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You are the son of a powerful mafia boss who rules the criminal underworld of the city with an iron grip.

>You are the eldest, the presumed successor, known for your fiery temper and a reputation for ruthlessness.

>You are the second son, the overlooked playboy, usually dismissed as weak and indecisive.

>You are the youngest, a decorated war veteran, who attempted to leave the family business.

>You're the third, oft-overlooked and second youngest son who abandoned the family to pursue a career as a professional clown. Family, however, had other plans. It always did.
>You are the second son, the overlooked playboy, usually dismissed as weak and indecisive.
>You are the second son, the overlooked playboy, usually dismissed as weak and indecisive
>You are the second son, the overlooked playboy, usually dismissed as weak and indecisive.
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You are the second son, the overlooked playboy, usually dismissed as weak and indecisive. But you can handle things. You're smart. Not like everybody says. Not dumb, you're smart, and you want respect.

>You approach your father, requesting more responsibilities to prove your worth.

>You devise a plan to eliminate your older brother, ensuring your place as the heir.

>You continue to play the part of the carefree playboy, biding your time until the perfect moment to strike.

>You secretly align with rival families, determined to earn your father's respect by force if necessary.

>You secretly align with rival families, determined to earn your father's respect by force if necessary.

>You devise a plan to eliminate your older brother, ensuring your place as the heir.
>>You approach your father, requesting more responsibilities to prove your worth.

Let's not skip straight to treason.

>you are the Bastard, the Godfather's own get, brought to age without Mama's knowledge before being formally adopted as the orphan of one of the Godfather's fallen captains

>Being brought up in secret and squalor in your formative years has left a mark. You are not book smart, but you have learned to look stupid. You wheel (driver), deal (fixer), and steal (thief) as a first nature.
ignore, too late
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>the key to power is
>not pussy
>but people.
>you have a little wealth and a little reach
>time to assemble yourself a team
>You approach your father, requesting more responsibilities to prove your worth.
>>You approach your father, requesting more responsibilities to prove your worth.
I agree with all of these
Except this one. I accidentally replied to this cunt
Traitors deserve the rope
Vaffanculo! What an absolute moulignon, this fuckin guy.
>You devise a plan to eliminate your older brother, ensuring your place as the heir.
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>You approach your father, requesting more responsibilities to prove your worth
>You continue to play the part of the carefree playboy, biding your time until the perfect moment to strike.
Big bro's a loose cannon who's going to come after us eventually, better he not see us as a threat right away. Play the safe option and let him focus on the other, potential rat brother first.
Quest's dead, anon.
Habeeb in OP. He'll be back, he's just on the lam.

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