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File: Jeanne.jpg (192 KB, 1074x791)
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A young girl leads her geese to pasture in the green fields of the Meuse valley, somewhere near the outskirts of her place of birth, the small village of Domrémy. She is a homely ginger, shy and introverted, has trouble making friends and her peers perceive her as an outsider. They occasionally throw stones at her and she cries, relaxing only in the embrace of her gentle mother.

The sun is in its zenith and there are preparations in her village. Many of the men have returned defeated but alive from the war against the Burgundians, allies of the English, and every woman in town is now busy with tonight's festival thrown in their and Saint George's honor, the patron saint of all participants in bloodshed. The sky is absolutely clear, azure blue to where the eye can see. The young girl relaxes under the shade of a mulberry tree, away from the commotion and the troublesome folk, enjoying the calm honking of her geese.

Suddenly a purple lightning slashes the sky in two, the thunder is instantaneous and deafening, now there is a figure standing strong in front of her. The sight of the being is overwhelming and the girl only manages to whisper

Who are you, Lord?

The bringer of light from the morning moon, #%З!ѝЦ§c)+ the name itself comes out so distorted that the girl needs to cover her ears, as if an otherworldly whisper and a shout announce it at once. The being looks gracefully at her, understands her pain and eases his voice I have chosen you to carry my will and these are my blessings he says ever so gently and lovingly. The being is more than mighty and more than gorgeous, so much so that the girl's cheeks are now covered with tears of passionate admiration towards him. A kiss on the lips follows... oh, what ecstasy! ... And the being is no more, leaving his blessings behind. The girl becomes Jeanne Dark.

She picks two:

1. Ethereal and wise, a miniature creature appears on Jeanne's shoulder, whispering helpful advises for the treasures and secrets of this world, and the next. Her oratorical skills improve drastically. Jeanne gains [Familiar's forked tongue] and a loyal friend until the end. Stacks with [Whore of Domrémy]

2. Jeanne's appearance changes, angelic white feathers cover her skin, wings rip through her linen dress leaving her naked, her hair becomes golden and her eyes red. She becomes gorgeous and a spectacular sight to behold. Even those with the strongest wills wouldn't miss a chance to sneak a look at her profound form. Jeanne attains [Majestic Presence]. Stacks with [Familiar's forked tongue]

3. Jeanne becomes naturally seductive. The person she lays with will become so fiercely loyal that he won't see the next morning's light. She becomes immune to the effects of the five elements. Jeanne becomes the [Whore of Domrémy]. Stacks with [Majestic Presence]

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...the girl only manages to whisper

Who are you, Lord?

The right hand sword of the Father, the Taxiarch of the Divine, Michael. That is my name. His presence is heavy and uncomfortable, black energy oozes from him like octopus ink, yet filled with tremendous strength. So tremendous that the girl finds herself unconsciously kneeling in front of him, forehead berried deep in the soft grass. You will do my will and I am cursing you with two burdens to bear and you can forget about Purgatory, as the highest heaven will await you once your purpose here is done! The girl feels like a shell waiting to be burdened with His burdens, no strength in her to protest her forced fate. She is filled with His will, her face darkens and her world becomes black and white, this is the weight of the Divine hand hovering above. The girl becomes Joan d'Ark.

Michael's two burdens are:

1. "I am your strength if your heart trusts in me, if your heart leaps in joy for me, if you sing praises for me, I am your fortress of salvation as you are my anointed one!" Joan and anyone who follows her would not know fear or hesitation or doubt in any form. She receives the [Saint's fearlessness]

2. "Stay maiden, which would please me, and obtain that kindness from me, as whatsoever thing is pure, that thing is lovely" Joan would never know a lover's touch or bear motherly fruit and for that in reverence bishops will bow, knights will kneel and peasants will touch her feet. Joan becomes the [Maiden of Orléans]

3. "How is it that they are afraid to stretch out their hand to destroy the Lord’s anointed? Go forth and cut them down as you are the righteous and they aren't" Smoldering pitch black sword rings with mighty reverberations and sings unfamiliar frequency in or out Joan's sheath, giving headaches and imbalance to anyone around who isn't her. Tar drools from its blade and combusts in blue flames when stricken in metal, spreading great fear to those around. Joan receives the [Sword of Archangel]. Can't be used with [Saint's fearlessness]

4. Saint Michael silently unbuckles the precious stone around his neck and places it on Joan's. An opportunity for one fortunate event per day opens up as Joan gains [Lucky Alexandrite] Stacks with [Saint's fearlessness]

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...the girl only manages to whisper

Who are you, Lord?

Sweet laughter ensues I am no lord, little one. It's a woman, completely naked with green skin, red hair just like the girl's and very tall, her voluptuous body jiggles with each giggle. She looks younger than the girl's mother, yet there is something very ancient about her, something familiar as well. The divine one squats down shamelessly with legs wide open, meets the girl's eyes and brushes her hair with long fingers, smelling of flowers and soil. I won't force you to do anything that you don't want to do, oh sweet one, yet my insides hurt and I am restless. This... she gesticulates everything around is me. The sound that your step makes upon the earth is my name. Your men plow me, your women seed me and I give birth so you all can carry on. Yet when was the last time you quenched my thirst with bull's blood during the summer solstice? Or buried a young warrior who died valiantly while the moon was growing to keep me company? Or sacrificed a crow, sheep and a pregnant mare to enrich my womb? More than a thousand years have passed... The girl is crying tears of empathy and a warm embrace follows. Let's change all of this, blood of my blood, let's restore what once was, let me guide your hand...

Part of the Celtic goddess's essence enters the girl and she becomes Jane O'Ark.

Jane is now in tune with all that surrounds her. She can build a chain from the breath of fish, can catch the tears of the moon, stone walls, embarrassed and red, will make way for her naked body, she can hear the tree bark gossip. Hunches and gut feelings reach weird yet helpful proportions. Dreams are now real life. Jane receives [Psyche Empire] by default.

The Celtic goddess allows Jane to choose her own second trait.
>pick the girl's name
>pick two traits below the girl's name that will change the dialogue options and the story

NB! If the Celtic goddess path is chosen feel free to pick only one from all above mentioned traits

NB 2.0! If A trait stacks with B trait, both A and B traits need to be selected in order for the effect of A trait to be enhanced

Joan d'Ark
>[Sword of Archangel]
>[Lucky Alexandrite]
Glad to see something else after you dropped Entombed, it was highly intriguing.

Interesting setup here as well with the three possible divine benefactors.

>Jane O'Ark
>[Sword of Archangel]
>[Call of the Blood] - All those who's ancestors fought against Julius Caesar's conquests, who resisted the Frankish invaders, who share kinship with Goidel Glass; all those with a lion's share of Gaullic blood, find themselves drawn to your words & deeds, whether they are inclined to agree with your adherence to the old ways or not.
Joan D'Ark
>[Saint's fearlessness]
>[Maiden of Orléans]
going with the og since you're using the saint's real name.
>Glad to see something else after you dropped Entombed, it was highly intriguing.
do you know who the OP is ? what are his other works ?
Joan D'Ark
>[Saint's fearlessness]
>[Maiden of Orléans]

Let the will of the LORD be done
>Joan d'Ark.
>[Lucky Alexandrite]
>Jane O'Ark.

>[Whore of Domrémy]
>Jane O'Ark.
>[Whore of Domrémy]
I just know he (or she) made Entombed based on his post-style, but dropped it, hopefully he follows up.
>Jeanne Dark
>[Majestic Presence]
>[Whore of Domrémy]
>Joan D'Ark
>>[Saint's fearlessness]
>>[Maiden of Orléans]
>>Jane O'Ark.
>>[Whore of Domrémy]
Joan d'Ark.
> [Saint's fearlessness]
>[Maiden of Orléans]
>Jane O'Ark.
>[Whore of Domrémy]
>Jane O'Ark.
>[Whore of Domrémy]
Joan D’Arc
>[Saint's fearlessness]
>[Maiden of Orléans]
Joan D’Arc
>[Saint's fearlessness]
>[Maiden of Orléans]
>Joan d'Ark
>[Saint's fearlessness]
>[Maiden of Orléans]
Forgot to copy
>Jane O'Ark.
>[Whore of Domrémy]
>[Familiar's forked tongue]
>[Majestic Presence]
>Jane O'Ark.
>[Whore of Domrémy]
>>Jane O'Ark.
>>[Whore of Domrémy]
>Jane O'Ark.
>[Whore of Domrémy]
Bring back the druids
Rolled 1 (1d2)

I'm glad that you recognized my style, Entombed will be continued later on

>>6040973 | >>6041036 | >>6041162 | >>6041176 | >>6041270 | >>6041307 | >>6041332 | >>6041401 | >>6041405 | >>6041409

10 votes for the girl seeing Saint Michael, majority of which wants Saint's fearlessness and Maiden of Orléans

>>6041029 | >>6041213 | >>6041255 | >>6041324 | >>6041347 | >>6041352 | >>6041422 | >>6041444 | >>6041454 | >>6041479

10 votes for the girl meeting the goddess, majority of which wants Psyche Empire and Whore of Domrémy

There is some obvious ip hopping for both choices so I will roll 1d2, 1 for christbros winning, 2 and we go with the Celtic nature goddess path

Honorable mentions for the Lightbringer:

>>6041437 - patrician choice

>There is some obvious ip hopping
strange to see it in a new quest, but considering the subject being a saint, it's probably the war to keep her pure and the trolls who wanna do something else, considering that the whore skill is their preferance. what caught my attention was they going for the celtic option instead of the devil one, but ok. Cathchads stay winning.
Oblivious to the honking of her thunder frightened geese, the girl is looking at her reflection in the nearby lake. The curly red hair is no more but is rather jet black and straight, her lips are blackened forever after kissing the tar-stained sword hand of St. Michael. Her grey eyes are strangely glazed to the physical of this world and she can barely recognize them, only the paleness of her porcelain skin is the same but the new black on her contrasts it harshly. Her outer appearance reflects what is happening in her soul, heavy weight has been put on the young maiden's shoulders, yet a new relentless spirit drives her to push forward no matter what. The [Saint's fearlessness] has taken deep root in her.

After rising her dominant arm and swearing a terrible oath of celibacy and ascetic austerity in front of the Archangel, the girl gains [Maiden of Orléans] as sobriquet and all that comes with it. She isn't just a girl anymore but Joan d'Ark. And Joan has a mission given from her divine benefactor to:

>solidify France and repel the English
The constant raids in the heart of the motherland torture the peasantry, foreign bishops abuse the local believers and the decades old English bloodletting had cost France it's vibrancy and strength. If the invaders are pushed to Calais or, even better, back to their island, Aquitaine will fall in line, the lords of Normandy will return to the fold of Charles VII and the Burgundians will lose their ally, bringing them again to the negotiation table, putting an end to these tumultuous times. Joan will provide France with the much needed fiery jumpstart. She gains the [Bearer of the Oriflamme] dialogue option.

>find the Holy Grail
French, English, Aquitanian or Burgundian - all bow down to the proper God and participating in bloodshed involving Christians on both sides would be a terrible sin. That's why Joan was requested by Providence to take on a voyage amidst mist and smoke in the far ends of Britannia in order to find the Grail and bring back the legendary artifact to St. Michael, who will gift it to the most deserving believer. The latter will be crowned by the angel himself as the new king of Jerusalem and will start a new era of prosperity in this world. Joan gains [Enchanted Tableware] dialogue option.

>finish the Reconquista
Fighting isn't a virtue but a necessity for the needy and Joan's Christian brothers in Iberia need any helping hand that they can get. Spilling blood of Christians is a nasty business but that of unbelievers is a lighter sin to bear. St. Michael has sent Joan on a voyage to the Pyrenees and beyond, in effort to reinvigorate the battle of Christianization of the region, gaining the [Virgin of Interventions] dialogue option.
>solidify France and repel the English
>>find the Holy Grail
>find the holy grail
>>solidify France and repel the English
If we're going historical then let's go all the way
>R E C O N Q U I S T A
Bane of Mohammedons & Sephardics
>solidify France and repel the English

I'm still hoping for Rome-chan's return!
>find the Holy Grail
Move over Parsifal, we're coming through.
>find the Holy Grail
>solidify France and repel the English
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>>6041694 | >>6041717 | >>6041856 | >>6042118
4 for repel the English

>>6041700 | >>6041705 | >>6041878 | >>6042114
4 for finding the Grail

Rome-chan was a post away from graduating her SPQR school anon, you haven't missed much

1 for Reconquista

rolling 1d2, if 1 we proceed with fighting the bongs, if 2 - we go after the cup
let's go, semi-historical Saint Joan
The two-and-twentieth of June is at its finish, the day of the summer solstice, the last day of the year in which the sunrays would bathe Domrémy for that long. However, festive mood is all around as the locals are eager to celebrate the solstice as the day of St. George, or as the day of safe return from soldierly life of many fathers, sons and husbands, or just for the sake of celebrating.

It's dusk hour. But it's a different dusk this time, its that dusk where the sun's rays, even though clearly there, fall in such a queer angle where everything is visible but can't be really seen, it is the hour where someone, even though surrounded by company, can find a knife in his ribs with no one seeing the perpetrator, its that time of day where the line between the grosser elements and the quintessence smudges, allowing the spiteful old hags to cast their devious magic successfully. The village elders always say that no major activity should be started or finished during it, as nothing good ever comes in or out of that dusk. The last rays are disappearing from the horizon and everyone is observing a huge bearded man with a big wooden mallet, waiting on the arrival of the evening to swing open a casket full of ale, symbolically starting the exciting evening. It's the dusk of the solstice after all.

But in that dusk a sullen figure appears.


Even though moving efficiently and in silence the figure steals all looks from the bearded man. The white face and the black, that is everywhere all over, distort its features to great extends in the strange light. Some gasp and cross themselves, others remain silent waiting to see what will happen, few are thrown in panic, claiming that the ghost of Louie Lémieux has came back to punish them. But it's not Lémieux's ghost, it's Joan, who is making her way towards the crowd. No one recognizes her, except for her now distressed mother, who is there as well.

>Joan greets her
"Don't fret over the appearance of this mortal clay, oh mother, but rather be merry as I have met a Lord's chosen and have willingly married off to Him, have been twice gift given, and now and forever I carry His will as my only child..." Joan's family reacts to the news of her celibacy. Dialogue with the villagers starts regarding her experience.

>Joan engages the bearded mallet holder to start the festivities
"Swing that mallet, Christophe, as thee need not be afraid of superstition, as I have met your namesake and will protect you with His power..." Joan lets the villagers have their fun and watches over her flock

>Joan finds high ground in the village square and proselytizes
"Leave wine, throw away ale, stop this remnant of pagan ritual at once, and rather follow me as I will shepherd you towards the milk and honey of Divinity..." Joan is harsh and direct with the crowd, her words reverberate with strength. She will judge them for past sins and misdeeds, trying to cleanse them. [Saint's fearlessness]

>Joan keeps moving through the village, exiting it without saying a word
Her old identity is no more and with that - her connection with the village. She will pass silently through the crowd, oozing heavenly aura, and those with pure faith will follow her on their own. No confrontations will occur.

>Joan greets her

There, there mother...
>Joan greets her
>Joan keeps moving through the village, exiting it without saying a word
>Joan greets her
>Joan greets her
I find it funny that following the Lord option makes her look like an edgy goth but hey she does look good.
>>6042495 | >>6042508 | >>6042594 | >>6042680
4 for greeting the mother

1 for keep moving

don't look for much historical accuracy in this quest anon, I go far with my artistic freedoms
"Don't fret over the appearance of this mortal clay, oh mother, but rather be merry as I have met a Lord's chosen and have willingly married off to Him, have been twice gift given, and now and forever I carry His will as my only child."

The mother is tearing up and remains awestruck and silent, when a man's voice booms with concern behind her.

"Joan, what has happened with your hair..." is the first thing that comes out of his mouth and falls silent too, even though he wants to ask about the many new things that he sees in her and about the things that aren't there anymore. It's Joan's father. "Your lips have changed color, the life in your eyes is hard to see, you have lost the cheerful face you had this morning... tell me what has become of you, child?!" he finishes sullen. "...where are my geese?" someone asks from behind, as the village's animals are gathered for pasture together. The village folk start to recognize her.

"The devil's red doesn't crown my hair anymore, my sweet father, nor is it on my lips. And tell me how can I be cheerful when the Lord's work hasn't been done proper, neither in sermon with English bishops, nor in our own French households. Now my life and cheerfulness are of the kind that burns deep in the bosom of oneself, others might not see it as they are clouded by sin, but they are there nonetheless..." Joan follows with description of St. Michael's appearance and her new divine task to battle the English.

"You are to be wed after the autumn harvest, daughter, the dowry to the Dubois' has already been paid, you know that. As any other Christ fearing woman, now build a suitable household with your to be husband and worship the Lord that way."

Joan answers her father

>harshly and full of spite at his ignorance
>gently, with goodness she might go farther

The whole village remains dead silent as everyone has become a witness to the strange family reunion, some being quite entertained. Joan has started the conversation with the peasants on equal footing and they now feel entitled to question her. Answer gets followed by another question and having the image of the old timid Joan in their minds the village people can't take her seriously. Soon the conversation takes the form of an interrogation and three insults get hurled at her, she responds only to the most vile one:

"How could God send an angel to a woman, requiring her to do man's work? And why a woman, no, a mere girl, be so much more worthy of heavenly visit when there are plenty of priests spread all over our land? If someone was to be imbibing Christ's will that would be the Archbishop of Bourges. Girl, you have either dreamt this interaction sleeping on the fields or the sun got to your head, or you are a liar. So which is it?" the local priest goes on the attack, feeling that his spiritual role in the village is under threat.
>Joan rebukes the one questioning her divine purpose

An old crone steps forth "How is it that the girl shows up during the dusking hour, I ask? We celebrate St. George on the solstice as we need his protection against those forces that are closest to our world when the sunrays fall askew and ask of him to borrow his shield while our eyes barely see. And exactly in this accursed hour the redhead reject comes back sullen and covered in black. I say that she must have gotten her black circles from dancing at witches' groves the whole night, keeping naked goats and devils as company, and is either bewitched or is a witch herself!"
>Joan handles the witch accusations

Some of the girl's troublesome peers smirk as they start with "We all know Joan as the black sheep of the village. She has dyed her hair black, pretends that her demeanor is black, hasn't slept to get those black circles... Well done Joan, you have taken your title seriously enough to imbibe it fully. Your black stained lips are hard to explain with logic though, maybe you just sucked the devil's cock after all..." cruel laughter ensues.
>Joan defends against the claims over her virgin purity [Maiden of Orléans]

>harshly and full of spite at his ignorance

>Joan handles the witch accusations
>>gently, with goodness she might go farther
>Joan handles the witch accusations
>harshly and full of spite at his ignorance

>Joan handles the witch accusations

This must be nipped in the bud. Our purpose will be made evident in time, the taunts are just rumours from idiots that degrade themselves, but this needs to be addressed.
>harshly and full of spite at his ignorance
>Joan rebukes the one questioning her divine purpose
>gently, with goodness she might go farther
our father is more understanding, after all
>Joan handles the witch accusations
>Joan defends against the claims over her virgin purity [Maiden of Orléans]
I assume this actually showcases one of our blessings I mean the rest is just arguments which we really cannot showcase proof for but this I assume show proof of our Faith.
>>6043014 | >>6043095 | >>6043105 | >>6043116 | >>6043184 | >>6043188 | >>6043227 | >>6043233 | >>6043237

4 for harsh, 4 for gentle handle of the father.

5 for handling the witch accusation, 2 against the priest, 1 for the virgin purity

1d2 dice was rolled and it picked harsh, but I deleted the post because I mistakenly put a wrong roll info. The actual dice that we will roll now is 1d20+3, because [Maiden of Orléans] should provide a public speaking/perception bonus. If the virgin purity option was picked it would have added +5 to the roll.

Usually we will roll 1d20, 1 is crit fail, 20 is crit success. Crit fail can only be overwritten by crit success. Result of 12 and up will be regarded as success. Now we will take the highest score of how well Joan defends herself against the crowd.

>3 anons roll dice+1d20+3
Rolled 7 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

so harsh won, then ? you could roll again just to make things clearer
We are so going to die
Put this in the options field to roll, anon
Huh, almost every decision so far has been a 50/50 split
roll roll
Rolled 4 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Speed running the getting burned part aren't we?
>>6043291 | >>6043371 | >>6043381

Joan turns towards her father "Why can't thee perceive the depth of that which happened to me? Why aren't thee overwhelmed with ecstasy that thy own blood has met that which is beyond any logic? Why are thee so eager to trade my purity for a dozen silver coins? Have I not already told you that my true husband is awaiting me, once this piece of soil is dead and over? Joan strikes her chest with both hands Stop displaying thy incomprehension, you ignoramus, as only a fool for a father would want his daughter to open her legs for a sinner, when she already has the One who is eternal!"

The father is taken aback by Joan's rhetoric, never seeing such passion from his child, and doesn't know what to do or how to respond. Some faces in the crowd don't like her shift of tone and turn visibly angry. Several long seconds pass in complete silence, only disturbed by the steps of Christophe, the bearded man is still holding his huge mallet, now coming closer to Joan, impressed by her.

rolled 10, failure

"And you who throws vile and dangerous accusations, how can you judge one by only his appearance and time of arrival?" Joan is now addressing the crone. "If a mortal one is met by Divinity embodied, isn't that one supposed to change?! Whether you like this change is another matter..." Inappropriate comments are made in the crowd in high voice. Joan continues "I say, judge me by my words and deeds, not by pleasing demeanor and proper garments, as the latter can be attained by those who are wicked but the former can be carried out only by a true believer... " she is cut short by several profanities puncturing the air and in the next moment a stone is cast towards her. Right before hitting her however, Christophe steps in front of her, fails to deflect the projectile and gets hit in the face instead. A gushing wound opens up in the base of his nose and blood squirts in his eyes, then goes down his beard. "Protect your daughter, you fool!" he bellows towards Joan's father, unable to open his bloodstained eyes.

Joan is:

>furious and jumps on top of a nearby ale cask, exposing herself to further danger, challenging and antagonizing those against her Saint's fearlessness
I am the one who is bearing the Message, displaying myself without cover in front of all ye misguided sheep! And you are for sure sheep, as only sheep will attack wickedly while hidden in thy multitudes but I am the righteous one and stand here bold as a lion! Now let the one without sin cast the second stone, I dare thee! (incoming dice roll, +5 modifier for present trait)

>concerned for Christophe's wellbeing, Joan rips a piece of cloth from her dress and cleans his face in front of all
Your sacrifice shows your character and your willingness to shield a Lord's anointed will be remembered well, friend. Now let's wipe this and keep a pressure here... (incoming dice roll, +3 modifier for maidenly activity)

>Joan grabs Christophe's hand and flees the village
The ungrateful and unworthy don't deserve the kingdom of heaven, but you come with me and you will have it... (incoming dice roll)

>concerned for Christophe's wellbeing, Joan rips a piece of cloth from her dress and cleans his face in front of all
>furious and jumps on top of a nearby ale cask, exposing herself to further danger, challenging and antagonizing those against her Saint's fearlessness
I want to see if we die just talking to peasants that would be hilarious
>furious and jumps on top of a nearby ale cask, exposing herself to further danger, challenging and antagonizing those against her Saint's fearlessness
>>Joan grabs Christophe's hand and flees the village
>>furious and jumps on top of a nearby ale cask, exposing herself to further danger, challenging and antagonizing those against her Saint's fearlessness
>concerned for Christophe's wellbeing, Joan rips a piece of cloth from her dress and cleans his face in front of all
>concerned for Christophe's wellbeing, Joan rips a piece of cloth from her dress and cleans his face in front of all
>concerned for Christophe's wellbeing, Joan rips a piece of cloth from her dress and cleans his face in front of all
Single post ID's after a tie won't be considered in the voting. If you are legit just hop on the next vote, anon.

Voting stays open for a few more hours.
Isn't 1 supposedly a crit fail?
>concerned for Christophe's wellbeing, Joan rips a piece of cloth from her dress and cleans his face in front of all
hope we get a better roll now
1+3 != 1

>>6043570 | >>6043580 | >>6043713
3 for Joan being furious at the attempt of the crowd to harm her

>>6043569 | >>6043715 | >>6043721 | >>6043858
4 for Joan helping the wounded man

1 for Joan fleeing the village

>3 anons roll dice+1d20+3
Rolled 6 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

some guy literally rolled 18+3 and deleted it lmao, there are some pathetic ass niggas out there that want to see Joan die fr
Rolled 13 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

the anon who got a good roll is >>6043879 and you can see he deleted it at https://archived.moe/qst/thread/6040936/#q6043889
yup, dunno why there's so many trolls wanting us to fail
anon, why did you delete your good roll ? you know we can see your id at the .moe archive
Rolled 3 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

strange that no one else decided to roll or OP didn't say a thing about the guy who deleted it. anyway, if OP didn't see the .moe link and it's still waiting for a 3rd one to roll, here's it
OP ?
>>6043879 | >>6043889 | >>6043939 | >>6044575

rolled 18 + 3 = 21, critical success

A motherly voice reads "...it was already evening as Joan made the man sit down and turning away from the angry mob, exposing her back with complete disregard for her personal safety, she ripped piece of cloth off her dress and said "Your sacrifice shows your character and your willingness to shield a Lord's anointed will be remembered well, friend" wiping the blood off Christophe's face. The crowd, expecting her to be defensive, had been caught off guard by her neutral reaction against them and gentle attentiveness to the wounded one. This confused the simple peasants and when simplemindedness meets the foreign and unexpected, anger follows. Her father, heeding the words of the bearded man, indeed stepped up to defend his daughter against the many but was ravaged by the brutal mob. After getting their hands on the girl, the villagers, the same neighbors, relatives, acquaintances and bullies that Joan had known her whole life, were now ripping her dress apart, trying to disgrace her, humiliate her, rape her, murder her in the lowest of ways...."

"What happened then, mother?" a child is curious.

"Furiously struggling against the hostile multitude, Joan was defending herself in complete silence, a silence filled with worldly abandon. Realizing what fate awaits her in few more moments, she readied herself to chew her own tongue, hoping the blood in her mouth would run in her lungs, suffocating her. She was willing to suffer in hell for eternity as a suicide rather than break her oath of celibacy given to St. Michael... that is called congruence, son." The woman adds with a serious face and continues "One of her bullies ripped the final dangling cloth that guarded her modesty but right before anyone saw her bosom and womanhood and right before she clacked her jaws closed, a divine blinding light illuminated the whole of Domrémy. When everyone regained their sight, they saw Joan cloaked in a long black garment, the edges of which were oozing energy resembling octopus ink in water. Some were so terrified by the sight that they jumped in the nearby well, out of despair for the sin they were about to commit against a God's chosen, others were plucking their hair while crying and begging forgiveness in Joan's feet, third were smearing tar and ashes across their heads and faces as repentance for their actions against her."

"After that night the legend of Joan d'Ark spread across all French lands and beyond, her feats, fearlessness and monastic way of living gathered tens of thousands under her banners. Even the cynical nobility and the pompous clergy had to make way for her, throwing their forces in her ranks, fearing the rowdy peasantry behind her. After dozens of successful battles in open field and the fall of several English-held fortresses, the sieges of Brétigny, Patay, Formigny, Castillon were won decisively by the French, with Joan always in the first line, always first on the walls, becoming an exalted living legend for everyone that followed her. In the siege of Calais, the final piece of French soil under English rule, Joan was severely wounded in one of the attacks but disregarding the appeals of Christophe and the rest who have been following her zealously for years, she participated in the next day's attack. Ridden with fever from the grievous wound, again leading from the front, she collapsed while climbing the ladders, but while falling, thousands of knights, man-at-arms and veterans from both sides swear that her body never hit the ground as none other than Saint Michael, the Archangel himself, sliced the sky in two with his terrifying sword and rushed to grab her body, proclaiming aloud that "The earthly soil is not worthy to house the flesh of this maiden and no man alive is good enough to await blessings from her saintly bones", taking her to the highest heaven, as he promised her so long ago. She left our realm at age four and thirty."

"Did the French win the day?" the boy asks.

"They did." the mother replies with a smile and blows the reading light, tucking the child for sleep.


Twenty-nine years had passed since that evening's bedtime story and the boy, now a grown man known as Antoine-Charles-Louis Lasalle, general in the army of Napoleon himself, was bleeding out in a field close to Wagram, Austria, after leading another reckless and ferocious charge from the very front of his hussar forces. With his last breaths he proclaims his love for God, honor and France, adding a final sentence "I hope I matched at least a fraction of your congruence, my dear consort eternal..."

Two weeks later an elderly woman enters the forests in his estate near Leon. Making her way through the woods, she finds a small chapel and enters it. Inside she sees a golden cross on a pedestal and below it - a stone coffin containing only a ripped piece of clothing, ancient blood still smeared on it. On one of the stone sides, gold plated letters read

"toi qui ne connais pas la peur, je t'aime de tout mon coeur

The crone respectfully places flowers underneath them.

It's dusking hour, she sits down on an old oak bench outside the chapel and enjoys the minute details of Creation.

mfw anon is so based and impatient that he makes his own ending so the quest doesn't wallow in the unwritten misery of inconclusiveness.
you still had enough following to continue this if you wanted, but I respect you finishing it earlier rather than abandoning the quest.
why didn't you also try rolling, anon ?
Because I was playing Death must Die all weekend, and the addiction didn't end there.
Alright, fair

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