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File: Untitled_Artwork.jpg (235 KB, 639x689)
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235 KB JPG
The year is 21XX. After a third world war, America has changed dramatically. You live in a cyberpunk metropolis called Port Zone 18. Despite the neon lights and incessant cacophony of explicit imagery, some things never change. Google LLC stands strong and you’re one of their many employees. You’re an Intelligence Support: you verify the filter tags attached to various pieces of AI imagery, sound, etc.

On your evening walk home, your eye catches a familiar yet enticing ad. On a tall billboard sits an advertisement for a personal android, specifically the AutoSP. Google LLC has been pushing this model a lot recently. It’s no wonder why; not only is it their newest model, but it’s dirt cheap.

Screw it. You decide to head to your local android store. You haven’t been to this corner of town in a while—it’s just too dangerous—but the prospect of your own droid is… wow.

You reach the android store. It’s a retooled brick and mortar building—one of the few still standing since the third war. The silhouette of a rat dances over your shoes as you gingerly push open the building’s front door.

“Welcome.” An unfamiliar, synthesized voice directs you to the cashier. It’s… it’s an AutoSP! But it’s the cashier?… maybe?

>> “I’d like a personal android.”
>> “Do you… work here?”
>> “What’s your name?”
File: Untitled_Artwork.jpg (76 KB, 375x591)
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This character design is a little confusing at first glance, so here is the AutoSP cashier’s original concept art. Is that an elytra on his back?
>>> “I’d like a personal android.”
>“I’d like a personal android.”
>"Is that an elytra on your back? Like the Minecraft one."
Hold the cheese, add extra pepperoni
>> “I’d like a personal android.”
> “I’d like a personal android.”
>“I’d like a personal android.”
>"You've got some... interesting lanterns around."
>>> “What’s your name?”
"Darude, Sandstorm"
>“What’s your name?”
>“I’d like a personal android.”
>"You've got some... interesting lanterns around."

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