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You stand at the gaping maw of the dungeon, the air thick with the scent of decay and the promise of riches. The kingdom's sky, once clear and blue, now seems perpetually shrouded in stormy grays, as if the dungeon's presence has cast a pall over the land itself. This labyrinth appeared overnight, a colossal monument to mystery and danger, drawing adventurers like you like moths to a flame.
The entrance is a towering archway of black stone, slick with an otherworldly slime that seems to pulse with a faint, sickly glow. You steel yourself, heart pounding with a mix of dread and exhilaration. Behind you, the hushed murmurs of other adventurers echo faintly, their voices tinged with both envy and fear. Many have entered before you, but only a few have returned, laden with treasures that defy imagination. The rest? Lost to the darkness, their screams swallowed by the abyss.
You adjust your gear, feeling the weight of your weapons and provisions. Each item, meticulously chosen, carries a fragment of survival. The lantern at your side casts a feeble light, barely penetrating the gloom, but it is enough. Enough to see the first few steps into the unknown.
You step forward, and the shadows seem to wrap around you like a shroud. The air inside is colder, biting at your skin, whispering secrets in a language you cannot understand. The walls are adorned with grotesque carvings, figures twisted in agony, their eyes following you as you pass. The floor beneath your boots is uneven, slick with a viscous substance that squelches with every step.
Your senses are on high alert. Every sound is amplified: the drip of unseen water, the skittering of tiny, unseen creatures, the distant roar of something massive and terrible. You press on, driven by a determination that borders on madness. The promise of treasure, of glory, of stories that will be told for generations, pulls you deeper into the labyrinth.
You reach a fork in the path. To the left, a narrow passageway, the walls closing in like a vice. To the right, a wider corridor, the shadows thicker, darker.

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>>Left >Right

if there's a walltrap or ceiling trap built on left we are done.

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