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max martingale works at the dmv. there's a dog on the way to work that some crazy infects with rabies like they themselves infected themselves with rabies and then like drew their blood and injected the dog with an epipen and it bites max and he's out of commission for like a month but he survives and goes back to work but the tone has somehow shifted. he's spent the month walking around outside, so maybe he has a tan or his jacket smells. it was sure a weird month. he was followed more than once. second week he could barely leave the house and most days couldn't get up to get water until he really needed it. he could actually hear the neighbors gossiping about him and it took real effort not to make some kind of noise at them. he couldn't stand looking in the mirror. he felt so cooped up afterwards that he spent an entire week after that outdoors which probably helped the wound heal faster and he was back to work the monday after. the world felt bracingly threatening, like the pigeons are out to get him.

>It's Friday, you have to go to work on Monday. What do you get up to?
>>write in
>>write a poem or something
>>take a walk to the state line
>>go to the zoo
>>get some food, you didn't eat yesterday, though you're not hungry.
>go to the zoo
Hell yea
It's raining buckets which is always a good day to go to the zoo. You set out in your sand colored jetta named sally and cursing squint your way to the zoo. Some asshole is walking their dog on a day like this and it barks at you. They don't even go in the zoo. Who does that? Are dogs allowed at the zoo? There's no one at the ticket booth and you notice the sign saying that it's a free admission day and try to snap your soaking fingers.
>first exhibit is
>>write in
Fine I'll just write em in order.

The giraffe seems somehow evil. A distinctly sinister vibe as it looks at you. You stand around the giraffe exhibit for several minutes wondering if you should notify someone.

The wolves all run up to the glass and bark at you. It's kind of insulting, and you gesture rudely at them and bark back a little which makes them bark much louder which is actually scary and you leave the wolf area.

Walruses are just fat and stupid but it's a nice break from the wolves and the evil giraffe.

The orangutan walks up to the side of its orangutan tower and scratches an itch.

>You're beginning to get bored of the zoo when you notice a
>>write in
Work on capitalization & punctuation, these run-on sentences are way too much. Also, anyone who works at the DMV, toll boothes, as police, etc. should kill themselves.
When you notice the man from earlier who was walking the dog and he's walking towards you and gesturing towards the ground between you. It seems he left a debit card on the floor.
''That yours?'' ''Yep.'' The orangutan watches. ''Can you walk dogs in here?'' ''Yep.'' He's away.

You look at the bandages on your hand. ''No blood.'' The orangutan waves at you.
You might wanna slow down a bit, OP--/qst/ moves a little slowly and you gotta give people time to actually vote a bit or you'll just be writing a novel.

>Write-In: A walking alligator
>>>get some food, you didn't eat yesterday, though you're not hungry.
Lets buy a turkey leg while we are at the zoo
>write in

>a petting farm and shallow aquarium!!!

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