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Since previous thread is almost out:

Welcome to Standard Fantasy Nation Builder. First, start with providing description of your future nation.

Fill this in:
>Leader's name:
>Color(for if/when I get a map):
>General location:(mountains, jungle, plains, ocean, lake, etc. More detailed the better I can make a map..maybe)
>Fluff about nation:
>Fluff about leader:
>General magic practises or other speciality (for a magic-related bonus, can be replaced with tech or situational bonus, too, so it doesn't have to be magic, but make it ONE)
Don't fill this in:
>Population: 10000
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 1
Keep it short, but more than just a single sentence. I won't read your novel, but I would still like to get some info on your nation.
I'll look through them and provide bonuses (and penalties) based on the description.




Not mine idea, stolen from good old times when we had builders still going. I still got loads of spare time and I'm still kind of bored.
Map is going on, so mark your spot when starting out as a new guy.
Either way - have fun and remember this is for kitchen sink setting, so don't take it too serious or pigeon-hole yourself into some muh realism faggotry.

PREVIOUSLY IN: >>6004902
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TURN 107

>Formicus Imperia
3,4) A long, long abandoned project to provide fabrics and textiles is finally finished. The original loom got completely rotten in the meantime
5,6) The ants start to tinker with the structures damaged during the war...
... until one of them breaks down, taking many with it
- 1000
[Mountain Hive]
[Tree Settlements]
>This choice will affect the map by a single tile
7,8) A group of ants is send to prospect the area, checking every nook and cranny
Expedition Report (1/1)
[Mineral Deposit]
9,10) Now there is enough of them to maintain communication and have spares just in case
2 Aphid Telecoms +0.3 [Civ]


>Silver Guardians
1-3) The researchers figure out that a pound of feathers might actually falll down slower than a pound of lead, even if they weight the same
[Flight Theory II]
4) The lense helps with getting the really small stuff done, without any need for squinting!
[Precision Engineering II]


TURN 112

>The Mountain Confederation
1) The new form is fully readable, doesn't come with fine print and is even color-coded!
[Confederated Bureaucracy II ®]
2,3) A new army, done to the new standard, that consists of... (6/?)


Last Goatmen turn >>6029462
Last Enare turn >>6038727


To remember about >>6033219 >>6033503
Rolled 63, 75, 93 = 231 (3d100)

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 3
>>Tech Level: 2
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]
>[Construction II], [Bureaucracy IV], [Magic Theory III], Material Science I, Chemistry I, Magical Mechanics I, Zaryte Forging, Magitech Production I
>[Confederated Bureaucracy II ®] [Army Professionalism I] [Crafting II], [Standardized training III], Research Method I, Ship Building I
>[Border forts II], Training Grounds II
> 4 Battle Mage [+0.6] [Mag], 9 Model Legions +1.5, 6 Young Mages +1.2 [Mag]
>small raft [EXP]
>Research Method I
>>[Land Expansion IV]
>[Frontier Settlements III]
>[Code of Barnabas]
>Magitech Industrial Complex III
>University II
>[Production I]
>Art school I
>[Fertility Holiday]
>Zaryte Sample
[Blue Gates City, The Window to the world]
>[Administrative self rule I

>A new army done to a new standard based on combining the utility mages provide and the shattering might of a legion formation.

>Dice 1
>>Apply the new bureaucratic to the magistracy
>>This should increase the efficiency of the confederation through diligent record keeping and streamlined processes. Allowing the Confederate departments to remove redundancy and combat corruption
>Dice 2 and 3
>>Continue training the entire army!
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Ok, I will be blunt: are you trying to get new military tech, re-train your existing units or just train the best you can out of your tech?
Just retrain the army so that they're the best they can be with current tech
The termite assault wasn't all the termites was it? If there is a Khanate out there, the ants would want to engage in diplomacy with them.
also to answer your question last thread the confederate council is willing to host the talks if the termites agree
>Population: 10000
>Power level: 4
>Tech Level: 1
Crafting +15
Hard Labor +5
[Mines II], [Quarry II], [Goat Pasture I], [Lumber Mill II], [Bee Keeper I], [Heart Crystal Mine II], [Fire Ruby Mine II], [Farms I]
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III], [Gem Cutter II], [Glassmaker II], [Craftsmen's Level *], [Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*], [City Logistics System II]
Golem Factory™ (Any golem production requires -2 progress. Once per turn, automatically adds +1 progress to a single action)
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Paper Maker I]
[Trinket Shop I], [Proving Grounds III], [Cemetery I], [Markets II], [Temple I], [City Plumbing], [Test Labs II]
[Metallurgy III], [Golem Crafting III], [Architecture IV],[Construction III],[Chemistry II],[Engineering II], [Precision Mechanisms II]
[Flight Theory II], [Applied Math I]
1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
1 Forge Golems +4 [Civ]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
[Defense Bunkers I]
[Basic roads III]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Glass], [Gems]
[Emergency Bunkers], [Surplus Construction Materials], [Candles]
[Golem Testing Grounds]
[Theia, the Guardian's Capital*]
[Water Power]
[Logistics of Theia]
Guardian's Citadel™ project (1/1)

> Scout Golems: Enough theory, time to experiment. Using a chemical formula said to react to light, some carefully made lenses, and the latest ideas in miniaturization, flight and golemancy the Scout Golem is born. Hopefully.
Copper, Tin, Glass, Heart Crystal
Golem Crafting III, Chemistry II, Precision Mechanisms II, Flight Theory II
Rolled 49, 60, 43, 41 = 193 (4d100)

Ah, dice. Four of them on the scouts, which is probably overkill?
TURN 109

>Silver Guardians
1-4) While build without following even half of the safety protocol normally in place, the new kind of golem enters service
2 Bronze Scouting Golems +2.5 [Scout]
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
>You were particularly non-specific this time around, so...


TURN 113

>The Mountain Confederation
1) More and more and more paperwork! (4/15)
2,3) Army training continues, with push-ups being followed by squats (17/23)


I'm afraid you are sitting on a ticking bomb. And bombs don't negotiate - they explode.
The termites did get a shipment of weapons from the Confederacy and a nat100 for implementation of those. That's what those two posts are keeping track of.
Look on the bright side - they won't attack on their own
The ants are very dissapointed in the failure of their messenger to return. Or perhaps they were turned away. In any event, it is made evident the Termites do not wish to engage in the most basic diplomacy.

The Queen prays that should their worst fears arise, the Confederacy will come to the aid of the ants. As does the Queen's pledge that should the need arise, the Ants will march for the Confederacy.
>Population: 13400
1 Ant Soldiers +0.9 [Arm]
4 Military Inquisitors +0.6 [Arm]
2 1/2 Pioneer Ants +1.2 [Civ]
1 Formicus Inquisition [Civ]
4 Aphid Telecoms +0.3 [Civ]
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 1
>Bonus: Population Growth modifier
[Dinosaur Domestication I]
[Tools I]
[Smelting I]
[Construction I]
[Strong Bodies]
[Formicus Acid I®]
[Society II]
[Arcane Communication I ®]
[Army Structure I]
[Logistics II]
[Conscription V]
[Formicus Conscription III ®]
[Hive Mind Tower®]
[Barracks I]
[Mountain Hive]
[Nurseries III]
[Underground Highways I]
[Leaf Fungus Farms I]
[Communication I]
[Mines I]
[Hive Tunnels I]
[Mutagenic Pools II]
[Land Expansion III]
Imperial Hive™
Power: 3
[Border Hives]
[Giant Ants]
[Patrol Routes]
[Winged Ants]
[Spitter Ants]
[Mutagenic Chamber]
[Formicus Dyes ®]
[Domesticated Dinos]
[Honey Ants]
[Brain Aphids]
[Irrigation I]
[Tree Princesses]
[Arcane Antennae]
[The Magi Caste]
[Arcane Communication ®]
[Rhytm Work]
[Driver Ant]
[Formicus Princes ®]
[Royal Wings ®]
[Mineral Deposit]

Magic Relay +1 to action
Imperial Hive +1 to action
Empress Chambers ™ +1 to action

Unfinished Projects
3/6 Textiles
2/6 Underground Mushrooms
1/6 Underground Culvitating
Westward Expansion (13/18

Veteran's Outpost (1/1)
Expedition Report (1/1)

-[Tree Settlements]
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Rolled 60, 10, 5, 91, 97, 11, 84, 89, 46, 19 = 512 (10d100)

Turn 107-108
1-2. It is a mystery why the mighty tree settlements have fallen. Such vast monolithic structures seemed so sturdy, now it lay upon its side, torn from its roots on the ground.

Some theorize the ants were too ambitious in their hallowing out of the tree, weakening it, with perhaps rot having not been noticed. Others suspect termite saboteurs, gnawing at the roots. Whatever the case, a new tree settlement must be rebuilt. Such settlements are necessary to control the vast jungle landscape, and serve as emergency fallback positions.

3-4. The realization that the Khanate still intends them harm is a frightful one, and the memory of their giant termites are unforgetable. And so the ants turn to the mutagenic chambers once more, ant magi weaving their magic to reform the ant genome, to spawn a new kind of Giant Ant.
>Research Giant Ants

5-6. The ants are good at the Long War, but without a defensive tag, the long war will grind us all to dust. Let us therefore, work on defense. Study enhanced exoskeleton mutation!

7-10. The Confederacy is raising their magi legions. Our lack of artillery in the previous war hindered us mightly. Recruit as many [Ant Spitter] bombardiers as the dice can afford

OTHER: Send 4 Aphid Telecoms divisions to the Confederacy.

Well dressed aphids arrive to the bureacrats and offices of the Confederacy, ready to offer their services in integrating information across the ether and acting as nodes for swift messaging.
>Also I know I have [Giant Ants] as an existing tech, but I want them to actually have the [Giant Tag] since I noticed the termites did but they didn't. I gather more degrees in that tech will allow for that

Ant Spitter recruitment stuff to be applied
[Strong Bodies]
[Formicus Acid I®]
[Army Structure I]
[Conscription V]
[Formicus Conscription III ®]

[Nurseries III]
[Barracks I]
[Giant Ants]

Magic Relay +1 to action
Imperial Hive +1 to action
Empress Chambers ™ +1 to action
Damn, forgot to allocate dice to finish tech research. Note to self remember that.
Rolled 27, 23, 95, 58, 63, 14, 80, 41 = 401 (8d100)


>Population: 10000
>Power level: 4
>Tech Level: 1
Crafting +15
Hard Labor +5
[Mines II], [Quarry II], [Goat Pasture I], [Lumber Mill II], [Bee Keeper I], [Heart Crystal Mine II], [Fire Ruby Mine II], [Farms I]
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III], [Gem Cutter II], [Glassmaker II], [Craftsmen's Level *], [Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*], [City Logistics System II]
Golem Factory™ (Any golem production requires -2 progress. Once per turn, automatically adds +1 progress to a single action)
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Paper Maker II]
[Trinket Shop I], [Proving Grounds III], [Cemetery I], [Markets II], [Temple I], [City Plumbing], [Test Labs II]

> Building Tech
[Architecture IV], [Construction III]
> Golem Tech
[Metallurgy III], [Golem Crafting III], [Precision Mechanisms II], [Flight Theory II]
> Other Tech
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I]

1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
1 Forge Golems +4 [Civ]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
[Defense Bunkers I]

[Basic roads III]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Glass], [Gems], [Paper]
[Emergency Bunkers], [Surplus Construction Materials], [Candles]
[Golem Testing Grounds]
[Theia, the Guardian's Capital*]
[Water Power]
[Logistics of Theia]
Guardian's Citadel™ project (1/1)

> Finding Silver: With the new golem scouts to help them to survey vast amounts of land from the sky, the quest for Silver Ore begins at last!
2 Dice
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
[Basic roads III]

> Quarry III: The Guardian's Citadel™ will require stone on an impressively large scale. Better start digging.
2 Dice
1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III]
[Architecture IV], [Construction III], [Engineering II]

> Fire Ruby Mine III: The brightest and most unhinged minds at the Academy are always asking for more Fire Rubies, apparently they want to make some sort of horrifying flame based defense now.
2 Dice
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III]
[Architecture IV], [Construction III], [Engineering II]

> Heart Crystal Mine III: Deeper and deeper we search, for the bright and most powerful heart crystals to power new golem designs with.
2 Dice
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III]
[Architecture IV], [Construction III], [Engineering II]
Rolled 28, 92, 10, 28, 96, 27, 100, 85 = 466 (8d100)


>Population: 10000
>Power level: 4
>Tech Level: 1
Crafting +15
Hard Labor +5

> Resource Buildings
[Mines II], [Quarry II], [Goat Pasture I], [Lumber Mill II], [Bee Keeper I], [Heart Crystal Mine II], [Fire Ruby Mine II], [Farms I]
> Crafting Buildings
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III], [Gem Cutter II], [Glassmaker II], [Paper Maker II], [Trinket Shop I], [Craftsmen's Level *], [Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*],
> General Buildings
[City Logistics System II], Golem Factory™ (Any golem production requires -2 progress. Once per turn, automatically adds +1 progress to a single action), [Proving Grounds III], [Cemetery I], [Markets II], [Temple I], [City Plumbing]
> Academic Buildings
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II]

> Building Tech
[Architecture IV], [Construction III]
> Golem Tech
[Metallurgy III], [Golem Crafting III], [Precision Mechanisms II], [Flight Theory II]
> Other Tech
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I]

1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
1 Forge Golems +4 [Civ]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
[Defense Bunkers I]

[Basic roads III]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Glass], [Gems], [Paper]
[Emergency Bunkers], [Surplus Construction Materials], [Candles]
[Golem Testing Grounds]
[Theia, the Guardian's Capital*]
[Water Power]
[Logistics of Theia]
Guardian's Citadel™ project (1/1)

> Construction IV: As usual, the architects are dreaming faster and bigger than the golems on the ground can actually build anything.
2 Dice
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I]

> Forge III: An upgrade to the forge system long overdue.
2 Dice
[Surplus Construction Materials], [Metallurgy III], [Construction III], [Stone Mason III]

> Metallurgy IV: To weave metal like other men weave thread, that is our goal.
2 Dice
[Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*], [Forge II], [Test Labs II]
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Gems], [Paper]

> Debate Hall: Occasionally the academics break out into scuffles when they get wound up. Best give them a place to shout at each other formally about why each other's theories are terrible. Maybe the competition will spur on some actual knowledge by accident.
2 Dice
[Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III], [Glassmaker II], [Scholars Level*]
[Architecture IV], [Construction III]


so close to metallurgy 100......
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TURN 109

>Formicus Imperia
1,2) A new grand tree is being searched for (4/8)
3,4) An ant to surpass giant termites... (4/9)
5,6) Stronger bodies for better suvival (6/9)
7-10) It might be pretty tough job to bolster the numbers of spitters, given the requirements on both firepower and survivability
3 Spitter Ants +1.5 [Art] [Arm]

>On hold
Magic Theory III (13/15)
>Since you didn't manage to increase tech before reaching turn 109


TURN 113

>Silver Guardians
1,2) The drones are conducing low aerial surveys of the remote canyons, searching for anything that glisters... (4/6)
3,4) Quarry expansion is almost ready, with new water pumps installed in it for extra cutting power (11/12)
5,6) Pyromania should be made a disqualifying factor for becoming a scholar (4/12)
7,8) It's a good thing those things are mined by golems, or else the leukemia would long ago wiped out the miners (9/12)
1,2) With the new, precise golems, it should be possible to find the most optimal way of stacking bricks to get things done (8/18)
>If I may give a tip - your tech level is kinda hindering your research. Big time, given you are tech level 1, while researching mostly tier 4 stuff by now
3,4) Thanks to all the fire-hazard regulations imposed over the past... quite a few incidents, forge expansion is going at snail's pace (2/12)
5,6) While some scoff at the idea of metal thread, a metal rope doesn't sound so far-fetched (8/18)
7,8) The sides couldn't survive this one...
[Debate Thunderdome I ®]
[Martial-Arts I]
[Debate Hall I]
[Guardian-Fu I ®]
Rolled 80, 13, 7 = 100 (3d100)

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 3
>>Tech Level: 2
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]
>[Construction II], [Bureaucracy IV], [Magic Theory III], Material Science I, Chemistry I, Magical Mechanics I, Zaryte Forging, Magitech Production I
>[Confederated Bureaucracy II ®] [Army Professionalism I] [Crafting II], [Standardized training III], Research Method I, Ship Building I
>[Border forts II], Training Grounds II
> 4 Battle Mage [+0.6] [Mag], 9 Model Legions +1.5, 6 Young Mages +1.2 [Mag]
>small raft [EXP]
>Research Method I
>>[Land Expansion IV]
>[Frontier Settlements III]
>[Code of Barnabas]
>Magitech Industrial Complex III
>University II
>[Production I]
>Art school I
>[Fertility Holiday]
>Zaryte Sample
[Blue Gates City, The Window to the world]
>[Administrative self rule I
>>Foreign Assets
>4 telecom Aphids

>>Dice 1
>>dice 2
I uhhh, I was waiting for the Your Tech Can Rise Rapidly message.... I'll stop being dumb now.
I'm almost certain I gave you the green light somewhere in the previous thread.
Also, that message is given when the progress required for increasing Power/Tech couldn't be any lower and thus no point stalling it any further for/by that player. That doesn't mean you have to wait for it, love
ack forgot to increase my tech level

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 3
>>Tech Level: 3
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]
>[Construction II], [Bureaucracy IV], [Magic Theory III], Material Science I, Chemistry I, Magical Mechanics I, Zaryte Forging, Magitech Production I
>[Confederated Bureaucracy II ®] [Army Professionalism I] [Crafting II], [Standardized training III], Research Method I, Ship Building I
>[Border forts II], Training Grounds II
> 4 Battle Mage [+0.6] [Mag], 9 Model Legions +1.5, 6 Young Mages +1.2 [Mag]
>small raft [EXP]
>Research Method I
>>[Land Expansion IV]
>[Frontier Settlements III]
>[Code of Barnabas]
>Magitech Industrial Complex III
>University II
>[Production I]
>Art school I
>[Fertility Holiday]
>Zaryte Sample
[Blue Gates City, The Window to the world]
>[Administrative self rule I
>>Foreign Assets
>4 telecom Aphids
>Population: 13400
1 Ant Soldiers +0.9 [Arm]
4 Military Inquisitors +0.6 [Arm]
2 1/2 Pioneer Ants +1.2 [Civ]
1 Formicus Inquisition [Civ]
3 Spitter Ants +1.5 [Art] [Arm]
4 Aphid Telecoms +0.3 [Civ] (SERVING THE CONFEDERACY)
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 1
>Bonus: Population Growth modifier
[Dinosaur Domestication I]
[Tools I]
[Smelting I]
[Construction I]
[Strong Bodies]
[Formicus Acid I®]
[Society II]
[Arcane Communication I ®]
[Army Structure I]
[Logistics II]
[Conscription V]
[Formicus Conscription III ®]
[Hive Mind Tower®]
[Barracks I]
[Mountain Hive]
[Nurseries III]
[Underground Highways I]
[Leaf Fungus Farms I]
[Communication I]
[Mines I]
[Hive Tunnels I]
[Mutagenic Pools II]
[Land Expansion III]
Imperial Hive™
Power: 3
[Border Hives]
[Giant Ants]
[Patrol Routes]
[Winged Ants]
[Spitter Ants]
[Mutagenic Chamber]
[Formicus Dyes ®]
[Domesticated Dinos]
[Honey Ants]
[Brain Aphids]
[Irrigation I]
[Tree Princesses]
[Arcane Antennae]
[The Magi Caste]
[Arcane Communication ®]
[Rhytm Work]
[Driver Ant]
[Formicus Princes ®]
[Royal Wings ®]
[Mineral Deposit]

Magic Relay +1 to action
Imperial Hive +1 to action
Empress Chambers ™ +1 to action

Unfinished Projects
2/6 Underground Mushrooms
1/6 Underground Culvitating
New Tree Settlements 4/8
Giant(er) Ants 4/9
Defense Tag 6/9
Westward Expansion (13/18
Magic Theory III (13/15)

Veteran's Outpost (1/1)
Expedition Report (1/1)
Rolled 4, 30, 78, 39, 52, 35, 83, 24, 62, 51 = 458 (10d100)

Turn 109-110
1-5. TECH RISING 16/?
6-7. Tree Settlement 4/8
Imperial Hive +1 to action
8. Giant Ants II 4/9
9. Defensive Tag (Exoskeleton Mutation) 6/9
Empress Chambers ™ +1 to action
10. Magic Theory III 13/15
Magic Relay +1 to action
Almost went to sleep without an update

TURN 111

>Formicus Imperia
>Tech Level: 2
6,7) Tree Settlement is rebuild, bigger, stronger and more reinforced than the previous one
[Tree Settlement]
8) One day, the ants are going to be so much giantier. But this is not this day! (5/9)
9) The trick is to make the exoskeleton grow thicker in the right spots, rather than everywhere
10) Finally, the technology brought from the Confederation is fully implemented. You're a wizard now, Drone #604156
[Magic Theory III]


TURN 114

>The Mountain Confederation
1) The stacks of papers are growing, and the office clerks are busy with filling up more (9/15)
2,3) No training today, thanks to a hernia one of the legionaries got during doing crunches (17/23)
>No progress due to low roll

>Population: 10000
>Power level: 4
>Tech Level: 1
Crafting +15
Hard Labor +5

> Resource Buildings
[Mines II], [Quarry II], [Goat Pasture I], [Lumber Mill II], [Bee Keeper I], [Heart Crystal Mine II], [Fire Ruby Mine II], [Farms I]
> Crafting Buildings
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III], [Gem Cutter II], [Glassmaker II], [Paper Maker II], [Trinket Shop I], [Craftsmen's Level *], [Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*],
> General Buildings
[City Logistics System II], Golem Factory™ (Any golem production requires -2 progress. Once per turn, automatically adds +1 progress to a single action), [Proving Grounds III], [Cemetery I], [Markets II], [Temple I], [City Plumbing]
> Academic Buildings
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II], [Debate Thunderdome I ®]

> Building Tech
[Architecture IV], [Construction III]
> Golem Tech
[Metallurgy III], [Golem Crafting III], [Precision Mechanisms II], [Flight Theory II]
> Other Tech
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I], [Martial-Arts I]

1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
1 Forge Golems +4 [Civ]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
[Defense Bunkers I]

[Basic roads III]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Glass], [Gems], [Paper]
[Emergency Bunkers], [Surplus Construction Materials], [Candles]
[Golem Testing Grounds]
[Theia, the Guardian's Capital*]
[Water Power]
[Logistics of Theia]
Guardian's Citadel™ project (1/1)
Rolled 71, 31, 81, 14 = 197 (4d100)


> Finding Silver 4/6: A location is pinpointed for a closer look...
1 Dice
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
[Basic roads III]

> Quarry III 11/12: Thank goodness we have the golems to move these slabs.
1 Dice
1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III]
[Architecture IV], [Construction III], [Engineering II]

> Fire Ruby Mine III 4/12: The most powerful Fire Rubies actually slowly turn purple. A 'Blue Ruby' is theorized to exist if one digs deep enough.
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III]
[Architecture IV], [Construction III], [Engineering II]

> Heart Crystal Mine III 9/12:
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III]
[Architecture IV], [Construction III], [Engineering II]

> Construction IV 8/18:
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I]

> Forge III 2/12:
[Surplus Construction Materials], [Metallurgy III], [Construction III], [Stone Mason III]

> Metallurgy IV 8/18:
[Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*], [Forge II], [Test Labs II]
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Gems], [Paper]
Rolled 75, 25, 63, 81 = 244 (4d100)


Rolled 48, 23, 63 = 134 (3d100)

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 3
>>Tech Level: 3
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]
>[Construction II], [Bureaucracy IV], [Magic Theory III], Material Science I, Chemistry I, Magical Mechanics I, Zaryte Forging, Magitech Production I
>[Confederated Bureaucracy II ®] [Army Professionalism I] [Crafting II], [Standardized training III], Research Method I, Ship Building I
>[Border forts II], Training Grounds II
> 4 Battle Mage [+0.6] [Mag], 9 Model Legions +1.5, 6 Young Mages +1.2 [Mag]
>small raft [EXP]
>Research Method I
>>[Land Expansion IV]
>[Frontier Settlements III]
>[Code of Barnabas]
>Magitech Industrial Complex III
>University II
>[Production I]
>Art school I
>[Fertility Holiday]
>Zaryte Sample
[Blue Gates City, The Window to the world]
>[Administrative self rule I
>>Foreign Assets
>4 telecom Aphids

>Continue the projects as per last post!

>Silver Guardians
1) Strike the earth!
[Silver ore deposit]
2) The quarry starts to require from a lone golem to sit in the bottom and pump out the water
[Quarry III]
2 [Surplus Stone]
3,4) A theoretical alloy is being discussed: stiff like a board, light as a feather (14/18)
5-8) TECHING UP! (15/?)

>The Mountain Confederation
1) More paperwork! All the old files can be recycled to get even bigger stacks of new forms and applications (12/15)
2,3) The training is nearly finished, integrating into the military the right cardio training and proper weapon handling (22/23)
* TURN 115
>Population: 13400
1 Ant Soldiers +0.9 [Arm]
4 Military Inquisitors +0.6 [Arm]
2 1/2 Pioneer Ants +1.2 [Civ]
1 Formicus Inquisition [Civ]
3 Spitter Ants +1.5 [Art] [Arm]
4 Aphid Telecoms +0.3 [Civ] (SERVING THE CONFEDERACY)
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 2
>Bonus: Population Growth modifier
[Dinosaur Domestication I]
[Tools I]
[Smelting I]
[Construction I]
[Strong Bodies]
[Formicus Acid I®]
[Society II]
[Arcane Communication I ®]
[Army Structure I]
[Logistics II]
[Conscription V]
[Formicus Conscription III ®]
[Magic Theory III]
[Hive Mind Tower®]
[Barracks I]
[Mountain Hive]
[Tree Settlement]
[Nurseries III]
[Underground Highways I]
[Leaf Fungus Farms I]
[Communication I]
[Mines I]
[Hive Tunnels I]
[Mutagenic Pools II]
[Land Expansion III]
Imperial Hive™
Power: 3
[Border Hives]
[Giant Ants]
[Patrol Routes]
[Winged Ants]
[Spitter Ants]
[Mutagenic Chamber]
[Formicus Dyes ®]
[Domesticated Dinos]
[Honey Ants]
[Brain Aphids]
[Irrigation I]
[Tree Princesses]
[Arcane Antennae]
[The Magi Caste]
[Arcane Communication ®]
[Rhytm Work]
[Driver Ant]
[Formicus Princes ®]
[Royal Wings ®]
[Mineral Deposit]

Magic Relay +1 to action
Imperial Hive +1 to action
Empress Chambers ™ +1 to action

Unfinished Projects
2/6 Underground Mushrooms
1/6 Underground Culvitating
Giant(er) Ants 5/9
Westward Expansion (13/18

Veteran's Outpost (1/1)
Expedition Report (1/1)
Rolled 82, 7, 39, 28, 60, 64, 20, 68 = 368 (8d100)


>Name: Republic of Enare
>Leader's name: Randeen
>Race(s): Human
>Color: Dark Blue
>General location: Area with a variety of terrain. Plains, right next to hills and mountains.
>Fluff about nation: Some powerful families banded together to settle new lands. On their journey to find these new lands, they got an affinity for traveling long distances and learn about the nature of the land and its bounty.
>Fluff about leader: Randeen is a kind man who actively listens to advice and suggestions from his peers. While he is sometimes viewed as a pushover, most agree his decisions are grounded in good intentions.
>Magic or speciality: Most citizens have an innate ability to know their way, and understand the land. Good at pathfinding and foraging.

>Population: 9710
>Military: Snake [Poison], RR Riders +0.5 [Cav], Priests +0.6 [Civ]
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 1
>Tech: [Weaponsmithing I], [Conditioning II], [Construction I], [Taming II], [Languages I], [Poison I], [Explosives]
>Bonus: Scouting +5, Trade +5
>Buildings: [Weaver hut II], [Shrine III], [Council Hall I], [Wineyard I], [Orchard I], [Dye Shop I], [Spider Farm II]
>Other: [Sacred Mesa], [Clan Meetings], [Stylish Travelling Gear], [Sports], [Dyes], [Spider Silk], [Cuisine], [Priesthood], [Music Instruments], [Trade: Mushroom People I], [Trade: Owlmen]
>Consumable: Jam Bomb (1/1), Fad (1/1), Dyes (1/1), Good Morale (1/1), Owlmen' Scrolls (1/1), Wares (Mushroom People) (1/1), Expedition Report (1/1), 2 Expedition Report (1/1)

Turn 74, both dice: Develop ranged weaponry. We have good string, perhaps we could make a bow of sorts.
Turn 75, both dice: Survey the spider silk forest. Maybe there are other resources to exploit? (0/?)
Turn 76, both dice: Improve language learning skills. Through the mushroompeople we developed simplified pidgins, but we now know dancing is another way to communicate. We must further advance our ability to understand others. Maybe we can learn something from the owlmen?
Turn 77, first dice: Establish a way to properly research and experiment. Lets have a look at the owlmen scrolls. (4/6)
Turn 77, second dice: Collect an opinion census regarding birds, and other animals. Birds was considered the most free animal there is, and as such has historically been in high esteem. However, with all the unfortunate events regarding birds, not to mention the lack of interest in roadrunner riding, we should perhaps reevaluate our stance. There must be another animal we can favor, either as a pet, or as a symbol of our people, should birds have fallen out of favor.

>Republic of Enare
1,2) Even a sling would do (5/6)
3,4) Expedition through the... half-known (4/6)
5,6) At least the owlmen don't squeek so much - they hoot in turn (8/9)
7) It's only a rough estimate of what the scrolls contained, but it felt like a manual of sorts - devices and such. Definitely a way to ponder on things
[Tinkering I]
REMOVE Owlmen' Scrolls (1/1)
8) A search for a suitable replacement pet and beast of burden begins (4/8)
Rolled 11, 26, 89, 9, 10, 52, 51, 77 = 325 (8d100)

>Name: Republic of Enare
>Leader's name: Randeen
>Race(s): Human
>Color: Dark Blue
>General location: Area with a variety of terrain. Plains, right next to hills and mountains.
>Fluff about nation: Some powerful families banded together to settle new lands. On their journey to find these new lands, they got an affinity for traveling long distances and learn about the nature of the land and its bounty.
>Fluff about leader: Randeen is a kind man who actively listens to advice and suggestions from his peers. While he is sometimes viewed as a pushover, most agree his decisions are grounded in good intentions.
>Magic or speciality: Most citizens have an innate ability to know their way, and understand the land. Good at pathfinding and foraging.

>Population: 9710
>Military: Snake [Poison], RR Riders +0.5 [Cav], Priests +0.6 [Civ]
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 1
>Tech: [Weaponsmithing I], [Conditioning II], [Construction I], [Taming II], [Languages I], [Poison I], [Tinkering I], [Explosives]
>Bonus: Scouting +5, Trade +5
>Buildings: [Weaver hut II], [Shrine III], [Council Hall I], [Wineyard I], [Orchard I], [Dye Shop I], [Spider Farm II]
>Other: [Sacred Mesa], [Clan Meetings], [Stylish Travelling Gear], [Sports], [Dyes], [Spider Silk], [Cuisine], [Philosophy], [Priesthood], [Music Instruments], [Trade: Mushroom People I], [Trade: Owlmen]
>Consumable: Jam Bomb (1/1), Fad (1/1), Dyes (1/1), Good Morale (1/1), Wares (Mushroom People) (1/1), Expedition Report (1/1), 2 Expedition Report (1/1)

Turn 79, both dice: Collect an opinion census regarding birds, and other animals. (4/8)
Turn 80, both dice: Survey the spider silk forest. Maybe there are other resources to exploit? (4/6)
Turn 81, first dice: Develop ranged weaponry. (5/6)
Turn 81, second dice: Improve language learning skills. (8/9)
Turn 82, both dice: Gather the people for festiveties. Invite the mushroom people and the owlmen. Gifts, wine, music, and good food for those attending. The most influential mushroom people and owlmen are invited to see our beautiful shrine.

Since my expedition reports didnt get consumed when I last reviewed them, does that mean I can still use them? If so, im looking to insert more peoples to trade with.

>Republic of Enare
1,2) There are no animals in sight. It will take to question people what animals they like the most (5/8)
3,4) Well, there are some interesting findings...
Resource Rumor (1/1)
5) There is an argument if it shall be a sling or a bow (5/6)
>No progress due to low roll
6) A simplified system of signs and gestures to ease communication even without finding words
[Language II]
7,8) It's party time! The neighbours are enjoying it, too.
Good Morale (1/1)


Reminder you are in position to swiftly increase your Power
Rolled 60, 25, 37 = 122 (3d100)

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 3
>>Tech Level: 3
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]
>[Construction II], [Bureaucracy IV], [Magic Theory III], Material Science I, Chemistry I, Magical Mechanics I, Zaryte Forging, Magitech Production I
>[Confederated Bureaucracy II ®] [Army Professionalism I] [Crafting II], [Standardized training III], Research Method I, Ship Building I
>[Border forts II], Training Grounds II
> 4 Battle Mage [+0.6] [Mag], 9 Model Legions +1.5, 6 Young Mages +1.2 [Mag]
>small raft [EXP]
>Research Method I
>>[Land Expansion IV]
>[Frontier Settlements III]
>[Code of Barnabas]
>Magitech Industrial Complex III
>University II
>[Production I]
>Art school I
>[Fertility Holiday]
>Zaryte Sample
[Blue Gates City, The Window to the world]
>[Administrative self rule I
>>Foreign Assets
>4 telecom Aphids

>Comment too long

>Expedition report: A large jagged mountain, with forrest and snow flowing along its side. The snow collects on top of the trees, making the undergrowth lush and cool. Small hairy people live here, looking a little like small humanoid bears, using spears with metal tips. They seem friendly enough, likely since we dont travel heavily armed, but that might be speculation from our scouts.
>Expedition report 2: A large thick but rocky swamp, shimmering in the sunlight. Some of these rocks are exceptionally hard, gleaming beautifully when cracked open. Water from a small lake occationally leak water onto the swamp during the shift in the tide. The area swarms with crabs. Short but burly men wearing tattered rags living in small huts wander the swamp, a couple of them greeted us when we presented them with some new clothes.
>Resource rumor: The trees in the spidersilk forrest seem to have several properties. The wood secretes a viscous liquid, that hardens after half an hour. The bark is rather bouncy and resistant to blunt force, it turns out when melted and cooled down, it becomes a type of rubber.
Rolled 18, 36, 83, 6, 69, 60, 45, 45 = 362 (8d100)

>Name: Republic of Enare
>Leader's name: Randeen
>Race(s): Human
>Color: Dark Blue
>General location: Area with a variety of terrain. Plains, right next to hills and mountains.
>Fluff about nation: Some powerful families banded together to settle new lands. On their journey to find these new lands, they got an affinity for traveling long distances and learn about the nature of the land and its bounty.
>Fluff about leader: Randeen is a kind man who actively listens to advice and suggestions from his peers. While he is sometimes viewed as a pushover, most agree his decisions are grounded in good intentions.
>Magic or speciality: Most citizens have an innate ability to know their way, and understand the land. Good at pathfinding and foraging.

>Population: 9710
>Military: Snake [Poison], RR Riders +0.5 [Cav], Priests +0.6 [Civ]
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 1
>Tech: [Weaponsmithing I], [Conditioning II], [Construction I], [Taming II], [Languages II], [Poison I], [Tinkering I], [Explosives]
>Bonus: Scouting +5, Trade +5
>Buildings: [Weaver hut II], [Shrine III], [Council Hall I], [Wineyard I], [Orchard I], [Dye Shop I], [Spider Farm II]
>Other: [Sacred Mesa], [Clan Meetings], [Stylish Travelling Gear], [Sports], [Dyes], [Spider Silk], [Cuisine], [Philosophy], [Priesthood], [Music Instruments], [Trade: Mushroom People I], [Trade: Owlmen], Resource Rumor (1/1), Good Morale (1/1)
>Consumable: Jam Bomb (1/1), Fad (1/1), Dyes (1/1), Good Morale (1/1), Wares (Mushroom People) (1/1), Expedition Report (1/1), 2 Expedition Report (1/1)

Turn 83, both dice: Apply rubber to our clothes. More durable soles for our shoes and better protective gear when playing sports. If our clothes last longer, we can set more materials aside for trade.
Turn 84, both dice: Collect an opinion census regarding birds, and other animals. (5/8)
Turn 85, first dice: Develop ranged weaponry. (5/6)
Turn 85, second dice: Trade for more scrolls with the owlmen. Those scrolls sure are handy. Lets bring them a nice variety of wares, in case they would like to try something new.
Turn 86, both dice: Attempt to establish trade between the multiple smaller peoples. While we can trade our wares for wares we might need, if we can establish ourselves as the middlemen between the other factions, we should be able to take a cut. We love trade, and must ensure we can profit from this.

>Republic of Enare
1,2) Oh yes... kinky!
[Durability I]
Resource Rumor
3,4) The most popular animals are a camel, closely followed by giant spiders and also sand stingrays
Animal Pets (1/1)
5) The bow wins thanks to better use from saddle
[Bowyer I]
6) The owlmen exchange more scrolls for the tasty jam and some dashing hats
Owlmen' Scrolls (1/1)
7,8) New trade connections are being established
[Trade: Snowy Bears]
[Trade: Swamp Folk]
2 Expedition Report
This fucking language sucks when it comes to diminutives


TURN 116

>The Mountain Confederation
1) There is enough paper in the offices to build forts and have inter-department wars there now - and that's what they've been doing ever since
Administrative self rule II]
2) Troops are ready to roll out
9 Newer Model Legions +2
9 Model Legions +1.5
3) POWER RISING! (2/?)
Rolled 38, 51, 99 = 188 (3d100)

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 3
>>Tech Level: 3
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]
>[Construction II], [Bureaucracy IV], [Magic Theory III], Material Science I, Chemistry I, Magical Mechanics I, Zaryte Forging, Magitech Production I
>[Confederated Bureaucracy II ®] [Army Professionalism I] [Crafting II], [Standardized training III], Research Method I, Ship Building I
>[Border forts II], Training Grounds II
> 4 Battle Mage [+0.6] [Mag], 9 First Legions +2, 6 Young Mages +1.2 [Mag]
>small raft [EXP]
>Research Method I
>>[Land Expansion IV]
>[Frontier Settlements III]
>[Code of Barnabas]
>Magitech Industrial Complex III
>University II
>[Production I]
>Art school I
>[Fertility Holiday]
>Zaryte Sample
[Blue Gates City, The Window to the world]
>[Administrative self rule II
>>Foreign Assets
>4 telecom Aphids

>dice 1 2 3
Rolled 82, 16, 60, 54, 71, 33, 81, 30 = 427 (8d100)

>Name: Republic of Enare
>Leader's name: Randeen
>Race(s): Human
>Color: Dark Blue
>General location: Area with a variety of terrain. Plains, right next to hills and mountains.
>Fluff about nation: Some powerful families banded together to settle new lands. On their journey to find these new lands, they got an affinity for traveling long distances and learn about the nature of the land and its bounty.
>Fluff about leader: Randeen is a kind man who actively listens to advice and suggestions from his peers. While he is sometimes viewed as a pushover, most agree his decisions are grounded in good intentions.
>Magic or speciality: Most citizens have an innate ability to know their way, and understand the land. Good at pathfinding and foraging.

>Population: 9710
>Military: Snake [Poison], RR Riders +0.5 [Cav], Priests +0.6 [Civ]
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 1
>Tech: [Weaponsmithing I], [Conditioning II], [Construction I], [Taming II], [Languages II], [Poison I], [Tinkering I], [Durability I], [Explosives]
>Bonus: Scouting +5, Trade +5
>Buildings: [Weaver hut II], [Shrine III], [Council Hall I], [Wineyard I], [Orchard I], [Dye Shop I], [Bowyer I], [Spider Farm II]
>Other: [Sacred Mesa], [Clan Meetings], [Stylish Travelling Gear], [Sports], [Dyes], [Spider Silk], [Cuisine], [Philosophy], [Priesthood], [Music Instruments], [Rubber], Good Morale (1/1), Animal Pets (1/1), Owlmen' Scrolls (1/1)
>Trade: [Mushroom People I], [Owlmen], [Snowy Bears], [Swamp Folk]
>Consumable: Jam Bomb (1/1), Fad (1/1), Dyes (1/1), Good Morale (1/1), Wares (Mushroom People) (1/1)

Turn 87, both dice: Encourage gardening within the populace. While we have good access to food right now, we may not be so lucky in the future. If everyone grows some greens for themselves, we should be more self sustaining.
Turn 88, both dice: Aquire more mounts. While we have some Roadrunners, they are notoriously hard to catch. We need an animal we can easily keep and contain, which more people may use for transport.
Turn 89, both dice: Establish a city, at the feet of the sacred mesa. While most of our population will remain nomads roaming the lands, we should have one place where foreign peoples may travel to meet us. The clan council will meet here once a month, to discuss the future, while enjoying the present.
Turn 90, both dice: Build small trade outposts across the land. Equipped with supplies and a variety of wares, our traders should have an easier time traveling to clients, restocking and bringing back profits.
>I rolled above 400 for once
Not dead, just busy IRL. Will post asap.
>Population: 10000
>Power level: 4
>Tech Level: 1
Crafting +15
Hard Labor +5

> Resource Buildings
[Mines II], [Quarry III], [Goat Pasture I], [Lumber Mill II], [Bee Keeper I], [Heart Crystal Mine II], [Fire Ruby Mine II], [Farms I]
> Crafting Buildings
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III], [Gem Cutter II], [Glassmaker II], [Paper Maker II], [Trinket Shop I], [Craftsmen's Level *], [Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*],
> General Buildings
[City Logistics System II], Golem Factory™ (Any golem production requires -2 progress. Once per turn, automatically adds +1 progress to a single action), [Proving Grounds III], [Cemetery I], [Markets II], [Temple I], [City Plumbing]
> Academic Buildings
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II], [Debate Thunderdome I ®]

> Building Tech
[Architecture IV], [Construction III]
> Golem Tech
[Metallurgy III], [Golem Crafting III], [Precision Mechanisms II], [Flight Theory II]
> Other Tech
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I], [Martial-Arts I]

1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
1 Forge Golems +4 [Civ]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
[Defense Bunkers I]

[Basic roads III]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Glass], [Gems], [Paper]
[Emergency Bunkers], [Surplus Construction Materials], 2 [Surplus Stone], [Candles]
[Golem Testing Grounds]
[Theia, the Guardian's Capital*]
[Water Power]
[Logistics of Theia]
[Silver Ore Deposit]
Guardian's Citadel™ project (1/1)
Rolled 78, 4, 61, 41, 21, 47, 14, 86 = 352 (8d100)


> Fire Ruby Mine III 4/12: The most powerful Fire Rubies actually slowly turn purple. A 'Blue Ruby' is theorized to exist if one digs deep enough.
3 Dice
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III]
[Architecture IV], [Construction III], [Engineering II]

> Heart Crystal Mine III 9/12:
1 Dice
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III]
[Architecture IV], [Construction III], [Engineering II]

> Construction IV 8/18:
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I]

> Forge III 2/12:
[Surplus Construction Materials], [Metallurgy III], [Construction III], [Stone Mason III]

> Metallurgy IV 14/18:
2 Dice
[Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*], [Forge II], [Test Labs II]
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Gems], [Paper]

> TECH 15/??
2 Dice
> Heart Crystal Mine III 9/12: Rumors of vampiric crystals are strictly urban legends...right?

> Metallurgy IV 14/18: Is this the leap that allows the creation of Glider Golems?

> TECH 15/?? The scholarly mania, made worse by the Thunderdome, is reaching new levels of... brilliance?
>Republic of Enare
1,2) Allotments to everyone! (5/6)
3,4) A camel is a smelly, mean animal, but it can endure a lot and walk far, far away
Camels (1/2)
5,6) A grand undertaking at the holy site - a permanent settlement! (6/15)
7,8) A caravansary here and there should help to trade
[Caravansary I]
[Trade Outposts]


TURN 117

>The Mountain Confederation
1-3) POWER RISING (11/?)

>Silver Guardians
1-3) The most surprising part about this new batch of fire rubies is that nothing was set ablaze
[Fire Ruby Mine III]
2 Fire Rubies (1/1)
4) The new shafts are operational, soon to provide loads of glowing crystals. No vampires in sight
[Heart Crystal Mine III]
2 Heart Crystals (1/1)
5,6) It's hard to tell what are the direct benefits, but the guardians working in the forges seem to be giddy about technique that makes the brass 0.001(3)% more durable
[Metalurgy IV]
7,8) It's almost as if people are getting smarter by the minute - TECH STILL RISING! (20/?)

>Population: 10000
>Power level: 4
>Tech Level: 1
Crafting +15
Hard Labor +5

> Resource Buildings
[Mines II], [Quarry III], [Goat Pasture I], [Lumber Mill II], [Bee Keeper I], [Heart Crystal Mine III], [Fire Ruby Mine III], [Farms I]
> Crafting Buildings
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III], [Gem Cutter II], [Glassmaker II], [Paper Maker II], [Trinket Shop I], [Craftsmen's Level *], [Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*],
> General Buildings
[City Logistics System II], Golem Factory™ (Any golem production requires -2 progress. Once per turn, automatically adds +1 progress to a single action), [Proving Grounds III], [Cemetery I], [Markets II], [Temple I], [City Plumbing]
> Academic Buildings
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II], [Debate Thunderdome I ®]

> Building Tech
[Architecture IV], [Construction III]
> Golem Tech
[Metallurgy IV], [Golem Crafting III], [Precision Mechanisms II], [Flight Theory II]
> Other Tech
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I], [Martial-Arts I]

1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
1 Forge Golems +4 [Civ]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
[Defense Bunkers I]

[Basic roads III]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Glass], [Gems], [Paper]
[Emergency Bunkers], [Surplus Construction Materials], 2 [Surplus Stone], [Candles]
[Golem Testing Grounds]
[Theia, the Guardian's Capital*]
[Water Power]
[Logistics of Theia]
[Silver Ore Deposit]
Guardian's Citadel™ project (1/1)
2 Fire Rubies (1/1)
2 Heart Crystals (1/1)

> Construction IV 8/18:
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I]

> Forge III 2/12: Distractions? What distractions? The forge still isn't done!?
2 Dice
[Surplus Construction Materials], [Metallurgy III], [Construction III], [Stone Mason III]
All them golems

> TECH 20/?? : The scholars reassure the First Exemplar that the jousting is entirely academic.
2 Dice
Rolled 100, 3, 55, 7 = 165 (4d100)

Lads...I appreciate the extra effort, but uh...where did the lava tap come from!?
File: 1e0cl-.gif (2.24 MB, 320x240)
2.24 MB
2.24 MB GIF
The funniest part is that you've rolled nat100 and won't finish it in a single go anyway, because there is also a 3 and no way in hell to make it go away. But at least it's easy to work out fluff-wise
Rolled 12, 28, 37 = 77 (3d100)

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 3
>>Tech Level: 3
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]
>[Construction II], [Bureaucracy IV], [Magic Theory III], Material Science I, Chemistry I, Magical Mechanics I, Zaryte Forging, Magitech Production I
>[Confederated Bureaucracy II ®] [Army Professionalism I] [Crafting II], [Standardized training III], Research Method I, Ship Building I
>[Border forts II], Training Grounds II
> 4 Battle Mage [+0.6] [Mag], 9 First Legions +2, 6 Young Mages +1.2 [Mag]
>small raft [EXP]
>Research Method I
>>[Land Expansion IV]
>[Frontier Settlements III]
>[Code of Barnabas]
>Magitech Industrial Complex III
>University II
>[Production I]
>Art school I
>[Fertility Holiday]
>Zaryte Sample
[Blue Gates City, The Window to the world]
>[Administrative self rule II
>>Foreign Assets
>4 telecom Aphids

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569 KB
569 KB GIF
Oh you had to be shitting me - right when I was finishing an update!


TURN 118

>Silver Guardians
1,2) Getting all the golems involved in the forge expansion offered the opportunity to get both proper measurements for forging and also do it to utmost precision. Unfortunately, this will now take extra time to fully implement all the important changes to the project (10®/13)
3,4) Finally, the tech has reached the new plateau!
>Tech Level: 2

ON HOLD: Construction IV (8/15)

>The Mountain Confederation
1-3) POWER RISING... supposedly (14/?)
Rolled 95, 64, 88, 72 = 319 (4d100)


> Wrap up that forge lads (10®/13)
2 Dice

> [Debate Thunderdome II ®]: No, really, the indoor horse track is important, and no I don't where the horses came from.
2 Dice
Rolled 11, 45, 31 = 87 (3d100)

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 3
>>Tech Level: 3
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]
>[Construction II], [Bureaucracy IV], [Magic Theory III], Material Science I, Chemistry I, Magical Mechanics I, Zaryte Forging, Magitech Production I
>[Confederated Bureaucracy II ®] [Army Professionalism I] [Crafting II], [Standardized training III], Research Method I, Ship Building I
>[Border forts II], Training Grounds II
> 4 Battle Mage [+0.6] [Mag], 9 First Legions +2, 6 Young Mages +1.2 [Mag]
>small raft [EXP]
>Research Method I
>>[Land Expansion IV]
>[Frontier Settlements III]
>[Code of Barnabas]
>Magitech Industrial Complex III
>University II
>[Production I]
>Art school I
>[Fertility Holiday]
>Zaryte Sample
[Blue Gates City, The Window to the world]
>[Administrative self rule II
>>Foreign Assets
>4 telecom Aphids

File: icBvgl.gif (2.47 MB, 400x224)
2.47 MB
2.47 MB GIF
TURN 119

>Silver Guardians
1,2) The forge produces first sheet of metal to the new specs: twice as durable, yet four times thinner. The new era of forging is ahead of Guardians. The place basically runs itself, barely even requiring even golems to get things done
[Automated Forge I ®]
Metal Sheets (1/1)
[Precision Mechanism III]
[Engineering III]
3,4) A horse-shaped golem is not a real golem and thus doesn't count... Wait, what?
[Debate Thunderdome II ®]

>Note that you are still "stuck" with Forge II, not getting III

>The Mountain Confederation
1-3) POWER RISING slightly FASTER (19/?)
Rolled 35, 18, 96, 24, 28, 39, 69, 16, 78, 7 = 410 (10d100)

Turn 112-114
1-2. Giant Ants!
3-4. [Formicus Conscription IV ®]
5-6. Dig an underground highway to the Confederacy, to facillitate troop movement. If the termites attack, we'll want to have a clear route for our allies to aid us and for our civilians to evacuate if needed.
7-8. Develop [Underground Warfare] to counter the increasing threat of the Termites
9-10. Build a better Barracks II!
Rolled 52, 79, 44, 12, 15, 74, 9, 67 = 352 (8d100)

>Name: Republic of Enare
>Leader's name: Randeen
>Race(s): Human
>Color: Dark Blue
>General location: Area with a variety of terrain. Plains, right next to hills and mountains.
>Fluff about nation: Some powerful families banded together to settle new lands. On their journey to find these new lands, they got an affinity for traveling long distances and learn about the nature of the land and its bounty.
>Fluff about leader: Randeen is a kind man who actively listens to advice and suggestions from his peers. While he is sometimes viewed as a pushover, most agree his decisions are grounded in good intentions.
>Magic or speciality: Most citizens have an innate ability to know their way, and understand the land. Good at pathfinding and foraging.

>Population: 9710
>Military: Snake [Poison], RR Riders +0.5 [Cav], Priests +0.6 [Civ]
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 1
>Tech: [Weaponsmithing I], [Conditioning II], [Construction I], [Taming II], [Languages II], [Poison I], [Tinkering I], [Durability I], [Explosives]
>Bonus: Scouting +5, Trade +5
>Buildings: [Weaver hut II], [Shrine III], [Council Hall I], [Wineyard I], [Orchard I], [Dye Shop I], [Bowyer I], [Caravansary I], [Spider Farm II]
>Other: [Sacred Mesa], [Clan Meetings], [Stylish Travelling Gear], [Sports], [Dyes], [Spider Silk], [Cuisine], [Philosophy], [Priesthood], [Music Instruments], [Rubber], [Trade Outposts], Good Morale (1/1), Animal Pets (1/1), Owlmen' Scrolls (1/1), Camels (1/2)
>Trade: [Mushroom People I], [Owlmen], [Snowy Bears], [Swamp Folk]
>Consumable: Jam Bomb (1/1), Fad (1/1), Dyes (1/1), Good Morale (1/1), Wares (Mushroom People) (1/1)

Turn 91, both dice: Establish a city. (6/15)
Turn 92, both dice: Expand upon the shrine. Soon there is a city close by, meaning more will visit. As such, we need more space with more greenery, with more priests to tend to the shrine.
Turn 93, both dice: Introduce riding to the wider populace. Everyone should know how to ride, as travel becomes faster and more efficient. (I dont know if the 1/6 from earlier would apply here, since it is riding related)
Turn 94, first dice: Encourage gardening within the populace (5/6)
Turn 94, second dice: Develop ways to make medicine. We have the poison, now we need an antidote. Medical knowledge is sure to help us along in the future.
Rolled 42, 15, 13 = 70 (3d100)

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 3
>>Tech Level: 3
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]
>[Construction II], [Bureaucracy IV], [Magic Theory III], Material Science I, Chemistry I, Magical Mechanics I, Zaryte Forging, Magitech Production I
>[Confederated Bureaucracy II ®] [Army Professionalism I] [Crafting II], [Standardized training III], Research Method I, Ship Building I
>[Border forts II], Training Grounds II
> 4 Battle Mage [+0.6] [Mag], 9 First Legions +2, 6 Young Mages +1.2 [Mag]
>small raft [EXP]
>Research Method I
>>[Land Expansion IV]
>[Frontier Settlements III]
>[Code of Barnabas]
>Magitech Industrial Complex III
>University II
>[Production I]
>Art school I
>[Fertility Holiday]
>Zaryte Sample
[Blue Gates City, The Window to the world]
>[Administrative self rule II
>>Foreign Assets
>4 telecom Aphids

Not dead, just quality family time. Update in the works

>Republic of Enare
1,2) What started as few shacks for constructors starts to resemble actual city, with regular, paved roads, housing districts, few important places - including a regular marketplace - and basic facilities. All either already completed or ready in short notice (14/15)
3,4) With everyone qualified to do any kind of construction already tied with city building, the best that can be done with the shrine is maintaining the garden (3/17)
5,6) It's always easier being a nomad with a mount - whatever it should be
[Riding I]
7) After initial enthusiasm to gardening, all the interest dies almost as fast as it flared up (5/6)
>No progress due to a low roll
8) The priests insist they know a way, and that it involves something else than just prayers for the wounded (4/6)

>Word of advice - increase Power. It's almost turn 100 for you and you are at this point significantly lagging behind because of it


TURN 113

>Formicus Imperia
1,2) The enemy of good is better
[Giant Ants]
3,4) Next step to improve conscription of ants and general resource management (7/18)
5,6) The old highway is being expanded and improved (4/9)
7,8) The road warriors.... soon! (5/6)
9,10) New quarters for the new, bigger ant warriors (5/9)


TURN 120

>The Mountain Confederation
Rolled 34, 9, 95, 6, 21, 81, 86, 8 = 340 (8d100)


>Population: 10000
>Power level: 4
>Tech Level: 2
Crafting +15
Hard Labor +5

> Resource Buildings
[Mines II], [Quarry III], [Goat Pasture I], [Lumber Mill II], [Bee Keeper I], [Heart Crystal Mine III], [Fire Ruby Mine III], [Farms I]
> Crafting Buildings
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Automated Forge I ®], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III], [Gem Cutter II], [Glassmaker II], [Paper Maker II], [Trinket Shop I], [Craftsmen's Level *], [Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*],
> General Buildings
[City Logistics System II], Golem Factory™ (Any golem production requires -2 progress. Once per turn, automatically adds +1 progress to a single action), [Proving Grounds III], [Cemetery I], [Markets II], [Temple I], [City Plumbing]
> Academic Buildings
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II], [Debate Thunderdome II ®]

> Building Tech
[Architecture IV], [Construction III]
> Golem Tech
[Metallurgy IV], [Golem Crafting III], [Precision Mechanisms III], [Flight Theory II]
> Other Tech
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I], [Martial-Arts I]

1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
1 Forge Golems +4 [Civ]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
[Defense Bunkers I]

[Basic roads III]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Glass], [Gems], [Paper]
[Emergency Bunkers], [Surplus Construction Materials], 2 [Surplus Stone], [Candles]
[Golem Testing Grounds]
[Theia, the Guardian's Capital*]
[Water Power]
[Logistics of Theia]
[Silver Ore Deposit]
Guardian's Citadel™ project (1/1)
2 Fire Rubies (1/1)
2 Heart Crystals (1/1)
Metal Sheets (1/1)

> AbsoluTECHly more tech level
8 Dice
Rolled 77, 97 = 174 (2d100)

>Name: Republic of Enare
>Leader's name: Randeen
>Race(s): Human
>Color: Dark Blue
>General location: Area with a variety of terrain. Plains, right next to hills and mountains.
>Fluff about nation: Some powerful families banded together to settle new lands. On their journey to find these new lands, they got an affinity for traveling long distances and learn about the nature of the land and its bounty.
>Fluff about leader: Randeen is a kind man who actively listens to advice and suggestions from his peers. While he is sometimes viewed as a pushover, most agree his decisions are grounded in good intentions.
>Magic or speciality: Most citizens have an innate ability to know their way, and understand the land. Good at pathfinding and foraging.

>Population: 9710
>Military: Snake [Poison], RR Riders +0.5 [Cav], Priests +0.6 [Civ]
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 1
>Tech: [Weaponsmithing I], [Conditioning II], [Construction I], [Taming II], [Languages II], [Poison I], [Tinkering I], [Durability I], [Explosives]
>Bonus: Scouting +5, Trade +5
>Buildings: [Weaver hut II], [Shrine III], [Council Hall I], [Wineyard I], [Orchard I], [Dye Shop I], [Bowyer I], [Caravansary I], [Spider Farm II]
>Other: [Sacred Mesa], [Clan Meetings], [Stylish Travelling Gear], [Sports], [Dyes], [Spider Silk], [Cuisine], [Philosophy], [Priesthood], [Music Instruments], [Rubber], [Trade Outposts], Good Morale (1/1), Animal Pets (1/1), Owlmen' Scrolls (1/1), Camels (1/2)
>Trade: [Mushroom People I], [Owlmen], [Snowy Bears], [Swamp Folk]
>Consumable: Jam Bomb (1/1), Fad (1/1), Dyes (1/1), Good Morale (1/1), Wares (Mushroom People) (1/1)

I thought power increased automatically when certain milestones was reached, my bad
Turn 95, both dice: Increase power
Fucking hell. The joys of dynamic IP - you can inherit an 11 yo perma ban and then proof to people that nope, you are a different guy



>Republic of Enare
1,2) POWER RISING! (11/?)


TURN 120

>Silver Guardians
1-8) TECH RISING at suboptimal pace (19/?)
Rolled 56, 90 = 146 (2d100)

>Name: Republic of Enare
>Leader's name: Randeen
>Race(s): Human
>Color: Dark Blue
>General location: Area with a variety of terrain. Plains, right next to hills and mountains.
>Fluff about nation: Some powerful families banded together to settle new lands. On their journey to find these new lands, they got an affinity for traveling long distances and learn about the nature of the land and its bounty.
>Fluff about leader: Randeen is a kind man who actively listens to advice and suggestions from his peers. While he is sometimes viewed as a pushover, most agree his decisions are grounded in good intentions.
>Magic or speciality: Most citizens have an innate ability to know their way, and understand the land. Good at pathfinding and foraging.

>Population: 9710
>Military: Snake [Poison], RR Riders +0.5 [Cav], Priests +0.6 [Civ]
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 1
>Tech: [Weaponsmithing I], [Conditioning II], [Construction I], [Taming II], [Languages II], [Poison I], [Tinkering I], [Durability I], [Explosives]
>Bonus: Scouting +5, Trade +5
>Buildings: [Weaver hut II], [Shrine III], [Council Hall I], [Wineyard I], [Orchard I], [Dye Shop I], [Bowyer I], [Caravansary I], [Spider Farm II]
>Other: [Sacred Mesa], [Clan Meetings], [Stylish Travelling Gear], [Sports], [Dyes], [Spider Silk], [Cuisine], [Philosophy], [Priesthood], [Music Instruments], [Rubber], [Trade Outposts], Good Morale (1/1), Animal Pets (1/1), Owlmen' Scrolls (1/1), Camels (1/2)
>Trade: [Mushroom People I], [Owlmen], [Snowy Bears], [Swamp Folk]
>Consumable: Jam Bomb (1/1), Fad (1/1), Dyes (1/1), Good Morale (1/1), Wares (Mushroom People) (1/1)

Turn 96, both dice: Increase power (11/?)

>Republic of Enare
Rolled 85, 75, 75, 34 = 269 (4d100)


TURN 121

>Silver Guardians
1-4) Tech of the tomorrow... today!
>Tech Level: 3
Rolled 74, 3, 78, 60 = 215 (4d100)


>Population: 10000
>Power level: 4
>Tech Level: 2
Crafting +15
Hard Labor +5

> Resource Buildings
[Mines II], [Quarry III], [Goat Pasture I], [Lumber Mill II], [Bee Keeper I], [Heart Crystal Mine III], [Fire Ruby Mine III], [Farms I]
> Crafting Buildings
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Automated Forge I ®], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III], [Gem Cutter II], [Glassmaker II], [Paper Maker II], [Trinket Shop I], [Craftsmen's Level *], [Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*],
> General Buildings
[City Logistics System II], Golem Factory™ (Any golem production requires -2 progress. Once per turn, automatically adds +1 progress to a single action), [Proving Grounds III], [Cemetery I], [Markets II], [Temple I], [City Plumbing]
> Academic Buildings
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II], [Debate Thunderdome II ®]

> Building Tech
[Architecture IV], [Construction III]
> Golem Tech
[Metallurgy IV], [Golem Crafting III], [Precision Mechanisms III], [Flight Theory II]
> Other Tech
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I], [Martial-Arts I]

1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
1 Forge Golems +4 [Civ]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
[Defense Bunkers I]

[Basic roads III]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Glass], [Gems], [Paper]
[Emergency Bunkers], [Surplus Construction Materials], 2 [Surplus Stone], [Candles]
[Golem Testing Grounds]
[Theia, the Guardian's Capital*]
[Water Power]
[Logistics of Theia]
[Silver Ore Deposit]
Guardian's Citadel™ project (1/1)
2 Fire Rubies (1/1)
2 Heart Crystals (1/1)
Metal Sheets (1/1)

> Construction IV 8/15: After many a delay, and a disastrous live demonstration in the Thunderdome, the latest construction research is back on track.
2 Dice

> Automated Forge II ®: The rapid production of the Autoforge is too useful not to expand on.
2 Dice
Rolled 100, 1, 65 = 166 (3d100)

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 3
>>Tech Level: 3
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]
>[Construction II], [Bureaucracy IV], [Magic Theory III], Material Science I, Chemistry I, Magical Mechanics I, Zaryte Forging, Magitech Production I
>[Confederated Bureaucracy II ®] [Army Professionalism I] [Crafting II], [Standardized training III], Research Method I, Ship Building I
>[Border forts II], Training Grounds II
> 4 Battle Mage [+0.6] [Mag], 9 First Legions +2, 6 Young Mages +1.2 [Mag]
>small raft [EXP]
>Research Method I
>>[Land Expansion IV]
>[Frontier Settlements III]
>[Code of Barnabas]
>Magitech Industrial Complex III
>University II
>[Production I]
>Art school I
>[Fertility Holiday]
>Zaryte Sample
[Blue Gates City, The Window to the world]
>[Administrative self rule II
>>Foreign Assets
>4 telecom Aphids

>Same action
One word - lmao
TURN 121

>The Mountain Confederation
1-3) "Don't tread on me" says POWER while RISING slightly (25/?)


TURN 122

1,2) Using a folding chair for his demonstration, professor Barsworth explained to Dr. Illingworth all the faults of his theory of diagonal stacks - particularly when it comes to lumbar vertebrae area (12/15)
3,4) A new line for rolling is operational, using the endless supply of energy from the hydroworks of Theia
[Automated Forge II ®]
Rolled 8, 97, 69, 81 = 255 (4d100)


>Population: 10000
>Power level: 4
>Tech Level: 2
Crafting +15
Hard Labor +5

> Resource Buildings
[Mines II], [Quarry III], [Goat Pasture I], [Lumber Mill II], [Bee Keeper I], [Heart Crystal Mine III], [Fire Ruby Mine III], [Farms I]
> Crafting Buildings
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Automated Forge II ®], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason III], [Gem Cutter II], [Glassmaker II], [Paper Maker II], [Trinket Shop I], [Craftsmen's Level *], [Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*],
> General Buildings
[City Logistics System II], Golem Factory™ (Any golem production requires -2 progress. Once per turn, automatically adds +1 progress to a single action), [Proving Grounds III], [Cemetery I], [Markets II], [Temple I], [City Plumbing]
> Academic Buildings
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II], [Debate Thunderdome II ®]

> Building Tech
[Architecture IV], [Construction III]
> Golem Tech
[Metallurgy IV], [Golem Crafting III], [Precision Mechanisms III], [Flight Theory II]
> Other Tech
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I], [Martial-Arts I]

1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
1 Forge Golems +4 [Civ]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
[Defense Bunkers I]

[Basic roads III]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Glass], [Gems], [Paper]
[Emergency Bunkers], [Surplus Construction Materials], 2 [Surplus Stone], [Candles]
[Golem Testing Grounds]
[Theia, the Guardian's Capital*]
[Water Power]
[Logistics of Theia]
[Silver Ore Deposit]
Guardian's Citadel™ project (1/1)
2 Fire Rubies (1/1)
2 Heart Crystals (1/1)
Metal Sheets (1/1)

> Construction IV 12/15: A concerning amount of siege equipment is being gathered by the researchers.
1 Die

> Stone Mason IV: The water blade system used by the Quarry should be easy enough to adapt to the masons.
3 Dice
Rolled 34, 69 = 103 (2d100)

>Name: Republic of Enare
>Leader's name: Randeen
>Race(s): Human
>Color: Dark Blue
>General location: Area with a variety of terrain. Plains, right next to hills and mountains.
>Fluff about nation: Some powerful families banded together to settle new lands. On their journey to find these new lands, they got an affinity for traveling long distances and learn about the nature of the land and its bounty.
>Fluff about leader: Randeen is a kind man who actively listens to advice and suggestions from his peers. While he is sometimes viewed as a pushover, most agree his decisions are grounded in good intentions.
>Magic or speciality: Most citizens have an innate ability to know their way, and understand the land. Good at pathfinding and foraging.

>Population: 9710
>Military: Snake [Poison], RR Riders +0.5 [Cav], Priests +0.6 [Civ]
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 1
>Tech: [Weaponsmithing I], [Conditioning II], [Construction I], [Taming II], [Languages II], [Poison I], [Tinkering I], [Durability I], [Explosives]
>Bonus: Scouting +5, Trade +5
>Buildings: [Weaver hut II], [Shrine III], [Council Hall I], [Wineyard I], [Orchard I], [Dye Shop I], [Bowyer I], [Caravansary I], [Spider Farm II]
>Other: [Sacred Mesa], [Clan Meetings], [Stylish Travelling Gear], [Sports], [Dyes], [Spider Silk], [Cuisine], [Philosophy], [Priesthood], [Music Instruments], [Rubber], [Trade Outposts], Good Morale (1/1), Animal Pets (1/1), Owlmen' Scrolls (1/1), Camels (1/2)
>Trade: [Mushroom People I], [Owlmen], [Snowy Bears], [Swamp Folk]
>Consumable: Jam Bomb (1/1), Fad (1/1), Dyes (1/1), Good Morale (1/1), Wares (Mushroom People) (1/1)

Turn 97, both dice: Increase power (20/?)
Surely power is there before turn 100 :)

>Republic of Enare
Power level: 2

>You now roll 3d100 instead of 2d100 per turn. And before you ask - since we've been over this already - no, increasing Power further, while super-useful, doesn't provide extra dice.


TURN 123

>Silver Guardians
1) While everyone is playing life-size Catapults, no real research is being made (13/15)
2-4) The pump golem isn't all too happy about the extra work with the water crank, but there is a reason those things don't have voice.
[Stone Mason IV]
Stone Bricks (1/1)

>I just noticed this
>2 [Surplus Stone]
>Tracked it down, checked, my mistake, should be
>2 Surplus Stone (1/1)
>You've got [Surplus Stone] already included in the [Surplus Construction Materials], as a permanent construction bonus
>Also, Tech lvl 3, love
Rolled 54, 27, 91, 23, 99, 88 = 382 (6d100)

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 3
>>Tech Level: 3
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]
>[Construction II], [Bureaucracy IV], [Magic Theory III], Material Science I, Chemistry I, Magical Mechanics I, Zaryte Forging, Magitech Production I
>[Confederated Bureaucracy II ®] [Army Professionalism I] [Crafting II], [Standardized training III], Research Method I, Ship Building I
>[Border forts II], Training Grounds II
> 4 Battle Mage [+0.6] [Mag], 9 First Legions +2, 6 Young Mages +1.2 [Mag]
>small raft [EXP]
>Research Method I
>>[Land Expansion IV]
>[Frontier Settlements III]
>[Code of Barnabas]
>Magitech Industrial Complex III
>University II
>[Production I]
>Art school I
>[Fertility Holiday]
>Zaryte Sample
[Blue Gates City, The Window to the world]
>[Administrative self rule II
>>Foreign Assets
>4 telecom Aphids

>Turn 122 and 123
TURN 123

>The Mountain Confederation
1-6) POWER RISING RAPIDLY, almost breaking the scale! (47/?)
>Population: 13400
1 Ant Soldiers +0.9 [Arm]
4 Military Inquisitors +0.6 [Arm]
2 1/2 Pioneer Ants +1.2 [Civ]
1 Formicus Inquisition [Civ]
3 Spitter Ants +1.5 [Art] [Arm]
4 Aphid Telecoms +0.3 [Civ] (SERVING THE CONFEDERACY)
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 2
>Bonus: Population Growth modifier
[Dinosaur Domestication I]
[Tools I]
[Smelting I]
[Construction I]
[Strong Bodies]
[Formicus Acid I®]
[Society II]
[Arcane Communication I ®]
[Army Structure I]
[Logistics II]
[Conscription V]
[Formicus Conscription III ®]
[Magic Theory III]
[Hive Mind Tower®]
[Barracks I]
[Mountain Hive]
[Tree Settlement]
[Nurseries III]
[Underground Highways I]
[Leaf Fungus Farms I]
[Communication I]
[Mines I]
[Hive Tunnels I]
[Mutagenic Pools II]
[Land Expansion III]
Imperial Hive™
Power: 3
[Border Hives]
[Giant Ants II]
[Patrol Routes]
[Winged Ants]
[Spitter Ants]
[Mutagenic Chamber]
[Formicus Dyes ®]
[Domesticated Dinos]
[Honey Ants]
[Brain Aphids]
[Irrigation I]
[Tree Princesses]
[Arcane Antennae]
[The Magi Caste]
[Arcane Communication ®]
[Rhytm Work]
[Driver Ant]
[Formicus Princes ®]
[Royal Wings ®]
[Mineral Deposit]

Magic Relay +1 to action
Imperial Hive +1 to action
Empress Chambers ™ +1 to action

Unfinished Projects
2/6 Underground Mushrooms
1/6 Underground Culvitating
Westward Expansion (13/18

Veteran's Outpost (1/1)
Expedition Report (1/1)
Rolled 8, 87, 9, 6 = 110 (4d100)


>Population: 10000
>Power level: 4
>Tech Level: 3
Crafting +15
Hard Labor +5

> Resource Buildings
[Mines II], [Quarry III], [Goat Pasture I], [Lumber Mill II], [Bee Keeper I], [Heart Crystal Mine III], [Fire Ruby Mine III], [Farms I]
> Crafting Buildings
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Automated Forge II ®], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason IV], [Gem Cutter II], [Glassmaker II], [Paper Maker II], [Trinket Shop I], [Craftsmen's Level *], [Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*],
> General Buildings
[City Logistics System II], Golem Factory™ (Any golem production requires -2 progress. Once per turn, automatically adds +1 progress to a single action), [Proving Grounds III], [Cemetery I], [Markets II], [Temple I], [City Plumbing]
> Academic Buildings
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II], [Debate Thunderdome II ®]

> Building Tech
[Architecture IV], [Construction III]
> Golem Tech
[Metallurgy IV], [Golem Crafting III], [Precision Mechanisms III], [Flight Theory II]
> Other Tech
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I], [Martial-Arts I]

1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
1 Forge Golems +4 [Civ]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
[Defense Bunkers I]

[Basic roads III]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Glass], [Gems], [Paper]
[Emergency Bunkers], [Surplus Construction Materials], 2 [Surplus Stone], [Candles]
[Golem Testing Grounds]
[Theia, the Guardian's Capital*]
[Water Power]
[Logistics of Theia]
[Silver Ore Deposit]
Guardian's Citadel™ project (1/1)
2 Fire Rubies (1/1)
2 Heart Crystals (1/1)
Metal Sheets (1/1)
Stone Bricks (1/1)
2 Surplus Stone (1/1)

> Construction IV 13/15: No more distractions! Focus!
1 Die

> Silver Mine: Namesake of the Guardians, and final ingredient in their most powerful alloys, metalworking and golems. A legion of workers and golems sets out to delve what is expected to be quite a large mine, eventually.
[Silver Ore Deposit]
3 Dice
A-a-a-at least they aren't punitive?
TURN 124

>Silver Guardians
1) A new style of debate is being used - this time two teams of two members enter the Thunderdome and then just one man leaves (14/15)
>+1 from automated progress
2-4) The new, open pit mine is taking out ore reach in many metals - and silver is one of them
[Silver Mine I]
[Silver Ore]
REMOVE [Silver Ore Deposit]
Rolled 20, 4, 71, 45 = 140 (4d100)


> Construction fucking four: gahhhh

> Silver Mine II: No doubt about it, Theia has silver fever.
3 Dice
Rolled 36, 64, 44, 89, 69, 85, 100, 6, 24, 79 = 596 (10d100)

1-5. [Formicus Conscription IV ®] 7/18
Magic Relay +1 to action
Imperial Hive +1 to action
Empress Chambers ™ +1 to action
>if there happens to be spillover, into V would be nice
6-7. Underground Highway to the Confederacy
8. Underground Warfare 5/6
9-10. Barracks II 5/9
Nice. One hell of a highway.
Or is it a low way?
File: carlos.png (415 KB, 1266x688)
415 KB
415 KB PNG
TURN 115

>Formicus Imperia
1-5) There is barely anything left to be improved when it comes to organising ants into their new tasks and roles, being almost at the plateau of efficiency. Almost.
[Formicus Conscription IV ®]
6,7) The newest highway allows lighting-fast transportation in both ways, having even enough space to accommodate driver ants
[Formicus-Confederate Highway ®]

[Formicus Roads I ®]
3 Road Warriors +2 [Cav] [Exp]
>The Mountain Confederation
6 Formicus Highwaymen +2 [Cav] [Exp]
8) The fight underground will have to wait (5/6)
>No progress due to low roll
9,10) Finally, the various ant warriors will have proper quarters rather than an improvised spot in a blind-end tunnel
[Barracks II]

>The Mountain Confederation
[Formicus-Confederate Highway ®]


TURN 125

>Silver Guardians
1) The new model of doing research might not be more efficient, but it sure as hell is more fun to do
[Construction IV]
2-4) A little mishap happened, slowing down opening of the mine, but obviously, there is nothing to fear when digging deeper than previously (7/9)
>Population: 13400
1 Ant Soldiers +0.9 [Arm]
4 Military Inquisitors +0.6 [Arm]
2 1/2 Pioneer Ants +1.2 [Civ]
1 Formicus Inquisition [Civ]
3 Spitter Ants +1.5 [Art] [Arm]
4 Aphid Telecoms +0.3 [Civ] (SERVING THE CONFEDERACY)
3 Road Warriors +2 [Cav] [Exp]
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 2
>Bonus: Population Growth modifier
[Dinosaur Domestication I]
[Tools I]
[Smelting I]
[Construction I]
[Strong Bodies]
[Formicus Acid I®]
[Society II]
[Arcane Communication I ®]
[Army Structure I]
[Logistics II]
[Conscription V]
[Formicus Conscription IV ®]
[Magic Theory III]
[Hive Mind Tower®]
[Barracks II]
[Mountain Hive]
[Tree Settlement]
[Nurseries III]
[Underground Highways I]
[Leaf Fungus Farms I]
[Communication I]
[Mines I]
[Hive Tunnels I]
[Mutagenic Pools II]
[Formicus Roads I ®]
[Land Expansion III]
Imperial Hive™
Power: 3
[Border Hives]
[Giant Ants II]
[Patrol Routes]
[Winged Ants]
[Spitter Ants]
[Mutagenic Chamber]
[Formicus Dyes ®]
[Domesticated Dinos]
[Honey Ants]
[Brain Aphids]
[Irrigation I]
[Tree Princesses]
[Arcane Antennae]
[The Magi Caste]
[Arcane Communication ®]
[Rhytm Work]
[Driver Ant]
[Formicus Princes ®]
[Royal Wings ®]
[Mineral Deposit]
[Formicus-Confederate Highway ®]

Magic Relay +1 to action
Imperial Hive +1 to action
Empress Chambers ™ +1 to action

Unfinished Projects
2/6 Underground Mushrooms
1/6 Underground Culvitating
Westward Expansion (13/18

Veteran's Outpost (1/1)
Expedition Report (1/1)

>Population: 10000
>Power level: 4
>Tech Level: 3
Crafting +15
Hard Labor +5

> Resource Buildings
[Mines II], [Quarry III], [Goat Pasture I], [Lumber Mill II], [Bee Keeper I], [Heart Crystal Mine III], [Fire Ruby Mine III], [Farms I]
> Crafting Buildings
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Automated Forge II ®], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason IV], [Gem Cutter II], [Glassmaker II], [Paper Maker II], [Trinket Shop I], [Craftsmen's Level *], [Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*],
> General Buildings
[City Logistics System II], Golem Factory™ (Any golem production requires -2 progress. Once per turn, automatically adds +1 progress to a single action), [Proving Grounds III], [Cemetery I], [Markets II], [Temple I], [City Plumbing]
> Academic Buildings
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II], [Debate Thunderdome II ®]

> Building Tech
[Architecture IV], [Construction III]
> Golem Tech
[Metallurgy IV], [Golem Crafting III], [Precision Mechanisms III], [Flight Theory II]
> Other Tech
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I], [Martial-Arts I]

1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
1 Forge Golems +4 [Civ]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
[Defense Bunkers I]

[Basic roads III]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Glass], [Gems], [Paper]
[Emergency Bunkers], [Surplus Construction Materials], 2 [Surplus Stone], [Candles]
[Golem Testing Grounds]
[Theia, the Guardian's Capital*]
[Water Power]
[Logistics of Theia]
[Silver Ore]
2 Fire Rubies (1/1)
2 Heart Crystals (1/1)
Metal Sheets (1/1)

> Silver Mine II: Nothing bad ever happened from digging too deep. Say do you hear faint screaming?
1 Die

> Begin Construction of the Guardian's Citadel™! An ambitious project, half renovation, half entirely new fortress, all comically ambitious in scale. The architecture, construction, engineering expertise of the guardians will be pushed to their limit, as well as the logistics of the city and its resource buildings.
Guardian's Citadel™ Project (1/1)
Stone Bricks (1/1)
2 Surplus Stone (1/1)
Rolled 3, 8, 84, 80 = 175 (4d100)

Whoops dice. Last three on the citadel
Rolled 6, 70, 5, 72, 92, 43 = 288 (6d100)

>>Population: 11300
>>Power level: 3
>>Tech Level: 3
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate II] [University II], Academy II]
>[Construction II], [Bureaucracy IV], [Magic Theory III], Material Science I, Chemistry I, Magical Mechanics I, Zaryte Forging, Magitech Production I
>[Confederated Bureaucracy II ®] [Army Professionalism I] [Crafting II], [Standardized training III], Research Method I, Ship Building I
>[Border forts II], Training Grounds II
> 4 Battle Mage [+0.6] [Mag], 9 First Legions +2, 6 Young Mages +1.2 [Mag]
>small raft [EXP]
>Research Method I
>>[Land Expansion IV]
>[Frontier Settlements III]
>[Code of Barnabas]
>Magitech Industrial Complex III
>University II
>[Production I]
>Art school I
>[Fertility Holiday]
>Zaryte Sample
[Blue Gates City, The Window to the world]
>[Administrative self rule II
>>Foreign Assets
>4 telecom Aphids

>>Turn 124 and 125
TURN 125

>The Mountain Confederation
1-6) What a waste of POWER
>Power level: 4


TURN 126

>Silver Guardians
1) Well, this is weird... where are the miners? (6/10)
>Penalty from low roll
2-4) Monumental walls are being erected all around Theia, with bastions and fortifications rising in every directions, all in neat and precise stacks of stone masonry. (25/?)
Rolled 56, 9, 99, 7 = 171 (4d100)


> Silver Mine II: Fearing the worse the golems are dispatched to sort out the issue... or recover the bodies.
2 Dice

> Guardian's Citadel™: A good start, now to follow through!
2 Dice
TURN 127

>Silver Guardians
1,2) The missing miners probably just went back to Theia some roundabout way... anyway, the excess ore is on its way to be smelted
[Silver Mine II]
Silver Ingots (1/1)
3,4) The defenses are put in particular around the outer limits of the capital, but also around the SIlver Vault. But the citadel is more than just walls, thou... (32/?)
Rolled 100, 47, 28, 95 = 270 (4d100)


>Population: 10000
>Power level: 4
>Tech Level: 3
Crafting +15
Hard Labor +5

> Resource Buildings
[Mines II], [Silver Mine II] [Quarry III], [Goat Pasture I], [Lumber Mill II], [Bee Keeper I], [Heart Crystal Mine III], [Fire Ruby Mine III], [Farms I]
> Crafting Buildings
[Toolmaker II], [Forge II], [Automated Forge II ®], [Carpenter III], [Stone Mason IV], [Gem Cutter II], [Glassmaker II], [Paper Maker II], [Trinket Shop I], [Craftsmen's Level *], [Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*],
> General Buildings
[City Logistics System II], Golem Factory™ (Any golem production requires -2 progress. Once per turn, automatically adds +1 progress to a single action), [Proving Grounds III], [Cemetery I], [Markets II], [Temple I], [City Plumbing]
> Academic Buildings
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II], [Debate Thunderdome II ®]

> Building Tech
[Architecture IV], [Construction III]
> Golem Tech
[Metallurgy IV], [Golem Crafting III], [Precision Mechanisms III], [Flight Theory II]
> Other Tech
[Chemistry II], [Engineering II], [Applied Math I], [Martial-Arts I]

1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]
1 Forge Golems +4 [Civ]
1 Scribe Bronze Golems +2.5 [Civ]
2 Bronze Scouting Drones +3 [Civ] [Scout]
[Defense Bunkers I]

[Basic roads III]
[Copper Ore], [Tin Ore], [Heart Crystals], [Fire Rubies], [Glass], [Gems], [Paper]
[Emergency Bunkers], [Surplus Construction Materials], 2 [Surplus Stone], [Candles]
[Golem Testing Grounds]
[Theia, the Guardian's Capital*]
[Water Power]
[Logistics of Theia]
[Silver Ore]
2 Fire Rubies (1/1)
2 Heart Crystals (1/1)
Metal Sheets (1/1)

> Guardian's Citadel™ 32/?: There are a concerning number of ideas being thrown around, from "Living Architecture" to "Mana Beam Cannons". Meanwhile an army of carpenters and masons get to work on the thousand and one little details that make a fortress actually work, from beds to braces to cabinets.
2 Dice
1 Bronze Golem Workers +0.9 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Teamsters +1.5 [Civ]
1 Bronze Golem Constructors +1.8 [Civ] [Build]

> Metallurgy V: In the days before the decline, they called it Silver Steel, a process by which Silver, a soft ornamental metal becomes something more, something glorious. Perhaps even something holy. All the smiths in the city, with the sometimes unwelcome advice, of the scholars and chemists and even mathematicians dedicate themselves to the rediscovery of the holy alloy.
2 Dice
Silver Ingots (1/1)
1 Forge Golems +4 [Civ]
[Forge II], [Automated Forge II ®], [Grand Metal Works - Crafters Level*]
[Scholars Level*], [Library IV], [Academy IV], [Test Labs II], [Debate Thunderdome II ®]
[Metallurgy IV], [Chemistry II], [Applied Math I]

>The missing miners probably just went back to Theia some roundabout way

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