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Quest Synopsis: You are the body guard to a prince(bratty), if any harm befalls him you lose.
Thread archive: https://fiction.live/stories/The-Prince/6eqhcmdNsSDdgtmcP

After a moment a pure violence, all that's left of two of the harpies is a pile of bones and sinew. When they all focused their attention on the prince, you took that moment to explode forward and turn them into meat. No harm shall befall the prince, and any who take him away from you will suffer death. You draw your bow and aim for the final escaping harpy.

Your blood lust is denied however, as the prince leaps down from the nest. You are forced to drop the weapon into the blood below in order to catch him. The very moment you reacquire the prince, you are filled with a great sense of relief that pushes out the rage. He doesn't look very happy, firing little daggers out of his eyes right at you. He is NOT impressed by your ability to dish out a gratuitous amount of death in a very short amount of time.

"What took so long?" He struggles to be freed but you do not release the prince "Unbelievable, first you let that disgusting creature capture me! Then you insult me in front of the kidnappers! 'couldn't even feed a coyote'? Would you be happier if I was a whale?!"

"My prince, I was simply attempting to trick them. You are plenty meaty."

"Oh? So you think I'm fat then? Ill tell papa about this you can beat on it!" He boots your chin with his foot, but still you do not release him.

"If my prince believes it is prudent to do so"

You carry the wiggling and writhing prince away from this place of bone and death. He continues to chew your ear off, but after a while it just turns into white noise. Eventually you find a hidden place along the cliff side of the mesa where you can easily walk down, prince in hand. From the corner of your eye you see the final harpy circling overhead, but now that you have found a safe route down she simply chooses to fly away.
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Back down in the golden reeds, Bishop is swift to find you. His voice is horse from barking. Additionally, the prince is finally able to escape your grasp and free himself. "Ugh, I'm going to have to toss these clothes. I'm probably covered in mites and flees. Ill add that to the list of grievances i'm going to write up about you." He rubs his shoulders and pits, the harpy must have harmed him while carrying him.

"My prince, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm just fine, see" He does a little spin. He does his signature eye roll when he see's you are not convinced.

"Seeee, just fine. Now, take me back to the camp site. I want to change, and bathe, and eat too. For some reason I'm feeling roasted quail." He sticks his nose up at you. Clearly still upset.

>what do?
-Nothing, you are just happy that the prince is safe. You tell him this.
-Make sure the prince isn't injured by giving his body a thorough search
-Continue where you left off by giving him that stern talking to from before, as if his kidnapping never happened
-Write in
>Continue where you left off by giving him that stern talking to from before, as if his kidnapping never happened
>Continue where you left off by giving him that stern talking to from before, as if his kidnapping never happened.
>Nothing, you are just happy that the prince is safe. You tell him this.
rlx anon
>Make sure the prince isn't injured by giving his body a thorough search
Kino is back.
>-Make sure the prince isn't injured by giving his body a thorough search
>Continue where you left off by giving him that stern talking to from before, as if his kidnapping never happened
>Make sure the prince isn't injured by giving his body a thorough search
>-Continue where you left off by giving him that stern talking to from before, as if his kidnapping never happened
>Nothing, you are just happy that the prince is safe. You tell him this.
-Nothing, you are just happy that the prince is safe. You tell him this.
-Make sure the prince isn't injured by giving his body a thorough search
>Continue where you left off by giving him that stern talking to from before, as if his kidnapping never happened
getting kidnapped will not let you escape our scolding
>Check his shoulder properly.
>Happy he is safe, tell him so.
>Make sure the prince isn't injured by giving his (upper) body a thorough search.
>Fetch the quail and some herbs with which you will make a rudimentary ointment used by soldiers after long marches and battles. The prince shouldn't strain himself if he doesn't need to.
>Make sure the prince isn't injured by giving his (upper) body a thorough search.
>-Continue where you left off by giving him that stern talking to from before, as if his kidnapping never happened
Faggius Vile
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Now that things have calmed down, you start to wonder why in the world the prince decided to destroy the harpy egg. He must have known it would send them into a frenzy? Does he not care about the danger he put himself in?
"My prince, why do you keep doing these things, why do you keep putting your life in danger?"

"I didn't ask to be kidnapped, what kind of half brained question is that? You are the one who failed to protect me! A better question would be why do you want me to DIE?"

"The spider, you can bring your spider on this trip but why didn't you put it in its cage?"

he puts his hands to his cheeks and elongates his face "uugh, you are STILL on that? I already told you its SAFE, I-. Whatever, I am done with this conversation."

You try to further the lecturing but he is clearly no longer listening "Ok, sure, yeah sounds great, a huh, of course."

"What about wounds? Are you hiding that too? Let me take a look" Much to the shock of the prince you take a firm hold of his wrist and pull him closer.

"Hey let go of me! Stop!" He is displeased, and growing more so by the second. "I told you im fine LET GO!"

You are not having any of it, you are starting to believe there is something wrong with the princes mind. He seems to run head first into dangerous situations either on purpose or perhaps he is so sheltered he doesn't understand the danger at all. Either way, you won't risk him hiding any wounds.

"My prince, a wound out here can become infected if not treated let me take a look" You start pulling his shrift over his head and the prince starts to freeze up completely in response.

"aaaa--aaaaaaaahh! A--"

You give him a pat down, around the chest, under the pits, behind the neck, and down his back. Contrary to your rough working hands, the prince is soft and smooth. He is so petite and fragile in your hands. He offers no resistance to your exploration of his body, you are in complete control. You are happy to note that other then some small cuts and bruises the prince is otherwise unharmed, physically anyway. He is as rigid as a corpse.

You lift the prince onto the horse, and set off back towards the carriage and the handmaidens. The prince says absolutely nothing.

He has not talked to you for over a week, in fact he has said basically nothing at all to anyone. Every which way you go, the prince does everything in his power to avoid looking at you or being around you. But its not fear, the prince is not frightened of you. Instead, he seems embarrassed. Every time he spots you his face would go red and his eyes would dart to the floor. Its so pronounced that the hand maidens noticed the behaviour in minutes of his return. They can't seem to get the prince to talk about it and when they confronted you about what happened, you cannot give them a satisfying answer.

Although, in the back of your mind, you wonder if maybe you over did it? On the other hand, he has been much more well behaved since the incident…


One day, while clearing the campsite of refuse, you spot something. Stacked at the bottom of several of the prince's books, half covered by a discarded shirt, sits "the book". This dark blue book has been the subject of your curiosity for some time. You recall on your first meeting with the prince he was reading it. You have seen it around many times after, half hidden away just like it is today. Often you will catch the prince's interest in the book but only that first day did you see him reading it. What oh what could be in the prince's secret book? What contents lay within its pages that interest the prince so? Knowing its secrets could help you better understand the prince!

On the other hand, it is a massive violation of his privacy. Especially since he has gone to such lengths to keep it secret. You look around yourself and spot no one in your direct vicinity. Still, its a small camp…

>What do?
- Take a peek into the prince's secret book (chance of being caught)
- Respect his privacy
>- Respect his privacy
He's been well behaved for a while now. Let's respect his privacy.
>- Respect his privacy
I dare not think of the relentless taunting that would ensue should he catch us in the act.
Bratty Prince not so tough after being molested.
Surprised we didn't instantly get a fuck up for that, but maybe it'll all cash out when we get to or back from our destination.

>Respect his privacy
>Respect his privacy
we already got him nervous due to our pat down, let's respect him wishes for now
>Respect his privacy

We corrected the mesugaki prince. But let’s not push him too hard.
>- Respect his privacy
This is outrageous. How can you all vote NOT to read the secret sexy book.
Prince Bratwurst probably left it out deliberately for us to see.
>- Take a peek into the prince's secret book (chance of being caught)
I bet it’s a smut book with the exact scenario that happened to the prince, meaning that, deep down, the prince WANTED this to happen.

Changing my vote to:
>- Take a peek into the prince's secret book (chance of being caught)
>Take a peek into the prince's secret book (chance of being caught)
> Respect his privacy

He doesn't deserve such a violation - at the moment, at least. Presumably, there will be other opportunities when such a thing is warranted.
>- Take a peek into the prince's secret book (chance of being caught)
> Respect his privacy
Let the lad have his book
- Take a peek into the prince's secret book (chance of being caught)
>- Respect his privacy
Pretty sure that’s one of the things he WOULD mind us violating…
>- Respect his privacy
Major breach some standards are to be had
>Respect his privacy
>- Respect his privacy
> - Take a peek into the prince's secret book (chance of being caught)
~No update today~
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Rolled 1 (1d4)

The book calls out to you, it invites you to pick it up. The curiosity is more then a normal man would be able to overcome. But you are no normal man, you are a kingsman! You power through the need to peek, and decide to leave the book unmolested and allow it to keep its secrets. Soon enough the handmaidens come scurrying about doing the prince's bidding, and the opportunity is lost. You are sure you made the right choice, the prince deserves his privacy.


+You asked the prince to go insect hunting with you
+You rescued the prince in a timely manner
-You molested the prince
+You respected the Princes privacy
1d4 ROLL = 1, You gained NO affection from the prince

The trip all and all takes about three weeks. Half of which were spend with the prince avoiding you. Even now, he is choosing not to speak with you directly. Instead he sends messages through his maids. He does look at you from time to time however, so the situation is improving.

Ultimately, you think the prince enjoyed the trip. His overall disposition towards you has not changed however. Looking back, you wonder if forcefully checking the prince for wounds was the right call. As the prince, he is probably not used to being touched by anyone. The physical interaction may have been too much for the lad.


The whaling woods failed to live up to its name. Overall, it was pretty tame by haunted wood standards. Supposedly, the prince is "protected" within the woods; whatever that means. Either way, it proved a leisure journey, albeit a cloudy one. The deeper into the woods you went, the worse the weather got. Until it seemed overcast from dawn to dusk.

Eventually you would meet four horsemen on the road. Dressed in green and black cloths of Bal'adur, these armoured knights would introduce themselves as your escorts for the final leg of the journey. They knew all about the prince, and had all the proper documentation. Other then an uneasy feeling, and a burning curiosity how these men knew where to find the prince, you had no cause to deny them their duty.

Two days later you reached the city.

Bal'adur, the "city of rats", is aptly named. For every man or women you see, there is a rat to match them. The rats scurry too and fro, through the markets where they buy their produce, and possibly to their place of work. In many ways they do the same as the people. Although, you wouldn't say it out loud, but every ruffian or thug you see seems to have a high probability of beings a RAT. Your entourage must feel the same, as you notice them tightening up whenever a Rat comes close to the carriage. Apart from its diverse population, Bal'adur is also a city of unique architecture. The streets and houses all seem to fold in on themselves, and all the buildings seem built extra tall. In the centre of it all, is a long thin spire that reaches up towards the black sky.

It is there where the queen resides, and it is there that the four horsemen take you. The prince is exited to see his mother, and upon reaching the spire shoots out and you are forced after him. The stairs up are long and winding, even your great endurance is put to the test. You are surprised that the prince has such an easy time ascending. Somewhere in the middle of it all, is the Prince's mother. The Duchess of her little city state.

The Duchess, to your surprise is… Tall, standing at a massive seven feet, she even towers over you! Beyond that the family resemblance with the prince is uncanny, there can be no doubt that the women is indeed his mother. She embraces her son warmly, and he is eager to show her sometimes from his pocket.

Once again, out comes the spider. From his hand, it crawls onto hers. The queen then does the last thing you expected. She forces the spider into her mouth, and with a crunch, she licks her lips and eats it! The spectacle only lasts for a moment however, as she reappears the spider form behind the princes ear a moment after. He does NOT looked impressed, he has seen this trick before…

Settling in here is not easy. You are given a room, but its several flights away from the prince. Further more, the guards here do not like you. Very quickly, you start to get the impression that you are seen as an outsider. Perhaps they even see you as a spy. As for the prince, he spends much of his time with his mother. Unlike the king, she has more then enough time for him.

On the third day, you receive a letter from the queen. To summarize, it politely says that she will be spending the entire day with her son and that you will not be needed. The place where she will be taking him is closed to outsiders. What can you do in such a matter? You have your orders from the king, but you cannot simply refuse the queen either. This is, after all, her land and she is the boys mother. The last thing you want to be responsible for is a political incident. Besides, the prince must be safe with his mother? She has guards of her own protecting her.

>What do?
- Looks like you got a day off, the first one since you got the position. Maybe you can explore the city.
- Do as asked, but make yourself available. Stalk the halls and be on the look out for anything.
- Refuse, you go where the prince goes its as simple as that. Get physical with anyone that tries to stop you.
- Write in
I say the "queen" a few times because It was a last minute edit that I didn't change everywhere properly. I thought it would be too confusing to also call her a queen despite not being you KINGS queen. So I went with duchess.
>Looks like you got a day off, the first one since you got the position. Maybe you can explore the city.
you know what, give him some space
>- Looks like you got a day off, the first one since you got the position. Maybe you can explore the city.
yeah 95% of the quest is going to be about the prince anyway, may as well branch out a bit while we have the chance
>- Looks like you got a day off, the first one since you got the position. Maybe you can explore the city.
Lets take a walk, damn shame we didn't gain the affection with the prince.
>- Looks like you got a day off, the first one since you got the position. Maybe you can explore the city.
>But also give word that you'll be going in the city to the intendant, if there is one.
>Do as asked, but make yourself available. Stalk the halls and be on the look out for anything.
the dice really hates us
>Looks like you got a day off, the first one since you got the position. Maybe you can explore the city.
>- Looks like you got a day off, the first one since you got the position. Maybe you can explore the city.
>- Looks like you got a day off, the first one since you got the position. Maybe you can explore the city.
>Do as asked, but make yourself available. Stalk the halls and be on the look out for anything.
- Looks like you got a day off, the first one since you got the position. Maybe you can explore the city.
Let's buy him a present
>- Do as asked, but make yourself available. Stalk the halls and be on the look out for anything.
Nothing more to be done about it, looks like you get the day off. But what does one do with a day off? When was the last time you weren't on some mission? Your skin starts to itch just thinking about it. Maybe you can explore the city? Get the lay of the land, maybe you can use that knowledge in the future to better guard the prince? Yes, that makes sense. You feel a great relief wash over you. Yes, you will take your day off and go into the city. That way you will be better prepared for the future. Before the messenger leaves, you have him deliver a note to the prince. In it you explain where you can be found, and what you will be doing. Just in case he wants to know…


In the capital, every thing is controlled. You exit the palace, and you are in a high economic area. The people that can be there are controlled, and after that, its another economic block and so on and so forth. There is order, you know where you can be and where you cant. Bal'adur does not conform to those rules. The very moment you step out of the Duchess' spire, you are in the city. The poor, the rich, and the middlemen all meld together in the mob. There is no quarter cut out for merchants, and another for residences. Here where ever someone wants to set up shop they do so. A fishmonger sells his goods next to a church… There are no labels or signs denoting districts, you are just supposed to know. Sometimes as you walk the street everything will seem fine, but then you will turn the corner and enter a street where everyone is shooting you dirty looks. Its pure chaos.

A man could easily get lost in these winding streets, if not for that central spire. All roads eventually lead you back.
"Hey hey you there wait up. Yes you!"

A rat blocks your path, as you attempt to step around her she simply steps back into it.

"I know your type. No one comes all the way to Bal'adur just to see the sights. You are here for something specific."

This Rat had identified you as a tourist, despite your best effort to seem inconspicuous. You wonder what it was that gave you away, perhaps the way you walk? Or mayhap it was the confidence in your gait.

She gives you a wink "Come on, fess up. You know what you like and I know it too. You are here for the GOOD stuff."

You take the bait "And what would that be exactly?"

"You are looking to sample the local delicacy of course. You are a Connoisseur of Rat cuisine!"

You "What?" Audibly.

"We got" she claps her hands "Pou-tine! We got" she claps her hand again "Pi-zza! At Rat mum's foodbox! we got everything a human needs to consume! Come on mister ill show you the way!"

She takes a loose hold of your wrist and attempts to pull you through the crowd!
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You take a look at this rat:

>What do?

-"Do I look like I was born yesterday? This is clearly a SCAM" [Walk away unscathed option]
-Say something racist yet statistically accurate [Rat enemy option]
-"Sounds good, I could eat" [What could go wrong option?]
-"Are you on the menu?" [Rat butt option]
>"Are you on the menu?" [Rat butt option]
oh, the temptations... I can't help it, its our weakness
>Are you on the menu?" [Rat butt option]
You have gyatt to be rizzing me
>-Say something racist yet statistically accurate [Rat enemy option]
*ahem* despite being 13% of the population...
>Are you on the menu?" [Rat butt option]
>Write-in: "Sounds great, what do you recommend besides you?"
We'll keep her for dessert if we want to sup on her peaches
Oh and almost forgot
>Make sure nobody is gonna pickpocket us
>"Are you on the menu?"
That is the weakness we picked
>-"Are you on the menu?" [Rat butt option]
>"Are you on the menu?" [Rat butt option]
It is our weakness
Also OP knew what he was doing with that pic
>"Sounds good, I could eat" [What could go wrong option?]
rats are responsible for 50% of cocks being sucked
>"Are you on the menu?" [Rat butt option]
I'm going to need two d20s to be rolled. Best of 2, because of weakness
Rolled 15, 8 = 23 (2d20)

Rolled 14, 19 = 33 (2d20)

We will hold our spaghet.
Our rolls are invincible
[Retroactive] You find yourself mesmerized by the rat's substantial assets. You are unable to look away despite every neuron in your brain trying to warn you of something. As you follow her through the crowed, you cant help but ask…
"You wouldn't happen to be on the menu?"

"Oy oy, are you THAT type of Rat Connoisseur mister? Yeah, you look the type for that too" she slows down her walking so you can catch up. Then, she presses her back into your chest. "Maybe I know a place for that kind of thing too…" Your hands instinctively go to her hips.

"Lead the way" it cant be that easy can it? Of course not, but you are too blinded by whats in front of you to notice yet.

You are taken into a secluded alley. "How much you looking to spend big guy?" Her hips move, and your heart beat follows in rhythm.

As you reach for your coin purse, you suddenly realize something…

ROLL: 15

You are being swarmed by rats. The lightest of fingers are attempting to strip you of your belt, your shirt, and even your shoe laces! Worse yet, one is slipping your coin purse right off from around your neck! Leaving both of your faux coin purses untouched! The enchantment this rat put on you is broken, and you bellow with rage at the misdirection. The thieves are not fighters, now that they have been found out they cheese it in every direction! Its every rat for themselves.

>What do?
-Chase the rat that stole your coin purse! You need that to buy the prince a gift
-Forget the money, chase the rat that tricked you! She has much to answer for!
-Nah, just let em go. Street rats probably need the money more then you.

A day later, you find yourself back in the company of the good prince. While you stand over him, he lounges on a sofa reading a book. When not flipping the pages of the book, his fingers twirl his hair and every so often place a grape into his mouth. He has yet to speak with you since the 'incident'. There is something different about the prince today, he looks somehow… paler. Its a small thing, but its enough for you to decide to take action and open dialogue with him.

"My prince, is it your intention to never speak with me again?"

Your question breaks the silence of the room. Its enough to give the prince pause, but not enough to answer. He continues doing what he was doing after a moments hesitation.

You give it another try, "Has the incident with the harpies not left your mind yet? Are you still frightened of them?"

He takes the bait, what a silly brat. "Frightened? I was not frightened of some harpies. You must be joking." With months of having nothing to do but observe the prince, you have learned what makes him tick.

"Is that so my prince? You have been hiding ever since that day, perhaps I am mistaken."

"you ARE mistaken" he throws a grape at you, its bounces harmless off your armour. "Obviously, I am punishing you for your outrages behaviour. I didn't think you would actuality do it. You- you… imbecile, oaf, idiot"

"Do what my prince? Have I done something to upset you?"

His face turns red, he cannot find the words "YEAH, EXISTING!" it rains grapes.
Good thinking
>-Nah, just let em go. Street rats probably need the money more then you.
>-Chase the rat that stole your coin purse! You need that to buy the prince a gift
Give back our shekels right now.
>-Forget the money, chase the rat that tricked you! She has much to answer for!
Odds are she will know the guy/gal who stole our money and if she doesn't know how to get it back well she can always find other ways to reimburse us... such as forced labour.
-Forget the money, chase the rat that tricked you! She has much to answer for!
Vengeance is hereby mine
>Forget the money, chase the rat that tricked you! She has much to answer for!
The money is probably out of reach, but rat ass might not be.
>baited by booty again

>-Forget the money, chase the rat that tricked you! She has much to answer for!
Fool me once, I'm mad. Fool me twice, how could you.
She will reimburse us...with ASS
>Worse yet, one is slipping your coin purse right off from around your neck! Leaving both of your faux coin purses untouched!
how did they know which purse was the real one ?
>Forget the money, chase the rat that tricked you! She has much to answer for!
>-Chase the rat that stole your coin purse! You need that to buy the prince a gift
For the prince!
> -Forget the money, chase the rat that tricked you! She has much to answer for!

>Nah, just let em go. Street rats probably need the money more then you.
>Chase the rat that stole your coin purse! You need that to buy the prince a gift

Damn it, we didn't even score. They couldn't have waited a bit before stealing everything?
>Chase the rat that stole your coin purse! You need that to buy the prince a gift
>-Chase the rat that stole your coin purse! You need that to buy the prince a gift
>>6049375 has a point. They're clearly all in cahoots, so she must know where it's going.
>-Chase the rat that stole your coin purse! You need that to buy the prince a gift
Shoot almost missed the new thread
>Forget the money, chase the rat that tricked you! She has much to answer for
>-Chase the rat that stole your coin purse! You need that to buy the prince a gift
A little busy this week guys, sorry about the missed days and such but that's probably going to continue for a day or so longer. Lots to do
Don’t worry about it.

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