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File: jujutsu-kaisen-anime-.jpg (98 KB, 1000x500)
98 KB
Welcome to Jujutsu High! Today marks your first day at one of the educational institutions dedicated to fostering the next generation of jujutsu sorcerers. As you stand at the gates, the weight of your destiny presses down on your shoulders. Who are you?

>Name: Yuki Nakamura
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Backstory: Yuki discovered her jujutsu abilities when she accidentally exorcised a powerful curse that had haunted her family's shrine for generations.

>Name: Hiroshi Tanaka
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Backstory: Hiroshi, a high school martial arts champion, realized his jujutsu potential after a mysterious incident where he fought off a curse that attacked his dojo.

>Name: Mei Sato
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Backstory: Mei, a gifted artist, found out she could see and manipulate curses through her drawings, a talent that caught the attention of a visiting jujutsu sorcerer.

>Name: Ren Suzuki
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Backstory: Ren, an orphan who grew up on the streets, discovered his innate jujutsu abilities when he defended his friends from a deadly curse in a dark alley.

>Name: Aiko Matsuda
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Backstory: Aiko, a quiet and introverted student, realized her potential as a sorcerer when she accidentally purified a curse that had been causing havoc in her school library.

>Name: Kazuki Yamamoto
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Backstory: Kazuki, the son of a renowned jujutsu sorcerer, discovered his own powers after an intense training session with his father went awry, revealing his unique ability to manipulate shadows.

>Name: _______________
>Name: Ren Suzuki
>Name: Kazuki Yamamoto
>>Name: Mei Sato
>Name: Mei Sato
>Name: Ren Suzuki
>Name: Mei Sato
>>Name: Mei Sato
>>Name: Ren Suzuki
>>Name: Ren Suzuki
>Gender: Male
>Age: 18
>Backstory: Ren, an orphan who grew up on the streets, discovered his innate jujutsu abilities when he defended his friends from a deadly curse in a dark alley.
>Name: Mei Sato
>Name: Mei Sato

Geto with a paint brush?
>Name: Mei Sato
More like Kenny, I think,since Geto still has to gather and absorb curses to use. If I'm interpreting the ability correctly, Mei should be able to *generate* specialized curses and/or cursed objects, which will get nutty if we reach any level of power.
I didn't say Kenny cause the Kenster's true specialty is taking backshots
>>Name: Mei Sato

>Name: Ren Suzuki
Changing my vote to
>Name: Mei Sato
>Name: Mei Sato
>Name: Ren Suzuki
>Name: Hiroshi Tanaka
>>Name: Mei Sato
>>Name: Mei Sato
QM, I swear to god if you flaked I'm going to shit your pants
Better grab some Mexican food and OP’s pants then

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