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A world where might makes right. A world of Jade and Gold, of Phoenix and Dragons, of Pills and Talismans, of Martial and Spiritual arts.
A world where diligent training yield strength, meaning freedom. A world where loneliness means death, meaning social chains.
A world still unfair, as the ones reaching the heavens are most likely born rich - be it political riches of the aristocrats, power of secret knowledges and hidden realms of clans, or lucky enough to be born one-in-a-thousand genius.

This was not the case of Quiet Word - that is, (You).
Your current skill level being on par with said genius of your age? Lucky encounters and a knack for navigating social situations.
You know a fair amount of technic for such a young cultivator, but your strength lies in the impressive amount of Bonded Spiritual Beasts - A Hawk spirit, a Horse spirit, a Snake spirit and a Wolf spirit.
Speaking of that last one, you didn't told a world about him to anybody. As a scion of the Primordial Wolf spirit, its father warned you of its worth and how people could want to rip it away from you.
Said worth comes from its ability to Fuse without restriction - fusion being a secret of the higher ranking of your sect, secret you have almost completely rediscovered on your own. Alright, the Primordial Wolf might have helped you on that point.

Recently, your sect, the Eastern Branch of Tamers of Hundred Beast is currently under political attack from the Symphony of Gilded Waters.
This sect attempt to increase their relevence on the global scene by stealing some of yours. They are backed up by the Turtle Copper Sect, as your senior brother Bathias discovered.
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Character Recap Anchor
Picrel is character sheet.

Tamers of Hundred Beasts
(You), Quiet Word, almost 7 year old. First Stage, working on opening your Ear Aperture.
Dhundan Kepa, peerless genius. You've witnessed him yell a tiger, a shot arrow, and even the sun to compliance. Although this Never worked on Ai.
Ai, peerless genius. Can speak and calm all thing (except Dhundan)
Three "gifted but not great" kids : Sin Din, skilled Horse cultivator. Man Din, bounded with a precious spirit but lagging a little bit behind. Yi Norm, Monkey Cultivator.
Kyo Ko (nicknamed Kyo Kyo), 11 year old Second-Stage cultivator. Extremely secretive of her techniques.
Gro Ta, 13 year old Second-Stage cultivator. Whale Cultivator.
Bathias, 16 year old Third-Stage cultivator. Current Hawk Master
Ryota. Boar cultivator, Branch Master.

Other Stable Lotus cultivators
Venerable Stable Lotus, local's bigwig.
Young Mistress LienWen YanEr, his sole daughter, your age. And she is a good friend.
Young Mistress LienWen JiaLin : unpleasantly ambitious cousin of YanEr.
Medicine Master Soulgaze : Uncle of YanEr. Pill crafter expert.
Sovereign All Learner's Teacher, Master of Versatile Harmony Quest.
Ping Jun, student of Versatile Harmony Quest, bounded with Golden Talismanic Horse Spirit. And he's a good friend.
Meiying Youling - Ant-burning mentally unstable young mistress of Death Harvester Cult
Ster Ling, unsuferable Genius boy of the Stable Harbor Military Youth
Xiao Niar, Death-seeking unskilled boy of the Stable Harbor Military Youth
Inborn Tanuki's Lantern; Loose cultivator that saved Bathias life.
Marketer Golden Eye, Silver Tongue - All-selling Merchant Alliance highest rank cultivator.
Old Jiang - Owner of the town's spiritual technique bookstore.

Golden Skystone Village
Daoist Golden Skystone Patriarch, Village leader. After plotting with Gilded Waters, seems loyal.
Man Cong, eldest son, 18. Bounded with Golden-scale Stellar Snake. Second stage.
Dan Rol, second son, 14. Bounded with Golden-scale Stellar Snake. Last step of First stage, studied in the main sect for a few months.
Daughter (unnamed), 7. Bounded with Golden-scale Stellar Snake. A bit haughty. Working on opening her Heart Aperture.
Maya Tao, that you know more as Snake Mistress, working with Patriarch on improving the clan's technique.
A harem of domestics, probably jealous of Maya Tao and the Patriarch's... closeness.
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You are utterly and completely lost. This realm is strange : it lack height. Only depth and width are present.
You are facing lines - walls? - obscuring your vision. Where to go?
You don't believe in your luck enough to randomly stroll in the paths.
"Come forth, Hawk Spirit! Eyes from Above!"
The Hawk's is not flat, and able to go over the lines, providing you a better vision of this realm.
You are... A drawing? In a maze? You activate the energy sight throught the Hawk's eyes.
One side of the maze is colored. Another is blank.
Wait. Over there... The colored maze stop abruptly. Or perhaps start? The energy reads like the day you partook the exam. Huge branches start at that point, one brimming with all of energies, another focusing on weapons, and the last... the one you're on.
Some of the branches are dark. You unwind memories. The first dark spot was around Transplanhumance? You look closely.
Looks like the path you've taken is a bright golden hair amidst a lake of darkness : harmless, catching the precious Hawk Spirit, meeting and building a good relationship with Kyo Kyo. The maze turns way darker after your acquisition of the Wolf Spirit. For now, you've navigated easily and avoided the black blobs. The closest you've been to danger : the visit at the Tamers of Thousand Beasts. A close call with the Wolf Master that taught you your spear style, another with the soul appraising with that white-beard senior. Another smudge of danger when going to Golden Skystone Village.
The hawk shows that your path was one amond a myriad. Some path in the future merge, even with different starting branches.
Are you seeing fate? There must be an opportunity to seize! You take a deep breath in your flat body, and get jolted by a fang of pain.
You open your eyes. That was a strange dream. Your hand on your broken ribs, you slowly gets up.
No body tempering, nor martial training for you right now. Although, things are going better. Your energy is recovering. Better not strain yourself a tad more, and you'll be free to cultivate again.

Perfect opportunity to sow seed for long-term gains
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First, you will work on improving the Snake Pits. With the absence of Snake Mistress, fellow older students are doing the bare minimum.
When you see a kid a couple year older than you dropping a cluster of ball python eggs - which are safe and good choice to give to little one for the admission test or as an animal to turn into bounded spirit - in the pit of the King Cobra, notorious snake eater, you know you must take things in hand.
But how? You're far from close to those other kids. You see them as untalented slacker, they see you as priviledged, favorite, underperforming. Meaning, they're not afraid of you. Your cultivation is equivalent or even above most of the slackers but they heavily outnumber you. Luckily, the second-stage kids are not working with mundane beasts. Still, something must be done. You approach Kyo Ko that evening.
"Dear sister, I'll need your help.
- Oh? What for? Need some help to talk with a girl you like?
- What? No! Beside, girls are trouble and sticking too close is a great way to catch germs.
- So if I hug you it's trouble? I'm so dirty you think I've germs?
- Get away! Get away!"
Your two hands push the older girl's face away, akin to an unwillingly held kitten.
This result in overtime for the two of you in the Snake Pits. Clearing and refilling basic supplies. Adapting the logistic to the actual population of the pits. Detailing a plan for hatching enough vipers and pythons for newcomers.
Checking the snakes individually - and that's when you figure out how careless the other kids have been.
"Kyo Kyo, I think we have a problem.
- You finally run out of ways to give me more work?
- I'm afraid it is the contrary..."
A good lot of the snakes are suffering from scale mold. It's a good thing you put more effort on the pits, as the situation will be harsh but recoverable. Cleaning extensively the pits, brushing the reptile and using the special balm becomes additional chores for you and the other kids.
Other kids who glare more and more angrily at you. Luckily, Kyo Ko is never too far, and they are not brave enough to misbehave in front of authority.
You took action at the right time. Situation is bad, but salvageable. However, efforts will have to be maintained.

When you're not scrubing the pits, you hang out with Ai and Dhundan. And you launch them on debates. On everything and anything.
They never agree, from minute points like the sky's color, to which element is strongest in direct pairing, what material supplement best what element.
This is deeply distracting, and you have to refrain to laugh for the sake of your ribs.
This continued strategy is starting to bear fruits, as the two geniuses are getting worked on, but slowly not at each other anymore.
This draws a smile on your face. Ai is getting more anchored in reality. Dhundan significantly more eloquent than when you met him.
You'll have to find good ideas to get them closer though.
There's still an amount of daily time dedicated to work on your litteracy.
This week is mainly spent on improving your writing of characters, with little supervision from Ryota.
"So in a few weeks of time, we'll be going to Frost Copper Turtle Town. A "gifted student exchange".
I still don't know what's my angle will be. I can write up to a few other Masters I'll trust and just assault them.
But this will be risky, and will bring trouble from the Empire.
Else, we can act subtely and get definitive proofs. Then, we can submit them to the Imperial Court, hope our case will be listened before the next 20 years.
Or just attempt to negociate like adults... Oh, this seems like you have mail.
A letter? From LienWen YanEr.

"Dear fellow daoist Quiet Word,
This Young Mistress LienWen YanEr formally invites you to partake in tea-sharing where we could discuss and exchange pointers.
Our last pointer exchange was far too long ago, and I have no doubt we both progressed and would greatly benefit from discussing of our unique Martial Perspective.
Greatest Regards,"

"So... Any difficulties?
- No. I got it all. I... I think I know all the words."
>With your constant efforts, you are now considered "Litterate". You can read and write effortlessly on mundane subjects.

You head toward the Stable Lotus compound a few days later. YanEr owes you for folding your match two rounds after you defeated her cousin.
The deer master leaves you in front of the compound, where you show the invitation to the average cultivator relegated to the job of gatekeeper.
You are guided into the maze of bridges over canals, reminiscence of that dream of yours, until you reach a small room where LienWen YanEr, in formal robes, wait. She's sitting on her knees behind a low table, completely focus. Her pretty face brightens when you step in.
"Fellow Daoist Quiet Word! Glad to see you!
-Fellow Daoist Quiet Word! Glad to see you!
- Why are you repeating yourself?
- Why are you repeating yourself?
-That's not me, that's the Echo Root!
-That's not me, that's the Echo Root!"
Indeed, on the table, a small piece of wood - like a tree that split in half and rejoined, creating the frame of an harp.
The instrument's string are made of creepers. The whole naturally-grown contraption is no more than a feet high.
"I recently broke through Nose Aperture. I wanted to share this with you. Let's make some tea.
-I recently broke through Nose Aperture. I wanted to share this with you. Let's make some tea."
You nod, and proceed unfurling the cloth layering your precious teapot, while your friend boil water. Both of you remain silent until she cuts the echo root using silver scissors.
"Thank you.
-It's hard to have a conversation with the words bouncing back.
And no. 'Tis is I which formally thanks you. With my win in the turnament, I'm back in the favored child position.
I caught up with you and my cousin. It's fair I share those spoils. And if there's anything else...
You both take a sip at the energy-rich water infused with the roots. It somehow taste even plainer than raw water.
But you feel threads of Qi And Blood already present in the two spheres of the Ear aperture erect.
Tension augments, layering the aperture with strings catching and amplifying sounds.
"So this is the secret of Echo Vines? Structured Qi and Blood allow to open the aperture while half the threads produce twice the results?
- It seems so...
- Regarding what you say... Could you take me to Medicine Master Soulgaze? His pills were more than amazing.
- Sure thing!"

You cherish the precious moment spent walking in the compound with the Young Mistress.
The Loose Cultivator road you're aiming for will certainly leave you free enough to step away from conflicts involving a friend in the opposite side.
But will you have enough opportunities to see said friend as much as you wish? Nothing is certain.
"Look at what bloomed in the Lotus. Bold of you to invite a foe, YanEr
- Out of our way, JiaLin.
- Come on. You're the one mingling with outsiders. Leeches only looking to sap the strength of our dominant position."
Her words are harsh, but she's barely looking at you; gaze lock on her cousin. Tension is rising.
"Bold words from the weakest cultivator among us, JiaLin.
I beat you. Young Mistress LienWen beats me. Are you courting death facing two of your seniors in cultivation?"
You raise your voice enough to drag a bit of attention. The jade princess steps back.
"You. You were just lucky. I'll prove you I'm better. And you. You won't always have the failsafe net of seniors watching."

"Hello Uncle
- Hello YanEr. And Quiet Word, right?
- Thank you very much for your help with the pills. They help tremendously.
- Let me see... You had good progress. And the pills were correctly balanced, so no residual energy... I can give you a few more."

Then, you say your goodbies to LienWenYanEr and her uncle. You're back at the sect. And your wound healed all nice.
Time for cultivation.
>Pill request
What technique do you want pills for? [write in]

Chose 3

>Study the Martial Technique scroll
>Improve your Potential Estimation Contraption with Gold/Sun lodestone [You'll need other cultivator to go under test for calibration]
>Maybe one specific technique of yours should be improved? [Choose in addition to said technique. More chances of breakthrough]
>Use your Gar Ruk storybook to improve your Meditation Technique [Works best by also picking Foundation]
>Keep improving things between Ai and Dhundan [require write-in on how]
>Man Din is struggling. Help her catch up!
>Sin Din is thriving. Can she become a fourth genius?
>Train Squad Tactics!
>Work on your Foundation
>Work on your Unlimited Rising Star Kick
>Work on your Mental Energy with Dhundan
Weapon skills
>Work on your Windy Cavalier's Halberd [Pills available]
>Work on your Spear style : Blood-Shadow Wolf Painful Assault [Pills available]
>Work on your Mounted Archer’s Wind-Gliding Phoenix Arrow [Pills available]
>Work on your Meteor Hammer Style : Silk Tiger Sun-Seer
Spiritual Beasts
>Investigate on the talking Spiritual Beasts[How?]
>Investigate Body Shifting with your Spiritual Animals
The sect
>Deepens your learning ability with Ryota
>Snake Mistress absence means twice the work at the Snake Pits
>Bathias return's means twice the work at the Hawk's Aviary
Strengthening the Jar
>Slack off
Road of independence
>Discuss with Inborn Tanuki Lantern about the Loose Cultivator life
>Think of what you might need in the Loose Cultivator eventuallity.
And, as always...
>Write-in allowed!
Meteor hammer style pills

>Improve meditation technique
I want to get the "wanderer" key word. And besides, we should make up for the lack of a month. We have barely a year left to reach second realm.

>Snake pits.
Need to keep this fixed. It'll earn us points with the sect that we can use later.
Also fuck you, slackers.
>Request pills for Meteor Hammer Style : Silk Tiger Sun-Seer

>Use your Gar Ruk storybook to improve your Meditation Technique [Works best by also picking Foundation]
>Work on your Foundation
>Snake Mistress absence means twice the work at the Snake Pits
>Pill request
Meteor hammer style: Silk Tiger sun-seer

>Study the Martial Technique scroll
>Man Din is struggling. Help her catch up!
>Snake Mistress absence means twice the work at the Snake Pits
>Hawks Wide Fiery Ballet(this is what we have now, right?l

>Snake Mistress absence means twice the work at the Snake Pits
>Bathias return's means twice the work at the Hawk's Aviary
>Discuss with Inborn Tanuki Lantern about the Loose Cultivator life
it is the correct body tempering item.

The character sheet needs updating, by accident. it looks.
>That JiaLin exchange
Woah she's saltier than I realized
YanEr might need to watch out for Parricide here.

>Man Din is struggling. Help her catch up!
>Work on your Foundation
>Snake Mistress absence means twice the work at the Snake Pits

Uuuuh technique pills uuuuh
Can we get them for the Star kick?
>Request pills for Meteor Hammer Style : Silk Tiger Sun-Seer

>Use your Gar Ruk storybook to improve your Meditation Technique [Works best by also picking Foundation]
>Work on your Foundation
>Snake Mistress absence means twice the work at the Snake Pits
Though I feel sometime soon we will need a horse or halberd technique to round out our abilities.
You're right. the Hawk's Wide Fiery Ballet. I updated my .txt but not the picture charcter sheet.
>Seems good. +1 to Improve meditation technique, foundation, and snake pits
Star kick pills pls
I really really love the recap and character anchor, by the way, QM. Thanks for listening to my feedback.
Thanks player.
I agree with >>6043186, hug QoL improvement, adds that little bit extra to the thread to bring up the quality.
This one looks quite consensual.

>Tally status
Won't be able to write right now, you'll have to wait a bit for your update.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
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With your wound healed, time to indulge in a bit more of cultivation - especially, foundation.
First thing first, re-read Gar Ruk book, extract the lessons, apply them to your style.
Let's just say you find several ways that doesn't work, preventing you to accumulate as much energy as you think you should had.
Even with your limited success at meditation, you feel your body-tempering is most effective - the addition of Fire energies in the mix is pulling its fair share. Most importantly, the result of LienWen YanEr's Tea Party is just simply and plainly amazing.
In the span of the two weeks, your Ear Aperture jumped from one tenth full to one fifth : the Structured Threads are somehow letting a new thread fill up more the aperture. This lead you to ponder, and voice out a question at the Wolf Mistress during your duties : are fortuitous treasure best used immediately after breaking through?
"For first stage, undoubtedly so. For later stage? It is on a case-to-case basis.
- I have a second question... About Body tempering and Meditation... I feel that several options would be better, wouldn't they?
- Indeed. It can circumvent bottlenecks for start, and help turn you into an even more fully fledged cultivator."

The rest of your time is spent at the Snake Pits.
Kyo Ko helps a little bit at the beginning of the week, and the situation soonly gets manageable. Slackers work correctly again, the scale mold is contained, afflicted Snakes are healing, and new Python eggs are layed, while vipers are hatching their eggs inside - securing a supply for new recruits.

But something else happens at the pits.
You're transfering a few healed snakes out of quarantine when you feel something wrong.
Behind you, seven older kids. The worst offenders among slackers. The ones you never bothered to know - you're unable to even give their names.
"What's this?
- Me and the boys feels you have lot of nerve.
- Thinking you're better than us?
- Ordering us around? We'll teach you your place."


You will...
>Attempt to talk this out [write-in your arguments]
>They want it? Bring it on [Triggers a fight]
>Best you can do is grit your teeth and take the beating
>Abscond [use your movement options to flee
>Use movement options to move to the narrow entrance of the snake pit where only two/three people can fight you at one time.
>>They want it? Bring it on [Triggers a fight]

Can the hawk hold our weight to fly above them and then drop us down at the entrance?
The Hawk can't. Your kick can.
Let's use our kick then :)
>"You have a few options, being older and more numerous than me. One, you can turn around and leave to carry on with your chores. Which you should have been doing without my oversight. I will say nothing about those who leave now and this matter will be ignored.

The next option is that you continue with your plan to beat me to a pulp. I will not go down quietly, and I know for a fact I can take down two of you. But there are a lot of you, you might. Might. Have a shot.

And if, and only if, the two I havent beaten to a pulp bring me low, You will then answer to Dhundan and myself, Then to Ryota. First for harming his friend, Second for harming his direct student for the terrible inconvenience of doing your tasks correctly.

Leave. At least two of you getting beaten to a pulp by the second best fighter in the first realm. Dealing with The battle maniac genius of the first realm. And then being reported to the Sect master.
These are your paths, you have 5 breaths to decide."

>Then sneak attack on breath 4 the guy who is talking the biggest game, he's gonna be the most confident and the one leading this whole caper.

I like the repositioning idea, But thats for when we have made the threat to allow them to walk.
But we are not going to let this slide.
>>6044564 +1 but only sneak attack if it seems some of them aren't gonna give up, don't wanna trigger an unnecessary fight
>Abscond [use your movement options to flee]

This is not the place for a fight. The damage caused here could really hurt the sect. If we have to fight, let's take it outside.
I'm fine with this write-in warning them but I don't know if the sneak attack is really a good idea. Sure we'll get initiative on one of their guys, but we'll immediately get surrounded after. I really think if we want to win this fight we need to reposition. Even if we're uber-talented they're still older than us and likely don't have too far of a gap in cultivation base.
We will need to reposition, but Gaining the initative to knock them from 7 to 6 is a valuable trade.

And if you block the door, they have nowhere to run. A cornered mouse will fight any cat. If the warning hasn't warned off at least one of them, then we can reposition after we take down the first of them.

to be clear, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying it needs to be step 3 rather than step 1, so it doesn't fuck over step 2. [Which is offer an out for the intimidated sect members to fuck off]

I accept this concession being made clear.
As a Minor aside, we can fix up that size disparity somewhat with blood wolf summoning, turning it into 2 vs 6, by summoning them with their blood.
Might help by forcing them back in surprise.
+1 but I hope we avoid collateral damage
I wonder if the healed snakes will assist us because they've been treated and Quiet Word is carrying them
Seems good, with the >>6044598
Idk why you are all so keen to get fucked up. Obviously we have been pissing these guys off for a while, and it's not like they have no idea who we are. There is a reason they have decided that now is the time to confront us, we're getting ambushed or fooled if we think this will be anything close to a 'fair fight'. Also, we only just recovered from a serious injury that stifled our cultivation, and you expect to come out of this unharmed? Foolhardy and unnecessarily risky just because we want to wave around our pride even though they are our seniors.

>Attempt to talk this out [write-in your arguments]
Immediately kowtow, hands and knees to the ground and apologize for treading on their 'turf' and say we just wanted to learn more about snakes and become more like these respectable seniors. Ask if we can do any work for them to make up for our insult.
If they don't accept;
>Abscond [Unlimited Rising Star Kick]
But either way immediately tell Ryota of the situation, including the scale mold, wasting ball python eggs, and other work we have needed to do in the pits.
Alpha dominating behavior.

Immediately folding like you are suggesting is going to make us a bitch, and they aren't going to let our reputation stand like that. And Reputation is everything.

If we win, Our standing should increase.
>make us a bitch
you really can only think 2 steps ahead huh
Actions like this hotheadedness will not improve our reputation or standing, it is damaging to the sect as a whole to bicker and quarrel because we couldn't follow seniority.
You think Ryota will congratulate us for weakening the sect and sticking our nose where it didnt belong in the first place?
Movement into fight

Talk no Jutsu into fight

Beg for your safety

I'd say we reached a consensus.

>1 anon roll me 1d100
DC is 70/90
Rolled 42 (1d100)

100, callin it.
Anon did not, in fact, call it
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A little bit earlier...

"Remember. He WILL try to talk us out of it. Menace us with <<consequences>>. Or beg. This is bullshit and false. So he tries to talk? A slug in the mouth. He lower his head and knees on the ground praying for mercy? Kick in the ribs."

Back to a bloody-mouth present
Not only you didn't convinced a couple of them to drop it, you also suffered a hit that surprised you enough to let them deploy around you. With the time needed to channel Qi and Blood before Unlimited Rising Star Kicking away, doing so will open chances for more dire hits. Looks like options are running thinner.
However, those kids are only aware of your Horse and Hawk trumps, and they lack the talent You don't know if they have bounded spirit themself though. And they most definitely lack talent to recognize the Wolf Spirit for what it is. For now you raise your fists and get ready to do your best.

>Already revealed trumps :
Hawk Spirit
Horse Spirit
They are only deployable upon revealing another trump.
>Available trump list :
Snake Spirit
Wolf Spirit
Summon Blood Shadow Wolf
>Upon receiving a hit (result in a wound for you)
Vengeful Spear [Need Spear]
>Upon inflicting a hit
Hawk's double Talon (can turn a missed-by-five into success)
Double-sentence thrust

>1 anon roll 1d100
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Told you we should've just repositioned lmao.
"See? I told you he was..."
You return the favor to their leader with a roundhouse kick to the head, sending him flying. One step back let you regain a tad of control in the fight. Yeah, he's out of it. They still aren't deterred, and three of them steps forward.
>6 opponent left.
>1 anon roll 1d100!
You allowed to repeat roll? I’m guessing not.
Rolled 64 (1d100)

Lets go
I can think fine.

I refuse to let a bunch of talentless lowlifes try and bully us because they think they have the upper hand.
If we win, we have a reputation built for beating up 7 fuckwits.
If we lose then we will take a propwr vengence and get the reputation for there being consequences to fucking with us.

Yes, Ryota will thank us for Taking care of the snake pit. And depending on how well we aquit ourselves here, might say nothing about beating the fuck out of them.
The strong and the most potential can do as they like.

Bow your head if you want, But keep it bowed while everyone else walks over you.
I suggest we summon our spear.

Ot will lower the Dc by a bit.
The more we take them out, our DC should decrease as the opponents do. There were 7 and the DC was 70/90. Now there are 6, so is the DC 60/85? And the leader was the one we KO'd and mid-sentence too
Thats. . A good catch. I hadnt even considered it.

I still think we should throw out our spear first, But we can save it for when we are actually in trouble.
The DC was DC of talk-no-jutsu. 70 would have avoided the face punch, 90 would had been the most favorable outcome for picking talking.
This time, the DC was 65. However, you have
>Hawk's double Talon (can turn a missed-by-five into success)
This is in my opinion the best trump to use with the mechanics of the quest, if you guys agree I'll auto-proceed with that.
Yeah that's fine.
Do it. It's not even that big a trump here because we got it from the sect teachings, not that these arrogant juniors would know
Do it, and Unleash the Horse spirit.

Close quarters, Not much room for them to dodge a kick.
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One of them jumps at your leg. A tackle? You sidestep.

Ducks under a punch.

Step back to get out-of-range of a kick.

They are a lot. Despite being slackers, their raw power coupled with their sheer number should turn them into a true menace, overwhelming.
It isn't, and you get a flash of insight : your Body tempering technique is based on Dance, and this is a direct application out of a ballroom - navigating a complicated battlefield where opponent outnumber you is not as hard for you.
That doesn't help you much with winning the fight. Merely prolonging it.

"Damn it, catch him already!"
The bulkiest one, a girl, open her arm in a grappling pose. Your fist sends your best regards to her nose, which doesn't bother her much.
"Hawk's Double Talon!"
The technique takes the shape of your leg strengthening and fastening, hard and straight as a steel beam, with your shin smashing into the girl's lower leg.


She tumbles in tears, clutching her damaged member.

2 down. 5 to go.

>One anon roll 1d100!
Rolled 27 (1d100)

Rolled 40 (1d100)

1d100 from only 1 person SUCKS QM
I know. Good thing your unprompted roll doesn't count as a trump, right?

What trump do you want to use?

>Snake Spirit
>Wolf Spirit
>Summon Blood Shadow Wolf

With the trump, you can deploy the Hawk and/or the Horse.
>Summon Blood Shadow Wolf
>Blood wolf, Unleash the horse.

Horse will help with its +10
>Snake Spirit, Unleash Horse

Guys it’s the snake pit we have to show symbolically its value!!! Also the blood shadow wolf isn’t the primordial wolf right?
it's a spear technique.
The Blood-Shadow Wolf Painful Assault is a spear style.
The "Summon Blood Shadow Wolf" is a spell requiring you to have some of your empowered blood.
The mouth is bleeding from their punch. Can that be used for it?
I'll amend myself.

It's a spell we got from a spear style.

Ayup. It's why the offer is there, we only need a drop to use it.
Imagine if we spit blood at them as an insult, but the blood wolf makes in an attack they never see coming. That'd be sick
Well no, it'd be blood.

But we should also absolutely do that. Fuck you talentless hacks. Get a wolf spat at you.
Fools! Our edgy hot topic wolf technique makes any injury against us an attack vector against you!
>Tally status

Maybe the past was too fast for anons?
I'd rather use snek spear, but I can back wolf with horse in the interest of moving things along
+1 snake trump, show these fools the power of the serpents they have disrespected
can we just kill these shitters baka sect would be better off without such infants
Locking the spear choice, + tactical Horse deployment.
>1 roll of 1d100; DC 55
Rolled 62 (1d100)

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In the middle of the pit, you're surrounded.
You realize the two you took out actually were going on the way of the others. Now? They're organizing better.
Sending coordinated hits from front and back, baiting and jumping away. You get tagged a couple time - that will leave bruises, but nothing too serious.
Until they mess up. Leaving you enough of an opening.
"Come Forth, Golden Cosmic Spear Snake!"
The following stab have enough reach to make another girl step back to dodge, trip, stumbling on her butt.
You sadly can't capitalize directly on that mistake of her, but this leave you ample enough breathing room...
"Come Forth, Supreme Shieldmaster Silver Horse!"
...to get your mount under you. One of them tries to approach from behind at the same time. Dire mistake.
You hear the horse's hoof breaking a couple ribs.

3 down. 4 to go.

>1 anon roll 1d100; DC : 50
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Baka what?
Sometimes, Words summon good rolls.

It is the Dice's perogative.
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There's a global shiver of uncertainty among your agressors - or at least the ones still standing. You charge, they have the presence of mind to make way. Not that will protect that boy to get properly stab by and through his back by the supple spear of yours.

4 down. 3 to go.
You don't like how confident they remain. Although you feel you have the upper hand - mostly by luck - the remaining fighters are several year older and made little-to-no mistake you could capitalize on earlier.

>1 anon roll 1d100; DC : 45/65
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Time for a trump card perhaps?
I assume the double strike doesnt apply here, as it has been used.
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You charge. In front of you, a boy looking a bit like the grappling girl takes a wrestler stance.
Wait. That seems really bad. Following your instincts, you strike. A feet and half above his head.
Good call - you dispelled what seemed like an Astral Bear Spirit or something. However, your foe remains unharmed.

Reason double strike doesn't trigger is because you didn't exactly touched the cultivator's body

>1 anon roll 1d100; DC : 45/65
Got it.

Somebody else get this roll.

I aint a hog.
Good. Nobody likes a dice hogger.
Rolled 60 (1d100)

I will cast
Over 9 rolls you guys scored 7 times between 60 and 64. I'm impressed with how well you're dealing with the gauntlet so far.
Shame there's no significance to that range of numbers. Might have unlocked some manner of threshold.

We'll wait to see if we win the gauntlet for that, we've already come up with "dance is good vs groups"
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Your mount step, quickly reposition, performing a textbook half-turn - pressing on the Bear cultivator would be a mistake, leaving your back exposed to the other foe. Better spin and strike unexpectedly.
"Oh no! Come Forth, Shining Diamond Turtle!"
The rightfully-named spirit is too bright. You close your eyes while striking, hopefully hard enough to knock another opponent down.
Alas, you only feel the distinctive surge of Astral energy a dissipated spirit emit.
Seriously, does the third one also have a bounded spirit?

>One anon roll 1d100. DC : Won't tell :)
Rolled 46 (1d100)

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Still on thread 3 but I loved this
>Ai also doesn't get it, but understand it seems important for you. She says she's happy for you. Under your perplex gaze, she retracts into a "sorry that happened?"
Sometimes subtle memes and references in moderation are good, but only in moderation
Glad you're liking it so far anon.
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You faint toward the bear-bounded boy, plant your spear-snake spirit in the ground, use it in a pole-vault way to attempt a nasty kick at the third one while the two other, dumbfounded, doesn't react
The kick connects in the upper arm, sending your enemy tumbling down. A smally-charged Unlimited Ground-contracting Kick later, you're back on your mount.

Two opponent remains. You got this.
>One anon roll 1d100. DC : 40/80
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Let's crush those fools.
This was bound to happen.
Here are your options.

>Burn an available trump :
Wolf Spirit
Summon Blood Shadow Wolf

>Burn the Deployed Horse Spirit
He will dispel and you won't benefit anymore of his bonus
>Take the hit, retaliate with the Vengeful Spear
You'll suffer a wound. You will still be able to fight.
The dice pisses me off, but I can't deny it makes narrative sense. We are outnumbered and deliberately cornered, and they dealt the first blow, and our boy is almost 7 with no experience in real non-tourney fights. I'm surprised we did this well so far
>Take the hit, retaliate with the Vengeful Spear
There's only a few remaining - I think that showing being hit means more pain for them should cancel out with the wound debuff. Maybe.
>Take the hit, retaliate with the Vengeful Spear
We have rarely trained this one. I think we should do that more often
>Summon Blood Shadow Wolf
>Take the hit
>Take the hit, retaliate with the Vengeful Spear
We've got this.
>>Take the hit, retaliate with the Vengeful Spear
Any claims that they were just fooling around will be dispelled. It sucks to get hurt but between that and the fact we started the fight with talking I think we won't get into too much trouble.
I'll take one last roll of 1d100.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

We have definitely had enough of this shit.
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The Bear boy is getting ready for another tackle. Your horse sidesteps, while you catch a glimmer of energy with your enhanced sight.
You smell light and earth energy accumulating. The turtle-bounded one caught a pebble, arm recoiled and ready to throw.

Oh no. You can't dodge this.
But you can most certainly make the most of it. You charge.

"Pebble of smiting!"

You jump and turn in the air, and get hit by a massive concussing force. That hurt a lot.
Worse, you feel your thighbone shatter and fragment. For now, your Qi and Blood holds it together, but you might be crippled by this blow for a little while. Again.
"You're going to taste the Skill I was rewarded after being undefeated in the Stable Lotus Harbor Yearly Tournament.
Vengeful Spear!"
You strike. The snake bites at the flesh of the offender's leg, burrowing deeply and thrashing inside, tearing muscles and veins apart.

Then you hit the ground. The impact on your shattered leg almost makes you pass out.
The Horse spirit. You hop on one feet, catch his metalic mane, pull yourself up.
The Bear-bound boy is afraid, as He should. You simply order the Horse to walk. Spin the snake spirit above your head. Strike.
He's down. You won. You are the last standing among the sob and cries of the wounded.

You take a second look at the ones that suffered the most damage : the pebble-shooting fellow, with a mangled thigh, and the back-turning boy, lying in a pool of his own blood after your snake went the whole way through him. Tan skin. Blond hair. Most certainly a Golden Skystone Village boy.

You'll need to get your leg looked up. But this can wait a few more minutes as your Qi and Blood, stirred from combat, still hold it well enough.

What will you do of your defeated foe?
>Kill them all. It's your natural and fair right as the winner.
>Leave them be. The direly wounded will most likely die. Natural consequence of seeking death.
>Bring the threatened-ones to someone that can save their life.

However, there's something else. An exhilarating feeling : putting your safety on the line, in a dire fight, and above all, overcoming.
It feels good. It feels great. It feels invigorating. It feels the right way to push one's cultivation.
You benefited from the fight and its victory. How?
>Write-in benefits. QM veto might apply.
>Bring the threatened-ones to someone that can save their life.

The humiliation is enough. Make them work extra hard at the snake pits after, and maybe extort them for a spirit or two.

>We have a revelation from using our body tempering technique in such dire circumstances. We can now use the power of DANCE to empower ourselves and navigate the battlefield more effectively.
That's a waste of write-in.
You already realized that (never thought you guys would pick the "Dance" body cultivation in the first place, you've spent 5 threads dancing before even knowing why it's good.)
>>Kill them all. It's your natural and fair right as the winner.
idk about the revelation, but I think this is a valuable lesson in what happens to bullies and cowards
>Leave them be. The direly wounded will most likely die. Natural consequence of seeking death.
Unworthy of consideration, we have our own wounds to get looked at.
>Write-in benefits.
We get the feeling we could use our Qi and Blood to do more than just harden our body after damage, if we know we are going be struck, we could defend our body from the more serious damage, and burn through energy rather than suffer.
>Bring the threatened ones to someone capable of saving them.

They owe us their lives now. Make sure they understand it.

>Forming a deeper understanding of the Stress and valor of combat, we add "Mental pressure/Fighting intent" to our meditation technique/Practice it naturally, similar to Dhun.

I think this would serve us best.
Still on thread 4. I wonder how the Sun Adorators would react to the truth that the moon simply reflect's the sun's light, or that the sun will eventually burn out and die like any flame does.
>>Bring the threatened-ones to someone that can save their life.
What if someone suspicious of our wolf spirit put them up to this? We have to know if that's the case.

>Write-in benefits
>Shaken from complacency. Your situational awareness deepens in a way rarely gained outside of experience. You become more in touch with your "6th sense" for danger.
Nobody knows shit about our wolf spirit and we have taken pains to ensure that absolutely nobody. NOBODY. Knows about it.

all they have, possibly, is a weird inclination that we don't have one. Which is only weird to our wolf tutor, and we brushed that aside.

They are doing this out of ego and dispising us for not letting them get away with slacking.
Asking about our wolf spirit would be overplaying.

Who says that's the truth?
>Bring the threatened-ones to someone that can save their life.
>Write-in benefits.
We get the feeling we could use our Qi and Blood to do more than just harden our body after damage, if we know we are going be struck, we could defend our body from the more serious damage, and burn through energy rather than suffer.
>Bring the threatened-ones to someone that can save their life.
Sometimes, all it takes is a good ass-beating to set someone straight. Besides, our MC is like... 7. I don't think we need to rack up a body count this young unless we're planning to go full devil-cultivator.
>Write in Benefit
>Forming a deeper understanding of the Stress and valor of combat, we add "Mental pressure/Fighting intent" to our meditation technique/Practice it naturally, similar to Dhun.
Being able to exert our aura/battle intent on others seems like a good next step-- both in terms of our mental resiliency training, and also chasing off idiots that try similar stuff in the future.
>Bring the threatened-ones to someone that can save their life.

>Write-in benefits
Other kids near our age in the sect, or ones working in the snake pits, are extra impressed and more likely to listen to us in the future.
>Bring the threatened-ones to someone that can save their life
>Super-Saiyan Recovery - When we get injured we heal back stronger.
Isn't Super Sayan recover less get injured heal back stronger and more get beat up (or beat yourself up) to a inch of your life and if you somehow don't die heal back stronger?
The worse they’re injured the stronger they heal, so they try and make it as bad as possible to maximize the gains
I'm not saying ask about it specifically, more of, "Did someone put you up to this?"
So let me sum up the ones I'll say are valid.

>Add Fighting Intent to meditation technique
>6th sense for danger
>Street cred

I'll veto the Super Saiyan recovery : wounds are meant to be hindrance, unfortuitous things that happen, or trade-off; capitalizing on wound would be ok for a Saiyan Cultivator Quest or an Abnormal Cultivator Quest.

Same for Qi Shield/Qi healing, although some learnable techniques in the future might do just that you described.
Feel free to vote and keep the discussion alive, no update for at least 8/12 hours.

Changing my benefit vote >>6046959 to
>Add Fighting Intent to meditation technique
Well I got an idea for Dhun and Ai.
We can read them our storybook, and suggest that they come up with their own tales.
Ai would live to be whimsical and Dhun can be convinced with the potential of power that they can extract from the tales.
Plus we are giving them common ground, which they can discuss and bond over. Our injury time is time to spend with our friends.

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