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Fate had been cruel to your people. From stories you were once told your band was a thousand strong, soldiers from an old-world military unit. Now you lead twelve warriors, still fiercely militant and hardened by the wastes.
Now you see signs of civilization around, caravans flush with water and food making deliveries to settlements. Ernst, one of your lieutenants had once spoken to you the idea of abandoning your lifestyle, and joining civilization.
He argued with you,
“The civilized people have more manpower and ammunition than we do, every raid we take casualties and eventually we will be wiped out.”
You think carefully about what he says, taking care not to reveal anything through your facial expressions.
“What do you suggest lieutenant?”
“I think we join society, captain. We could survive as a mercenary company in the cities and prosper. The way that things are going, we can’t survive the coming years.”
You sigh, “I will consider your proposal.”
You step out and take a walk. Your camp lies in an old court house, its upper levels have collapsed but you can still find shelter within. You find an office with a skeleton slumped over a desk. You toss the it aside and take the chair for yourself. On the desk a family picture was propped up. A nuclear family happily smiling, you consider your own family of wasteland raiders almost complete opposites from this dead man whose skeleton you tossed aside. You consider his comfy chair where he must have worked for money, money to buy comfort and necessities. Could you really live like him? Could you work for someone else and leave the lives of your family to the whims of of some greater society like this man had?
You toss the chair off and kick the man’s skull against the wall and move back to speak to your people. As you walk by they perk up from their rest.
“My soldiers, continue to sleep after I speak, for the hunt is still on for the night but let it be known it’s a different kind of hunt. Tonight we’re taking control of a civilized settlement and from there, there will be no more petty raids. Tonight, we declare war on the world!”
Your people triumphantly yelled your battle cry as if you already won, but it would be a long battle.
>Assault the small family farm. [Easy]
>Assault the junk town settlement. [Medium]
>Assault the merchant city. [Hard]
>Write in some alternate plan or place to attack
>>Assault the junk town settlement. [Medium]
>Assault the small family farm. [Easy]
Start small.
>>Assault the junk town settlement. [Medium]
As the sun crested the horizon you stepped off leading the way for your band. You followed the known routes, avoiding the irradiated monsters who stalked the wastes. You knew the location because you have stalked caravans moving to and from there but you never dared enter before. As you approach you could mistake the town for a trash heap, its walls were piles of scrap metal and debris stacked as tall as three men. The only sign of occupation were the lights radiating out into the waste like an arrogant message to the world,
“Come raid me.”
Beside the one entrance stood two armed guards, one sleeping and another inattentively smoking with his weapon slung on his shoulder. Your spear went through his body before he could make a sound, pulling it out was harder as it’s serrated edges ripped and tore his insides out. You pointed the bloodied spear towards the sleeping guard to see if he would wake but he barely stirred, dead asleep.
>Kill the other guard and begin the attack
>Interrogate the other guard
>Write in
oh yeah roll 2d20
>>Interrogate the other guard
Rolled 3, 17 = 20 (2d20)

>>Interrogate the other guard
You give a signal to your men and they gag the man with a rag and quickly drag him away kicking. Out of sight and earshot you finally take the bloody rag out of his mouth and he immediately starts squealing,
“I’ll tell you whatever you want just don’t kill me!”
“Who do you belong to?”
“I’m a member of the town police, we’re supposed to protect the town.”
“How many of you are there?”
“Thirteen of us, including myself.”
“What is in this town?”
“We have the sheriff’s barracks, a general store, a bar, a casino, and a doctor.”
“C-can I go free?”
You gripped your spear and shoved it through his chest and ripped it out, leaving a gaping hole as he gasped his final breath.
>[Offense+1] Surprise attack the barracks Roll 12d20+6 (Modifier sneak attack +5, offense skill +1)
>[Defense] Occupy the general store and starve out the town until they give into your demands
>[Defense] Occupy the casino
>[Trick] Set fire to the barracks and kill them as they try to escape Roll 1d20+5 (Modifier sneak attack +5)
>Write in

One skill point is added to the modifier when a successful roll is made under a category, I encourage you to write in with your own skills and stuff you want to level up
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>[Defense] Occupy the general store and starve out the town until they give into your demands
Killian's NOT gonna be happy about this one

>[Offense+1] Surprise attack the barracks Roll 12d20+6 (Modifier sneak attack +5, offense skill +1)

Surprise attacks are the best kind
Rolled 1 (1d2)

You step into the mostly empty town, past the police barracks and towards what you assume is the towns general store. You find a flimsy door made of plywood and kick it open. From inside you hear a ruckus,
“You punks again! You have five seconds to…”
The owner, short, fat, and in his boxers comes out with a revolver, and finds more trained on him. He stays completely still, seemingly in shock, you assure him,
“We haven’t come for your life, just drop it.”
He does as he was told and kicks it to you. You pocket it as your men begin looting, eating what food is there. You take part yourself, having not eaten in a couple days. The owner sweats cautiously as he eyes your gory spear still dripping blood.
“Why do you come here?”
You swallow a mouthful before answering,
“This town, is under new management.”
The store owner decided to stay quiet.
As dawn broke people began walking in for their morning meals only to find spears in their face. Soon enough the police were alerted and they beckoned from outside.
“Come out, we have you surrounded.”
You looked around at your men and they seemed unsure, you were worried as well but you could not show it, a leader must never show fear. You grabbed the owner, clicked the revolver back and put it under his third chin. Showing your hostage past your cover, you spoke out,
“My name is Captain Trax, who might I be speaking to?”
“Well I’ll be, a well mannered savage. The name is Sheriff Gimly, and you’re wanted for the murder of my deputy and the suspected murder of his partner. So why don’t you show yourself so you can be judged.”
>[Lie] “Your deputy attempted to kill me so I killed him, the other ran away like a coward” Roll 1d20
>[Siege] Say nothing and stick with the original plan.
>[Offense] Expose yourself with the shopkeeper as a human shield and kill as many officers as you can, Roll 6d20+1 (Modifier offense +1)
>[Defense] “Judge this!” Shoot randomly and try to bait them inside. Roll 12d20+5 (Modifier: concealed +5)
>Write in
>[Siege] Say nothing and stick with the original plan
+1, kill 'em all, I am raid man, 10 billion dead Great War victims
>>[Siege] Say nothing and stick with the original plan.
>"It appears to me that neither of your so-called lawmen were fit for the job. Complacency made them weak, and in turn made your settlement weak. We could have burned all of y'all out and shot you like pigs. Coulda crept in and slit your throats while you were none the wiser, too. Man can't enforce laws when he's weaker than what he's trying to enforce 'em on, Sheriff. What I'm trying to get at with all this...is that me and my boys are reasonable men. But not the kind of men that would fuck up something so goddamn simple as makin sure no undesirables came in and fucked us, nor the type to come here and so all this without a reason or a plan. We're a fair deal more competent than that. The way I see it, this ends two ways: we both go toe to toe with each other and leave a whole lotta blood and bodies to remember this day, or you come to your senses and realize that there's some damn fine replacements for those boys you lost. What's it gonna be, Sheriff?"
Your eyes locked with his, the silence was palpable. You could see in his eyes he was like you in many ways, Gimly was a leader of men, he put on a tough act but he cared about his men and wouldn’t needlessly have them killed in a shootout. He holstered his weapon,
“Partner, what is it you suggest?”
“You and your men join my ranks, and we bring law and order to the wastes.”
“The mayor won’t like it, and the townsfolk may not like it. But it’s about time we saw some change around here, the mayors insistence that we guard the casino and bar at night and leave a skeleton crew at the gate left us wide open to attack. We stand by every night and watch as our friends and family become addicted to chems and flush a weeks pay down the drain at the casino. It goes to show the mayor doesn’t care about the people, only to profit himself. I say we arrest him for his crimes here and now.”
The policemen marched off and your band followed in tow, followed in turn by a building mob. They stormed the casino in a human wave, smashing slot machines and fighting casino workers as they went. They eventually found the mayor trying to run away with his coat full of money and nobody could keep the fanatic crowd from beating him to death.
In the same day by popular vote you were voted mayor. Democracy they called it, an unfamiliar concept to you but useful in the moment. There would be no more of it in the future, you decided for yourself.
Since your ranks have grown you would need to adjust your company accordingly. Keep in mind different units can do different things simultaneously.

Current structure
Captain Trax commanding:
Lieutenant Ernst commanding: 5
Lieutenant Garza commanding: 4
Sheriff Gimly commanding: 10

>Promote Gimly to vice-mayor and distribute the policemen among the platoons
>Promote Gimly to vice-mayor and create two new platoons with newly promoted soldiers of yours
>Keep Gimly in command of the 10 policemen
>Write in
Had to pick this write in because I liked it. I’ll usually pick the popular option.
>>Promote Gimly to vice-mayor and distribute the policemen among the platoons
Lets focus on creating a bigger, more defended settlement and not some casino hub
What resources/areas do we have access to?
>Promote Gimly to vice-mayor and distribute the policemen among the platoons
This sounds good. People are likely to trust us more if we appear to have a 'check' in the form of Gimly, while our boys can keep a strong eye on the policemen and hopefully get 'em to trust us more.
>Promote Gimly to vice-mayor and distribute the policemen among the platoons
>Promote Gimly to vice-mayor and distribute the policemen among the platoons
>Promote Gimly to vice-mayor and distribute the policemen among the platoons
>Promote Gimly to vice-mayor and distribute the policemen among the platoons
You would keep Gimly by your side as vice-mayor, with how quickly he switched on his old boss he may be untrustworthy. The old mayor funded the town through a tax on the businesses, all the businesses were to pander to incoming caravans, except for the individual scavengers who came and went from the nearby city. Though looked down upon, the scavengers seem to be the backbone of the economy, and the untouched parts of the nearby city were a goldmine. If it weren’t for the monsters using them as hunting grounds…
Your first caravan arrived and you met them personally at the gate with Lieutenant Garza. They begrudgingly handed over the entrance fee of two hundred coins. Quickly Doctor Lee bought up their whole selection of drugs and began reselling them, the townspeople flush with coins from the casino raid were happy to buy up anything and to offload their junk to the merchants. You watched as the shopkeepers bought things and sold them right back to someone else at a profit. You decided to exercise a tax on the businesses and it yielded 1500 coins, an amount you’ve never seen so much of with no one coin purse able to hold it.

What will you do with the money? (You don’t need to pick just one, write a percentage distribution.
>Distribute it amongst the soldiers
>Buy up Doctor Quinn’s drug supply
>Pay scavengers to assemble some metal armor
>Save it
>Write in

What will you do to help the scavengers?
>Deploy one platoon to exterminate the monsters
>Deploy both platoons to exterminate the monsters
>Order the shop to give the scavengers weapons to better defend themselves
>Write in
You know it wasn't until you mentioned people used coins that I realized that this isn't a Fallout quest lol

>Distribute it amongst the soldiers [20%]
>Pay scavengers to assemble some metal armor [50%]
>Save it [30%]

>Deploy one platoon to exterminate the monsters

Hopefully with the new metal armor one platoon is enough to take down whatever the fuck is out there.
>>Pay scavengers to assemble some metal armor
Lets gear up and clear out those monsters
You distribute fifteen coins across all your soldiers, your raiders seem happy for they know they can buy personal effects with the money but the ex-policemen seem unsatisfied with the amount. You consult Gimly about it,
“Well the old mayor paid a little more than that…”
He eyed the five hundred coins you had set aside greedily,
“This must be our share, govern’n ain’t easy.”
You pulled your own share of fifteen coins and forced it in his hands.
“Don’t get any ideas.”
“Sure boss…”

You called for ten scavengers to build some armor and they enthusiastically obliged. As they worked one scavenger stood out to you for his craftsmanship, attention to detail, and how he taught the others. The finished product was great, the scrap metal chest plates could be adjusted with leather straps to the size of the user. For one final test you tried to shove your serrated spear through one and it couldn’t penetrate the layered metal. You distributed the payment but held out for the craftsman, finding out his name is Ark, you instructed him to form a scavenging company and you would need them in the future.
With new armor equipped you set off with Lieutenant Garza and his platoon, leaving Gimly and Ernst to hold down the fort. Garza had always been an aggressive one, he shot first and asked questions never. You knew he was growing restless playing civilized, a good battle could get it out of his system.
As you approached the section of city you were amazed at how well preserved it was here, the buildings were untouched by war. The skeletons strewn about told you that whatever weapon was used here killed people without damaging the surrounding area. Even now you see artifacts that merchants would pay many coins for. With no monsters in sight you wondered why there were no settlements here. The scavenger guide ahead stopped suddenly,
“I have to go now, already I’ve gone too far”
A massive bug buzzed behind him before decapitating the scavenger between its pincers, flying away as fast as it came. An ex policeman lost his wits and started panicking as a bug dove down from the sky and left with him kicking and screaming. Buzzing came down all around you as everyone began blindly firing in the air. You yelled over the chaos,
“To the building!”
You held the door open as everyone funneled through and slammed the door behind you.
“What the fuck was th-“
Another one smashed through the window buzzing wildly before you drove your spear through its body.
You retreated deeper into the store until you found a back room that looked safe enough. You took stock of your men finding you only lost one so including yourself you had nine. You sighed and considered what to do as Garza approached,
“Captain, if it comes down to it I can hold the bugs off while everyone else runs away.”
The fact you were seriously considering his proposition worried you, there had to be some solution that wouldn’t involve more sacrifice…
>[Intuition] The bugs have to have a weakness (Roll 1d20)
>[Search] Perhaps there is something around here that could help (Roll 1d20)
>Write in
[spoilers] Hey players the clues are in there if you figure it out I’ll just consider it a critical success. [/spoiler]
Rolled 13 (1d20)

They respond to sound. Each attack was precisely right when someone was talking or being particularly loud. Especially when we all started firing in the air. Took me a bit, I had to sit on it to figure out what was up.
>[Search] Perhaps there is something around here that could help (Roll 1d20)
Tell these motherfuckers to be quiet.
>>[Search] Perhaps there is something around here that could help (Roll 1d20)
Switch to melee weapons, be silent
And yes lets be silent... i thought the scav talking and getting killed in the same scene was cheap movie-like story telling but you anons made a lot of sense, those bugs respond to sound. I don't think it means they are blind however...
Rolled 14 (1d20)

+1 to all of the above
It hits you, the bugs respond to loud noise like a moth responds to light. If you stayed silent you could retreat away from this place with nobody else dying. But it didn’t sit right, returning with nothing to show. Your men would lose confidence, the citizens of junk town would now know you as someone who made promises you couldn’t go through with. The bugs would have to die.
You made Garza understand, speaking at low tones, he in turn informed the others. Stepping carefully outside, a relief washed over you as you continued through the city. As you walked you noticed the buildings around beginning to show signs of damage, with chunks of brick and concrete missing from them. You witnessed a bug dive into a big pile of bricks and fly away carrying some with all six of his legs. Soon you could see it, the nest, a huge pile of bricks and debris. Buzzing all around it were the flying insects, moving materials in and out the gaping hole in the middle. You motioned to hide in a nearby building where you pondered on your next move. The building had once been a bank. Paper money, useless to you, had been strewn everywhere and the teller’s remains slumped over the front desk. You looked over the skull and found a bullethole shot clean through the forehead, you nearly tossed it away before you noticed something, all the bodies of the people you’ve seen before died where they stood but looking around you saw no murderer and no smoking gun. Moreover, where were the other employees and customers at? After a full search of the bank you found no more corpses. Garza caught up to you and whispered,
“Captain, what are you doing?”
“Whatever weapon killed those people back there didn’t activate here. I have a hunch it’s nearby.”
After a short search they found a foreign object with strange symbols on it in a crater a couple blocks away. It was a sphere shape but was deformed into the ground from its fall from the sky. You found some legible symbols in what you guessed were Chinese,
“Oбpaщaйтecь c ocтopoжнo!”
Not that you could read anyway.

What will you do?
>Write in
I don’t usually just drop a write in but I realize it’s been a little bit of a railroad and I want you to throw me off with a crazy solution.
Given our so-far crafty and cunning nature, I would imagine we have something that can serve as a distraction/draw for men and monsters alike. Firecrackers, most likely.
If we do, and by god do I hope so, then strap some firecrackers to the surface of the sphere, add a bit of extra line to it so it takes longer to go off, light it, and get the hell outta there.
If we're lucky, the bugs will pick it up once it's making noise, take it back to their nest, and accidentally set the damn thing off. Then we'd have a whole city to loot.
DEFINITELY want a long line on it though. Get a fuckin five-minute headstart before the crackers go off at least.
>Go in guns blazing with your men and shoot them all dead. Keep it simple.
I say we kill 'em all!
Solid plan, +1, interesting bit about the bugs making a nest out of the materials from the ruins of buildings.
You remember the way the bugs flew off with the ex policeman, with enough noise you could draw attention to the bomb and it could get dropped in the nest. Explosives could do the trick.
You search for some military equipment or some dead soldiers to loot grenades from, finding nothing and with the day turning to dusk you nearly go back to the drawing board until a soldier returns from a basement with his hands full of colorful rockets of some kind. He wordlessly hands one to you and you look it over, it bore a picture of an eagle with a muscled man’s body with a red white and blue pattern behind. You gave it a sniff and sure enough it was gunpowder and was made to blow. You took the strange weapons by the armfuls back to the bomb, including one big one taking two men to carry. The big one came with a long fuse that stretched a fair distance, but not far enough to be in comfortable range of the bomb. You didn’t know the range the thing but would start running as soon as you activated the fuse.
It was near midnight and the explosives were set up as you liked them, all around the bomb and on top. Two sharpshooters stood ready across the street to shoot at them in case they didn’t light and Garza was ready with the fuse. Everyone else would be at the initial store that you held out in waiting for your return.
You gripped the lighter in your hand in front of a weapon of war beyond your comprehension, you take the Roman candle and take aim. As it shoots out screaming balls of fire you begin to run away, already hearing the buzzing on your tail. You feel the wind beating on your neck as one of the gunmen take aim and shoot, dropping the insect with a thump behind you. You sprint behind cover and yell for Garza,
“Hit the fuse!”
A rocket of light shoots out into the sky lighting up everything as if it were day before exploding into a thousand stars. The bugs swarm all around the flare as it burst again into red and white stars. You watch as their wings catch fire and they crash into the ground lighting more of the bombs. Suddenly one by one they began falling from the sky, ceasing all movements just to drop. You knew it was time to run and you sprinted all the way to the safe house.
When you arrived, a soldier greeted you with a bottle in his hand smelling of alcohol,
“Cap’n we saw the pretty lights, we knew you could do it. Let’s celebrate what do you say?”
>Why not… (Roll 1d20)
>Reprimand him and take up security positions
>Write in
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>Why not… (Roll 1d20)
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>>Why not… (Roll 1d20)
>Why not
We need to wait for dawn anyway
Rolled 2 (1d20)

You grab the bottle and take a swig much to the amusement of your men who all cheer. You sit around outside, telling stories under the moonlight while passing the bottle around. At some point you fall asleep.
You wake to the sound of a loud scraping noise, the sun had barely rose and you began to see the massive creature dragging itself painfully across. The bug queen shuttered and twitched her wings as it inched closer to you. It oozed a green blood from open wounds all over its body and seemed in a lot of pain. Garza drew his rifle and ran towards the thing while firing randomly. The queen opened its pincers wide and belched out a yellow acid onto him. He collapsed to his knees and screamed, grasping at his face as his skin slid off, he writhed on the ground trying to crawl away before finally stopping. Garza was dead.

The bomb hurt the Queen but didn’t kill her, you weren’t as safe as you thought, what will you do now?
>[Attack] Maneuver behind the creature from alleyways and backstreets and attempt to kill it at close distance Roll 7d20-2 (Modifier attack +1 Intoxicated -3)
>[Defense] Use the buildings as cover and fire at the creature from concealed positions Roll 7d20-3 (Modifier Intoxicated-3)
Rolled 16, 20, 18, 5, 7, 13, 18 - 3 = 94 (7d20 - 3)

It's actively bleeding all over, so chances are it's not going to survive for much longer. I think we should...
>Order everyone to use the buildings as cover and take up positions surrounding it at a distance. Take safe potshots when it's facing the opposite direction, but otherwise be quiet and behind cover. Do NOT get close, and don't get greedy with shots.
Which is a long way to say I think the defensive option is the best one, but with guerilla warfare flavor.
Rolled 19, 9, 19, 13, 12, 9, 3 + 3 = 87 (7d20 + 3)

+1, aim for the bug-eyes
Behind the cover of a building you discuss the plan, three teams of two will move behind the queen and harass her with pot shots from a distance with yourself moving independently between them. You move out through the alleyways, the men run sluggishly and look sickly from the previous night.
The first team arrives in position and holds fire until the other teams cross the street, when the coast was clear the first team and yourself opened fire. You land accurate shots along its body, the slow ooze of blood became a solid stream in some spot. As the next team took their shots it shuddered and flapped its wings, gaining some air before falling back down. The massive queen tried again, furiously flapping her wings and to your horror lifting off to face your platoon. Against your orders the third team fired at it, it opened up its jaws and sprayed the area the shots came from. It continued to spew as it got closer until it lost control and crashed landed into the alleyway, collapsing each of the neighboring buildings. With the bug queen immobile you got in close and ripped into it with spears, rending its guts until it ceased squirming and continued to stab until it felt dead. You walked over to the body of Garza, his skin had burned off and in some areas to the bone. It was a grim sight but was the only body you could recover, you would take him and bury him nearby. You grabbed at his arms and began to drag until he gripped at your wrist and pulled himself up. The corpse coughed,
“That you captain? Did you forget I’m invincible?”
“Hey don’t walk, we’ll carry you.”
“Did you get the bastard? Nevermind, how do I look? I can’t seem to see.”
His eyes were burned out, no wonder. You saw no reason to tell the truth,
“You’ll be fine Garza, just fine.”
To be continued later
God damn, that's fucked.
We might want to mercy kill him. We don't have the resources to fix that shit.
After your return Garza was never the same, he became a permanent fixture of Doctor Quinn’s office constantly high on pain medication that kept him away from the pain. To take his place you promoted his younger sister Alexandra Garza to his old position. You knew her as the same wastrel savage as he was, she hated the trappings of civilized life and preferred to practice with the spear and rifle.
Since the old city was cleaned out, the scrap brought in record profits for Ark and his scavenging company. Junk town became known all around for its valuable scrap, bringing caravans and new residents looking to work for Ark. You conducted a census, finding a population of 75.
You were beginning to feel you could take the whole world for yourself.
>Begin an expedition to local towns in the area
>Find the great merchant hub where all the caravans come from
>Stay local, build up junk town and find more soldiers to join your ranks
>Write in
>Begin an expedition to local towns in the area
Fortune favors the bold and all that.
>Expand into the old city, now that it's secure and cleaned out. There's plenty of intact buildings still, and you can topple the outer ones to form a wall of rubble to protect the inner ones from external threats.
There's bound to be tons of great places there to base out of, too. The bank's gotta have a hell of a vault to keep our important shit, weapons and the like. Guaranteed to be a PROPER jail around here, an entire police station and all that. Fire station, hospital, houses obviously...the kind of infrastructure that Junk Town just doesn't have.
And with the majority of the buildings being empty, our population will probably get a big boom from people looking to settle in and having a relatively free pick of where they wanna live in there. Probably gonna wanna put prices, but we can set 'em kinda low initially.
>>Stay local, build up junk town and find more soldiers to join your ranks
Once we can protect what we have then we should expand
It took many weeks but the move from Junk Town to Junk City was a success. You claimed the old police station as a headquarters for your company and gifted large sections of the city to your soldiers for them to live in and start families of their own and with the guidance of Vice Mayor Gimly they began renting to newer residents so that they could enrich themselves more. The downtown area was starting to develop into a rich mercantile sector, the old general store gained several new competitors that drove down prices. Old caravans began setting roots down in Junk City and started sending her junk out across the wastes. New residents looking to make a name for themselves joined your company’s ranks giving you 35 soldiers under your command. Seeing the opportunity you promoted yourself to Major and Ernst and Garza as your Captains of companies 16 strong.
All was not well however, the food merchants, seeing their near monopoly on the supply in the city saw fit to raise prices. This would not do, you’d need to visit nearby farms and negotiate a deal.
>Take Captain Ernst, with his reason he should be able to figure out a solution beneficial to everyone
>Take Captain Garza, she would help you get what you want whether the farmers like it or not.
>Take one of the local caravans, their business acumen should win them over
>Write in
We don't want to end up with something like the brahmin barons, but we also don't want to get locked out of food supplies. A conundrum. How do we keep them weak and in need of us without making them hate us and want to subvert us?
Maybe we need a monopoly of our own to throw around. Something of very high value in the wastes, that's hard to come by.
Medical? We (probably) have an intact hospital to work with, more than most can say. But we need trained individuals to really staff it. Better training than you can normally get in the wastes.
Chemical production is a second alternative. Most cities have an industrial sector. If we can get industrial production running, we can start producing oldworld goods in new condition. Steel that isn't rusted, plastic parts that haven't degraded. This would be a shorterterm project too, I feel - lot more mechanically minded folks in the waste than medically minded ones.
What do you lads think?
>Take Captain Garza, she would help you get what you want whether the farmers like it or not.

I like these ideas, but they sound like something we could only implement after we're more established and can find the right people for it. Unless we get something like the Followers of the Apocalypse to do it for us, but they probably won't let us have a monopoly on it.
You stepped off with Garza and her company. As you walked, the ground became less of a wispy desert and more firm ground. From there plants became less sparse and you could even feel the humidity in the air.
Days into your march you find a man passed out on the ground, you try to force him to drink water but he lies unconscious. You take him with you as you go, as your destination shouldn’t be far. You find a large field with people working it, an armed guard quickly accosts you,
“I see you’ve returned one of our friends, the bossman should reward you handsomely.”
“Why was your friend out in the wastes?”
“Sometimes they wander out too far, they all come back sooner than later.”
He pointed out a big metal silo where the bossman supposedly was, you had many questions for him.
You found a big man sat with someone else counting coin sacks with a big abacus. He barely looked up from his task,
“Just leave’m at the quarters, here’s payment. Now git.”
He tossed a coin sack your way. You let it fall to the ground with a jingle, that got his attention.
“Now who the hell are you?”
He stood up with some difficulty,
“Where are my manners, how can Big Bill be at your service?”
“These workers of yours, are they-“
“Slaves? Heavens no, they’re criminals working off their sentence or debtors whose debts we’ve paid off. Here and there we take in savages from faraway lands to house and feed them, in their gratitude they work for us.
His rehearsed speech put you off, but you weren’t here to pry into the morality of what he implied.
>We’re here to discuss the price of grain
>On the behalf of Junktown we’re requesting exclusive rights to your grain
>Whats the going rate for one of your “workers”
>Write in
>We’re here to discuss the price of grain
“We’re here to discuss the price of your grain.”
“My grain price is set based on supply and demand, just plain business. Of course I give certain favors to my friends. I’ve never met you before, but I could feel more amiable if you do something for me.”
“And that is?”
“I need a consistent supply of workers. You look like you have a lot of muscle behind you, I feel like we can be great friends…”
>Gesture to Garza to threaten him
>Agree to provide him workers
>Write in
Seems like we'd be either forming a cartel or showing our muscle.
Well since we went with Garza instead of Ernst I'll vote for:
>Gesture to Garza to threaten him
Garza pounced, in one swift motion putting her spear at his throat. You changed your tone,
“Now, we have no interest in being your friends nor do we give a fuck about your supply and demand. What we demand of you, is your grain, at the fair price we had been paying until you began gouging us to line your pockets. From this day on you will answer to no one besides Major Trax. And if you cross my family again, you will feel the edge of my spear.”
He looked like he was about to say something smart, but decided against it. He gritted his teeth,
“Sure boss… grain shipments at the discount price, just for you and your friends…”
You couldn’t get a read on him, was he easily frightened or would he retaliate? You could leave a detachment to ensure the delivery of the goods, Big Bill’s security force numbered no more than the size of a platoon.
>Leave a single platoon and move to scout out merchant city
>Leave the whole company and return to Junk City
>Write in
>Personally buy out Big Bill's security force for twice what he's paying them, replace them with your own men. Make sure the pay you give the security force goes directly to them, not to Big Bill. Send the security force off to Junk City with the rest of the company.
"I'm a magnanimous man, Bill, so in exchange for your cooperation I'm more than willing to keep guard over things for you. Can't exactly trust hired guns in these parts, after all. We'll make sure nobody fucks with you, as long as you don't fuck with us. Comprende?"

It'll eat into our funds a bit, but we'll have effectively bought a new mercenary company that'll be loyal to our coin instead of Bill's, and put a bunch of our ACTUALLY loyal men in charge of guarding our food supply. To make sure nothing suspicious happens, of course. And maybe, just maybe to smuggle some fertile seeds out of the farm with a few shipments.

Frankly speaking, I just want to depower Bill as much as I can.
+1, solid fucking thinking, pimpin' ain't easy and I have no respect for the merchant caste.
>>Write in
>>Buy out the security force as >>6044201 said
but also
>>Kill Big Bill and find a replacement.
We are raiders, hating the civilized world. How can we tolerate a slaver? Maybe we can recruit some "criminals" as well, bolster our numbers and RAID more cities.
We need to raid, we gotta raid. I'm goona, I'm gonna ROOOOOD. I am roooding I gotta
Come on, the quest is called wasteland raider, not post-apoc generic civ quest
"I'm a magnanimous man, Bill, so in exchange for your cooperation I'm more than willing to keep guard over things for you. Can't exactly trust hired guns in these parts, after all. We'll make sure nobody fucks with you, as long as you don't fuck with us. Comprende?"
Bill sighed,
“Could ya get this spear out of my face so I can speak freely?”
You nodded and Garza stepped behind him.
“Now, you can have my farm, I have enough money saved in my bank account in the city to live comfortably for the rest of my life. You can take over but I will not be staying. You see those mercenaries out there are not my personal bodyguards, they work for the water merchants. When they show up and see this farm not under my control, they won’t be happy. They’ll come at you with everything they have, and I guarantee they have you outgunned and outnumbered. Even if you could go to war with them, they control the water supply and eventually they could wait you out until the lot of you die of dehydration, hell even this farm grows from their water you’d starve as well.”
This changes things significantly, if Bill were to be believed the water merchants were a force to be reckoned with, it also meant Bill was too dangerous to leave alive.
You drew your spear and stabbed Bill in his gizzard, you ripped it back out and the serrated edge decapitated him. Garza killed the accountant as he tried to squirm away. You considered your next move as you watched his neck spew blood like a fountain. You wiped the blood from your face as you knew what to do. You grabbed his head by the hair and gathered up your soldiers in front of the farm guards,
“You have two choices… join Bill or join me.”
Nobody joined Bill.

>What will you do? Whatever action you take, the die is cast.
>>6044295 is right let’s ramp up the violence
Water merchants, that makes this a little more fucked.
Also apparently bankers are involved, too. Who knew that banks would be a thing in the wasteland?
>Learn everything you can about the banks and water merchants from Bill's personal effects. Where are they located, but more importantly, where are they getting their water supplies from?
>After that, fabricate evidence of Bill trying to cheat the Water Barons, assuming you don't find any real evidence of such. Make contact with the barons and present it, then negotiate continued service to the farm. Try to establish a positive relationship with the barons...for now.

Definitely want to fuck THEM up next, because I don't like anyone holding us by the balls. But playing nice is a sound strategy with the current resource difference.
Prepare to ambush the Water Merchants force, we will break weaklings then move to menace the city.
I suggest we bolster our numbers and create multiple raidng forces, poking and probing. We work hard to make each group distinct with an "Identity" so they don't think its a larger semi-coordinated force.
We relegate the administration of the city to someone we trust and use it to cash in the spoils and get reinforcements... we will be a menace
You search through Bills personal effects but find more information from interrogating the mercenaries. Your enemy, you find out, is one Richard Arnault. Arnault is the president of the Merchant City Water Corporation, and the majority owner of the Merchant City Bank. The water comes from a massive water pump that Merchant City is built around and it pumps a constant stream of it. The coins you’ve used all along were meant to be backed by water but being the sole controller of both, he’s able to deflate or inflate the currency at will. Under his corporation he controls a vast number of mercenaries who protect him and his interests in the wastes.
You sent word to Captain Ernst to entrust the city to Gimly and to reinforce you at Big Bill’s farm, until then you’d lie in wait to ambush the water merchants.
You spent the better part of the week preparing for what was to come. Scouts warned you days in advance that a lightly guarded caravan was on its way on a well expected path. With farm equipment you had trenches dug in an L shape nearby the expected path. When they entered the kill zone the order was given to fire and they were ripped apart. When the coast was clear your men immediately started looting and thirstily drank at the water.
Soon enough Ernst arrived and you would be able to set your plan in motion. Your army would split into individual platoons and surround Merchant City. For two moons they would engage in Guerilla warfare and raids on the forces of the city, and on the last night when the moon was full they would consolidate and conduct an all out assault against the city. As they began breaking off, you had to answer for yourself, who will you join?
>Another platoon
>>Another platoon
>>Another platoon
>>Another platoon

Our men, our platoon and our blood
You joined up with Lieutenant Anders, he was once one of your best scouts when you wandered the wastes. He ventured on his own for days at a time, only returning with good information on whatever caravan you were stalking. He acted much the same as the platoon leader, remaining hidden and moving quickly to avoid detection, only striking once you knew the time was right from the information he gathered.
A particularly vulnerable caravan crossed your path, you knew their pack animal was sick. You merely followed them until it keeled over. When you confronted them they quickly surrendered, but you couldn’t take on any prisoners…
You ordered their executions one by one, until the last one who you noticed didn’t beg, didn’t cry, or show any emotion at all. He only looked down, you put the tip of your spear under his chin and lifted up so he could look at you.
“What’s your name?”
“What’s your relation to this caravan?”
“And your occupation?”
You let him live, with nowhere else to do he followed you around. Over time, he built a rapport with the raiders and with some trust you placed a weapon in his hands, he became one of your best scouts.
The night had set and it became time for an ordinary raid but you wouldn’t be taking ordinary loot. You looked to the moon and it was waxing gibbous, meaning it was nearly time for the attack. The time to weaken the city from the inside was now.
You descended on the caravan guards while their eyesight had not adjusted to the dark and savagely ran each one through with your spears, following it up with executing the merchants. You inspected the goods and just as planned, along with the usual wares, were many sets of merchant city clothes. You could now enter the city under the guise of caravaners and sabotage the city from the inside.

What should your target be in the city?
>The bank
>The central water pump
>The rich people of the city
>Write in
>The rich people of the city
Probably the hardest of the three to hit I imagine.
>>The bank
Burn their paper money or melt their metal trinkets. It doesn't have to be a total destruction of it, just enough to create a bank run... we will weaken the mayor if he can't set the prices as he sees fit, and with no means to pay his mercs then what?
WIth this hit we will sow discontempt and uncertanity, then the other raiders will attack and be a big threat. The mercs will not want to risk their lives without their pay
>The bank
If they can't pay their guards, the guards will leave.
Water can 'starve' em out, sure, but we want to soften their resources lest they pour an assload of money into mercs.
At daylight you wiped the dried blood from your skin with your little water supply and bore your new city clothes, with the spears hidden away in the back of the wagon you could blend in as normal merchants.
The pack ox moved frustratingly slow but nevertheless you followed it through to the city. After some days you began to see the outskirts of Merchant City.
Far from the metropolis you expected, it was one big shanty. It seemed like it was built around some old city ruins but the makeshift structures far outnumbered the actual buildings. Ferdinand agreed to be your guide through the city, as looking lost would surely give you away. He directed you to the stock yard where all animals must be kept by law.
There you’re accosted by some official about the stockade fee, Ferdinand takes over stating all the money was stolen by raiders which wasn’t far from the truth…
As you walk through the city you’re harassed again by policemen, asking for your licenses for carrying weapons, luckily you took them off the merchant guards but they still found issue with it, after some back and forth you realize they were just looking for a bribe. You produced a coin sack and they continued on their way. As you walked through you were amazed at the culture of the city, every relationship was a business and every interaction was a transaction. You noticed many poor people attempting to sell small trinkets or art pieces who were skin and bones, no doubt helped by your men’s devastating work on the trade lines.
“It’s illegal to panhandle in the streets here, so they sell whatever they can to make some coin,”
Ferdinand explains, as he spots a more well dressed man walking the crowded streets, he runs in his direction as if in a hurry and bumps into him seemingly on accident. The rich guy berates Ferdinand and spits on him as he profusely apologizes. He returns to you, flashing a thick coin pouch before giving it away to someone else.
“I need to introduce you to my friends, there we can speak freely.”
As you walk you could see your campaign has had some effect, many of the poor people you came across were starving, others not so much, the food markets and restaurants of the city still sold food but at a marked up price many couldn’t afford. You concluded they must have had excellent stores, or one or more of your units had been wiped out…
You arrived at the destination, a humble store that sold books, inside an older woman was dusting off the shelves when she noticed Ferdinand,
“Why, you’re back,”
“Of course Miss Franklin, I always come back.”
She eyed you with some suspicion,
“And anything I can help you with?”
Ferdinand spoke up,
“We will all be ‘just browsing’ today”
“I see…”
To be continued later, gotta work and shit.
Don't tell me the quest died just when things were starting to get interesting.
Yeah I’ve been busy I’ll post tomorrow
Thank you QM. But yeah real life is more important so I can understand.
I mean it, I know how the QM's curse can get at people.
The old lady led you to the back of the library where she pulled at a shelf swiveling it open to reveal a staircase. Ferdinand stepped down, gesturing you to follow.
You left most of your men behind so if it was a trap they could continue the fight. Yet you realized you couldn’t afford to die at this point, Ernst and Garza could certainly fight but lack your vision for the future, and you didn’t know if Garza would accept Ernst above her. You shuddered at the thought of your family reduced to warring tribes only to be stepped on by those civilized people…
You walked down the stairs only to find Ferdinand held with a knife to his neck, his captor exclaimed,
“You must think I’m an idiot F, you sold out to the police and gave away our location. Nobody ever returns from those camps, ever. And his cop friend, seize him!”
Two men rushed you with knives, the first you smacked with the butt of your rifle, leaving blood streaming from his face. Before the next one could reach you, you were aiming down your sights, stopping him in his tracks. Ferdinand squirmed,
“Roxly, this man rescued me from the wastes. He’s not a cop or anything like that.”
You stared at Roxly and he stared back as if trying to ask, “If not a cop then what are you?”
You looked into him as well, he was dressed in dark, worn clothes. He possessed a wirey build like he was a climber, with his forearm muscles twitching holding the knife. You knew then he never usually wielded that knife, and didn’t intend to kill Ferdinand. You spoke,
“Now Roxly, can we get to business?”
He let go of Ferdinand and sheathed his knife before taking out a handkerchief and tossing it to the man whose nose you broke.
“If you aren’t a cop then who are you?”
“I’m the leader of Junk City, Richard Arnault threatens us and our way of life so we intend to kill him.”
His face turns to anger,
“So it was you! You’re the one who has been killing the caravaners, decent working class people who left families behind. The thieves guild have had to work over time in order to keep the poor from starving. I hate Arnault as well but he is insulated from this, this barely changes his bottom line, you can’t get at him through the poor, he will send them all to their deaths before revealing himself.”
Ferdinand spoke up,
“Sure some innocent people will die, but this is better than living a lifetime of servitude. Remember when the guild were more than small time thieves, stealing to feed the ones society left behind? We were once freedom fighters, who killed cops and rich bastards, and they feared us? Now Major Trax here is our real chance, we can overthrow the system and live anew!”
Roxly looked at you with suspicion,
“How do you intend to do this?”
“The central bank.”
“The bank is heavily guarded, we’ve never even attempted to rob it. How do you intend to go at it?”
>Write in
Heist time
Explosives against them and a diversion is the best I can come up with.
Any anons who have better ideas please tell them, I'm not good with write-ins.
Before planning the details of the heist itself, we need to know the details of the bank. Therefor, the first step that we MUST make before anything else is...
>Visit the bank under the guise of a prospective client. Insist upon learning just how they intend to protect your investments and question why their bank is a superior place to store your hard-earned money compared to simply keeping it under lock and key yourself. Come across as a particularly wealthy individual that they would really want to sell this to.
>On a separate date, see if one of your trusted can infiltrate the sewage system to get a clear picture on if there's any vulnerabilities or entry points below ground level, and to map out tunnels. They would make for a great escape route.
Wooo we're so back!

Remember, we are not stealing their money we are destroying it. Consider that for your planning.
Staging a huge fire would be excelent, explosives too. I wonder if we can dig a hole through the roof or from an adjacent store or house... if there is any of course
Hey players I’m sorry I don’t plan on finishing this story. So Trax was supposed to figure out a way with the thieves guild to break into the bank where you find the coin mint where you’d get the choice to either destroy the press or to put it into overdrive and inflate the currency to the point it was worthless. Then the raiders would gather at Bill’s old farm and begin the attack but over the course of a couple of combat rolls you’d take a lot of casualties. You’d then break into Arnault’s mansion where in a final encounter with his guards your forces would either get pushed out and you return to the wastes or you kill Arnault and take over merchant city. All is not well though and soon after the thieves guild denounce you as a warlord and begin a war with you. After some years of fighting there’s only a few of the original raiders left. You find Gimly became corrupted in Junk City and you execute him. Some time later you organize some public event you find a spear shoved in your back by none other than your most trusted officer.
Thanks for reading I just can’t finish it I’m sure you understand.
Dang, that's a shame.
But thank you QM for telling us at least. I know how it is with life and stuff.

Hope you find luck with what you do, thank you for running!
hey you finished the story (sort of) and that's an accomplishment
Stunning, brave, etc.

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