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You are Jack "Whisper" Malone, a name that sends shivers down the spines of both the heroes and the villains. The city is a maze of steel and shadows, where gods and monsters walk the same cracked sidewalks as you. Superheroes may shine in the daylight, but the real action happens after sundown. Crime, that old snake, still slithers through the dark corners of this metropolis. Tonight, it's wrapped its coils around an all-American hero. Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, found outside a seedy nightclub, drugged and violated. The headlines scream scandal, but you know better. There is more to this—you know a coverup when you see one. You light a cigarette, the glow briefly illuminating your steely eyes, and set out into the shadowy abyss, determined to drag the serpent into the light. The hunt begins.

>Your first suspect is Johann Schmidt, the Red Skull. The old Kraut might be looking to settle some unfinished business from the war.

>Your first suspect is Tony Stark, the billionaire playboy. With Steve Rogers out of commission, Stark can be the center of attention again.

>Your first suspect is Sam Wilson, the Falcon. With Rogers traumatized and sidelined, Wilson stands to gain the title of Captain America.

>Your first suspect is Bruce Banner, the Hulk. His strength and rage make him a possible candidate for overpowering and violating Rogers.

>Your first suspect is Nick Fury, the boss of Shield. The man likes to be always in control, always on top. What could ever excite a narcissist like him than to hold down Rogers, America's most beloved hero, and violate him?
>Your first suspect is Johann Schmidt, the Red Skull. The old Kraut might be looking to settle some unfinished business from the war.
>>Your first suspect is Johann Schmidt, the Red Skull. The old Kraut might be looking to settle some unfinished business from the war.

A dame in red, a skull in red, it's all trouble from where i'm sitting, ya dig?
>Your first suspect is Nick Fury, the boss of Shield. The man likes to be always in control, always on top. What could ever excite a narcissist like him than to hold down Rogers, America's most beloved hero, and violate him?

The All-American EveryAmerican is a painful dream, shaming us with his virtue, demoralizing us with his goodness. To reach his height is impossible for us. We don't live in a CocaCola poster, like him. It's so hard we can't. Or so expensive we WON'T.

People just want things to be as they've always been. Rotten, sodden, beyond saving; no need to care. Captain America is living proof that the Status Quo is wrong, and we can't have that.

Killing him is not enough. America needs him DESTROYED.

And who better to do it than the modern incarnation of the organization that created him?
Your first suspect is Johann Schmidt, the Red Skull. The old Kraut might be looking to settle some unfinished business from the war.
You toss the cigarette butt to the damp sidewalk and grind it under your heel. The neon signs flicker overhead, casting lurid reflections in the puddles at your feet. The city breathes around you, a living beast of concrete and vice. You know the Red Skull's last known haunt, a decrepit warehouse down by the docks, where the scent of saltwater mixes with the stench of corruption.
As you approach, the moon slips behind a cloud, plunging the world into darkness. The warehouse looms before you, an ancient titan with a thousand secrets. You slip through a side entrance, moving with the quiet grace of a ghost. Inside, the air is thick with the smell of oil and decay. Shadows dance in the corners, playing tricks on your weary mind.
You hear a low murmur, a guttural laugh. Your fingers tighten around the grip of your revolver, the cold metal a familiar comfort. You move deeper into the maze of crates and machinery, each step a calculated risk. You round a corner and there he is—Schmidt, the Red Skull, his ghastly visage lit by the flicker of a single bulb.
He sits at a makeshift desk, papers strewn about, a map pinned to the wall behind him. He looks up as you approach, a sneer twisting his lips. "Ah, Malone. I was wondering when you’d show up."
You keep your voice steady, a low growl in the darkness. "Cut the crap, Schmidt. What’s your angle this time?"
He leans back, the chair creaking under his weight. "Always so direct. I appreciate that about you, Malone. But you’re barking up the wrong tree. I have no interest in Rogers. The past is dead to me."
You don’t buy it. His kind never let go of the past. "Yeah? Then why all the cloak and dagger? What's with the map?"
He chuckles, a sound like broken glass. "Insurance. The world is changing, and I intend to be ahead of the curve. But Rogers...he's not my concern. Not anymore."
You study his face, searching for a crack in the façade. He’s a master of lies, but even the best slip up. "If not you, then who?"
He shrugs, an infuriatingly casual gesture. "There are forces at play, Malone, far beyond your understanding. Rogers is a pawn, just like the rest of us."
You narrow your eyes, the pieces slowly coming together. "You’re saying someone sodomized Rogers to send a message."
He nods, almost approvingly. "Precisely. But it's a game I'm not playing. You want answers, you need to look elsewhere."
You holster your revolver, the tension easing slightly. "I'll be back, Schmidt. Don't think you're off the hook."
He smirks, his eyes gleaming in the dim light. "I wouldn't expect anything less."
You turn and walk away, your mind racing. Schmidt might not be the mastermind, but he’s given you a lead. Someone out there wants to send a message, and they’re using Captain America to do it.
>Your next suspect is Tony Stark, the billionaire playboy. With Steve Rogers out of commission, Stark can be the center of attention again.

>Your next suspect is Sam Wilson, the Falcon. With Rogers sodomized and traumatized, Wilson stands to gain the title of Captain America.

>Your next suspect is Bruce Banner, the Hulk. His strength and rage make him a possible candidate for overpowering and violating Rogers.

>Your next suspect is Nick Fury, the boss of Shield. The man likes to be always in control, always on top. What could ever excite a narcissist like him than to hold down Rogers, America's most beloved hero, and violate him?

>Your next suspect is Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow. A redhead dame from the land of the reds. What could ever excite the commies from the Soviet Union than to violate Captain America himself?
The message is
>fuck America
>America is fucked

Nick Fury's feuds with the military and intelligence establishments can be guessed at. If anyone knows anything, Fury knows. If anyone did anything, Fury did.
>>Your next suspect is Nick Fury, the boss of Shield. The man likes to be always in control, always on top. What could ever excite a narcissist like him than to hold down Rogers, America's most beloved hero, and violate him?
>>Your next suspect is Tony Stark, the billionaire playboy. With Steve Rogers out of commission, Stark can be the center of attention again.
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The city’s night wraps around you, a cloak of shadows and whispers. Your mind spins with Red Skull’s cryptic words as you probe your informants. "Sending a message? What message? America is fucked or fuck America?"
Your next suspect is Nick Fury, the boss of S.H.I.E.L.D. The man likes to be always in control, always on top. What could excite a narcissist like him more than holding down Rogers, America's most beloved hero, and violating him?
Your inquiries hit brick walls. Informants turn tightlipped, glancing over their shoulders before slipping away into the night. The cover-up is tighter than you expected. You down a whiskey, the burn a familiar comfort as you mull over the Red Skull's words. Nick Fury's feuds with the military and intelligence establishments can be guessed at. If anyone knows anything, Fury knows. If anyone did anything, Fury did.
But digging into Nick Fury is a death wish. Always has been. He’s a ghost, a shadow that whispers through the corridors of power, unseen yet ever-present.
One night, the tension snaps like a brittle wire. You’re in your apartment, the whiskey bottle half-empty on the table, the city’s heartbeat a dull roar outside your window. You don’t hear him come in. One moment you’re alone, the next, he’s there. Nick Fury, in the flesh. He’s an imposing figure, the room’s dim light glinting off his eyepatch.
“You need to stop, Malone,” he says, voice as smooth and cold as polished steel. “Digging for snakes can get a man killed.”
You keep your composure, masking the jolt of surprise. “Funny, coming from a man with a nest of them.”
Fury’s single eye narrows. “You think you’re onto something, but you’re playing a game out of your league. Rogers is off-limits.”
You lean back, feigning ease. “Off-limits, huh? Funny how many lines have been crossed already.”
He steps closer, the weight of his presence palpable. “You’re smart, Malone. Smart enough to know when to back off.”
You meet his gaze, unwavering. “Smart enough to know when someone’s hiding something.”
He smiles, a thin, dangerous curve. “I like you, Malone. But push too hard, and you’ll make enemies you can’t handle.”
The air between you crackles with unspoken threats. Fury’s warning hangs heavy, a grim promise. You know he’s right—digging into Fury is playing with fire. But you’ve never been one to shy away from the heat.
He turns to leave, pausing at the door. “Last warning, Malone. Drop this, or I’ll drop you.”
As he slips back into the shadows, you know the stakes have risen. Fury’s appearance isn’t just a warning; it’s confirmation. You’re onto something big, something dangerous. But you’re not backing down. Not now.
You pour another whiskey, the liquid catching the dim light as it fills the glass. The city outside pulses with hidden dangers, unseen threats. You’ve got a lead, and a target on your back.
It’s time to dive deeper into the abyss. The hunt continues.
>You corner Maria Hill, Nick Fury's right-hand woman, pressing her for details on Fury's recent activities.

>You seek out Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow. A redhead femme fatale from the land of the reds, who always knows more than she lets on.

>You dig into Sam Wilson's movements. He might be conspiring with Fury to sideline Rogers.

>You bide your time until Rogers regains consciousness, hoping he can shed some light on what happened.

>You confront Phil Coulson, trusting his loyalty to the old SHIELD to guide you in the right direction.

>You seek out Jessica Jones, a private investigator with her own connections and resources in the underworld.

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