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The year is 3801. Kriti Krazy is dead. His reign of terror is finally over. With the region free from the grip of a warlord, new wandas have started coming in.

You are going to take advantage of the influx of wandas and open a bar.

What is your name and gender? Also, pick a class. Some conflicts in your journey will be difficult for some

>Landah (Black)
-Nothing special
>Biker breakoff (Green)
+Old friends
-Old foes
>Paintman (Yellow)
>Fancy Brokah (Orange)
>Eatums (Red)
+Cook, chop, serve
-Picky eater
>DJ (Purple)
+Sound on the waves
>Leapy (White)
>Boomsmacker (Blue)
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>Leapy (White)
Have any Motorhead song survived until now? Doesn't matter which one, they all sound the same.

What do we know of Kriti Krazy?
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Kriti Krazy is the former warlord of the place. He joined up the region, killing or slaving the three previous big fish before him. He was considered to be both a talky-talk and a walky-walk. Had a pain-brain issue, made him go off the rails sometimes. He got cracked by someone in the dead a' night but word's not got round yet about who done it.
Can't take the heat, stay outta da kitchen, come into da bar.
>Paintman (Yellow)
we CHA in dis
>Fancy Brokah (Orange)

imagine the possibilities
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You're an eatums. Whether by slash or bash, you make the best morsels and grub for all's to eat. Your pappy taught you all the ways you can slice a dugg, dry a jerky and what amount of sand to use when frying things.

You haven't eaten people yet, although this is a very common practice. There was a time where it was frowny to do so, even worth slinging death at whole man-eating tribes, if the old stories are to be believed. Nowsadays, it's good meat.

What is your name, and do you partake in cannibalism?
>Eater Eatums
>>Only the brain. The most delectable part. And on rare occasions because it’s too fatty.
+1 and eaty for short
That's a good way to get sick and die, you know. The brain is the one part you don't eat.

I'd support the name, but cannibalism is very much deadly.
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For all his virtues, your pappy was never very creative with names. Your name is Eater Eatums, although people often called you Eaty. As for eating people, obviously you plan to. Disregarding one of the main bits of food out there as an eatums would be pretty 'diculous. Technically, you have eaten people before as pappy used to mix brains into his gruel mash. So that's probably a good starting point.

You're in your early twenties now, and pappy is dead. A biker gang called The Finger Twisters were goin' round the wastes bashing and blinding everyone who had blue eyes. Somethin' to do with blue-eye sauce making you live triple-long. Unfortunately for your pappy, he got ambushed and killed, and his friends never let you look at the eyeless corpse before they started picking bits off.

So... the bar. The planned bar, anyway. You've eyed up three regions that might contain sites suitable for bar-ification. Once there, you can look for specific spots to set up.

>Broad Dunes. Very few ruins, mostly sand, unsuitable for most crops. It is the first stop after the funnelled rockpass leading out of this part of the region, so it is highly travelled area for wandas and caravans.

>Skrappa Flats. Mostly asphalt, concrete and dirt. Some crop suitability. Lots of collapsed ruins, gangs and skraptowns. Used to be an urban jungle. Frequented by lowlifes, gangs and skavvas.

>Fog Crater. A murky, horrible crater with grass and overgrowth. Full of deadly wildlife and tribal groups. Very lush for crops. Covered in muckfog from old-world fogtories. Frequented by tribals, explorahs and farmers.
>Fog Crater. A murky, horrible crater with grass and overgrowth. Full of deadly wildlife and tribal groups. Very lush for crops. Covered in muckfog from old-world fogtories. Frequented by tribals, explorahs and farmers.
>Broad Dunes. Very few ruins, mostly sand, unsuitable for most crops. It is the first stop after the funnelled rockpass leading out of this part of the region, so it is highly travelled area for wandas and caravans.
Where folks are in aching need of a new watering hole
>Skrappa Flats

the gangs aren't just a hazard, they could potentially give us connections to influential or extraordinary people
if they like us enough, they might even bring us exotic ingredients
on top of that, I don't think the gangs would take kindly to someone threatening their favorite barkeep

I do see the appeal of the other places, but you can't grow shit in the desert and the crater is too dangerous
city is a decent enough middle ground imo
>>Skrappa Flats. Mostly asphalt, concrete and dirt. Some crop suitability. Lots of collapsed ruins, gangs and skraptowns. Used to be an urban jungle. Frequented by lowlifes, gangs and skavvas.
>>Skrappa Flats. Mostly asphalt, concrete and dirt. Some crop suitability. Lots of collapsed ruins, gangs and skraptowns. Used to be an urban jungle. Frequented by lowlifes, gangs and skavvas.
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You decide you will set up in the Skrappa Flats. You grab your basic stuff in your heavy pack. A knife, some kitchenware, your recipe book, a whacka, a box o' bits for securing somewhere and a map that a Skavva sold you. It shows the symbols of five gangs in the area. The back of the map has some basic telly-gence on the gangs.

Luther's Army (white box with triangle): A buncha skrappy do-goodahs with polearms. Richums beware - they'll knacker you and run off with your goods. Anyone can join long as you aren't with another gang. Run by Big Luther the 2nd.

Free Ridahs (orange wheel with colored sections): Fresh biker gang formed from a union of The Finger Twisters and Ruckus United. Settled out on the sand by the skrappa flats. Big numbah, big blastahs, no 'motions but thrill. Run by Cutty Grayfool.

Official League Of Princess Nefertito (pink snake): Flashy showoffs. Not run into them much. Led by Princess Nefertito, a drag lassy from New Weston.

Red Enlightenment Society (red eye): Mystical spooker group. Creepy fuckers. Keep to the shadows. Never spoke to them. No idea who leads 'em.

McKinley & Nation Mercenary Company (crossed knives): Thugs for hire. Run a bunch of bars and the only officially gang-controlled skraptown in the Skrappa Flats, Poolhall.

Lots to think on... where will wandas be, where's the dirt at, where's safe?

>Indicate where you wish to set up your bar
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Of the four spots I've circled:
Green- Caught between do-goodahs & a gang that has their own bars, we could be in for some trouble, but the presence of a third gang should make it largely neutral turf, & we would have the best access to gang clientele.
Blue- Same problems but with less guarantee of a third party keeping the first two distracted. Central location for regional wandas & trade though.
Purp- Less risk from the first two gangs, unknown risk from two others. More open for non-gang wandas to get to from roads that aren't part of gang turf.
Red- less accessible, stuck between do-goodahs & another gang that sounds like decent clientele, but closer for wandas & skavvas approaching from the North-West.

Tough choice, but due to the central location I'll go with:
>B L U E
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Dag nabbit
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no pain no gain
let's put that sucker right in the middle
maximum risk, maximum reward

if we're lucky, the gangs will let us use some of the soil across the road for our business
highly cultured choice of you, anon
> P U R P L E
OP, it's been almost a week
are you still here?
>G R E E N

Being on the main thoroughfare means always being the first to suffer collateral damage if there's a gangwar, so the crossroads are bad for a complete noob on solo. At least wait until we have enough people or money to franchise.

Green is good because it is closer to the outskirts, so we get wanderahs automatically while filtering out the Drag Queen and the Cult, who are complete unknowns. Customers +, threats -.

Being near Luther is not an immediate problem, since they only rob richies.

the mercenaries have money, and the joyriders have equipment that imply money. Customer ++.

>maximum risk maximum reward
That would be Purple: the darkest side of the city, closest to the mutant cult. Change your choice and I'll back you. This Quest can go from 0 to Lovecraft in 6 seconds.

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