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The Nation of Ferrovia has fractured with the death of king Harold with three successor states and a bandit kingdom now fighting over the nation's future. King Elric, the king's brother backed by the landed nobility of the country, wages war in hopes of holding up the monarchy and by connection with the landed gentry. As he styles himself now Lord protector Baric attempts to halt the Monarchists and reformists from harming the status quo with the backing of the army his force is small but well trained and armed. The last of the main contenders is Queen Meredith the sole child of King Harold and devout reformist backed by merchants democrats and communists alike she must lead this dispraite force to victory.
You are Sir Edmund ”The Crow” Drayton, a recently Knighted Yeoman, the leader of the small monarchist sub faction of the reformists. The last few months have seen you push the southern front of the junta forces hard. They have put up stiff resistance with the capture of the ferrovian military academy and the destruction of a motorized division being your reward for your efforts.

Past threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=BrinkQM

The men are ready the next day after defeating the motorized division to keep heading north pushing through desolate territory. The ferrovian countryside is ravaged by the war small villages that used to be the life blood of the rural areas in the north are all but gone The railroads which once moved ore and grain to the industrial cities lay destroyed heaps of burned railroad ties and the tracks themselves having been thrown onto the fire to make them useless. The enemy is going full scorched earth where they can. Your pushes are often slowed by nearly every bridge over even the smallest creek having been destroyed.

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 58, 50, 27 = 135 (3d100)

RnGods, please have mercy on my roll
Not merciful with i guess
We saw far worse last thread
Rolled 19, 4, 75 = 98 (3d100)

Rolled 11, 72, 44 = 127 (3d100)

We ain't giving them the chance to surrender for going full scorched earth.
Your men keep good order as they make their way through the hills and valleys the make up the areas separating northern and southern ferrovia. The odd lone farm or small mining operation being the only sign of life but that soon changes as signs of more and more industrialization are seen as you continue north. Your recon teams eventually come to the next major crossroads in a small town in a forested valley, a necessary target as the forests stop your armor and trucks from getting through. The town is occupied by a couple of battalions of infantry who seem to be well dug in.

>frontal attack
>bombardment attack
>bombardment attack
bombing the trenches before moving in with
>armoured attack.
>>bombardment attack
>>bombardment attack
>>bombardment attack
>bombardment attack

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 97, 28, 11 = 136 (3d100)

Rolled 60, 57, 56 = 173 (3d100)

Here goes something
Rolled 29, 82, 35 = 146 (3d100)

No real post till tomorrow

What kind of policies do you think drayton would focus on after the war?
Veteran benefits as a lot of people were forced into the war and many will be injured and maimed from all factions. That or fixing the justice system to avoid a bandit kingdom situation again.
Adding. Education and reforming the military
The guns are rolled up and after a few ranging shots they begin to land rounds in and around the town, the large plumes of smoke and earth shooting into th sky as the guns do their deadly work. THe issues with the ammo reliability seem less severe now but you still see a higher than average dud rate with the guns. The enemy seemed startled by the sudden attack, apparently not expecting your arrival, most likely thinking there was still a friendly unit between them and the frontline. They try to return first with their own artillery but your guns manage to suppress their artillery easily. The guns soon however become low on ammo and overheated and it seems time to make a real attack.

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 75, 75, 89 = 239 (3d100)

Rolled 65, 82, 42 = 189 (3d100)

Rolled 19, 61, 84 = 164 (3d100)

Big money
The terrain makes moving forward in one solid formation difficult so several of your companies spread out along the forest while the armor pushes up the main road. The enemy put of a spirited defense of the surrounding forest but it's all for not as your men sweep them away with their superior equipment and experience beating out the enemies advantage on the defensive.

The attack only falters for a moment when they hit the edge of the treeline and make the 100 meter dash to the town proper but your men manage just fine. The town is typical of the area narrow streets lined with brick and mortar homes in shops separated by tall fences which makes it quite difficult for both sides to use longer range weapons so the fighting turns into close quarters fighting which your men have become quite adept at over the last year.

3d100 best of three to finish the attack
Rolled 29, 61, 92 = 182 (3d100)

Rolled 63, 44, 1 = 108 (3d100)

Rolled 40, 58, 17 = 115 (3d100)

The push into the city really starts to slow down around the mid point just reaching the town square when with a sudden rush of reinforcements the enemy begins to push back. Your men make them pay for each house or shop they pry from your control but still they have to fall back over and over again until just at your mens breaking point an almost miracle happens. One of your mortar teams in a somewhat overzealous move had set up in the town proper in one of the many back gardens. It's this very mortar team that through either luck or skill refuse to fall back and hold off what must be the near full force of an infantry company fighting them off with carbines pistols and even using their mortars as improvised hand grenades. Night is soon approaching but your men are still in a decent condition to fight.

>fall back for the night
>dig in
>keep attacking
>>keep attacking
It'll be really hard if we let them reinforce
>>keep attacking

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