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File: Independent Wrestling.jpg (252 KB, 2048x1363)
252 KB
252 KB JPG
You're a new professional wrestler making a name for yourself in the independent scene. You're in-
>American Indies (Pro Wrestling Route)
>Japanese Indies (Puroresu Route)
>Mexican Indies (Lucha Libre Route)
>British Indies (BritWres Route)
>Another Territory
luchadore circuit

flashy feuds between flying Mexicans

whats not to like?
You're making a name for yourself in the Mexican Indies or Lucha Libre circuit continuing the legacy of El Santo, Blue Demon, Mil Mascaras, Rey Mysterio, La Parka, and others.

You're a-
>Tecnico (Good Guy)
>Rudo (Bad Guy)

You trained in-
>Classic Lucha Libre (Mexican High Flying style)
>El Estillo Llave (Mexican Submission Style)
>Another Style

You wrestle-

Your name is-
>Classic Lucha Libre

El Libertador.

Prepare for a FaceHeel in his career match that puts him in the big leagues, when, unmasked to reveal complete face tattoos, he shall be known again as



>Rudo (Bad Guy)

>El Estillo Llave (Mexican Submission Style)

>Classic Lucha Libre

El Libertador.
You're El Libertador. You're a Tecnico (Good Guy). You trained in Classic Lucha Libre (Mexican High Flying style). You wrestle masked. You're-
>You are the final orphan trained by the legendary Fray Tormenta, the man in the golden mask, at his orphanage (Kayfabe Wrestling Route)
>You are a third-generation luchador, proudly upholding the storied legacy of your ancestors (Non-Kayfabe Wrestling Route)
>You are a vigilante from the borderlands, waging a one-man war against the drug cartels (Luchadores as Superheroes Route)
>You were granted extraordinary powers by ancient Aztec magic, a mystique often chronicled in documentaries featuring legends like El Santo and Mil Máscaras (Lucha Libre films or Lucha Underground Route)
>Another Background
>You were granted extraordinary powers by ancient Aztec magic, a mystique often chronicled in documentaries featuring legends like El Santo and Mil Máscaras (Lucha Libre films or Lucha Underground Route)

This sounds kino af frfr karnal
+1 support
I don't know what this is but I support anon
>During the rectification of theVuldronaii, Gozer came as a large movingTorb.
>Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of theMeketrex Supplicants, they chose the form of a giantSloar!
>Many Shubs and Zulls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day, I can tell you!
>Luchador films (or Lucha Libre films) are Mexican professional wrestling/action/science-fiction/horror films starring some of the most popular masked luchadores in Lucha Libre.
>The luchadores are portrayed as superheroes engaging in battles against a range of characters from spies, to vampires and Martians.

>You were granted extraordinary powers by ancient Aztec magic, a mystique often chronicled in documentaries featuring legends like El Santo and Mil Máscaras (Lucha Libre films or Lucha Underground Route)
>You were orphaned due to indiscriminate narco killings, taken in by a monastery, & inspired by the Conquistadores & Almogavares of Spanish history; now you wage a crusade in service to Dio, helping orphans, inspiring the youth to stay away from cartel life
>You are a vigilante from the borderlands, waging a one-man war against the drug cartels (Luchadores as Superheroes Route)
>You are a third-generation luchador, proudly upholding the storied legacy of your ancestors (Non-Kayfabe Wrestling Route)
Another tranny spammer quest. I knew he would flake
That's correct, but you're impersonating me, tranny spammer / WrestlerOP.
The sheer amount of mental illness on this board is staggering. Either commit to running a quest or don't, you pathetic faggots.
Sincerely fuck off, both of you.

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