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Due to your weight and timid nature, you've always been a target for bullies. Everything changes when your father passes away. Unable to afford the rent, you and your mother move back to your father's family manor, a place he had always despised.

Bored one day, you decide to explore the abandoned basement, a dusty, neglected space. By chance, you discover a secret door with a staircase behind it. With some apprehension, you descend the steps and find a narrow tunnel. A black monolith stands at the entrance, with an ethereal, glowing blue handprint that seems to beckon you forward. Compelled, you place your palm on the handprint, close your eyes, and think about:

>Brainwashing others into doing your bidding
>Writing people’s names in a notebook to cause their death
>Summoning succubi to support you
>>Writing people’s names in a notebook to cause their death
>Summoning succubi to support you
Gooner quest
>Brainwashing others into doing your bidding
I'm down for a cult sim
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All three votes win
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You feel ancient power surge through your body, dark and corrupting yet exhilarating. On the floor before you lies an old, withered notebook, bound in human leather. You hadn't noticed it before, but now you pick it up. If you write anyone's true name inside, they will die in a horrific manner.

The basement seems extensive, and the tunnel stretches into the darkness. You don’t know what mysteries or horrors lie further, but you decide you have been lucky enough for today and return to your bedroom. As a fat loser, you enjoy eating:

>bibimbap and tteokbokki
>sushi and instant noodles
>fast food and chips
>fast food and chips
>>fast food and chips
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Your room is on the first floor, and you are out of breath from climbing up from the basement. The only belongings you brought from your former apartment are an old laptop computer and a mini-fridge. Opening the mini-fridge, you find your mom has stocked it with two bottles of Coke, chips, cocktail sausages, diced cheese, mustard, mayonnaise, and ketchup. While eating, you ponder why you spent all your childhood living in poverty when your father owned such an expensive manor. As for clothing, you only have two pairs of tracksuits, which made you a target for bullying at your previous school.
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Bully - Roy Willis

A repeater, older and taller than everyone else, with a foul mouth. Your mom had always said, "If you ignore them, they'll go away." You followed her advice, but Roy never went away. Every day, he mocked and bullied you, calling you a "lardass" and a "faggot." Often, the other classmates would laugh or join him. Because of him, your self-confidence has been shattered.
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Bully - Mr. Finch, Math Teacher

Once a week, Mr. Finch, a very stern teacher, would send you to the blackboard to solve a math problem you couldn’t solve. Your entire body would shake in terror as you held the chalk, unable to write anything, feeling everyone's eyes on you. Before sending you back to your seat, Mr. Finch would always make a snarky comment. Because of him, you have developed a terrible fear of public speaking.
Before going to bed, you will:
>Write the name of Roy Willis and Mr. Finch in the notebook
>Summon a succubus to sleep with you
>Research on the computer to see if anyone else has similar powers

Roll 1d100
Isnt this a carbon copy of the other black magic quest
Rolled 17 (1d100)

>>write both their names on the notebook
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This is a rerun of "I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World," a quest I flaked on in 2023:


"Black Magic Quest" was created after mine, in 2024:


I'm not proud of flaking, which is why I'm rerunning this with more effort put into the design.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

>Research on the computer to see if anyone else has similar powers
Design huh... it would be awesome if the MC remains fat and/or weak physically. It's common in quests where the main guy gets all around strong with minimal stakes and drawbacks. On the opposite, incorporating him being fat and
Wheezing when he goes up the stairs is interesting
Rolled 35 (1d100)

>Summon a succubus to sleep with you
Rolled 2 (1d3)

Tie breaker

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Using Google, you try to research your powers, but find no useful information. The closest you come to something paranormal is a forum on gangstalking, where people share stories of being stalked and harassed. You read through the posts but find nothing about supernatural abilities. Still, something feels off about this community.

The next day is your first day at Hackley School in Tarrytown, NY. The beautiful 285-acre campus exudes the splendor of an English castle, with its stone facade and tall, turreted structures. You enter your class with apprehension, and notice how well-dressed and fit everyone looks.

"Hello, everyone," you painfully stutter. "My name is Robert Bagshaw. My hobbies are anime and video games. Please take good care of me."

You walk to your seat at the back of the class, near the window. At lunch break, two classmates approach you. One, the taller one, grabs your ear and pulls on it.

"Look, chubster. We don’t want you in this class. If you stay, you'll ruin our athletic performance and we'll lose against the other classes. If you're still here tomorrow, you'll regret it."

One of the girls behind him sneers, "Yeah, he looks disgusting. I don’t want to look at his fat face for the rest of the semester."

You look at her and blush, noticing how attractive she is. Earlier, you overheard her name is Nikki. She’s tall and slim like a model, with an oval face and piercing blue eyes. You assume she comes from an affluent family. Determined not to get kicked out, you remind yourself that you deserve to be here as much as anyone else. You'll have to use one of your powers to ensure you stay.

>Brainwash the tall bully to act as your bodyguard
>Brainwash Nikki to become your official girlfriend
>Leave to the restroom and write the two bullies’ names in your notebook
>Write in

Roll 1d100
Brainwash bully to become my bodyguard
Rolled 34 (1d100)

>Brainwash them just enough to lay off of you.
We have their lives in our hands, we should at least have some more confidence now
Roll 1d100 to determine the success of your power
Rolled 86 (1d100)

Rolled 1 (1d2)

Tie breaker

For the record, in this quest, dice rolls are tied to the vote. If your vote doesn't win, the roll is discarded.

>Critical Success: 3 anons succeed on the check.
>Critical Failure: the check fails and at least one anon rolls a 5 or lower.
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For lunch, you eat a ham sandwich and a bag of chips that your mom packed for you, washing it down with both a Coke and a Fanta. Since childhood, you've never been able to decide which flavor you prefer, so you developed the habit of drinking both. After finishing your meal, you locate the bully, Winston, in the cafeteria. He's sitting at a table with what you identify as the most powerful students in the class. When he's about to leave, you approach him.

"May I have a word with you, Winston?"

He grabs your ear and pulls your head to the side. "What makes you think I want to speak with you, chubster?"

It's time to act. You concentrate on your power, harnessing the same feeling you experienced from the monolith in your basement. The world around you subtly changes; everything seems a bit brighter, a bit more real. This sensation indicates the magic is flowing through you.

"From now on, you're going to be my bodyguard."

You watch for his reaction with apprehension. If the magic doesn't work, he's going to punish you harshly for this.

"What does this entail?" he asks mechanically, with a blank stare, as if hypnotized.

"Not much. If you see that others are bothering me, you tell them to go away."
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In the afternoon, you are summoned to the headmaster's office.

"Have you settled in well, Mr. Bagshaw?"

"Yes, thank you, Headmaster."

"Good. As a student of honor, I want to make sure you get along well with everyone. In that aspect, I have received two complaints about you."

Two complaints? In just one morning? And what’s this about being a student of honor? You don't even know how you got into this expensive school to begin with.

"First, Mrs. Harris said that the girls found the way you're looking at them a bit insistent. I understand that at your age, hormones are kicking in, but please work on refining your manners in the future. Secondly, it's forbidden for students to drink soda in our school. Hackley School is a school of elites, where we focus on academics, but also health and athletics. Ah, yes. And did my daughter introduce herself to you? She's in your class; her name is Elizabeth."

Elizabeth never introduced herself to you. She sits next to Nikki in class. She's quiet, has red hair and glasses, and an hourglass figure. From how she carries herself, you think she's one of the top students in the class.

>Ask about the school history
>Ask about Elizabeth’s interests and hobbies
>Ask why you’re a student of honor
>Brainwash him into allowing you to drink soda [roll 1d100]
>Write in
Sir, perhaps you could explain the honour system to me again?
>Ask why you’re a student of honor
Rolled 17 (1d100)

>>Brainwash him into allowing you to drink soda [roll 1d100]
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"Sir, could you explain the honor system to me?"

"Do you really know nothing about your family history?" he asks.

You shake your head.

"Our bloodlines are close allies. The school, the orphanage, and the hospital all fall under our shared domain. Other than the founder, Frances Hackley, your grandfather was the most influential figure in the school's history. You are a student of honor due to his remarkable legacy. There’s more, much more, but I’m bound not to tell you until after you graduate."

You had never met your grandfather because he and your father were estranged. This is the first time you've heard about him. He seemed like a great man, and you know you will never live up to any of his accomplishments. At least, this explains why your family owns a manor.

"If you need help with anything outside of the school, I will assist you. However, within the school grounds, I will treat you like any other student. In fact, my expectations for you are higher than for anyone else."

At the end of the day, as you’re leaving, a well-dressed Indian student in a sharp suit, sporting a Rolex watch, approaches and introduces himself.

"Hello, Robert. I’m Ilesh Samuel. We are in the same class."

You extend your hand to shake. "Ah, hello, Ilesh."

"I noticed Winston and Thomas giving you a hard time this morning. They usually pick on me too, though not too harshly. I think it’s because I’m the only one from a different cultural background in the class. They always call me ‘Nigger Skin’."

You’ve noticed that the majority of students at this private school are White, with a sizeable Asian minority. There are very few dark-skinned students at all.

"Yeah. What can I do for you?"

"I thought we could stick together. You know, hang out and study together. To be honest, I’ve been on my own so far, and it would be nice to have a friend."

>Accept his offer and view him as an equal
>Accept his offer but view him more as a minion and subordinate
>Reject his offer because it will affect your reputation negatively
>Brainwash: bully him into giving you his Rolex [Roll 1d100, DC 25]
>Write in
>Accept his offer but view him more as a minion and subordinate
cult mode cult mode cult mode
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"Sure, that would be my pleasure," you reply.

You can tell from his expression that he’s thrilled. You don’t need a friend. With your supernatural powers, you can handle any problem on your own. However, the idea of recruiting cultists sounds more interesting. A cult could adore you and carry out tasks on your behalf. For someone who has been scorned by the world, that sounds like sweet revenge.

You take the bus back home and find your mom has left meatloaf with buttermilk mashed potatoes for you. She’s not there because she works as a waitress at Grass Roots Kitchen, a café, during the evenings. You grab the plate and dump the potatoes in the trash bin. "Thanks, Mom, but I prefer fries, hashbrowns, and chips," you think to yourself. You grab a large bag of chips and indulge in a generous portion of strawberry ice cream for dessert.

Feeling full and satisfied, you play video games in your room until it’s time to sleep, unable to move or accomplish anything else. You know you have several mysteries to investigate but lack the energy. So far, the Brainwash power works perfectly, but you don’t know how the notebook or the succubus summoning works. For example, does the notebook have a range? Can you kill someone on the other side of the planet? You need to be prepared and find their limitations.

>Explore the manor’s library and study
>Explore the manor’s trophy room and observatory
>Write the name of Roy Willis and Mr. Finch in the notebook, for revenge
>Write the name of a random Indian person in the notebook, as range test
>Summon a succubus to sleep with you
>Summon a succubus for a short interview
>Write in
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Ally - Ilesh Samuel

Ilesh Samuel is your first friend, or potential cultist. He hails from Maharashtra, India, belonging to the Bombay East Indian ethnicity, and is Roman Catholic. His father, Varghese Samuel, is the CEO of Kogland Commerce, an online platform for medical supplies. Ilesh has no hobbies and poor social skills; his sole focus is on academics and financial success.
>>Summon a succubus for a short interview
>Summon a succubus for a short interview
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Generating a succubus...
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Mana courses through your meridians as you focus on channeling your lust to summon a succubus. In a flash, a girl materializes on your bedroom floor, kneeling in front of you. She’s petite, only five feet tall, with blue skin, horns, and a complex, esoteric tattoo on her left arm. Clearly not human, but a succubus, brought forth by your magical powers. The sight of her naked figure ignites a rare spark of arousal within you, a sensation you rarely feel due to your usual struggle with erectile dysfunction. Despite your reaction, she appears unimpressed, letting out a languid yawn.

"H-hello," you stammer pathetically.

"Why have you summoned me, human? I was sleeping comfortably in my bed."

"I just wanted to chat for a bit. Just three questions, if that’s okay."

"Fine. Ask away."

"Can you tell me the limitations of summoning a succubus?"

"You summoned me without knowing the limitations? You are quite a peculiar sorcerer. What would you do if I jumped on you and bit your throat?" She scoffs. "Thankfully for you, I don’t like unnecessary effort. Limitations, hm? There are none. It all depends on how much sexual energy you can produce."

"What do you mean, sexual energy?"

"Cum, jizz, semen, or perhaps for you, nocturnal emissions. That’s what we succubi need for sustenance. It’s our food. If you open any decent grimoire, that should be included in our definition. Your questions are boring, though. I want to hear no more."

"Okay, fine. You can return."

She opens her eyes wider, confused. "What do you mean, return?"

"Well, return to where you came from. Hell, I presume?"

"There is no return. The only way for me to go back to Hell is if either you or I is killed. Now, I’ll take your bed as payment for the summoning. You can kill me in my sleep for all I care."

She stands up and collapses into your bed, her slender form sinking into the sheets. You cautiously approach, only to find her already fast asleep. This was far from the interaction you had expected. The succubus seems utterly insane and even lazier than you. However, she’s insanely attractive and, at least, she doesn’t seem like a bully.
>Sleep with her in the bed
>Sleep on the floor

On the next day, she will:
>Stay in your bedroom
>Hide in the basement
>Come with you to school
>Write in
>Sleep with her in the bed
Does she have a human disguise? if so then
>Come with you to school

Not sure what to do with the protag's characterization so far (that was outside our control)
going from getting reported on day one for giving girls perverted enough looks, to please and thank you, to confident asshole, to pathetic again
hard to getting into character if I don't understand them
>>Sleep on the floor
>Come with you to school
>Sleep with her in the bed
See if we can't 'make a payment', so to speak.

>Come with you to school
Cult! Cult! Cult!
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Rolled 11 (1d100)

>Does she have a human disguise?
I'm rolling for this, DC 15 [Very Likely].

>getting reported on day one for giving girls perverted enough looks
He got reported, but there's no evidence that he actually did it. This is a common tactic for ostracism and bullying. I'll address this in character [Pic related].
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You slip off your clothes, slide into bed beside her, and gently spoon her from behind. Your hands graze her skin, the touch making your pulse quicken with anticipation. You can feel the power building, a primal urge to connect with her growing more insistent. And so, in this intimate moment, you complete the ritual, imbuing her with the energy she had requested, the air thickening with an otherworldly magic. You dream of a being in another world, a world different from ours, with an alien landscape and sky, and a cyclopean monolith dominating the scene, floating in the air, its presence terrifying, overwhelming, as you know it’s much stronger than you.

The next morning, you walk into class with your hair sticking up in messy tufts. You feel the weight of the dream lingering in your mind, an unsettling reminder of the power you have tapped into the night before. The succubus accompanies you, presented as a transfer student with the Headmaster’s approval. She explains her abnormal appearance by claiming she’s a cosplayer.

Afraid to look in the direction of any girl, fearing another complaint, you decide to stare at the floor. You've received sexual harassment complaints before and can’t tell if they're true. You do look at people, but never thought you were being creepy. However, you're unsure how others perceive it. Ilesh greets you, making small talk. Then Winston and Thomas, the two bullies, enter the classroom.

"Do you have a death wish?" Thomas tells you. "Winston warned you that if you showed up today, he’d kill you."

"Leave him alone," Winston commands, still under your brainwashing influence.

"Huh? Okay, then let’s beat up Nigger Skin. I’m in a bad mood when I see losers in my class."

Thomas grabs Ilesh from behind, choking him before throwing him to the floor. The scene is savage and painful to watch. Even the bullies in state school weren’t this violent. You can’t see what happens next because someone else approaches you. It’s Elizabeth, the Headmaster’s daughter. She looks mildly annoyed and clears her throat.

"I’m Elizabeth Franklin. I hope you’ll never speak to me," she says curtly before turning and sitting down.

"Ew, why are you talking to that creep?" Nikki, her desk neighbor, asks.

"My father told me I had to introduce myself, so I did," Elizabeth responds, leaving you confused and speechless.

>Offer Ilesh your protection in exchange for payment
>Command Winston to protect Ilesh [roll 1d100, DC 50]
>Brainwash Elizabeth to become your official girlfriend [roll 1d100]
>Lay low for the day and spend more time with the succubus
>Write in
this is just... such extremes.

>to Elizabeth: "I'm in on your dad's little secret, you know?"
>to Thomas/Winston: "Leave him alone!"
Winston still has to protect us, even if Thomas would probably want to beat our ass for it.
Lay low with succubus-chan
Eh, badly adjusted, anti-social, low self-esteem fattie with daddy issues who suddenly finds power in society when he previously had zero. His behaviour would have been a little erratic to begin with, but now it could get outright unpredictable
>Offer Ilesh your protection in exchange for payment
Cults exist to gather power
>to Elizabeth: "I'm in on your dad's little secret, you know?"
foids are useless to the cult, only good for attracting loyal peons, and we have one that this woman will never hold a candle to. Still it doesn't hurt to exercise power, scare off any petulant jabs.
>write in

Dominate Nikki, with Succubus Advantage if applicable.
>"Nikki. You will need to eat more if you want to be as sexy as me."
>"have 4 Cokes and two mayonnaise sandwiches three meals a day for the rest of the year."
>"And no throwing up."
Rape is both too easy and impossible for MC. Ruination however...
Rolled 13 (1d100)

>to Elizabeth: "I'm in on your dad's little secret, you know?"
This action has two votes, I will also go with the write in >>6047033, which is compatible. There's no succubus advantage. I'm rolling for Dominate Nikki, DC 65.
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Elizabeth's disdain is obvious, acting as if you were so repulsive that she hopes you'll never speak to her. You realize that to earn any respect, you need to intimidate her. You don't fully know her family's secrets, but you suspect they involve magic. Her father recognized the succubus as an otherworlder and found it normal for her to be with you, suggesting familiarity with magical phenomena. Yet, he couldn't identify her race, implying that summoning a succubus is a power unique to you.

"I'm in on your dad's little secret, you know?" you whisper to her, making sure no one else can hear. You feel a surge of anxiety as you speak because you've never confronted a bully before, and your mouth gets dry.

"So what?" she retorts. "I'm pretty sure if you betray my dad, it won't end well for your family either."

You're taken aback. You had expected her to cower in fear, but she’s completely unfazed. However, her indifferent facade cracks as she responds with mild anger, "You see, this is why I hate boys! Everything is always a mind game!"

You brood over her words until the teacher enters the room and the math class begins. Math has always been your most hated subject, especially due to Mr. Finch's bullying. Now, you realize he wronged you twicefold: his teaching was so mediocre that Hackley School's curriculum feels one or two years more advanced. To catch up with the class, you'd have to study every free moment, which seems impossible given your laziness. You learn the succubus's name is Nemoryss, and she seems interested in math, taking diligent notes.

At the end of class, you approach Nikki and say, "You will need to eat more if you want to be as sexy as me."

It's not that you have newfound confidence to joke with girls. It's that your first attempt at brainwashing was successful, so you thought it would work easily again. This time it's different. Nikki's consciousness feels stronger, more complex, and you fail to impose your will on her. She bursts out laughing, so much so that she can barely say, "What the fuck?" before continuing to laugh uncontrollably.

Embarrassed, you rush to the bathroom to hide. You know it's a dangerous place, away from teachers' eyes, where upperclassmen could beat you up, but you have no other choice.
Nemoryss follows you and enters the stall with you.

"It's interesting," she says. "All students in the class are virgins, except for you, and one other. It's a girl, she is very depraved and has been sleeping with a lot of men."

"Who is it?" you ask, hoping it's Nikki. If you could expose her as a whore, it would achieve your goal of ruination, even if it's not as satisfying as making her experience being overweight.

"Now, that wouldn't be any fun if I told you. I've given you enough information, so it's up to you to guess."
You realize that she knows you are no longer a virgin, meaning she's aware of what happened last night. You don't know what to make of it, but you feel slightly less awkward around her. You also notice she still looks tired, but much less so than when you first summoned her.
>Write Nikki’s name in the notebook
>Skip class to avoid Nikki
>Brainwash Nemoryss into revealing who the whore is [roll 1d100]
>Write in

About soda, you
>Obeyed the Headmaster’s instructions
>Snuck in some to drink in secret
>write in

>ask ex-alphachad Winston, because he should have been among the first in line for the class whore, if not the actual first. Since it is an open secret, little domination needed, if any.
I'll agree with this.

>About soda, you
>>Obeyed the Headmaster’s instructions
Clearly the headmaster would have some power of his own, so we ought to play his game until we want to make our move.
At 11 AM, the physical education class begins. The school's curriculum includes an hour of cardio every day, along with team sports. Nemoryss has quickly become popular, surrounded by a small group of admirers. She’s wearing tight shorts and a tank top that accentuate her curves, and her legs look naturally smooth and shiny. As you enter the running tracks, she approaches you.

"I need a Coke badly," you tell her. "My sugar levels are at an all-time low, and I might faint at any moment."

"Same," she answers, grabbing your shoulder and whispering in your ear, "Except, I need sexual energy badly."

Coach Hall blows his whistle, and everyone gathers in front of him. "Remember our school rules. Athletics develop character. If you want to become an elite in the future, you have to always push yourself beyond your limits."

You watch as the other students begin jogging at a fast pace. Male or female, all are fast, with Winston and Thomas in the lead. As a newcomer, you’re allowed to walk, but the coach warned you not to take a break. After ten minutes, however, you have to sit on the bench because your shins throb. The coach looks displeased, but you have no choice.

You eat lunch with Nemoryss, Ilesh, and Nok-hon, a Korean boy with glasses who seems fascinated by the succubus. Like a true gentleman, when her glass is empty, he refills it at the water fountain. This situation is novel for you, as you’ve always eaten lunch alone, and the experience is surprisingly pleasant. Even better, the group centers around you, making you the unofficial leader. When Winston is about to leave, you call for him.

"What the fuck do you want, loser?" he asks.

"Hey. Can you tell me who’s the class whore?"

He chuckles. "Why are you asking? I don’t think a whore would want to touch you, even if you paid her 10,000 dollars."

"Just tell me," you say with more emphasis, trying to infuse some power into your words.

"I don’t know. Nikki always has that cocksucker look in her eyes, and there are rumors Apinya is wearing sexy lingerie under her clothes. And look at how Nemoryss was dressed for physical education, she’s probably the biggest whore in the entire school."

Apinya is a tall, slender Thai girl with long hair. She’s very beautiful and could probably get roles in T-dramas. You imagine she would look very good in lingerie.

"Ah, yes, and once, it looked like Kozahura was wearing a butt plug under her pants, but I’m not sure."

Kozahura is another beauty, a Japanese girl with glasses and short hair with sharp bangs. She is also known for her top grades. Now, you recall that all the other males in the class are virgins, so Winston's information relies solely on his observation skills. Nonetheless, his insights should be reliable, given his apparent high level of social awareness.
Meanwhile, Nemoryss is beginning to look incredibly tired. "Human food does not feed me," she says. "I will return home for the afternoon."

You would give her energy if you could, but you still feel mildly mana exhausted from last night. It’s a difficult feeling to describe, but your energy levels are lower than the previous day, so in your current state, you can only feed her once per day.

For Nemoryss:
>Loyalty focus: let Nemoryss return home
>Power focus: allow Ilesh and Nok-hon to give her their energy
>Lust focus: empty your mana reserves into her, at the cost of being powerless

Your plans for the afternoon:
>Explore the entire school grounds
>Spend time getting to know Ilesh and Nok-hon
>Bring a cup of coffee to the headmaster and become his sycophant
>Brainwash Apinya and Kozahura to uncover if they are whores [roll 2d100]
>Brainwash Winston to act more respectful, at the risk of breaking the previous brainwashing [roll 1d100]
>Write in
>Power focus: allow Ilesh and Nok-hon to give her their energy
We improve our cult and increase her energy, at the cost of whoring out what is already a whore incarnate. Win-win.

>Explore the entire school grounds
Let's get a grip on our situation. There might be a library or some shit.
>lust focus
since we fundamentally wish to do everyone worth doing, start here. We need to access her succubite powers, or we would have essentially used a master sorcerer spell to summon an onahole. A waste.

>but no powers left
Just for today; if we lust focus we will soon be able to do Nemoryss and cast; basically an MP cap increase. This is resistance training. Get on it fatboy.

>coke problem
we need to switch to diet. Our knees are going to give out at this rate. We'll still have insulin insensitivity, but we should lose a little weight from the sheer calorie drop.

>sex cult?
Nemoryss can be the prize for a very very
>VERY committed simp. She should not be a public toilet, open to all entrants; she should be a 7-star hotel en suite with gold fixtures and possibly illegal jacuzzi.
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>afternoon plans

we now have a bunch of names. After perking Nemoryss up, send her to mingle with whoever she can on that list. She doesn't want to tell us outright, but revealing what she manages to find out from mingling is still fair.

Doing this, we both Lust Focus AND the Mana used on Nemoryss is not wasted.

For ourselves, while Nemoryss is out schmoozing, we can go back to the basement and see what else we can cast with our current power, or any ways to increase it.

Have her seduce and drain Winston and Thomas to 90ilb weaklings. If she can channel what she doesn't need to MC, good.

Even if she can't (or won't, cheeky minx), W&T being spiritually exhausted will be easy prey to MC's domination.

time scrolling. If there's a spell to convert adipose tissue to muscle or mana, even if momentary and limited, it will be an immediate edge.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Vote analysis

All votes agree to whore out Nemoryss, 2/3 votes to whore her out to cultists.
First die:
1: whore her out to all cultists [+ mingle with the girls]
2: keep her for a very commited simp [+ rest]

2/3 votes: Time scrolling, go back to the basement

>it would be awesome if the MC remains fat
>we need to switch to diet
>If there's a spell to convert adipose tissue to muscle or mana
Opinions are conflicted regarding the MC’s weight, so I will put that aside until we know if adipose tissue can be converted.
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You spend the afternoon diligently attending class, but as your blood sugar levels drop, you can’t make it through the last class and have to return home. "I need Coke badly," is all you can think about. In your sugar withdrawal haze, you decided that Nemoryss will be the reward for your most loyal cultist, treating her more like a high-value escort than a public urinal. Nok-hon is already addicted to her, pestering you with questions about her absence. You brushed him off, claiming you’re not close enough to share her private life, allegedly out of "respect for her." In reality, you could barely contain a maniacal laugh because the power you hold over him makes you gloat. Power is a new feeling, something you’ve never felt before, and it is reinvigorating. Power is the source of life.

You grab a bottle of Coke from the fridge and down it in one go. After a few minutes, you feel the sugar coursing through your bloodstream, and the tiredness dissipates. There are two important mysteries to solve. First, can you increase your powers? Can you increase your mana capacity or learn new spells from the monolith? And second, how exactly does the notebook, the Book of Death, work? You’ve tested your first two powers, Brainwashing and Succubus Summoning, and they work wonderfully, but you still need to explore your third power. Obviously, killing someone has greater consequences than brainwashing, but it’s the most powerful magic in your arsenal, so understanding it is urgent.

You grab another bottle to take downstairs and head toward the secret passage in the basement. The monolith is still there, a dark, ominous presence in the shadows. The blue energy feels unpleasant, almost blinding, something you hadn’t experienced the first time. You place your hand on it, hoping to gain more powers. If you could convert your fat and sugar into mana, you’d become more powerful. But nothing happens. It’s nothing more than a dead, cold stone. Perhaps it’s a one-time use, or maybe you can use it again when your mastery of sorcery improves.

You advance into the tunnel, a sense of danger prickling at your senses. The stone walls are perfectly masoned, with torches lining the sides, giving it a medieval dungeon vibe. After approximately 60 feet, you reach a sort of portal, glowing with blue light, runes inscribed all over its surface. The portal radiates a benevolent energy, a protection from whatever lies ahead. You wonder how large the underground section of your grandfather's manor is.

>Explore alone.
>Call Ilnesh and Nok-hon, explore together.
>Call Ilnesh and Nok-hon, let them touch the monolith, and explore together.
>Wake up Nemoryss, and request her esoteric knowledge. [roll 1d100, DC 50]
>Meet up with Mr. Franklin, the Headmaster, and ask him about the monolith.
>Leave, and investigate the powers of the Book of Death.
>Write in
>Call Ilnesh and Nok-hon, explore together.
Minions are useful for a reason.

>study the warding
>see if it is breaking
>guess if entering it will weaken or break it

>attempt to guess what kind of prisoner is behind it, and what power level
>power level should be significantly less than the ward

>also guage whether we are able to reproduce the ward at any level (simplified partial, complete partial, or simplified complete as a best case; complete complete is too much to ask), to better our odds when we decide to delve

>ask Nemoryss what she can tell about the warded segment and its prisoner
>if asking yields nothing, because minx, barter with her in kooms, if possible

MC seems to be at 2/2 mana-kooms per day; currently unable to deal with human bullies, 2 barely understood spells, and no cult to speak of. Today is too early to delve somewhere Grampap kept heavily warded. Therefore, if above yields nothing:

>Study the Book of Death
Sleep is a kind of death, and decay is living death. Since Grampap didn't lock the book or rig it with traps, it should be fairly safe to study, at least. Let's expand the spell list.
>Leave, and investigate the powers of the Book of Death.
Been neglecting this, maybe we can do something interesting. See if we can get rid of some of the local police? Chaos is a ladder after all.
Pick a random seat in the house of commons and kill their representative with the book every time there's an election or a by-election until "the curse of seat x" is all the media talks about
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Vote analysis

3/4 votes: study the book of death
I will also include the ward analysis write in

>1: kill some of the local police
>2: kill a random seat in the house of commons

It looks cool, what website are you guys using?
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>wat website
/pol/ish memetic warfare archive.


every link has like 10000-30000 images, at a rate of 2-4 links per month being generated since oct 2023.

It takes me a day to go through each zip file for good'uns. Lots of the usual /pol/lution.

but oh lawd when it gets good theys is GUUD
You examine the warding closely. Though you’re not an expert in runes, you recognize these as either English or Norse, and they seem entirely intact. In fact, the tunnels and portal are in impeccable condition, and you guess that entering wouldn’t break anything. You think more. The energy feels the same as the monolith, which you know is extremely powerful, leading you to conclude that the portal is equally powerful. While sitting on the floor, you wonder if you could replicate the ward. Tracing the runes with your finger, you notice their shape isn’t complicated. The challenge lies in infusing them with magic to make them glow, a process you have no knowledge of. Perhaps it requires a special power of its own.

As time passes, the blue energy makes you increasingly uncomfortable, and you feel the urge to leave. You slowly climb the stairs, take a break on the first floor, and climb them again to the library. It's the first time you entered it. The room is imposing, with floor-to-ceiling shelves lined with expensive, leather-bound books. High ceilings and opulent furniture, including a baroque desk, add to the opulent ambiance. There's likely much to read and learn here, as well as at the school’s library, but you can’t even keep up with the math class, so you feel overwhelmed at the idea of reading. Instead, you take the Book of Death out of your backpack and rub your hand on the human leather cover. Now, more attuned to magic, you sense it holds incredible power too.

On your laptop, you find the Facebook page for the Tarrytown Police Department. The best way to destabilize the town is to destroy its institutions, and the police are the first target. Chaos is power, and the more chaos you cause, the more power you harness. You see the newest post, "Please help us welcome our newest Sergeants who hit the road today." Sgt. Schubert is a Mexican woman, small in height, with a vine tattoo on her right biceps. Sgt. Warner is a muscular giant, around 250 pounds, his arms as wide as barrels, a stark contrast to his partner. Their lives seem carefree, and you hesitate for an instant. You know from the monolith vision that this book has the power of death, so there will be no going back. With a shaking hand, you write their full names down. Almost inaudible, dark whispers seem to emanate from behind the bookshelves in the darkness, but you dismiss it as an auditory hallucination.

Mission accomplished, you return to your bedroom and slip into bed next to Nemoryss. One day, you will give her to one of your followers, but for now, she is all yours.
On the next day, you will:
>Focus on your relationship with Winston
>Focus on your relationship with Ilesh and Nok-hon
>Focus on your relationship with Nemoryss
>Brainwash a few other classmates [roll 1d100]
>Summon an extra succubus [roll 1d100]
>Write in

Disclaimer: The story is based on anime, and the players of this quest do not advocate for actually writing Schubert and Warner’s names in a real Book of Death if such a thing existed.

>check Grampap's desk in the library
>also check his study if there is one in the manor
>His last unsent letters, possible journals, unfinished treatises, might give us a clue about the Monolith and the Thing(s) beyond the Seal.
>Maybe a few lesser artifacts that are just interesting toys to him are just lying around in a drawer
>These might be very good personal equipment or training tools for someone of our level

>Do the same for Grampap's wardrobe and attic, if we have access.

>I wonder if any one in Dad's generation knew why him and Grampap broke off. Maybe Auntie Maddy, dad's older sister, knows something? Pressure her to tell us for "closure" (kek)

>Research in the school library for bios of Master Frances Hackley, and Master Bagshaw, see what their official accomplishments are. These might hint at the nature or timeline of their real accomplishments.

>if there are photos of them with big groups, take a smartphone snap for later reference. If we later encounter someone from the photos who is still as young as the photos we are NOPEing.

>See if any one on staff is directly related to either man by blood or friendship; people of dad's age, at least.
>See if they are monitoring us

>check the school's trophy hall for anything won or left behind by Master Hackley and Grampap. Since we can sense magic by touching the BoD, we might be able to detect of anything they left behind has magic. If we find any, we're going to steal it.
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Votes are still open. Anon LamNlm7Y, roll 1d100 on Search Table 1.

I find the fractal type things terrifying, it's like they are straight from hell.
Rolled 32 (1d100)

>Brainwash a few other classmates [roll 1d100]
Seems you're not cut out for psychedelics kek
Rolled 21 (1d100)

>fractal types scare me
oops. sorry. I am fascinated by them. But for this thread I will try not to post them again. Sorry.

ohthankGod nothing cursed
You can post them, summoning things from hell is the quest concept.

>Seems you're not cut out for psychedelics kek
After watching a horror documentary about DMT entities, I would think, no human is cut out for it. I don't understand how, but they perform eldritch surgeries on people.

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The first thing you do when you wake up is open your laptop and check the news. The operating system slowly boots as your impatience grows. Nemoryss stretches and gets out of bed.

"You fucked me good, last night. I didn’t move, but it woke me up for an instant."

You wonder, isn’t she supposed to put more effort into seducing? Yesterday, you had been searching the library and the study for things left by your grandfather. In the 32 volume encyclopedia, the article about succubi said they are demons that seek sexual intercourse with sleeping men. It didn’t say anything about the succubus sleeping while the man puts in all the effort.

She comes and watches your screen over your shoulder. You find that annoying but say nothing. At last, the website for the River Journal, the local newspaper, loads, and with excitement, you see that you are on the front page.

>Title: Two police officers brutally murdered in bizarre ritual
"Last night at approximately 10 PM, two police officers, Sgt. Schubert and Sgt. Warner, were murdered in what investigators have described as a bizarre ritual. While the exact cause of death remains undetermined, initial reports indicate that their limbs were twisted and their bones broken. The FBI has joined the local police force in the investigation, suspecting a Satanic attack. Police Chief John Barbelet has urged the community to remain vigilant."

"This is the work of a death mage," Nemoryss says. "You better watch out, or you will end up dead like them."

"Don’t worry," you answer. "I’m the one who's killed them."

"Aren’t you a summoner?" she asks, surprised. "I’ve never heard of a sorcerer with more than one type of power."

"But I do. I killed them yesterday with a curse."

The look of surprise remains on her face. "I thought you were an idiot and a weakling because you can’t handle social interactions with your peers. But I have deeply misjudged you. With two powers, you are probably the most powerful human sorcerer of this generation."

You smile. "Yes. So you better give me more respect."

At school, you are unable to pay attention to class. You keep thinking about your powers. It turns out you are the most powerful person on the planet. If you play your cards right, you can accomplish anything, even becoming the President of the United States.

You attempt to brainwash a few of your classmates again, but it doesn’t work, and they take you for a lunatic.

"The girl you just talked to," Nemoryss says, "is the depraved whore I told you about."

The girl in question is Alyssa. She’s an average-looking brunette who doesn’t stand out much and has average grades. She wasn’t even on Winston’s list. A minute ago, she called you crazy, but it turns out she’s a big slut. Unfortunately, that means you have nothing on Nikki, the bully who laughed at you yesterday when you told her she needs to eat more.
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Today, the headmaster is absent, so you can't ask him your questions, and you head toward the library on the second floor of Goodhue Memorial Hall to learn more about the school’s history. You discover that the founder, Mrs. Frances Hackley, a wealthy Unitarian, established the school, originally a boys' school, from her summer mansion to promote Unitarian values in the New York region. Your grandfather, William Bagshaw, served as the previous headmaster and implemented significant changes, moving away from Mrs. Hackley’s Victorian principles. He introduced a more modern approach, including coeducation and the removal of mandatory uniforms. Nothing stands out, because these changes are in line with the widespread liberalization of Christian schools across the country.

Suddenly developing paranoid thoughts, you look at the historical photos, trying to see if there’s anyone who hasn’t aged or is a doppelganger, demon, or any other entity you should be wary of. You remember the whispers you heard in the library the previous night and feel nervous. You gaze over your shoulder, afraid that perhaps one of them is monitoring you. But there’s no one. With relief, you see that all photos are normal, and everyone, including your teachers, has aged normally. You also do not detect any anomaly in the last names or anything of that sort. Still, you take a photo of everything on your smartphone as safety measure.

When you return to the classroom, you find yourself in the middle of a heated commotion. Apinya, the Thai girl, has been caught stealing from another student’s bag. She stands in the center, head bowed in shame, surrounded by a circle of classmates. Voices buzz around her, a mix of accusatory tones and murmurs of disbelief. Nikki, the one who caught her, stands with a triumphant smirk, clearly relishing the moment. The students are debating whether they should report her to the teachers or punish her themselves.

>Ignore the commotion and explore the school, starting with the trophy hall.
>Ask Nemoryss to strip as a distraction, and escape with Apinya.
>Brainwash Nikki into confessing that she framed Apinya and is the actual thief. [roll 1d100, DC unknown]
>Defend Apinya, arguing she is innocent. [roll 1d100, Rhetorics, DC 85]
>Suggest that Apinya's punishment should be to date the class's loser, Ilesh. [roll 1d100, Rhetorics, DC 85]
>Write in


>I wonder if any one in Dad's generation knew why him and Grampap broke off. Maybe Auntie Maddy, dad's older sister, knows something?
You don’t have relatives on your dad’s side, and only a grandmother on your mom’s side.
Rolled 93 (1d100)

>Brainwash Nikki into confessing that she framed Apinya and is the actual thief.
Gotta advance our skills, if not with communion then with practice
was going to write in, but you slotted a pinhole headshot.


>for later

>range and spread test BoD with a phonebook
>There seem to be eight Aaron Aaverys in Terrytown
>Even one is too many.
>Four AaAas have FB profiles, all boomers.
>Two more on TwitterX, in other states; zoomers
>Write "Aaron Aavery" looking at all six profiles
>Check the DailyBilge.com every day the following week
>look for articles detailing a string of gruesome murders
>Possibly connected to the suspected Satanic Cult deaths of Sgts Schubert and Warner of Terrytown PD.
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You feel your mana traveling along your spine, emerging from your mouth, and slowly flowing towards Nikki, penetrating her orifices like invisible tendrils. This isn’t something visible to your physical eyes but something you sense deeply within your soul. You pick up on a hint of arousal from her, subtle but unmistakable. You realize that mana and sexual energy are one and the same, and your energy is surprisingly compatible with Nikki.

"Nikki," you say firmly, "you stole from the bag and framed Apinya."

"I stole from the bag and framed Apinya," she repeats, enunciating each word slowly.

A chorus of outraged gasps rises from the students, and Apinya, in particular, gives Nikki a puzzled look. Her situation has just taken an unexpected turn.

"It doesn’t make sense," Elizabeth says. "Both your parents are top rated lawyers, there’s no reason for you to steal anything."

"I..." Nikki begins but trails off, unable to complete her sentence. The brainwashing's absurdity traps her mind in a maze of thoughts, causing her consciousness to drift away, leaving behind a blank-stare zombie. Yes, you sense that the nature of brainwashing is akin to a maze. You had noticed Winston acting mechanically under your power, but Nikki's reaction is far more extreme.

"She’s secretly saving money to buy gifts and seduce Robert," Nemoryss says. "I overheard her talking about wanting to go on secret dates with him when we were in the bathroom together."

"I... want to seduce Robert," Nikki repeats. "I have a crush on him."

The Robert in question is you, and the last part sounded somewhat sincere, as if she added it herself. The students express their outrage, each one chiming in with their opinion on the situation. But you know their indignation is feigned, an excuse to display moral superiority. Everything is always about power and bullying. Because of Nikki’s status, the victim of the theft decides to let it go. You suspect she will soon become a pariah, perhaps even bullied by Ilesh. It’s exactly what she deserves.

Later, Apinya catches you in the hallway and thanks you for intervening. You chat briefly, and she explains why she steals.

"My father invested all his money in Thai Airways, and the company went bankrupt due to the COVID-19 harsh restrictions, with people unable to travel. He lost everything and fell into depression. All he does now when he gets home is drink whiskey. He hasn’t been taking care of me and my sister, and we’re struggling to get even food. It might sound crazy, but I’ve become a thief and a burglar just to survive."

She looks down, ashamed. "I won’t steal from our classmates anymore. I don’t want to get you or others in trouble."
>Since she’s so poor, share your snacks and lunch with her.
>Ask her if she can pick the lock of the Headmaster’s office door and sneak in.
>Brainwash her: being sorry is not good enough, she’s got to pay you in nature. [roll 1d100, DC 50]
>Leave, explore the school, starting with the trophy hall.
>Leave, go to the library to write random names in the Book of Death.
>Write in
>Since she’s so poor, share your snacks and lunch with her.
"Don't worry about it. Nikki is a bitch."

If we get on her good side, we can probably more effectively brainwash her later.
>Since she’s so poor, share your snacks and lunch with her.
>Ask her if she can pick the lock of the Headmaster’s office door and sneak in.
Tit for tat, another member in the fold is always good and it would be good to ensure loyalty some way. Good opportunity to know what we're dealing with too.
>share snacks and lunch
>but the two Cokes is for me

>keep Apinya on retainer for future BnE.
>we are pumping her for information
>and other things.
>other Other things.

>ask Apinya casually how she would get in somewhere secure in this school
>say, the Headmaster's office
>the secrets meant for us that the Headmaster holds cannot wait for graduation.

>ask Apinya casually if there are small cashe spaces or unwatched empty areas in school
>we might need somewhere to put whatever we choose to steal from the trophy hall, school library, etc, in an intermediate area in case of a bag search
>and also, orgy room.
>the large nowhere stairwell in the B1 boiler room under the assembly hall, perhaps; it was used as construction storage during a massive reno 8 years ago and not filled in, just covered with plasterboard and painted over.
>We can cut a hole in the plasterboard to enter and cover it with metal siding

>Nikki likes us
>Robert Bagshaw
>aka Bobby Bags
>nerds keep their V cards to collect MtG
>We collect V cards with actual Magic
>The game is afoot, gents.
>>Leave, go to the library to write random names in the Book of Death.
Rolled 4 (1d100)

Die roll for teachers' schedule

>01-10: The headmaster returns while you are robbing his office.
>11-00: No one comes.
Oh shit
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You open your backpack, revealing a collection of snacks, such as waffles, chocolate chip cookies, and mini peanut butter pies, and offer her to eat anything she likes. She declines, pointing out that they're too high in calories for a girl.

"Do you think you could use your skills to pick Mr. Franklin’s door?"

"Yes, office doors like that are easy to open... But it’s risky. I don’t want to get in trouble."

"It’s fine. If anything happens, I’ll take responsibility. I’m a friend of his family, so nothing bad would happen."

In seconds, she bumps the lock open, not long enough for you to steal a glance under her skirt. You’d heard rumors about Asian girls having thick, hairy pussies and had always been curious if it was true, but that mystery will have to wait to be solved. You quickly step inside the office, and she swiftly disables a security camera without being seen. Very perceptive, you think. The office is sparsely furnished, with few places to hide anything of value. The drawers of his desk are locked, and she begins picking them with hairpins.

"Hey, Apinya, do you know about small caches or unwatched empty areas in school?"

"Yes, of course. But hold on." She moves her hands. "There. It’s open."

She unlocked all three drawers as effortlessly as the front door. Her skills are nothing short of remarkable. In the bottom drawer, you find a Glock 22 and two leather-bound diaries. The covers are worn and aged, hinting at long-kept secrets. You grab the first diary and begin to read.

>William Bagshaw, February 02, 1982
"The brightest children of the orphanage will be given a free scholarship to the school. We will teach them our values and raise them into becoming the next generation of Warriors of Light."

You skip through the diary, finding several mentions of the Warriors of Light, but they are never clearly defined. It seems your grandfather was fighting various evil groups and was part of a faction known as the Warriors of Light.

>William Bagshaw, November 15, 2010
"Robert and Elizabeth were born in the same year. We have taken this as a sign from fate, and our families have agreed on marrying them when they are of age. They represent our great hope for preventing the destruction of this world."

This is the only entry where you are mentioned. You feel shocked upon discovering that Elizabeth is, in fact, your fiancée. No one had ever told you about it. Even the Headmaster said she had to introduce herself to you, as if it was nothing and casual, but withheld this important fact. It’s just crazy.
>William Bagshaw, September 01, 2013
"Robert’s abilities in mathematics are extraordinary. He understood the mathematical rule of three intuitively, whereas children his age can barely count to ten. It seems he’s promised to a bright future as a magician."

What! You hate math! Your former math teacher, Mr. Finch, made sure of this. For you, math is synonymous with being asked questions you don’t know the answer to, being sent to the blackboard, shaking, and feeling terrified. You can’t identify with this entry and don’t remember ever understanding anything about math. Further, you don’t remember ever meeting your grandfather. How did he know what subjects you were good at?

>Charles Franklin’s diary, September 01, 2016 "Elizabeth’s powers as a Priestess of Athena are growing day by day. I’m afraid that as a servant of the virgin goddess, she will never agree to marry. That would mean the end of our bloodline, which I cannot accept. I was never able to locate Robert, but I assume he’s growing into a fine gentleman. I have to believe in those two kids."

You feel even more confused by this entry. Athena? Do they worship the ancient Greek gods? This is a 180-degree reversal for the school, from Mrs. Hackley’s Unitarian vision to the rebirth of ancient paganism. No one in the modern world even believes in the ancient gods. But there’s no time to think. The door swings open, and the Headmaster steps in. He’s caught you red-handed, the diary clutched in your grip. With lightning-fast reflexes, Apinya drops to the floor and hides under the desk.

"Robert? What are you doing here?"

His eyes move to the diary, and he snatches it from your hands abruptly.

"This is a private object. You had no right to read it."

>Apologize, repent, and tell him you accept any punishment.
>Confront him about the diary’s content [roll 1d100, Assertiveness, DC 85]
>Brainwash him into forgetting you were here [roll 1d100, DC unknown]
>Frame Apinya and say she forced you to tag along
>Write in
>Apologize, repent, and tell him you accept any punishment.
"I'm... I'm sorry, Headmaster. I never knew my grandpa and nobody ever told me anything. I thought I might find answers here, but I've betrayed your trust."
>Rub our eyes with our hand, like we're trying to keep it together.
"I... I don't even know what to say, sir. This isn't like me."

>act as mature as you can
>a fatboy koomer with a Coke addiction.
>Since we now know the Headmaster's real estimation of us, we are toffing this up.
>"Headmaster, I am prepared to face the consequences of resolving what I consider a pressing necessity.
>"My father is dead, as is my grandfather, and I am without living relation on either side of my family, save my maternal grandmother.
>"My grandfather has conferred to me a significant estate yet without instruction as to its maintenance or disposal.
>"There are things I must know that cannot wait for graduation.
>"I must be my own man, and if I must be a thief and a scoundrel so I shall. But a man."

I'm sure brainwashing him is the last thing we should try.
Also we should make moves on Elizabeth later. Preferably only slightly using our powers on her. It should feel earned when she falls for us.

>accept responsibility and repercussions
>for both yourself and Apinya.
We have already murdered two strangers unprovoked: Sgt Schubert and Sgt Warner of TTPD. Being anything less than Sigma now is unacceptable.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

[red]Tie breaker[/red]

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