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You are a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. One day, while on your way to class, you notice some rich students, James Potter and Sirius Black and their lackeys, cruelly tormenting their classmate, a poor kid named Severus Snape, by force-feeding him soap and levitating him, suspending him upside down in mid-air, exposing his dingy underwear to the girls, including Snape's childhood friend and crush, Lily Evans. To add insult to injury, James Potter is telling Lily if she goes out with him, he will never hurt Snape again, publicly emasculating and cuckolding him. "Who wants to see me take off Snivelly's underwear?” James Potter laughs cruelly, asking his cheering lackeys if he should humiliate Snape further by exposing his genitals to everyone watching, including the girls.
>You step forward, risking their wrath to defend Snape.
>You remain in the shadows, ignoring the sexual abuse.
>You join James Potter and Sirius Black in bullying Snape.

>You join James Potter and Sirius Black in bullying Snape
>You step forward, risking their wrath to defend Snape
Befriend a school shooter to not get shot.
>>You join James Potter and Sirius Black in bullying Snape.
>>You step forward, risking their wrath to defend Snape.
They got to know when they go too far
>You step forward, risking their wrath to defend Snape.
Lets change canon.
>You speak up: “What are you, a faggot? What kinda man ever wants to see another’s dick?”
>You step forward, risking their wrath to defend Snape.
>>You step forward, risking their wrath to defend Snape.

>>You speak up: “What are you, a faggot? What kinda man ever wants to see another’s dick?”
>>You step forward, risking their wrath to defend Snape.
>You step forward, risking their wrath to defend Snape.
quest DOA?
You step forward, heart pounding, determined to defend Snape despite the risk. "This is too far," you say firmly, your voice cutting through the laughter and taunts. The crowd's attention shifts to you, and you feel the weight of their stares, but you stand your ground. James Potter's eyes narrow, his confident smirk fading slightly. "Who the bloody hell are you?" he demands, his tone dripping with disdain. Sirius Black and the other lackeys close ranks around him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and annoyance.
>Uric Botesdale from Hufflepuff: You are a pureblood wizard from an old and wealthy wizarding family, but you despise seeing the less fortunate being tormented.
>Eleanor Inkwood from Ravenclaw: You are a Muggle-born witch who has always detested James Potter and his band of rich pureblood bullies.
>Felix Carrow from Gryffindor: You are a half-blood wizard who values courage and honor, and you see standing up to bullies like James Potter as your duty.
>Isolde Prewett from Slytherin: You are a pureblood witch with a sharp mind and a hidden soft spot for the underdog, secretly opposing the cruelty within your own house.
glad to see you alive
>Uric Botesdale from Hufflepuff
>Uric Botesdale from Hufflepuff
Just because Hufflepuffs are underrated.
>Felix Carrow from Gryffindor: You are a half-blood wizard who values courage and honor, and you see standing up to bullies like James Potter as your duty.

We are fine with giving people shit, but not when it is 4 to 1. Be honorable in your bullying.
>>Uric Botesdale from Hufflepuff: You are a pureblood wizard from an old and wealthy wizarding family, but you despise seeing the less fortunate being tormented.
>Uric Botesdale from Hufflepuff: You are a pureblood wizard from an old and wealthy wizarding family, but you despise seeing the less fortunate being tormented.
Noble bloodline, noble behavior

>Uric Botesdale from Hufflepuff: You are a pureblood wizard from an old and wealthy wizarding family, but you despise seeing the less fortunate being tormented.
>Uric Botesdale from Hufflepuff: You are a pureblood wizard from an old and wealthy wizarding family, but you despise seeing the less fortunate being tormented.
"Uric Botesdale from Hufflepuff." You are a pureblood wizard from an old and wealthy wizarding family, but you despise seeing the less fortunate being tormented. You take a deep breath, knowing there's no turning back now. "What you're doing isn't just bullying, it's assault," you declare, your voice steady. The murmurs in the crowd grow louder, some students looking uneasy, others avoiding eye contact. James steps closer, his wand still pointed at the suspended and helpless Snape. "And what do you think you're going to do about it?" he sneers. Sirius Black's hand moves to his own wand, clearly prepared to back up his friend in whatever comes next. Around them, the other lackeys like Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew seem less sure, their expressions tinged with nervousness. They had anticipated another quick, unchallenged round of bullying the impoverished loner from Slytherin, not a fight with a wealthy, well-connected, pureblood wizard from Hufflepuff. You take another step forward, refusing to be intimidated. "I’m going to stop you," you reply, raising your own wand. The tension in the air is palpable. James's sneer falters as he realizes you’re serious. For a moment, the courtyard is silent, the only sound the faint rustle of robes and the distant chatter of other students unaware of the confrontation. Sirius glares at you, his wand twitching. "You're outnumbered, Botesdale. Walk away while you still can," he warns, but there’s an edge of uncertainty in his voice. Remus and Peter exchange uneasy glances, clearly torn between loyalty to Potter and the growing sense that this has gone too far. You glance at Snape, still hanging helplessly in the air, and then at Lily, who is watching with a mixture of hope and fear, her fingers inching towards her own wand. "I won't walk away," you declare, your tone unwavering. "This stops now." The crowd shifts, some students stepping back, sensing the imminent clash. James's wand wavers slightly, and you see the doubt flicker in his eyes—the nervous face of a rich bully who wasn't expecting to be confronted by someone of his own social class and power.
>Roll a 20-sided die (d20)
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>"Come on, just let him down."
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>"Who do you want to be, James Potter? Because you still have the option to be noble and admit when you were about to go to far and back off."
Rolled 15 (1d20)


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