw. Got it ?”

“Got it.” You say with a sigh, not looking forwards to the rather rough ride out of atmosphere.
It still takes quite a few hours of meandering flight before far off in the distance, with only the sensors indicating that there’s another shuttle out there, somewhere.

“Sir, connection established.” A comm officer, one who volunteered from the communications centre informs you after having worked a console set in the far corner of the rather tightly packed room, as well, your people may have gotten a bit paranoid over your safety and nearly a company showed up to act as your bodyguards, but you had to decline most of them. Though even now there’s dozens of them clad head to toe in weapons and munitions.

Sitting down before console, you hit a few buttons as instructed, and soon thereafter, a figure appears before you.

Sharply dressed in a comically loose flowing white robe with golden embroidery and sown in jewels sits a man in a rather luxurious and comfortable looking leather chair, if it is real or synth, you cannot tell, but judging by the rather looking luxurious surroundings where you note what appears to be actual wood decorations, you are certain that if nothing else, the person certainly likes to show off.

The person smiles, revealing perfect pearly white teeth, though you quickly note that the smile does not reach his eyes. The pupils are dark, set into handsome features, though they are far too sharp for your tastes, making the man appear like a predatory bird than a man, clear indications of genemodding, but nowhere near as extensive as back in the Empire. Curling black hair are kept neat and short, and you very quickly note, immaculately clean. No matter how you put it, you don’t wash too often, since the water has to be processed which means less water to drink, something your wife constantly nagged you about, but not much you can do about that.

Finally, the brown-skinned man begins. “Good day, mister Hardrada. I am Akil Salb, representative of the Salb house and a part of the Hysomanra traders’ association which is a part of the Three Star Coalition. Before we start business dealings, allow me to express my deepest condolences for your loss. Keeping in mind the situation, I shall be handing over the pilots for free, whether or not we complete the business dealings here to the satisfaction of both of us.”

“How kind of you. Now then, I am curious as to what you have to offer.” You try to keep a straight face through the dealings, ignoring the noises of everyone checking their rifles, as if preparing for a boarding action.

“Oh, of course, I offer a fine collection of goods that will, alas, not see their original destination, as such they are heavily discounted, allow me to assure you as such.”

Liar. Your tongue itches to say your thoughts out loud.

“As it stands, and looking at what you have, I can offer you this…” The man prepares to remark about his goods, you had already exchanged what you will be willing to trade, nothing more than common materials unfortunately, as you lack anything else and even though you have a food surplus, it’d be best not to tempt faith so early.

Naturally, there are a few good you could trade, though you have no means of replacing those once given away:

>Extra munitions (Worth 10 standard units of common materials)
>A collection of civilian DRM blueprints (Worth 250 standard units of common materials)
>Uncracked beta A.I. core (Worth 70 standard units of common materials)

Clearing his throat, the man begins:

Current common materials: 16

>”Since you seem to have your common materials situation under control, I can offer rare materials at a reasonable exchange rate of 7 to 1. Free shipping of course included.”

>”I do have some farming equipment, simple, rugged designs that you will find are quite able to keep going despite any sort of abuse. I offer them at an appropriate price of only 6 standard common material units”

>”It just so happens that a part of my cargo consists of space rated railgun turrets, and even a couple of M.A.G. rated cannons. Unfortunately, installation shall be a separate service charge for more capable experts. I can offer these few, but highly sought-after items for a low, low price of only 12 standard common material units. Perfect for any space station of vessels you would wish to build.”

>”Due to unforeseen circumstances, I just so quite recently acquired a trio of spacecraft. Quite well made and rugged, though out of munitions unfortunately, so they shall have to be resupplied. I offer them at a bargain of only 1 standard common material unit per fighter.”

>”I am carrying a good quantity of foodstuffs, ranging from simple vegetables, to actual meat products that I think you would be interested in. It’d say I could offer about a month’s worth of it for a few thousand people for just 3 standard common material units. The steak comes from my family’s estates, it is quite delicious, I assure you.”

>”Now, as for your requests for information, I will gladly inform you that you decided to settle in a dangerous part of the galaxy, and I shall offer you details for as low as only measly 5 standard common material units.”

>”I am well aware that for small colonies, staying hidden is quite essential. I will gladly sell this vital service for just, let us say 8 standard common material units.”

>”Naturally, I can offer some neutronium fuel to top that tank so to say. Your freighter could take on quite a bit, I’d say 12 units for a full top off, 7 for half.”

>”My halls are overflowing with goods and I am sending you over a list of them, if something peaks your interest, do speak up, it is a merchant’s greatest desire to fulfil the needs of their customers.” (Write in)

“And before you decide on something, allow me to bring forth you another proposition. The job of a merchant’s is quite a competitive one, and there’s always a need of reliable and trustworthy clients. So, I offer you this deal, sign an exclusive trade contract with my house, and I shall not only give you a discount of 2 standard units for every purchase, I will even throw in the information you desire for free, and of course, keep your location a secret only known to my house until you are ready.” He chuckles with fake amusement. “Spread your wings as you will. A good alliance so to say. After all, everyone’s looking for friends in these trying, trying times.”

>Take the man up on his offer. What’s the worst that could happen ?

>Decline the deal, he’s already charging you outrageously.

>Motherfucker, the damn techies were on the right track. Oh well, spilt milk.

To disassemble is easier than to reassemble. Chances are good that you would have lost a patrol boat in the process, which would have made the battle no longer hard, but potentially impossible. Each decision has a cost and a pay off.
>Take the man up on his offer. What’s the worst that could happen?
As long as it only lasts, say, 50 years I don't mind it. Sketchy fuck or not, we need trade- ideally while also remaining unknown to the wider universe. If we can get manufacturing with those civvie blueprints up and running we might even do pretty well.

>”It just so happens that a part of my cargo consists of space rated railgun turrets, and even a couple of M.A.G. rated cannons. Unfortunately, installation shall be a separate service charge for more capable experts. I can offer these few, but highly sought-after items for a low, low price of only 12 standard common material units. Perfect for any space station or vessels you would wish to build.”
>”Due to unforeseen circumstances, I just so quite recently acquired a trio of spacecraft. Quite well made and rugged, though out of munitions unfortunately, so they shall have to be resupplied. I offer them at a bargain of only 1 standard common material unit per fighter.”
>”Naturally, I can offer some neutronium fuel to top that tank so to say. Your freighter could take on quite a bit, I’d say 12 units for a full top off, 7 for half.”

With the 2 material discount per purchase, that gets us to 16 common materials. Not quite as good as the two patrol boats, but it grants us decent defensive assets and information at the low low cost of being associated with House Salb.
>Offer to sell him food. at 2 or 2.5 common materials value
>”It just so happens that a part of my cargo consists of space rated railgun turrets, and even a couple of M.A.G. rated cannons. Unfortunately, installation shall be a separate service charge for more capable experts. I can offer these few, but highly sought-after items for a low, low price of only 12 standard common material units. Perfect for any space station or vessels you would wish to build.”
>”Due to unforeseen circumstances, I just so quite recently acquired a trio of spacecraft. Quite well made and rugged, though out of munitions unfortunately, so they shall have to be resupplied. I offer them at a bargain of only 1 standard common material unit per fighter.”
>”Naturally, I can offer some neutronium fuel to top that tank so to say. Your freighter could take on quite a bit, I’d say 12 units for a full top off, 7 for half.
although we can maybe buy more stuff for selling the guy food.
>Take the man up on his offer. What’s the worst that could happen ?
But tell him that he does know that we will not be bullied around as shown by our ferocious "negotiations" earlier. He may have his upper hand at some stuff, but he should let people know we are not an easy target and in the future may even be a harsher target.
>"Three star Coalition? May we know who they are and were that is?"
For selling of course a months supply for a few thousand people. We should of course let him buy only a few months max and not everything.
nevermind on the food selling. Just reread the last part. Apologies.
>>”It just so happens that a part of my cargo consists of space rated railgun turrets, and even a couple of M.A.G. rated cannons. Unfortunately, installation shall be a separate service charge for more capable experts. I can offer these few, but highly sought-after items for a low, low price of only 12 standard common material units. Perfect for any space station of vessels you would wish to build.”
Useful for our space drydock

>>”Due to unforeseen circumstances, I just so quite recently acquired a trio of spacecraft. Quite well made and rugged, though out of munitions unfortunately, so they shall have to be resupplied. I offer them at a bargain of only 1 standard common material unit per fighter.”
Just one to disassemble for techies

His deal would fine if we would know he can delivere what we need when we need it but seeing as he failed to keep his escords in check tells me his not a man who is very high in peaking order but as a counter-offer we give him chance to first buy and sell to us and he can drop his discount by 1 unit.

And i still want those names of your escorts. If he accepts take his offer.

>Take the man up on his offer. What’s the worst that could happen ?
Would selling the civilian DRM blueprints make them unavailable to us? Is it hardware locked, or is it just a copy of the data?

Secondly, how long would he be willing to stay in the system while we cannibalize the remains of his previous escorts?

Could we offer him a potential drydock visit in exchange for anything while the previous ships are cannibalized and the bodies of the patrol boat might be gathered for funeral purposes?

>”It just so happens that a part of my cargo consists of space rated railgun turrets, and even a couple of M.A.G. rated cannons. Unfortunately, installation shall be a separate service charge for more capable experts. I can offer these few, but highly sought-after items for a low, low price of only 12 standard common material units. Perfect for any space station of vessels you would wish to build.”

I don't know why everyone is picking fighters. The fighters are kind of useless to us right now as anyone we might meet would probably still beat them. We have much better chances of winning if we expanded the drydock into a space station and installed the M.A.G cannons.

>Take the man up on his offer. What’s the worst that could happen?
As mentioned, only if it lasts under 50 or so years. That is still most of a human lifetime through most of history.

>” I do have some farming equipment, simple, rugged designs that you will find are quite able to keep going despite any sort of abuse. I offer them at an appropriate price of only 6 standard common material units”

I would recommend that we buy the farming equipment. It should free up many people from doing it all by hand as we have been doing. Might even make up for the people we've lost in terms of workpower. We already talked about how we were missing out because of the benefits these machines would have had with the fact we have a colony able to support open agriculture.
>I would recommend that we buy the farming equipment.

It doesnt sound like its better that what we already have
>I don't know why everyone is picking fighters. The fighters are kind of useless to us right now as anyone we might meet would probably still beat them.
Given that we're taking the deal, all three only cost 1 common material. I'm mostly interested in trying to reverse engineer some of their systems to get low-level defense manufacturing going. Plus, we're currently down two space-worthy craft.

>Would selling the civilian DRM blueprints make them unavailable to us? Is it hardware locked, or is it just a copy of the data?

They are, as the name implies, DRM locked, you cannot copy them, so giving it away is losing it.

>Secondly, how long would he be willing to stay in the system while we cannibalize the remains of his previous escorts?

He leaves once the deal is concluded.

>Could we offer him a potential drydock visit in exchange for anything while the previous ships are cannibalized and the bodies of the patrol boat might be gathered for funeral purposes?

He has a well developed sense of not staying in area full of people that might kill him, so that would be a no. He might be a bastard, but he's not stupid.
Okay fair enough on all aspects. Not selling the DRM then.

Yes…But why Would it be an option if it wasn’t beneficial? (Yes i did forget we actually got basic farming gear)

That might be beneficial. But i also know most anons will probably vote for nearly anything else the next tens of votes Because we have more pressing issues and limited construction capacity. Like the AO defenses, starbase expansion and railgun installment as Well as the civilian improvements we still need to sort out.
>Decline the deal, he’s already charging you outrageously.

>”Since you seem to have your common materials situation under control, I can offer rare materials at a reasonable exchange rate of 7 to 1. Free shipping of course included.” (Just one rare material.)
>”I do have some farming equipment, simple, rugged designs that you will find are quite able to keep going despite any sort of abuse. I offer them at an appropriate price of only 6 standard common material units”
>”Now, as for your requests for information, I will gladly inform you that you decided to settle in a dangerous part of the galaxy, and I shall offer you details for as low as only measly 5 standard common material units.”

I have feeling that i cant shake that you didnt see my counter-offer, so making this post just in case before i go to sleep.
I have the feeling the guys gonna snitch on us to everyone he meets if we don't take up his offer or buy the "stay hidden" package. About all I want to say here otherwise staying out this vote for now.
>A collection of civilian DRM blueprints (Worth 250 standard units of common materials)

>”Since you seem to have your common materials situation under control, I can offer rare materials at a reasonable exchange rate of 7 to 1. Free shipping of course included.”
>>15 rare materials if we sell the blueprints, none if we don't.

>”I do have some farming equipment, simple, rugged designs that you will find are quite able to keep going despite any sort of abuse. I offer them at an appropriate price of only 6 standard common material units”
>”Now, as for your requests for information, I will gladly inform you that you decided to settle in a dangerous part of the galaxy, and I shall offer you details for as low as only measly 5 standard common material units.”
>”I am well aware that for small colonies, staying hidden is quite essential. I will gladly sell this vital service for just, let us say 8 standard common material units.”
If we don't sell the blueprints then just buy the info and the remaining hidden parts.

>Decline the deal, he’s already charging you outrageously.
Forgot to put the selling part.
>Uncracked beta A.I. core (Worth 70 standard units of common materials)
Also the amount of people thinking we're going to need more protection, after that beautiful display of might on the part of our colony, is saddening.
We could literally just start raiding and seizing ships and tech with what we have if we wanted too, once we get the info of course.
>Ask about a terraforming machine and it's price

We really need to get this planet to a habitable level in this generation. The main benefit of this planet is that it's supposed to be basically ready to be settled without much equipment already, but we didn't pick up the terraforming machine in set-up which kind of screwed us over. So we just have a still semi-hostile planet without ore to make up for it. We need the flood and hurricanes and other shit to stop.
>Uncracked beta A.I. core (Worth 70 standard units of common materials)
>”Since you seem to have your common materials situation under control, I can offer rare materials at a reasonable exchange rate of 7 to 1. Free shipping of course included.” (A few.)
>”I do have some farming equipment, simple, rugged designs that you will find are quite able to keep going despite any sort of abuse. I offer them at an appropriate price of only 6 standard common material units”
>”Now, as for your requests for information, I will gladly inform you that you decided to settle in a dangerous part of the galaxy, and I shall offer you details for as low as only measly 5 standard common material units.”
Fuck it we ball, the other anon is right we don't need jack shit.
>Decline the deal, he’s already charging you outrageously.
Not taking your scam today old man.

Also ask about terraforming machines.
I mean we can just take shit, but still it's good to buy for now I guess.
But that crap with protecting our identity might be some sort of scheme or blackmail too.
>Take the man up on his offer. What’s the worst that could happen ?

I think you anons are being a little naive. This isn't a deal this is a threat. If we don't take this he's selling our info to the nearest pirates he can find who would love a defenseless colony.
Let them. They'll realize why we aren't to be messed with.
You're really confident when our best naval weapon is a practically unarmed freighter.
Don't be so defeatist, anon. I was in the same mindset you were at the beginning of the thread, thinking too much with pragmatism when really there was nothing to worry about.

We are a colony of nobles and insane military fanatics, it will always come in clutch with this sort of thing.
We could be armed with shovels and catapults and we'd give any would-be invader hell!

>His deal would fine if we would know he can delivere what we need when we need it but seeing as he failed to keep his escords in check tells me his not a man who is very high in peaking order but as a counter-offer we give him chance to first buy and sell to us and he can drop his discount by 1 unit.

"Since you are willing to indulge us with such...s-, I mean wondrous discounts, I'd like to propose a counter offer. Instead of exclusive access, you would gain favoured access, where in you would have the opportunity to be the first one to sell to us, and for that privilege, you'd drop the price by 1 standard unit." You think of a counter offer.

"What a wondrous idea, unfortunately I will have to decline it. Being first to play second fiddle is hardly worth the effort. Though my offer of the previous deal still stands." Almost immediately the merchant shoots it down. Well, you're no diplomat, so this was an expected outcome.


>Ask about a terraforming machine and it's price

"What about terraforming machines ? I do not see any in your possession from the list you gave me." You continue after the previous exchange, having looked through the catalogue.

"That is expensive technology, alas I did not carry any of it on this journey. However, I could certainly deliver a basic set of it later on, for I'd say 100 standard common material units."

>We are a colony of nobles and insane military fanatics, it will always come in clutch with this sort of thing.
>We could be armed with shovels and catapults and we'd give any would-be invader hell!

Because of your leader and colony, you have insane positive modifiers when it comes to combat. I use tiered DC system, so shit like 50/70/80 etc. the higher the better the result. So chances are, you will probably eek out the smallest DCs more often than not. Though I should give a word of caution, you are not the only highly militarized colony, and you are still in early stages yet. Of course, on the other hand, the best way to make wealth is to simply seize it from others.
Then my vote >>6040851 stays the same but
>Decline deal
Also lets not sell anything.

I see a raider route, how very viking of you
>>”It just so happens that a part of my cargo consists of space rated railgun turrets, and even a couple of M.A.G. rated cannons. Unfortunately, installation shall be a separate service charge for more capable experts. I can offer these few, but highly sought-after items for a low, low price of only 12 standard common material units. Perfect for any space station of vessels you would wish to build.”
No selling, only buying

>Decline the deal, he’s already charging you outrageously.
Bad deal, possible the worse trade deal ever
I'm actually changing my vote.

>”It just so happens that a part of my cargo consists of space rated railgun turrets, and even a couple of M.A.G. rated cannons. Unfortunately, installation shall be a separate service charge for more capable experts. I can offer these few, but highly sought-after items for a low, low price of only 12 standard common material units. Perfect for any space station of vessels you would wish to build.”

Keep the rest of the material and then we go for orbital defences and Starbase expansion as the next upgrades possible. The more I think about it the more likely he is trying to get us into an agreement only to demand even worse prices in the future. Better to turtle now and then expand rather than be under the thumb of some pirate trader's empire ambitions.

>Decline the deal, he’s already charging you outrageously.
>”It just so happens that a part of my cargo consists of space rated railgun turrets, and even a couple of M.A.G. rated cannons. Unfortunately, installation shall be a separate service charge for more capable experts. I can offer these few, but highly sought-after items for a low, low price of only 12 standard common material units. Perfect for any space station of vessels you would wish to build.”

>”Due to unforeseen circumstances, I just so quite recently acquired a trio of spacecraft. Quite well made and rugged, though out of munitions unfortunately, so they shall have to be resupplied. I offer them at a bargain of only 1 standard common material unit per fighter.”
Only buy one fighter for disassembly. These purchases will hopefully allow us to quickly bolster our defences and maybe even allow us to get started on building some raiding ships.

>Decline the deal, he’s already charging you outrageously.
Fuck this guy for ripping us off, we will never forgive the Salb house for thinking they can get away with taking advantage of us.
>boxes full of explosives rigged to blow +1
Whoops missed a refresh

Are the space fighters atmospheric-capable? Fast craft getting around the planet is worth it, buy all 3.
>Take the man up on his offer. What’s the worst that could happen ?
>”Naturally, I can offer some neutronium fuel to top that tank so to say. Your freighter could take on quite a bit, I’d say 12 units for a full top off, 7 for half.”
>Uncracked beta A.I. core (Worth 70 standard units of common materials)

>”Since you seem to have your common materials situation under control, I can offer rare materials at a reasonable exchange rate of 7 to 1. Free shipping of course included.”
Get at least 1 rare material
>”I do have some farming equipment, simple, rugged designs that you will find are quite able to keep going despite any sort of abuse. I offer them at an appropriate price of only 6 standard common material units”
>”Now, as for your requests for information, I will gladly inform you that you decided to settle in a dangerous part of the galaxy, and I shall offer you details for as low as only measly 5 standard common material units.”
>”Due to unforeseen circumstances, I just so quite recently acquired a trio of spacecraft. Quite well made and rugged, though out of munitions unfortunately, so they shall have to be resupplied. I offer them at a bargain of only 1 standard common material unit per fighter.”
Just get one space fighter.

>Decline the deal, he’s already charging you outrageously.
>Selling the Ai core
>Not buying weapons
>Not taking the deal or paying him to shut his mouth
>This is going to win
We're so fucked
You all really voting for to sell something very unique to get something we already like tractors. Most likely for cheap too
Never trust ai.
But really I'd rather sell something that wouldn't affect us for a while and needs a separate action to even have the chance of cracking open than something like ammunition and blueprints.

There is no need to doompost, we are NOBLES and it's our blood and birthright to win. The gods are with us, trust the plan.
Could you all at least trade the Ai core for a basic terraformer or something genuinely useful?
Then at least buy the guns
I would but they don't have terraforming stuff.

Alright fine.

Add buying the fighters and cannon.
Also add buying a rare material. May as well have something to help us build stuff.

>100 standard common material units. >>6041169
>I did not carry any of it on this journey. However, I could certainly deliver a basic set of it later on, for I'd say 100 standard common material units."
He doesn't have it with him now, and I don't want to sell our blueprints. Because selling our blueprints would be the only way to afford it.
Either this >>6041350 and/or this >>6040964
Either is fine by me.
Ok I was going to stay out of this but I swear to god there is some blatant same faggery going on. These three (plus a couple of others) have been voting for the same exact stuff around the same exact damn time for the last three votes. Once is like yeah sure, twice is a coincidence, but three damn times in a row for a proposition that is straight up throwing? Yeah nah I refuse to believe something fishy as hell isn't going on.

>”It just so happens that a part of my cargo consists of space rated railgun turrets, and even a couple of M.A.G. rated cannons. Unfortunately, installation shall be a separate service charge for more capable experts. I can offer these few, but highly sought-after items for a low, low price of only 12 standard common material units. Perfect for any space station or vessels you would wish to build.”
>”Due to unforeseen circumstances, I just so quite recently acquired a trio of spacecraft. Quite well made and rugged, though out of munitions unfortunately, so they shall have to be resupplied. I offer them at a bargain of only 1 standard common material unit per fighter.”
>”Naturally, I can offer some neutronium fuel to top that tank so to say. Your freighter could take on quite a bit, I’d say 12 units for a full top off, 7 for half.

>Take the man up on his offer. What’s the worst that could happen?

Is my personal vote but seriously am I the only one who thinks this is the case here?
Also forgot to link to the main post
>but three damn times in a row for a proposition that is straight up throwing?
How the hell are any of the votes throwing? Maybe it seems like that to you since you disagree with what the votes are saying.
Also how the hell would any of the two anons you quoted and myself be samefagging? It's literally three different IDs.
It does seem weird how that three times after this ano has posted >>6041350 then other anon >>6041362 has posted. This being third time.

First time

Second time
>disagree with what the votes are saying.
*disagree with the logic
But that's the same difference there honestly.
>It's literally three different IDs.
Multiple devices.
How the hell would that even work? IDs are connected to the internet, not the device.
A device with different source of the internet. For example a phone and pc
MANY such cases (home wifi and work/mobile cellular service)
That is sus.
But why would a samefag do it in such a predictable way? Wouldn't it be smarter to switch it up?
Yeah you could have pc, work phone and personal phone all with different source of internet
It would but if you think your going to lose the argument anyway without it, it is not like somebody is going to notice it... until we arrived here.
>Ok I was going to stay out of this but I swear to god there is some blatant same faggery going on. These three (plus a couple of others) have been voting for the same exact stuff around the same exact damn time for the last three votes. Once is like yeah sure, twice is a coincidence, but three damn times in a row for a proposition that is straight up throwing?
If this samefag is really about sabotage then he's doing a bad job at it. The first vote wasn't won, the second vote was a net gain, and this vote we have no idea about what will happen in the future other than paranoia and being overly cautious like I was in the beginning.
Either you are new, or you are feigning ignorance.


Okay everyone. How about this? This is my new offer since seeing the discussion go back and forth. This is the best offer which I think will satisfy both sides.

>Uncracked beta A.I. core

>7 rare materials
>The 3 fighters
>Vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns
>His silence
>Map details
>Farming equipment

>Decline the deal, he’s already charging you outrageously.

We are getting rid of a core, which while potentially game-breaking later on, is currently useless. Even if we were to crack it, we are surviving on the edge of civilized space. So I would rather we get necessities now, rather than a late-game item when we are barely surviving.

7 rare materials for a hospital, a government building, a laboratory, a police building, a space station upgrade AND a drydock expansion to the ring dock. With the M.A.G addon to make them defensible. This could likely be the same as skipping potentially 7 separate actions of gathering these rare materials.

We get all the information we need, and we are under no legal obligation to the psycho we are trading with.

This would leave us with 3 common materials, which we can use together with any we get for the next vote for anti-orbital batteries as our next vote.

I think this is the best option we can go for.
In fact, last thread there was also accusations of samefagging by anons that were losing the vote.
I;m not implying anything, but those accusations pretty much disappeared once the "samefag" lost the vote back then.
Again I'm not saying fearmongering to sway the vote is going on, just another strange "coincidence I guess.

Yeah I'll change my vote to support this, sure.
+1 Seems like a solid enough plan to me, I’m half regretting not killing this guy just seems like to much of a son of a bitch to let go now that he knows where our planet is. But it’s a little late for all that now
Samefag accusers won, we went with noble choice not the other one
I'll switch from >>6040827 to >>6041495
Fleet-anon bringing out sound reasoning.
I just meant the current vote the first vote I personally disagreed with the opposition on but even if the coinflip landed on them its like sure whatever. The second vote I didn't really care what the result for that one was but this vote it just... its a almost cope levels of overconfidence in our abilities like they saw the results of the bad rolls and how we weren't completely destroyed over it and are now taking a "well clearly nothing matters let us act like we are invincible!" stance out of spite.

The first vote was only not won due to a literal coinflip tie caused by late votes and the second vote could been an absolute disaster if we didn't roll godly for it besides I don't know what the samefags motivation is maybe they are lashing out over the nobles winning last thread, maybe they are trying to sabo, maybe they are doing it for "fun", maybe they just want their specific preferences to win, maybe im just schitzo and seeing things that aren't there who knows! The issue with samefaggery is its a complete and utter pain in the ass to prove so ultimately all I can do is go "that's kinda sus!" and hope for the best.
+1 Changing my vote to this from >>6041312

It would be nice to keep the AI core but yeah it's completely worthless right now.
You mean like three or four anons againts nobles that did not vote after that.
Also I'll reluctantly +1 this for the sake of compromise even though selling the A.I core hurts my soul.

Changing from this
Am just going to list what i think plus and minus of an iteams

>Uncracked beta A.I. core -
I think its very bad idea to sell AI core as it could give us the second action point after it has being put to use. Also it could tell as more corp secret. And i think we are underselling it.

>7 rare materials -
Why? We can get more most like from corp HQ. And after we have mining operation going in ´the outer most planet of the system we can get even more.

>The 3 fighters +-
For that price just one should be should be the max we take

>Vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns +
Useful for spacestation or ship

>His silence -
High price for something that could useless at best or at worse paying our backstabber

>Map details +-
Depending how much info it could good but even the what use do we have with that info as we dont have warship at moment that could explore or exploit it. I dont think its good idea to send our space truck along out there

>Farming equipment -
We already have this or even better so i dont see the reason for it.Expensive and not very good

>Decline the deal, he’s already charging you outrageously. +
I agree with anon saying that we should have merc'd this guy after all
I mean I don't disagree with you for the most part but the alternative which will win if there isn't a solid opposition block is just a worse version of Fleet-anons suggestion. If QM comes in and rules that there is samefaggery going on and voids some votes then im fine staying with my current one but right now im voting for that because the alternative is even worse.

>If QM comes in and rules that there is samefaggery going on and voids some votes then im fine staying with my current one but right now im voting for that because the alternative is even worse.

There's no good counter for samefagging. If the issue persists, I will most likely enforce a rule later down the line that 1 ID posts would be discarded, but even then that feels pretty shitty to do.

As for the farming equipment, having more of it means more production capacity and more automation. It is not a necessity, but it would boost your agricultural production as you would get more heavy machines to work with as you are incapable of producing any yourselves.

As of now, there still seems to be a lot of discussion going, so I will most likely update tomorrow as I did not expect this much discussion from this. In the meanwhile, I will probably be around for a couple of hours to answer any pressing questions that may prop up both in and out of character.
This is me but i write on phone so ID changes
I don't think a 1 ID post rule would even solve what I think is going on assuming I am in any way correct, regardless completely understandable take.
I agree that the A.I core could be game-changing. But I don't think it holds any corporate secrets. It was a defence grid administrator. Unless someone was actually stupid I see no reason for the previous owners to have left sensitive data on it.

Secondly, the 7 rare materials are because even if we find more loot in the Corp HQ, it isn't necessarily going to be rare materials or even more than one at a time. Buying these would allow us to speed up our construction efforts and use less in-game time on making the argonaut go and get milk at the outermost planet every time we want a new building or to improve our space security.

...Honestly, the buying of all three is because I expect the techies to break more than one of them. It is a very complicated science to break things constructively.

I don't like having to buy his silence. Especially since it is not a guarantee. But if we are selling the core then I think it is worth it since we aren't able to kill him at the moment.

that is at least my thoughts on the things you brought up.

Very good to know about the farming equipment. Makes it much more appealing to choose when knowing its effects.
I'll also switch my vote to support Fleet-Anon's vote here, if only for the sake of thread sanity.
I've been on 4chan for 4 years, so I'm not exactly new.
Actually changing to support >>6041495
I don't really care about any of the drama in the thread but I too will change my vote to support this because it's objectively better than the other suggestions.

Look I've been lurking since the start and I'm only posting to say that I am opposed to the idea of selling the ai core.
Changing my vote to support this then. Makes sense and speeds us along the path of development.
Cannons 3
Fighters all 2
Fighters one 2
Fuel half 1
Fuel full 1
Farming 5
Info 5
Silence 1
rares 3

Accept 3
Decline 6

Beta 5

Fleet-anon's plan 9

Okay, based on everything put together, it seems that Fleet-anon's plan wins in general, writing.
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141 KB PNG
Having looked through the list, you eventually send out your list.

You see a slight eyebrow rise from the man whom had maintained a cordially cold expression. “That is quite the extensive list, mister Hardrada.”

“Indeed it is.” You respond with a nod.

“I must admit, I am quite surprised that you have so many materials in storage, your colony must not be even a decade old.”

“While we do have materials, I have something else of great worth to offer instead, for this shopping list.”

You see his smile, for once filled with intrigue rather than fake platitude. “You truly know how to make a merchant interested, very well Mister Hardrada, what do you offer ?”

“An A.I. core.” You’ve got to admit, a rather smug look crosses your face as shock registers on Akil’s face.

“Now that is truly intriguing. I am listening to you with rapt attention.” His smile disappears and a serious look takes front and centre as he staples his fingers together.

“A beta core, older make and uncracked, but still an advanced A.I.” After you drop that, his expression shifts once more to contemplative one.

“If you would excuse me for a moment ?”

“Of course.”

It takes nearly five minutes, while you could not see it, you have no doubt he was interfacing with his ship and the crew within, finally he returns. “Very well, such a precious item would certainly cover most of the list.”

“But not all ?”

“Just a bit short.”

“And I suppose you offer no discounts for bulk purchases ?”

“Unfortunately, no, but you could always take my deal.”

“I will have to politely decline, we have enough to cover the shortfall.”

“Ah, this does sadden my heart, but I can understand, one must value their freedom if they had come here so far.”

“Quite so, especially when I had already bought your silence.”

“Do not look at me sceptically so, it is but a service I offer as a merchant. For a merchant, his reputation is everything, so you can rest assured that the deal is signed and the payment done, means that my lips shall not move.” If only you could shut up now. “For now however, I shall send instructions to my crew to begin delivering your purchases to a stable point in space, this matter will take a while as you had purchased a good amount of goods. I would request for you to deliver the core and common materials there as well.”

“I will contact my people to do so.” You say nodding to the rest of ship whom are busily trying to contact Stellan to facilitate the deal. “There’s still the information.” You state returning your gaze to the console.

“Naturally, I am sending you the map within my ship. I must give caution, I had not known you were here, and there might be other polities that had expanded or new ones might have settled.”

You simply nod as you regard the data, and most importantly the various polities displayed upon it.
File: Legend.png (47 KB, 890x978)
47 KB

“For now, give me a quick run down on these larger states.” You state rubbing your chin, looking over the names of the various states.

“Of course. Let us begin with the Three Star Coalition, I suppose.”

“The one you are a part of ?”

“Yes, I can assure you that I am quite impartial in my descriptions.”

“Oh, I’m certain.”

“To begin with, the Coalition is made up of three entities. The first one, the one I am a part of is Hysomanra Traders’ Association. We, naturally, come from Hysomanra from the Al-Aras system. It is a wondrously hot world, still within the goldilocks’ zone, and due to the fact that the day last around thirty hours, we have great domes where we grow vast quantities of food and we have well developed trading network and space infrastructure.

Our wondrous government is made up of the executive of the Triarchs. The Triarchs are elected, and last for 9 years in office, unless removed of course, though in each cycle of 3 years one Triarch leaves his position as his term expires and a new one is elected, which means that we continuously renew our executive office and ensure that no one may suppress our freedoms.”

“Sounds inefficient.”

“Oh, it wondrously is, by purpose. Most laws are set in contracts that you make, giving plenty of freedom of choice for everyone. If you wish to be a slave, you are free to do so by your will, if you wish to be a master, you may do so as well.”

“You have slavery ?”

“We are all slaves to something. A turn of phrase, though I suppose some work for so little that they are derided as such by others.” He shrugs.

“And these Triarchs, who elects them ?”

“Ah, that would be the Golden Chamber. Of which, my family is a member. It is made up of the heads of the two hundred wealthiest families. A smart way to ensure that tax evasion is kept to an appropriate minimum, for if you proclaim to have little, the access to the chamber is barred, oh, and I should also note that a Triarch can only be elected from members of the chamber once they finish their term, they must await another 9 years before trying to run for office again.”

“Your government sounds, as barely existent.”

“But it is one we merchants would fight for. We have many ships mister Hardrada, and we have a lot of wealth with which to ensure everyone fights for us as well.”

“And the other two polities ?” You ask, cutting the man off before he could go in too deeply about his state.

“Ah, those. Yes. There’s the Free Volunteers Confederation in control of Narth. My escorts were a part of it. It is a government, and I use this term loosely, of…freedom loving mercenaries and privateers that had decided to create their own country. Membership of the League is loose and unless rallied by the Warcouncil, made up of the strongest groups, they all tend to operate independently in their own little companies. Though I should note, that even we, do not possess the extensive shipyards that the Free Volunteers Confederation does. The system they inhabit is one without any habitable worlds, and even those that are there are cool and while there are plenty of places where one could disappear into, the system is unremarkable. As such, their population lives in various space stations across the system.”

“And what determines the membership in the Warcoucil ?”

The man shrugs “Might. Reputation. Preferably both. The council is rather fluent, one lucky break, or one failure can see large swathes of it change.”

You think you might know why the two are willing to cooperate, since both seem to have incompetent governments to be the heart of their nations.

“If I may ?” He gestures to you, to which you nod. “Finally, there’s Drilles’ League occupying Eridrus system. The star there is young and the space is dominated by massive clouds of dust and gas as well as numerous asteroids. When the FVC first formed, they launched a raid against the league, and saw their great armada reduced to scrap by hidden defence network and small, but powerful ships that used the terrain to their greatest. The League is primarily based upon the world of Drilles. They have large underground cities there where sections of mined tunnels form independent nations cooperating with each other against external foes, but bickering internally. They possess immense mineral wealth, but their constantly bombarded world and tricky in system navigation means that they lack reliable food production, nor do they possess large shipyards capable of making ships of proper size.”

“Your coalition sounds like it should have collapsed already.” You bluntly respond.

“Oh, yes, no doubt it will.” The man doesn’t even try to deny it.

“Then why is it still together ?”

“That would be thanks to the two states to the galactic north. The Directorate in control of Newsun and Hojun in control of Redstar are God’s way of laughing at mankind. That or the Abyss desires for more spacer blood, whichever you ascribe to. Both of the states are the oldest ones in the area, their capitals are terraformed to fit human life, both have extensive facilities and even the beginnings of Dyson Swarms in system. They are also constantly at war at each other and fully dedicated to it. The directorate is Neo-fascist and Hojun is Neo-communist. Both utterly despise each other, and both strongly believe that had another not existed, they would control this whole area of space, and frankly, they might have a point. As you may note, the Graveyard system is named as such as both sides had thrown numerous fleets at each other from there. They have a constant presence in system, but the sheer amount of scrap has made sensors nearly worthless and allowed pirates to settle in that now harass both sides using their own ships.”

You unfortunately note their close distance to you, just a few jumps and your colony could be squished out of existence. “And this fighting is what keeps all the other states safe ?”

“Relatively speaking.”

“What of the other states ?” You ask, now pondering how to deal with two highly ideological and militaristic states.

“There are the Christon Principalities, I use plural here because Edward the 2nd used to be our favoured customer that was rather unjustly murdered by his subjects. Unfortunately for the Principality, he had many, many bastards and no legal children. So at this point and time, there are space stations, the equivalent of nation states, to roaming fleets all proclaiming that they have the legitimate prince or princess and bickering with each other. We’re they not out of the way, and had these various princelings not possessed quite the quantity of nuclear devices, they would have most likely been conquered already. Though there are also both communist and fascist revolutionaries amongst the bickering states, as well as some democratic movements. In short, it is a mess.”

“Or an opportunity.” You state already knowing whom might be supplying all sides of the conflict.

“For some.” Noncommittally, the man responds.

“Since I mentioned democracies. There’s the Republic of Medoia in the Troth system. They are, quite isolationists. The system, though I must admit I had never personally witnessed it, is filled to the brim with standardised warship fleets and defence platforms. They also block any movement deeper inwards, or if anyone tried to do it, they never reported back. Though when House Orion took over Berton’s sore. Well. My father had personally witnessed an entire armada heading out to put down the very idea of nobility. Though seeing as the House is still standing, and the rather vast quantities of junk reported in the House’s system, it seems that they had failed.”

Oh, just wonderful, another ideology that would see me hanged. You dourly think. “And this house then ?”

“Came around fifty or so years ago. Exiles from the Unbroken Empire. They took over their one system and had been relatively isolationists, though as of late, other merchants report that they had seen small fleets, usually headed by a light cruiser moving around nearby systems to the House’s domain.”

Now those, I might be able to work with. “What about the Athena Association ?”

“Scientists, seemingly. I had delivered large quantities of food to them once or twice, but other than that, I know little. They seem to control two worlds in system with limited space infrastructure. An ice ball called Niflheim and a hot lava world called Muspelheim. Both have some small facilities, but quite the visible network of anti-orbitals as well.”

“An odd bunch.”

“They pay on time with piconeutrons. There are some rumours swirling around spacers, but nothing concrete.”

“I see. Are these all states that I should be aware of ?”

“Of ones that could actually arrive to meet you ? Yes.”

“You’ve been quite forthcoming.”

“A deal was struck, and a merchant has to keep his word.” He says once more donning the usual fake businessman’s smile. “Do you have any other questions ?”

>”I do, actually.” (Write in)

>”No, this suffices.”
>>”I do, actually.” (Write in)
What kind goverment/people live in Gnides, Sosie and Lapus systems
And which group were your escorts part of in Free Volunteers Confederation?
And does Graveyard have any "stable" spacestation?
>” I do, actually.” (Write in)

"What do the star maps say about the systems close to Thunor?"

"Do the pirates occupying Graveyard have any relations to any of the free Volunteers Confederation?"

"It seems weird to me that as a part of the Traders’ Association, you were en route to trade with one of the very empires your coalition was formed to protect against."

"How come nearly no state has more than a singular system to their name despite the potential navies most field?"

"How come it has taken so long for any ship to come through our system despite its location on a potential trade route?"

Sorry for lateness. i was at a birthday.
Supporting making all of these questions.
>”No, this suffices.”
Call me paranoid but I don't trust having this slimeball around for more time than we have too.
>”I do, actually.”
All of the questions made by the other anons above.
>Keep an eye out for any foul play by the merchant.
“I do, actually. Let’s continue off with the crash course of the local system. I’m interested in Gnides, Sosie and Lapus. What about them ? What governments, and what sorts they are ?”

“Gnides and Lapus are not places that I had personally visited, so there’s little that I can truly tell you about them. From the traders that I exchange information with, Gnides appears to be an off shoot from the Principalities. One of the Princes having lost his position departed Coria and is trying to settle there and create a new Princedom for himself. Lapus is a fledgeling direct democracy, from what I could gather down the grapevine, it seems that the Medoians are supporting their efforts in colonizing the system. Finally, Sosie is a pet project of some corporation within the Unbroken Empire. I had dealt with them before, but they had not revealed to whom they belong to. Understandable, really, as you know, what they are doing is highly illegal, if you care for the Empire’s authority that is. Nor do I know exactly what they are doing there.”

“I see. The situation as a whole does strike me as somewhat odd. How come nearly no state has more than a singular system to their name despite the potential navies most field ?”

“I am no expert in geopolitics or infrastructure. Mostly, it comes down to piracy, I suppose.”

“Piracy ? Is that much of an issue ?”

“Oh, it most certainly is. Hojun and Chorix, Orion and Medoia. They tend to exterminate most ideological opponents if they grow too large and, in the meanwhile, you have vast hordes of pirates that pop up in all these conflicts. In these parts, the difference between a pirate and mercenary is whether or not they were contracted or not. The area you decided to settle, mister Hardrada, is one dominated by highly militarized societies and it attracts, certain individuals. As for other reasons, defending one system is easier than patrolling multiple. Besides, one star system can provide plenty enough resources for the already established powers, for they had secured the choicest of worlds to settle. Otherwise, most systems tend to have mining expeditions, temporary outposts, things of such nature that does not require immense resource investment on the side of any state that undertakes them. As for new powers, well, mister Hardrada, are you in position to expand to a new star system ? Do you have resources to protect two star systems ?”

“Not at the moment.” You have to concede.

“That is the prevailing idea. Perhaps there will be expansion, I do not know, but right now, the situation is far too volatile to allow expansion.”

“Still, one must look to the future. Tell me, what do the star maps say about the systems close to Thunor ?”

“Ah, the three systems that you can interact directly with are, interesting. The one to the galactic north is a white dwarf and rather barren, with there only begin one world of note. A molten world with an equally as hot a moon orbiting it. If you look through the data, you will note that there had been exploration and colonization attempts. The shattered remains of those are still scarring the worlds surface. I do believe the world is referred to as Hephaestus Prime.

To your galactic west, there’s a planet of note being Venusian in nature. The thick atmosphere and high-gravity makes it near impossible to settle on the worlds surface, and flying cloud cities are far too easy to destroy to make settlement viable.

Finally, to your galactic south is a binary star system. It has seven different gas giants, and a few hundred moons. By some chance what should have been a trinary had ended up in such a way. Personally, I do not recommend settling there, the numerous moons offer many hiding places and more often than not, pirates set up an outpost there. Which is why I had hired my escorts to begin with. Occasionally FVC mounts an effort to get rid of the pirates, but they usually just pop back up again.”

This opens some options, but every system does sound like a pain to settle in the near future, an effort your sons will have to most likely undertake, if even then they should expand.

"How come it has taken so long for any ship to come through our system despite its location on a potential trade route ? Is it related to the pirates you had mentioned before ?"

“Precisely so. There’s been a large uptick in their activities as of late. They usually flair up around the end of some conflict or another, as most come from other areas of space and decide that stealing is just as profitable as contract work. Despite what the Empire might proclaim, these lands are just as complex and inhabited as any corewards area, though more scarcely I must admit.”

“I must admit, that it does strike me as weird that as a part of the Traders’ Association, you were en route to trade with one of the very empires your coalition was formed to protect against.”

“I am but a humble merchant that deals in wares. Besides, the Coalition is a defensive alliance against external threats, since we are not in a state of war, my actions are perfectly acceptable.”

“Since you travelled into the area before, or I assume so. I have a couple of questions related to the Graveyard system.”

“I had personally not travelled there. Far too dangerous for my business, but I had interacted with spacers whom had frequented the area. As such, I have no means of confirming the things I heard, I hope for your understanding.”

“I am sure you will be able to answer my questions adequately. I have only a couple of them to begin with. First of all does the Graveyard have any stable spacestations ?”

“Not of any that I am aware of. Neither the Directorate nor the People’s Republic have permanent postings. What I am aware of, they seem to employ mobile fleets to maintain their interest in the system and keep an eye on their enemy and the pirates both. Speaking of the latter, they tend to cobble together spacestations from in system junk. For as long as it lasts that is.”

“The two states blow them apart ?”

“Occasionally, from what I know, both sides seem to employ the disparate pirate groups to harass each other and put these groups down when they grow too much of a threat. And of course, pirates are not known for their safety standards and no doubt there is internal competition.”

“From what you said, these pirates act part mercenaries. Do the pirates occupying Graveyard have any relations to any of the free Volunteers Confederation ?"

The man shrugs. “Probably. Membership is fluid. Besides a few set rules such as not openly attacking members of the Confederation and its allies, keeping to the contract you sign, and giving the Confederation a tenth of the value from said contract, everyone can leave and join the Confederation at will. As I mentioned before, the line between pirate and mercenary is a thin one.”

“Finally, which group were your escorts part of in Free Volunteers Confederation ?”

“Ah. That would be captain Bulick. He was in charge of the two ships. His services were relatively cheap compared to the firepower he possessed. Unfortunately, he had underestimated you and your people. The pilots are all that remains of the group. So do not worry, getting rid of them shall not result in any inconveniences for the both of us.”

Inconveniences. Heartless bastard.

“Oh, it seems that the cargo has been exchanged.” He interrupts your thoughts. “It seems that our pleasant time together has come to an end, mister Hardrada. Should fortune allow so, I will most likely be making another journey in years to come, so I might visit your system again, though under a more…reasonable escort.”

“I likewise hope that our next meeting, should it come to it, would a more reasonable one.” You respond more diplomatically than you thought possible, the Q&A must have given you time to cool off for the moment.
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 5 month 4 day 13 since arrival
Title: Trade and death

Everyone’s in mourning. Stellan had managed to drag back some of the bodies, and they were not pretty, exposed to vacuum and shattered as they were. Were it not for Reinhart and his police officers, the trio of pilots would have been lynched already by the people. Zack is also crying over losing the A.I. core, but thanks to it we actually now have some weapons to put a stop to another raid.

Signing off, David Hardrada.

Settlement action:

>Begin farming the algae, they had fully populated the lakes and rivers, to the point where they are choking them up, so harvesting them is not going to affect much.

>Continue the ground reclamation.

>Set up some more hab blocks, you’ve got the resources to spare. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)

>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.

>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You could send it to just explore, or to a specific location.

>You have the three fighters, might as well let the techies take a crack at it and see if they cannot reverse engineer it. (Three spacecraft fighters)

>You’ve got some materials and some blueprints; you could easily throw up some buildings. (Which building ? Write ins are acceptable, will make tokens for more buildings later on.)
3 standard units - common materials
7 standard units - rare materials

>Continue the dam construction. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials)

>Your advisors have brought up the need of specialized buildings, the projected costs run about the same for all of them, so it is really an issue of budgeting and prioritization. (Which: Police station, R&D laboratory/school, Hospital, Governmental office.) (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials a building.)

>As the new noble ruler, you need a bigger house. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.)

>You think it would be a good idea to have a monument that shall provide future generations further inspiration. Build those life-like statues, not too hard, just time consuming. (Cost: 1 standard unit - common materials)

>Since you are all about naming things in the ancient style, an idea has popped up – build a longhouse. Though rather than a proper longhouse, it’s just a large building that can house most of the population at the moment. A good location for public gatherings, perhaps even trade between the colonists. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)

>You better start thinking of defence. Start setting up a basic bunker and trench network. Should make any ground assaults against you a pain. (Cost: 6 standard units - common materials)

>Go out of your way to start digging underground redoubts, enough to house the current populace. Not true protection against orbital bombardment, but it should provide good enough safety for the people. (Cost: 4 standard units - common materials)

>Start setting up facilities for AO batteries, might as well, since this will take a lot of time, cause Garrick will build it to perfection and he’ll have it no other way. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials)

>You’ve got the basic drydock set up, it is small and barely able to even service the Argonaut, might as well expand it, though it will be expensive. (Cost: 12 standard units - common materials, 2 standard units - rare materials.) (Currently too small to mount weaponry)

>Since you’ve gotten yourself an anchor point, it is possible to start building a space station. It would be unarmed and barely armoured, but it would be a constant point where you could store material and provide a proper dock for your patrol boats. (Cost: 8 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.) (Currently too small to mount weaponry)

>With the cannons you now have, you can build up some space defences. Garrick says that you could build a separate defence platform to house the weapons. If it comes down to a fight, only it will be targeted rather than a spacestation or the drydock. (Cost: 6 standard units - common materials, 2 standard units - rare materials, vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns)

>Serret is willing to put down his gear for the techies and begin a training program to make more recon specialists. For that he needs special training facilities and the techies need resources to blow away, literally on some occasions. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials, extra munitions secured from the HQ.)

>You’ve got the extra gear, so you might as well expand your farming capacity. (2 standard units - common materials, basic farming equipment.)

>(Write in)

Personal actions:

>Expand the advisory council. (What positions ?)

>Your people are crying for vengeance against the three pilots. You need to judge them. In such a situation, no one would bat an eye if you had already made a decision even before the trial begins. Though, holding a fair trial might be prudent as means of setting a precedent, but you won’t be able to control the outcome so easily. (Fair Trial) (Kangaroo court: Execution, Exile, Hard-labour.)

>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)

>(Write in)
Current equipment:

3 standard units - common materials
7 standard units - rare materials
Extra munitions
A collection of civilian DRM blueprints
Spacecraft fighters x3
basic farming equipment x2 (Note: using this equipment does not expend it)
advanced mining equipment (Note: using this equipment does not expend it)
Vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns

Thought I'd put this down so you anons would know what you have.
>>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.

>Your people are crying for vengeance against the three pilots. You need to judge them. In such a situation, no one would bat an eye if you had already made a decision even before the trial begins. Though, holding a fair trial might be prudent as means of setting a precedent, but you won’t be able to control the outcome so easily. (Fair Trial) (Kangaroo court: Execution, Exile, Hard-labour.)
They should be interrogate first to get all the info out about their group. I see no reason not to do fair trial

>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)
File: size comparison.png (179 KB, 681x561)
179 KB
179 KB PNG

Settlement action:

>(Write in)
> Have the Argonaut Tow the pieces of the destroyed combat freighters close to the drydock. Over time teams cut the ships apart and any still functional parts are kept in storage while any slag or hull part is refined in the planet-side refinery.

From what you've shown both in the last few images and from the previous quests you've run, these ships "break apart" into chunks when destroyed. So it should be relatively easy to tow them over and begin breaking these chunks into smaller parts.

For an example of how much mass these vessels have, I did a bit of calculation.

Assuming them to be a square, which yeah they aren't so we are taking away 20% by the end. If we were to take the said square and calculate it (I used pixel measurement to find the width of the ships) We have a 300 by 188 by (I'm assuming 80 meters in height) and assuming the ships are made of aluminium (which would be on the lighter side of potential metals for armour) and using the average density of an aircraft carrier, the mass of one of these ships is 8.280.963 tons, or just above 8 million tons.
and with two, it would mean potentially 16 million tons of scrap metal. Assuming of course the ships to be whole. So minus like 20%, it goes down to 13 million tons of scrap metals. It should be a LOT of common materials with some rare materials mixed in. And it would allow us to have a lot of Common material to work with for the next projects.

For a better comparison. This is how big one of the vessels is when using the Patrol boats from >>6040493 as a reference for scale. And made of nearly pure common and rare materials.
+1 to fleet anons plan
>Your people are crying for vengeance against the three pilots. You need to judge them. In such a situation, no one would bat an eye if you had already made a decision even before the trial begins. Though, holding a fair trial might be prudent as means of setting a precedent, but you won’t be able to control the outcome so easily. (Fair Trial) (Kangaroo court: Execution, Exile, Hard-labour.)
Fair trial.
>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)
I'm sure nothing will go wrong.
+1 to this write in
>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.
There could be a ship in there

>Your people are crying for vengeance against the three pilots. You need to judge them. In such a situation, no one would bat an eye if you had already made a decision even before the trial begins. Though, holding a fair trial might be prudent as means of setting a precedent, but you won’t be able to control the outcome so easily. (Fair Trial) (Kangaroo court: Execution, Exile, Hard-labour.)
After a fair trial we could have people vote on punishment with ballots if they are found quilty. And make it the future punishment in all case in future.

>Expand the advisory council. (What positions ?)
Trade minister could useful in the future
This is me

>Your people are crying for vengeance against the three pilots. You need to judge them. In such a situation, no one would bat an eye if you had already made a decision even before the trial begins. Though, holding a fair trial might be prudent as means of setting a precedent, but you won’t be able to control the outcome so easily. (Fair Trial)
I don't really care what happens, so setting a good precedent is ideal.

>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)
RIP my homeboy, we hardly knew ye.
+1 for Settlement Action

>Expand the advisory council. (What positions ?)
Law and Justice

>Your people are crying for vengeance against the three pilots. You need to judge them. In such a situation, no one would bat an eye if you had already made a decision even before the trial begins. Though, holding a fair trial might be prudent as means of setting a precedent, but you won’t be able to control the outcome so easily.
Either way has good bonuses but I'd like us to just execute them so we could appease the population better. Might cause less grumblings of giving our enemies more than they deserve.
>As the new noble ruler, you need a bigger house. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.)
Having a government building we live in can help with prestige. And palaces are cool.

>Your people are crying for vengeance against the three pilots. You need to judge them. In such a situation, no one would bat an eye if you had already made a decision even before the trial begins. Though, holding a fair trial might be prudent as means of setting a precedent, but you won’t be able to control the outcome so easily. (Fair Trial) (Kangaroo court: Execution, Exile, Hard-labour.)
Fair trial.
>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)
For once, you find yourself in space. It had been quite a few days since you last went up, and it has been years since you were able to do what you are doing now.

“You know, even on troopships, I could never get used to this.” You say holding what amounts to a small juice box, but when you draw its liquid from the straw, the strong kick of vodka burns your mouth and soon your throat.

“Ah, it takes a special someone to be a spacer like me.” Stellan says, bragging while floating upside down. Unlike you, the man does not even twitch as he drinks from his own pack, looking like a school child, and drinking like one, if the memories of your latter years of school serve you well. The local corner store keeper was a kind old lady, and luckily had a very poor eyesight.

“A profound lack for an appreciation of gravity.” You dryly remark chewing on some salted vegetables that also freely float in a gathered bubble.

“Well, give me a bigger ship, and you will have your gravity. One made to actually rotate rather than this gathering of parts.”

“Or get gravity plates.” Zack says, slowly rotating up and down, tablet in his lap and potato chips floating around him that he eats without even using his hands.

“What’s that ?” Stellan asks, intrigued and actually righting himself to look at Zack properly. You also perk up, curious about the thing.

“They figured out how to actually generate gravity on a micro scale, by putting specialized plating in place and allowing for the expenditure of some neutronium from the reactor, it can generate Earth-like gravity.” He drops the biggest discovery imaginable for people like you like it was nothing. You hate flying in spaceships exactly because there’s no gravity.

“So, any issues with it ?” Stellan asks, you see giddy eyes apparent in his eyes.

“Oh, plenty, sometimes the reactor just fails due to extensive power coupling and you just go flying time to time, which I heard is rather unfortunate. But apparently, they fixed the issue of power consumption and the reactor exploding. And the previous issue can be solved by having enough auxiliary couplings.”

“Sounds expensive.” You remark not really seeing the point in it based on what Zack said, no sir, you’d rather stick to the ground.

For that, you receive angry gazes from both Zack and Stellan. “It is.” Zack admits through gritted teeth.

“And the plates’ construction is still top secret.” You deliver the knock out blow to the both of them. One obsessed with ships, another with technology in general.

“Can we discuss why I am here ?” Zack, his mood fouled, asks.

“Right, I bothered coming here and dragging you two along to ascertain the viability of salvaging the destroyed ships, there should be plenty of good use we could put them to.”

The two begin pondering, now distracted from the previous discussion by the puzzle you’ve put before them.

“It could be possible.” Zack murmurs.

“I could drag back the bigger parts, maybe put some smaller ones into the cargo holds.” Stellan also clearly begins to use his neural interface to run some calculations.

“How much could we, theoretically get out of this ?” You ask the both of them.

“Well, the first patrol boat that we had exploded, and the second ship suffered a neutronium reactor breach and it went, well, poof.” Zack says with rather expressive hand gestures. “We won’t be getting anything from those unless we get a massive scoop and try together some atoms.”

“Very imaginative description. What of the remaining ship and patrol boat ?” You this time direct your question to Stellan.

“From what I saw, the PB’s internals got absolutely wrecked, the first ship’s front is also just, missing. From what I saw, that’s where they had the bridge as the back was dedicated to the engines and the middle was basically hollow to allow for storing of missiles, whom went off and blew everything to hell I might add, and the other half was blown out with all its supplies.”

“So ?”

“So, everything’s kind of fucked. Both the PB and the first ship had reactor breeches, luckily just fusion, but both have been washed top to bottom with radiation. If we are to recover things from them, we would need to hose them down. And from the critical damage both suffered, most things would be melted together or utterly wrecked. It’d take a while, but we could get plenty of common materials out of it, but few rares. Now, the most important question would be the intact neutronium reactor.”

“What about it ?”

“It likes to go boom.” Still sulking, Zack remarks.

“Basically that. A neutronium reactor is a damn complicated thing, David. As far as I am aware, the only plans we have are for those of civilian nature, and they are damn big, not really rated for spaceships or spacestations. If we can extract it, we could mount it on a new ship or space infrastructure.”

“Or we could disassemble it try to reverse engineer it !” Zack hopefully once more shouts out.

“I’d rather have a functioning reactor, and no insult Zack, but you’ve got no bloody clue how complicated those things are. I’d sooner bet on a snowball in hell to roll down the devil’s ass crack than for you to reassemble that reactor.” Stellan does his best to dash Zack’s enthusiasm.

“And the other option ?”

“Eject the remaining neutronium and activate the emergency shut down procedures. It will brick the reactor beyond use and it is intended as the last resort. We won’t get anything from it, but the shutdown will be a guaranteed one.”

“So, risk more lives for the reactor, or just simply be content with what we have ?”

“Basically. My men, I’ve got to admit, are quite used to salvaging things of such nature. They will take the lead on this, but at the end of the day, the decision is your, David. Though, if it explodes, the section of the ship it on is going with in, and there’s a lot of expensive and rare materials involved there. And we can’t really mess with any of the internals before we make a decision what to do with the reactor.”

>Risk it for the reactor. Getting your hands on one could be exceptionally useful.

>You’ve seen enough explosions to last a lifetime. You will not risk the lives of more of your colonists for a potential gain, rather than a guaranteed one.
Colony action was pretty set, until this decision is resolved, you anons can still vote for personal actions.
>Risk it for the reactor. Getting your hands on one could be exceptionally useful.
We're mounting that thing on a space defense platform, STAT
>Risk it for the reactor. Getting your hands on one could be exceptionally useful.
>>Risk it for the reactor. Getting your hands on one could be exceptionally useful.
>Risk it for the reactor. Getting your hands on one could be exceptionally useful.
>Risk it for the reactor. Getting your hands on one could be exceptionally useful.

“Okay, I trust you and your men stellan. But do it as cautiously as you can. We’ve had too many tragedies lately and I don’t want to lose you or anyone else if it can be helped. If possible do small team shifts when working on the reactor so that if anything goes wrong we lose the least amount of people possible. And if anything can help, just ask. I value you and your people a lot more than it might seem from time to time”
How many people do we have in our colony again? We gotta run out of lives to throw away at some point.
We started with "a couple of thousands" based on the early posts in thread one. No major disasters since then so that's probably still the working adult population.
risking it is.

1d100 best of 3
Rolled 12 (1d100)

If I roll a 100 you anons must all agree to get a terraforming machine. That is my one wish.
Rolled 92 (1d100)

Rolled 79 (1d100)

I acidentally (you)’d the wrong post but whatever. A 92!
Nice of you Fleet Anon to roll on the size of the Nuclear explosion that Anon caused
Trial Fair 5
Kangaroo Execution 1

explore 4

council 2

Alright, I realized that I do need some more rolls for a full-pledged update.

Need a 1d50 best of 3 for exploration

And since fair trial won, I need two 1d20s for the trial, the first one is for the prosecution and the second for the defence.
Rolled 5 (1d50)

Rolled 2 (1d50)

File: 21hp4w.jpg (40 KB, 480x541)
40 KB
Rolled 47 (1d50)


Rolled 7 (1d20)

Rolling for prosecution
Rolled 3 (1d20)


Oh wait he's fine

>Our prosecution is only slightly less retarded than the defense
Court hearing will be enjoyment for the masses
Maybe Zack is going to run the prosecution.
Accusing the 3 pilots of being the entire reason he lost his AI core.
Pilots reply with a nuh-uh, judge is forced to concur.
File: lmao.jpg (18 KB, 251x242)
18 KB
(POV shift: You are Zetico Callaham, part of the Argonaut’s crew and leader of one of its salvage groups.)

You feel yourself straining against the harness holding you down as the shuttle you are in begins to slow down. Everyone around is going through the same old ritual you always do to calm the nerves, looking over equipment, checking comms, ensuring that the spacesuits are perfectly fine, looking through the oxygen tanks.

“We’re on location.” You hear the pilot’s voice over the shuttle’s speakers. “Beginning decompression, best of luck out there.”

You hear the hiss of air leaving the chamber and the whirring of fans and the pumping of air, before soon enough, no noise can be heard, and then blinking red light in the corner turns green, indicating that the chamber has been cleared of air and that it is safe to open up the door leading into the endless void.

Grabbing the large red handle, you exert quite a bit of force to move it down and begin unlocking procedure. As it automatically swings open, you find yourself regarding and half melted and exploded chunk of metal. Your Geiger counter installed into your suit begins clicking, the background radiation already washing you over.

Taking the end of a wire attached to the wall, you jump out, using the small thrusters in your suite to manoeuvre yourself towards the floating junk. Slowing yourself down, you heavily smack onto the metal plating, your magboots quickly attach themselves and you feel the difficulty of movement associated with the safety of actually having something solid underneath you. Taking the tip of the wire you brought along, you quickly activate the small drill at its end and slam it down onto the metal. The tip punctures the metal plating and begins to drill deeper until it gets stuck and deploys magnetized bolts. A couple of harsh tugs later, you are certain that the wire is safely attached.

Standing back up, you turn to regard the shuttle and give out a thumbs up. With the background radiation as large as it is, crackling without halt, you’re experienced enough to know that comms are utterly useless unless you are right next to the person you want to talk to.

Attached crates begin moving down the wire and you easily catch them, before swiftly detaching it and allowing for the magnetized bottom to attach itself onto the metal beneath you. These crates will be used to collect small scrap and to also transport your tools, their ease of attachment were always your favourites, even though they are far more expensive than simpler crates.

Swiftly thereafter, holding onto the wire, the rest of your crew begins moving ahead and landing close to you.

“Alright, grab box five and six, we’ve got a neutronium reactor to recover. As you all know, the captain wants the reactor intact and with the neutronium still there. Be careful, watch yourselves, and if the radiation becomes too large for your suits to bear, get the hell out. Any questions ?” You quickly begin relaying the objective to your small gathered crew of five.

“Once we disable the reactor, are we dismantling it ?” Crackling, even at the small distance, it is quite difficult to make out what is being said.

“Not yet, the entire chunk will be dragged back, all we need to do here is disable it and gather loose parts. Anything else ?” You see as some of the men shake left and right, the only way to showcase a simple no in the suits. “Alright then, gentlemen, we’ve got a job do.”

Grabbing one of the smaller boxes with a collection of your tools, you disable the magnetization of your boots and slowly float upwards and boost yourself ahead, just a little bit of gas is enough to easily propel you to the edge of the hull piece. Activating the boots and catching yourself, you feel your stomach tug as only a part of your body slows down and the upper half, affected by inertia, pushes you forwards a bit. Were you not so used to this, you’d undoubtedly eject your breakfast right about now.

Gingerly taking a step forward, you move down the edge and find yourself seeing the reactor room. The doors are still shut and the inner housing walls still remain, though you quickly note some of the coupling that leads into the room is broken and your Geiger counter goes haywire. You’d rather not catch cancer from this little outing, so you quickly begin moving ahead, dragging your feat against the magnetization still being a safer way to move than to push yourself forwards.

Having reached the door, you find them still functioning, and annoyingly locked. You hate it when the people aboard the ship had a modicum of common sense to ensure such locations as reactor rooms would require special clearance to access. It just makes your job harder.

You gesture for one of your crewmen to step forwards as the intensity of the radiation means that even close-by communications are impossible.

Undoing the panel, the man overlooks the wiring, takes out some pliers and cutting the wires causes a power surge that overloads the system and causes the emergency override for the doors to open. You all have to hold on for a bit as the air inside the room is rapidly ejected into the vacuum, a few tools or pieces of personal usage are flown just over your heads.

And it is bright. The lighting system works, but the reactor itself is glowing.

Not a good sign. You think, rushing ahead as clearly enough the coolant for the reactor had failed, and vacuum does not dissipate heat anywhere near enough not to cause a meltdown.

But this is not your first time dealing with this.

Quickly enough, one of your crew moves to the control panel and begins looking at the readouts, others take out coolant injectors, others still begin to repair some of coupling, slowing the radiation bleed out and allowing for the heat to be redirected down the coupling itself, this will damage it, but the coupling is a hell of a lot easier to repair and replace than the reactor itself.

You instead move to interact with the mechanics of it, you can feel the heat on your fingers as you move to undo some of the plating. By some miracle, or good engineering, most of the internals still appear to be solid, if overheating.

This is going to be a tough one.

(POV shift: You are Soren Serret, Chief Explorer of Valhalla.)

The noise of a bullet flies over your head. The tornado had picked up with quite the ferocity as you were exploring the plains. The screeching noise of a rock is halted as it impacts a large boulder, causing a boom and shattering shrapnel all around. Good thing you had managed to find the small indent in ground where you could huddle down and wait out the storm. Though you have to admit, it is slightly wet for your tastes as the endless downpour continues to fill up your impromptu foxhole.

Using the moment for rest, you begin to look over your travel path and the map you are making. While you had orbital scans, you still managed to discover plenty of hidden nooks and crannies that could not be found with simple orbital scans.

Feeling a slight grumbling from your stomach, you begin to slowly rise, the last thing you need is to fill your pouch with water, and quickly, ducking underneath another rock flying out, you grab yourself an emergency ration pack.

But as you shift and move, you notice something. Bubbles. There are bubbles forming the puddle you had been laying in.

Shit ! You scramble, dropping the pack and strain your artificial and real muscles to grab hold onto the edge of the hole, cracking the stone there in the process as you drive your fingers deeper inwards.

And good thing you did, as soon thereafter, you find yourself drop, the weight of your gear weighing you down so significantly that you can feel your arms strain and your feet dangle.

Taking a breath, you look down, and much to your surprise, you can actually see the bottom.

Straining your upper body, you manage to drag yourself up and find a perch from which you can look down at exactly what’s happening. You quickly note an easy slope that you could easily take down into the hole.

“I’m supposed to be exploring.” You mutter to yourself, placing down a beacon at the entrance, based on your clock, there should be a shuttle arriving with supplies in a couple of days, give or take a few hours due to the weather. “Once more into the breach.” You hop down, maintaining balance as you slide down, your own skill and the suit's compensation ensuring that you easily reach the bottom.

It’s dark, the only illumination being that from the clouded sky above you. Scooping up the ration pack, you look it over to ensure that there are no cuts in it that would make it contaminated. Wiping away the grime and water, you look around, and take out a sensor. You hammer it into a wall, the last thing you want to do is getting lost. Afterwards, you activate the head mounted flashlight and look over the area, you realize that you are in some sort of a cave, one with a lot of branching tunnels.

For once you are glad that you had spent all those years in tunnels and other rough terrain, as you can easily tell, just by looking at the structure, this is man-made. Corpo mining operation ? You ponder, as you had heard that most if not all mineral wealth had been stripped clean from the planet.

You hum. “There might be untapped ore deposits.” You think out loud and taking your rifle into your hands, you pick one tunnel at random and begin to march. It will take a long time to find anything of worth by yourself, so you best get to it. Activating another flashlight, this time one for the rifle, you begin inching forwards one careful step at a time. The corp had to leave in a hurry and judging by their HQ still having active defences, the last thing you need is some outdated and rusty bot shooting you with two centuries old bullets, who knows, maybe the rust would kill you.
Continuously marking your path with sensors, you finally stumble across another large cavern. It is clearly artificially built, judging by the still standing pillars supporting the ceiling. You quickly note what appears to have once been a large cargo lift, but it is clearly broken apart by some heavy looking rocks. Gazing upwards, it seems that there had been some sort of a landslide that broke the heavy-duty doors, judging by the rusted, but still there, metal frame.

Looking about, you also spot some large drilling machines and excavators, automated carts and what appears to be some hand tools. Approaching one pile of them, you quickly note that they appear to be broken, most likely why they were abandoned, add two centuries to that, and all of them appear as rusted hunks of metal. Moving the broken drill around, you undo the panel that houses its batteries, and to no surprise at all, it appears to be bloated. Shake this thing around a bit and it very well might explode.

Gingerly putting the old tool down, you look at a raised, rusted, metal cube, which no doubt used to be an office of sorts. Coming closer to it, you note the metal grating steps leading upwards and some old rusted pipes coming out of the building and going towards what appears to be a tank for holding liquids, most likely sanitation.

Taking a step on the first stair, groans of ancient metal quickly fill the chamber, the slight noise echoing out across the entire chamber. Okay. It didn’t break. You further test your luck and put your full bodyweight onto the step and you quickly note that you had sunk slightly. Metal should not do that, but here you are.

Raising your foot again, you slowly, carefully, begin making your way upwards, each and every step painfully loud until you finally reach the landing up top. A small place of respite and before that is an airlock. You have to take out some batteries out of your backpack and quickly jury-rig it to the door to send it an energy shock, and as you had expected, it opened up without any issues. Good in the regard that you can get in, bad in the regard that the corp did not view anything within as worth protecting.

Making your way through the airlock, you note that there does not appear to be any breathable air inside, and the reason becomes apparent as you quickly note a rend in the ceiling, looking like something smashed into the building and broke in. Following that logic, you note an indent on the floor, but there is nothing there. Your instincts kick in and you level your rifle. Sweeping through the chamber, your light illuminates what appears to be a resting room, cheap plastic chairs and metal tables, you quickly note old food stains and bacteria that had grown out of it that has long since died off. To your right, you note an ajar door and from within it, you note something white, what looked to be like a toilet. If nothing else, it answers what the pipes were for.

To your left however, there’s a turn, and you can note tiling rather than the cheap foam carpeting underneath your feet. Slowly, you shift your visor to look through thermal, rather than usual sight. Walking rightwards, you keep your rifle onto the corner. Suddenly, you hear a rumbling, an annoyed snort.

Keeping calm and steady, you seem a form move out, something four legged that seems to face you. You do not even hesitate as it begins to charge as you pull the trigger of your rifle. It was designed for such short distances and even the rapid movement of the creature is not enough to win against you.

Your first shot hits the frontal facing side of the animal, blowing off one of the front limbs and causing it to collapse, another hits the end of its back blowing out a large hole, and the third and final shot of your burst ends up in between the frontal shoulder blades, blowing those out and pulping internal organs.

Slamming heavily onto the chairs and table, the creature collapses and makes quite the mess of the room as you keep your distance from it, switching to single fire, you blow away what you presume to be its head, aiming for the throat, before giving it another minute and ensuring that your surroundings are secured.

Disabling the thermal vision, you give your eyes a moment to readjust to the surroundings before you approach the animal. Giving it a just in case kick, you see as some of pulped internal organs spill out from the exit wound, so if nothing else, the thing was not hard to kill, though had you need been so calm in the situation, who knows what might have happened.

The beast appears to have a thick looking layer of carapace and looking at the wounds, a large layer of fat that can clearly absorb shock, might be useful against the rocks upstairs, but still nothing compared to a rifle round. Its pitch-black eyes reflect you on them, a large jaw meant to crush filled with sharp frontal teeth and the back filled with flat teeth indicate the beast being an omnivore, you think, you never really paid that much attention in biology classes. The monster’s limbs consist of for rather large and sharp looking claws, judging by the grim underneath them, and them being surprisingly flat, it seems these claws are wickedly sharp, and capable of digging through things, which would explain the rend in the ceiling. Another thing you note would be the large ears that are still visibly twitching, even as the creature is dead. Finally, the hunched figure ends with a small tail, you cannot tell anything special about it other than it is there and it is probably used for balancing purposes.

Having examined the monster, you look at the part of the room where it was at, and unsurprisingly, you find what appears to have been a small kitchen area. An old fridge, a sink, some microwaves and a couple of stovetops. And most importantly, a large crate that was once filled to the brim with rations. It seems to have been broken into and half eaten packages are spread across the entire floor. It seems that your foe broke in here, found the rations, gorged itself with them, and promptly fell asleep until you awoke it.

Turning back around, you note something on the body you hadn’t seen before, a grey collar that had blended in with the equally dull carapace. Approaching it, you kneel down and rip it off, jerking the body slightly. And you note a small bronze plate with writing in Vatan, the universal language used across all of humanity.

“Betsy ?”

(End of POV shift.)

“They had actively known that they were committing crimes against peace !” The prosecutor shouts out.

“Are you retarded ?” The defence responds. “What crimes against peace ? Show me where that term is used, at the back end of the manual how to be a lawyer for halfwits ? The especially abridged edition for truly special cases ?”

The crowd once again begins laughing, just when the prosecution accused the defence of being born out of birdshit seeing that their arguments consisted of nothing but that spewing out of their mouth.

What should have been a nice trial, just like the last one you held, had resulted in a flinging match between the prosecution and the defence. You should have known that something was up when the defence lawyer so eagerly volunteered after you had appointed a prosecutor. It seems that the two men were far more interested in insulting each other’s choices of sexual partners, their parents, the way they talk, and really anything else.

The three pilots, a rather motley collection of a woman and two men all appear rather haggard, clear signs of alcohol and drug abuse is visible upon their faces. You do not know if they are just suffering withdrawal symptoms, or if they are truly terrified. Pilots usually tend to have an interesting mix of boosters to allow them to keep up with the difficult manoeuvres and chaotic battlefield that they are a part of. Last you heard, those were not addictive, at least physically. But out here ? You doubt anyone would bother to remove the side effects as that no doubt would be a lot more expensive.

“As such, while they may have killed-“ The defence continues.

“AHA ! YOU STUPID FUCKING CU-” The prosecution shouts out before…

“Order !” You bellow out as the crowd starts laughing again. “While it may not look like it, but this is a court chamber !” You angrily state, you had been sitting here for the past three hours, and your ass hurts, you’ve had enough of this.

Clearing his throat, the prosecution continues. “As the defence just said, these pilots are guilty of murder ! Through their actions, twenty brave men and women died ! Through indirect action, another twenty were forced to sacrifice their lives !” You nod, indicating for the man to continue. “As such, on the last precedent of murder that had occurred in our colony, I propose that these criminals be sentenced to thirty years of hard labour, a murder !”

“Agreed !” You state, slamming the metal gavel onto the crate before you. “For your crimes against the colony and its people, we hereby sentence you each to a collective total of 600 years of hard-labour !”

The faces of the pilots become even paler at that. You had basically sentenced them to slavery, but frankly, you do not care at this point. They had killed your people. People that had abandoned everything to risk their lives on the promise of a better tomorrow.

This utter farce, and the harshness of the sentence seems to have satisfied the people, undoubtedly execution would have been preferred, but this will do as well.

You just want to go home by now. And of course, that is when your comm buzzes off. Oh Goddamnit !

“David.” You state with irritation.

“Sir, Chief Explorer Serret is returning.”

Now that’s odd. You think, the man wasn’t supposed to return for months. “And I assume he found something ?”

“He did, sir. He requests your personal presence rather than discussing it through comms.”

“Understood, I’m on the way.” You state taking on a sharp look. This does not bode well.
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 5 month 5 day 1 since arrival
Title: Life, reactor

Strange day today. Starting off with good news, Stellan and his work crews managed to drag the destroyed spaceships back around the drydock, and better still, securing the neutronium reactor went swimmingly, even though it had reached critical point by the time the crews got to it. All of the fuel is still intact, so unless exceptionally strained, the reactor should keep running for a long while still.

Now, for the stranger news. Soren found…something. Some sort of an alien dog. Though Zack’s convinced that it is a chimera, maybe some sort of special animal made for the world’s colonization though genetic manipulation. Why someone would make, that thing, remains a mystery for me, but as always, Zack’s eager to take a crack at it to figure it out. On the plus side, he managed to find some old mining equipment, it will be a bitch to drag it back and get it back to working order, but it’s there.

Signing off, David Hardrada.

Settlement action:

>Begin farming the algae, they had fully populated the lakes and rivers, to the point where they are choking them up, so harvesting them is not going to affect much.

>Continue the ground reclamation.

>Set up some more hab blocks, you’ve got the resources to spare. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)

>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.

>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

>You have the three fighters, might as well let the techies take a crack at it and see if they cannot reverse engineer it. (Three spacecraft fighters)

>You’ve got some materials and some blueprints; you could easily throw up some buildings. (Which building ? Write ins are acceptable, will make tokens for more buildings later on.)
4 standard units - common materials
7 standard units - rare materials

>Continue the dam construction. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials)

>Your advisors have brought up the need of specialized buildings, the projected costs run about the same for all of them, so it is really an issue of budgeting and prioritization. (Which: Police station, R&D laboratory/school, Hospital, Governmental office.) (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials a building.)

>As the new noble ruler, you need a bigger house. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.)

>You think it would be a good idea to have a monument that shall provide future generations further inspiration. Build those life-like statues, not too hard, just time consuming. (Cost: 1 standard unit - common materials)

>Since you are all about naming things in the ancient style, an idea has popped up – build a longhouse. Though rather than a proper longhouse, it’s just a large building that can house most of the population at the moment. A good location for public gatherings, perhaps even trade between the colonists. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)

>You better start thinking of defence. Start setting up a basic bunker and trench network. Should make any ground assaults against you a pain. (Cost: 6 standard units - common materials)

>Go out of your way to start digging underground redoubts, enough to house the current populace. Not true protection against orbital bombardment, but it should provide good enough safety for the people. (Cost: 4 standard units - common materials)

>Start setting up facilities for AO batteries, might as well, since this will take a lot of time, cause Garrick will build it to perfection and he’ll have it no other way. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials)

>You’ve got the basic drydock set up, it is small and barely able to even service the Argonaut, might as well expand it, though it will be expensive. (Cost: 12 standard units - common materials, 2 standard units - rare materials.) (Currently too small to mount weaponry)

>Since you’ve gotten yourself an anchor point, it is possible to start building a space station. It would be unarmed and barely armoured, but it would be a constant point where you could store material and provide a proper dock for your patrol boats. (Cost: 8 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.) (Currently too small to mount weaponry)

>With the cannons you now have, you can build up some space defences. Garrick says that you could build a separate defence platform to house the weapons. If it comes down to a fight, only it will be targeted rather than a spacestation or the drydock. (Cost: 6 standard units - common materials, 2 standard units - rare materials, vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns)

>With a neutronium reactor in tow, you could install it in a defence station or later builds of spacestations or the drydock. Garret has seen some defence platforms with a neutronium reactor, while more expensive to build, the sheer amount of energy they produce means that they can power more weaponry, allowing for easier future upgrades, and since energy output is that much higher, the strength of rail and M.A.G. weapons in general is greater. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials, 4 standard units - rare materials, vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns, neutronium reactor)

>Serret is willing to put down his gear for the techies and begin a training program to make more recon specialists. For that he needs special training facilities and the techies need resources to blow away, literally on some occasions. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials, extra munitions secured from the HQ.)

>You’ve got the extra gear, so you might as well expand your farming capacity. (2 standard units - common materials, basic farming equipment.)

>Serret has found some ancient basic mining equipment, you will have to dig it out and restore it, but the gear was built to be ragged, and your own part production and general experience of your technicians means that they could get them up and running soon-ish. (3 standard units - common materials.)

>Stellan dragged back a lot of scrap back to the drydock, it will take a while to break it all down and decom it before it can be put back to use. He will need the colony to support the effort as a whole, and finally, you will put your refinery to some use.

>(Write in)

Personal actions:

>Expand the advisory council. (What positions ?)

>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources.

>Serret found a large underground tunnel network, he states that moving silently is the most prudent solution, especially consider what he had found.

>Zack if chomping at the bit to look through the strange animal that was brought back, before it starts to rot, he needs the personnel and resources for that.

>(Write in)
>Serret is willing to put down his gear for the techies and begin a training program to make more recon specialists. For that he needs special training facilities and the techies need resources to blow away, literally on some occasions. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials, extra munitions secured from the HQ.)
This suggestion is making me think though. We need to focus on education soon, specifically with the intention of preserving the knowledge and skills of our initial population. We have a lot of skilled specialists- from naval officers to SF scouts to military engineers- whose knowledge might otherwise be lost to the next generation.
I just remembered we only have 4 common materials right now.

>Stellan dragged back a lot of scrap back to the drydock, it will take a while to break it all down and decom it before it can be put back to use. He will need the colony to support the effort as a whole, and finally, you will put your refinery to some use.
This first, then the space station, then the reactor, then the weapons. Our last battle showed the value of having weapon systems dispersed across a larger, more survivable hull. A proper space station to mount the weapons and reactor on sounds best.

>Zack if chomping at the bit to look through the strange animal that was brought back, before it starts to rot, he needs the personnel and resources for that.
Also, a special note. Spec ops dudes did not get shafted when they went off to a dangerous mission, and the thing that would probably explode did not explode. This goes against the natural order of the Broken Empire setting. It seems that the dice gods are with you today, anons.
I've still not recovered from sending our boys onto that stupid space ship that blew up.
>>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.
Come to local corp HQ casino! Win great prices like starship, secret alpha core, weapons and more or be a loser and get jack shit! You can only win at our local corp HQ casino!

>>Zack if chomping at the bit to look through the strange animal that was brought back, before it starts to rot, he needs the personnel and resources for that.

>Expand the advisory council. (What positions ?)
Law and Justice

I especially recommend saving the blood or whatever genetic material the creature has. As well as possibly whatever reproductive organs it might've had.

Since if it is an Alien, then we must save its species. And if it is a chimera? Then it still means we've found a creature able to live freely on the hellscape that is this planet.

the dice gods blessed my rolls today. I will be forever thankful.

I still miss Baron...
>You’ve got the extra gear, so you might as well expand your farming capacity. (2 standard units - common materials, basic farming equipment.)

>Serret found a large underground tunnel network, he states that moving silently is the most prudent solution, especially consider what he had found.

>Zack if chomping at the bit to look through the strange animal that was brought back, before it starts to rot, he needs the personnel and resources for that.
+1 I like gambling
So I have been thinking about the role of nobility, especially since "get a bigger house" Keeps on being an option.

Thinking it over, I think we should here very early try to instil a culture very different than that within the Unbroken Empire and its "higher than thou" culture. And I think I have a good fit for how our colony is going.

Since the nobility is meant to rule lands and peoples, and our culture is a very "help each other through hardship" focused one currently, I think we can influence the noble culture to become a much more spartan-like(Minimalist) lifestyle. One where nobles are seen more like military commanders or even fathers or mothers to the people living under them in a given territory instead of decadent scumbags. A kind of high society culture where one of the biggest insults a noble can do to themselves is having someone in their lands live poorly because of them. Since it is their job to help all who live under them. To nurture and give back to their lands just as much as they take.

A very "your house is big, so big your very neighbours have to shit and eat in the same room. You disgust me with your greed" kind of outlook instead of an "Ew I hate poor people" kind of culture as the Unbroken Empire has.

I think it would foster a much more healthy relationship between our nobles and any person they might rule over. and would make many who live within the unbroken empire become intrigued about living within our borders instead

Funny. That's what the Unbroken Empire intended to do by raising "rough" military men to power. As of right now, that ideal is going strong in the first generation, but, well, as the later in the timeline quest showcases, that attempt failed. Though it will be absurdly difficult, this might be possible as long as the colony remains small and such oversight and homogenic cultural norms can be maintained.
Clearly we need some kind of childhood system of humbling and hardening noble youths on Thunor. Maybe a Sparta-esque training program...

It worked for the Spartans, you only have to convince the parents of these children that they should suffer lives worse than their own for their own betterment. That was what broke the ideal in the Empire, parents' natural instinct to give a better life to their children. Combine that with the prevalence of genemodding where the kid is LITERALLY better than overwhelming majority of commoners in every single aspect, and it leads to certain...arrogant outlooks.
>Combine that with the prevalence of genemodding
Clearly we should reject genemodding, the aristocratic method of augmentation, and embrace merit-based cybernetic augmentation.
well, with how Emperor Felix Took over an already massive institution, it is understandable that it was both hard to get the amount of humble nature into these nobles at the time and how herculean it would've also been to enforce that culture over him and his successor's rule.

I think therein lies the problem. It shouldn't necessarily be through self-imposed hardship for the sake of hardship as most military people adopt by military training. That isn't viable.

I think a more moral worldview way of doing it would work much better. Since people are much more likely to uphold what they see as their own rules rather than rules they feel others have imposed on them.

We definitely need a form of school of morality that every noble has to go through before they are allowed the responsibility of governing people. One which says that Gene modding and cybernetic enhancement are a sign of weakness whenever taken using the money you taxed instead of earned. Because it doesn't mean the user is strong. It meant his people were strong. And they should reap that bounty unless they give it to their ruler for that precise purpose as a gift.

Aka, I think going "philosophy king" instead of "boot camp" would be much more effective.
Though one could probably also do both and it would work maybe even better.
>>Zack if chomping at the bit to look through the strange animal that was brought back, before it starts to rot, he needs the personnel and resources for that.

>Expand the advisory council. (What positions ?)
Law and Justice

>Stellan dragged back a lot of scrap back to the drydock, it will take a while to break it all down and decom it before it can be put back to use. He will need the colony to support the effort as a whole, and finally, you will put your refinery to some use.
Ib4 we found a blackjack table
Meaning +1
scrap 3
HQ 4
farming 1

animal 8
council 5
tunnel 1

Alright, launching another raid into the HQ wins, as well as figuring out the animal and getting yourselves a law and justice advisor.

1d100 for the HQ best of 3

2d50 best of 3 for the animal and the justice advisor.
First is the animal
Second is the advisor

I should note that success is still 1-100 even if rolling on a d50 or a d20, meaning that the absolutely best possible results are unreachable. This is due to a lack of certain things.

For this example of looking through the animal's DNA, you lack the advanced genetic facilities that would be in a hospital or a research lab, but since you've got Zack and Kealan, both skilled at their tasks, they are what allows for the d50 in the first place.

For finding yourself a judge, your chs' natural charisma and wide variety of experiences of your colonists is what allows for you to roll a d50 instead of d20, since soldiers do not make lawyers, and if they do, they will certainly not drop things, since they are being paid a lot of cash and are treated with quite a bit of respect back home.
Rolled 27 (1d100)

Rolled 7 (1d100)

Rolled 39 (1d100)

Rolled 44 (1d50)

>the mystery box finally fails after beating resources
Deserved, there has been a lot less progress being made colonyside due to it.
Cry about it first timer
Rolled 25, 12 = 37 (2d50)

Still need one more d50 for expanding the council
File: gamblers.jpg (140 KB, 680x840)
140 KB
140 KB JPG
roll again
Rolled 6 (1d50)

aight, nat 50 here we go
44 + 6 = 50, natural crit right NewbQM
You know if somebody doesnt roll good we get shit law and justice, lmao
HQ 39
animal 44
advisor 12

>best of 3 for the animal and the justice advisor.
Rolled 17, 45 = 62 (2d50)

Rollan' for fun/mistake

Whoops, you're right.

Cause of this anon >>6044556

advisor is 45 actually.
Anon saving our law and justice

No worries
Droplets of bright red blood scatter onto the see-through plastic sheets currently hung up to encompass the impromptu surgery room.

You involuntarily flinch as Kealan takes out another strange looking organ from the animal’s gut.

“Object five.” He says in a detached, tired as usual, voice. “It appears to be a lung. Collapsed due to kinetic trauma, but clear and large, it seems that the bronchioles are over enlarged, most likely to compensate for the smaller oxygen content in the atmosphere.” He continues reciting to the camera recording his progress, and also as means of communicating with his medics whom are busily scrambling around the corpse. Their task is ever so slightly complicated by the fact that large parts of the beast are either missing or pulped to the point where nothing but gooey viscera remains. Serret did a number on the thing, but you had watched his exploration recording and you can’t blame him.

“Jegede, could you get some more of the brain matter ?” Zack asks on the other side of the surgery table, him and his techies appear to be running some sort of a machine. You’ve got no clue what it is, and all you know is that it’s involved with genemodding, though on a very, very small scale, primarily meant to fight against cancer cells and the like, but it seems that they are reprogramming it to read the DNA of the beast from its various bits and pieces.

“Which segment ?” Kealan asks, his voice artificially muffled through the hazmat suit he’s wearing.

“Something connecting to the spine.”

“The spinal cord is damaged, it will be difficult to extract something worthwhile.”

“Just need some DNA samples, is all.”

“Will see if there’s anything to scrape off.”

Having paced back and forth for a short while, you begin to approach Zack, as he does not appear to be handling anything potentially contagious.

“Anything from it yet ?” You ask, your own voice also muffled, you are making damn sure no disease spreads out. Kealan had wanted a separate facility built, and to be destroyed after the work is done due to the unknown life form adapted to this planet that already has a microbiome.

“Well. We’ve got something.” Zack says.

“Anything good ?”

“Weeeell, depends on your perspective.”

“My perspective is whether or not this thing is a threat to the colony.”

“Maybe.” Zack shrugs. “Kealan can tell you details, but the thing has reproductive organs that seem to be working. So chances are, there might be more of those out there. From what we can tell right now is that based on the DNA structure, the thing is maybe somewhere between three to five years old. And based on the records we have, there are some matches with human DNA.”

That makes you pause. “That thing’s part human ?”

“Ah, no, well, maybe. What I am getting at, is that everything on Earth shares DNA. Since everything out there comes from Earth, we can find recognizable DNA in all lifeforms due to that. So, either life evolves in such a specific way that DNA structures somehow match, or this thing is a chimera from a bunch of different lifeforms.”

“Okay, what sorts of lifeforms ?”

“Ah, well, we can’t tell. That’s why I am not giving anything specific.”

You sigh. “Why ?”

“Lacking equipment, really. The things we have on hand can tell us something, but not everything. We need better controlled environment and we also need just plain better gear to figure out exactly what creatures were used to make the thing. Though from what I had seen, it is of human make.”

“You mentioned that the thing is five years old.”

“Three to five.”

“Whatever. What about the collar on it ?”

“We only found its DNA on it and its appendixes are not in any shape to put the collar on by itself.” Kealan says coming over with a sample that Zack requested.

“So something else did that was smart enough not to touch it with plain hands.”

“Potentially. As it stands, this thing is engineered, what Zack can’t read is that the DNA structure degradation is perfectly constant across its various organs. You do not get that in a normal organism, some organs degrade faster than others based on the strain put upon them.”

“Then keep digging and find out what you can. I need to know if it will be a danger to the colony.”

“Will do, sir.”
Puffing on a cigarette, you look around the warehouse whose section is being hastily rearranged to work as a good impromptu courtroom. A lot more organized than what you had set up, for one, there appear to be specifically set aside rooms where the prosecution and defendants could converse and plan for the court. The distances between the two and the judge had also been increased.

“Head Justice.” You intone moving towards a shorter man, whom reacting to your voice turns around to face you.

Short-cut straight black hair, a clean-shaven face, a pair of brown eyes makes the man utterly unremarkable, but when you look down, the man instantly stands out. Missing both of his natural legs, what remains instead are basic cybernetics, without any sorts of modifications that would make them fit for service. Simple grey plating protecting the inner machinery makes the legs look bulky and cheap.

Vergilius Abeln had stepped ono a landmine in his first term of service and lost both of his legs, but the army was unwilling to simply lose a professional soldier before they got some good use out of him, so they rebuilt his legs, better than the current ones mind you, unfortunately he wasn’t allowed to keep those after service. So, he was placed as a guard in a martial court, where he spent nearly five years having to stay alert of any potential threats and movements meant that he had to stand there and listen.

Your best hope for an expert in terms of law.

“Sir.” He salutes you.

“How are things going ?”

“I had already received a backlog of one hundred and fifteen cases. So if nothing else, this place will become busier than during Founding day.”

“You think you’re up for it ?”

He shrugs. “I’m the only one who can even do this, sir, whether or not I am up to it is irrelevant.”

You nod. “Have you any ideas on how you will keep court ?”

“Well, everyone’s familiar with the regulations, and as I said before, I had memorized many of the judgements, though there had been exceptional cases involving civilian matters during martial law instances, so if nothing else, I have some good observations.”

“I’m sure you will do fine.” You state placing your hand on the man’s shoulder whom is your junior by half a decade.
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 5 month 7 day 26 since arrival
Title: Dust

Sent out another expedition to the HQ, the thing sitting there all this time was bugging me. The entire structure was looked through with a fine comb and unfortunately, nothing much was found. Gathering what was left behind and bringing those back, the expedition had found 1 standard unit of common materials from all of the scrap and junk left behind. By this point, the expedition leaders are assuring me that there’s nothing of value left. At best, dismantling the facility could net some gain, but as of right now, we don’t have the gear needed to dig out the underground structure and dismantle it bit by bit.

A disappointment, but luckily one that did not cost anyone any lives, as the expedition didn’t find anything that could have become potentially dangerous to them.

Signing off, David Hardrada.

Settlement action:

>Begin farming the algae, they had fully populated the lakes and rivers, to the point where they are choking them up, so harvesting them is not going to affect much.

>Continue the ground reclamation.

>Set up some more hab blocks, you’ve got the resources to spare. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)

>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

>You have the three fighters, might as well let the techies take a crack at it and see if they cannot reverse engineer it. (Three spacecraft fighters)

>You’ve got some materials and some blueprints; you could easily throw up some buildings. (Which building ? Write ins are acceptable, will make tokens for more buildings later on.)
7 standard units - common materials
7 standard units - rare materials

>Continue the dam construction. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials)

>Your advisors have brought up the need of specialized buildings, the projected costs run about the same for all of them, so it is really an issue of budgeting and prioritization. (Which: Police station, R&D laboratory/school, Hospital, Governmental office.) (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials a building.)

>As the new noble ruler, you need a bigger house. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.)

>You think it would be a good idea to have a monument that shall provide future generations further inspiration. Build those life-like statues, not too hard, just time consuming. (Cost: 1 standard unit - common materials)

>Since you are all about naming things in the ancient style, an idea has popped up – build a longhouse. Though rather than a proper longhouse, it’s just a large building that can house most of the population at the moment. A good location for public gatherings, perhaps even trade between the colonists. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)

>You better start thinking of defence. Start setting up a basic bunker and trench network. Should make any ground assaults against you a pain. (Cost: 6 standard units - common materials)

>Go out of your way to start digging underground redoubts, enough to house the current populace. Not true protection against orbital bombardment, but it should provide good enough safety for the people. (Cost: 4 standard units - common materials)

>Start setting up facilities for AO batteries, might as well, since this will take a lot of time, cause Garrick will build it to perfection and he’ll have it no other way. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials)

>You’ve got the basic drydock set up, it is small and barely able to even service the Argonaut, might as well expand it, though it will be expensive. (Cost: 12 standard units - common materials, 2 standard units - rare materials.) (Currently too small to mount weaponry)

>Since you’ve gotten yourself an anchor point, it is possible to start building a space station. It would be unarmed and barely armoured, but it would be a constant point where you could store material and provide a proper dock for your patrol boats. (Cost: 8 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.) (Currently too small to mount weaponry)

>With the cannons you now have, you can build up some space defences. Garrick says that you could build a separate defence platform to house the weapons. If it comes down to a fight, only it will be targeted rather than a spacestation or the drydock. (Cost: 6 standard units - common materials, 2 standard units - rare materials, vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns)

>With a neutronium reactor in tow, you could install it in a defence station or later builds of spacestations or the drydock. Garret has seen some defence platforms with a neutronium reactor, while more expensive to build, the sheer amount of energy they produce means that they can power more weaponry, allowing for easier future upgrades, and since energy output is that much higher, the strength of rail and M.A.G. weapons in general is greater. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials, 4 standard units - rare materials, vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns, neutronium reactor)

>Serret is willing to put down his gear for the techies and begin a training program to make more recon specialists. For that he needs special training facilities and the techies need resources to blow away, literally on some occasions. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials, extra munitions secured from the HQ.)

>You’ve got the extra gear, so you might as well expand your farming capacity. (2 standard units - common materials, basic farming equipment.)

>Serret has found some ancient basic mining equipment, you will have to dig it out and restore it, but the gear was built to be ragged, and your own part production and general experience of your technicians means that they could get them up and running soon-ish. (3 standard units - common materials.)

>Stellan dragged back a lot of scrap back to the drydock, it will take a while to break it all down and decom it before it can be put back to use. He will need the colony to support the effort as a whole, and finally, you will put your refinery to some use.

>(Write in)

Personal actions:

>Expand the advisory council. (What positions ?)

>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)

>Serret found a large underground tunnel network, he states that moving silently is the most prudent solution, especially consider what he had found.

>(Write in)
>>Stellan dragged back a lot of scrap back to the drydock, it will take a while to break it all down and decom it before it can be put back to use. He will need the colony to support the effort as a whole, and finally, you will put your refinery to some use.
Personal actions
>create a militia structure (officers, NCO, squads all that stuff)
Helps organise defence if shit goes down. We already have military experience, but we are currently not reorganised according our current size and needs.
>>Serret is willing to put down his gear for the techies and begin a training program to make more recon specialists. For that he needs special training facilities and the techies need resources to blow away, literally on some occasions. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials, extra munitions secured from the HQ.)

>>Expand the advisory council. (What positions ?)

>>Start exploring the wonderful world of economics and start planning possible currency
+1 from me, having a organized militia will increase our defensive capabilities somewhat. But most importantly it we’ll help our people feel more in control the next time a hostile force rolls into system.

we need the materials, then defenses and afterwards more specialized buildings.
Oh Btw since I was thinking about how we might categorize ships in our new small solar empire. And I've got an idea of how we might want to organize it.

My idea is to have ships be categorized more by their personnel rather than size. Though there would also be size limits such as "Corvette can't be more than 400 meters" But generally it is about people rather than size.

My idea is that a captain has a rank depending on their crew size, and gains different titles depending on said crew size.

So, the titles might go like this.

Jarl - 1 to 50 people. This is just the leader of a ship. Fighter pilots do not count as they are seen as extensions of their carrier.
Jarl Captain - 50 to 250 people. This is where most corvettes would lay around.
Jarl Prefect - 250 to 500 people. Most destroyers and Cruiser Jarls would be around this number.
High Jarl - 500 to 1000 people. This is heavy cruiser and small battleship territory.
Lord Jarl - 1000+ people. This is for anything equal to or above a battleship in size.

Then Admirals would be their own title. Like:
Admiral - 1 fleet.
Admiral Superior - 1 to 10 fleets with individual admirals under them.
High admiral - 1 to 10 admiral superiors under their command.
Grand admiral - 1 to 10 high admirals under their command
Lord Admiral - highest-ranking admiral. And the legal liege of all military fleets, whose word is only second to the emperor and the Prince/Princess.

I know I am thinking way too far into the future. But can't hurt, right?
what do you Anons think?
I mean are the ranks honorary or do they have actual weight to them? Who decides how many people are assigned to a ship? If its the captains job to hire people what stops them from inflating their rank by hiring a bigger crew then they actually need? What happens if a ship meets the rank for a title then enough crew members die that they no longer meet that rank?

Just some of the questions at the top of my head.
My thought would be that Jarl titles would mostly be honorary titles, with potential special rules such as "the highest ranked jarl alive will take temporary control of a fleet until a new leader is appointed" as a form of seniority bias within the military command. Which we've seen would generally happen anyway just with tonnage being the defining difference in the Unbroken Empire.

The problem of over-hiring would mostly be solved by the ship's captain being given their title more so on the standardized crew of a vessel rather than living crew when it comes to military ships. With titles being much more fluid when designated to a civilian ship. So while a Civilian Jarl might jump daily or weekly between a Jarl and a Jarl prefect, a military Jarl would be given title relative to the ship they command.

In that way, in the military the title comes with the ship, but in civilian life it comes with the people.

My major reasoning for doing it this way is that it bases one's rank and authority not on a material weight as much as on the people under the person. A difference that psychologically puts much more weight on the crew and their worth above that of the ship itself. A way to show how important the people aboard a vessel are to us as a nation.
minor modification to my last statement, I mean it as Social rank rather than any form of literal authority. As this would be made as a way for captains to relate their responsibility to one another.

Length <250 meters in length
Crew: 90-130 men

Length: 250-400 meters in length
Crew: 200-400 men

Light cruiser:
Length: 500-700 meters
Crew: 400-500 (~700 for carrier) men

Heavy cruiser:
Length: 700-1,000 meters
Crew: 500-600 (~800 for carrier) men

Length: 1,700-2,000 meters
Crew: 1,500-3,000 men

Length: 2,500-5,000 meters
Crew: 2,000-5,000 men

Thought I would post this chart of sizes and crews. This is for the proper Broken Empire quest, so in the current time ship sizes are ~50-100 meters longer on the smaller end and somewhere around 20% bigger on the larger end.

When it comes to crew requirements, these usually hover 50% to 100% bigger than a few centuries later.

Otherwise, breaking junk and forming a militia wins.

I need 1d100 best of 3 for breaking up the junk and recycling it.

Founding a militia is an autopass due to your colonists and your leader.
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Nah i'd roll high
Rolled 32 (1d100)

Not bad kid, but watch this
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Very interesting! I will definitely need to rework some numbers then, but my general idea will probably still use the same concept of putting the population count first. Since it is meant to be a social experiment with the effect of making captains seem much more responsible for the social cohesion and well-being of the people on board rather than just the vessel itself.

... I am also trying to think of a system of nobility where population count determines ranking instead of material wealth. But I still need title names and time to think that over as well. So that is something for another day.

very nice laddie :D
“Here, here, and here. Enough to halt an armoured company dead, access limited through passwords assigned to the militia members that have the job to keep their sector secure or to the various officers, every each one having a unique access code, so if there’s a rat, we’ll catch it.” Garrick finishes his report.

You had set him to prop up hidden armouries, nothing more than a box in the ground really, but the scattered firepower could be useful if there ever was a need to crack open the heavy guns or if simply there’s not enough ammo to go around. Though the latter issue you sincerely doubt will come up.

“Who else would know the access codes ?”

“It’d the officers under me, sir.” Reinhart says, having spent a lot of time on military bases and having had to put down unrest more than once, he has been crucial in figuring out the best weapon cache placement locations.

You nod. “I want your officers to overlook the assigned lieutenants. See if they fit into their roles and make sure they do not grow big heads.”

“Will do, sir.” You can almost see the predatory gaze from underneath the helmet. Putting down new LTs in to their place must have been a common enough occurrence.

Speaking of, while you have plenty of soldiers and a good handful of NCOs, you found that you had depressingly few COs to actually put in charge, and even then, not a single one was above the rank of Lieutenant. The only other high-ranking person in the colony would have been your Doctor-General Kealan, and the only reason why he got captain is so that he could put overeager junior COs into place if they disagreed with his opinion that charging the enemy whilst injured is stupid. So you couldn’t rely on him for large-scale command, since at the end of the day, his rank is more honorary than anything else.

“Sir, the meeting with the captains is set to begin in half an hour.” Gotch informs you just as another shuttle roars over your head. She had been damn useful when it came to combing through personnel to find yourself some officer material.

“Then I suppose we need to get a move on.” You reply to her as yet again, the roar of an engine slightly makes it harder for you to be heard, this time lifting off. “Gentlemen.” You say your goodbyes to the two men and begin walking away.

“How are we looking organization wise ?” You ask Neila walking towards your home. You had set the basics, but it was up to her to get everyone on board.

“Filled. The chance to shoot their weapons with a good excuse of training has attracted the entire colony. No one wants to trade or wait for the factory to make enough bullets, so it was harder to turn people down than find them.”

“Then all forty platoons have been filled up ?”

“Yes, sir.”

You nod, or rather, bob back and forth to express your approval. The idea was simple, four primary regions each commanded by a captain, with each region having ten subregions and each subregion consist of a platoon commanded by a lieutenant. Naturally, you stand at the top of the entire hierarchy of command, being the only person that could actually coordinate such a number. About 1,600 soldiers in total, though everyone’s part time with only a weekly gathering to keep their skills sharp. Not the amount of training you’d like, but the best you have, you can only hope that will not bite you in the ass later on.

Reason being simple, while you’ve got plenty of experienced sergeants, you had to kick a good number of them into LT positions, and the precious few LTs that you did have, you had to kick up to Captain. You simply lack the resources needed for large-scale training that would allow for their skills to be sharpened, but having a clear chain of command should prevent confusion and panic that had descended when you first issued the order for defence. While everyone was ready to go, there was not coordination besides impromptu chains of command forming up to defend specific locations.
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 5 month 11 day 26 since arrival
Title: Shipbreaking

I have come to a certain realization today. That being that I should really not question Stellan as to how him and his crew got so good at shipbreaking. Specifically breaking down and recycling combat damaged ships when he and his crew have absolutely no military service records.

Though, I cannot complain as by the end of a few months of intensive work, our mining operation was put to absolute shame as we had broken down and recycled 30 standard units of common materials and 5 standard units of rare materials.

The rare materials had especially made Dragan proud, due to the damage previously inflicted, the fact that his crew managed to get so much out of it is a small miracle in and of itself. Because of their guidance and non-stop work I issued them extra alcohol rations, last words I heard from them afterwards were curses on how I am a slave-driver. Relayed by a rather nervous sounding man from the comm centre.

Cheeky bastards.

Signing off, David Hardrada.

Settlement action:

>Begin farming the algae, they had fully populated the lakes and rivers, to the point where they are choking them up, so harvesting them is not going to affect much.

>Continue the ground reclamation.

>Set up some more hab blocks, you’ve got the resources to spare. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)

>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

>You have the three fighters, might as well let the techies take a crack at it and see if they cannot reverse engineer it. (Three spacecraft fighters)

>You’ve got some materials and some blueprints; you could easily throw up some buildings. (Which building ? Write ins are acceptable, will make tokens for more buildings later on.)
40 standard units - common materials
12 standard units - rare materials

>Continue the dam construction. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials)

>Your advisors have brought up the need of specialized buildings, the projected costs run about the same for all of them, so it is really an issue of budgeting and prioritization. (Which: Police station, R&D laboratory/school, Hospital, Governmental office.) (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials a building.)

>As the new noble ruler, you need a bigger house. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.)

>You think it would be a good idea to have a monument that shall provide future generations further inspiration. Build those life-like statues, not too hard, just time consuming. (Cost: 1 standard unit - common materials)

>Since you are all about naming things in the ancient style, an idea has popped up – build a longhouse. Though rather than a proper longhouse, it’s just a large building that can house most of the population at the moment. A good location for public gatherings, perhaps even trade between the colonists. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)

>You better start thinking of defence. Start setting up a basic bunker and trench network. Should make any ground assaults against you a pain. (Cost: 6 standard units - common materials)

>Go out of your way to start digging underground redoubts, enough to house the current populace. Not true protection against orbital bombardment, but it should provide good enough safety for the people. (Cost: 4 standard units - common materials)

>Start setting up facilities for AO batteries, might as well, since this will take a lot of time, cause Garrick will build it to perfection and he’ll have it no other way. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials)

>You’ve got the basic drydock set up, it is small and barely able to even service the Argonaut, might as well expand it, though it will be expensive. (Cost: 12 standard units - common materials, 2 standard units - rare materials.) (Currently too small to mount weaponry)

>Since you’ve gotten yourself an anchor point, it is possible to start building a space station. It would be unarmed and barely armoured, but it would be a constant point where you could store material and provide a proper dock for your patrol boats. (Cost: 8 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.) (Currently too small to mount weaponry)

>With the cannons you now have, you can build up some space defences. Garrick says that you could build a separate defence platform to house the weapons. If it comes down to a fight, only it will be targeted rather than a spacestation or the drydock. (Cost: 6 standard units - common materials, 2 standard units - rare materials, vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns)

>With a neutronium reactor in tow, you could install it in a defence station or later builds of spacestations or the drydock. Garret has seen some defence platforms with a neutronium reactor, while more expensive to build, the sheer amount of energy they produce means that they can power more weaponry, allowing for easier future upgrades, and since energy output is that much higher, the strength of rail and M.A.G. weapons in general is greater. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials, 4 standard units - rare materials, vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns, neutronium reactor)

>Serret is willing to put down his gear for the techies and begin a training program to make more recon specialists. For that he needs special training facilities and the techies need resources to blow away, literally on some occasions. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials, extra munitions secured from the HQ.)

>You’ve got the extra gear, so you might as well expand your farming capacity. (2 standard units - common materials, basic farming equipment.)

>Serret has found some ancient basic mining equipment, you will have to dig it out and restore it, but the gear was built to be ragged, and your own part production and general experience of your technicians means that they could get them up and running soon-ish. (3 standard units - common materials.)

>(Write in)

Personal actions:

>Expand the advisory council. (What positions ?)

>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)

>Serret found a large underground tunnel network, he states that moving silently is the most prudent solution, especially consider what he had found.

>(Write in)
I have a question for you anons, would you rather I keep posting the decisions as I had before, or would you rather I just post a link to rentry and have a constantly updated list there ?
I think a linked list would probably make it a lot easier for both us and you. So I say go for it.

>Since you’ve gotten yourself an anchor point, it is possible to start building a space station. It would be unarmed and barely armoured, but it would be a constant point where you could store material and provide a proper dock for your patrol boats. (Cost: 8 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.) (Currently too small to mount weaponry)

I AM SO PROUD. 30 common materials and 5 rare? that is an absolutely devilish haul.

>(Write in)

>Begin making a standardized currency represented by a physical value of goods kept in a warehouse

As >>6044588 mentioned, we should probably start having some form of privately ownable currency. I would recommend we try to make a currency which is not fiat in nature but instead is represented by some form of material value. like platinum!

That's a shitton of materials! The Free Volunteer bastards have paid us decently in death. Also, we need to make sure to keep Stellan and his crew happy. We would be much poorer without them.

I think after this we should probably listen to our advisor already and build those specialized buildings like the hospital or police station.

Settlement Action
>With a neutronium reactor in tow, you could install it in a defence station or later builds of spacestations or the drydock. Garret has seen some defence platforms with a neutronium reactor, while more expensive to build, the sheer amount of energy they produce means that they can power more weaponry, allowing for easier future upgrades, and since energy output is that much higher, the strength of rail and M.A.G. weapons in general is greater. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials, 4 standard units - rare materials, vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns, neutronium reactor)

We do not know how long until we will have to defend ourselves again so let’s get the best possible defensive platform online before we do anything else.

Personal Action:
>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)

More information about our home planet can’t hurt and while we inevitably need to expand the recon corp right now the best we can do is send out Serret and hope he doesn’t get himself killed
>>Since you’ve gotten yourself an anchor point, it is possible to start building a space station. It would be unarmed and barely armoured, but it would be a constant point where you could store material and provide a proper dock for your patrol boats. (Cost: 8 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.) (Currently too small to mount weaponry)

>>Expand the advisory council. (What positions ?)

>>Start exploring the wonderful world of economics and start planning possible currency (Or what fleet anon said, Iol)
>With a neutronium reactor in tow, you could install it in a defence station or later builds of spacestations or the drydock. Garret has seen some defence platforms with a neutronium reactor, while more expensive to build, the sheer amount of energy they produce means that they can power more weaponry, allowing for easier future upgrades, and since energy output is that much higher, the strength of rail and M.A.G. weapons in general is greater. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials, 4 standard units - rare materials, vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns, neutronium reactor)
Defence before making the station.
>Expand the advisory council. (Orbital defence? (Jarl of the space station?)
>Defence before making the station.
Or we upgrade station with weapons
>Settlement Action
>With a neutronium reactor in tow, you could install it in a defence station or later builds of spacestations or the drydock. Garret has seen some defence platforms with a neutronium reactor, while more expensive to build, the sheer amount of energy they produce means that they can power more weaponry, allowing for easier future upgrades, and since energy output is that much higher, the strength of rail and M.A.G. weapons in general is greater. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials, 4 standard units - rare materials, vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns, neutronium reactor)
We can't afford getting jumped again, we can afford a platform.

>Personal Action:
>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)

Still laughing at the retards that voted for "muh mystery box". Absolute KeK.

Hilarious. Anons never fail to go full retard.
So you would have wanted that 39 for salvage operation.
Going for the mystery box option is far from going full retard (and I'd do if again!) Besides wouldn't of bothered rolling for the savage if I wasn't personally committed butterfly effect and all that jazz
“Currency, sir ?” Neila asks with a are you shitting me face.

“Currency.” You reply with a nod, taking a sip of water. You’d like some beer, but the now three year old John is almost always looking at you and asking an endless barrage of questions. Due to that, you had been banned by Celyn from drinking while at home, sets a bad example she says.

“Well, having a currency going would make enforcing judgement easier.” Vergilius says. “As it stands, the only punishments that I can hand out are physical ones. Imprisonment cannot be used as everyone needs to work, due to that even the physical punishments have a limit, if we can actually get a currency going, I could revise the laws somewhat to put in monetary punishments instead.”

Reinhart hums, rubbing his chin. “It would help my officers as well, if there are minor infractions, we could issue a fine rather than getting into a punching match. As it stands, sir, I have no doubt that you’d know that soldiers don’t take beating lying down.”

“The issue that we currently have is that there’s nothing to sell or buy.” Neila shuts down their hopes and dreams.

“What about the alcohol rations ?” You question.

“Sir.” Is all she says staring into your eyes.

“Yea.” You are forced to nod and rub the back of your neck. Cutting those rations is just asking for unrest. “Tabaco ?”

“Already rare, backlash would be even worse.”

“What about ammo ? Non-militia are expending plenty of bullets.”

“There’s already a backlog, sir.” Garrick says. “It has gotten even worse now that we’re trying to build the station. We’re prioritizing the militia, which makes the problem worse.”

“How can we solve it ?”

“Getting a reactor up and running would help. The factory’s still functioning at about twentish percent capacity on its own power generation. Though kicking it into full gear would hurt out common material reserves.”

You sigh. “How do we increase those ?”

“Tell Stellan to fly more.” Garrick jokes. “But in all seriousness, we need more workers and more miners, but we can’t do that without expanding facilities off world, and we cannot do that without pre-existing infrastructure in orbit and more ships and more people.”

“We simply lack the capacity to expand off world mining then ?”

“For now. There’s just a thousand and one things we need to do to increase efficiency.”

“How about meat ?” Your wife interjects, catching everyone’s attention. “That merchant, whatever his name, he had offered meat products, through some conversations I had, everyone’s craving for meat, stronger spirits, more tabaco. The ladies especially complain about the lack of more colourful clothing or things they could use to make their places feel like home. The men too, undoubtedly want some of their own interests.”

“We could do that.” Neila begins taping away at her tablet. “It could be the best way to introduce the currency and make people value it and use it without ruffling feathers, since we would have an excuse that these are off world goods and thus are not included in basic rations. However…”

“We would be off loading our currency to the merchant.” You quickly note the issue.

“Correct. Unless we somehow make a convoluted way of us trading for the goods, then selling them to the people, the currency would leave us. And if we do that, I’d say the whole thing would just start looking like a scam.”

Garrick frowns and also speaks up. “There’s another issue, sir. People don’t work out of good-will and a hard-days’ work does not fill the stomach. They work because they get something out of it, in this case ration slips. If we introduce the currency, we would have to start paying them, maybe giving them a choice between rations and currency, but fact of the matter is, once that happens, infrastructure project we have would become all the more expensive to build, especially now that most of the things needed to guarantee life are already in place.”

“Noted. So, you think it is too early ?”

You see shrugs.

“Sir, if I may ?” Vergilius speaks up. You gesture for him to continue. “The earlier we get a working currency, the better it would be, even if the pains of doing so will be great. It is just like laying down a basis of laws. You can only build a strong house on an equally strong foundation. It’d be better for us to have a currency system before we need it, rather not to have it when we need it.”

“It will be an exceptional pain. The people could reject the currency as a whole as well.” Your secretary cautions you.

“If we implement one, what shape could it take ?” You ask, pondering your options.

Gotch sighs. “There are a few options, I hope everyone present here is well awake, because this will go on for a while.”

“I’m listening with rapt attention.” Serret says, the chief explorer apparently utterly uninterested in the gathering and simply playing with his knife, moving it around his gauntleted hands.

“Gotch, lay down our options.” You quickly state, trying to diffuse the situation.

“Very well.” She clears her throat. “Allow me to outline the three primary options we have:

First off, we have fiat currencies. It is based on nothing but the people’s belief in the currency. Which means it is directly tied to our nation’s prosperity, and most importantly, power. Such a currency would allow us to easily control it when it comes to the overall circulation of it. This means that we will not run out of currency for any projects we need to undertake and it will allow for out economy to expand with running into the issue of simply not having enough currency to support such economic expansion. Though as some of you may be aware of your histories, states based on fiat currencies tend to be prone to inflation and inevitable economic collapse in a long enough period of time, usually coinciding with the collapse of the state itself. Like I said before, this currency is based on power.

Secondly, we have precious metals. It’s not the worst type of currency out there due to the difficulty of processing the metals and extracting them in the first place. But it is one based on rare materials, the exact same ones we need for construction purposes. It is a currency that could prove exceptionally unstable based on our situation. For example, if there’s not enough of it, we could stifle our economic growth and experience serious deflation, which would, if anything, make the currency just as useless as if it were overinflated, just exceptionally valuable, thus encouraging hoarding of it. On the other hand, while rare, the galaxy is a large place, and should there be a large amount of so such materials extracted and in circulation, it could very rapidly devalue the currency. The upside of such currency however, is that it would have value, some sort of value that anyone out there in the galaxy would want.

Finally, the last option. We simply implement the piconeutron system used Empire wide. As you all know, one piconeutron is worth exactly one picogram of neutronium, a one-to-one exchange. Since the currency is based on fuel that is constantly extracted and consumed, the currency is relatively stable, but the process of extracting neutronium is both difficult and expensive. From the time I spent doing internship at one mining station, the usual yield of a dive ranged between five to ten kilograms of neutronium which can give enough fuel for a large fleet to make a good few jumps. Still, we have no means of getting more neutronium and the quantity we have right now is limited, especially if we ever decide to leave the system. Not to mention that storing neutronium requires specialized facilities and locations further adding to the cost. But, it is a currency everyone recognizes and accepts, though without any means of getting some neutronium of our own, we will become reliant on the economies of other states.”

Having finished her explanation, she begins to down a bottle of water, while you lean back on the couch and begin to ponder everything you had learnt.

>Try to implement a currency. Best get the pain out of the way nice and early, you will need quite of bit of effort, quite of bit of luck, but having a stable currency is yet another step towards becoming a country, rather than a colony.

>Hold on from the idea. You can start laying down a foundation from what you learnt, it would take much longer, but hopefully it will pay off in time.

And finally, if you do decide to implement a currency, you will need to choose what it will be based upon.

>Go with a fiat. You have no room to implement anything else. Besides, everyone believes in you, that is why they came here to begin with.

>Go with hard currency. You will need to actually get a wallet, but you have the rare materials on hand to work with to begin with, hopefully it will be enough.

>Go with piconeutrons. Galaxy-wide acceptance and clear definition of value means that it could be easily exchanged 1:1 with any other piconeutron based currencies and it should make trade easier. Though you have no means of getting more neutronium than you already possess.

Finally, if you do implement the new currency, it will need a name.

>(Write in)
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And because I had forgotten this yesterday and since you anons will be getting more and more orbital infrastructure, I made this.

Once the decision here is made, I will be needing rolls for the space station and of course potentially implementing the currency. So look out for those
space station 7
defence station neu 3

currency 7
explore 2
council (trade) 2
council (Orbital defence) 1

Forgot to post the tally. Since no other personal action reached half of total votes, this means that both David and the council will try to figure out how to make an economy that is not run on cigarettes.
…how about a hybrid system?

>(Write in)

Have the option to either get raw resources or Pico neutrons as their payment. Legally required for companies and jobs. And then have an exchange Index kept by the the state/a local representative of the state (nobles/noble houses Would likely take this role) which keeps track of the changing value of RM’s AND common materials as a place where one can always exchange between Pico neutron and physical RM exchange.

Most people Would use Pico neutrons for everyday sales and purchases, But it Would also allow for the everyday person to always choose to keep their earnings in a physical form that, while bulky, gives assurance that it won’t just suddenly disappear.

An example Would be:
“Sarah just got her paycheck for the week, it is 10 coins of RM (rare material) and wants to spend some on a Nice new scarf. So she thinks it over and goes to the government exchange house and gives them 2 of her coins in Exchange for (an X amount of pico neutron currency) she then goes to Buy the scarf”

>Hold on from the idea. You can start laying down a foundation from what you learnt, it would take much longer, but hopefully it will pay off in time.

>Go with hard currency. You will need to actually get a wallet, but you have the rare materials on hand to work with to begin with, hopefully it will be enough.

All the options seem pretty bad in one way or another but not introducing it would be a waste of a vote so we might as well try it.

Fleet-anon's idea would allow some flexibility, we could perhaps start off being more reliant on RM coins and later on have piconeutrons play a bigger role once we have are able to obtain more neutronium either from trade or mining it ourselves.
Are volatiles same as neutronium?
>Hold on from the idea. You can start laying down a foundation from what you learnt, it would take much longer, but hopefully it will pay off in time.
Doesn't sound very safe from what was said so far by them. Effort and hard work can be done, luck should never be counted on in Newb quests. On that point, can you archive that thread Newb ?
+1. This will allow us to have some measure of control over the internal economy via RMs while also providing a means for the state to engage in standard off-world transactions. If (when) shit goes wrong with the RM side of the currency we could always just change over to pure Piconeutrons.
>Hold on from the idea. You can start laying down a foundation from what you learnt, it would take much longer, but hopefully it will pay off in time.
Changing my vote to this after thinking about it for a while.

Our colony is still far too small and undeveloped for it to be worth it and we don't even have a way to defend ourselves anymore if and when the pirates show up in our system demanding tribute or worse.
>Hold on from the idea. You can start laying down a foundation from what you learnt, it would take much longer, but hopefully it will pay off in time.

Yeah, it's not time yet. We can start building towards it by either stocking up on rare materials are trading for piconeutrons.
>>Hold on from the idea. You can start laying down a foundation from what you learnt, it would take much longer, but hopefully it will pay off in time.
Qm if we finished the dam how much power would our factory have?

>Are volatiles same as neutronium?

No. Neutronium is extracted from the heart of a star and is a very difficult task. Meanwhile, volatiles are useful for further infrastructure and especially useful for fusion reactors to actually be powered.


>On that point, can you archive that thread Newb ?

It already is https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6009864/


>Qm if we finished the dam how much power would our factory have?

None at the moment. You would have to further lay down power wiring across the entire colony as currently all buildings run off their own power infrastructure. Laying down such wiring would make most building spots permanent as it would take even more effort to relay the wiring. But presuming that the factory is not set to produce exceptionally energy intensive products, it could run at full power.

Also, was quite surprised when everyone jumped to the need for establishment of currency when the issue hadn't popped up even slightly. I should note that, if the "Don't implement currency" option wins, when the issue will pop up later, you anons will get a positive modifier, since if that option wins, David and the council begins putting the idea in peoples' heads and preparing for it.
Well, it probably comes from the fact that we only now realized that going 6 years without any form of currency, and the "slave driver" statement made most of us understand that most of the people living under our current rule have no codified "value" they earn other than utility.

Well then, I will try to work more on the hybrid system, and then I would think getting a councillor of internal economics could be a good idea as well before we take the plunge.

I will probably post the finalized draft of the economic hybrid system I had in mind later today.
I'll trust Fleet-anon's write-in. His plans are pretty well thought out.
>Hold on from the idea. You can start laying down a foundation from what you learnt, it would take much longer, but hopefully it will pay off in time.
The QM literally said we would get a bonus if we hold off on making a currency.
>Hold on from the idea. You can start laying down a foundation from what you learnt, it would take much longer, but hopefully it will pay off in time.

This rubs me the wrong way but I can't exactly explain why it just feels... too dynamic? Like I wish I knew more about economics but something about this system strikes me as pretty unstable even if it sounds like a good idea on paper.

Okay. So I went a little bit deeper into how it might work. This is the pastebin full explanation, but I will also give a TLDR here.

Nobles owning land or ships take a cut of the earnings their workers get.
A noble within a system must also provide legal banking and resource trade through an Index. These Index are held by the highest ranking noble in a system, and any noble below them are subject to become representatives/extensions of their lords index's rules and material wealth.
Essentially nobles work like chain restaurants with each hosting their own miniature version of their lord's index on the area their lord has them governing. with the option to give said smaller Index extensions autonomy. And this system works up to the emperor.
and each of these Index's surplus money goes towards the noble hosting the index. So an autonomous index will be less profitable for those higher up, but more stable.

So while large swaths of solar systems might all try to keep to one index, others might just choose to stay with each solar system having their own index's for convenience.

But i would still love any criticism or ideas, so if anyone has any idea, just mention so!

it is meant to be decentralized in such a way that if the larger nation breaks, the economy doesn't necessarily. which makes it more easy for people to use it against us instead of for us.

But yeah, i change my vote to
>Hold on from the idea.
But, with the caveat that when this is brought up again, this is still my active proposal. If waiting allows us a higher bonus i am more than willing to do so.

Thanks, it means alot to hear that :D
Alright, holding on wins.

I do need a 1d100 best of 3 for the spacestation to be made.
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Hoping for the best
Rolled 41 (1d100)

Rolled 70 (1d100)

Rolled 47 (1d100)

i am thinking we shouldn't try to go a different road than aristocracy with our colony of veterans. Instead of nobility, we can try something new, like a temporary and moving administrative class that is also martial in nature. Something like 10 years for standard for ruling a region before being moved in to another region, with exception of examplar service for one to remain until he/she is too old for it.
Could be an interesting way to go about it, potentially having a council vote on who the next ruler of a region should be or if they stay for longer than their allotted period.
But, it also comes with the problem of well...who is gonna say which areas are grouped together and who would vote on their ruler or not? those decisions still need to be taken by some form of authority, with aristocracy it is the nobles who choose. how would you imagine your suggested potential system would go about solving that?
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“Alright, we will hold off for now.” You think after a few minutes of thinking. “Instead of putting everything on the people all at once, I want everyone here to start working on the idea, start circulating currency as a…thing of interest, rather that full on currency yet, stuff like that.”

“Stuff like that, sir ?” Gotch inquires.

“I’m not an economist. But we’ve got to make sure people get the idea of value in their heads.”

“Very well, sir. We shall see what we can do.”
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 6 month 5 day 18 since arrival
Title: Station

Half a year of effort later and I am a proud owner of a space station, technically. Nothing more than a rotating sphere with a couple of hangar bays. The station itself is basically one big warehouse. On the plus side, it will make future trading easier, and allow for storage in orbit without having to get Stellan to drop everything and stick about for months on end. And since we’ve got the needed facilities, the trio of fighters have finally been put to use. Doubt it’d do much to deter any but unarmed traders, but they are there now.

Zack’s also bothering me about some new ideas of it now that he had looked at the fighters actually, well, flying.

Signing off, David Hardrada.
Okay, fuck this. 4chan is not allowing me to post the links since they are spam apparently.

Just type in rentry

then afterwards you have to use .co

and then the codes are UENFsettlement and UENFpersonal

Fuck this shit site.
Olympus QM gets away with it, maybe try a single master-page that contains link to the subpages?

Does not work, unfortunately. I had done this with pastebin before, but there's a limit to the amount of pastes you can put there. I guess I can repurpose the one I used for 40k A.I. quest.
Okay, testing now.

Alright, I guess both will be linked through that from now on. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Well, the problem of each station requiring so much in terms of each one of them requiring the M.A.G weapons.

Hey newb, that independent defense station which Garrick mentioned, could we make that but bigger and with potential upgrade capacity? Or does it need to stay at a small 6 standard units and 2 rare for a reason?
I want that space citadel like you wouldn't believe, so we need to do something cheap this turn. Just to confirm, the following option would complete the defensive space station right Newb? Or would we do it, then install the reactor for 10 materials?
>With a spacestation actually built, a bunch of options opened up – Garrick wants to up armour and arm the thing, moving towards a floating citadel rather than a station. Less storage and more space for guns and potential future crew to defend it, it should prove tougher to crack, if nothing else. (Cost: 40 standard units - common materials, 6 standard unit - rare materials, Vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns, Space rated neutronium reactor.)

As for my actual vote, let's put the farming gear we got to work.
>You’ve got the extra gear, so you might as well expand your farming capacity. (2 standard units - common materials, basic farming equipment.)

>Serret found a large underground tunnel network, he states that moving silently is the most prudent solution, especially consider what he had found.

>Write-in: Investigate the feasibility of establishing an apprenticeship program for skilled Thunorians to pass on their skills to others
We cant build the floating citadel it cost 40 common and we have 36

>Since Zack cannot ever sit down, he has fiddled with some drones of his make. Not proper V.I.s or even A.I.s (he’s still sulking about that), but they could have basic programs running and they could be coordinated by a central control room. He lacks the facilities for it, but he assures that we could get some space drones out of it, since something, something, fewer obstacles easier to programs. (Cost: unknown)

>Expand the advisory council. (What positions ?)

>Investigate the feasibility of establishing an apprenticeship program for skilled Thunorians to pass on their skills to others

If the defensive systems can wait for a bit, then i would wait for us to get up to those 40 common materials and build the space station to become defensible, then afterwards we can look into doing more quality of life. Though i don't like Serret exploring the underground until we've actually reverse engineered his gear.

>Hey newb, that independent defense station which Garrick mentioned, could we make that but bigger and with potential upgrade capacity? Or does it need to stay at a small 6 standard units and 2 rare for a reason?

You could, yes. Garrick views the stations as expendable assets, so over investment might be too much in his eyes. Since spacestations and the like can't move, they can be hit with relative accuracy by faster moving ships, the only counter would be to have way more armour, hence the cost for citadel, or just cheap easily repairable and replaceable designs, hence the cheap defence platform. The platform's job is to draw attention from more mobile assets or more valuable ones that you have. Of course, this outlook comes from years of having millions of worlds worth of material to back such philosophy.


>I want that space citadel like you wouldn't believe, so we need to do something cheap this turn. Just to confirm, the following option would complete the defensive space station right Newb? Or would we do it, then install the reactor for 10 materials?

It is the full process for this stage of the citadel.

Keep in mind, these spacestation plans are what your advisors suggest, you can go smaller and cheaper, mix and match the purpose of the station, etc.
Maybe some local councils for each region that answer to us and our own council, we can have them formed up by those deserving. Not because of blood. I don't think my example is perfect but it can be a step in to something new.

I feel like we will just go toward the same or a similar fate of the empire otherwise.

a bit lacking for Personal.

Settlement Action
>Begin farming the algae, they had fully populated the lakes and rivers, to the point where they are choking them up, so harvesting them is not going to affect much.

Personal Action:
>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp
Hey NewbQM could add system spec to this too?
maybe, but we can also potentially make up for the failures of the Unbroken Empire. Currently, I am going with an aristocratic approach, since that is what the majority vote chose. We've already kind of locked ourselves into it.

But if possible, using councils could definitely be integrated into a noble system. We have free reign to mould it still (within aristocratic boundaries unless you wanna ignite the aristocratic vs statocratic debate again)
farm 3
Drones 1
Algae 1

tunnel 3
Planet exp 1
apprenticeship 4
council (Trade) 1

Alright, further mechanizing the farm
Sending out Serret to the tunnels
And Figuring out if apprenticeship is possible.

2d100 best of 3
First is farm
Second is Apprentices

1d50 best of 3
Serret is still exploring vast distances by himself.


>a bit lacking for Personal.

It is supposed to be used for politicking, both internal and external, as well as dealing with family, trying to improve upon oneself, etc. The amount of decisions here should expand as the game goes on and as there's an ever greater need for personal intervention from whatever title you decide to take upon yourselves.


>Hey NewbQM could add system spec to this too?

Could you please clarify ? Do you mean the star system you are in ?
Rolled 90, 76 = 166 (2d100)

first 2d100
Rolled 21, 79 = 100 (2d100)

Yeah like all of the what planet/moon has what stuff in our system
Rolled 49, 45 = 94 (2d100)

What could go wrong?
Rolled 37 (1d50)

Also i'll go ahead and roll one of the d50's since its a bit slow today if that's fine. If not then just ignore this.
Rolled 59, 43 = 102 (2d100)

I have missed a whole newbqm quest until now. It is a pleasure to be back!
Rolled 30 (1d50)

Rollan for Serret
Rolled 45 (1d50)

Last Serret roll
>90 for farm mechanization
>79 for apprenticeships
>45 for Serret not dying horribly in the wilderness of this hell planet
I'm pretty happy with this. If only apprenticeship was a bit higher...
It's not really that much of a hell planet the biggest threat really seems to be the remnants of whatever corpo shenigans transpired before they all feked off and abandoned what seems to otherwise be a (mostly) fine system
The constant rain, tornado-scale winds, and bullet-hail are pretty terrible
Well yeah, that isn't great but It's all about framing anon! Compared to the near if not literally uninhabitable rocks practically everywhere else this place is damn near a paradise.
You guys know what we need? A terraforming machine. It’s hellish now but because it’s almost earth-like the machine will fix it in one or two generations. Can we please please please get one after stocking up on CM.
The noise of a welder going off continuously pricks your ears and were it not for your spacesuit’s visor, you have no doubt your eyes would sting to hell and back.

“The overall make appears to be quite simple, perhaps less comfortable than what we have right now, but if we add some externals sensors.” Zack continues to babble on.

“I think it will do fine without that. I’d rather you tell me how the refit is going.” You shoot him down because you know exactly what will happen if he’s allowed to go off.

“Oh, well it’s going fine. These machines were not built for our weather, so we had to rework them a bit to ensure that they are far more water-resistant and environmentally sealed. Not that hard of a task, since these things are quite simple to modify.”

“When can we roll those off ?”

“Ehhhh…a week, at most, for all of them.”

“Quite the pace.”

“Everyone’s whose worked in the fields is chipping in. The idea that you won’t have to go behind a tractor to collect potatoes is a decent motivator.” Zack shrugs.

“I am sure everyone will be quite happy.” You state with a small smile. The sheer amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and constant moisture means that you get multiple harvests a year, and with this, the pace will increase even further.

“What about the other task I gave you ?” You further question Zack.

“The whole, apprentices idea ? That one ?”

“Yea, that one.”

“I’ve asked around a bit, as I’m sure everyone else also is. Seems like most people are already nothing down their knowledge.”

“How so ?”

“Tablets scribbles, that’s about it.”

“And are they teaching others ?”

“Well, not really. Unless they know the person. Other than that, the guys I work with all decided that they will teach their kids before anyone else.”

“And what about you ?”

Once more, Zack shrugs. “Don’t like idiots.”

You sigh. “You will need to put down your knowledge sooner or later.”

“Anyways. Idea has merit, yea.” Rather obviously Zack tries to turn the course of the conversation.

(POV shift: You are Soren Serret, Chief Explorer of Valhalla.)

You take careful step after step, your surroundings only now illuminated by the torches that you carry. Based on the trackers you had placed down, it seems that you are constantly and steadily going down for hours now, roughly orienting yourself through your various equipment that had been working non-stop since you entered the tunnels trying to map them out had given you a rough idea how deep you went and a rough map of your surroundings.

Speaking of which, you let go another ping from your suits, using echo location you rapidly map out the tunnel ahead and further look at the readings, realizing that you are now roughly two kilometres underground. And far from any sort of reinforcements.

However, your steady pace is halted as another ping you let out comes back, odd. Lowering your centre of mass by taking a knee, you level your rifle down the tunnel. Both the helmet and the rifle torches illuminating the area ahead with a pale white light.

A snort, followed by an angry snarl.

Booms of your rail rifle echo out of the tunnels, the exceptionally loud noise is further amplified by the environment. Flashes of explosions further cut away the darkness as howls of pain join the endless booms.

Finally, you lower your rifle, smoke still rising from the barrel, you quickly change the magazine and stand back up. Regarding your surroundings, you move ahead with careful footsteps and gaze upon your foes.

More of the tunnel dogs, as you had dubbed them, no doubt someone smarter than you will come up with some sort of a fanciful name for the species, all you need is to simply keep a steady aim rather than come up with archaic titling.

And these creatures are a species, you can tell that judging by the fact that three out of the six beasts appear to be much smaller, their chitinous plating softer and the far layer smaller than the bigger beasts that had escorted them. If nothing else, it seems that these monsters can reproduce and they appear to have a sort of a pack mentality.

Kneeling down and checking over your kills, you stain your gauntlet red, but you do not find anything like you had found before, no collar, no marking, nothing. Though you suppose, you may have removed it with your shots.

Wiping away the blood on the dry ground, you stand up and pick up your pace, continuously letting out pings as they travel down the tunnel. This would be the fifth one you are exploring, others ended in dead ends, and most importantly, this is the first time you had encountered tunnel dogs again.

That’s strange. You think as the latest pin comes back, there appears to be a turn in the middle of the tunnel, no way it could have naturally formed, perhaps a mined out lode of ore is your first thought, but then again, these things can tunnel through rock.

Maintaining the usual caution, you illuminate the turn, revealing that it goes slightly down, and most importantly, there’s light.

Cutting off your own torches, you allow for darkness to surround you and you give some time for your eyes to readjust.

Moving as silently as you possibly can, you slowly descend down, your rifle raised and your heartbeat steady.

Halting at the edge of darkness, you gaze within, and find yourself staring at what appears to be a crudely set up camp, though completely abandoned.

Walking forwards, you ping out once again and also switch to thermal vision, before you are sure that there’s no one, or nothing, around.

Investigating the campsite, you quickly locate the source of light, a simple lamp with an independent battery seems to be continuously providing illumination, upon the ground you are walking, the area appears to have been roughly flattened, but there still appear to be outcrops here and there, whomever did this did not have tools, but they did have plenty of time. Furthermore, you find scattered some old dried fluids, nature of which you cannot ascertain, but nonetheless you scoop up some samples. Then, there are a couple of tables, clear drag marks indicate that they had been moved about quite a bit, their sides appear to be damaged from having been bumped into on more than one occasion, indicating the age of the metal tables. There are also clear indents upon them, though what made those, and most importantly what was upon them, all of that missing. Someone was clearly here, and they were clearly doing something, but they left, how long ago is the thousand piconeutron question.

Other than that, you find what appears to be a crude tent, seemingly made from metal sheets as well as a large, but rusty cage, that has some excrement in it and what appears to be quite a few ration packs, or more precisely, their remains. Wrappers, used heatpacks, quite a few plastic spoons that had not even been unwrapped. Though, out of everything, the most odd thing you find is that there’s no sealing of any sorts, for anything, meaning whomever was here either has some sort of a mobile base, or they had not bothered to set one up at all.

Having finished looking through the camp, you simply set down another sensor to add to your network, naturally being careful to hide it, just in case someone comes back here to check over their camp.

Once more shouldering your rifle, you start to slowly make your way upwards, you are running low on supplies and you’d rather sleep somewhere that is at least vaguely safe.

Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 6 month 6 day 12 since arrival
Title: Investigation

Serret came back today. The news he brings has both Kealan and Zack excited, well, it has Zack excited at least. He managed to retrieve some sort of fluids and other materials from what can only be described as a base camp.

Issue is, without proper facilities to investigate the fluids with, those findings mean nothing, or so Kealan says.

In other news, the farms are running even better than before, with this, it is only a matter of time before we start getting a surplus for ourselves.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
hey question Newb, shouldn't we have gotten the passive income of common resources from the advanced mining gear out in space? we should've gotten some passive production that would've definitely gotten us over 40 common materials if they've been active since the start of the thread.

Only one month passed and it happened at the 3 month interval mark for your factory to consume 1 common material to maintain output. So, nothing happened. If you anons want to, since you do produce common materials, you could pick a more expensive common material option than what you currently have, it would just take longer until you build up the reserve and then build the structure.

Hmm, if that is the case, then

Settlement action:

Start setting up facilities for AO batteries, might as well, since this will take a lot of time, cause Garrick will build it to perfection and he’ll have it no other way. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials)

While we would be using many of our common resources, it would probably last enough time for us to get some of them back while setting up even more defensive structures.

Personal action:
>(Write in)
>Set up a holiday remembering the people lost in the fight against the pirates, focusing on their heroism despite the odds and how their names will never be forgotten. Maybe someone is musically gifted enough to make a song about them?
>Expand the advisory council. (What positions ?)

Thank you for addinf the system specs, NewbQM
Settlement action:
>Start setting up facilities for AO batteries, might as well, since this will take a lot of time, cause Garrick will build it to perfection and he’ll have it no other way. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials)

Personal action:
>Expand the advisory council. (What positions ?)
- Guardian of the Nation Spirit
A figure that will look over the happiness/society/culture of our people, see if there are social changes (be negative/neutral/positive), make cultural suggestions/proposals for our state, promoting new traditions and ideas, or maintaining old ones. Naturally recruited from one of our most loyal members, if not outright fanatical.

- Trade Minister
Self-explanatory. (Though do we have someone with the credentials, like a small merchant/ex merchant ?)

- Head Master of Intelligence and Spycraft
Self-explanatory. (similar situation to trade minister. Do we have someone that is familiar with spying, hacking and other cloak and dagger matters ?)

>(Though do we have someone with the credentials, like a small merchant/ex merchant ?)

You do not, at best you have someone who traded a bit of the war material on the side that they were not supposed to.

>(similar situation to trade minister. Do we have someone that is familiar with spying, hacking and other cloak and dagger matters ?)

Your wife, and oddly only her had outright revealed to be ex-intelligence.
i will support this idea but let's give it a bit more flavor.

"Heroes Day"
- Starts with a promise to keep protecting our people in front of a stone memorial of the fallen (stone memorial can be some statues of the ones that died or a column raising from the groundd shaped like a spear). Silence for a few minutes after placing some memento in front of the column.
- Followed with a Small military parade of our militias and soldiers, with their own banners.
- Small feast at the end with some military war games to play, and sports for anyone that wants.
- For the song, we can give the task for the creation of a song either to our own people or someone more specialized outside.
then it will need to be recruited outside, having someone that doesn't know such role would be detrimental.

And we could give our wife that additional role, if she feels like it.
>You have the three fighters, might as well let the techies take a crack at it and see if they cannot reverse engineer it. (Three spacecraft fighters)
We still need to save materials to finish the space station. Starting ground defenses before that doesn't really make sense to me. I'm picking reverse-engineering simply because it's the most interesting of the inexpensive options.

>Set up a holiday remembering the people lost in the fight against the pirates, focusing on their heroism despite the odds and how their names will never be forgotten. Maybe someone is musically gifted enough to make a song about them?
Obviously good choice.

>Intelligence Minister (aka give the wife an official position on the council)
Sweet, we have the option to set up an actual school now. That + the R&D lab should give us a decently educated and skilled future workforce.
changing to support this
Changing to this
I swear we are going to turn ourselves into a parliamentary monarchy by the next generation at the current rate of council expansion. (or some byzantine like bureaucratic clusterfek)
make some buildings already you retards
we're currently completely defenseless in a region of the galaxy that is infested with pirates you retard

This option wins.

Another holiday is an autopass.
Putting your wife in charge of spying is also an autopass.

That just leaves the fighters. 1d50 best of 3 as Zack still lacks truly proper facilities for such a task.
Rolled 40 (1d50)

I trust Zack's gigantic brain
Rolled 7 (1d50)

Rolled 9 (1d50)

A small statue had been built, made out of the metals recovered from remaining wing of the first patrol boat and bits and pieces from one of the armed freighters. Depicting upon it the battle, two tiny ships against two giants and a small plaque depicting the date, the names of the forty brave souls who stood against the odds and won.

Generations down the line, no doubt this will appear exceptionally impressive, with the explosives removed and the fact that your patrol boats had perhaps decades of rapid military advancement over the crudely uparmed freighters. Still, it would do well for the future generations to remember well the sacrifices of their forebearers to ensure their future. You’ve read enough history books to know when such sacrifices are forgotten, the nation is soon to follow.

John continuously shifts his gaze, regarding the gathered hundreds that could fit in the warehouse, Celyn cradles him with a loving gaze and continuously answers the barrage of questions he has over the whole situation that no doubt strikes him as an odd one.

Soon enough, the hushed murmurs and conversations of the gathered hundreds are silenced as everyone who could give a speech had already given one. Naturally you were the first to go, then came the families of the ships’ crews. Finally, you got some of the more artistically minded of your colonists, a few women of an army marching band, to come up with a song. A good enough one, though nothing exceptional. It is a military state-sanctioned song after all, it is all gusto and inspiration. The best result based on what you have on hand, but at the same time, hardly anything that would move you in terms of song, though the event itself and the sacrifices that had brought it along is what has the people in a grip.
Having departed the gathering, you gently stroll ahead through the colony, John wobbles along, the small spacesuit making him seem quite humorous, your wife had been quite adamant that it be made for John and you can see why as both men and women of your colony look upon the small child with great amusement and great humour, so if nothing else, this is certainly helping to endear John to the rest of the people.

“My dear.” You begin, carefully coaching the subject. “There’s something I’d like to know.”

“What is it ?” She asks, turning her body to face you, but you are sure she is equally as well keeping eyes on your son.

“With me expanding the council as I am, it came to my notice that I am still to possess a minister of intelligence.”

“Oh, silly, do not worry about it. That has already been taken care of.”

You have to do a double take at that. “What ?”

“It would also be better to keep such a position from existing, it sends the wrong message.”

“And what sort of message would that be ?”

“Darling. Did you forget who I used to be ? What is the first thing you think about when it concerns intelligence agencies ? Skulduggery, coercion, spying, threats, blackmail. Even the Unbroken Empire barely acknowledges the existence of its various intelligence agencies. It is, a bad image. Even if the task is a necessary one.” You hear a hint of frustration in her voice.

“So, you’ve been doing that already ?”

“Partly. Why do you think those whom would oppose your rule are so silent ?”

“Because I rule well ?”

“That is true. It has made my job that much easier, but honey, there are always contrarians, no matter how good a person you are.”

“If you continue to do that, I need to be in the loop, understand ?” You take a tougher stance, even if she is your wife, you cannot allow her to run roughshod on your colony and people.

“Of course, I would never do anything that would endanger our family.”

“But what about the people ?”

“Sometimes, sacrifices need to be made. You rose to your position through those, did you not ?”

“Some sacrifices are too much.”

“And even those are sometimes necessary. But for now, I will make sure to consult with you if something of import happens.” She says, her voice smiling, you are sure of it. “Oh, John, don’t do that !” She shouts out and starts moving away towards your son who seems to be very intrigued by the large puddle before him.
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 6 month 12 day 12 since arrival
Title: Fighters

Zack finished taking a crack at the fighters. After half a year of effort and the broken hearts of the three fighter pilots whom having finally once again found their wings saw them being clipped (I think Zack did that on purpose), he had rushed into the meeting, late, again, with the news.

All three fighters were systematically dismantled and rebuilt.

The first one exploded.

The second one failed to start and they couldn’t figure out why.

The third one worked as before, that is until its engine blew out.

All in all, good results. Or so Zack said before I nearly throttled him. But apparently this was a worthwhile experience and while the three fighters were lost, their simple enough design meant that at the end of the day, Zack and his technicians had made a workable set of blueprints and using them made a prototype that functions just as well as the original ones.

He’s also been whining that the tech is so outdated that he wants to look at it again later on when he has better facilities. Oh, we also lack any facilities to manufacture the craft, but we can do it, sort of. The big issue that will come is having enough pilots to actually man the craft.

As for the fighter data, I have the technical file attached.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
settlement action:
>Continue the ground reclamation.

I REALLY want to build that defensive space station, and nearly every other option requires common resources. So let us clear some ground, that way we can also make ready for more new housing.

Personal action:
>Talk to Zack about spaceship construction. What are the future hurdles that you and your budding state might encounter?

I don't have any real options I can otherwise think of, since I also REALLY don't want Serret to go out exploring more until we reverse-engineer his gear and make an explorer corps. Otherwise, all of his expertise and high-level gear will just be lost until we somehow find another spec ops person wanting to settle on thunor whenever we are sending the Argonaut back to UE space to trade and get migrants.
>With a spacestation actually built, a bunch of options opened up – Garrick wants to up armour and arm the thing, moving towards a floating citadel rather than a station. Less storage and more space for guns and potential future crew to defend it, it should prove tougher to crack, if nothing else. (Cost: 40 standard units - common materials, 6 standard unit - rare materials, Vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns, Space rated neutronium reactor.)
>you could pick a more expensive common material option than what you currently have, it would just take longer until you build up the reserve and then build the structure
We have 38 common mats. LET'S DO IT BOYS!

>Talk to Zack about spaceship construction. What are the future hurdles that you and your budding state might encounter?

>Talk to the wife about how we plan on training our heir(s)
If he's old enough to get a spacesuit, he's old enough to get ready to die for his country.
>>With a spacestation actually built, a bunch of options opened up – Garrick wants to up armour and arm the thing, moving towards a floating citadel rather than a station. Less storage and more space for guns and potential future crew to defend it, it should prove tougher to crack, if nothing else. (Cost: 40 standard units - common materials, 6 standard unit - rare materials, Vacuum rated M.A.G cannons and railguns, Space rated neutronium reactor.)

>Talk to Zack about spaceship construction. What are the future hurdles that you and your budding state might encounter?
changing to support this,

Get the spacestation up and running. Then let's finish the dam. We'll x5 our factory production with the power increase.
Alright, changing my vote to this
make it so, support
File: press-x-to-doubt.png (84 KB, 419x238)
84 KB

>Qm if we finished the dam how much power would our factory have?

>None at the moment. You would have to further lay down power wiring across the entire colony as currently all buildings run off their own power infrastructure. Laying down such wiring would make most building spots permanent as it would take even more effort to relay the wiring. But presuming that the factory is not set to produce exceptionally energy intensive products, it could run at full power.
Alright, you shall wait a couple of months for your reserves to fill up and then build the spacestation.

For that I will need 3d100 best of 3

During you will have a talk with Zack and your wife.



>If he's old enough to get a spacesuit, he's old enough to get ready to die for his country.

Top kek.
Rolled 81 (1d100)

Rolled 53 (1d100)

Rolled 7, 80, 15 = 102 (3d100)

Rolled 75, 23 = 98 (2d100)

And the two other rolls
>Newb asked for 3d100
>no one else posts 3d100's but instead 1d100's
>Take one more second to read that Newb has once again changed what dice he want and how many
>Roll twice
Fair enough. Didn't notice >>6047626 and >>6047621 were both you since you didn't link to your post right before. Either way we will see if Newb thinks that is a valid roll then or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Rolled 46, 8 = 54 (2d100)

I can't read lol
Rolled 81, 89, 46 = 216 (3d100)

Rolled 23, 66, 58 = 147 (3d100)

Here's a third proper roll

81 Space
89 Zack
58 Wife

I wonder if our wife played a hand in getting those drug growing guys disappeared.
“Well sir, did everything we could with what we have at hand.” Garrick says walking down corridor of skeleton crew run spacestation. It had taken year and a half, including the couple of months you spent simply building up your reserves, last thing you need is running out of resources mid construction.

“It is impressive.” You state, enjoying the gravity the rotating station is capable of providing, though still not as strong as you were on planet, but better than free float you’d have to deal with otherwise.

“Hardly.” Garrick bristles. “We’ve got a tenth of the crew needed, meaning most weapons won’t be firing when it comes down to it. The hangars are empty, and let me tell you sir, a station like this is powerful, it’s got plenty of cannons and armour, but without any means of escorts, the enemy is at their leisure to deal with it as they will.” He takes a deep breath, and you prepare for a further barrage of complaints. “And speaking of the cannons, we’ve could have mounted more than the two M.A.G.s and the twenty railguns, the neutronium reactor and the backup fusions can handle it, since their calibre is smaller than we could mount on such a station, the biggest issue is the fact that we are lacking laser turrets, so we can still be bombed to shit and back by dedicated missile ships.”

“I am sure these are issues we can address as time goes on, what is important is that when any would be pirate shows up, they see this station, and hopefully they think otherwise. So instead of having such an outlook, how about you tell me what it can do ?” You had come to note that the gruff engineer has a rather pessimistic outlook at his own constructs, though you cannot blame him too hard as this exact outlook is what leads to him makings so damned sure that everything he builds is as best as it can be.

“Right, well, let us start with the armaments. We’ve got two M.A.G.s mounted in place, the entire station has to rotate to use those, but there’s nothing we can do, the things need to be long to be capable of unleashing their firepower, and no way in hell we are turretting those. Next up are the simple railguns, now those are turreted and we have ten mounted topside and ten bottomside, nothing is going to sneak up on the station, I can guarantee that.

Then, we have two hangars. We’ve switched those out to have a standard acceleration launcher, basically shooting out any craft one after another, allowing for quick deployment and making them damn hard to shoot down if deployed during combat. This does mean that we’ve got no space for traditional cargo. We can put down shuttles with supplies, but that’s about it. The hangars are naturally reinforced, which limits their throughput, but it should keep them safe from lucky shots.

Finally, the armour, we have metres thick plating and forwards jutting out metal plating that is about three metres in thickness. The forwards plating’s meant to take the first hit, slowdown and throw off course railgun or M.A.G. rounds, hopefully letting the armour underneath to take less damage and have a better chance of ensuring there’s no penetration.

And, that’s about it.” Garrick finishes after you had reached the command centre that houses about five people and could, and really should, house ten times that number.

“Thank you, Garrick. I am sure you’re quite busy and escorting me here was plenty of work.” You say with a disarming smile, the man may not view it as such, but you do value his work.

“Sir.” He finally says, taking out a flask and starting to walk away, rather than saluting.

“Zack, get over here, you will ogle the monitors later.” You call out to one of the people in the room, that person naturally being Zack, him and his techies had been running ragged over the past year and a half, and you doubt it will end any time soon. Best you drag him away from his work at least for a few minutes and let him rest his eyes.

“Sir ?” he says, stifling a yawn, his eyes red from a lack of sleep.

“I want to talk to you about theocraticals, mainly concerning spaceship construction. We’re going to need power projection to control the system. So, what hurdles can we expect ?”

“Ah.” It takes Zack a moment to process your words. “Well, first issues would be population. Ships, especially warships, are crew intensive, we could try to lean into more automatization, but that would balloon the costs rather rapidly. If only we had that A.I.” He says with a sigh.

“You know perfectly well why I had to make that deal.” You try to emphasise, the A.I. might have been useful, but the weaponry you got is useful right now.

“Right. Next biggest issue is infrastructure. We do not possess any factories capable of making military-rated weapons and armour, the civilian factories are one, out of date, and two, simply lacking some of the more advanced machinery needed for such parts.

When it comes to the weaponry itself, after we got an idea for those fighters, we can make their basic munitions, but anything bigger, well, I need a lab to see if I cannot upscale it. Unless we get the blueprints, we’re basically starting from scratch, so you can expect most of the weapons to be less capable, more power intensive, and the like. Same applies for both the power generation and the armour alloys.

When it comes to ships capable of shifting out of system, they will need neutronium reactors. We don’t know how to make those, nor do we have a source of neutronium. So, we’re kinda bottlenecked there.”

“What about in-system ships then ? Like the patrol boats ?”

“We could work on those, but anything we build will not be better than the patrol boats we had. I am half the opinion that we let Dragan roll the dice and slip back into the Empire and see if he cannot secure something brand-new. Those things would be DRM protected mind you, so I have no idea how long it would take to crack those.”

“Couldn’t you just dismantle them ?”

“Things like that have anti-tampering measures, some hidden compartments and switches in places that you wouldn’t access if you’re just doing maintenance. Not to mention there’s a computer component in gear like this, humans just can’t do calculations on the fly without those.”

“Any risks with that ?”

“Unless some corp decides to randomly pop up and show us what’s what, worst case is that we brik the thing.” He shrugs.

“Would they ?”

“Doubt it, unless we become part of the empire wide solarnet, they wouldn’t know anything that we’re doing.”

“Alright. Let’s assume that we get a proper factory, proper berths and components. What then ?”

“We build a ship, that ship fails, and we repeat the process until it works or the project is scrapped.”

“Sounds expensive.”

“It will be. That’s the downside of doing everything in house, but we’re not reliant on anyone else. Components that work theoretically, rarely do so in reality, so we would need a prototype after prototype to iron out any issues that might pop up. Though, we need to be somewhat careful, and I say this so you don’t blame me later, chances are, issues will slip through. We simply lack the experience needed to build ships so there might be things that whilst obvious for those who’ve been doing this for years, might not be so for us.”

“Okay, start setting down some plans, maybe not today, maybe not even this decade, but chances are we will need them sooner or later. In the meantime, go to bed Zack, you look like shit.” You say with some good humour.

“Will do.” He says with another yawn.

The sound of rain impacting the window continues on unabated. Your room had been darkened and for once, you can enjoy the warmth of your bed and your wife, the issues of the colony, continuously pressing on your mind, seem far away for just a few hours.

Though being a father is already causing you no end of headache. John’s approaching the age where he should start school soon, but, well, you have no school. Not to mention, while you have little idea how the whole nobility idea will play out, you are educated enough to know that the basis of such a system is the passing down of knowledge from parent to child. You’re an experience war veteran, you received CO schooling, and that was atop of your basic education. While John ? He has no access to any of that. Not to mention, Magnus is only a couple of years behind and he too will need proper education. Of course, your children are not the only ones as the earliest of the first generation of Thunorians are already being educated by their parents and their friends.

“What is it, darling ?” Your wife, by your side asks, her voice showing that she’s half asleep, interrupting your train of thought.

“Did I wake you ?” You ask with a careful whisper.

“You keep humming to yourself, of course I’d wake up if it goes on without end.” She says with a cheeky smile.

“It’s, well, I am concerned about John and Magnus. They should start going to school, but we’ve got no teachers, and no school at that.”

“Ah, that is an issue. I had prepared ahead of time for that.”

“You did ?”

She slightly chuckles, trying to keep her voice down as your sons are sleeping the room over. “Of course, in my profession, you are either thoroughly prepared, or you are dead.”


“Hardly, such is life. But, regarding that, I had gathered numerous recordings and writings about basics you’d learn in school such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, grammar, geography, history, biology and others.”

“Sounds dull.”

“Nothing can replace a passionate teacher, or a personalized V.I., or even an A.I., but that is the best I have prepared.”

You nod. “The kids will have to take up sports. Without a fit body, no one in this colony will take them seriously.” With everyone being a soldier, if you cannot lift at least as much as them, you will have little respect from the soldiery. You had seen some scrawny LTs straight out of the officers’ academy. You feel bad for them even now.

“It will help with their health.” Your wife nods. “It’d be best if there was a proper facility for it, but I suppose the ever-shifting warehouses that occasionally turn in gyms will have to do for now.”


“And of course, they both need to be thought how to rule.”

“How do we go about that ?”

“Well, people need to show them respect, that’s a first.”

“And it will probably not happen.”

“It should, people need to realize the hierarchy before they start to question it. For now, however, I have a few guides about nobility as well, though sadly, they are lacking. The Empire is young, the concept of revived nobility is equally unformed. To be frank my dear, if that merchant ever comes back, we would need to invest into getting teachers. Maybe coming in contact with that House Orion. Out of all the insane idealogues or opportunistic merchants and pirates around us, they seem the sanest.”

“Hardly anyone sane comes this far out.”

“Including you ?”

“Including me.” You say with a smile and a chuckle.

It seems that your wife can take care of the basics, but to truly shape your children, you will have to set down some time in the future. Maybe getting off-world teacher would be good, but no doubt it might annoy some people over the clear favouritism you show to your kids. But, they are your kids.
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 8 month 6 day 12 since arrival
Title: Fortress

With nearly emptied reserves, we managed to finish off the citadel, somewhat. Garrick informs me that this is just the first stage and the other stages will be far more resource intensive. Another issue cropped up being the lack of trained personnel, and people in general, currently the station has around fifty people in, barely enough to keep in functioning and appearing threatening when it would need ten times that number to operate at peak efficiency during high intensity operations. And that is not counting the additional personnel craft wings might require !

Still, it is an impressive sight, at least for a groundpounder like me. I doubt anyone with some up-jumped freighters will think we are easy targets any time soon.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
>Set up some more hab blocks, you’ve got the resources to spare. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)
More bodies, school, hospital, a longhouse for trade, etc. Our defenses and food production are adequate, so civilian expansion should be possible.

>Figure out a Trade Minister

>Talk to Dragan about the possibility of him heading back to the Empire/to House Orion/to other noble-aligned systems to conduct black market trade eventually
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FUCK ! Forgot the image !
>Your investigations towards the idea of apprenticeships had some merit, though there is no clear organization or other incentives to generally distribute and pass down knowledge. While Zack’s idea of lab/school has some merits, it might wiser to simply construct a proper school and invite people there to teach in exchange for extra luxury rations. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials a building.)

>Figure out a Trade Minister

>Talk to Dragan about the possibility of him heading back to the Empire/to House Orion/to other noble-aligned systems to conduct black market trade eventually

I'm assuming we don't need to build more hab blocks just yet, but we definitely need to make sure the next generation gets the education they need.
I can't help but feel like we kinda speedran a section of the tech tree a bit with the spacestation but its still cool to have.

Also holy shit I just noticed the cost for the next tier of the spacestation yeah we def got ahead a bit.

+1 This is fine although we probably should start building those specialized buildings after this.
>Orbital space fort powered by a neutronium reactor
>Capacity to start producing space-capable fighters
>Interstellar mining operation
>No centralized power generation, health system, or education
Something something American defense budget, lol
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Also, I had an interesting idea for additional non-manned defenses for the Citadel station.

If we give Zack the stuff needed for his drone project, we could potentially use those drones for defensive actions instead of offensive ones. As the drones could be given control of large slabs of armour and given thrusters to manoeuvre in front of enemy sightlines.

The central computer in the Citadel would coordinate them to open up for our own shots and then the Drones would close up whenever our guns were recharging or enemy fire is detected.

It should be simple. As the drones just need to intercept the line between an enemy ship and the friendly citadel.

Here's a concept image of how it might look with a ring of such defensive wall drones.
Alternatively, we could try to develop the drones as an APS by rigging them up with shaped charges to counter missiles
Speaking of America how are we going to be handling things like guns among our citizens? Obviously we aren't going to try to take them or anything right now but allowing or even tolerating an armed society while being an absolute monarch is pretty rare to say the least.

Not a bad idea but should probably be on standby mode until a potential threat shows up to save fuel/power/whatever drones take. Also would probably require a shite ton of drones and or luck to defend the space station effectively do gotta remember space combat is on a 3d plane not a 2d one which greatly increases the areas of engagement.
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why not both? We don't need to limit ourselves to only a singular type of drone after all. Specialized APS drones could be used as well against missile targets.

and yeah, these drones would likely not be in use unless necessary. And I don't really expect that we would NEED a lot of drones to see positive results since they are meant to "follow" the enemy. With the simple thrusters we can give them, they would be able to fly along the path of where enemy projectiles would hit from and as soon as one is damaged, another flies over and takes its place. The best example I could give of how they might potentially act is how the fighters in Enders game were used as reactive shields against enemy fire in consecutive layers. These would just be a lot dumber and well...armored.

Pic related, Enders game scene I'm thinking about concerning this.
>we going to be handling things like guns among our citizens
I have no interest in disarming our citizens, but we could condition weapons rights on prior service in the militia or proper armed forces. If we cycle the reserves enough that should guarantee rights for most of the people.
School is really damn important.
an educated population is an effective population.
Alright, >>6047795 wins.

Trade minister is 1d50 best of 3

School is 1d100 best of 3

Seeing as how you are just talking rather than sending Dragan out, it's an autopass, since this is something he has a lot of experience with.
Rolled 20 (1d50)

Show me the money
Rolled 9 (1d50)

Let the shekkels flow
Rolled 26 (1d50)

Rolled 79 (1d100)

Rolled 85 (1d100)

Rolled 7 (1d100)

“Sir, I swear, I swear, if nothing else, me bootlegging booze is not something worth punishing, but rather, a right and proper recommendation for the trade minister’s position ! Why, I say, such creativity aught to be rewarded rather than punished !” The man before you, pleas.

You had gone on a farmland inspection, since it is quite important and the number of hands at work had decreased exponentially thanks to further mechanization of the land. Unsurprisingly, this meant that there were fewer eyes to keep an eye on the entire place. And of course, bootleg booze production had popped up with your granaries now overflowing for your small population.

And this, is one of those…entrepreneurs. A creative man, you must admit, but damn certain not what you are looking for in a trade minister.

“Reinhart.” You sigh. “Has Abeln finished setting up laws and punishments regarding such infractions ?”

“Something so specific ? No, sir.” The man responds.

“Then what is the current punishment in your eyes ?”

“Five lashes for resource wastage, and another five for illegal alcohol production.”

“Very well, carry it out.”

“Sir.” He salutes and gestures for the other two officer whom had been busily holding the man down to drag him away.

It seems it might be a bit harder to find someone who knows economy and trade than you had thought.
The shrieking of children completely fills the chamber, finally being out of their suits and having plenty of space to more around, the kids are unleashing years’ worth of pent up energy.

The school construction went swimmingly, mainly because everyone was starting to grumble how they might need one and once you announced the project, everyone jumped at the opportunity. The entire complex, really, consists of four separate buildings. The first one being the main school with classrooms and administrative rooms. Next would be connected domes, one of which is dedicated to physics and chemistry and other such tasks that would require careful environmental control to ensure student safety. Afterwards you have another dome wholly dedicated to just being one large gym that would allow for the children to gather and play then they’re done with their schooling and also exercise during school hours. Finally, the last dome is a greenhouse, currently set up with young trees, grass, an artificial lake, plenty of natural greenery where the kids could take time off.

As of now, the Gym and Greenhouse are open to the public, that being the parents of any enrolled student, subtle way of ensuring that if one wants to use these facilities, they better get to child rearing.

Little John appears to be getting along well with the other kids similar to his age with Magnus trailing behind him. Though you do spot your wife lingering at the edge of the circle of children, keeping her usual discreet, but watchful eye on the situation.

“This is lovely and all, but David, my friend, I am nursing a fu-, ahem, I mean I have a headache.” Stellan, whom you had dragged down to the world’s surface, talk to you, making sure to watch his words as the ladies around give him a deadly glare. “And also, I don’t know if you don’t know, but I’ve not got a kid. So, this place is not really someplace where I should be.”

“I am aware.” You say with a nod. “I thought it’d be good for you to get your feet down on the terrestrial, see what your efforts had netted.”

“Oh yea, screeching of kids, how wonderful.”

“It will be once it is your children running around and having fun.”

“I’m sure it will. However, I doubt that you called me down here just for this.”

“An astute observation. From the conversations I had with Zack and Garrick, there’s a lack of things, a lot of things, things that might not be there in the open market.”


“So, I want to know possibilities for us to acquire such things, be it from the Unbroken Empire, maybe House Orion or some other noble-aligned systems.”

“Well. I’ve got nothing much to say about anywhere but the Empire. We’d need to explore and figure out what they are all about to begin with. They might not even have what we need, or they might be willing to sell it off in the open market. Stuff like that.”

“Alright, in that case, let us say we try to get things from the Unbroken Empire then.”

“That will have some hurdles. First of all, the fringe systems are monitored. I had some documentation that would have masked me as an official exploration vessel, but those are now years out of date, though I might be able to pull it off with a willing officer, or just bribe them, again, if they are willing.”

“Are they usually not ?”

“You’d be surprised how often fringe officers like that are strait-laced, you also do not do blackmarket exchanges there exactly because of that. Since they are in the middle of nowhere, those officers are just looking for an excuse to get a promotion to get off such a position. That or they got kicked off there due to political intrigue and they want to let off their frustration on someone, usually honest folk like me.”

“How hard would that be then ?”

“Pretty damned hard, getting in and out of the Empire will be the most hazardous part of the journey, especially if I ever plan on coming back.”

“And afterwards ?”

“Presuming I have enough cash to refuel, I head to one of the coreworlds where ships like mine are dime a dozen and the customs officers are free-spirited and retirement fund oriented individuals. Then I just get in contact with some of my friends and the deal’s done. Issue of course being having enough cash for all of it. And we will need a lot of it. Be it through goods or piconeutrons, something to offer will be needed.”

“No discounts ?”

“Depends on what is being sold. Basic goods might be cheaper since we wouldn’t have to worry about tariffs. Restricted goods that need licences and sh-, I mean stuff like that ? That will be expensive, very expensive.”

“Then I better start thinking on how to build up a reserve.”

“You do that. I, meanwhile, need a glass of water, and a soft bed.”
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 8 month 7 day 26 since arrival
Title: School

The first school of Valhalla has been opened. The extensive facilities, combined with the extra luxury rations seem to have done the trick and the future generations of the colony will have multitude of hours of boring nonsense each day to look towards. But those boring hours will be the foundation of their futures.

Now if only John and Magnus would listen to me on that.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
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I just keep forgetting the image.
>Your advisors have brought up the need of specialized buildings, the projected costs run about the same for all of them, so it is really an issue of budgeting and prioritization (R&D Laboratory 3 CM and 1 RM)

Really this is long overdue, we don't have the AI core but we have the liquid and drone research we can do and this lab would massively help.
>Serret found a large underground tunnel network, he states that moving silently is the most prudent solution, especially consider what he had found.

New Mystery Box?

>Try to find a trade minister again

Hopefully we get a bonus for trying again.

>Try to find a trade minister again

Will have to veto that, unfortunately. Your population's too small to allow for a reroll for council positions as David's already looked through everyone. You will either have to get more colonists or specifically hire off-world professionals.
Fine then uhhhhhh

>Find a Minister of Education.
>Your advisors have brought up the need of specialized buildings, the projected costs run about the same for all of them, so it is really an issue of budgeting and prioritization. (Which: Hospital.) (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials a building.)

>Serret found a large underground tunnel network, he states that moving silently is the most prudent solution, especially consider what he had found.

>Find a Minister of Education.
>Your advisors have brought up the need of specialized buildings, the projected costs run about the same for all of them, so it is really an issue of budgeting and prioritization (R&D Laboratory 3 CM and 1 RM)
Let's build the R&D Laboratory first and then we'll investigate the fluids while we're building the hospital.

>Find a Minister of Education.

I think sending out Serret again might be too dangerous, we only got a 1d50 last time which is probably because he's going out there alone.

>Serret found a large underground tunnel network, he states that moving silently is the most prudent solution, especially consider what he had found.
>You do not have the necessary facilities for it, but good enough has not stopped you before. Put Zack and Kealan to work and have them investigate the fluids, they might find something at least.
Plus one it is.
Settlement action:
>Your advisors have brought up the need for specialized buildings, the projected costs run about the same for all of them, so it is really an issue of budgeting and prioritization. (Which: Hospital.) (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials a building.)

Hospital first. after all, more normal people can make use of a hospital while we make the Lab than people can use a Lab while a Hospital is made.

Personal action:
>Find a Minister of Education.

>Get to know the people you have already made into nobles. Who are they and what are they like?

Personally, I want to wait until we've both got a hospital AND a laboratory. As Zack mentioned, there is potential for diseases or even plagues when dealing with what might be a previous corporation out of borders likely illegal bioengineering projects. And I would like to be on the safer side when we might otherwise potentially wipe out or severely hurt the colony and its population due to one of the creatures harbouring mega aids.
You make a good point.
Changing to this.

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