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File: Dr_DisRespect_Cropped.jpg (418 KB, 1200x1485)
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"Minor fucking mistake!" you mutter under your breath, your voice dripping with anger. You are Dr. Disrespect, the greatest and most popular streamer in the world, or at least you were.

The cancelation came swiftly. The woke mob, with their keyboards wielded like pitchforks, decided that a few minor fucking mistakes were enough to bring you down. But you, Dr. Disrespect, are not one to be easily defeated.

"Time to take back what's mine," you growl, cracking your knuckles. You didn't build a fucking empire on charisma and mustache wax just to watch it crumble at the hands of a few overly sensitive woke liberals.

> (1) Send anonymous hate mail to your accuser.
> (2) Sabotage Twitch headquarters with a barrage of glitter bombs.
> (3) Keep streaming and subtly mock the controversy in every broadcast.
> (4) Emigrate to Israel, the tribesmen will treat you with the respect you deserve.
> (5) Move underground start a new streaming platform, "DocTube."
> (6) Launch a line of "Canceled but Not Defeated" merchandise.
> (7) Organize a "Redemption Tour" with live streaming events across the country.
> (8) Custom Option
> (3) Keep streaming and subtly mock the controversy in every broadcast.
With a minor sidekick or two. They bring the cute, the Doc brings the funny.
>(5) Move underground start a new streaming platform, "DocTube."
> (8) Custom Option
Take a break from streaming. You can't change that some 17-year old pathetic wannabe streamer chick threw herself at you and you let her down gently instead of ghosting her. Talk with lawyers and publicists but give the keyboard vultures using this nothingburger for clicks nothing new to work with.

> (8) Keep streaming and ignore the existence of the controversy.
Best tatics normally is to just continue and ignore
> (8) Custom Option
>Run for congress on a platform for abolishing the age of consent.
> (8) Custom Option
get political and ask why biden can get away with worse and your career gets destroyed for something so comperatively little
>(8) Custom Option
Run for president on the platform that Trump isn't racist or creepy enough
> (8) Custom Option
Put a Ukraine and trans flag on your twitter and infiltrate your woke cancellers
> (4) Emigrate to Israel, the tribesmen will treat you with the respect you deserve.
True. Call yourself a "MAP" and say Biden is your idol *sniff*

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