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The Eternal Empire has stood for 14 millennia and has endured hundreds of wars, calamities, and rulers of every type. In the twilight of your reign, you’ve demanded to know the truth behind your Head Advisor’s unnatural longevity, and now watch with bated breath.

Even surrounded by the Royal Guard, you feel a deep sense of unease.

>Previous Threads
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Before your disbelieving eyes, the flesh sloughs from where the bones should be, but there are none. Not even a skeleton. Liquefied skin collects to a puddle under well-worn boots, which without a structure supporting them, fall to either side. The robes of his office are discarded then, and what lays beneath is unspeakable.

Where once a human stood, now towers a grotesque mass of black sinew and coagulant oil. Nowhere is a distinct face or appendages visible. For the first time in a long time, you are at a loss for words. Raw instinct drives you to grip the sword handle at your waist. The Royal Guard snap to combat readiness and, as drilled, hesitate to fire. Tension like the weight of a gas giant's core crushes the throne room, before the moment passes and a word escapes your synthesizer. "...what!?"

The tendons undulate, and a toothless maw opens in the center. It speaks with a wet, guttural diction. "This has been a long time coming, your majesty." If you had a jaw, it would be agape. "I must confess. I never was human, nor am I descended from any of the genewrights of your magnificent clade." The mass ripples, and the sound of its voice seamlessly shifts to that of the Igor you knew. "My kind are utterly unknown to the wider galaxy. I break a great taboo in revealing myself to you in this way. I will break another, in telling you of our purpose."
You listen, stunned.

"Epochs ago, an ancient race held sway over the cosmos. Their mastery of geneticism knew no equal and has not been matched since. They created a plethora of lesser races to suit their purposes. Among them were my predecessors. We were designed to hold functionally indefinite lifespans and flawless recall of prior stimuli. Living databanks that could not be corrupted." The thing that was disguised as Igor, or, is Igor, continues. "That ancient race disappeared. Its whereabouts are unknown to us and to our knowledge, we are the only instance of their creations that has not been marred by the passage of time."

"In their absence, we found a new purpose: To study and record the cosmos, so that no other race would be so forgotten. To that end, we have meticulously exploited our physiologies in concert with organic prostheses to disguise ourselves as members of myriad alien species, infiltrate their societies, and collect data along all social strata. We know ourselves as the Archivists, in your tongue, and have no overarching civilization. Not as you would understand it." This sends your mind reeling. "You..."
The creature ripples in response. "Yes, your majesty. I deceived your predecessors in House Vonduul to record the decline of their dynasty. In the aftermath of their collapse, I found an opportunity to study your grandfather firsthand." Even Emperor Alphonse... "Initially, my observance was strictly detached and rational. However, as his reign progressed and I witnessed excellence after excellence, your grandfather's reckless idealism tested my resolve. In my weakness…”

“I failed.” At this word, its frame hisses, akin to hot-air from a vent. “I broke our most sacred taboo and developed faint sentiments toward your lineage. These deepened, until I grew an attachment and did not move on from my disguise when its duration reached the end of your species' natural lifespan."

Its sinews tense as shame enters its tone. "The Archivists hold a strict noninterference policy to avoid unduly influencing younger societies. In accordance to this, in my tenure as Head Advisor, I have attempted to guide your lineage to act on what it already believes is best while encouraging a bare minimum of bias." Igor slumps, additional maw opening above the other to loudly weep as the first goes on. "I have failed my purpose and irrevocably tainted your dynasty's course in history, but I cannot keep up this facade any longer!"
The sinews fall to the ground in a pile, the portion with both orifices thrusting itself to the floor. "It is irrational, and I do not care! I love House Heinrich, your majesty! I loved Alphonse, I loved Albin, and I love you, Otto! I love your throne, like a leaf to the sun! All I want is to serve! Please, your majesty, forgive me for lying to you for so long!"

To say you’re taken aback is the understatement of the century. “How long… How long has your kind been studying us!?” The creature prostrates lower. “I cannot say, my liege. I have sworn to an accord.” You brace yourself, trying to collect your thoughts. “You’ve betrayed our trust!” The puddle of viscera squirms. “I am aware, your majesty. I beg you to understand. My ganglions are not capable of higher emotion. Not despair, or shame, or hate, only cold reason. For eight millennia, I have watched the races of the galaxy. I have seen the highest and lowest instances of sapience. None moved me until House Heinrich.”

“It is antithetical to my physiology and conditioning, but on a rational level, in every way save base instinct, in these few fleeting generations, I have come to love your dynasty. Your highs, your lows, the tapestry of glory! I was greedy, my liege! I wanted to see it! To see you and yours rise and fall!” It continues, feigning desperation. “I wanted to be there for your bloodline! For you, my Emperor! Everything for the Empire!”
The initial shock begins to waver. You collect your thoughts and, as is your duty, come to a swift and decisive judgement.

>Execute Igor. This sickening abomination has deceived your entire lineage and wormed its way into the highest echelons of power. Such a crime would be unforgivable from a man, let alone… this!
>Imprison Igor. This revelation represents an absolutely catastrophic breach of internal security, regardless of whether its words are true. It must be confined and kept under armed watch while you deliberate on the implications.
>Banish Igor. This aberration has betrayed your dynasty in the deepest sense and its continued presence cannot be tolerated, but you cannot deny its decades of service. It will be gone from your sight, never to return.
>Interrogate Igor. This is a bizarre and disgusting situation, but you also lack context. You’ll demand to know more, while it is still prostrating and, at least openly, cooperating.
>Enlist Igor. This… thing… insists it’s loyal to your dynasty and against your instinctive revulsion, you choose to believe it. You cannot keep it as an advisor, not now, but perhaps can be of use in other ways.
>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
>>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
Not to mention father would roll in his grave if we let the living treasure-trove of information die.

"Just put the suit back on."
>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
A incredibly loyal and useful Xeno? How curious. Igor, or whatever it's name is, can be even more than an advisor since
>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
He's back. HUZZAH.
>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.

This is my favorite quest. And I'm so glade you're back.
>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
We're going to have to keep this one under wraps because, oh boy, imagine the shitfit that would follow. I wonder what data House Nigtshayd has gathered on the man?
>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
It's returned!

>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.

“If my father were here…Well, there is no question what he would do. Resume your position, Igor - advise the House. But you must be truthful from here on. What proof do you offer of your tale?”
>>Trust Igor. This creature is nonhuman, not even terrestrial life, but it has served House Heinrich longer than anyone else. You choose to believe its words, keep its secret, and retain its services as an advisor.
friend :)
Your mind races through any one of a thousand terrible possibilities, and in the end, keeps coming to the same conclusion. You release the grip on your blade and raise the palm of your hand, setting the Royal Guard at ease. The alien remains in a slump on the floor, “face” down, but you doubt its sensory organs are concentrated anything like a human’s.

“If my father were here…”

Its black mass quivers.

“Well, there is no question what he would do. Resume your position, Igor- advise the House.”

The Archivist (ex-Archivist?) pulsates, quaking in an approximation of disbelief. “My liege?”

You continue, speaking with imperial authority. “But you must be truthful from here on.”

It undulates rapidly, throwing itself into the floor. “You have my solemn oath!”

You observe the aberration, curious. To think that for all those years, this was your Head Advisor… It staggers the mind. Your father would have been ecstatic. Perhaps too ecstatic. Such a revelation, if mishandled, could have toppled the dynasty. Waiting for the end of your reign when you’ve become older and wiser to show itself was a cunning choice, though you recall that it was your own.

If what it says is true, this creature, Igor, is a potentially priceless fount of knowledge. There are few better qualities for a Head Advisor to have. Still, you cannot blindly assume its integrity. “What proof do you offer of your tale?”

Rather than rise from its position, Igor opens another toothless maw facing your direction. “I will give up a blood sample to study. Your scientists will find it beyond them. I can recite every word your majesty has ever spoken to me, in the same diction, and recall the exact time and date. Further, while I was not here during the era of its invention, I once read one of its schematics and am confident I can set your technicians en-route to reassemble your macro-telescope.”
The macro-telescope, arguably the only achievement you’ve made without the Eternal Empire behind you. Even so, that isn’t proof. Igor doesn’t stop there. “Apart from my physiology, I have no physical evidence, my liege. Our purpose has no need for external records and we spend centuries at a time isolated from the rest of our kind. I have no other choice. I must ask you to take this on faith.”

You ponder deeply. If you still had a mouth, you would have sighed. “So be it. Arise, servant of the crown, and continue your work.” The alien scrambles up with worrying speed and twists itself into a bow. “Thank you, your majesty! Thank you! What shall I do now?” Answering that takes far less thought.

“Just put the suit back on.”

Igor ripples. “At once, your majesty!” It snatches up the robes of its office and departs for its personal quarters. Roughly two hours later, Igor, the Igor you knew, returns and seems no different than he ever was. Needless to say, every member of the Royal Guard involved has been sworn to secrecy. As surreal as this situation was, in the end, not too much changes for the day-to-day management of the dynasty.
Your retirement is imminent and the ascendancy of your heir fast approaches. Soon, you’ll leave the burden of rule behind, and cast-off the polite appearances necessary for your position. It shall be your last act as sovereign and you will not be swayed. The cyber-surgeons have been prepared, critical arrangements have been made. Your final campaign awaits…

The only question is how it should be waged.

>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
>>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can
>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
The soldier emperor makes his final voyage. May he die a warrior's death.

I'm glad I caught this thread in the front page, thank you for coming back!
>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
Just like the good, old, simple, happy times.

I'm glad we're back!

>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.

Ah - it’s good to be back, QM
Once I walked an endless land with a wanderer's swinging stride
And once upon a mighty steed forever I could ride
And once a tall ship rode the tide at midnight from the bay
And I could climb aboard her and travel far away

Through centuries and lifetimes, no journey twice the same
With love or fear to guide me on, seeking death or fame
Or hearing just a still, small voice that said “You cannot stay”
I could leave the past behind me and travel far away

But now the great jets thunder and they sing of distant lands
But all their promised wonders turn to dust within my hands
For I can travel half the world and return in half a day
And I fear that only death remains to take me far away

For with steel and steam and gasoline and turbines' whining scream
They have trapped me in a nightmare that is someone else's dream
Of a world so small and guarded, you could hold it in your hand
A world that knows no land called far away

So I waste my lives in dreaming or in bloody, useless war
But somewhere there's a flash of fire and a mighty rising roar
And I pray godspeed to those who ride, and I live now for the day
When I leave my world behind me and travel far away

>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
For one last ride, with our most loyal men and stalwart veterans for a crew. We should leave data caches and beacons as we go, detailing our findings. Mark the trail we blaze and leave a line of footsteps for our future descendants to one follow and find our final resting place in the stars. The only place we ever truly called home.
>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
Space: the final frontier. To explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before!

Based poetry poster
>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
>>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
>Take volunteer escorts; make it clear that this is one last ride, but any who want glory and have a ship to follow us with are welcome to do so.
Otto... no...

>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
>>Take the dreadnought alone. The same vessel that returned the macro-telescope to Mankind and fought a score of technobarbarian junkers to a standstill. You’ll scout ahead, for as long as you can.
Blaze a trail
>Requisition a fleet. One of the Hookware-pattern, easily maintained, and discretely staffed with restless patriots and old veterans of the war on Uvarth. You’ll serve as a forward vanguard for the Eternal Empire.
You do not make this decision lightly. The dream of leading a fleet is foregone- you are no brazen admiral, nor do you care to burden yourself with the logistics to sustain so many vessels in uncharted space. No. You desire a return to form: the dreadnought that took you on the only period of true autonomy you’ve ever known.

Here, you will not be an Emperor over untold billions. Only a captain and those few tens of thousands daring enough to be his crew. No more mire of politics. No more noble legacy to maintain. No more of old Earth's gravity holding you back from a galaxy of stars…

For once in your life, your path will be your own.

You can’t wait.

>The Reign of Otto Heinrich has come to an end.
>In his 27 years of rule, Otto further legitimised the Privy Council and Landstaat as institutions, oversaw the conquest of the Reaver Clans, began uprooting Clan Skullstucker, encouraged civic aid to former serf populations, founded House Uvar as a vassal under House Heinrich, reformed the Royal Guard into an elite indoctrinated fighting force, brought Crown Corp to economic significance, expanded the Imperial Bureaucracy to more closely monitor the Corps, instituted a ban on Corp scrip, deepened relations with the Osgus State, and coordinated the introduction of the Croize Chutes to imperial shipping lanes.
Over a decade ago, the imperial heir Ferdinand was married to Felicity, one of the most influential daughters of House Soluton. This represented a considerable obstacle to his lifelong project, but the arrangement was critical to the continued stability of the throne. As is an imperial heir's duty, he did his best to find a balance.

What did Ferdinand do after his honeymoon on Teregon?

>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
>He deepened his research and expanded its purview to encompass a wider range of the infantry's needs. (+1d4 possible heirs, refined body armour accompanies his kinetics rifle)
>He did his best to politick with the scions of House Soluton on Lrypso, bringing both lineages closer together. (+1d4 possible heirs, House Soluton owes Ferdinand a favour)
>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
C'mon, it's tradition by this point

>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)

Okay, let’s see what we get here
>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
>He deepened his research and expanded its purview to encompass a wider range of the infantry's needs. (+1d4 possible heirs, refined body armour accompanies his kinetics rifle)
c-c-combo breaker
>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
It really is tradition
>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
Obligatory. You WILL love your wife, and you WILL have a happy family.
>and you WILL have a happy family.
Unless you're Otto...
>He did his best to politick with the scions of House Soluton on Lrypso, bringing both lineages closer together. (+1d4 possible heirs, House Soluton owes Ferdinand a favour)
Underrated choice. We get a favor from a major ruling House and also make our wife happy since she's from there, sounds like a win-win to me.
>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
>He spent time with Felicity at the imperial palace, contributing to the next generation of House Heinrich. (+1d6+1 possible heirs, closer familial relationship.)
Taking after his father's example, and taking care to avoid repeating his mistakes, Ferdinand spent time with Felicity in the imperial palace on Mars. The pair had little in common and less politically, as the heir took after his father's violent ideations while she prized a stable status quo, but they did their best to find common ground.

"Tell me more about these guns of yours, then."

Balancing groundbreaking work with raising a family was an ordeal. Ferdinand often found himself resenting his father's decision to force him into an early marriage, but was more often grateful he didn't have to juggle fatherhood and the duties of an Emperor.

Little by little, House Heinrich grew.

>Roll 1d6+1 for potential heirs
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d6 + 1)

Rolled 1, 5, 1, 4 = 11 (4d6)

The burden of rule is heavy to bear. No one man can carry the lives of billions on his own shoulders, but an Emperor must. It is a crushing responsibility. If not for the chance of an heir to one day relieve the weight, it would be hopeless.

Without abominable gene-tech, the only thing any royal couple can do is roll the dice and hope for the best.

>commencing rolls
Rolled 5, 2, 2, 2 = 11 (4d6)

In an unfortunate turn of events, Felicity had a difficult first pregnancy and a painful, dangerously premature delivery. By a stroke of luck, Ferdinand's firstborn, a little girl with her grandmother's nose survived. She required extensive medical assistance early on but shows promising signs that she may exit her infancy without any lifelong health issues.

Time waits for no-one, and once the future Empress recovered, they tried again at her insistence.
Rolled 6, 3, 3, 3 = 15 (4d6)

Their second attempt at a child saw Felicity surrounded by the finest surgeons of the Empire day-and-night, to her chagrin. Fortunately, nothing went wrong, and she gave birth to a healthy boy with a shock of red hair and an easy smile. If all goes well, this child will one day preside over the Eternal Empire.

The pair persisted in their efforts, worried by the earlier crisis and desperate for redundancy.
Rolled 4, 5, 6, 5 = 20 (4d6)

The third went swimmingly, and Felicity gave birth to a second boy. This one's attitude resembled his father's, but his features were more reminiscent of House Soluton's.

The Empire's future reassured, the couple settled into a calm routine.
Rolled 1, 2, 5, 6 = 14 (4d6)

The fourth was a daughter resembling her great-grandmother, Anna, with a quiet and thoughtful stare. Much speculation was made over whether their next would be a boy or a girl.
The fifth was almost as difficult as the first, but Felicity was better prepared and between her efforts and those of the imperial surgeons, she delivered without any major complications. A son, much like his eldest brother, but harder to make laugh.

After this, the pair decided to slow down and Ferdinand was quietly relieved.
The future of the Eternal Empire's throne was assured, but the particulars were far from graven in stone. In their first decades, Felicity and Ferdinand had five children, each worthy of the name Heinrich, each needing a cautious approach to bring out the most of their potential.

Their first daughter grew somewhat more fragile than expected, but didn't let this slow her down. She was meanspirited toward her fellow nobility, rather clever, and fond of competitive games that didn't need much physical exertion, but full of kindness toward the dynasty's servants and the rare commoner she saw.

What did the couple name their firstborn daughter, and how was she raised?

Instead of posting the name and raising prompts all in one mass post like the end of Thread #2, these'll be separate, as almost all of the reason for that was that the thread was about to slide.
Not sure what to say for "how she was raised". How Heinrich has typically raised its girls?

With how hectic and flip-floppy the Heinrich line's children have been in regards to how many are born of each gender, I wonder if there are any betting markets developed on the subject.

Raise her to be loyal to the throne, and employ House Nightshayd to train her in the more subtle ways of living. With her competitiveness and attitude towards the nobility, I think we may have the basis for a new spymaster.
Let her be influenced by House Uvar, so she might see the nobles that were once commoners.
Leopold can teach her some tricks, he's bound to know many. I'm sure there's some family members that would be happy to let her grow into someone that may use subtle force.
Also make sure she's loyal to the crown and House Heinrich, it would be bad if she disfavored her own family because they're seen as 'nobles that happen to have too much power'.

Good idea in her potentially being a spymaster, but I have a bit of Nightshayd paranoia. I'd support this otherwise.
Support the name

We could have both Uvar and Nightshayd teaching her, at least at first.
I support this.
Ferdinand named his firstborn daughter Sophia, in a nod to Felicity's most prestigious great-aunt. Noticing her demeanour and seeing potential, she was raised under the tutelage of House Uvar's finest and the very few trustworthy members of House Nightshayd. To mitigate risks, loyalty to the dynasty comprised a large portion of her curriculum.

Their firstborn son grew strong and healthy, with all indicators that he would retain his father's physique in adulthood. Even better, he was a bright and sociable child, both qualities capable of one day reaching an exceptional degree of competence. However, the boy was not flawless. He was friendly and nonconfrontational by nature, preferring agreeable compromise to issuing commands. Worse, he had no fondness for roughhousing or any more than a superficial interest in the Eternal Empire's extensive military history. These were potentially dangerous attributes for an heir.

What did the couple name their firstborn son, and how was he raised?
oh shit I did not notice this was back, welcome back QM!
lot of the Heinrichs are soft on the common people, good to see!
Albin in honour of his grandfather, and also because he slightly reminds me of him and hopefully, will end up just like him.
I'll suggest we have him learn from House Arthen so that he can go up strong and assertive.

A quick question, is Angelica still kicking?
I like the idea of Arthen, but I don't want him to be almost entirely raised by Arthen like Otto was. Perhaps just enough to get an appreciation of warfare, or at least an understanding, and the ability to be assertive when necessary. Afterwards I think it'd be good to return him to standard instruction and upbringing.
I like this idea, I'll support this. Although I'll also suggest we help him hone into what he's good at too.
I agree with this.
Support Albin II, the legend of a man that proved the Heinrichs can be wildly successful without being military men.

I don't see a problem with the boy's attitudes either. Handsome, strong and friendly means he'll be a popular emperor, just gotta work on his assertiveness. We can let him pursue his own interests too, whatever they may be. Mom wasn't wrong that his Arthen upbringing broke Otto.
To be honest we will need to consolidate stuff eventually. We can't justbdo endless expansion. We gotta build up what we got too. Plus he's going to be the emperor when we consolidate solutions into house Heinrich and he'll have to deal with that fallout. Probably be easier if we increase everyone's education, standard of living and trade lanes.
I agree, but we do have Vrakak and the Kingdom to contend against.
And I doubt we'll be able to consolidate House Soluton anytime soon, that's at minimum a few more Emperors down the line (and that's assuming we decide to even pursue that. There's been some divided opinions on if it's something we should want or not).
What happened with Jeanne? The Otto thing may have broken her up but her relationships with her sons should still be good, right?
Support with the idea of internal build up
Currently I see 2 things we need to do internally
1. Build up infrastructure
Always good but we got a lot of frontier planets, the former holdings of the reaver clans and all the planets that could be terraformed (whenever the Erudition decide to actually finish that up) that we can use now.
2. Population
QM and other anons noticed this in previous threads but the scale of the Empire is not consistent with the population, we need people to get breeding.
I don’t believe those 2 are working together, because the amazing cultural exchange of last thread would have pointed it out and it’s because of that I believe they won’t be starting any aggressive wars against us so we should be fine for now. Plus we have spies in the civilian populace of the Kingdom so we will have early warnings of anything happening.
>consolidate solutions into house Heinrich
We killed Otto's happiness pursuing that pipe dream, I am fully against it.

I agree that a reign of consolidation would do us good.
Thank all of you anons, I'm very glad to be back. Simple Space Empire has been on my mind for a while and I'm excited to see it reach Thread #5. Here's to hoping this will be as fun as the rest.

Classic, and fitting. Otto leaving everything behind to set off for the Lost Reaches wasn't a forgone conclusion but after his falling-out with Jeanne and his mother, it was inevitable. Time will tell what will come of it, though he hasn't left yet, Ferdinand hasn't had his coronation and he wouldn't miss that for an archive of old Earth's schematics. Although if he did, Ferdinand would considered him a fool and never forgave him for it. He isn't inclined to care about ceremonial sentiments or abstract philosophy, but you'll see more of that once we switch to his perspective in full.

In the past, House Heinrich has raised its daughters much like its sons, with a firm focus on instilling a well-rounded education leaning toward their talents and an awareness of the inherent righteousness of the imperial hierarchy. They differ in two respects, the first being that combat training beyond the basics for self-defense isn't mandatory for girls, merely allowed, the second that the particulars of managing an estate, (which on the upper-end can encompass many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of individuals), are given much more emphasis than for boys. House Heinrich is relatively evenhanded as far as delineating the sexes goes. Other noble houses tend to vary to some degree, though as the ruling dynasty, House Heinrich is the (theoretical) benchmark for polite etiquette.

There are extensive betting pools regarding the next generation of House Heinrich, and most of them are even tolerated in public. Fortunes have been made and lost at the announcements of a new member of the royal family. By custom, House Heinrich tends to wait a month after a child is born before informing the rest of the Empire.
Angelica is still alive and kicking, at the ripe age of 123. She's gotten too old to regularly instruct classes of upcoming voidsmen and has slowly shifted over to advising the producers of holo-simulators and holo-documentaries oriented around the military.

Jeanne is healthy and doing well, at 59. She spends most of her days bringing attention to civic causes, generally illiteracy, poor nutrition, and misguided egalitarian sympathizers in the ex-serf populations on the various planets of the conquered Reaver Clans. Her outspoken opinion is that supporters for democracy have been failed by the Eternal Empire's education system, and need to be isolated in humane living quarters and incrementally reconditioned for their own good. In this sense, she's quite moderate. Most noble houses have would-be voters executed on the spot, sent to work camps, or, in extreme cases, condemned to Cradus XVII.

Since the falling out with Otto, she's had a lot of time on her hands and is determined to use it to the fullest. Her relations with her children hasn't been impacted for the worse, and she looks forward to seeing her son Ferdinand's reign. Jeanne has high hopes for the future of the Empire, although she and the heir have opposite opinions in some respects.
>She's gotten too old to regularly instruct classes of upcoming voidsmen and has slowly shifted over to advising the producers of holo-simulators and holo-documentaries oriented around the military.
Huh, cool.
What's her opinion on Otto's last movie?
>Her relations with her children hasn't been impacted for the worse, and she looks forward to seeing her son Ferdinand's reign.
Some good news at least
Perhaps we should put some focus on making sure Ferdinand and Felicity have a stronger foundation with each other, mostly out of guilt for Otto and Jeanne
Otto and Jeane had a rock solid foundation and spent decades happy with each other before we killed their relationship, torched our relations with her house and spit on all the efforts to rehabilitate them after the rebellion just to further appease Soluton.

We don't need to give them a stronger foundation. We just need to not be retarded about maintaining that foundation.
Just read through the archives, and I just want to say that despite Otto's fuckup with the space elevator, we did absolutely nothing wrong with letting the autist obsessed with xenology spend the last years of his life doing what he loves most without being constrained by the responsibilities of being the absolute ruler of a galactic empire. Clara just added on to Otto's life going to complete shit because she was upset that her husband died at the tragically young age of 116 because of plant people space weed instead of passing on at the ripe old age of 121.
I'll support Anselm, he's probably not gonna be as much like Albin as Alphonse II is to Alphonse
I'm going to go ahead and lock the vote here so we can continue.

She thinks it was a compelling insight into Otto's perspective of the campaign of Uvarth, and finds its reuse of the raw holo-footage for the final battle against their Parliament tasteful. However, she also feels its lack of strategic details in favour of viscefal combat was a bland stylistic choice, and that the interview segments were overreliant on kinetics gunfire for punctuation. Overall, she gives it a 7.8/10, though her public rating was a 10/10 for keeping up the appearances of House Heinrich.
Ferdinand named his firstborn son Anselm, after the ancient physicist who laid down the groundwork for the earliest Shunt Reactors. Reasoning that his agreeable mindset was weak, he wanted to have him sent to House Arthen for training but at the last minute, Felicity convinced him a more balanced upbringing would better serve the needs of the Empire. They found a compromise. Select, loyal tutors hailing from House Arthen would be invited to the imperial palace on Mars and would play a critical part in shaping his early perspective, without overtaking it.

Their secondborn son grew within expected parameters and quickly showed an acerbic temperament, talking back to his caretakers and demanding an explanation for everything. He also demonstrated a sadistic cunning, regularly hiding from the Royal Guard, rarely succeeding, and mutilating insects when he believed he wasn't under supervision. Some early talks found that he was fascinated by weapons and disgusted by non-terrestrial life, with an immature conception that crawling, slimy things should be burned. Mammals get a pass and he was slightly fixated on getting a domestic dog for the imperial palace, rather than the guard dogs in its outer wings.

What did the couple name their secondborn son, and how was he raised?
For the name I will throw out Gilbert and for how he was raised I say the same as Anselm

I mostly want to have the tutors reign in his poorer impulses while making sure his cunning and inquisitive nature still remain intact
Good to see the quest back!
Anyway I kinda want to call him Terbla simply for his seemingly xenophobic tendencies and cause it's just Albert backwards. As for upbringing reigning in his impulses and disgust for non-terrestrial life seems like a good idea i'll leave finer details to to other anons.

>a sadistic asshole of medium intelligence and low inclination to hide his predilections

Ah - this one might be better off having accident out in deep space somewhere. Not every son is worth keeping…
We need to set up some type of low-controversy disinheritance system like The Wall in Game of Thrones or forcing your son to be a monk like IRL.
We are not committing Familicide, even if they may be like Maegor.
Should probably look into this
>Encourage his cunning and help him get his answers from the Order of Erudition tutors.
Nighshayd and Uvar Houses can teach him. I'm sure he'd get along with Leopold and the rest of them.
Send him to House Arthen, where he can learn about respect and chivalry!
I ship them
+1 but call him Ryan instead.

Anon we can't just send every son we want to correct to House Arthen.
What is the empire's mental health services like?
>I recommend the most advanced pediatric mental health treatment we have across to
I have no idea, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Empire doesn't have anything when it comes to mental health lol
Hey if it works it works.

And thank you for responding QM!
Makes me wonder what a 10/10 would look like for her.
I have no idea how kids who are maybe sociopaths are treated, but I think having him spend some time with the Rangers who could hopefully convince him to not hurt animals and stop any anti-ozgus sentiments before it becomes a problem, could be a good idea.
We need an exploratory corps, named in honour of our father, to send our sons and other, undesirables, out into the wild yonder to either come back with something good or die in service of the empire. Or even send him on a suicide trip to test the defences of the kingdom on our borders.

Supporting gilbert.

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