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Hey, you. You're finally awake.
You were trying to cross the border, right?
Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.
>How did you get here?
>>A victim of truck-kun.
>>A victim of a school shooting.
>>Brutally beaten to death by Todd Howard after calling Skyrim mid.
>> _
1. Updates once a day.
2. If no updates, assume Todd Howard has me locked up in his basement.
>>Well I tried reprogramming my home's smart electrical system, it seemed to be going well. As I was telling my neighbor, "It just works!"
>Brutally beaten to death by Todd Howard after calling Skyrim mid.
The sneaky manlet popped out of my vanity while I was taking a shower!
>>>Brutally beaten to death by Todd Howard after calling Skyrim mid.
>>Brutally beaten to death by Todd Howard after calling Skyrim mid.
>brutally beaten
>>Brutally beaten to death by Todd Howard after calling Skyrim mid.
<<IT>> heard us making a joke about this
Are we going obliviously take thalmor dick in the ass or help Thulius sodomize Ulfric?
>>>Brutally beaten to death by Todd Howard after calling Skyrim mid.

>Updates once a day.
thats a lot, sure on that ?
>2. If no updates, assume Todd Howard has me locked up in his basement.
roger roger
>all of the above
>You heard the words IT JUST WERKS before being slammed by a truck at your school crossing shattering your spine and after gunning down your fellow class mates who witnessed the crime Todd howard beats your paralyzed body to death
>>Brutally beaten to death by Todd Howard after calling Skyrim mid.
Last thing we see is todd doing the dio steamroller attack on top of us with a box truck

>Brutally beaten to death by Todd Howard after calling Skyrim mid.
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>>Brutally beaten to death by Todd Howard after calling Skyrim mid.

BUT, he dies from his wounds too and is trapped somewhere in Skyrim with me.
>>I killed myself in hopes of being reincarnated as a Dovahkiin on a prisoner cart bound for Helgen
You blink, trying to make sense of the rough-hewn wooden planks in front of you and the jostling motion of the cart. The last thing you remember, you were at a video game convention, spouting off to your friend about how Skyrim was "kinda mid desu." You were laughing about the story being meh, the gameplay repetitive, the characters forgettable, and the whole thing being a buggy mess that relied on mods to be playable. You were mid-laugh when you felt a heavy hand clamp down on your shoulder.
Turning around, you came face to face with Todd Howard himself, director and executive producer at Bethesda Game Studios. His eyes blazed with a fury you'd only seen in the glitchiest of boss fights. "Call my game mid, will ya? Laugh at me behind my back, will ya? You and your friends are dead!" he roared, lunging at you with the kind of rage that could only be spawned from a thousand unpatched bugs.
The next thing you knew, you were being beaten to death by a manlet powered by pure wrath. And now, here you are, in a cart, the dull ache of your previous life fading as you realize that you've somehow been isekai'd into the very world you mocked. Welcome to Skyrim, where your death wasn't a bug—it was a feature.
>What now?
>>Curse your luck. Why couldn't you be isekai'd into better RPGs like The Witcher, Elden Ring, or Baldur's Gate?
>>Try to remember what happens next. Oh, that's right, Alduin swoops in and kills everyone. How fun and original, Todd.
>>Shit, you could probably make it work. Use your meta knowledge to fuck hot girls like Yennefer, Ciri, Triss... shit, wrong universe.
>>Try to interact with the NPCs. Maybe you can break the fourth wall and convince them they’re all just lines of code.
>>Ponder your new reality. Maybe you can find Todd Howard in this world and convince him to patch your way back home.
>>Grin like a madman. Time to speedrun this reality and see if you can find the fastest route to the Dragonborn DLC.
>> _
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>Try to interact with the NPCs. Maybe you can break the fourth wall and convince them they’re all just lines of code.
>>>Try to interact with the NPCs. Maybe you can break the fourth wall and convince them they’re all just lines of code.
>Try to interact with the NPCs
hell yeah brother, CHIM time

>Curse your luck. Why couldn't you be isekai'd into better RPGs like The Witcher, Elden Ring, or Baldur's Gate?
>Try to interact with the NPCs. Maybe you can break the fourth wall and convince them they’re all just lines of code
>Curse your luck. Why couldn't you be isekai'd into better RPGs like The Witcher, Elden Ring, or Baldur's Gate?
>Try to interact with the NPCs. Maybe you can break the fourth wall and convince them they’re all just lines of code.
>>Try to interact with the NPCs. Maybe you can break the fourth wall and convince them they’re all just lines of code.
Our ultimate revenge against Todd Howard shall be to make the game better than he ever did from the inside. The first order of business-- building a following of believers, with our foresight/meta-knowledge. Tell everyone that you're a seer-- that a dragon is going to attack once the executions start, and that's just the start of things to come.
>>Try to interact with the NPCs. Maybe you can break the fourth wall and convince them they’re all just lines of code.
Todd Howard got OP kek
>Try to interact with the NPCs. Maybe you can break the fourth wall and convince them they’re all just lines of code.
>Try to remember what happens next. Oh, that's right, Alduin swoops in and kills everyone. How fun and original, Todd.
Fuck you Todd. This time you gave me Skyrim for free, but still, fuck you. Starfield a shit, too. You hear that, Todd?

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