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Often times it comes to a point in a mans life when the World begins to drag behind him as he heaves forward towards the reaches of space. The outward reaches of time we drastically changing and yet all he can do is continue. Sophisticated or not. The path is always the same for the man with little to no time to continue. However he has little to no time to compare. The radical that emerges within a man for a rite of rights is never left to chance when he senses his time nearing an end. Orlando has never been one to question the hands on a clock. He always left to chance the fundamental excitement of exchanging his words for a book. The books that filled the world were never addressed as anything other than informal wits and half eaten plates of pasta. Orlando being a man of age had never ridden a bike faster than he could peddle but had certainly left his mark on the library. Organised or not his hands were never good for anything more than turning a page in disgust of the last man who had crinckled the pages before he had touched them. Orlando needed a change in pace. Orlando needed a change in location. Before he had realized he was tall enough to be 6'3 he had committed acts of distrust upon the locals of his town. Sold out and cheated, gambled and lied, arranged his mind to spit before calling it fair. "The sooner I leave the better ill feel" he assumed aloud before reaching for a knife in his pants. Orlando rushed the bank with knife in hand telling the teller "get on the fuckin ground puta". From the glass reflected glow on the ground of the pavement screams could be heard from the elderly man who was the only patron and a clear sign of disbelief on the face of the young bank teller who had only started the day before. She had blond hair, blue eyes and darker than pink lips. Orlando had reached the point of his life where he realized its all about building upon the teachings he was given as a child.
The bank teller being a new member had only recieved basic analytical symptoms for dealing with aggrevated members of the public. Had anyone known she would have been guided to the safe of safes to illegally withdraw $453,000 from an unmarked safe at the back that was dim lit with no resounding feedback from her mind other than "eyes forward". Into the darkness the bank teller plunged her hand into her pocket for the keys. As she scrambled for the key. Old Davey who was out cold on the ground with blood starting to drip from his ears began to convulse. The bank teller could only hear the piercing echo of Orlandos mind in hers "Find that fuckin key puta". The key was etched with the same number on the safe 34 safe number 34. The oldest of airs began to surround the room atleast according to the senses of Orlando and the bank teller. As she turned the key clockwise and then anticlockwise towards the sun. The safe unlocked and the door opened. Orlando sacrificed his life to a cold cell by plunging the knife into the bank tellers stomach from behind as he swung his arm in a crab like motion. Ripping her guts and slashing the bones of her spinal cord. He pushed her to the side and opened the safe. As he looked all he saw was a skull etched into it was the number 13. Between the brows. He almost collapsed. His stomach wrenching. "Wheres the fuckin money bitch" he stood over the bank teller who was paralyzed from the waist down and bleeding out. In shock he kicked her and took the skull. While fleeing the bank he flipped the sign from open to closed.
The night before he had made a deal with a local loan shark in order to bring them both up to speed. "The newest of the lots was looking rather heavy in his hands" exclaimed the Shark. "Indeed" replied Orlando. "Hesitate knot" "for it could be my last night i walk 5 points directed to the moon" dull eyed Orlando Spoke. "The moon is all we needed" replied the Shark. "The bigger the world the less we get to see" grinned the Shark. "Easy does it Orlando we all meet a fate if we arent wise enough".

The plan was simple. Rob the bank/get the money/split the money/happy days. All Orlando needed was a cigarette and a motive of "where it comes from where it goes". The story was simple but the explanation is never easy from the third parties perspective. No crowd/new bank teller/no key card/ no finger print/just collect and go.
Skull and head in hand. The 5 points of life were now feeding the paranoia in his heart and mind. He hadnt had a life like this before he met the "fun never ends" of the city he found himself within. Sinned and scarred he left the daylight for a darker scene. "Pick up the fuckin phone" Orlando Paced. "I see you" says the Shark. "Have you found my friend Orlando?". "Yessir" "hes in the palm of my hands" blank but functioning madly Orlando ensued "Wheres the money....question mark". "Check the news" the Shark replied grinning gleefully with the grimmace of a man with no plans just distrust in hand. Orlando. Being the empty headed man he was. Turned the tv on and flicked to the channel in mind. "BREAKING NEWS:2 dead bank closed no witnessess 1 safe emptied". "Bingo" laughed the Shark. "How do you plan on getting from A 2 B Orlando" "i miss my friends face but that skull will do". "Bingo? Wheres the money?". "There is no money Orlando" "Its just the two of us" sided the Shark. "How am i supposed to leave?" sighed Orlando. "Thats the best part men" "you cant leave its till death do us part" remarked the Shark. "Had you forgotten?" "This isnt about the world you left behind" "this is about The Fun Never Ends" "here" "everyday you lose confidence" "in return you gain gratitude for living without a law to begin with". "The criminal mind isnt worth the time of day it deserves" sighed the Shark. "The criminal makes the buses a hazard" "the criminal makes the sidewalk a scene of lost in time" "the criminal fills the 4 walls/3 meals a day/room mate optional cells of the man who lost sight of the mirror". "Hang up Orlando someones calling youuu".
'Ring ring'. Orlando never happier but always a doubt in mind. "Hello?". "I see you met our friend"...."how is he". Orlando. Being wise enough never lost his mind at men who play games with the lives of others. "Hes in the palm of my hand" Orlando assumed. "Execellent" "when can we meet?". Orlando not focused on motives but meeting the goals expectation replied "when it best suits you!" "Execellent" "tomorrow at midnight by the watchtower we call a Clock near City park will do" "ill be in the black car near the green fold over they call public seating". As Orlando made mental note of the advice given. Whispers from what sounds like the walls of his hole he called a live-in began to circle his mind like a merry-go-round. All he could make out was "3-5-6 its a witch its a witch its a witch". Before he could thank the voice on the rectangle it hung up on him. Sigh "Another day in the dumps of this cascade we call a city". To set the backdrop it was not as quaint as the Governer painted. The population of the city nearing 18million. The pollution of cars filled the morning air penetrating all hours of the day. The birds were scarce in numba and the park was the only sighting of the leafs on the trees that give us life. "The sky mimicks our living status" he quoted fondly elluding to a time before his mother had cried for the last time in her life. "Anyway" "back to the old drawing board" he exclaimed.
As he finished tending to his hole he called a live-in. The lights outside his window began to flicker. A figure in the middle of the street stood still and pointed at the house above. "Strange but nothings stranger than a stranger watching a man go about his day" sighed Orlando. The apartment itself was brick by brick red in color but darker than blood. It was cheap but not cheap enough for Orlando to afford more than a packet of cigarettes a week. "Sleep then rest until the world stops for the midnight hour" Orlando exclaimed.
As he slept the world within his dreams mind of what does it take to make it back to the living began to contort. The sound of the Dreams reflection was that of children on a playground but the dream itself was darker aspects of the shade of red swirling. Had he known it was gonna be a long night he would have soaked in the ray of rest while he could.
As he arose from his eyes closed eyes open. He pissed in the bottle he had on his bedside table and threw it out the window. Usually hed be happy to be awake but the piercing reminder of the 2 murders struck him. Within his mind the emotional atmosphere began to plague his judgements. From rise and shine to terror and panic from inside his chest. His lungs were ceasing and his arms were turning into razor blades. He showered and dry wretched while holding his head high enough to see straight but not high enough to be prideful and exempt of morale awareness of his actions the day before. Had he considered that the lives of 2 would be stopped by himself? Of course he did. "What is this?" he shuddered. Is this what it is when they say "killers guilt?" The remorseless shock left his body the night before he decided to end it all and begin again as a man on the loose in a City of goons hed met at the alley and bars.
8:03am and the cars are honking the trains are pacing and the foot traffic at a peak interval for the day. Hiding away from the burning sun. He held a cigarette to his lips and sensed from a far the hands of the Shark dialing his phone. Exhailing he looked to the ceiling in hopes of the headache and breathing problems to stop. 'Ring ring' as Orlando looked down he saw it was indeed the Shark calling him. "Over the moon" the Shark lead with. "Over the Blood Soaked Moon" he laughed. "And how was it Orlando?" "Are you feeling it now?" Orlando enjoying his moment of relief replies. "Indeed" "How may i be of use to you today?" continued Orlando. "Never let the hand touch a nest full of eggs" "the mother will reject he offspring". "Wise enough to know that" "Wise Enough to forget it too". "To the ferry" replied Orlando. "To the ferry you go" replied the Shark. "I hope our friend isnt polised Orlando" "we will see you after dark". Phone call ends. Orlando shocked at the impatience of his benifactors he continued about his morning in pain and suffering. The head full of terrored emotions and the heart rapidly pacing around the chest it called a home. He sat and began to recall the day he let it go to his head.
Before he met the world of dark times and darker deaths. He had been a boy on the loose of the side of his suburban home linked driveways. Nothing bothered a boy with his mother close by. Fathers heir was left patiently with his "mother of mothers". Never had he believed he needed a father too. His mother being a woman of lost and found habits. Father left for the city and never returned standing upright. The death of his father didnt shock him. It was the glare of his father in the mirror the morning he left for work. The look on his father face was that of "i trust the process but i fail to trust the world around me". Empathy was never given from Father to son. Empathy was given from Mother to offspring. The harsh reality of living a suburban life is that one day it ends. 'Ring ring' "is this my friend Diego?" "Yessir 'Diego' at your service" "how may i extend my life into yours" Diego provides. The man on the phone replies "do you still have the knife?" Diego recalling the event paused. Scanning the area in his 4 by 4 roof over his head replied. "Indeed i do". "Excellent" "may it serve me well" "may it serve as a reminder to you" "nothing in life is free" "sacrifices must be made" smiled the Friend of Friends. Diego pausing for a second. A flash of a smiling man miraged into his mind. "Is this you?" questioned the Friend of Friends. "Indeed" replied Diego "Indeed it is". "Let me start off by offerring my sincere beliefs" "if i live today and die tomorrow" "atleast i did what 99% refuse to do without a contract" "they run and hide" "they scream and shout" "they lose tempers" "they lose hope" "they lose love" "they lose the will to exist like an adult" "its all part of the line of life they live". "Are you understanding my invitation?" "My dear friend Diego". "Indeed" Diego replied. "Indeed" "i am".
As the conversation slowed to a halt. The atmosphere of the room turned cold. Hotter than the outback of Australia. The room felt like a dark cellar. Diego looked behind him and saw the room warping as a figure sat in the 1 body couch of his apartment. "Time is the only factor that determines how far a man leaps from safe to safer still" spat the voice on the phone. "This isnt the world we wish to see is it Diego" "the life they live is better suited for lab rats" "we are men of conqured fears" "we fear not the darkest alley way" "we fear not the serial killers edge" "we fear not the rapists clawing figure before dark in a gulley" "we fear not the militarys allure" "we wish to watch the lab rats burn" "am i right Diego?"........."Diego?"..................."Answer the fuckin question Diego.........am i right?" Shocked Diego began to feel a pulse from within his chest. His heart rate hitting 168BPM the sound of the room was that of saws sharpening and NAILS scraping iron corroded walls. ^"IF WE ARENT ON THE SAME PA-(phone hangs up) **voice within Diegos head**-GE THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN OUR CITY"^ ^THIS ISNT A FUCKIN GAME DIEGO SPEAK THE PHRASE MOVE THE PIECE RETURN TO THE HOLD YOU CALL A HOME AND DO US THIS FUCKIN FAVOR^ ^IF I SEE YOU AFTER THIS AND YOU ARENT LISTENING TO ME ILL BAZOW UR FUCKIN FAMILIES REMAINS FROM WITHIN THE DIRT THEY ARE BURIED^ ^DONT YOU WASTE OUR FUCKIN TIME DIEGO WE ARENT FRIENDS YET^ ^UR IN THE FUCKIN WAY IF WE ARENT MOVING AT THE SAME PACE TOWARDS THE SAME GOAL WE HAVE IN MIND^ ^SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND ANSWER MY FUCKIN PHONE CALL^
Diego panicked but able to sit. The reality of his consequences set in. His life is now moving at a pace he doesnt determine. He sits down opposite the figure he assumes is a man in power. 'Ring ring' (witthin his head) ^i can i will its done^ Diego Answers "i can i will its done". "Excellent!" "Are we on the same page Diego" "no we arent we are about to be on the same playing field Diego" intrusive but calm the presence leaves the room. "Listen to me Diego" "its not a lab rats world its my world" "now repeat" in unison /"its not a lab rats world its my world"/ "im glad we see eye to eye Diego" "12am" "sharp" "sharper than sharp" "the sharpest". Phone call ends. ..A DISTANT CONVERSATION.. 'Diego isnt ready' 'who needs money when you have a mind we can use' 'true' 'thats the truest'.
Diego unable to gather a thought to begin with. Rushes to the door for air and faces on the streets below. Cars flying, people chatting, the world at large exists! "Havent seen you in awhile Orlando" the cat whispers. Sitting softly smiling at the world below. "Did i miss something?" Orlando exclaims. "Dont you remember?" "You feed me one nights" "you feed me one nights and i remember you so" "shocked but never suprised the worlds lights are shining and Orlando gets to witness it with the real". "Be safe Orlando that man can see you" "he can see all of you". As the man above peers out of his window. The events of yesterday a mystery. "No footage??/no prints??/2 dead???/in my city??!?!" "As chief of police its my job to keep crime at bay". "Where did that fucker go". "Only the brave have lost time to the cold" exclaimed the cat. "Only the brave have lost time to the cold!" "AaarrgGh" spat Orlando. "See you Orlando See you and laugh" meowed the cat.
11:43am as the world turns slowly but pacing on time with yesterdays noon. The motion of sickness began to hit Orlando. Orlando feeling ill but not sick wretched to the stomach and terrored emotions to the mind. Was reminded of the events of yesterday. "Cars crash all the time" coped Orlando "cars crash all the time". Flashes of Toyotas self percieved Engineering Gods of automotive function began to reel in his mind. Bobbing like a lure on a rivers surface. The man he once wassleft him. Dawned with a new glow "Diego" he exclaimed. "Quite a handle for a Jack The Ripper Like Me" "ahahahahah" Diego The Ripper exhudes "Quite a practice indeed". As he moved with new motions of lifes best guess at where he may reside after death. He looked forward to meeting the man who sent chills down his spine and spewed thunder bolts into his heart. On the rare occasion that he had a need for money. This was one of them. His side of town was full to the brim with prostitution, extortion, laundering, rackets, drugs, guns, gangs ect. ..from within Diegos mind.. ^you court it we got it^. The world is a criminals office hours. The world is a criminals playing field. The world is a criminals diamond tester. The world is a criminals best friend when the block is hot. Strolling but never lacking Diego reminds his body its extended when he catches his hand on the blade of his best friend instead of his cigarettes and lighter. Walking towards the train he needs to catch to get to the park in the city. His mind is rattled with harms but he continues to shook the world around him with his alarming presence of ill gotten gains and mistrusted deeds of influence from a distance afar.
As the train seamlessly retracts across kenetic beams of perfection. The neighbourhoods tell a tale of who lives and whats happening within its judicial boundries of lifes lovers. The police. The police themselves have little time for anything other than one set to the next. Diego knowing full well that the world revolves for one purpose only and that purpose being. The darkest of depths of lifes secrets can only be found on a table. "The lab rats ahahaha" what a sight to behold as he viewed the drunken dillema of the men and woman that puntured the scene he saw playing before him. "If this is life" "then i wish to be on a table with manners" "if this is life" "then i wish to be burning with the best of them at all aspects of us and them" "if this is life" "then i hope the money will come to those who choose to live for us who choose to claw for what we need to spit upon the lab rats world". The sickness left Diego but the harm in his head has nothing to do with the voices he hears outside of his peripheral sightings. The man made live-ins spiral around the available sand and dirt that was once a western scene that played on screen for viewing material only. As his stop approached and the clock nearing 1:43pm. He sighed and firm footed his way to the now open doors of the train.
Within the shorter than short time he has left from now til the Darkest of Hours 12am. He needed to get back on track with who may or may not have caught him and where. To his old friend Marco he hasnt had much time to mature but to his new friends hes quite a fit for the exaggerated ways of the practical sense of living with the senses attached and dying with a hole in his back for not being "wise enough".
The entity he saw was none of his concern. Right now the world was looking for a suspect and he needed to be sure his face was clean and his name only tarnished by his witnessed deeds. "Who better?" He smiled. 'Knock knock'......"Marco"......'knock knock knock'........ as a slide on the door can be heard through the senses an eye can be seen glancing through a shade that once housed a peek hole. "Diego is it?" "Orlando you fuckin clown" "the block is hot Marco"...."please"....."is it too late for street justice?"....... "Orlando or do you prefer Diego now ahahahah" the locks unbolt and the door hinges rattle as a 5'7 glassess donning ediot named Marco clampers the door wide enough for Diego The Ripper to walk through. "Come on in killa" "i heard you left the world on hold ahahahaha" "Of course i did" "i saw what it was offering and chose to go hungry" grinned Diego The Ripper. "Its not everyday that a man like you rises in a world like this" "is it old friend?" Qued Marco gesturing a finger gun "Thanks brother" "its been years since i truly needed to see someone like you" Diego The Ripper pronounced. "They havent a word" "but the city that never sleeps is calling u Diego The Ripper" "no faces/no motives/no sign of register for what was taken/no cameras were present/no mind was left uncensored" "How the fuck" "did some bank robbing cock sucker" "get in and out of a day lit world with whatever he needed" "free of charge" "in a place where we have more cars on fleet than the mail man". To match the tone with a face. Clancy was the Chief of Police. This side of the city needed 30years earlier. He was of middle height. He was of Big build. He was of older age. He was of profound significance to the city itself. Highly decorated but slow to react in the face of perverted living. He lived like any other before he was crowned rightful owner of the city. Clancy needed no friends. Clancy needed no help. Clancy was the friend. Clancy was the help. Clancy was the cleaner that got paid like he rode a horse to school and spat in the hands of the teachers who taught the bullies in school. Clancy was not easily disuaded by the sight of crime families in a city of 25million including the overstayers. He was a man of resolve for the problems layed bare on his desk of insights into horror below his 5 floored citidel of repressed husbands tears when his wife is missing at 3am on a work night. With the neighbours of the building being office to office complexes and sky towered parking spots for the life of the streets below. Clancy wanted that fuckin criminal. Chief Clancy wanted Diego The Ripper off the streets and in 4 walls. "AhahahaahahAhahAHAHAHHAH Diego ahahahHahAHAHAH Diego The Ripper??!?!?!?" "Orlando you sick fuckin bladed molesterer" "i wish we could have been together ahaha" Marco seethed sincerly wiping a tear of laughter and disbelief from his glassess to forehead eyes. "Love you Marco said Orlando"."i needed a reminder of the world we occupies behavior.
As Clancy called his phone book of lies. The world was very much in shook at the sightings of the weak minded perceptions of what really goes down when a murder occurs and a man is risen from 1 1 1 1 1 to 1 1 1 1 2. 'The outside world was never for men like us' 'we control the world with our movements' 'something even a politician fails to do is shake another mans hand correctly without needing a stimulant to keep his hand steady' 'sure' 'but what about the other families' 'what about the non criminals' 'what about the men that make the industrial era a thing of comparison to the pyramids being built' 'those are not our friends those are the workforce the world needs in order to contend on a continental basis of algorhythm meets sales pitch punch lines of yes maybe sort of almost there and nah you lost me with that' 'perfect' 'we are both on good timing then'.
"So what was it then?" Calmly speaking Marco "A skull" replies Diego......Marco silently gazing into the spaces of his mind only he can see. "A skull with a 1 3 etched into its brow line". "The phone was tapped" Marco reveals "the phone was tapped" "FUCK" exclaims Diego "That fuck tried to kill me in my own spot" "easy Diego they play with men like kids play with food" "is it edible? What is it the child thinks? No one but the child knows" "Diego you need to get a grip" "how far along are we?" "I have" Diego glides his watch timing **6:25pm** "i have 5 hours 35 minutes" "Shit man" "Diego you need to get a hold of me if you fall out of that bed of yours again" "just call me on my phone" "its as easy as 1 two 3". "Have you heard how they plan on taking the train and replacing it with city wide lock downs of each outlined marker?" Scoffed Marco "Yea" "Diego they want to enforce a city wide pandemic of you live you die in the section that made you" "youve got to get out while you can Diego" "We all gotta get out Marco" "The world isnt fit for men anymore Diego" "They want us all force fed and prone to losing day after day" "its a lab rats world Marco" "YOU FUCKIN WHAT" "Diego get the fuck out of my pad" "you arent with us now Diego you left us the day you answered that phone and took a one man bank job for the love of a world you couldnt even see". "Thanks Marco" "i understand how far ive jumped since i left the safety of me you me you me again" "Diego be safe" "remember me when you look down from the highrises they call the bridges". "Will do brother".
8:39pm "Get me those fuckin detectives on a line" "Inspector such and such i assume" "yes Chief Clancy" "am i able to bargain for an hour of your time?" "Depends" "what are we looking at?" "Murder-homicide" "Bingo-Thanks Mr Clancy" "we will appear shortly" "any leads will be noted just for you". "Get me that fuckin rat loving dirt eating son of a burdens name/face/location and consider it a courtside date with of course we can fund that endevour". **9:00pm** "shit" "time to get a hold of my good friend". 'Ring ring' "did the clock strike midnight?" The Shark exclaims "Im on timing but the fun feels like a swinging hammock over a fire pit thats scorching my bones from the inside out" "its just a way of the world Buddy old Pal" "its just a way of being reminded you are rising above the heads of those to slow to see theyve died already its just taking awhile to catch up". "They just want you to keep them in mind every hour of the day" "its just a way of saying" "Dont you forget about me". "Diego" "Dont let Mr Kloo get the best of you please". "Of all the now you see mes that existed before you" "you are indeed the one i trust". "The time is 9:05pm and its only getting closer to your appeal" "are we spending big or are you closing the shop you call a vacant lot of dreamed dreams" "Mr Kloo?" "Yes Orlando" "Mr Kloo" "hes the man you call when you want to be with the flows of where do you think that was heading". "Remember me Diego" "hes not a man who has a temper that makes sense until you sit in his seat and say to yourself" "this isnt meant to be lost in a day". "Be safe Diego" "Do Not Let Him In".
**10:00pm** as expected the world is still unaware of the change of worlds that is moving from A 2 B. The non sharpened edge of a razor is not worth more than the effort it would take for you to end your life for a fixed location in a setting only seen with a superior body attached to the legs of a point of view. Attempted to revolt against the self and failed. This is the line of sight that the "i live today and die tomorrow" attitude is masking when they exclaim. "Lifes good". As Diego makes his way through the web of streets circling the park itself. Heiroglyphics that once made no sense on the walls now speak stories to diegos mind like a book with secrets to tell. The signs of the world below are gone. The night prowlers avoid the glow of Diego The Rippers presence in the well lit lights path of car car light post car. Diego is heading towards a dream only those who live it can see for themselves any hour of the day they choose to he aware of more than what is bothering his body. The echo of cars in the distance is a clear sign the city does indeed lack sleep. **11:00pm** "im getting close the car park isnt too far from here.
As hes walking an image of a black car in the carpark that he knows is where he is heading is able to be seen in his head. The man he hopes is not Mr Kloo is either too big to be seen or is indeed some sort of other worldly being with arms legs and a head. At least. According to Marco. "Mr Kloo is a man with no real evidence of him living to begin with" "names dates friends family are all shrouded in" "maybe its like this" "his presence is one of significant terror" "even the pedophiles have avoided his dealings" "hes a man with little say in the world" "hes a man with nothing to gain that we can see with our minds want for greed and glory" "Mr Kloo had a time before he had a watch" "Mr Kloo had a basic change in his altitude before he knew he could fly" "Mr Kloo had a void of terror the day he let the criminal basis understand he was indeed the man they wanted to speak too if they had a deal to be done with any man who had life to live". By the sounds of it Mr Kloo was some sort of Government Man. At least thats what it sounds like. The depths with which ill go in order to sit on a table like that is above the natural means of survival. My charges will be deemed a humanitarian crisis. My charges will be deemed black booked marked off and forgotten. My charges will be deemed "he was only seen once". My charges will be deemed its a miracle he was able to conjure up the levels of life needed in order to ensure the life he wanted was carved by the severed hands wrist bone on a living victims willing central nervous systems perceptive nerves orifices. **11:45pm** "theres the clock tower". Just through the park and ill be able to see the empty lot for cars. The sound of the ticking from the hands that acknowledge weve circled a space in space on a rock is as strange as it gets. Is it mechanically knocking on our ears. Or was it fine tuned and set to sound like that?
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As Diego approached the car park a strange air was forming around the treeline. Cold sure but cold enough for fog to be forming? "Surely not" as he stood at the edge of the carpark itself. Images of kids playing on a playground began to reel through his mind. The sounds of saws being sharpened and the feeling of his wrists being sliced wide open began to emerge upon his flesh like it was factual. The only thought he had ever thought in his life sounded like a trumpet. "DESSSAK". **BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP 12:00AM BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP** Slowly a car that was black in appearence arrived to the location and parked in the park he saw in an image he was sent earlier within in his mind. A window rolled down and a hand gestured for him to approach. As he got closer the sound of saws being sharpened and NAILS scraping against corroded iron sheets began to get louder. The closer he got the less air it felt like he was able to breath. As he reached for the door and opened it. His mind forced his eyes forward and the coldest of hands touched his legs. Tadaa thankee for feedin me bulldogginit.
Sir this isn't the board to schizopost in
Sir, did you just post half of your opus in bad faith to force strangers to read it?

Bad show, sir.

make this a Quest or desist at once.

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