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Lets play a game /qst/!!

you will be the directors of the feared imouto rescue squad. A highschool club of imoutos that use fearsome weapons and tactics to rescue kidnapped onii-chans, wherever they are in the world...

the rules I will be using are Osprey - Black Ops.
It's the most fun rules that allows for stealth, and action gameplay and feels to me like the best simulation of small unit tactics that you can easily DM for

I've uploaded the rules for your enjoyment, but I will be adjusting the rules a bit to make the game work better. Don't worry about it too much....

coming up next will be the scenario and the buy screen where you can plan and outfit your task force!
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Here is the mission, last will be the buy menu.
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here is the buy menu. I will return when you guys have decided what you want to buy. Take your time

if you request the imagery, you can request it and then spend your other points after you've looked at it. Up to you

note: lower is better for the unit stats : )
Is this a tactics thing or is it a proper collaborative decision-making quest that just so happens to be tactical?

Also, having a hard time finding what the special abilities actually do?
mainly tactical but you can take the planning as deep as you want. What I would love to see is people collaborating on a course of action and then executing it. I'm not bound to the game system and I can add as many layers to this as you want.
>Also, having a hard time finding what the special abilities actually do?

the catgirl ninjas can run silently, travel 25% further, see perfectly in the dark, can't morale break, and have built in claws

the night vision removes night time penalty
body armor and tough just makes the death save one point easier

scope makes shooting further easier slightly
LAW and grenades are just additional weapons
no no when I say "tactics" I mean it in the very /qst/-specific context of "a tactical game where everyone controls one character", which you now knowing what I mean answers my question.

ISR, then we move in with more info.

Speaking of, do we know the Onii-chan(s) we're rescuing's preferences? Would be fun to try and tailor their rescue-squad to their type.
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-2 points, you still have 12 more points at your disposal

The left image is from the satellite of OBJ X-ray
the right image is a map of the local area. Dark green is light brush forest. Pink flags indicate affiliation with the evil kidnappers. Yellow indicates Neutral affiliation.

If you dont pick an insertion option the default is by truck to the neutral village

He likes schoolgirls with dreamy eyes, long legs, and twintails
Ah, you might want to wait for more confirmation before spending points in the future, just to let you know if you're a first-time QM. As well, it's a bit late in most of the US, not to mention that /qst/ is a slow board normally; if you're looking for snappy votes you might want to run this a bit earlier in the day. In my timezone, for example, it's 10 PM, and I'm only on the board because I keep a tab open most of the time.

For now, put my votes in for a conscript squad and a team of catgirl ninjas; if we can pick out a conscript squad that has a leader fitting those traits that'd be great. For the other anons, my plan is that the conscripts attract their attention and the catgirls come in from behind and do most of the actual killing.
*not knowing
I just wanted to make sure you guys had the planning material before I go to bed, everyone always takes the ISR

I'm going to leave so anyone who wants to join can discuss plans until the morning : )
Sending in conscripts to die as a distraction is awful for morale. Buy the catgirls and HALO drop them as going by truck will alert the militants that there is movement and we cannot trust yellow village not to rat us out.
Who said anything about having them die? Simply having them there and firing from a distance will get guards to look the other way for the stealthy catgirls to move on in.
Here are some components your plan should have:

A movement plan
A maneuver plan in phases
An extraction plan
A medical care and medical evac plan for each part of the operation
An alternate route plan
My vote is we keep it simple.

- Weapons Squad & Upper classmen

Insert at the neutral village, emplace the weapons squad to the north of the town, they supress the obj while the UC seize it.

Once its seized both squads enter the obj and retain it against counter attack while waiting for the C-130.

Any chance of a light mortar or some such?
if you can afford the extra point you can take a knee mortar instead of the optional carl gustav
No you retard, we can't shoot machine guns onto an objective with a hostage. Two upperclassmen assault squads plus isr, preferably gray eagle but raven will do
Start with the enemy situation, they have 3 rifle squads probably each with a pk and rpg7. It's dark and they have no nods and shitty radios, what kind of defense will they set up?
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What that around OBJ XRAY? It looks like a chain link fence or possibly power lines
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OK here are two potential enemy courses of action.

In ECOA 1 they have one squad in each friendly village. On contact with IRSF they will attempt to reinforce the squad in contact with a response time of 10 minutes (mounted) or 2 hours (dismounted).

ECOA 2 they mass on OBJ XRAY. They will likely orient two squads west and north-west with the third pulling security on the entire eastern half of the objective.

Based on this tentative information requirementns are:

1. In which building are they keeping hostage-senpai?

2. Confirm/deny presence of 2+ eny squads IVO OBJ XRAY

3. Confirm/deny enemy use of technicals or just civilian vehicles for potential QRF.

4. Confirm/deny presence of obstacles onn OBJ XRAY (c-wire, mines, IEDs, etc).
>1. In which building are they keeping hostage-senpai?
>2. Confirm/deny presence of 2+ eny squads IVO OBJ XRAY
At night eny garrisons the towns, very unlikely to be massed on OBJ XRAY
>3. Confirm/deny enemy use of technicals or just civilian vehicles for potential QRF.
They do use both civilian vic and technicals. Usually sticking to the unimproved road network.
>4. Confirm/deny presence of obstacles onn OBJ XRAY (c-wire, mines, IEDs, etc).
Chainlink fence partially surrounds OBJ. eny is known to use command detonated IED, mines, and VBIEDS
OK so 1-2 squads on the X with 1-2 squads mounted QRF in a mix of technicals and unarmed vehicles, response time 10-20 minutes.

We can breach a chain link fence with a saw, it will be quick but loud. Alternatively we could do it with some bolt cutters, quiet but takes longer - we should bring both and use whichever one makes sense. Not a lot we can do about mines or IEDs.

I would say take the truck insert with two assault squads, but don't dismount in the neutral village - a few hundred meters, ideally behind a hill so we are out of sight and sound of them. Skirt the south of the neutral village through the woods, cross the open area and get into the woods north of OBJ XRAY. This movement will take 3-4 hours.

From there we can do a quick leader's reconaissance, probably section leader and both squad leaders.

We should set up some kind of security oriented north on the unimproved road, probably 2x waifus with SAW and LAW, and a claymore if we can get it.

1 SQD (-) opens the breach in the fence and secures it while the other flows in and takes down each building in sequence, once we have our hostage we can start putting high explosive into the remaining structures. Then bring our security dudes onto the objective, do a quick search for intel, and haul ass to the C-130 landing zone
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Something along these lines
I dont vibe with this plan. What if they are doing a sonic the hedgehog defense
Ok that is true

Do we expect to be able to get out before they can respond? How long will the C-130 need?

Not sure, hence security to the north on the likely enemy avenue of approach. The C-130 is presumably on station already so I imagine pretty quick after we mark the landing strip. We can develop a contingency plan if the landing strip is compromised, probably break contact into the woods to the west and survive until we can bring in a helo or truck.
I like where this is going, we can stay in the planning phase as long as you guys want
Ok awesome, do we want to split the security squad to have some oriented east through the forest in case of dismounts? Though the range is such that it makes them unlikely.
No, we don't have enough combat power. Only two "squads" with 5 men each so really we're a squad size element. We peel off two for security, the other three of that squad open and secure the breach, that leaves five (six if we count a section leader) to clear all the buildings on the objective.
OK I'll write up a plan and everybody can offer their critiques.

1st SQD: Squad leader, automatic rifleman, rifleman (LAW), 2x riflemen. Carried: 1x claymore, 1x bolt/wire cutters, 1x circular saw.
2nd SQD: SL/AR/3x riflemen. Carried: 1x claymore, 1x bolt/wire cutters, 3x door breaching charges, shotgun (breaching), hooligan tool.
HQ: 1x patrol leader (PL), maybe an RTO?
Everyone carries a smoke grenade, 2 bangers, 2 frags, mix of IR and visible chemlights. Squad leaders and PL each carry 3x flares.

1. SITUATION: See enemy SITTEMPs above. Terrain is probably a mix of light woods, farms, and pasture/desert.

2. MISSION. IRS conducts a raid on OBJ XRAY NNLT 26 0000 JUL 24 IOT rescue Hostage-senpai & deny enemy freedom of maneuver.


a. Concept of Operations. Purpose of this operation is to rescue Hostage-Senpai. We will accomplish this by conducting an infiltration. Decisive to this operation is getting 2x operators inside the wire fence because they will provide a foothold to mass combat power on the objective. This operation will be conducted in five phases.

Phase 1 is planning and is ongoing. It will end when we dismount the trucks.

Phase 2 is movement, begins on dismount, ends when we leave the ORP for leader's recon.

Phase 3 is leader's recon, begins when we leave ORP and ends when we come back.

Phase 4 is actions on, begins when LR returns ends when objective clear.

Phase 5 is exfil, begins when OBJ clear ends when C-130 is wheels up.
b. Scheme of Maneuver.

Phase 1. Plan, rehearse, precombat checks etc. Board trucks timed to arrive in AO at nightfall.

Phase 2. Dismount, stop for 30 seconds and look listen smell etc to get a feel for the AO. Then move east to ORP, order of march 1st SQD HQ 2nd SQD in section column fire team wedge. If we take contact the squad in contact gets on line and sets up an SBF while the other squad assaults. We will set up a cigar shaped ORP with 1st SQD on the left and 2nd SQD on the right.

Phase 3. PL takes both SLs, and the SAW and LAW from 1SQD with both claymores. We will move north and set up the isolation position, then while they set in the claymores we will move south and recon the objective itself. We are looking for enemy activity and routes onto the objective with good cover and concealment, stuff like woodlines or ditches. We will return to the ORP and then leave with 1SQD (-) in the lead.

Phase 4. We will creep up as close as possible to the objective and set up 2nd Squad to overwatch. Then 1st Squad crawls up to the fence and opens it, preferably with wire cutters but if we are already compromised then just use the saw for speed. If we are compromised 1st Squad will use hand smoke to obscure the breach. Once it is open 1st Squad will run to the far side, establish local security, and call the assault squad forward. We will then assault the nearest building and keep moving as rapidly as possible until we find the VIP. Once the VIP is secure, we will pass him back to 1st Squad to hold and we will proceed more slowly using frags. Once we reach the south side of the objective we will call limit of advance and stop.

Phase 5. The security OP will blow the claymores and haul ass to the objective. While we wait for them we will do a hasty SSE looking for laptops, papers, maps, etc. Once they are in we will move to the LZ order of march 2nd SQD, HQ+hostage, 1SQD. We will mark the LZ with flares and pull security while we wait for the C-130, once it lands order of boarding is hostage, WIA, 1SQD, 2SQD, HQ.

c. Tasks to submissi- I MEAN SUBORDINATES.
1SQD: Provide AR and LAW as security. Breach the fence. Secure hostage once found. Lead in order of march. Provide alternate aid and litter team, primary enemy prisoner of war (EPW) team.
2SQD: Clear objective and find hostage. Last in OOM. Provide primary aid and litter team, alternate EPW team.

d. Coordinating Instructions. Only engage positively identified enemy targets, no frags or HE on the objective until hostage is secured.
4. Sustainment. Collect casualties at the point of breach. CASEVAC is by the C-130 unless we can get a CASEVAC helo in.

5. Command & Signal. Patrol leader moves with the assault element. Number password is 7, running password sword, challenge rainbow password archer.

Signal for the OP to come to the objective is primary: radio alternate: signal rocket emergency: just come 15 minutes after last gunfire is heard.
Signal for C-130 to land is primary: radio alternate: NATO L flares observed emergency: laser rope
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Ok lets get this show on the road

Having received and disseminated their brief, the seniors start prodding their junior operators into action. Finding the smallest and youngest girl to dump the SAW and all the extra ammo onto. Radios are keyed, weapons nervously oiled, and the trucks are guided onto the back of the C-130.
It's a long, bumpy, restless flight for everyone. With multiple inflight refuelings over the Pacific. The girls are bundled up in full kit. The more experienced ones manage to sleep while the rest nervously down energy drinks and spend the whole time wanting to piss themselves.

Finally the truck is rolled onto the tarmac in Africa. The air hits you like a wall of humidity and heat. Even at 2200 its still uncomfortably hot. Beads of sweat instantly start dripping down the back of your neck. You're forced to watch nervously as your transport haggles and bribes locals. You jerk to a start towards the one supposedly friendly village.

You keep an eye on your compass as you stop. Hoping that the driver actually payed the fuck attention. After hurling all the shit out the back, everyone silently pulls security as you watch the LMTV awkwardly do a 3 point turn and loudly thunder off. You're a terrain feature away from the friendly village, as promised. You're in the woods.
The schoolgirls shrug on their daypacks and self organize into order of movement. You're lucky you're not dealing with those freshman brats.
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Here is the situation for turn one
In the patrolling phase I'm going to make up my own rules real quick and allow 1000 meters of movement per turn. Whatever formation/ order of movement you're in will apply if you get in a random encounter in your turn

once you have eyes on the objective then we will switch out of patrol mode into tactical mode.
If you get in a random encounter in patrol mode it will dump you into tactical mode. Which will make sense when you see it

It's your turn, here is the game board.
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1000m/hr sounds about right for night.

Move quick from the drop off point and get in the woodline, then stop for a few minutes and look/listen/smell. We want to get a feel for what the AO's natural background is like and also any sign the infil was compromised.

Then move pic related as briefed (1SQD, HQ, 2SQD), only change is since the squads are small have the whole squad in wedge. Once we reach the woodline (marked "SLLS") we do another SLLS halt, in particular looking for signs of patrols, OPs, or traffic on the road before we cross the kilometer wide open field.

Between the movement and the two SLSS halts that's probably a turn.
Are we there personally as like a PL or are we some all seeing eye in the sky?

Would like to have eyes looking towards the neutral village as well, just in case
the way the game works is you control everything like an eye in the sky, but I'm writing from the perspective of the patrol leader just cause
sorry ive been a bit busy ill try and get those turns out : (
Is this enemy platoon theoretically composed of onee-chans?

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